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Wednesday Night Extravaganza Live with Special Guest @wvogs1850

Welcome to Wednesday Night Extravaganza Live with Tim and Maiden! In tonight’s episode, we are thrilled to have special guest @wvogs1850 joining us. We’ll dive into an exciting discussion about all things baseball, sharing insights, stories, and highlights from the diamond. Plus, get ready for a fun and detailed look at some of the most awesome bobbleheads out there. Whether you’re a die-hard baseball fan or a bobblehead collector, this episode is sure to entertain and inform. Don’t miss out on the lively conversation and collectible showcase. Join us live and be part of the fun! #WednesdayNightLive #BaseballTalk #Bobbleheads #LiveShow #TimAndMaiden #MLB #Collectibles

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hey here we go there’s everybody what’s going on thank you for joining us on another wonderful Wednesday Night Live we got Maiden over here we got will vogs down down there as well there’s old Dennis Rodman what is going on everybody not much Tim how you doing buddy not too bad how’s your week week’s been going so far it sucks it sucks because um I was in the parking lot at Lowe’s because my cooworker said do you drive a gr Hyundai launcher 2024 I said yes I walk into the parking lot a woman’s there standing upset she drove her husband’s truck into my front bumper and my front bumper was dangling now my car is in the shop oh no isn’t that your new car will oh no that sucks that’s too bad but other than that it’s good I’m going after work tomorrow uh the ACC baseball tournaments in Charlotte they’re playing at the Minor League Stadium I’ve never been to a college baseball game despite working at a college I am actually going to see UNC versus Pittsburgh tomorrow college baseball I don’t know if I’m going to try or not but Devin mesaro the former catcher works for the Pittsburgh Panthers baseball team so I may try to get his autograph right on that’s cool yeah that’d be awesome bud yeah hey what’s up Tom how you doing Tom’s Tom’s the man oh yeah and then George who’s just equally on the same level as being the man with Tom those guys are ogi supporters oh great guys awesome thank you guys we got a fun show for you guys um I got something I got something that I picked up today by fluke and he’s been he’s been dying to show me he can’t wait I have like I I’ve I’ve almost messed seven times hey Z hey what’s up Zack did you um I showed the boys your uh Mad needo Card yeah including Durk and Zach and a few others um hope you don’t mind because you know the the you know Magneto the great Magneto well you’re the great Magneto Mago and it’s only because my brain doesn’t work well no the funny thing it was and Zach pointed it out it was completely unintentional it was the blue jay’s logo and not the Mariners logo because he had your Seahawks hat on oh yeah that’s right contradiction in turns it should either been the Seahawks I made up for it today oh my gosh yeah we got the the double oh yeah the double m so I’m GNA see getting that made into a sticker that’ be funny yeah yeah yeah and and of course Fred mcliff that one that one’s funny too I like that one that one’s a good one yeah and you know what here’s the thing I it’s if you know your 1987 tops the type face it used is called Dom casual bold ah and that’s what I used to put the Fred mcliff instead of Fred McGriff very nice what I was saying is I sent that to Zach uh Zach squar the other Zach and um he hasn’t responded yet so I don’t know I don’t know he’s in here what’s up Zach how you doing we got Robert in here as well um M do you make your own custom cards no but I was just Hing around I made a a border um with 87 tops so I got the type face that I could change the names and stuff go around say you know what you could do with candy Maldonado if he’s holding a bat in the picture you could put like a lollipop uh oh yeah or candy bar or something yeah yeah that actually that wouldn’t be a bad idea you know what well we might do that very nice and I will send you I’ll send you uh I’ll send it the picture on Instagram I’ve got plenty of ideas you could do Tim salmon fishing or have him be a salmon hey even better big salmon you see you don’t mess with big salmon yes so the pack sunglasses I’m wearing these in honor of me I know and and you know what the only night I couldn’t find them and will brought sunglasses right way to go way to go do you still do you have your horn that I’ve been waiting for oh yeah that’s going to make its appearance at some point my friend that’s right you need not worry young pan need not worry young padan you cannot Rush the horn that’s right um so everybody go check got my latest short tonight I pulled a massive Young Guns card um that’s dope pretty much the best card in the set for Series 2 and it was the first pack of the box so it’s all downhill from here you don’t watch the other like six videos I understand um I don’t know if anybody’s seen this or not recently but I’m going to show you anyway um it’s a Conor McDavid Junior character there you go oh very nice that is dope very ni I I got that the other day from one of those uh Dollar Store surprise packs Believe it or dude I would have screamed I would have been like I did I was quite pleased with that yeah awesome for sure so yeah no my week was it’s been rough um yeah it’s been rough there’s uh stuff going I told you what was going on at the complex we had some action last night um no I didn’t find the uh laffy rookie Alex but uh we had some people outside in the parking lot fist fighting and stuff it was quite the circus uh but I did capture a nice Sunset so uh go check that out on Instagram later yeah all right hey um before we headed over to will to show off some bobbleheads um I was going to open up a pack of some hockey and uh for a reason I’ll I’ll explain while I open it up really quick unless unless you did you uh was there anything else you wanted to share there m uh not did you want no I’m going to wait a bit you guys can have to wait you’re gonna love this all right let’s get this turned around we get some uh video magic here and well we’re getting better at swinging it around that’s what she said it’s all that shakuri action it is like my Shak it’s all for me yeah all right let’s see here so I’m picking this pack because um as you can see in the back here we have some uh some personal diecut some oh jeude that’s sick awesome diecut cards yeah it’s arts and crafts with Tim that’s right so hey Orlando what’s going on Orlando how you doing Orlando sh out to Orlando he needs a blue WR when you have a minute him oh yeah I can’t believe yeah and I got to meet Orlando twice in Pur that’s awesome yes you did he’s a great give me give me two seconds and I’ll sorry to interrupt but that’s that’s a priority item definitely Orlando there you go around there you go sorry about that so what’s up Matty Ice what’s going on okay so let’s go and get this to the big one so I can share a little bit bigger better and there we go got a little cool Little D cut of the back of these cards here um these cards were all stuck together I’ll show you these are pretty ricked up and get some paper loss and all that kind of stuff so um I was do his face oh this side this side was EAS I didn’t like it so he was done so the back the back with the little with the back on with the city backdrop on the back of these cards are actually pretty cool um you can see like on the back of this this one this Rangers one the backdrop really sweet theity back they need to do that again Skyline and then you get on the Stevie y you get the backdrop the background of that and uh so but this pack here I’ll show you these packs are kind of uh unfortunately done for there’s not much saving them I tried freezing them and they still get paper loss so as you can tell oh yeah they’re brick yeah they’re pretty bricked up and uh let’s see if you can there you go oh crispy goodness yeah it is I’m just going to peel them apart for now and then we’ll go through but uh so I was just going to do that in the backdrop I was going to cut one out we’re going to go ahead and uh see which one I should I should do we find a cool one and if we don’t find a cool one in this pack then I got a couple set aside um that are kind of kind of neat man this one it’s almost like you’re playing cards right to do that shuffle trick it’s like I’m a really bad shuffler yeah you don’t to do the like the tunnel thing there right you go Vegas do they play oh there we go okay right get the whole little little F yeah that’s what I’m saying action and my dad’s got a smoke hanging out mouth and the ash is that freaking long and he doesn’t drop it right it was crazy man it was crazy times back then that’s how my stepdad was you got a headache and the like kitchen’s blue andit stepdad always had a 40 and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth there we go got Pat ilu yeah IL you know I TTM and I never got it back oh poor dude no no see there we go the background of that see you can see all the paper loss all around the corners and stuff it’s pretty you’re trashed anyways that one is okay it’s not that great let’s go we got Luke robali oh I love robai Focus help me out there camera work for me camera come on Luke robai he’s very surpris was a fun player yeah he was good and let’s check out the back of that one that was kind of cool backdrop on that Los hand yeah I remember flying a helicopter on top of that building in GTA oh yeah same and we got Martin straa yeah Che I tried to land a 747 on top of that but it didn’t work oh yeah you you’ll die there we go we got Steve hins yeah Steve hindes for those guys shout out to Barry Barry P happy they lost ate them got John Tucker so jce mix are you collecting Hot Wheels now more than carrots I’d like to know answer in the chat please and we got Bob twice if you’re in danger I’m kidding yeah Bob Probert one of the toughest guys ever to play in the NHL that one was kind of cool the backdrop of that but there wouldn’t be much cutting on that I was no he was an animal Let’s see we got Kevin Hatcher yeah I got that one somewhere around here that’s one of the ones I chopped up oh nice that’ be another one you wouldn’t really have a whole lot to chop up on that one no I can’t find it right now sure reminds me I got to record another video for tomorrow and we got Pat Fallon Pat falloon falloon there you go he’s that’s a cool one we got Endor in the background he’s an Endor we’re at the Ewok he’s one ofers he just got dressed wrong got stupid idiot there you go Demitri that background is pretty cool that is it looks like Batman and there’s chellos yeah oh love Trish chios that one’s kind of cool he does commentary now on ESPN I think nice a lot of paper loss on the back of this one yeah yeah that’d be good for TTM though yeah oh does he do it I’m not sure Dave Manson’s an absolute psychopath I love that guy I got his autograph nice I guess Jay’s didn’t hear me um all right well whatever oh no he did he said I did a hunt today too didn’t find anything well that wasn’t what I asked got Jimmy Carson for the Kings asked he’s collecting more Hot Wheels than cards yay he was awesome is he related to BR no yeah it’ be very similar background to that one yeah well they played they both played here in the AHL together that’s cool yeah I got their I got their cards and stuff and we got Ray Ferraro yeah oh yeah he does commentary now too doesn’t he uh swear he does yeah Ray Ferraro does commentary and he’s awesome I like the little little little Islanders logo on the back down there kind of cool Islanders don’t tell that Danny doesn’t like the Islanders here you go Danny here you go D um when we which one should we do stop me um and have any questions about bobbleheads like ones I’ve missed out on or ones I want to get eventually feel for okay okay um I’m not sure because uh root yeah robot yeah Lucky Luke yeah we’ll do that guy all right so um all right oh here I’ll do my one Bobble I got my my Bobble Ichiro before there we go yeah Ichiro Ichiro looks fat right he’s Hefty row Hefty row yeah and then put the camera over to me and I’ll show what I got and then we’ll let will we’ll let will do his thing and then we’ll do a couple little icho cards really quick get his uh mother this one is the Keebler oh it’s kebler a close so I I consider it pretty much a mother’s mother’s cookies and we get uh the’ 06 tops I love 06 tops and we get do you have his rookie card Tim um just this uh just this keyers one that’s it that that slab is cool by the way I think isn’t that project 2020 yeah it’ll be the project 2020 the king Hey Kevin random rips Kevin Kevin and yeah these ones are cool I always like these ones there’s some really cool ones and there’s some really crazy weird ones I I everyone thinks the Simpson ones look cool I hate the Simpson ones yeah I have uh here I’ll show you let me grab the griffy one really quick I have the cool one I like uh I have is it’s Mike Trout and he has an angel wing see that one’s pretty cool here we go there’s there’s one of like the yeah I I just don’t like that for some reason it’s different it took me a while to like it at first I kind of thought like some kid drew it but I wish they had the Daryl strawberry one after he had the drank that Elixir all right let’s see here Maiden let’s put you on here really quick all right okay I’ve been waiting all day to show Tim this I summed upon this today when I was out doing some other stuff the boot I was eating and I found these that’s how you talk redneck people that’s how you talk Canadian so you guys have all seen the national hockey card Day cards right yes sir has anybody seen the the sheets oh those are awesome that’s awesome un sending Aon I’m sending Aaron the whole set of last year’s cuz he didn’t get last year um so that’s one that’s the one with Matthew um and then this one here do you have the whole set uh not the whole set but pretty much a few uh well there’s she gave me three sheets so this one has Crosby and Lind Ross Bigg e are you going to to try to get the whole set maybe well the thing I wanted and I because these are the perforated ones right the thing I wanted was Sir Conor oh yeah that thing’s cool yeah so it’s the uh the set here so I think it would have been another sheet perhaps but anyways I got these three sheets um they were pretty dope those are dope I I didn’t pay anything for them which is even better are you gonna frame them that’s I might yeah I might I don’t know but um that’s what I had stumbled across today oh um okay so I happen to be really good in with the lady that runs the GameStop by my house nice she hooked your brother up what’s up Tex awesome Tex hey Tex we got some uh hockey card actually going on down here we got yeah Tim’s gonna mutilate some hockey carts while we talk to W about his bobbleheads that’s right mutilated and and T I don’t know if you want to back up a bit but I uh I showed uh some national hockey card day sheets with Conor Bard yeah they’re badass hey Brian rips two minutes you’re going to see something cool oh well actually you know what guys just I’ll just show you the one nice o is erson on this or no no dral that’s awesome Patrick that’s cool Conor and then the other ones got Matthew n and uh Eric L Ross Sydney Crosby um some of the other guys so yeah that was pretty dope I was pretty sucked to get that it pays to suck up to the people uh yeah it does yeah like when that’s how I got first day first off the print run freaking Pokemon trigger trades Pokemon 151 the Paladin Fates one that I got yeah so that’s where I get my hockey cards too A lot of the time it’s either it’s either this or they go in the trash yeah well here’s the thing oh yeah these are all like earlier they came out of a bricked pack they’re super bricked up so check out my my short from tonight we pulled one of the best cards out the set qu like look at that man and it’s [ __ ] dead perfect too that’s worth sending in is probably like at least in at least a nine the back is immaculate as well I’m stoked about that that’s the best card in the set and it was the first pack of the of the box so I’m like it’s all down over Mir but I don’t care I’ll take it man oh yeah so it’s funny I we didn’t really said out to PC Quinton Byfield but pretty much have every one of his rookie cards now nice yeah yeah for sure I need a Pon Young Guns yeah that’s 100 bucks cool cool all right Tim the screen now all right my bad I was getting carried away all right there you go will me so I 10 bobbleheads the first three or first one it’s going to be in a set it’s in a Rowell great let’s see back camera the [ __ ] you talking about boy what you talking about boy so oh [ __ ] Let me refresh okay oh here I am hey guys oh oh hi oh well hello there crafts with maiden and Tim it is grab your exacto knife and come on down grab your xacto knife and your favorite card yeah and you too oh there he is hold up hold up he’s back I see you I see you will okay guys so the first one it came in a set I um this one I got at a horn it’s end of season sale it is D Curry I’ll put him on the oh my bad sorry good thanks it’s Del Curry nice that thing’s awesome Yep apparently his kid was going to be pretty good at basketball yeah I don’t know couple of yeah I don’t know what happened and then this one I got at a game it’s Mugsy BS oh nice Mugsy BS and oh he died again oh no oh the plum Smuggler what are you doing up there that pesky little rascal and then there he is this one I got it the game Kelly trauka oh nice so as you can see at the bottom they were really cool with these it spells out Hornets nice oh nice that’s that’s pretty sweet yeah so those are my three favorite Hornets ones those are nice and then all FS questions from the panel in the chat after yeah okay please your questions going on a YouTube giveaway it is Bernie Williams oh nice oh ni Robert Tim card if you guys want a want a a little set of Tim card care it’ll be on my website no I’m just kidding I don’t have a website um it’s I want it’s awesome because I’m a Yankee fan as most people know this one unfortunately the little trophy fell off but I got this at a game I went to a lot of hornets games a few years ago because I was a partial season tick holder nice it’s Glenn rice winning the allstar MVP the the little trophy fell off unfortunately still really cool that’s cool though oh yeah he was awesome yeah um the next one I went to a independent baseball team up north of Charlotte they used to be called the Intimidators now they’re called the cannonballers and I went to a game last year and it was my first time going to their stum because it’s a few hours away my friend picked me up it is the Canapolis cannonballers mascot let’s go yes that’s awesome yeah I love how heads a baseball and he’s stunt devil and will Canapolis is where Dale Earhart’s family’s from that’s why they’re called the intim they were called the Intimidators at first and I bet you that’s why there’s a mustache on yep that’s why I gu shout out to the mo of the week was a better player than Pro um this was ironically it’s a Star Wars night thing they didn’t play on Star Wars night because Star Wars night is May the 4th and I’m pretty sure the NBA finals is going but it was Star Wars night at the Charlotte Orange game it’s Frank Kaminsky oh that’s sweet yeah I just wish somehow I can shave the beard and make it kind of look like me more nice that’d be funny yeah so that was cool again I’ll feel questions and uh answer them after uh this guy got a little bit of trouble last year but it was um so Miles Bridges his name niame is Sky miles Bridges cuz he’s good for dunking hey and he’s wearing his Top Gun outfit nice with the Top Gun Hornets helmet that’s cool so does that make him Goose goose we lost you too soon goose and then um I got that from the game and then these are our two commentators they did the commentary team of Dell Curry as a commentator and our commentator erins the cool thing is I I couldn’t get it to work but if you press this button and do a thing on the botb it uh plays volume but yeah it’s our commentary team nice that is actually pretty dope yeah and so the last one uh when I worked to the college uh Queen University of Charlotte Peter lonzo’s little brother went there and I met him got to know uh his parents cuz I went to lacrosse games and I’m like man yeah I talked to up to his parents about Pete even though I’m a Yi Fan I said yeah your your older son’s a great athlete and I’m friends with your son Alex so the mom asked me for my address a week later I get this huge box like this big in the mail I get a little Marvel parody of pet Alonzo as a Marvel character Nam like polar bear Pete and then I got this oh sweet uh uh Jackie Robinson award but you know what’s weird about this bobblehead he looks like a zombie look how colored he is it looks a little weird yeah it looks like big meat be but the best thing about the package assigned baseball it says two whe best wishes K so big me Pete sent you a big package that’s awesome Yes or his parents can’t complain about that yeah that’s all the bobbleheads I brought down you can’t complain about all the bobbleheads I brought down if you guys I’ll talk to Tim about it maybe in a few weeks we’ll do a part two I maybe like 10 more bobbleheads yeah that’d be cool man but let me flip my camera around and I’ll field questions yes what questions let me restart all right there’s progress so far yeah see lucky Luke’s Katy get behind that place where I lay the helicopter there you go I also base jumped off that other building right yes I see you will ah okay so yeah I’m I’m ready to Fed questions about like whatever well so who do you get in the NBA Finals I thought we were talk bble heads you said anything I just yeah I’ll answer that real quick I got the Celtics winning it all oh that’s a that’s a that’s not a bad take it’s not a bad take man I think it hopefully if they do win the arguments with Tatum and Jas Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown splitting up hopefully people can shut up and not try and split those two up because they’re studs and then you you got Al Horford a good veteran uh porzingis has come back game four and then you have uh Drew holiday who’s killing it defensively great defensive player and then you got Derek white well I think everyone should just take a big group hug that’s right can we all just get along no no that’s just no whenever you say that um it makes me think of caretaker from long as can we just all get a goes further back than that but yeah goes back a long way that saying it all started with a brick Oh D but yeah I’m any questions about the bble heads or anything yeah so how many shot games g to let’s see will you you got it’s looking good for you man it’s five to zip in the bottom of the seventh for the Yankees good I probably went to over 60 plus nice so and have you you haven’t followed the Hornets your whole life because you’ve moved all around so it’s pretty much when you move there right I guess when I moved back yeah um I did season tickets a few years ago partial season I used to go to the giveaway games it was called pick 23 and I would go to 23 of the possible 42 home game choose which ones I went but the thing is the reason I stopped I did it for like two 3 years reason I stopped was every time near the end of me stopping before I stopped um the person I had as my representative left and um I was like okay so then I call and I say oh who’s my representative and then they assign me someone I get them for a year and then I re up and I call and I said hey I haven’t heard from X Y and Z whatever the person’s name was they said oh you didn’t hear I said what oh they moved to another state they took another job and I’m like they didn’t even email me or like message me about email me about any of this so I said oh okay I didn’t know same thing happened the following year and then I get a call like before last season and they said hey Mr vogo you previously have been with the Hornets uh partial season how’s your experience been I said it was good for the first few years and bad for the last and they’re like why you said it was fun I said cuz I I saw you from afar because I had other clients and you look like you had fun I said yeah I did except for they kept they didn’t keep me in the loop of who left when they did for my ticket representative so I said you know what they said would you and then they asked a stupid question said would you be interested in reuping and I said no I am not reuping because you guys do this PS up Josh yes oh I didn’t go to games last year I planed to go to more in the future do I ever will I ever reup probably not because I’ve lost so much faith in them because how they did me dirty nice Fair Point Fair yeah no like so does does Del Curry still do the call for the Hornets he does he does he does yeah yeah it’s cool it’s cool yeah it’s really cool I I went to his basketball camp years ago and then I met him at a Hornets game once I said do you remember me and I show him picture I don’t think he remembers Jack crap well he probably meets a lot of people too right yeah oh yeah now I heard yeah I’ve met a lot of players though yes you have yes you have especially when you went to the allar game yes when you went to the allstar game you killed it buddy you cleaned up dude I met my Conley capitalized Capital C capitalized on that opportunity oh yeah and I’ll I’ll I’ll go over who I’ve met uh eventually sometime but what are you going to do any more Minor League games this year any minor league baseball games yeah I think so because I pulled out some Le and Sosa cards I pulled out some um oh who did I just put a bunch of in the little area yeah I think I’m going to go to some soon for sure yeah cuz that seems funny and that’s one thing that I we only have a single a team here and it’s kind of different in Canada but I I single a team uh they’re called the the Mudcats and and basically um in Canada it’s only like one sort of league and then they go down to the US and then they play you know double a ball and so on and so on but you guys it was a Hornets speaking of hornets giveaways this was one also thing pretty cool yeah the s are awesome like I have a shirt that they gave away one night um it was um it was like NBA Jam two NBA players yeah it was pretty sweet yeah they they’ve done their shirt giveway if you want I’m gonna go get those shirts real quick I’ll be right back do that all right thats good do that that would be great so yeah what I was saying I was trying to answer that question so um we’re losing you we’re losing you there Ma yeah you guys in America are lucky with all your dou a triaa baseball teams we don’t have nearly the population to do that here yeah I don’t even know shoot I wish we we’re going to be having the population here but I hopefully we can upgrade our minor league team here in Boise the Boise Hawks hopefully they’ll they’ll get sponsored again they’re an unsponsored minor league team or whatever um so so so in other words they’re just hring money yeah the I mean it sucks to say but I the stadium is super old it’s almost like the story of like the the A’s right so the stadium Super old and nobody wants to put any money into it and it it just it’s just too bad you know what the problem is with that though that’s a that’s a Trope that you hear from a lot of the major league owners when they want to move a team like all your Stadium it’s a new fad I think it’s like they all want to of a team instead of just sitting there and building more history with the the fan base Tom brings up a great Point let’s get this in while Will’s doing this chat a little bit Yeah I said you want to go see the Savannah bananas that would be cool I agree 100% that would be so fun yeah I saw that they made it into uh one of the MLB Parks so that’d be cool yeah it’s it sucks man because like Grassroots baseball modern League Baseball is where it’s at for every like the Casual fan yeah they used to be spons like the bo Hawks used to be sponsored by the um I want to say the Mariners like way back in the day and then they were sponsored by the Cubs back in the day and I can’t remember who else it was a few different few other teams but it’s been a while see um the Mariners do have a a practice uh uh area or what do you call it it’s like a they have private coaches a training facility yes good good thank you they do have one here in uh Boise actually it’s Meridian it’s pretty much the same area I am the plum Smuggler I know things but yes so they they opened one here in town and so I’m super excited about that I think it’s been a couple years by now but I’m just now finding out that’s cool though yeah yeah so be fun like keep an eye on the uh theil and find out who’s coming down and then go down there and for autographs so I’m I’m hoping that they eventually pick up a minor league team here since we’re so close to Seattle I know they have the minor league team up there in bellw and all that kind of stuff but or wherever you know what I mean but uh still I do do but uh it would still be awesome I would always it’s it’s like getting my hopes up for the sonics coming back too who knows it’s it that seemed seems like it’s possible like my nordes or my Utah salties going happen you need a freaking logo eating a Saltine there see definitely let’s open up some packs here while we’re waiting for will yeah yeah let’s do uh here let me get me on the big screen here coming live in the couch that’s right here we go all right we got some 92 top Stadium Club series 3 we’re looking for the levita hting M walk let’s go yeah yeah and if you find that we have to we have to get like get him to sign it yes I I thought that was I saw Mike I was like oh could it be could it be levitating Mike wton we got Stanley not the mic I’m looking for that’s right all right here we go we get Jeff inis yeah not to be confused with his cousin that’s right John Audy got Dwayne Ward Billy foot penis look at out man that’s a great that’s a great looking picture there it is like just man he was a bad dude he was he was crazy and he hated people he was very mean to fans and stuff it’s awesome love that guy they try running him over with their car no you imagine annoying you would had to have been for them to do that though oh right that would be crazy the mustache of the month club yeah that guy definitely uh probinsky all right oh I found this I meant to show this last week I found this but I didn’t oh there we go we found some dick dick scoffield yeah we’re looking for the levitating Mike wton Will so while welcome back what are we looking for the levitating Mike wton the Mike watton’s like levitating off the ground what set is this 92 levitating Mike who wton I’ll send you a picture seen that card I’ll send you a picture later on here we go we got Gary Sheffield there nice yeah I got the rest of the bobbleheads by the way in the shirts sweet so once we’re done this we’ll we’ll show them for sure go we got Mike Mark parent yeah not to be confused with uh his brother Mike that’s right almost oh Nolan Ryan Members Choice Domin nice nice that’s awesome dominating let’s go that’s going to Maiden right no I already have one nice look at that that thing’s sweet choice yes hell yeah that thing’s awesome let’s see is there another card stuck to it there it is all right got Gil Heria Oh I thought you were gonna say about Gil remember Gil The Simpsons he always loses oh does he yeah a sale yeah and the club membership yeah leurs L farts yeah that’s what I used to call when I was a kid but L I was going to say it I was gonna say we got John Smiley he’s not smiling right there though never did look at that one who does not smile we got John Wetland throw that out he’s yeah that guy is a bad dude yeah like literally he’s not he’s like wonderand Franco level but with um the other side of it oh yeah you have to wash your hands after touch that good thing I got gloves on right there we go we got our old Rick Sone nice signing autographs that’s a cool signing some balls yeah right handling them when the guys banging you get a roll off him that’s right did you guys hear that next year is the last season of NBA on TNT yeah yeah well they weren’t they weren’t even going to renew it at the end of this year so I’m surprised we get another year I don’t know they asked Charles Barkley that he wouldn’t say hey Z it breaks my heart dude those are awesome I know right here you go Mike Stanley that happens so guys I don’t know if you know this but I subscribed to the mustache of the month club um with this wonderful 25 cent toy that comes with mustaches these are past yeah so it would see anyways very nice for for 50 cents you could have one of these wonderful wonderful mustaches use promo C the mo of the week sponsored by this wonderful toy so yeah nice the sunflowers the sunflower fields are getting ready to go let’s go nice awesome can’t wait for those sunflower lives those G be fun a those are my favorite part of the summer is the Rangers uh Florida game over I haven’t checked because I’m got my screens going here so so I okay I’m ready Tim whenever you are yeah on I just wanted to I meant to show like I said this is a giveaway shirt um these are also giveaway shirts I had one from the playoffs I don’t know where it is from a few years ago I I’m sad I don’t know where it is this says uh buz City alive that’s cool I like that one so they give them out at the door will yep right when you answer this one is our greatest nope no it isn’t um 30th Anniversary yep 30th Anniversary shirt nice that was cool um yeah logo nice the classic logo I’ll show you know what I’m going to do for a future episode I’m going to contact you Tim I’ll show my jersey collection that H yeah that’ be awesome um this 30th Anniversary shirt where it says like a bunch of different moments in Horrors history and their names nice oh that was cool very very small print you can see like different names um this one is Art commentator retired after like 30 years his name was um Steve Martin so my friend bought me this as a thing we both got matching shirts cuz we met him once at a hornet draft party really cool guy this one’s really cool it honors the 30th Anniversary team you got Gerald Wallace Baron Davis Al Jefferson Kendall Gil David Wesley Larry Johnson kembell Walker Mugsy Bo steale Curry and Alonzo Morning nice that’s nice Alonzo’s criminally freaking underrated in this hobby I I have a love hate relationship I totally I have a love hate relationship with Alonzo because when people ask him who did you like playing forth best he fa he favors the Miami Heat over the Hornets well yeah drafted the dude who drafted the dude yes you didn’t win a ring with us but who drafted you right yeah but he had to say that because he want to ring with them right so yeah this is the shirt of Som I have a modern day version it’s lamelo and Gordon Hayward for some reason I wish it was like lamelo and someone else but this is the one I got at a game it’s morning and Curry the NBA Jam nice I love that shirt that’s a cool shirt well yeah they did really well with that and then here’s the rest of the bobbleheads so like I said the commentator Steve Martin nice I love that let’s see I wonder if the volume will play you guys ready do it wait a minute are you kidding me did you guys hear that that’s awesome yeah yeah that’s awesome yeah so that’s really cool it play volume um Hugo The Hornet breast cancer awareness I like that one oh that was cool um as people know Steve Smith was a Carolina Panther so they did a Steve Smith coordinance kind of thing oh cool nice I like that I like mashups yep I do too some of you may may or may already not know I’m so mad I got rid of one to my friend cuz he wanted it and I’m so mad it was a Jeremy Lynn Hornets one and his hair looked like the dra it looked like Goku from um Dragon Ball I was so mad I got it oh nice that’s awesome I’m going to have to look for one eventually he got a raw deal bro oops Lance Stevenson go nice nice the LeBron yeah I remember when that happened I died laughing um when I tol at nights game lubob oh nice nice love it cool see that’s what you got to do to the rehab you know what I was thinking about going to next week I’m still undecided the sea Knights are hosting Johnny Damon for autographs I’m like oh I don’t know if I want to go I want to go though uh Dwight Howard with his small stint with the Hornets cup of coffee with the Hornets yeah D Howard was one of the best you know what and hakee alahan said it best he tried to make Dwight do like the um dream Shak and stuff when he when he got to Houston after Charlotte or or no before Charlotte hakeem’s right the guy’s unteachable he’s a chaos he’s like cancer in the locker room the guy’s kind of crazy nowadays Howard yeah he’s a little bit of weirdo another Mugsy boes nice yet in his warm up guy that played for the Raptors the Raptors elijan played for the Raptors elijan actually retired with the Raptors C they did a Cam Newton version yeah there you go nice maybe they actually had jerseys like this Buzz City jerseys the my friend had one the only thing I hated about it was the sleeves I thought if it was a sleeveless Jersey it was better and I agree with LeBron when he ripped those SLE off the sleeveless jerseys man I hated those things um this is probably one of my favorite underrated bobbleheads it’s kemell Walker in the black bus City Jersey yeah let’s go I actually have the same Jersey Kevin Walker’s awesome bro dude my favorite Horn of all time we better it’s retired the only number we retired was do you guys remember Bobby Phils yes when he got in that car accident we retired his number dude I want the Hornets to retire Mugsy boes Gerald Wallace AA okaf for because those are bobet um kembell Walker D Curry Alonzo Morning and um um Larry Johnson and a few grand yes but we only retire Bobby Phils it pisses me off I think more guys deserve their retired jersey my favorite Larry Rob and then we got Al Jefferson nice right on yep but my favorite Hornets jerseys everyone used to ask me man I love the old throwback teals with the stripes because I have the Dell Curry jersey of that but if like current Hornets my friend loves the purple cuz his favorite color is purple I’m teal I’m teal oh red on I’m teal by the way like yes I’m fineing with them we’re purple it’s better than our plain old whites but luckily the Hornets this year have brought back the Pinstripes which I like so yeah if anybody has any questions like you guys I’ve got time I know this show goes for a little while there’s a uh the Alonzo I like the Alonzo Morning yeah that yeah I wish they did a Larry Johnson one too they never did never did I’m try I’m trying to think if there’s some bobble heads I missed can’t remember we’re losing you maid your camera is slowly fading up yeah it’s freaking hot in here dude I bet no if you’re wondering what I’m doing I’m making Kool-Aid very nice oo what flavor grape of course I was going to say it looks like grape dude that sounds so good right now mhm nice well I guess uh I’ll show you what do you think yeah bro oh the squirties yeah I’m all about the squirts for sure yeah I like squirting too n n that earlier but kid I’m kidding wasn’t my favorite and then will gets tib stre taken down for everything no I’m kidding all right let’s see here but uh no I love bobbleheads they’re probably my favorite giveaway let’s do some more I’m just pissed because last year I went to Topps rip night at one of my lcss or in LCS they gave out shirts to everybody teenagers adults whatever they were all siiz small I’m like dude really Ma you have to send me a picture of the cardar Top Mountain this I kind of want to see it I will here we go we get all knob loock yeah he’s completely confused the old noblock you know what he’s looking for his chin he’s got a couple of them there I know I can’t find it Lynch we got Jody read there looks like he has to poop he does he’s running he’s ready for he’s like don’t get in my way get out of my way everybody yeah I got a poop there we go we got Daryl Kyle first name first name right yeah everybody loves two first names I do I think it’s the most annoying thing and there we go we got tiiny tiiny yeah I’m excited to go to that college baseball game tomorrow that should be fun I’ll do a short on it worst name for a pitcher ever right like Browski for a basketball player yeah yeah for real you know what Tim that would be an awesome PC if you started that oh the the horrible names for what they play yep Sergio Valdez for the expose oh known as Rusty tomato Rusty Tom got Jose Mesa he sucked he sucked this is brought to you by swag Channel your team no he did he was he he was not that good Tim naring I just hate that last name and the reason yeah oh now we should have had that last week bro right that would have been awesome to pull that that’s I love his must put that aside though because that we need to need that needs to be held on to for a future definitely and here we go we got Mark leer Mark Mark ligher his son’s in the major nice or is it outter kid oh yeah that is out lighter’s kid that’s his uh Uncle Marcus’s Uncle I think yeah because they used to call out lighter the blister a pain in the ass oh bck bck lighter here we go we got Patrick linen if you’re wondering why I’m sloped down in the chair it’s because I have a fan right here sitting no seriously it’s like 95 degrees n before I go I do want to hear a few more horn TOS of the horn oh you will trust me I’m just Bob Patterson just trying to cool off this m okay here we go we got old Bagwell sack toown memb Choice that’s a nice card yeah I liked Bagwell people thought didn’t he get cused of steroids no I don’t think so people thought he took it everybody everybody thought everybody did that time Eric Hillman because most of them did Ron Darling Ron Darling I don’t recognize him in that uniform I recognize him as a Mets yeah he was a met for a long time there you go there’s Mets for you speaking of New York teams what’s the score now oh yes uh let’s see here a billion to nothing hopefully oh it’s still let’s go who scored our run top of the E you know what else the rest of the MLB should walk watch out because Garrick Cole’s coming back soon yeah is he is he coming back soon he’s not going to be out all year really soon yes well I don’t know who scored all the runs but did you see I Tim are you sub to uh incur uh sorry say incar almost are you subscribed to Bar beur yeah we’re all subscribed to Barett okay I was going to say dude he went to the uh big dumper bobblehead giveaway and he gotten a thousand piece Funko sorry Funko giveway that’d be awesome I saw those at the beginning of the um year that they were giving those away and man it would have been so sweet to be able to go to one of those games are you far from the stadium am I far from the stadium it’s a it’s a decent Drive uh I don’t know how much it would cost to fly there but I think it’s like oh yeah you live in Boise yeah I live in Boise Idaho so it’s a it’s a bit of a drive I don’t know how much how long it would take me now one of my favorite golfers who we’re family friends with is from out there you probably may have heard of the name Troy Merritt I don’t know he’s from to Tim’s not good with names no I’m not what’s your name I’ll forget it don’t tell me what’s your name my name’s Tony that Tony yeah that’s right what’s your name my name’s Ezekiel eel I love these cards I forget whose rookies are in these we got main guys are in here right yeah I don’t know this is 1990 uh pre-rookie baseball cards yeah Premier that guy’s name Mark Merchant that’s a bad name he’s not happy about it either is it just me or does his face look like Mike trouts there it is you know do tette 1989 that is oh uh what’s uh what’s up with uh um blood pressure I’m joking uh God dang it the uh Blue Jays the uh they rumors that they’re going to trade away uh vlat and uh um yeah they’ve been saying they’re going to trade everybody for a while yeah they’re not going to did you hear about the girl who got hit by the Boba shef ball no yeah man 110 miles per hour in the forehead dude there’s like a big like bump right here yeah big old goose egg they’re making a I guess tops is making a card for like one of those uh now tops Now cards or something really yeah she’s got a a card with her big old goose egg sorry guys I just I shouldn’t ate the chili Tito Stewart he’s probably thinking the same thing I live I live next well not far from one of the club houses of the Outlaw motorcycle club we got a Dave varies notna say Dennis Carter he’s very confused yeah he is he’s like H how the hell did I get here which way did he go CH which way did he go there is Gary Cooper not the actor right for the Tucson Toros oh there we go Dave Justice I did not know he was in this that is awesome let’s go I’ll take that sweet heck yeah for the Richmond Braves go how many more packs of these do you have these are oh that was awesome um I still have like another box and a half I love these cards they’re so cool yeah those are awesome I didn’t know that was in there that’s sweet that’s uh oh of course look at the the back is all curled oh no well now you know what’s in there we got now you can go and look for it right now I got to hunt now I got to find another one that was cool we got Cliff young I think the next year’s one after that had Chipper Jones in it I think that sounds right this one’s got the same the same little I’m looking for uh another copy of the Chipper Jones meat sweats score graph Pi card he’s got his eye on you you better watch it I know Toledo Mud hands he’s got your name he’s like I got my eye on you he’s gonna buy me a right return there all right did we get a we got another Carter what was it uh Carter Dennis Carter yeah got Steve Carter and Dennis Carter oh my God it where’s Aaron Carter right I think he’s dead isn’t he yeah rest in peace we got Kelvin torve I don’t know why people name their ke kids kin I think they just misspell Kevin right or maybe they’re into hard hearing maybe they’re into boiled water and into kelvin’s love right what’s up DK what’s going on DK what’s up got Greg Mayberry he looks pissed he does that mustache and the unibrow does put him in the special Bill Buckner award category Tim you know the best is freaking Wally Moon and and Jeffrey Osborne he will hand you out free candy anytime you want I was gonna say cousins with Aussie we’ll see if we can’t find another something another uh justice in this one we’ll see we’ll come back I definitely want to come back in a few weeks for sure definitely we got Tom DOD what a name Tom do Tom DOD for the Calgary cannons yes yeah those uniforms are interesting I thought it was like the uh the camera company I know they all had little little like little manotas right andyan hell yeah he was in an MLB Andy mfan laagan nice oh Frank Thomas is in this that’d be cool know got Omaha Royal where’s old Mike Hinkle he was in the major I don’t know I don’t remember last name sounds Tom Hy my dad oh it’s upside down oh we got Pete Roberts picture why is he with a bat he’s confused he is very confused I love where the shadow is for for the pat straight down the old oh no no you got to put that aside that’s that’s certainly worth hanging I’ll put it I’ll put it with the looks like he’s hanging onto his wood he is straight out there double-handed double-handed wood action that’s right he’s tripod we got Randy Randy no for the Knoxville Blue Jays yeah Knoxville Tennessee Blue Jays what’s up double their double a team for a while who who jumped oh we got we got some old dick oh God that yes that has to be the PC guys named dick 89 cents 89 cent dick got 89er dicks oh God God Tim I think we need to do a few more packs after this okay we got Jeff Hoffman I don’t even care I’ve to be up at 510 tomorrow I work at 6: am. but I don’t care we just got him we just got this dude we just got this way oh there we go that’s that makes up for boy that’s that’s a face to come on focus on that one come on come on help me out here work with me camera creepy smile [Music] [Laughter] well I know where where I could find all the candy if you’re missing any that’s right in his van bill D that’s right Bill Dany there he is Sacramento wait no Scranton Wilkins bar Red Barons boy that’s right that’s her yeah is that where old Brando’s from that’s right that’s back when he was out back at the five right back the girls getting his hairs rubed up and down by the [Laughter] children there goes the stream we got Joe Redfield that feels not B Gib oh oh my God I need that card why red fieldb Gibbons oh Gibby CU he was a wait is that the guy used to manage the blue J yes here one moment please one moment please dude you have to hold that for Maiden now Tim here it’s in my hands well just one second sir I I’m holding it I will hold this okay don’t lose faith in me I’m coming I’m coming to the party here one second oh God it’s probably going to be the last buddy card in the [Music] stack come on yeah oh yeah no it’s second last card in the stack oh my God it is him it is yeah so I I could really use that actually for my blue jays PC there you go it’s yours man thanks buddy I’ll send it I’ll send it your way with the with the custom custom D cut Luke oh sweet that’s awesome I can custom die cut this for you too if you want no put that with the I want to put that with the bluej stuff that was a quick not I also have cedo Gaston’s Min leag card and his rookie card I thought I thought you me about a new disease you had or something uh no we’ll find out on Frid I’m sorry guys I have to go we’ll find out on Friday Tim at 11:20 Cog gastan will was coming for his revenge hey I just hope it’s Cog Gaston’s disease right God at least it’s not Pablo Chon dise here we go well we we open up some more of these for you will what time are we Mike York is looking at you like what the hell just happened damn it Bobby what time are we going till uh until we get annoyed yeah until died okay probably won’t be too much longer my sonon scrs my son’s banging on the wall he hates this horn so he’s probably no you have to keep doing it I don’t give a crap it’s uh quarter to 11 and he has to go to school in the morning at 7 a.m. so you have to do one more for me though I’ll I’ll sneak one in after just do has to be a quiet toot that’s what she said J was on her T they were plastic seats there we go old Jimmy for be Portland beavers that’s such a rip off of the St Louis car oh I love it William Brennan that name sounds familiar oh there you go sounds like tacos tacos are talking Chile actually we got Luis noo he played for the Blue Jays too did he yeah well there you go I’ll put that right back there there we got Roy silver for the red bird no gold no it was close Leroy gold was his cousin and we got old Tom Gamba that’s what he just did that’s why he’s smiling he’s like oh God you have no idea what I just did Dicky Scott what’s his name Dicky Scott oh God I haar people named Dicky he’s an infield coach not just any coach he coaches the infield that’s right yes oh there you go we got Don Gordon man look D you know look at that he’s like hey guys how you doing I’m here to play baseball it’s Ned Flanders it is Ned Flanders okay that needs to be put aside too why are you going to turn him into Ned Flanders all right here we go we got Andy Fox I think they’re 91 Alex these are 91 z uh 1990 90 okay yeah the Windy’s chilly you don’t eat that I’ve seen videos and there’s old Gary Thurman yeah he played baseball didn’t he yeah I want to say so the for a minute yeah your son’s going to kill you man there we are there it is there’s the pack 1990 pre-rookie baseball card that’s right I love these packs so much all right one more pack of these oh oh look at there look at that got old Dorne Taylor seriously though look at there man he’s styling right there he’s going to school right he’s got his pad and paper ready Ang there was that man from pcket right he’s trying to hold his fart looks like that’s not that’s not how the LI goes to no it isn’t NE out he’s carefully letting it out hopefully does Steve cumings oh God focus on Steve focus on Steve there we go and we got all Mike Dyer more Beaver action and we got Stan Huff or Hugh Stan Huff I think I think it was Charlie Huff’s youngest son oh Stanny boy here we go we got bronwell Patrick I think I might I might Alex I think I might send that for TTM he does bronze well and Mom do he bronzes well that’s right if he uses the right cream that’s right he knew his mom had the inside scoop SPF 80 got Mike Perez hey look I’m a big rid we got Brian GI look at that guy he needs they didn’t have a d play by looks damn it damn it bobie where’s my sister you put my hands on her again we got Lurch we got Lurch Anderson keep that one out too because I keep looking at that wi the long face keep that for maen yes we got Ray soft or soft yeah that’s why they fired you he’s too soft too soft okay hey guys how you doing hey him and Carl Anthony towns have something in common and we got Carl Ro yeah he was I was gonna Carl wait is that Carl Tuffy roads I don’t know I don’t know but he play out I do remember pulling him in the 91 Score series one with the white stupid graphic get every pack he got like 8,000 of his cards and we ended off with Mike yeah that was on Q Alex sometimes they get those are all right those are fun those are fun they are they are too well let’s see here uh let’s try to see if we can’t find we got time for a couple more packs yeah I do this is care I don’t care about work tomorrow I can get five hours of sleep I don’t care this is the circus and you’re the lead Barker is your is your still son still banging on the yes we must be so which makes it even funnier yeah here we go when’s uh younger when’s son gonna appear on the stream probably not for a while I try to get him but he doesn’t want to we do we get an elite yeah Kevin Morton hopefully there’s old Dave Justice there we go get another one nice you know he’s doing the Hokey pokei and shaking it all the B you know who PC no he doesn’t PC Justice never mind nice I used to PC Justice back in the day man he was big he was really big back in the day yeah they took steroids got even bigger right we got Stan Javier come on Stan there you go Stan not the man Javier that’s right we got Todd fror worthy you know what I love those cards for TTM though oh right they look so good he’s ready for it give it to him he looks like he’s dropping a deu he is like when you got Scott Bankhead how are you’re not surprised and Ruben Sierra speaking of steroids and Chris peny save that for TT J’s j j p on PC he sign he’ll sign anything send him five cards I’ll sign them all I’m serious and then and then yeah no like we’ll talk after seriously got Shane turn the me mundon I think was a minor league manager a little bit nice there we go we get a rated rookie Carlos Garcia can’t say I remember him though no Herby Good Old Kent herck I can’t call him Herby I’m sorry that’s her Brooks can’t call him Herby old David at all Canadians miracle and ice is the greatest hockey movie I’m kidding one of them Charles Naggy Nagy nag I’m hoping to find the uh um oh Junior’s uh autograph on this uh ripk oh thatd be Jr it’s in these packs hope at least find one still has to be at least one yeah floating around out there got Rod Karu puzzle piece got P oops that’s what he’s letting out right there out good old Ras M oops and Garder then we got all how Morris Kevin reamer that’s not what she said how you doing oh there you go Roberto Alamar I think you got accuse of sending a DPX around yeah Terry Pendleton I remember Terry nice was that back in that day was that with like uh like one of those Polaroids or something you had to shake it and then you got to give it away uh I don’t know the details but it wasn’t good well they took his number they took his number out of the sky so it was big it was big enough oh W oh hey that’s what she said not to him yeah John grunk I missed him on ESPN Jose Rio Jose R there you gos you want some D There He Go yeah Barry Jones Barry you know what we got to change that to Barry Barry because Barry’s always like cheering my Expos on and stuff there we go Barry Barry yeah oh yeah I know for real Barry that was awesome thanks buddy 50 c mustaches of the month club right here yeah we had high hopes for him but he fizzled out we got Juan baringer yeah he was good what’s up Dewey what’s up D got Darren d who I liked before the whole Mr Clean Dr dirt Fiasco and Don Russ 91 and we end this one off with Alex Fernandez great pitcher I don’t know I don’t know Alex maybe he’s in jail I don’t know something who Roberto Alamar they canceled him he was like one of the first ball players to get canceled oh crazy yeah having a hard time holding this chili in but you got some Hefty underwear man it was Prett good get the Tiel stri Airline grade Airline grade not made in China right no this this Steel’s made in Wisconsin it’s made with that good old cheese down there good American Steel buddy I thought that was in Pittsburgh no whatever you totally killed me you killed that did I’m pretty good about that oh sorry oh Lord that cheese is getting to me cheese and bear there we go cheese and bacon no I just tried have have a what’s the score now oh we got to check on the score let me see here no you don’t yes we do oh dang it well they try to they tried to come back three to seven final hey you beat us the last two games so we did I was Sur I was actually surprised that we did that yeah I was too I was like gosh Dar we’re losing wa you you came back no again we was three to seven so I was hoping for another comeback another Seattle comeback you you damn serious what are you talking about man the last two games they did a pretty Dam good comeback let’s see there still last time I checked there’s still three games ahead o yes so Mariners are still in first but three and a half games of the Ranger ahead of the Rangers what the heck is that yes does it it get stuck in there yeah his head was stuck inside the hord oh that’s awesome now squeeze it now squeeze the horn squeeze the horn works yeah nice yes no it’s not working hold on I’ll I’ll up we going to move the F hold on so looks like Yankees are still uh they’re two and a half games ahead of the Orioles right now be quiet oh I won’t even tell you where the blue dang well at least it’s not as bad as white socks at least the Blue Jays aren’t as bad as white sock sorry Tom what’s the Red Sox record socks uh 26 and 24 there’s seven games behind the Yankees good I know de went on a home run streak for six games or something I’m glad that Mariners are extending the lead Over Texas so that’s helpful for later on when they start losing yeah don’t worry it’s coming oh I know that’s why that’s why I don’t get my hopes up this early yet oh I’m already getting ready to shut her down for the year oh I would no I’m pretty much ready to pack it in pack it up pack it in let me begin you know if I didn’t have a real mustache I could actually like put this on so what I’m gonna do is I’m going to use it as one of those it’s GNA be like a 3D Relic oh there you go does it can you wrap it on Rodman like a skirt he’s already worn a skirt Tim no it’s like on his face put it on his face back backing in around there you go matches his hair yes yes so look it’s like a goose there Rodman and Goose combined I know well see what we should do is combine this with the goose and we’ll like do like a 3D thing where you cut out part of make it like a mustache Relic out yes yes that’ be awesome no seriously that’s what we need to do 3D mustache yes this needs to happen has shadow box we have must stash boxes sir yes George Guardians are uh doing pretty good too no one cares about the Guardians well George does because he’s you know sorry George I love you and I Love Trains but yeah Royals are game and a half behind the Guardians so you guys still have a little bit of room it’s not I Love Trains though I do love it’s a it’s a building it’s a rebuild year isn’t it it’s every year for the white sock is a rebuild year are they are they going to be staying in in Chicago or are they going to be moving out of town no move them to freaking Montreal make them the Expos again they’re are you serious yeah right I do I do do you realize that the white socks are one of the oldest franchises in the major leagues they are one of the oldest they’ve been around since the like even before the 1900s yeah they’re not going anywhere man well I mean if they move from Chicago they’ve been talking about it like because they want ra need to move out of that crappy Stadium I thought there was talk of them building a new one in that same area but nobody goes nobody goes that’s the problem it’s Florida no expensive man they want to go to the beach and a couple hundred bucks to go see a game dang excuse me it’s not worth it I don’t think it’d be worth it when it cost that much per year to see him on the TV exactly so but then you but then you live in the blackout area like I can’t watch Seattle games if I pay for uh the MLB TV or whatever like that I’m a blackout area so they think I close enough to go see home game it’s weird Y no they hate they hate you they do well that was fun do do one more uh little there okay hold on you had me on my Kool-Aid uh oh got you with the yes yes Tom I’ll definitely need to get a VPN that would be awesome closest thing I could do right now with the Mariners game is listen it to it on the radio or on Seattle sports or something like that whatever it’s called but yeah cool awesome guys thank you so much will I appreciate you coming by we’ll have yes I appreciate you all the time for sure man for sure it was fun very sorry Barry you were late I will uh we’ll have to do some again next time yeah for sure Barry’s awesome cheers all you guys in the chat thanks for hanging out with us man thanks everybody we’ll see you next time and on Sunday as well yes don’t forget 9 Eastern be there on Sunday when when’s yours uh will I don’t know when I’m going live next just whenever whenever will goes live see him next time too yeah doesn’t care he just goes live when he wants all right y’all see you guys have a great night adios adios amigos

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