Golf Players

Give Away Week 1 – For YourSpace Wrexham

oh here we go look last stuff 99% uploaded looks like we are live oh looks like we are something has started on YouTube um anybody that’s rewatching this for the beginning this is our first time trying this software trying this uh whole format out so bear with us what we are doing today is doing the first week giveaway this is going to be for the people who donated to your space over the last week um this is a two-e campaign but you know for the summer of giving you do have to give prizes every single week so today we have me ran SJ and Simon cryptic and we are going to be should we give away the first um prize the socks should we do that giveaway first before we do the retweet giveaway socks okay yeah let’s do the socks uh and uh I’ve got these uh bonus socks to go I know we talked about just this the club socks for the kits last week but I actually have an extra pair of Club socks for the casual dress sock okay perfect so SJ uh just as this is our first steps and we are stumbling our way through this thing that we call life I’m looking at the live share and each one of us occupy a third of the screen so it’s just that Center you know 33.33% down the middle so if you do show something like you did SJ right in the middle was perfect just show it right to the middle and so the socks do you want to show each sock individually oh yeah yeah yeah so we have Club socks as Club Crest these are like uh kind kind of crew height they’re not like the calf ones I don’t know they’re not ankle socks uh and then these are from the 20 22 23 season um and they’re 8.5 and 11 to 11 size and then this is from this season for the white a away kit um and they’re also a large so all three of them together man I uh I have another pair that I’m not giving away but um that uh they go um almost to yeah they go like way over my knee they’re like so high uh it’s not there’s no reason for me to wear them I could wear them in like pants or something almost I’d have to sew them together in the middle they’re not um knee high they’re over knee high yeah yeah yeah yeah okay um and so I guess anybody that will be watching this replay uh cuz we didn’t advertise this and do our good due diligence to say hey this is the exact time that we’re going to be broadcasting this is what I believe past midnight for the UK yeah is that is that right yeah yeah so so we’re past midnight for the UK so if anybody happens to jump on from the UK uh we can resmar what we’re doing um anybody from the US that’s just up um you it’s not bedtime or if you down under in the cold of autumn um this this is a a the beginning of the day right it’s about 10 1010 uh eastern time Eastern Australian eastern time yeah is that right5 can uh wreck some time okay so the very first one we’re gonna do is who has donated now there was multiple donations um big big shout outs to the other people who donated uh they didn’t want to be named uh they would rather it just be you know Anonymous go and do it for charity sake and supporting the charity so thank you to you all you know exactly who you are uh one of us or all of us have already messaged you individually uh and thanked you you know that you are doing great work truly appreciated especially for your space uh this your space this is week one we are doing two weeks of the Year space drive and we are cleaning out our closets we are doing uh a very above board safe for work cleaning out of our closets not anything to do with R Kelly this is this is all above board don’t worry uh so far I see that we’ve had zero views so we’re we’re we’re fine we’re fine we can say whatever we want to say uh if if you happen to um not specify that you were going to remain anonymous with your donation we would have put your name onto this will and by we I mean SJ and SJ uh can you describe this will for us so this wheel is a uh fabulous creation of the generic internet uh it is called wheel of names and you can just Google wheel of names and it comes up the first thing and you can edit your little names in and add the colors and a little logo so um yeah fun easy yeah with more indepth descriptive coverage we’ll be SJ later on as we we continue on uh Simon I’m noticing three different names on this will uh who who are these three different people it’s High Desert Dragon so um three people in one I don’t think it’s a split personality it’s just somebody with a very long name and for the fun sake we’ve split it all up into three different names to make the wheel do wheel things yeah o so one of these person is going to win that that wonderful set of socks uh and again they’re three socks so should we roll it three times for each sock well I mean would it be each pair of socks good idea oh each pair each pair yeah pair each pair no want one sock just three socks like one and half okay so SJ uh pair of sock number one uh which which one are we giving away first uh let’s let’s just go top of the pile we give these little ones away first nice okay black and red official reom uh from from the store from the store I imagine yeah yeah I order them from the store um they Club Crest and there the stripes there’s a um actually a scarf that matches this at the club shop oh okay yeah so you you can get halfway through your accessorizing for the the Autumn down under weather with your socks first the scarf is going to be up to you but um but yeah SJ take it away who who who do we have first up here we go o okay who’s it GNA be oh hi is it come on hi yes all right looks like looks like hi got it first um there we go yeah so uh since she won I’m gonna take she won these uh I am GNA take her name off the wheel you can see now it goes down to two congratulations hi uh for all the work that you’ve done over the years and perfecting your name high oh are we putting Wagers on for who’s next uh dragon or or desert desert o is it dragon or desert oh you’re going You’re Going desert okay okay well so since uh on the wheel dragon’s White I’m gon to do these on white are you ready okay wait so so show those second set of socks one more time what what are these ones these are these are the ones that are over the knee see them uh over the knee socks they’re the white they’re the 2022 23 B socks those are nice socks those are nice socks yeah so so the white socks are up to grab we only have two people left on that wheel oh man spin that beautiful wheel uh SJ what do what do we got here we go desert desert desert desert desert oh oh oh oh is it is it gonna be oh yes oh wow wow it couldn’t happen any other way any other way it had to be desert um I’m calling rigged right now I’m calling rigged I’m calling rigged it’s this is this is insane so so okay so desert just won the white socks so um officially though yes to the rules though we do have to spin for the last pair of socks what are the last pair of socks SJ the last pair of socks are 23 24 official kit white kit uh Club socks large was the last okay so so these ones have some green uh yeah down the socks yeah yeah they have the I don’t want to pull the package open but these are the ones that wore with the white Kit yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so um yeah it’s a the red and white stop stripe on the top and then a little green stripe white and then it goes down to the green on so yeah mostly green ready I’m I’m on the edge of my seat who could it be dragon dragon dragon a mystery oh oh man wow okay so it’s coming out all W’s today that was a draag dragon so the first winner was high the second winner was desert and the last winner was Dragon did you couldn’t have set that up any different at all you could have rigged that in any way so that’s what happens when you have a bunch of people who donate but also um generously uh said we’ll let somebody else win the prize so it Narrows down the pot uh so that’s very kind to the people who donated don’t want to be in the drawing but uh that means that uh High Desert dragon’s the only one that wanted to get in there well okay so high desert Dragon uh longtime supporter we’ve we’ve seen on ass hash ass rexam for some time now uh very very much involved online with uh within Twitter or X follows every single game is out there tweeting and following every home game every away game um the women’s games as well so a true tried and true rexen fan deserves that triple set of reom socks and the the biggest question is going to be is Hi Desert Dragon um I I don’t know High Desert dragon’s real first name do you do either of you no I would have gone with hi hi hi is it hi hi hi hi hi hi H I will message Hi Desert on uh Twitter where we’re doing our uh most of the promotion for our campaign for our summer of giving and I will uh message on there and then I’ll I’m going to repost to the um her post for her entry and I’ll let her know she was a winner okay well amazing so Hi Desert Dragon if you want to share your name we will share your name in the future let us know we’ll be in contact with you to see if we can get those socks out to you hopefully they’re your size uh if they’re not as SJ alluded to before they make great sock puppets if uh if if you’re not into that type of thing uh I I’m sure you can use them you know cut the bottoms off use them as arm warmers or uh shooting sleeves for basketball yeah yeah they’re long they’ll go clear up to the armpit yeah if that’s not a ringing endorsment uh I don’t I don’t know what it is armpits get cold too from from the rexam team shop we bring you official socks yeah at least up to your armpit depending on your size uh Arthur aono I’m not going to say that’s making it to the armpit that’s that’s those aren’t armpit socks yeah well for um all the rest of the people that participated in this giveaway the second part of the giveaway the first part was sj’s beautiful socks which uh which went to High Desert dragon and the second part was if you retweeted the yourspace donation link so if you either did a quote retweet or just a straight up retweet or if you made your own post uh and then did hash rexam or wxm giving then we would have seen your post we collected the names that we could that also didn’t send us a message that said don’t include me in the giveaway so we did have a number of people who retweeted or quoted and retweeted and also said don’t include me in it uh one of the names that we took off that didn’t say don’t include me in it was the uh your space Twitter account we we remove that because we assume that uh you didn’t want to participate in it if you did I apologize that’s my fault I’m the one that made that decision uh oh no I didn’t it was cryptic it was Simon so if it I assumed I made an assumption I said probably don’t want they might I might want to get into your drawers and and rage around and see what’s available to pull out yeah ah yes yes yes so for the second part SJ wanted to make it a little bit fun I’m putting this all on you so if it goes horribly then it’s just your fault so SJ wanted to have a little go ahead one second if it goes really well it was actually your idea wasn’t it right well it was your idea if it went well if it’s mediocre if it’s average yeah if if it’s just you know neither good nor bad if it just went I’ll I’ll be responsible for that uh if it was bad SJ if it was good Simon you know it’s it’s the only fair way that we could divy up this three-body legislative yeah well okay so we had a number of names SJ put together another wheel and this one um is some familiar names that people will know uh there’s a couple of names that possibly I don’t know if they wanted to be entered or not entered into it we just threw the names on there no matter what um so SJ if you want to bring up that will and then go through um each person’s name that’s on there okay uh hold on a second holding can you see it yes yes awesome so I am gonna read my screen’s super small for some reason hold on while it’s rotating just try to read them yeah yeah I know right that’s why I was like I gotta go to I gotta go to the list the main list so um we have Dianne uh main rexam fan uh we also have trippy feet blue noose V Paul rexam Ohio rexam uh Spencer Harris who is Tada 1973 um Bill long 1864 uh Tori who is uh the Ronald McDonald oh okay that’s kind of what I was thinking um Mark Butler uh and ruy ruy rexam so that’s our Rousy Rousy Rousy oh Rousy Derby Darby right okay and and so for the ones that I know about so Diane if you follow Diane on uh Twitter on X that’s main rexam fan uh the main there’s multiple main rexam fans but there’s only one main main rexam fan and from Maine and that is that’s Diane uh which also Sports a wonderful beautiful Maine as well it’s it’s a three-fold four-fold if you will uh so Diane tunes into the Pod quite frequently always has wonderful beautiful positive comments to say and to add brings sunshine and brightness to the world so thank you so much Diane uh you’re wonderful also uh blue noos v very positive account post like very positive and UPL uplifting stuff um also another longtime uh fan who’s been on the hash ass reom quite frequently there was also um at Paul rexam who is uh who’s I see quite frequently on Twitter and on X as well uh Ohio rexam who’s uh who’s as Ohio re yeah a big hash as rexam follower and fan uh and also um has has been in a couple of other things uh I can’t I’m not saying with us so if Ohio rexen fan gets picked I’m not saying oh yeah he’s with us but is in a WhatsApp group where we chat about reom and things like that uh then you have Spencer Harris AKA uh Tada Tada uh 1973 um which um I don’t know if that’s like another name for father or um no oh I thought that’s Tad or is that grandfather Yeah so so there we’ll ask Spencer to uh clarify the name for us when when we had Spencer on cuz we we had Spencer on for once twice three times uh baby a lady we a lady a lady the baby is the times the lady great movie from the 1980s with the cardboard cut out of Tom Hanks in the window that everybody thought was a ghost if uh if you guys remember that and uh what is it three three times a baby or something like that and it’s uh Steve Gutenberg and Two Men and a Baby three Three Men and a Baby Tom salic oh yeah that’s Three Men and a Baby I don’t yeah right and there was a a cardboard cutout it’s the guy from cheers is the third oh Ted dancon yeah yeah yeah so I I forgot who it was I don’t know if it’s Tom cic or Steve Gutenberg but there’s a there was a cardboard cutout that they were using for standin when they were blocking to shoot the film and they put somebody left it in the window so you see the silhouette of a person so for years people were saying oh there’s a ghost there was a ghost on the set and so if you watch that movie there’s a particular scene that’s shot in a living room and you see the silhouette of somebody but it was just a cardboard cutout of a person that they were using as a standin got left in the movie um unrelated to anything that we’re doing today but any but so so um so SP Spencer yes uh Spencer Harris we also have Bill long on there you guys will know bill from the comms team from the hashtag ass rexam he also is the host of um dragonart which is the podcast that is released under Ream’s official team and it’s the longest uh running Sports podcast I believe right like that is the longest running Sports podcast um foot ICL so whether it’s sport but running football podcast in the world longest running football okay yeah which reminds me of uh Mr Baseball another Tom celic movie where he gets traded to uh Japan from the major leagues from baseball in the major leagues and he’s like how could they send me there I led the league in triples or doubles and they’re like you led the league in triples he’s like in August and then he’s like you led the lead in triples in August in the third week like he has to qual qualify qual uh but anyways um so yeah so there’s Bill uh Bill long you all know him then there’s Tori who tor’s a fairly new account that I’ve seen this past year probably has been there out before then and just not on my radar but uh Tori looks like a big fan of Always Sunny like me and their account is Ronald McDonald so anybody that watches Always Sunny Rob’s character’s full name is Ronald McDonald uh he just goes by Mac on the show really and yeah yeah yeah so it’s like later on at some point in time it gets revealed I don’t know if it’s season three or four or five but it gets revealed that his full name is Ronald McDonald and yeah so it’s it a good laugh this Tori uh I believe it is a woman and has a very funny account does great gifts great post has hilarious like remarks to current tweets and comebacks on there um really good there’s the next person on the list I’m um not aware of they re uh tweeted or requoted the yourspace Tweet uh Mark Butler so Mark Butler 1978 on Twitter um I I haven’t come into contact or seen much from them but they’re supporting a good cause so they got to be great people and then the last name on there for uh quote retreat was uh Rousey uh at Rousey reom and uh that’s one half of the Two Beards uh podcast and mono beard just just one beard it’s just it’s just one beard or yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s one beard split down the middle and shaved on the other side just one half of a beard um yeah so funny if they they profiled one like cut their face like a picture the middle and then put their pictures side by side and it will look like half of anyways yeah like face off like the movie uh face off yeah also starring Tom celic really no it’s not like I thought that was Nicholas Gage and yeah Nicholas Cage and uh and and John travoltage yes himself the the the movie face off um I don’t know if you guys liked it but I enjoyed it for its stupidity I thought was the right amount of Nicholas Cage when you think of like qu quintessential Nicholas Cage movies Face Off is up there face off uh that’s that’s a high one I saw it so long ago I don’t even there was something about it on a train I don’t know there’s a there’s a scene that’s on a train yeah yeah that’s the only thing I can remember you sound like a a trauma victim who’s reliving like literally take somebody’s face off isn’t that the yeah yeah it’s it’s well and it’s so it’s cheesy it’s cheesy but that’s what makes it so good of a Nicholas Cage is they surgically remove the face don’t worry about bone structure or the skull or how how the head fits or the hair none of that and if you know anything about both of them they were at least smart about both of them have you know the the nice uh receding hairline on both sides so although jont Travolta’s hairline has moved up through the years he’s grown more hair uh as the years go on somehow I don’t know how you do that I tell you no no no this is what it is um he went baled early he said this now is like a like common knowledge but it was apparently like industry secret for a while he basically went receding here like bald pretty early like it’s really um thin and so he would wear wigs like all the time and then uh he started being I remember then it was like he did something and they’re like oh my god look his hair and it was his actual you know so he he interchangeably changes up the his uh wig game which you know it’s not just for the ladies the wig game isn’t just for the ladies so with yeah yeah there’s this movie I really like called the love love song for Bobby long um and uh it’s uh um him and Scarlet johanneson and uh somebody mock I can’t remember his first name anyways uh yeah he it’s one of the first movies I’ve seen and he has like his normal old man hair oh really okay it’s really good and it’s it’s John travolto with Scarlett Johansson yeah and then somebody mock yeah yeah M A HT um and it’s really cool it’s like uh New Orleans and it’s got cool like live music and it’s definitely like very much of the feel of um when I lived in New Orleans for a little while like it’s like feels like a warm hot summer okay okay yeah girl summer but like yeah yeah well maybe it’s one of those films that color-wise also captured like heat and humidity quite well um famous uh um [ __ ] Le film you know do the right thing right thing C captured heat wonderfully you know each day they had that warm color grade to it probably shot at or or at least cutor color corrected to like 52 um 5200k the uh color the color on there nice and warm um there was another one that caught that that heat for me that was around that area buuy Blues with Matthew brri uh also in the south buuy Mississippi close to New Orleans that they you could you could feel the humidity as you were watching them just like sweat and the sweat was stuck on their skin um I thought you were gonna say Crooklyn which is a I think another [ __ ] Le movie and it’s oh yeah another [ __ ] Le joint yeah Crooklyn it’s in Brooklyn it’s like uh in the I think it’s in the 70s it’s really good and it’s like definitely like this well Terin heat yeah are we Waring you cryptic it’s all cold there yeah I know winter or or Autumn I’m sorry it’s Autumn it’s fall for late Autumn we got a couple of days left of Autumn we we we change at the end of the month so um couple of days left and then it officially becomes winter and Gabrielle M Mar however you want to pronounce that name that third you yeah come with okay I don’t I I never saw that movie is it worth a watch yeah I love it I it Sim I thought you were like she’s got bad taste in movies no it’s really it’s good it’s slow it’s like a it definitely even the pace of it feels like a summer day like it’s like a I don’t know it’s good so anybody that came to see who won um we we don’t care we don’t care at all we have our own agenda do a hard cut we’re talking about movies that’s all we’re doing is we’re talking about movies we’re talking about film uh it at some point in time we will be talking about you know Rex some the movie that will come out at some point let’s let’s get a little bit back on track and spin for you already you out all the the people I I don’t want trol to play me in the movie not travol he got the hair you got to still have the hair so yeah I don’t want him do I said he’s got a we game he could get try he’s got a good wig game but he needs a good one to match my forhead hasg goodwi wig game yeah uh well and so for for a summary uh these people that we’re spending on right now were people who either retweeted or did a quote retweet uh or included the hash wxm giving and what they quoted or retweeted or posted was the link to donating to yourspace uh yourspace is the autism charity over in the UK they have a specific uh chapter I I believe the yourspace chapter uh that we link to is rexam shout out to Jay upper Eastside Hawk who uh put us in contact with the people from yourspace and also the correct link to give out we’ll be doing it again next week so if you missed this don’t worry you didn’t miss out on all the fun we still have stuff to give away next week for your space they can always use more donations and more support So during this next week retweet that again we’ll be putting out the link to your space um today tomorrow the next day and doing another drive we’ll do another giveaway next Sunday what will not be included was three pairs of sj’s reom socks those will not be included at all wait desert and Dragon w them wait wait we we did the name we did the names first and talked about the name should we spin for the prize first and then see who wins the prize I mean we can do that let me uh let me click into the other wheel here these effects are much more special than the average I’ll tell you that I I will say I wanted to shout out to you you mentioned um the retweets of the links and everything there is the um great walkthrough video on how to donate um that you guys did last time um and so you might see that reposted on Twitter people might see that reposted on Twitter and it shows the walkthrough of how to donate it’s pretty straightforward um and you know so that’s worth a rewatch if um anybody is uh doesn’t quite know or you know wants some help guiding getting yeah and it’s it’s so easy yeah it it was literally just clicks we we drug it on for a while but it was quick it’s a it’s a quick quick process easy to sign walk through for people who don’t know you can’t be like oh this is so easy click click click click you know was that was that me doing something and then yeah it’s like oh it’s so easy uh only only a fool would not be able to do this and then we’ve alienated you know 20% or whatever of people no it it’s pretty straightforward I guess if you have like a Google account already you can do the quick signin with Google which made it super easy now if you don’t have one of the accounts that you can do the connected login then you do have to create an account or you can donate as a guest either or you can just screenshot your donation you can either send it to us privately um or you can post it on Twitter you can share it on Instagram or Facebook just use the hashtag # wxm giving so that we can go and take a look we spent what do you guys say like a good hour while we were scouring through like just making sure we didn’t double check to have the same name twice Etc around little cross check on on ourselves we’re trying to be really thorough trying to be thorough yeah so if we don’t do anything at least we were thorough we thoroughly we’re mentioning we’re thoroughly mentioning every Nick Cave Nick Cage movie and yes and yes with being thorough yes yeah in are you ready me to put up the prize wheel until we spin because then uh put it up because you have to tell us what the prizes are on there oh okay um okay ready here we go can you see it okay yes so there uh I’m hoping that on the live stream people can see it fairly well it looks tiny there does it look really tiny the so the live stream the way it’s set up is we all three gets scooted over to the right side of the screen we’re stacked on each other okay vertically and then the left side of the screen so about 80% of the screen is the wheel so okay so people can see people will be able to see the um the uh yeah I mean I I don’t know how good people’s eyes are what size screen they’re looking at the resolution on their device their broadband pull out pull out your crystal ball tell me everything all right so um we have for the list of stuff for prizes um so we have there is um your fabulous white uh kit so it’s a kit top and um uh kit shorts is that right yeah and they’re the bootleg ones though yeah the knockoff they’re the knockoff yeah yeah yeah but they’re like I mean are they all right are they a Qui quality yeah okay so I I purchased the knockoff red top and the knockoff white top I did the white one as a full kit from the knockoff store and got the socks and the shirt the socks are just plain white socks I guess if somebody wants those with them we’ll include them in it and I did before if you scroll way back you know a year ago or whatever into the YouTube videos I did a comparison of if you were going on eBay and you were looking at a knockoff uh a kit a jersey a top of shirt how do identify that this isn’t an authentic team um either not a replica but the official uh kit top because there was a lot of people on eBay that were posting uh kits and they were saying not only one that they were real that these were you know authentic tops but they were also like putting signatures on them from you know like Paul Mullen and stuff and selling them for like high value and and so put out a video a while ago just going through like the neck the sleeve um the material how the seams were joined together and how some of the material you know hangs off more on this side or on the other side how the badge is larger and the material so it’s a side-by-side comparison um did it of the the white Kit and the red Kit and and hopefully that did help some people from uh spending their hard-earned money for something they thought was real and not real you know of course with prices going up of kits there were a lot of people that bought the bootleg kits you know either for their kids you know if you’re a parent who doesn’t have like money to buy a kit for everybody it was a way to show your team spirit and and so you know not not to knock anybody out there um but that was definitely I I purchased it my excuse was I purchased it so I could do the side by side and show so those are still in great bootleg condition if you will uh I don’t know how strong the seams are or their size large in uh in men’s and based upon like the larges that we get from the UK it is a little larger than what a large kit would be from uh macron from rexam it’s more like a US large shirt size so would that be like a what would you think the um comparison would be for a true a mcon kit would be extra large yeah okay yeah okay yeah um and uh oh that video is a September 3rd it’s a while ago but um yeah it’s a good one a nice little quick video If people want to go find it and and check it out so should we spin let’s see okay so what else what else do we got but what else do we got so we got the white Bo L kit okay so and then we’ve got uh two reom scarves that have uh you know the traditional reom scarf it’s the red and white stripe with um the the club badge on it um got a pair I got a pair of gloves so I’ve got this pair of large winter gloves um um and then let’s see oh and then there’s United scarf um I don’t know can you see mine over there and everybody knows what uh not in this view but yeah okay well everybody knows what it is it’s the um the promotional scarf that um United uh gave out to everybody that went to the match um I can’t remember what match it was um so yeah uh and then um I also have the other thing we have can you see this I don’t know how Okay so this is the uh bananama um Champions 2023 uh it’s a pin and um keychain set okay I don’t know if my camera will focus that anyways um and it comes in this little little box there so um we’ve got that and and oh rexim you have uh rexim I just called you rexam R you have an extra Welsh flag um now I have a I have a a prize but I feel kind of bad because I’ve got um this you know official backpack from the club but backpack yeah so it’s like kind of like a kids backpack but it’s got this little little teeny where the stitching didn’t match all the way so it’s like brand new I’ve never used it opened the package from rexam and was like Yay and [Music] then so no yeah I don’t know I feel bad maybe this shouldn’t be a prize but hey there might be seamstress out there have some skills can sew it right up yeah yeah yeah um let’s see what else do we have on this list oh um you have your um your socks that are the whales socks have the the whales flag on them is that right oh I didn’t specify flippers how do you put socks on flippers yeah I actually yeah they’re not they’re not the whales yeah they’re they’re they’re the animal the mammal oh oh the dragon gotcha so is that oh yeah whales whales uh here you go whales flag socks um okay let’s see did it spin for you guys no okay good because I accidentally spun it well if it accidentally spins we’re not counting it till we say we’re officially spinning no no but I have trigger happy SJ I have a open in a different browser so um yeah so Welsh I’m gonna put Welsh socks I I still like whales socks because wh whales are mammals they do have two little feet you can see the bones and the you can you can still see the remnants inside they they do have fanges you’re cutting up whales don’t cut up whales you could if you do a x-ray you can see their skeleton they do have bones oh x-ray okay okay um and then let’s see what else do we have in the priz wheel um there’s that second reom scarf oh and then uh ran you got a couple of car stickers that those are like the window cing right yeah these are the car stickers so the car decals you can put them on they’re like weather resistant you know they’ll I guess you could either call them over here in the us we’ll call them bumper stickers or car stickers you know decals yeah are they the ones that go inside the window are those still stickers I have no clue I don’t know if they go inside Fri um and then uh the red bootleg shirt that you had mentioned the white shirt so um You’ got your red one a red United from the season yeah yeah and then your Rob shirt you have the or the Rob the Rob hat yeah squishy hat a great idea is to get it signed and put it in a frame because it’s already squish you I mean I don’t know who we could get to sign it but it is it is the official you know it’s got the reome little leather strap on it it’s got the Snapback on it it is it is one of the official not one of the bootlegs on there they don’t sell it in the shop anymore um I rumor is they smooshed too many of them and so too many too many came out like this uh I haven’t put it on my head so don’t worry anybody that’s out there this is um this is just what it looks like it came not in a box so so yeah but it’s still it’s still cool and I don’t know maybe somebody out there can give it some love and um maybe their head will just make it right shaped I’m not sure maybe they have a flat head so uh next prize we have is an official reom who H snood snood yeah so we and this is the reverse ible it’s reversible so it’s red on one side and then black on the other side to coordinate with all of your lovely reom hit stuff so my running friends would call that a buff uh we would yeah we’ll either we usually put them around our necks for the Sun or we’ll put them on our foreheads for sweat or something yeah these are this is pretty insulated though I would I would think that it’s if you’re in The Bu you’re not wearing anything tell me more just if you’re in the bus you’re wearing nothing yeah full command your neck command I’ve never not had clothes on and somebody refer to buff and me in the same sentence so but yeah you said that’s more thick that’s more of like a winter like stay warm type of thing yeah I would I would be surprised if it was comfortable for somebody uh when it was warm out it’s uh yeah it’s toasty um and then let’s see we got I thought we maybe talked about putting these together where’s so we got a keychain you have your keychain or is it my keychain I don’t know where it went it’s close by it’s here um I don’t where my keychain went but I haven’t to give away it hasn’t been given away so you know Club Crest keychain um some air fresheners right here oh yeah yeah the air fresheners so there’s some air fresheners and then I got the um so this is the 2022 23 champions for National League champions it’s extra large and that’s like American yeah the the shirt is extra large it’s American American size extra large um um and then what else um uh oh and then uh so you know there was the other uh you know the nice thing is is like so many people do um fundraisers and um you know kind of auction stuff off or um do drives and giveaways so um I got this I paid for it’s one of those official prints it’s like on you know it’s uh the photo paper it’s not like printed out on office paper or whatever so this is from the um 2000 this is the the League 2 promotion picture with Mullen in it um and if you put like a a a container like a tub that you can seal the air with ADD um super glue to acetone let that Vapor fill up that tub insert the photograph into there and you can get a relief of sj’s fingerprint on the top of that photo so just a pro tip to anybody out there that wants to lift any fingerprints I almost I almost showed this side which is my mailing address oh okay I know I was like oh okay um so anyways uh yeah that’s in this nice little thick cardboard just nice and protected so um yeah those are the prices that oh there’s there’s another one there’s one more is there yeah there’s um uh Simon Simon had shirt too it’s not on there we haven’t put it on yet so um I’m gonna add it in right now that’s the Betty buz training shirt out of the packet that’s that’s a nice one and i’ I’ve taken the um the cardboard T tags off it unfortunately but it’s still a brand new unworn had a wash and that’s it it it’s nice I like I like that I’m gonna have to I gotta um update hold on uh which is it the training top yeah uh maybe you could just put red Betty Buzz top or something um Betty [Music] Buzz train this is this is how the sausage is made everybody if you are if you happen to be watching this play this is uh well I guess if you’re watching it live right now thank you for watching right now if you uh are watching this replay I’m gonna update this wheel okay I’m I’m in the middle of my seat not on the edge T in the middle I’m tempering my expectations of excitement CU we haven’t spun that whe yet you know um so so while you’re doing that what we’re about to do right now is so what we’re about to do right now is we have the wheel that is up that SJ made at this is for the giveaway we haven’t picked the person yet the person would have retweeted quoted or did a hash wxm giving with the your space donation link to the site to make the donation again you didn’t have to donate for this giveaway this is just if you did a retweet or a post on your own um we are going to spin first for the prize of what it is and then second we’ll spend for the people that have already done it so this was the people that had already posted up until the time that we hit live and started going live here on YouTube um so without further Ado SJ you’re ready to spin Simon are you ready for the spin guy okay ready spin okay who what did what did they win what did they potentially somebody win Rob whoa the Hat the Rob hat whoa okay that’s that’s that’s a good prize I I I think you just all you have to do is just shape it okay you just shape it you’ll be okay or you just have a story that goes along with it you were you you fought 20 guys and all they did was smoosh your hat a little bit okay so so the Rob hat I don’t know how to leave this in the in the shot the Rob hat is what is up for prize now SJ has created the wheel for the names so if you want to go ahead and pull that up again this is for the Rob hat and now we are going to Pi pick who is the winner and Again official official I’m trying to make it look beautiful you guys see that official official you see it okay yes yes yes okay here we [Music] go oh who is it who is it who is it who is it Spencer Ohio rexam hey all right Ohio rexam um this is going to be so bad and I’m gonna say my ignorance I actually don’t know Ohio Rex’s first name um you do you I don’t know if want a public shout out but I have it okay um so Ohio rexam you have won the Hat uh we I guess SJ hat has the information SJ will get in contact with you to uh where where to send this to Ohio rexam you won the official Rob melen Los Angeles uh kenshaw font um rexam AFC hat the black from season two was it or was he wearing it in season one he had it in season one maybe season one oh no he had the Hat in season one for the yeah so hat from season one no longer in the store so these are hard to get even if you can get one smooshed Still Still um and then the first prize was or first prizes were for high and desert and dragon uh won the socks the three pairs of socks so this this I would say was those were some good prizes you know first week out the batch okay prizes yeah some I think they were good I think there are some good prizes uh again so your space We are continuing this on to next week so donate to your space show the support that you can if you have the availability and you have the money to do so definitely donate to your space support the charity it is for uh autism as cryptic had shared before they are a support group that you don’t have to be diagnosed it is a support group for uh anyone and for their families and so definitely go check that out we will be posting more information that direct link and then also um next week you will also have the chance to win another prize from the prize whe that is not uh um money or donation dependent this would be if you take the your space donation link the direct link to your space then you can either share it on uh social media you can retweet our post you can quote and retweet our post uh whatever you do just make sure that you’re sharing that link for the donation to your space showing them some love getting some more exposure for them out there and then also # wxm giving g i v i n then we can go ahead and look through and make sure we have all the names if there was anybody that was out there this week that we left off of the list and you know hey I retweeted I did a quote or I did a hashtag maybe you spelled one of the the names incorrectly or something or maybe we spelled it incorrectly and we didn’t see you let us know get in contact with us we’ll add you to the will next week our apologies for if we did Miss anybody um but we are going to be doing this again next Sunday and we we’ll do it live again so that you know there’s no hoiness there’s no favoritism uh that I don’t think it could have worked out any better that the donation by High Desert Dragon was one in consecutive order of high than desert than Dragon it just it’s not going to get better than that but yeah so thanks everybody who is uh watching this replay everybody that tuned in live um and everybody that is charitable and giving to to char across the world in your neighborhood in um I I would say like in reom in Wales in the UK uh in in the world I think if we all just do a little bit more we push that needle of the world in a little bit better Direction and any way that you can help and any way that you can share do so um any last words Simon SJ no I’m just really excited oh you know what I did want to point out um so I haven’t posted it yet um but uh we are going to do an eBay auction fundraiser okay for two kit to so I have the white Kit top it’s the 2023 24 um a away kit uh this one is a 3XL it’s too big um and then this one is the uh 23 24 black the third away kit it’s got the um it’s the one that has the um reom miners it’s kind of the tribute to that with the the coal design down on the bottom this is the 2x so I’m going to be posting this on eBay but I thought I would wait a little bit till we kind of get more in the our groove get more into uh you know our yeah you know get get things organized um but one of them we’re going to give away um our auction I’m gonna post for auction uh while the uh men’s and women’s team over in the s for their W re Rex Coast tour um so uh want people to keep an eye out for those yeah and what sizes were those again so the um the white Kit is a 3X um and the black kits a 2X okay which uh if that’s your size awesome if it’s not your size and you want to get something cool to frame or to put up some decorations around your house from the backto back winning season you know that’s that’s something that you know hopefully in years from now we’re going to look back and be like man remember when we just walked our way through the pyramid uh like our name was King Tut people are like oh yeah we’re gonna back to back Premiere to uh Championship this year too I you know it would be amazing and I’m not saying that reom can’t do it but I mean what are the odds I wonder if anybody’s everever Vegas knows I I’m sure Vegas knows call Vegas can somebody when you get on that they I I’m sure that I sure bets are already out there for the probability of winning uh back toback toback promotions uh crazy that I so we have that separate um SJ is going to be putting up that eBay which is separate Drive uh and uh did we decide which charities uh those are going to so I think that it’s only proper since this is the tribute to the rexam minor the Kary disaster that um the proceeds from the auction for this one are going to go to the reom miners project oh nice yes yeah yeah and then that’s um that’s like so it’s on my eBay thing but I’m not keeping any of the donations like the whatever eBay takes I’m going to make the difference up so the 100% of what anybody bids and wins this Flor will 100% of how much they bid will go to Rex some miners I would hopefully I mean I don’t know if you’re made out of money but like I think I think e takes like a percentage so depending on how big how much that goes for like uh you might be paying a little a chunk out of there limit be a 4,000 pound limit yeah yeah yeah okay cat I guess I was trying to be like I don’t know I okay but you know within reason within reason within reason I will how about this I will say I’ll post a screenshot that shows the breakdown of how much is actually getting taken out by eBay I don’t want anybody think I’m like taking a little off the top or I don’t know yeah I think I think eBay takes like I think it’s a standard that eBay takes you know like they take whether it’s like 10% or something like that I think it’s a standard amount um I I’ve only sold one thing on eBay it was 20 years ago it did not go well uh it’s a long story it’s a long story I sold a boat it it it’s a long story okay okay so you can also anybody that donates uh over $100 or pounds um to any of these Charities that we do uh SJ will video call you and tell you about this boat story uh personally individually if anybody wants to actually hear that so back in the day I remember Barnacles remember yeah yeah canoe was it a b canoe when you say boat yeah yeah yeah Define raft uh what did you it floated okay it floated that’s all you need to know oh it didn’t it didn’t Flo it didn’t when it went on eBay whoa whoa whoa whoa don’t give about too many details this you know this is this is ruining a potential prize right now of 100 pounds or more listen to my weird boat story will FaceTime you in person and bore you to death yeah you can pay double amount for her not to FaceTime you um and tell you the story but if I if I put the donation under somebody else’s name will you call them and bore them to death I got a phone number if you got a phone number and it’s got a dollar amount I’m happy to call yeah so so in summary um today we had two winners we had uh desert or high desert Dragon uh name to hopefully we’ll find out who the name of that wonderful person is one of the three pairs of socks also we had Ohio rexam who won uh the Hat the Rob mhin hat and then next week um do we do we have the donation prize that we are giving away next week which oh do you wanna do you want to spin for that for next week’s donation prize Well let’s let’s let’s do one of the better prizes for the donation prize I’m full transparency oh instead of a spin yeah yeah yeah do do you do you guys have an idea we could put my one up for that if you want my my shirt up for that or is that because it’s had the tags ripped off is that a lesser you know it’s a legit shirt proper shirt but doesn’t have the I was going to I was going to put in for it so I’ve been waiting for you to do it cuz I’m going to I’m putting my name in the Hat I can’t win but I’m still going to do it you’re going to see some weird names like bran here’s what I’ll do um so we have a prize wheel for names for um people who retweet and then we’ve got the prize wheel for you know I guess our bigger prizes I’ll make two wheels of prizes so there’ll be the retweet wheel and we’ll do that at the same time like we today and then um we’ll do a bigger prize um for okay uh yeah and then I can actually if you just give me a second here I will maybe theoretically I will uh update this um so let’s see let’s just choose it’s going to be too to take too long and they’ll be awkward air so who um what do you think we should give away next week do you think um it could be there um Simons but I I I kind of want to give away one of the bootleg ones okay yeah you want to do that first yeah go go do the first let’s do the set you want to do the set um Let’s do let’s do the of them in one let’s do the red one just yeah let’s do the the red bootleg home kit again um this is this is the knockoff it’s um it’s ah you can see the real one back there you can see the color next to it um it you you know it it it wears the uniform uh kind of like a Halloween costume of a reom kit it it wears it but you know what you be able to share the wonderful world word of reom to your friends your family your co-workers you’ll be able to support you’ll let everybody know you’re United but not Manchester Rex United win a beist prize it’s a but but I mean I I’m G be honest the the knockoffs they’re not bad the whoever is the one that is like manufacturing these they’re professionals they make shirts all the time this isn’t somebody just did a oneoff like they know what they’re doing they they were I assume China they’re trying to rip people off they want to do a good job yeah and um I don’t know what they’re going for now but when I when I bought it it’s like 25 bucks or something like that it wasn’t it wasn’t ridiculous it wasn’t crazy and um we I guess this is on the cusp of seeing whatever we’re going to get for new next year and awaiting awaiting the designs and the release of of what what we’re going to see if we’re going to get new color combinations I’m kind of you know looking for that yellow green I know there’s a lot of shout out for yellow this year yeah yeah that might that might be nice well would you want the um the away kit to be yellow or a third kit to be yellow um I don’t know I don’t I would I would want whatever we could see the most be yellow CU that that’s pretty cool yeah yellow and green yeah uh somebody posted that they were like maybe it’ll be Nike and I’m like well you know they do all the uh University of Oregon uh the the Ducks they do all yellow and GRE so yeah so they got a lot of they got a lot of practice they do all sorts weird custom stuff that uh pre Prefontaine yellow green yeah yeah yeah color combo yeah the um well I think we have all our bases covered if we weren’t clear about anything contact any of us you can get to the not clear well I that’s why we have to say it because inevitably we were clear on anything yeah if we were clear on anything this would have been over in like five minutes but that’s not how we work we’re not fooling anybody here let’s I’m trying to save some face I know we’ve lost 93% of it but there’s 7% yeah yeah yeah good call back excellent call back excellent callback um uh wicker man excellent callback Raising Arizona excellent callback family man I’m just Nicholas Cage movies is what I’m naming um so anyways get in contact with us if there’s anything that you’d like us to clarify for you again we’ll be putting out those links uh we’ll go back in retro and put this in the description we’ll have here the link that you can use the description to this video to your space we’ll be doing your space again next week so join us next Sunday or if you’re down on um next Monday and we will be doing this again another giveaway we’ll be giving away the bootleg red home shirt from the back-to-back promotion season and then we’ll also be doing another giveaway and we’ll be spinning the will for the person and the prize for the retweets the quotes and # wxm giving uh Simon anything else before we head out looks good you’ve done a great job and I think we’re going to do go live earlier next week right so it’ll be um while people in rexam proper are still awake yeah we anybody that’s rewatching this and made it all the way past an hour to see this we had to figure out first how to use the software um how to put everything together so it’s a learning process bear with us as we’re going along hopefully in the spirit of charitable and support and love and Community there’ll be some forgiveness for us technologically challenged people oh oh oh there’s a light bulb that went off in sj’s room what was that SJ are we GNA do an emoji challenge oh I I yeah sure episode right I think so uh because of John Travolta in honor of his uh fabulous wig collections um you can one of the Emojis is just hair do there’s an emoji it’s like just hair I think just hair okay I didn’t know that I didn’t know that was thing wig emojis in there oh okay so there’s a wig so throw a wig at the end um who is it as I know you know who’s the one that whenever they post is it high desert dragon that they post every single emoji that we’ve had in the Emoji challenge uh I think is it it’s either High Desert or uh blos blos V or both yeah let me uh so whoever it is keep keep it going uh we’ll have to shout you out next time so that we’re we’re better prepared um this has been teach me how to Rex them teach you how to Rex them the unofficial guide to giving away things and supporting local Rex and Charities We are continuing this next week with your space again raising some more money so if you didn’t get to make your donation within this week go ahead and get it in this week um any amount helps no matter how small anything two up two two pound minimum um go ahead and and make your donation if you don’t have the means to do so no problem you can still take part in the summer of giving by doing a retweet doing a quote retweet or making your own post just make sure you # wxm giving and include that official yourspace donation page um that this was fun guys this is fun this feels good see you next week see you next week roll on the wheel thank you everybody bye oh we didn’t up the town up the town


  1. aww thanks for including me. Trippy Feet here trippin' from Malaysia, usually skulking around streams and watching YT videos.

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