I bought a putter RATED BEST 2024 from a US Golf Brand you’ve never heard of…


In today’s video we’re unveiling a golf brand that I’d not heard of until last week! Not only is it a golf brand I haven’t heard of, they’re voted the best for making broom handle putters 2023 & 2024!

#golf #putters #golfclubs

in this box is a golf brand that you’ve never heard of and I not heard of it either until last week when I woke up at middle at night and made a sleep purchase right we’re opening up at woly poot we’re having a little one old match with James Robinson and we’re going to talk about this putter that I purchased we’ll unve it when we got on the green there a bit of a backstory to this and um yeah I think it’s one that everybody needs to know about sleepless nights mate honestly I’ve got this bad habit of waking up at middle at night and having a couple hours onl have you play golf with me and you’ve lost I don’t know it could be that that’s that’s waking me up at night the shers there’s uh yeah were an interesting one I were reading comments from uh some well from a Seymour video I post on YouTube a few months ago and he says why don’t you buy this putter thought he he trying to insult me and I’ll get more into it not another lab is it it’s not a lab it’s honestly if anyone was in this brand I’d be very surprised it’s a US brand Fisher no you have one of them as well didn’t you what have you not had there’s nothing I haven’t had apart from I think this nice that’s better now I’ve got my glasses on has anyone SE my glasses oh dear we’ve had a good couple of matches mate aren’t we this morning yeah we have I’ve been on James’s Channel we have me glasses and he’s ass me twice put it like that but we’ve we’ve actually done a couple of good videos on some some new products aren’t we yeah we have we’ve enjoyed them aren’t we yeah strike I want to see what this is O nice little no never nice little head cover I’m going to have a sneaky look behind the scenes OH ZIP well the retail at2 200 to $250 I’m doing this so they can’t see it guys I no no no no I don’t want them to see it yet but I basically this let we we can show them no we’ll show them you said you want to show them on green stick to your guns you got down J well the interesting thing is Herms as well so they just like Drop Kick oh they drop kicked to me yeah right uh it’s just a nice wedge down there I think it so I’m going to drop the name he said to me why don’t you try a bell put and I thinking is he trying to insult me or is he calling me a a basically a bell I don’t think you can say that well I’m not going to say the ending to that but I looked on Google and I researched Bell Putters and it it is a company us and they they make Putters between $ 2250 James but they’re the most customizable Putters I’ve ever seen even more so than the lab yeah definitely the options in length in uprightness it’s just incredible great shot middle of the green we’ll be testing the putter outy testing a midlength put I’d say I was surprised at how many Brew mle Putters I put it up on screen now how many Brew mandals you know sort of like anchored Putters chest length Putters just so many different options of length and adjustment from a and it’s a 303 stainless steel head so it’s a good quality head with so many options for a reasonable price why are you laughing I’m not we finally found Gaz ball finally found it I think he’s moved that I didn’t think it were there he’s not saying all those glasses aren’t fcking off we can Tech this out look so when I saw it were a brand I thought I’m going to have a sneaky look on eBay see if I can have one I’ve seen a guy adverti in this one what time did you look on eBay there goes oh it were fre morning it were brand new it got it up at 80 80 and I made A50 offer anyway I didn’t even realize it turned up at work it’s an automatic approval if you make an offer it just comes straight out of your account and they send it so it arrived yesterday like what am I doing making all these purchas middle at night guys oh for sake to the new [Laughter] wedges we’ll get to a green evangelo let me replace this D here oh God oh God I need to stand up I’m having a massive issue with pitching a minute I know I’m doing wrong and I’m trying to fix it is it depth perception no I keep getting steep on me back like this I’m trying to get here it’s a nightmare I keep thinking you’ve got earrings in because the glasses go around the back of your ears I’m going to be honest stop I hate that viewer everyone keeps saying why have you bent and around much but it’s because I’m trying to play golf without I’m dropping down so they I bent it like more than normal yeah I’ll put it down I’m going to put it down that out I’ll send you like your OD did I’ve caught it oh I’m only joking there you go right so this is it let’s have a little look it’s a 303 stainless head and that’s some block of metal is it would it rust or anything or I don’t think so no it’s not supposed to do I think that’s the my next was last name is called Bell actually so interesting if you know if it was your name I know a lot of Bells Bells I know a lot of people name Bell it’s a 32 and 1/2 in suit we’re customized for some on this but 32 and 1/2 you bought you’re 6’2 and you bought a 32 and 1/2 in butter it’s only for illustration purpose I just want to make people aware of this brand though because it’s one I heard of you you didn’t look at it you didn’t know it was 32 and a half inches did you I did yeah but I’m going to sell it at face value after this video so if anybody wants it what I paid 50 and plus PST for my Oney old60 he’s not helping me sell this is it £60 you can have it if any when this goes in everyone want it I think this is the best quality put you could buy for 60 pound [Music] seriously no left it short better than a dff though I’m really looking forward to my birdie put with it see if I can roll it in I’m looking forward to having a proper put see what it feels like obviously yeah we’re going to get a serious heads on cuz I think a lot of you are probably watching this video thinking what on Earth am I watching here but we’re not us of this child shall we who gets out of Boogie and goes in front of it what do you mean who steps out of a boogie and walks in front of the boogie are they all left on Drive yeah I have to do a video on my Channel with you we’ll have a match with it a couple of hoes and just say I can’t believe what he’s bought for eBay I tell you what I was surprised about is how little followers this Brand’s got to say what they do and how many Putters the manufacturer it surprising me that they’re not more active on social media it looks it looks like good quality actually the one thing I think looks a bit cheap is the writing on it yeah and I think the head cover looks a bit cheap as well yeah I agree but they’re using good components Lampkin grip obviously nice grip but you know in this day and age you’d think a brand like this would be really sort of pushing the Cs online and I’ve seen very little apart from a website on a Facebook page with about 200 followers it seems a bit odd yeah almost like someone’s add you over this a v power it’s upright they do very very upright putters if you want to not selling it very well on apart from pace and line though that was a cracking not that I’m trying to sell it I think it’s more obviously any you’re just trying to get rid of it more than P line the m has told you there’s no more Putters in the house hasn’t she I tell you what whoever’s ordered this it’s a very funny spec it’s upright and short you’re almost trying to get a straight back straight through stroke aren’t yeah with it oh did it come off hotter than you expected yeah very very hot but actually quite difficult to gauge the distance because of the length of it to be honest yeah I think there’s probably more that than but if we have like a couple of goes I think you get used to it tell you what like stood the eye it looks nice just feels like the for me feels like the center line there is designed to match up with this little bezel here yeah and then because of the lie angle you have to almost get it there to line it up yeah so I think it’s probably a bit like a lab I mean I’m going to for put this probably like a lab putter isn’t it you know like there is a a method to it and then from there you kind of go with it and you can get the nice roll um I don’t think I’d be buying like I don’t know if if that guy hadn’t have commented would you have bought one I’d have never heard of him and that’s that were the main purpose is just to sort of raise awareness of brands that we’ve not heard of because I think more in terms of like longer length Putters are difficult to get hold of longer length yeah this is a short version but they do so many different length Putters like you know up to 48 in yeah extremely long that’s all going to come down to waiting isn’t it yeah it’s all like literally I remember last year when I was trying to buy um a brew mandal putter I couldn’t find one anywhere and there might be somebody that used to have a brew mandal and really liked it and you know want a manufacturer do one these days right let’s we can knock this in hey this goes in though and all the all the laughs are gone aren’t they I don’t think well I don’t think we’ve done it any just in terms of playing with but I think I’d like people to go have a look just see what they do F I think it feels pretty soft AR if you get 50 Quid for that I’ll take you out for dinner no it’s not about selling this if if nobody wants it I get TW Juniors look at that rolls like a gem guys that was Bell Putters thanks for sticking with us if anybody does want it get in the comments if anyone’s still here I’ll be amazed and we’ll see you in a couple of days time time cheers James cheers guys bye


  1. They are one of the only company's I've reasrched who make milled bullseye putters. Just wish the bulls eyes I have werent buttery smooth and/or I had 250 USD for a Bell.

  2. Thanks for highlighting an unknown brand Gary despite James's ribbing it made me go and have a look at their website which after all was the purpose

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