The Sabotage Golf Challenge

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[Music] you guys made a huge mistake [Music] here I’m just not actually sure what I was thinking with 10 shots all right this may be a little tougher than I thought it was going to be guys welcome to the sabotage golf Challenge and welcome back to day 27 I have a special video today Jacob behind the camera and my brother Josiah their whole goal today is to get me to shoot more than 10 overpar if I do that they win if I shoot 10 or better I win the way this is going to work is very simple they get to pick every single Club I hit throughout this nine holes there’s only one caveat I cannot hit putter off the te and the second one is I can’t hit the same club twice on a single hole so every hole it resets and my goal is to shoot 10 over or better I mean I have I’ve I’ve thought of the worst I think and I still think I can get close to shooting 10 over part it’s basically B you off are you sure about that first to par five I mean it’s got to be a wedge got to be a wedge thinging we want him to get at least over the water right what do you have like a 50 what what are your W 50 54 58 50 5458 I’m not telling you how far they go I know how far they go cuz I shot the 10 videos that we shot on how far they go so let’s go with a let’s go with a 54 I want it to be I want it to be close all right clean those grooves oh I’m not I’m not grooving it this is this is going to be hard but I’m always up for a challenge Fairway and regulation F I’m off to a hot start here you guys might be in trouble well we’re fixing to throw some serious shade at this man okay all right it’s uh 500 yd so he hit that probably 150 maybe we’re going to throw another wedge out you know what you think yeah I mean I think this is where we give him the 58 y see what he can do with that you already know what’s coming yeah enjoy that I knew it he a 58 I think I have like 300 yards my my real question here is like how like if I blade this I can probably get 175 out of it which is pretty good I just don’t need to get too close to the green which that shouldn’t even be my concern here with 58° I mean that was a strike as much as I wanted to but the good thing is they’ve taken they’ve uh they’re taking the high clubs out of the B so it can only get better from here so how far we we got to make it till he doesn’t get there or and he comes up short and then we give him driver I think he just put the driver easy though what do you think you’re speaking my language right now I think I think I would love to see him hit driver from here okay I mean absolute best club you could possibly give me good let’s see it though I’m reverse psycholog I don’t you’re yeah I don’t feel confident you’re going to hit that well so 213 yards listen this goes on the green somehow and that’s a guarant that’s an automatic p no bu is looking pretty massive if that touches the green with your putter in your hand it’s not a guaranteed part so let alone if we’re going to give you a a non iron to putt with you guys made a huge mistake here see it still didn’t even get there fogle’s real even from the Fairway with a driver a double is definitely going to happen oh double is in play for sure triple is even in play right now dang it all right I’m you know now the goal is just to make bogey I don’t know what club I’m going to have but if I can average bogey per okay two iron that’s great that’s you guys are giving me great clubs I’m I’m not sure if you’re on my team or not well considering that you hit your driver from 220 up here and you still have over 100 yards in I’d say we’re doing pretty good oh this is this is a way better option than the last one though oh yeah get in that bunker get in there what supposed to go left the yes sir hey triple in play well I know what’s coming up next probably either a three-wood or a four it might take me a couple holes to calibrate here but I’m still feeling very good that’s fine we just need a couple triples we’ll be fine and you’re not getting no triple so all right what are you going to make C with two n iron this is this is where I this I’m going tell you I can’t be hitting in bunkers because I’m going to tell you right now you’re either not getting out or it’s going over the green and if the problem is if I just try to run it up this it’s going to go straight up and come back down in so it’s almost like I need to go like left or right or I can try something special here get off the back of the green so far the sabotage is sabotaging and I am I’m chipping for par now so this is for bogey the par fivs are trust believe it or not they’re actually going to be the hardest [Music] clubs 10 over on one hole I swear we may put a little snowman down right here they have given me a nine iron now which is they’re kind of running out of options here on this hole so this is kind of to be expected um for double boy right [Music] here okay that’s pretty good yeah we’ll give you that one for triple all right three over after one hole I have seven strokes to play with a the hole number two I I three over after one hole all right this may be a little tougher than I thought it was going to be that’s kind of typical me though I I have I always have a lot of confidence in whatever I’m doing [Music] how do we feel after the first hole here I I think we got this in the bag Rock oh yeah after one hole I say we spice it up on him don’t give him what he thinks another don’t give him a wedge yet right yeah let’s give him like a nine or an eight give him somewh of a chance give him like this false sense of security mhm and then just absolutely demolish it yeah pull the rug out everything looking at him standing up here all smugged that’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him at three over par your Club okay nine iron that’s kind of surprising what are you feeling bad for me or something all right I’m I’m going to lock in here that’s going to be a close one might have just played it’s only like 140 but it was into the wind I was actually I was trying to hit that in the equator and uh i i c it actually really like clean and spinning this was the one hole I need I was like I really need to make a pil this hole cuz it’s short what did I get into no this is this worked out great I mean I cleared I not losing a ball huge Advantage all right hitting two iron from stick from 140 I just got to stay out of that bunker all I got to do is just make sure and stay left oh that’s in the bunker man it’s hard to hit it’s hard to hit a a two iron from 140 yards I’m just maybe I’m not that talented I’m not that guy strategy was all wrong there he should have opened it up did just like a mega slice flop this is an UPS slope out of a bunker I am unconcerned maybe not that’s what I would do the big stick all right Mr unconcerned I’m here too all I got to do I just need to get this on the room oh yeah we’ll we’ll take a drop from back there oh my gosh trying I was just trying to chunk it like I was just trying to chunk it as hard as I could and I guess because of all this bounce on this driver it just won’t let it go in the sand might be dropping and hitting four all right did I mention that if I reach 10 overp par before nine holes the video ends so so this video basically could be over in the next hole no I’m still I’m still feel this I mean I I’m not going to lie this is a really hard kind of stupid challenge but I’ve also hit it in the absolute worst spots you can possibly think of this is basically just a challenge so you know that you can still have fun and shoot way over par yeah for all you guys who actually shoot over par I’m just kidding enjoy that five wood again again you know what I’m going to try a little slingshot method here oh yeah I I just I had this picture in my head of like it skipping across the bunker and then slingshotting out what shot am I hitting I hit three I hit four this is for five I’m just not actually sure what I was thinking with 10 shots four iron I’m I’m [Music] humbled oh that was actually Saucy all right sometimes that can be hard it might the wedge Go I mean if you would have hit it Go triple triple triple triple looking like a week in go it only works all right I’m 6 over after two holes and uh we’re on to the next hole my goal is now to Simply make a par because I want to extend this as long as possible need to start hitting just a little more you got to be creative and uh so far my creativity has been uh has been [Music] lacking all right so it up a little bit okay normally on this hole if you remember back Grant Matt what were you too scared to hit on this hole cuz it gets a little narrow the driver so after I hit all those crazy shots and now I got to try to hit a real shot cuz 300 that bunker comes into play you don’t have to tell me I know this hole can you hit a 300 T oh yeah get all the way out get all the way out I knew that was coming soon as you hit that swipe I knew that was coming bro as hard as possible I mean I I’m just all discombobulated right now I’m so uncalibrated strategy is just like absolutely it’s working to a te I mean it’s been a long time since i’ done something like this and uh I mean this I’m messed up right now in a in a way that I didn’t even know was physically possible I feel like I feel like a pretzel like I feel like I am circling the drain of a toilet right now as far as as far as like in my brain of like what is actually happening cuz this is the most like nonre golf that I’ve played in a long time and yeah things are not looking good for me I’ve hit my third shot from like 200 yards there’s no shot that I get this there with this wind I’m I seriously like had a mental glitch back there not just hitting a real drive cuz I like why when do I ever try to feather a drive like that that was so stupid hitting my third shot good birdie look from 70 okay I think I’m on the right side of the green yeah yeah that would have been 180 y to the right side of the green it’s downwind I can make a bogey here okay you can give him whatever you want I trust what you got I feel like any club’s going to be good yeah just grab two or three of them cuz you never know give him his putter for off the green and then give him a wedge for once he gets off the green I’ve made some bad decisions okay and uh I’ve also made some bad decisions today on the golf course um but we’re [Music] here that right there is a real case of Fogo in real life I got a I love putting with a wedge this is not the problem okay that was four this is for five triple triple double that is uh 36 I am now eight over par oh my gosh after we just got to keep you under triple for this next hole so we can get after three holes yeah okay technically I can I I mean there is no there is still a chance that I can still beat this challenge no yes there is it’s like static basically it’s obviously not it’s not very it’s not a very good chance but I haven’t made a 10 over yet and I’m progressing as of right now no we took it easy on this hole cuz we need to get to SP you’re not going to beat this challenge we took it [Music] easy yeah I don’t know where he thinks he’s going we got to put that in reverse bring it back up here his strategy is going to be hit up to the women’s keys unzip and then go go over it’s not looking good for me I’m be honest it’s 350 I kind of just want to make him send it again let’s make it entertaining you got one shot of theeg yeah we’ll give you a Redemption chance for the last hole see if he knows how to hit a driver this is my opportunity I’m going to go right at it try to hit it right at that middle bunker well he did it that’s what we wanted on the last hole hey it’s a little bit short and I’m confused why I didn’t do that on the last hole but I thought it was going to be pretty difficult to hit a real shot after hitting all this whatever whatever whatever you want to call it that I’ve been doing it’s sure heck is is it go it’s probably satisfying for a lot of people though because this is like this is like a 20 handicap this is what people think you are what club would you not want from right here 58° okay even worse we got a putter hey this is my best chance of making a par right here if I can get it on the green then I do then I believe that I can I can make [Music] par oh sit sit sit sit sit I literally have a birdie PT two iron to putt let this could buy me a bunch of time here trains out right there I made a par and you did you did let me hit drive off tea which is surprising but it was a really hard driving hole from there you know thank you guys for your generosity but I don’t see that happening much more cuz if I actually start to do good you guys are going to like pin me down oh I’m want to pin you downin down dude would oh no yeah I’m going elevated here I I knew they were going to make me pick this club 140 yards par three driver in hand and it’s into the wind so I’m going I’m trying to go elevated just a nice square face and just pop it [Music] up I thought that had a chance it looks so good I know I am close to the green so maybe there’s a a little twing of hope for me to make par I don’t even know where my ball is oh my gosh is it in the bunker oh please I mean I don’t I don’t I I don’t know anybody who knows how to hit this golf shot I’m going to what I’m going to try to do is put Top Spin on it and Tomah Hawk it I just hit it harder like what what’s the problem of being long K couldn’t be shouldn’t be too hard of myself though it’s not like I ever practice that shot you can’t hit that oh yeah get that idea triar Oh I thought you made it Hy wouldn’t to be too bad I’m I’m seven over uh eight I’m eight over so if you miss this this gives us the 10 wait so this keeps me alive if you make this it keeps you alive if I miss it I’m done well technically you have to hit a l oh yeah yeah if I miss this it’s going to put me in a a really tough place it’s a position I don’t typically like to be in oh take he could be 11 right here hope you guys [Music] [Laughter] enjoy got to get it in the hole kid okay we go I lost it [Music]


  1. Watched it all and gave you a 'like' to help your channel, but I really don't care for GG stuff (wheels). Now I watch you, George, and Grant because I want to watch real golfers pursuing their goals.

  2. Good to see you are able to embrace the negativity and have fun with it…….Big step in the right direction for the mindset you need in tournaments

  3. Tig ? What were you thinking brother ? When you were still with GG , you know your worst challenge were "wheel of NOT ideal" ! Lol

  4. The idea has promise but needs more rules. Set 3 clubs per distance range. Make it realistic but also challenge your creativity. 150yds they can pick a PW, 9, or 8. Type idea

  5. Loving these 30 videos in 30 days, Tig!!Josiah must've inherited a lil' golf creativity from Garrett's side of the family. Talking about opening up the face & flopping a 2 iron, & feathering a cut drive to take some distance off – those are some Garrett Clark type shots right there! Can't wait to see you & Josiah play your match against each other, should be an incredible video!!

  6. Play a game where you play with a Sunday bag and tell us how to play between clubs. I’m thinking 5 clubs including your putter. Might be fun!

  7. You’re my favorite golfer to watch man! It’s cool to me that you started at 15! I started 2 years ago and am trying to improve! Awesome example brother, ignore the haters.

  8. Great video. You handed them the phone and boy o boy…did they dial your number!!!
    Thanks so much….Enjoying the content.

  9. And this exactly why guys like you, pause king, dod, etc. will never be pga guys. Stay a you tuber make your money there and don’t waste time or talent on legitimate golf. Very disappointing. 🏌🏿‍♂️⛳️😎🇺🇸🐊

  10. “I always have a lot of confidence in whatever I am doing.” We know Tig, we know. Some might say it is misplaced or overly inflated confidence. But sure, what you said…

  11. Me and my buddies used to play a game like this on the course. The rules were: mandatory driver off the deck from the women's tee box, the others choose all your clubs until you're on the green, and when on the green you can use your putter but you have to put with your eyes closed and head up. It was a great way to practice touch.

  12. “For you guys that actually shoot over par”…he wasn’t kidding. This is the Tig I used to see in the podcasts with Good Good. When he is embarrassed, he goes after somebody else. I know this was for fun, and it was, but man Tig, you sounded kinda pompous throughout it. I don’t think you mean to, but it certainly sounds bad. If a guy in the group acts like this and says the things you do, nobody roots for him.

  13. This was really fun to see and something you can tweak for another video later. Consider having 1 wild card (club of your choice) per hole.

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