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Should Haiden Deegan have been penalized during his 250 class win? | Title 24 | Motorsports on NBC

Ryan Villopoto and Ricky Carmichael break down the controversial no-call regarding Pro Motocross 250 winner Haiden Deegan at Fox Raceway, questioning the consistency with calls in the sport. #NBCSports #Title24Podcast #Motocross
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Should Haiden Deegan have been penalized during his 250 class win? | Title 24 | Motorsports on NBC

we’re going to jump right into the 250 recp brought to you by United Motorsports moment of the week Hayden Degan goes 1-1 but not without the controversy uh we kind of talked about at the beginning of the show The off trck Excursion we’re going to get into that and break that all down right now but we’re g to jump right through the boxo breakdown sound on Hayden Levi and Tom at the press conference it’s gonna be good boys let’s run that Aaron uh yeah I mean I went off the track uh I didn’t accelerate a l i follow what I was supposed to do but uh yeah uh Mitch is trying to get us so I mean I don’t know you think uh Levi you think I uh deserve that win or no I mean I I don’t think I would have passed you um it depends how much you slowed up it’s a sticky situation though cuz then my buddy Tom got docked for uh similar situation so you can’t really uh yeah I don’t know I think if Tom hadn’t gotten then it would be a different situation um but yeah I don’t I don’t know man just I mean he beat me though long story short it’s going to be War now till the end I only missed like two ERS and I went back on the track I of course I didn’t look back but um I actually saw the video from Aiden is I don’t know like the rules I would say are not so clear like you never know like what to do to be honest and I feel like if you don’t win a position if you don’t pass someone I think that’s that’s not too bad yeah I think it’s I mean at the end they’re going to decide we can’t do anything yeah um I’m you’ve been you’ve been pretty heated about this I mean we got the okay before yeah I’m Gonna Let You Go on a rant because you’re on fire about this I love you I’ll Ricky read you can I’ll H I’ll let you hit the hit the rule B here I’ll come in on the back side that’s okay here’s the here’s the rules okay um um a Riders must me uh remain on the marked course the course will be marked by track markers boundary markers hail Bas hail hay bales tough locks dirt mounts Etc if the marking devices are not down the rider must stay on the original marked course everybody got that okay b a rider leaving the course may only continue by properly re-entering the course without gaining a time or position Advantage from the closest possible point to where the rer left course okay that is a key that that is key right there while off the course ryer must immediately slow down okay let me read that again for everyone while off course the rider must immediately slow down to a safe speed so as not to endanger life or limb of other Riders crew members officials or the public and must not accelerate in an unsafe manner at any time uh accelerate in an unsafe manner so that’s that’s debatable and then C the race director will make the determination as to whether a rider gained an advantage by leaving the race course and re-entering the rider may be determined to have gained an advantage without gaining a position failed to slow down after leaving the course or accelerated in an unsafe manner yeah so that’s how the re um that that’s how the rule is is read um we have RV we got supporting um we got supporting video of all instances but do you want to tea off before uh you want to tea off go for it dude yeah so I I I obviously was there I heard there we go there’s that’s one of ours we’re watching re playay so he comes in here goes misses this complete Banner right here in in plastic uh you know marker throws his hand up so that’s that’s one right okay boom that one there to me um is is very questionable meaning like that was such a short stint of being off the track um but here’s where it gets sticky is Tom went off once Hayden went off three times we have Replay that one I would say I would just I would I that one we just watched now this one right here I’m gonna make here he goes around the outside jumps off the track right here and look at the tide just on the gas now he lets up as he comes but still he was on the that this one there I know you can’t overlay them but essentially is the exact same he goes ripping around the outside jumps off look at the rear tire throwing Roost off the motorcycle so my whole deal and rant and and gripe with the situation is is keep it the same you can’t doc Tom for and Aaron let’s run Tom’s really quick um also uh you know as he goes off the track catches as side gets on the gas then let he goes to he goes too though I mean he he he gases her up yep he does gas it up and that is why he got penalized but that is why Tom got penalized so my question is is is if you’re gonna be throwing penal penalties around um they need to be they need to be across the board the same to me this right here what we’re watching of Tom and what we just watched of Hayden um are very very similar in in instances and then we do have a third of Hayden in from Modo 2 um Aaron will run that one right now also to me this one he didn’t try to stay on the track like he literally just rode off the track and kind of yes on the gas he still hit that like 75 foot jump so yes was there a break and throttle right as in the middle while he was off the track but he still rides off the track right here like dude he even he was dude he he wasn’t even looking onto the regular Race Course yeah and you can see Roost coming off the tire and then he hits this like 75 foot jump so I think it’s bogus on amas from am standpoint um whoever’s calling the shots for for penalizing the rules and and implementing the rules because um you know I just keep it keep it the same keep it across the board um it wouldn’t have changed the outcome I I guess it would have changed the outcome based on penalizing um but yeah Hayden did win he went 1-1 not taking that away from him but you can’t dock Tom and not dock right right you want you want you want there to be continuity between between both guys going out and and I agree with you um did because Hayden went off the track those times is that why he won the race no no chance dude not at all nope nope not at all and truth be told I mean Tom Tom accelerated too did that did that did he gain an advantage I mean maybe but nothing substantial I I think we need to stop using the advantage word and use the like as you if you go off the track it should be slower you should lose a little bit of time right off the head right not like we go off the track to gain an advantage right it’s like you should it should definitely lose two to three seconds like you can see the Gap right here the Gap essentially stays the same yeah so that is right there that would to me that’s that that is worthy of a penalty because he should have lost three seconds you know what it’s like imagine and and you’re exactly right so what needs to happen is as soon as you go off like right there okay now you just chill yeah you went off course you can’t accelerate maintain a safe Pace that’s what like when I was like my I remember my first years of pro like they they would Duke fch would always say all right if you guys go off the race course chop the throttle and then reenter you can’t re-enter where you went off re-enter at a safe place but you chop the throttle um you know you chop the throttle immediately and that’s what you do but like stuff like that yeah like like these guys like dude from now on just slow down it almost it’s almost like they need a Pit Road button like that Moto GP has or F1 has where you just hit hit hit a button and it retards the timing of the ignition and you just have to go slow you know like it is what it is and again take your medicine so definitely I agree with you there needs to be continuity did um does it suck that Tom got docked um of of course it does because I don’t think that he gained or lost any other gained any advant any more of an advantage than Hayden did um I could probably argue that maybe he he gained less of an advantage that Hayden did but at the same time like yeah you gota it’s got to be the same for everyone I totally agree with you and and um and I think that the rule in in some way if the Riders aren’t going to slow down when they go off course and just chill then they need to they modify the rule somehow so the Riders start obeying that rule so we’re not in this position because this isn’t like I always feel like we’re always talking or we do often talk about when there’s an infraction or penalty was it justifiable like you know so I I it just it needs it needs some ironing out and there definitely needs to be continu for sure and and the reason I’m not threaten over it and it’s just like it is what it is is because I don’t think any of those offc course uh incidents um would have changed would have changed the outcome of the race I just don’t believe it I mean yes it would have not like that’s I said it in the beginning deags W degs went one-1 and he he was deserving of that win but if you take Tom and Tom got docked one position you dock Degan one position now it changes the outcome right so they just need to have that like you said that continuity keep it the same across the board what happened you know it happened we watched it and one got darked one didn’t hi folks Lee DIY from NBC Sports here if you truly enjoyed what you just watched you can get more news interviews and highlights by subscribing to the Motorsports on NBC YouTube page you can get it all so go for it


  1. Nope the incident was deegan behind Levi. What advantage did he get and he clearly didnt hammer the bike he just slowly acclerated.

  2. Tom didnt shut the throttle down a single bit at any stage while off the track, Haiden did although not instantly he still did back off. I think that is the difference as to why he got away with it.

  3. Tim needs to learn the rules its always excuses with you guys haiden is the better racer no question about it

  4. Hold on. Deegan got back on the track at the next opportunity. Viable went around three obstacles before reentering the track.

  5. Chase lost 5 seconds to Jet when he went off track, because he followed the rules and chopped the throttle. Hayden and Tom lost no time because they didn’t…..seems like a clear penalty to me

  6. Seems odd no mention here of Tom missing the rollers… very obvious Tom went off track missed some rollers. Any comment on that difference?

  7. Looks to me according to the rules, Deegan should have been docked at least 2 positions and Tom one. Either follow the rules or change them.

  8. Tom gassed and never did slow down he gassed and jumped! At least Haiden slowed down before returning on the track

  9. No. He didn't make up any time or gain any positions. Tom Vialle shouldn't have been penalized either

  10. I didn't hear anyone saying it wasn't fair a few weeks ago when VIal and Haiden both went off in the whoops and only Haiden was penalized.

  11. Photographer had nerves of steel. Deegan comes within 3ft of smashing into him and the guy didn’t flinch.

  12. 3sec penalty for going off the track. Put it on the pit board. Guy knows he has to win by 3 sec or more.

  13. they didn't penalize so why talk about it ??? If you cannot trust the judgement of the officials , you just sound like a whining b….., there was no advantage gained. bla bla bla

  14. I don’t think Tom or Haiden should’ve been penalized. It didn’t seem to me they gained time.

  15. What an awesome race! Without Kitchen and Tom Deegan would’ve had a 35 second lead over 2nd !

  16. tom gain speed ok by skipping whoops and Deegan lost time track, and he accelerate for keeping controle of is bike and not crash, he jump of the track side way, he just gain control back and after he let off the gasss

  17. yep 100%. As RV said it should always be slower to go off track. If riders are off track it means they made a mistake on track and of course that mistake should cost them time. Not just allow them to go off track and accelerate on smooth soil to no lose time, no matter if is is safe or not to accelerate.

  18. NO Because he didn't pass anyone or accelerated to gain an advantage. Also give Tom his points and position back. Fair is fair.

  19. Why is the AMA such a clown show? Between the girl holding the starting signs at a supercross event, no flaggers protecting riders on press day, some really terrible tracks in supercross including dumbing down the whoop sections so less skilled riders can compete with the elite riders, to sketchy calls on restarts, and completely inconsistent application of rules, it's amazing this is considered a professional sport.

  20. There is honestly not much of any disadvantage for being off course. Make it more severe and decisive penalty…such as the rider must come to a compete stop before re entering the course. Cleary enforceable and costly for making that big of mistake.

  21. Hey RV where was this same energy when Haiden was docked at birmingham but the other two riders in front of him werent?

  22. Similar, yes. The same NO. Once Tom was off track, he was 100% is race mode. Haiden only throttled to control the landing, then backed off until he started his entry back on the track.
    I’ve been a critic of the ama penalties, but not this time. Race mode off the track is never acceptable.
    Additionally Haiden did lose about two bike lengths, Tom lose zero.

  23. All 3 of those guys know Tom’s penalty was questionable because the rule has such a grey area. They all also know they all finished on the podium in the positions they were supposed to and we’re going to. The protest and Haiden throwing the question about it to Levi just shows the riders and teams are also fed up with the inconsistency of the AMA’s rulings on this.

  24. Sure looks like the AMA is showing favoritism and they have definitely have done it in the past. When this occurs it sours the sport and is defeating to all the racers.

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