JP CAMBER WEDGES // The Best Wedges You’ve Never Heard Of

Today Ian and Mike are in the bay to each test out offerings from JP Golf’s JP Camber Wedges line. These one piece, forged milled wedges are gorgeous in person and as the boys learned quite quickly they play incredibly as well.

00:00 Intro
04:28 50 Degree Mid Bounce
06:33 54 Degree Mid Bounce
08:22 60 Degree Low Bounce
10:27 50 Degree Mid Bounce
11:42 54 Degree Mid Bounce
13:40 60 Degree high Bounce
14:09 60 Degree Low Bounce
17:13 Conclusions



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

really nice love that slic the legs from under it I was spinny all right guys welcome back to the channel you are in for a huge treat today we are in for a treat we have some brand new wedges in store maybe the best looking wedges you’ll see premium clean flashy yeah could be flash year your choice could be flashier JP camber um many of you and I actually maybe argue most of you will not be familiar with the JP line of wedges but those of you who have an ear to the ground in the custom wedge space will have heard of JP James Patrick Harrington um actually a good friend of mine going back 12 years I’ve known JP uh he and I have have kind of well certainly since he started his original line and I it into the golf injury here North America we we’ve known each other that long and it’s really cool to see this line of wedges coming out where the masses are finally going to have a chance to experience experience what JP does with his wedges yeah always been boutiki almost that hard to get in a way um very one very bespoke yeah you know one guy’s doing the work so you know the turnaround times probably longer and you could go literally go custom we just did a set for a customer and it was custom as custom gets yeah um but if you’re looking for that kind of thing I mean this is this is where you start yeah this is what’s always been I would argue missing the JP camber line or a line that is uh easier to sort of put on an assembly line and get out and and certainly not mass quantities but be able to replicate it without JP having to be as Hands-On there’s a lot of finishing work that’s done by hand um but this line of wedges is certainly designed to be more in line with what you see from o 100% 1025 carbon steel the cool thing is I mean this might look familiar to some people from other brands that Milling work but this is a one piece forged wedge which is impressive it also takes a lot of time and those machines are expensive so very very expensive um the sole is where it’s at the sole of the wedge is what’s truly unique about what JP does one thing you’ll notice is the absence of a bounce number correct right you get a bounce destion right on the hosle there’s a a one ring two ring three ring uh sort of um that that’s the that’s a system yeah one ring being low bounds two being mid three being high gap wedge and Sand Wedge only come in mid and high the uh the lob wedges where the the single ring the lower bounce option uh comes in but even when you examine the soul and the low bounds you’ve still got this sort of slightly more rounded Leading Edge than than a lot of companies will have 100% he talks about wanting to get the wedge in and out of the turf as fast as possible and he talks a lot about you know Leading Edge height in a wedge so um where that kind of roundness goes into the soul that’s that’s where you get that from yeah yeah without a doubt well we’re going to run them through the uh the full full testing process and we’re actually going to tag team this one we’re we’re going to dive in and each do a little bit of testing um because this is part one and and you will see in the second half of this video there’s a part two where we are going to take these outdoors and we’re going to experience it because I think the the thing with these wedges is the turf interaction has to be experienced now we have went through a meticulous process of planning to get the right Turf in here that will give you the true sense from an indoor perspective but you can’t replicate the bunkers you can’t replicate the other shots around the green I do truly feel like the tline we use is very very close to what you will feel if you’re in a nicely manured Fairway but outside of that we’re we’re going to struggle to replicate those other scenarios boy all right let’s dive into the gap wedge um we’ll each hit the gap wedge we’ll both get 54 CU it’s what we play and we’ll jump into 60 as well love it okay cool he Fri 125 yards 50° wedge here um these are shafted with modus 120 stiffs um kind of tried to build them to to our specs as best as we could and then they’re right now one degree up right one up okay nice start very solid thing first couple strikes any feedback yeah very very solid indeed Mikey yeah no I like them very round y I think there’s a quite a lot of sort of that that Leading Edge Is We I think did you your Leading Edge straightened on your wedge I did yeah yeah it’s something that sticks out to me when I see it some people like it I don’t mind it when the the higher lofted wedges correct for me I like that to be a progressive thing um throughout but yeah head head shape is is certainly outside that is nice I mean this is the mid bounce one Mikey I wouldn’t want to go for for Mad delivery I wouldn’t want to go more bounds therefore lives steeper or lower in the head right I feel like I’m already that one there yeah 11 mm at low mhm good strike they sound great they don’t sound clicky by any means no y solid really good nice and solid he R 110 yards you are in the 54 mid bounce wedge um again right away thoughts going from the 50 54 shapes very similar shape very similar Mikey yeah no uh no adjustment need to be to be made at all how’s the offset on those B yeah no it’s it’s not existent yeah nice and that’s perfect great strike well your angle of attack’s a little on the steeper side I’m just I’m I’m more thinking about like if I’m living kind of a bit low in the head what’s it going to be like if uh somebody who’s really shallow is with them you know better strike really nice 10,000 spin spinny spinny mhm great swing okay fres into the uh into the the shots where the money’s made the 50 yard shot 60° wedge low bounce I’m pretty happy with my choices on the first two I mean we we’ve got them set over there two two or three ring in the the Gap in the sand I’m definitely two in both those I would not be high bounce I would not want that strike any lower in the head I don’t want more resistance to the turf um but I’ve went straight to the one mhm cuz I just think it went opening it I think you’re going to need that very interesting to sort of see how people got on with the sort of toe section being removed you said it the other day Nike engage Nike engage yeah that’s very much what that looks like totally with the to sweep or whatever it was called to sweep yeah all right 50 yep there’s a there’s the SAU here well I just I had to change so that’s an interesting one iy for because I think for people who spin it right so look let’s look at the difference there so the spin went up to 91 yeah but I think what changed if you go to table mhm for me what changed the most was the angle of descent okay to spin it more you actually need the angle of descent to be compliant so if we look at where the spin is yeah it was It was kind of 500 more than the first one but it was I think it’s the 3° steeper land angle that has the ball to deaden Unbound that’s what allows the spin to kick in so if you want to be you can I mean you can hit it high Spin and have it skipping in low and you’ll stop it right but you’ll never spin it back if you need to you have to have the angle of descent on side oh lovely I’m a one bones guy very nice okay ni show your turn to choose all right Michael so you’ve got the mid bounds 50 yep let’s take a little look at what you’ve got with it thoughts initial in the shape yeah I like it very little offset it is definitely rounded like you said um more of that like kind of spoon shape but yeah looks good at a dress from behind you get a sense of how much of a four-way camber is yeah so the the camber is very much rolled toe to heel very much front to back makes sense sounds great sounds great let’s move you back big man long ball yeah watch H all be short now good and I’m get away with it there is a bit of forgiveness there though isn’t there totally like I felt like that one especially be thin little Healy and it’s pin High good okay happy yeah no it feels great I think the um You’re right our turf here is is very close to a plush really good Fairway I think the turf the secrets in the in the dirt outside with these as well just using that that so but they feel the feels really good all right go jump over and give me your uh your choice on 54 all right you’ve also went mid bouns yeah yeah sits nice behind the ball kind of keep it consistent with the with the 50 but we’ll see bit bit better and actually I love the consistency uhhuh is really really good yeah standard deviation is tight across the board really isn’t it what are your thoughts in the 54 yeah I mean it’s uh maybe I can start to see a slight like offset kick into it um it looks a little higher heal like from the bottom of the wedge to the top it looks like it has more room but it feels it feels good I think the consistency is the nice part like having that perimeter weighted wedge you can you there was a couple strikes in there where I was like I think I you know close to the hosle there and I mean it’s pin High doesn’t put you in trouble so is it shank proof no but I mean that perimeter waiting helps it does help it does uh protect you a little bit and I think once we get outside we’re we’re going to really sample the the soul in its full Glory yeah I excited to see this out of like really Lush thick rough um be interesting to see what it does through that definitely okay um grab yourself for 60 okay Mikey’s opted for the high bounds yeah something different see it see what’s up 50 yards it’s your spot oh I yesterday maybe two Morey one more okay good so go grab uh go grab the low we’ll get fif folks we’ll get fit we’ll get fit so what was happening there and it’s interesting cuz I think we talk about bounce as in like oh More Bounce you’ll strike it low on the the head high bounds uh sorry low bounds you’ll strike it yeah higher high bound will strike it lower opposites what you were actually doing there Mikey was hitting behind it you were getting so much so much bounce the ball was literally levitating yeah so you hit the ground the the the the M acts like a spring yeah yeah moves the ball up and that’s why you catch it high in the face it’s not like the ball stays on the ground of course right so um you instantly go into the low bounds and the the sound is immediately different I mean the sound or the sound is immediately different but the feel is n day look at that straight out the uh the gates how much spin difference the the flight difference just came out so nice and so low Yeah couple more just like that whoops but even that one that one still looked like the first one yeah I know you noticed the strike wasn’t good yeah the flight wasn’t different by any means the flight wasn’t different you B pulley you B pulley this this bounce you can definitely feel like you’d have the ability to let it sit open or hit different shots with it lovely lovely out of all the wed like I know the wedges feel relatively the same but the 60 is the 60 is nice open it up a wee bit more and let’s let’s going to get the uh try get the strike a little more towards the heel proie that thing’s go get it no it’s stuck you’re we stuck nice really nice love that slic the legs from under it that was spinny it’s what we talked about earlier on um with angle of descent yeah 43.8 exactly the same as the one uh so that’s that’s a carbon copy actually of that one I hit one of the things I loved what you done there is when I’d ask you to to line up in heel you typically hit most of your pitches in the toe most people do when you’re cut across it like that out out to in 4.5 and a little bit in the Steep side you can catch that dead one out the toe you actually have to line it in the heel yeah yeah like I’ve got it you’ve got it sitting right in yeah right on the hosle there because you will you will draw the blade across it yeah yeah absolutely right okay that was really really nice there feels good doesn’t it that I like them yeah I like this low bounce 60 is nice yeah Okay so we’ve ended up with the same wedges I knew you always like to cof you Cofe me they they were lovely uh we were both on the lower end options across the board I think our deliver is fairly neutral there’ll be people out there struggle with uh getting wedges maybe you know go for a wedge foot or something and they’re just they’re taking some pretty big pellets totally and they will love the soul uh sort of interaction from the the two and the three ring wedges yeah like you said that that part two of the video for these just to understand what these Souls feel like through Turf I’m excited to excited to get into long rough yeah I think once these wedges are out in the field um that JP does have a he has a old sticker very much like Li tape yeah right but it kind of shows and indicates where the wear patterns are front back toe heel we’re obviously doing that today with GC quad that’s one of the benefits of having quad is dynamic L angle Dynamic Loft we know how much the shaft leaning forward we know how the tilt of the head is to to heel so we’re able to sort of figure that out we know where our interaction is there but you know for those who are fitting without that Soul stickers are a really nice option 100% really nice very cool part two eminently uh coming your way guys really Keen to see how these doing the bunker and the T and the rough uh and then the Fairway it’ll be interesting to see if her choices change yeah very good all right stay tuned for that and we’ll see you again soon [Music]


  1. Unfortunately missed the most recent Q&A, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on grip sizes. I recently bought a new set of irons and didn’t put much thought into the grips. Went from midsize dri-tac to standard crosslines, and I’m all of the sudden having a stark challenge with the club turning in my hands quite a bit resulting in poor contact

  2. This thread is a testament to the power of civil discourse. Even in disagreement, there's a mutual respect that shines through.🍭

  3. Thanks for reviewing these. I’ve been asking around and looking for reviews on these. I’ve been intrigued by JP’s designs since the whole Edel debacle. Tough to dump that kinda money into a wedge design so different from the norm when you can’t even see one in person first. This line is still pricey, but much more approachable. I may take the plunge on a lob wedge.

  4. Any secret to getting the 4 dot data to show for wedges? I've tried almost everything and can't get all data to show for wedges. Thanks!

  5. JP's seem well made and look great, but at $300 or more per club that's just crazy considering how much one should be practicing with their wedges. I hit wedges 10-1 over any other club. I do like that they're coming down at least a bit though. Once he gets closer to 200 I feel like it'll gain more traction.

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