The ONLY Putting Guide For ANY Golfer || 7 Simple Tips

Unlock the secrets to mastering your golf putting game with these expert tips! In this lesson, we’ll cover essential techniques for precision, control, and consistency on the greens, including putting checkpoints, ball position, and the width of stance. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your putting skills, these pro strategies will help you sink more putts and lower your scores. Watch now and transform your putting game!

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all right guys you’re about to get the list of my favorite checkpoints to help make your putting stroke more consistent before you even pull the trigger at the end we’re going to pull out an alignment Rod we’re going to make sure you guys can knock this out every day you go to the course to practice and in no time you’re going to be holding more putts so I’m going to take you through some checkpoints today that really I’m looking every time I look at someone’s set up I’m looking for consistency of what they do and a couple key checkpoints all right so let’s get up and set up to this putt here now when I look at my player setup the one thing I really want to make sure happens is again that this hip joint stays over the ankle the reason this is so is now when the hands they can hang directly underneath my shoulders okay I can have my hand come off of the club and just hang directly by my shoulder look how it’s right in the grip this is promoting myself to have a straight back and straight through path as straight back and straight through as it needs to be okay if you see the player on their heels it’s going to promote one that’s more to into out if you see the player way out over the golf ball it’ll promote one that’s out to in okay so I really like to always focus and make sure that the hip joint is over the ankle and the pressure is a little bit more in the front of the feet this is going to get the player over the golf ball their hands will hang right below their shoulders into the grip the grip will be in the shaft a direct extension of their forearms and if it were to extend it would point right up into their belly button just like the old school belly Putters now if the putter is the right length the player will have their eyes directly over the golf ball or the Inside Edge okay so this is the structure of the setup we’ve got the hip over the ankle we’ve got the hands underneath the shoulders butt of the club into the belt into the belly button and then the eyes over the Inside Edge of the golf ball okay from here we’re setting up a stroke with the squarest face and the squarest path before we even take the club back okay now that’s the general stuff we’re going to dive in a little bit deeper okay this is something you won’t hear very often so I want you guys to all listen up to this one when I set up for my putts you will find the best Putters in the world they’re probably not even 50/50 they probably have 5503 4 or 5% of weight on their front foot okay you will never see a good putter who is sitting on their back foot all right the reason you won’t see a good putter here is because this sitting on the back foot starts to promote the putter to swing up through the golf ball right hitting low on the face a lot of curvature a lot of things changing all right so I like when you get up there and you get over it you can always shift your pressure a little bit more forward now let’s take a look at the face on setup once we get the setup we always want to put the ball position in a consistent spot all right we want to have that ball position just ahead of Center about 1 inch and then we also want the grip right over that golf ball now what this does is you got to understand the putter okay the putter head and the low point of the putter swinging is going to be directly below the grip so when we put the grip one in forward now the putter swings down and it’s going to move up through the golf ball to strike up with a Del lofted face okay the ball position allows the club to move up the grip being forward allows the face to stay Del lofted and you get what I call Frozen Club face Syndrome look at this boom Club face just doesn’t move going through the golf ball right that grip stays back and it starts to twist or turn these golf balls can go anywhere all right so consistency is getting the ball just normally under the left eye there is a little bit of variance here professionals under the left eye under the left ear all of those are pretty acceptable but the point is that they’re a little ahead of Center okay there is a little variance with every player on the ey line now you can be directly over the golf ball the middle of it all right you can be slightly inside of it inside Edge you can also be a little bit ins side of it okay but the key is that you’re consistent all right there’s a reason the number one training aid on the PJ tour is a putting mirror it’s because these guys want to be able to see the straight line over and over and over again they want to know their setup is perfect now the easiest way to do this is to make sure you get up here you get set up and then you can just take your putter very softly in your two fingers again with no tension and letting it hang this is the other one I see all the time oh yeah coach the Putter’s hanging it’s right down there right no keep those fingers really really soft let it hang boom and you’ll get a real real good visual of where your ey line is right over the golf ball if we can can keep our width of stance and our ball position consistent every day it’s really going to pay dividends for your putting okay the worst thing that could happen for you is that you show up a little off your feet closer the ball back the ball further away okay so when we get that nice comfortable spot and you’ve hit your putts and you’re ready to go now got your right spot over your eyes got my ball a little bit forward here’s what I’m going to do now now I’ve got my alignment Rod at my feet I’m going to take my Sharpie I’m going to put a Sharpie line right in the middle of my right foot I’m going to put a Sharpie line right in the middle of my left foot and then I’m going to draw and put one just on the back edge of the golf ball okay boom right there and we’ll see if we measured those we have about an inch forward of where they could be okay so now the first thing I should be doing every time I get to the green is pulling my alignment stick out putting my toes on there getting the back of the ball right to that line and I should start dialing in my setup and calibrating for the day this is really going to help make your stroke much more consistent without you doing anything different okay the very first thing you should be doing when you get to the green get your width of stance get your ball position get your pressures in your feet more in the front of the foot a little bit more left good and from there it’s all about good Rhythm now in my setup you guys can see I have this little T right here all right so now what I can do is I can measure my distance from the golf ball too traditionally you’re looking about two or two and a half putter heads from the golf ball is about right that’s going to put you in a position where you can be over the golf ball with your arms hanging and eyes just on the Inside Edge when we starts getting a little closer than that you got to start standing up disconnecting yourself slightly when you get a little further all of a sudden now the arcs and the angles completely change okay so you can also now have your little station where you’re getting set up and you’re checking your ball position or your distance from the golf ball making sure that you’re the same number of putter heads from this line for every putt that you hit and again if you guys spend just five minutes at the end of at the beginning of every session calibrating your putting setup I promise you’re hitting better putts all right guys I always want you to remember the number one fundamental in putting setup setup setup okay get your alignment Rod out there get your width of stance your ball position get your setup and the pressures in your feet well we do that every day and calibrate every day for just 10 or 15 putts you’re going to be putting the best you ever have please like comment and subscribe if you like the video send it to your friends and keep me posted with how you’re doing out on the course [Music] [Applause] sh


  1. Absolutely, the best golf tips. Clear, concise and insightful – especially the 2-2.5 distance away from the ball. Thank you Mike

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