Golf Players

This Kicked Off BIG TIME ! πŸ˜‚ (One Of The Best!) | Tubes & Todd Clements VS Ange & Olivia Cowan

This is one of the best videos we’ve ever done ! Olivia Cowan and Todd Clements what a couple ! Also a very competitive couple πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Olivia and Ange v Todd and Tubes at the home of golf life Foxhills … This is Brothers v Lovers. It’s a must watch !

Golf life ❀️

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welcome back to the channel welcome back to a new video you golf life Legends this is the one absolutely buzzing for this it’s Brothers versus [Laughter] lovers I can’t wait we’re here at the home of goly Fox Hills and it’s going to be myself and Todd versus big an and Olivia Brothers out of it LS are we going to do that Tik Tok thing right off camera they already started going I was going to say you two are the most competitive people going aren’t you the lovers are highly yeah yeah this is a big day don’t it’s been going on for about 4 days it’s like yeah I’m very excited I got close to sleep on the couch last night right Megan what’s the rules what are we doing I tell you what we did it a few weeks back and really enjoyed it so basically it’s all turn it shot after the drive but the amateur has to take at least four drives so me and P they have to use four out the at the night yeah nine holes nine holes yeah Liv you were talking about shots and you were like shots well if we’re playing off the same te’s yes what do you mean unless I hit it and I can kick my ball 50 yards further up then fine but otherwise I get shots no yes what no yes we play with shots if we’re off the same teas stop try the rules ches and a have got have four drives so it doesn’t really matter I’m I’m yeah see just fine with it got a problem with me works well if anything so that’s SED then you can go off the backs all right go the of us same shots so you backs off the blues done massive there’s no ex hell fresh sponsoring this video we’ll tell you more about those Legends a bit later come on the golf life Brothers versus lovers [Music] buzzing come on Partner it’s annoying isn’t it feel I was a bit heavy Jesus yeah I’ll do it that’s my partner boys and girls that’s my lover oh to us it’s roasty is it sling forward look it’s all one t one don’t get too excited come on chubsy yes Live come on them the lovers have literally come to play this is unbelievable part any point going well you have to take four of your drive yes I know I know I didn’t see an down the range did you cuz he want it that’s what I’m saying I’m questioning that does he want it enough I think he does you hope he does oh I’m a bit nervous that’s the first time that’s happened in a long time I don’t want to let you down Live Well I’m already on the Fairway so you can’t oh there we go sweet just as way on The Fairway that was never going to go well I had about a million thoughts in my head big big players big games chy tell you what this new cob Rivers is working really well he’s eitting it straight never misses a fairway at the moment do you bro I’ll try something oh should leave you two to oh it’s all right partner it’s all right we move I was absolutely smashing it in the uh driving 55 Ys we’re doing prer Li 55 yards y anywhere just left of it mate 55 yeah what have you got go 58 I reckon a little chippy 54 mate really yeah yeah I I wouldn’t trust that either CH well just do what you would normally do come on what do you feel most confident with chippy 54 yeah just you don’t need just a nice chippy one front edge just land on the front edge of the green you know like you’re talking about the little balls back yeah just put a couple back and just chip down there partner oh look at’s face yes yes my head’s spinning out here come on what why are you stressing out I don’t know why I’m nervous I don’t know why I’m nervous it’s a casual game I don’t want to just don’t worry about it I don’t care about letting Pete down I don’t want to let you down no no no don’t worry about that why are you so nice to anch you don’t say that to me yeah it’s it’s all right SP hour I can chip in I’m nervous I need to get I need to forget it just this could be this is a Triumph this I’m telling you might need to go in live that’s fine oh mind that that’s going to work that could go in oh wow great nice great shot got away with that got away with that a little bit of a hole misses this I think it him we one I think they call it dead sheep P still you not even brought you Potter no I have full confidence in my partner in me or my your partner in my partner as in my golf partner you might not be my partner after [Laughter] today that could be the title of the video you may not be my partner after this video would you reckon that come on chub you got to get involved manate I’m just thinking of the birdie dance to I’m not going to lie little little right Edge I think so just a little bit I can yeah that’s where I it yeah just um before you hit this part yeah just think about our relationship here this part’s worth it it’s important this part’s worth it [Applause] yes one up come on he’s roll love go life Olivia is loving it look oh you’re going to lose a a girlfriend and I’m going to lose a friend Double Wear me yeah but what you playing here I’ve got 200 yards yeah back pin little bit downhill it’s a nice on that silver birch a little drawer that’s that’s the plan tubsy love that up thanks yeah that’s all right oh that’s laser beam that unbelievable fancy that incy that in go on go oh my God what a shot come on look at look at the focus nice strike sh right it’s okay yeah all try to come around with it oh nice strike oh the path unlucky good strike though we got to think here that’s what I’m thinking do you think if we your short game as you proved against Jimmy the other week is absolutely mustered is I mean look I’m just making sure you’re making the right decision here you know we get up and down yeah you’ve stuck next to the P exactly we we get one I like this format a lot or do you want to take mine try and make it and then and then they you can discuss exactly you you I let you’re Captain you decide all right let’s get out there have a little butchers all right and see what see what we think all right yeah cuz we are hungry for success and talking about hungry Tak noons for this video hellofresh look at that for a link this is hellofresh and they’ve got a double double decent offer for you you golf life Legends get 60% off your first box 20% off the next two months plus threee desserts for Life scan the QR code or the link is in the description and use code golf life if like myself and big Angel The Legend who are desperately trying to get down to single figures and don’t have time for buying ingredients or preparing meals trust me we need all the practice we can get don’t you worry hellofresh Have you covered it’s simple get yourself on the website pick the you want and the hellofresh massiff will send all the ingredients straight to your door I’m knocking up the Tha green curry which I’m finding a lot easier as hellofresh send you step-by-step instructions for each meal perfect hellofresh is also incredibly flexible so if you want to go on a golfing holiday or any holiday but I think we all agree golfing holidays are the best holidays you can pause or cancel your order at any time so get on it your golf life Legends you use the QR code or hit the link in the description below and use the code golf life right back to the golf come on right come on live I’m confident second you need to be a little bit more confident I know I know do you know what a lot of the GOL life Legends say I’m quite negative as a golfer used to be but when it crept in I can’t lose it can’t lose it but every time I play with you you play great I do what I should have gone to the range I didn’t go to the range i setting up camera again no excuses I’m not making excuses it’s fine but I will the range this time you not before no every video we’ve done I have not gone to the range the wasn’t it yeah I didn’t go to the range and it was shocking I mean I didn’t do much on the Range this time but at least I hit a few balls it’s just the warming up isn’t it yeah I’m getting older come on it’s fine third ho we’ll have him I’m turning up like I said you let him win the first the confidence is High full sense of security and then they just crash and burn if what’s our game plan you’re going to say to TI I’m actually generally going to leave you if it starts getting too silly yeah like whole five if it’s like officially I will say like you will I will kick you out give me the keys yeah you’re in the garage the car keys you can make your own way somewhere get them stay stay at Fox Hills for the night I would mind that I’ll take that come [Music] on just remember you’ve got to take four of your shots right yeah the last one was in the bush this one’s actually playable thank you Liv fully aware of my where my last two shots have gone thank you uh we’ got to go for it I mean look at Liv’s shot that is that is exceptional so we’ve got we got to hold it so me and TOD had a chat the poter is out what a partner and apparently we’re not doing gimmies this is how this game is apparently look we want birdie dances and also live the golf life Legends don’t like gimmies yeah that we’ve had loads saying like what are you doing it’s not that’s not go put it in the hole so that’s what we’re doing there you go thanks golf life Legends you got us out of [Laughter] one honestly you actually taking honestly come on oh I cannot believe that what a part by the way this is so good have your tea marker [Laughter] rat oh nice very well done come on I did not see that going I’m not going to lie I didn’t either I thought we had that one easily [Music] you just said off camera bigan and live you didn’t actually birdie dance no no so welcome to if you yeah more than welcome to now if you want we’re focusing no you’re all right thanks what’s wrong I’ll leave it for the real ones you know ones where we beat you Jesus Christ he some boy or your boy is he I’m starting to doubt actually we getting chy about now I didn’t say anything great shot thanks what what have you got here Liv it hasn’t started yet but I can start the nickname me live you never call me live could be worse be Ollie she hates it all her makes back home call it Ollie Ollie yeah she hates it really yeah without without stating the obvious why it’s a bloke name yeah yeah what they implying you’re a bloke what’s what’s that’s what I’m saying where’s where’s the link you’re supposed to be on the same team that’s what I understand it’s but it’s like the Germany like Olivia a lot of people call you olle as a nickname oh so instead of Liv in England it be ol the abbreviation I hate it okay all right I won’t be calling you that then no play well Ollie don’t listen come on nice great Drive yeah nice mate it’s lovely all right let’s get one in play so good so good that’s she does it every time you practice together I know we have yeah we do we practice we practice together yeah do our own do our own thing yeah but like we practice together yeah and you like critique each other’s games not like taking the me as night I think you could do that yeah I think more does it with me yeah Olivia hasn’t really had a coach for a long time so like she might ask like what do you think or you know like give her a few pointers and yeah like last week I was hitting it so bad yeah I had to ask him for some tips on the Range so he was giving me a little lesson L that yeah which just yeah is really cool like and I think like we’re really lucky to be you know do the same thing both in it and passionate about it so great people great partnership love you guys oh he’s hit that come out hit it hit it hit something not sure it’s your moment tubsy oh stay out stay out get him oh you lucky unbelievable of course it stayed out what stop how good is this how good is this they they’re rattled Jesus they are I think that I think that’s four Panic mod for them mate I’ve been buzzing for this match for absolutely aging ever since you mentioned it I thought this this is this is go and in our WhatsApp group we’ve got it’s been going off especially this morning 8: a.m. it’s all kicking off unbelievable when didd you go back out tour mate um yeah I’m going Us open qualifying at won Heath on Mon May the 20th yeah Monday and then from there straight into Belgium so yeah I feel like from when the last come on man got a new kind of coach on board so I feel like been seeing him a bit more has really helped my game um so yeah I’m actually really excited absolutely and a load of people after uh the video did with Jimmy I mean the love you got in the comment section was unbelievable um where can people follow you to follow your journey cuz they all saying I want to follow this guy’s Journey we know him we love him yeah it’s Instagram you got your Instagram so like obviously I use mainly Instagram you fair just my name Todd Clem golf golf so know it’s been really lucky um and you know the more people on my journey and support means so much to me get involved Todd Clem golf legend my partner let’s go let’s go that’s my own fault you should be punished that’s why so it’s ground under repair so we move it out don’t we I get it I got it got it I got it there you go come you knew you were playing with me that’s why you bought your black shoes you get dirt picking me bow out well drop it here nah go to the woods grow under repair Woods grow under repair yeah the woods aren’t yeah look it goes in there way none of that bull no no no not having it there she comes I’m not having that the other way the other way all right yeah the the whole part of the woods is not under repair oh is that the actual look how far you got yeah you can’t oh okay you go you go to the closest point even though it’s not favorite it’s that one little section don’t they say uh tubsy they’re trying to they say happy wife happy life it was here so what you want you want to drop it here yeah okay all right cuz that is what a rules official would tell you to do all right can you just WIP that for us try absolutely felt better of you boys actually yeah huh I thought we were playing an honest game I feel better of you I mean not angry I’m not angry just I’m disappointed it’s roped off and I thought that’s where I got to drop it that’s all what club do you want part how far have we got roughly tubsy calls himself a professional golfer doesn’t even know the rules have no idea or does SU that isn’t it wait you got your thing do that on tour isour he do it to his own girlfriend I know no that’s even worse that’s Dreadful I just need a five relationship like trust loyalty loyalty yes none of that right now that’s going out the window is it what what ah we just Ching about shot just yeah okay yeah yeah game plan what are we actually going to do about not a clue let’s see where he goes with this yeah long right what an effort what an effort not bad not bad that was absolutely stupendous you get gooda when if you don’t want him I have him I would think of going through that little Gap but is Tiny so there’s two options if we go out there that’s the safest play a bunker there or there BOS line/ Olivia line there that’s a sevy line imagine that I’d like to watch it if I wasn’t playing against Todds no no no I’m I’m with you I’m with you yeah I think we need to go that way I think that’s Yeah so basically at your drive yeah yeah your driving ball all right oh that’s good good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good May playing golf not Cricket come on come on I don’t like Cricket I love should have a shot there this is yeah that’s fine I’ve seen tub this could go from a friendly game to an annihilation could be good hit the back hit the back roll out nice shot shot that’s way short sorry don’t ever say sorry to me all I’ve done is it been a hindrance so far no you haven’t a good chat though aren’t we we have we’re enjoying ourselves but Todd earlier you said hit 54 and I hit 54 and it went straight next to the uh pin but I’ve got 58 here what would you say yeah I think you need to hit B 58 yeah and you can be quite positive with that lie bit more Loft to get out the rough okay just be yeah and just be positive try and like feel like you’re going to just land it straight in the hole Yeah nice take that got a chance got a chance chances go in go that’s good me that’s fine how many was that for you two you got two for the win what look at that one joh use your wedge you can’t be serious Angie toally don’t care mate you can have it he missed it that’s why you never give G two up two up and I’m absolutely loving this video as you can probably tell by the big smile on my boat race oh what a [Music] [Music] game you just you know what the green is go up and over serious you can yeah I need to see this Todd Todds ask for yardage all should move this uh yeah I’m crying Tod Clemens going for the green oh it’s going to be in there somewhere I don’t know that’s got chance to get through the other side you know how wish was it over the bunker again 370 oh that’s tight what are you two up to by the way Tod they’re up to something oh they’ve done me there they just they’ve done me there haven’t they how far is it 270 to the bunker when you for the green I was like what did they tell you 170 over the bunker look at you rat I’ve got tears in my eyes I was looking at to be fair I we can’t do that she was like no yeah probably should look to that yeah Wonder great be in the wood I love how he was like go for the green then you was like I was only around the corner yeah I’ll go for the green okay how much was it Siri 22245 I remember that to be fair when I said it I was like it was such a ridiculous yardage I thought you were just going to go off oh is it going to sit sit sit yeah it’s fine good shot sit yeah nice ohce hit it oh oh unlucky so it’s on the other side it’s on the other Fairway stay come back back yeah there we go short but out there we go chubs I’m going for it so we’ve taken my ball which is an absolutely awful shot which I’m a little bit gued about cuz I’ve been driving well recently but you are I’m going for it going for the green high cut over the trees Scotty can we just show the golf life Legends I’ve got put it up one my partners toddy see is atton look at the trees come on Jesus Christ that is oh did it I don’t know it’s got to be close though a it um so we got my drive mate uh obviously put your your Prov down but yeah we got my drive get up get up get up oh nice shot yes you are a legend what a shot get get you go get bit nearer to it yeah that’s it grip down grip down the club that’s it grip as far down the grip as you can go yeah and it’s just full Swip page yes well out oh we’re out great shot not very far but we’re out great shot come on so hang on that’s they’re pting for birdie aren’t they yeah nice nice nice nice yeah good shot great shot thought was me better than that to be honest thought run out more comment down to you here chubbsy can get a read off this one tubsy put a bit of pressure on Olivia it’s just the weight in it get the weight right oh that’s fantastic lovely that’s a fantastic effort I don’t think we can’t not no brothers and lovers come on it is Todd Todd and tubes one up my drive in needs to improve all right mate momentum swing what we saying we’re back in the game yeah look I told you just need to give them a bit of a head start they get very confident and then they start messing up I said before the game plan’s working as well it’s working they spent a lot of time down the left didn’t they you never get too excited at the start noct CH I think they bur themselves out I agree adrenaline’s gone they’ve gone very quiet nothing to pick up no half five down the hill I think this is signature H isn’t it dude this is the signature hle here at Fox Hills the home of golf life love this place stra that big tree yeah color late little f one yeah call him toy C and he’s proper SEC C swing yeah stay don’t be don’t be hard don’t be hard it’s good it’s fine yeah good that’s good yeah shot live oh oh no glove an got it quick never play with glove quick yeah no glove an uh never I did have one I don’t know what happened to it oh that’s lost not going to have the length in the C is that happening well live why is that happening just need to turn you turn you got you got to turn a bit more I’m trying to that’s I’m trying but yeah but turn on the way through don’t manipulate with the hands you got just turn on the way through we’ve used two does that make sense cuz that one there was a good swing you just roll you just rolled it over so the girkin partner we found the girkin yeah um so you you’ve got the ability to do whatever you want with that go for so if you can get it before that ditch or just even on The Fairway and then and just hit in a second yeah so they’re not going to get on the green I don’t think so and then we that’ll be you three drives in with four go yeah so I think let’s do it I think we do it let’s do it I mean I thought I was lost the captain mate but I think we’re in this together overcooked it yeah oh stop stop stop hopefully we might have a shot hopefully be all right right we can get there we can get there just overcooked it a bit that’s all right we’re good we found it got my glove back on that’s going to make a difference yeah lay it up yeah Olivia’s called it I agree she’s the boss as well there is absolutely don’t you know it oh so don’t go behind that tree though don’t go behind that tree oh no that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine we have not got that tree in the way but you have that’s fine no we’re fine we’re fine right what we got 187 tubsy so I just do you think hybrid yeah I like it yeah and all you got to do is get it to the front of the green okay whatever you feel comfortable with yeah front of the green pinbo oh yeah but you if always yeah you just got to be positive with it it doesn’t matter if it goes long either just be really positive with it okay that’s all right it’s okay I I can get that on the Green from there a that was right HCK right watch this oh and it comes oh fine with that fine with that would have been all right if the tree wasn’t in the way it wasn’t in the way he annoys the out of me we not riding in the same buggy you got to be liking this golf life Legends you’ve got to be liking this please like And subscribe rematch is already going to happen I feel it right we found the GK in yeah we’ve got the G well if if you’re asking why you’re asking why we’re calling the ball the girk is because we can’t touch it because obviously Oliver and Angel will absolutely kick up Taylor Made sort of us out these little girkin balls they actually come with a little girkin pot beautiful that’s why we call it the girk we’re not weird back pin not really Anyway Chip up the we’re going to chip up chip up the green come on 85 yards pitch it about 75 let it run up the green eh yeah cool touch short CH I absolutely love when you’re going yeah just pitch at 75 r on 85 I’m going yeah yeah yeah I think so like I know what I’m absolutely talking about yeah just do that bab and you baby quiet please what what we saying you got this one uh I think so 4 foot three or four foot I’m happy with got it coming is it yeah perfect great shot go BL you want to go get your poter then Jolene Jolene gra it Dolly Pon quick that that was awful dollied it up there it’s going to be all square correct so this is for a five is it yeah out one two three this is for a six for a six and that’s for a five yeah please y the G wants to go in put the GK in the pot just outside left eh yeah gin gkin pressure back on we wouldn’t want to see this Miss no I mean she’s unbelievable under pressure sh your girlfriend unbelievable you know just plays in massive tournaments she’s never ever going to miss one of these parts no don’t think I’ve seen a miss one ever perfect distance come on mate all square come on now we’re talking now we’re talking this game is now officially spicy is it yes heating up in here right com on then should be all right shouldn’t it short with the trees in it should be short the trees yeah oo is there anything up there might be tight I don’t know might be yeah nice strike though yeah absolutely superb that is is super absolutely you said you’ve been working on your distance and it’s paying off isn’t it cuz do you don’t think you’re driving them much further a little bit yeah a little bit it needs to be more how do you work on getting more distance is it getting muscle yeah big big bits like they’re talking about it ground force production yeah so like a lot of jumps way to jumps um moving something heavy yeah as quick as possible like in the gym a short explosive sort of bur and that goes through to the driv and pushing yes he’s back go it’s nice perfect cute oh strike still use three come out no I think right oh that could be the one that could be the one that could be the one you must be the luckiest golfer I’ve ever met oh be the yardage be good the yardage good shot yes it good yeah it rolled on a lot yeah 4ot 105 tubsy right we’ve gone gking so my my driver is actually Four that be you huh that’ be all four of your drives all four of the drives so I’m done which I’m happy with then we’re just free rolling free rolling cuz I’m not happy with my driving today I need to get back down the range I’m going to just the P come on nice sandwich come on Partner oh wow oh wow I went a bit further than I thought that you know it’s all right though yeah they’re dancing you’re dancing dancing wor about that part no no are they ashy I get in there this is [Laughter] unbelievable oh I’m so happy that’s that amazing look at can you shut up now please I’ve lost so much to last that my jaw actually is what golf is all about this is what golf life’s all about yes oh all right it’s a good part what’s the scho all right we one up thank [Laughter] you just now realized how annoying your laugh actually is just now did you say earlier you used to like that laugh I used to like it now it’s G now it’s gone bizar the golf life Legends absolutely love to laugh I actually commented the boy got a great [Laughter] laugh getting [Music] and an how many drives you got left two you’ve only used no youed three this is dicey I’ve got no drives left front pin just as well really that is abolutely fantastic fantastic oh my God oh I mean she said it I was thinking oh dear I don’t know what they’re upset about you can’t be upset with that that’s what I mean can’t appr why can’t you be happy for me I never can be happy for you you know that do that on you’re G very quiet Olivia I’m concentrating I think this have have you actually ever beaten me yes shush yeah they’re getting choed yeah yeah I never even wanted love that’s gone Love’s finished see them to be fair I have him if you don’t want anymore in the pond oh a joke done exactly the same thing yes oh y Bo how far is it they’re not going to tell us yeah joke last time I 274 back edge of the bunker what cut have you got your it’s on the just on the buggy on the stem of the buggy you see it halfway up the left left hand driver halfway up why don’t you just walk 10 ft and just get it yourself I can tell I’ll be sleeping on the sofa how did I not see got the garage there’s no sofa for you you’ve got no heating I could be walking on tubes oh my word oh my word is that go in is that in oh what a shot great shot bro very nice I love it no pressure no pressure and I can do it good shot tub thanks live that long good yeah I reckon it’s like basically here just along the yeah do you like that yeah that’s what that’s what my line is right come on you feel it on your toes it’s bit like let all right is it oh go go go I had the line give you that one thanks cheers M great here we go in or out tubsy I’ll go to keep it in if that’s right okay yeah just right Edge mate we’ve changed to the G come on on gol oh I’m actually bored of that now D me get in there F the look at look at a yes toyc two up with two to play I love golf I love my partner Todd I love the golf life Legends nice movement Todd in the buggy I think Scotty uh caught the end of it but then we drove away we’re talking about my nerves playing golf and you said breathe and I think that’s where the camera cut off um not cut off we drove off not you Scotty promise but you just told us a really good thing off about breathing in so like I think for anyone like nerves is just obviously your heart rate going extremely high and breathing if you can just even like five minutes a day not even much but like practice like breathing one for me I use is like 3 seconds in so you’re in the half for 3 seconds like deep into your diaphragm and then you exhale for 3 seconds and you do it 10 times yeah so 30 seconds and then at the last one you just hold it for five up to 5 to 30 depends on like how much you know practice you do and then like your sense the realiz your heart rate would start to come down you’d like psychologically think about it and it was interesting like I was in LA watching Olivia last week and I got managed to play a bit of golf and bu and a guy he has a few lessons with with charmand and Legend yeah apparently you know he going on about he’s one of the best guys ever but he said Tiger but said to him like you know got loads of stories but he said tiger in his pump when he’s at his hey day like in the highest moments with his breathing technique could get his heart rate to nearly resting which is obviously you know being that compose under that much pressure is wow yeah phenomenal that is mad did you use that on the course if you’re you suffer from from do you do you have any mechanisms if you’re nervous or anything like that no no no nervous you don’t have a coach you just got you just roll up and play don’t you no obviously everyone has nerves from time to time so but yeah like breathing is a big thing just try and be calm in the moment take some deep breaths and then it’s just a shot isn’t it that’s all you got to think it’s just next shot it is but like I’m getting nervous when we’re like we’re to up and then you you guys play in big big tournaments with the best best players but to not have nerves in those sort of situations everyone everyone yeah everyone gets nervous just I think some people can deal with it better than others right and I think some people maybe have to learn to deal with it a bit better got you like I would say Todd’s probably better in like under pressure situations probably better than me yeah whereas I’m like I just need to practice it a bit more and like get into those situations more and become more comfortable in it oh left left left left something nice oh something but it come out hit the tree and came out yeah shock straight every single time get him get him get him Olivia Cowan the straightest driver on tour o sit sit nice dead yeah pondage it’s all right just fine hopefully mine’s we’re good out but not sure we’re planning I was for 18 Olia yeah so should I just try and fire one as old as I can yeah just hit a good shot if it’s if it’s good we can just take it here as well you know cool what’s the game plan now cuz you said you had one earlier we have options oh wow wow wow wow wow wow wow that was SM show don’t leave a hanging yes that was what a shot brother Todd I’ve gone nine iron a mate okay how far does that normally go again I need to do a gaping session uh but I think about one 130 perfect yeah I like it just just a little bit left of it could be a fly though you allow for that or no okay perfect all right all right oh a little duffing not a problem rely on your pro partner yeah I like it it’s all right mate it was it wasn’t a nice lie no but that’s again should have done the the breathing no breathing no breathing B this is a big shot here I see go that’s a good shot go great shot very good shot your Legend what on mate that’s close come on need to win it tuck it in go on the 18th playful 50 yards got to be a bit High 50 Ys come on come on Tom bit far bit long bit long I thought that was good you know yeah Struck it really nice he got chances that is unbelievable J you are unbelievable at PTY they’ve got two for it uh was that six for you five five we got win though we we got two for it yeah you got two for the win yeah cool oh yes that’s all we needed one up with one to play Come on come on bro thought that was sinking you know turn it come then tubes here find a hole one up come but we can’t lose the hole Yeah if we don’t lose the hole we win the match we’re Champs which I’ve absolutely loved and I’ll keep saying it and I’m like a massive child but I’m excited and I’ve absolutely loved it I keep saying the same thing so I apologies but thank you everyone yeah a good one yeah understatement of the year I’m just getting used to it now it’s ridiculous yep quiet and down stay with that line Nice Shot great shot same again an yeah all [Laughter] right oh wow come on two in the two in a spin that the movement on that D that is is perfect come on we’re having this Live come on yes oh just cutting across it it’s going to stop in it yeah that’s all right it’s all right but just keep yeah it’s all right no miss it you sit sit sit sit no sure Co sure yeah that’s fine oh partner it’s beautiful that right there is class that’s the rhym that’s what we needed what it that’s the Rhythm you need to go with at the moment my heart is absolutely going Todd I’m not going to lie I know it’s Brothers versus lovers it’s not the Rider car but I’m absolutely it I’m I am yeah money oh wow it’s nearly landed is it that’s a joke doesn’t know what to do with himself a kid in the candy store what a shot great shot mate flip it though mate great shot thank you not much we can do there that is so good I need to walk right come on don’t desel give yourself a chance sit sit sit sit sit yeah that’s good that’s good firm that was it would you like it you can leave it in okay this is absolutely Ming this has to go in just to re reiterate we know Todd Brothers versus lovers there be plenty more to come I hope but this depends on this first match just travel the world be we just travel with them too just go onour you hook up in uh you got meet each other on tour we just join in a little white Edge number yeah right Edge right Edge if not straight yeah perfect straight oh what the hell oh that’s gone so different than I thought oh I I like it I just straight chubsy I did not see that go going right just straight pretty straight didn’t it yeah do you want it in or out mate uh in please mate just just straight to for it is it yes to for it just remember J just drop her just in the front door oh youve been serious you got my marker okay remember you’ve got to get this in an you yeah that one thank you so so much brother that was brother’s oh that is one of the best videos we’ve ever done on this channel unbelievable come on toyc Olivia big an we’ got to do that again cuz that was abely pleas finishing on that go life baby come on


  1. My mental health isn't good at the minute but this channel is absolutely fantastic πŸ‘ keep up the class content

  2. Tubes, the rematch has to be over 18 holes because that competitive banter was class.

    Would live to see stroke play between Todd, Olivia, and Jimmy.

  3. Tubes' putting is pure mustard at times!!! Liv played some unreal golf at the Handa invitational at Galgorm Castle last year! Was great to watch

  4. Love the videos, but have to say that that Hello Fresh stuff was absolutely crass, so out of place and cringeworthy. It's bad enough sitting through Youtube adverts, but that really was awful.

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