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2024 NCAA DII outdoor track & field championship (May 25) I FULL REPLAY

Watch the full event replay from Day 3 of the 2024 DII outdoor track & field championships held on May 25.

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hope [Music] until 1539 so best will continue to ride the 1599 [Music] [Applause] PA [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the triple jum will be the man who third in this at 1571 M that is Trayvon Ferguson of Pittsburgh State’s got the deepo we’ll get him going here in just a moment as you see the first running final of the day starting toine that is going to be the by 100 [Applause] oh my [Music] go and welcome back to Emporia Kansas we are here at Zola Whitten track at Welch Stadium on the campus of Emporia State University we are just about ready to begin our finals on the track we’ve had some completion of our morning field events and do have four field event underway at this time with another one just getting ready to start in a few minutes this afternoon so we’ll try and keep you up to date with all those field events as we now get ready for the first of 10 event finals on the track 10 for the men 10 for the women and as always we begin with a relay and we end with a relay so here on your screen now you see our men’s 4X 100 meter relay finalists setting their blocks e v Ren in preliminaries qualified on Thursday and Friday and these 4X 100 met relays they qualified to begin our afternoon competition on thir and are now ready to compete in the finals our lane assignments there you see in Lane one that’ll be Grand Valley State they’ll be on the inside the team with passarelli walper pizo and roads in lane two Alabama Huntsville with mlan Gizzy Rodriguez and Campbell scheduled to run pit State our two-time defending team champion looking to make a push in the standings they are in Lane three scheduled to run brillan Thompson de priest Hogans darari Charlton and Xavier carmichel in lane four will be Central Missouri with a team of Kerr mcclaflin chard and L in Lane five we’ve got our defending champions in the 4X 100 they’ve got two athletes back on the team this year and they have the second or third fastest qualifying time they expect to see us with Jace Lynch Jerry jocka Jeremiah Lon and Isaac btio in Lane six Northwest Missouri scheduled to run sedac D Santos Monday and Cav in Lane seven we’ll see Albany State with Hutchinson Moore Smith and Gilbert and then in Lane eight it is the interesting team there you’ve got Minnesota state and 8 scheduled to run Sharma Reeves toy and Miller Miller is currently triple jumping in our men’s triple jump we are just through the second flight Jamar Miller is Shamar Miller is currently sitting in second place in the triple jump overall at 15 m98 so he’s in second that does look like that he is out there in Lane eight setting his mark So if we do see Miller out there in Lane 8 for Minnesota State he will run this 100 met anchor and then run right back to the triple jump to take play in the finals so the timing may have worked out just perfectly for Miller he’s gotten his first three jumps in there will be a short break while the finalists are determined and he of course will be able to run this 100 met and then return to the track Lane announcer just running through his introductions we are just about a minute away from this men’s 4×1 100 met relays here in Emporia Kansas this is the fourth time the division 2 National meet has been held here in Emporia Kansas last year we were in peblo Colorado at altitude so this year it’s come down we’re not at sea level here in Emporia but it is only about 1100 feet as opposed to Pueblo Colorado which is about 4500 ft so the athletes appreciating that at least our distance Runners it is hot and somewhat muggy talking to one of the distance Runners earlier she said Thursday was the worst day for the humidity not so bad yesterday or today but the gun is now up so we are ready we’ve got Grand Valley State Alabama Huntsville Pittsburgh state Central Missouri West Texas A&M Northwest Missouri State Albany State and Minnesota State on the outside defending Champions are West Texas A&M in Lane five so until they are beaten they are the team to watch gu don’t there’s not many good options really again the new protocols the athletes are at their marks for a long time but there is the gun and a clean [Music] start and the Stagger looking just about even as the first leg hands off West Texas A&M in the middle of the track out very quickly along with Northwest Missouri State this is where we’ll see who is going to be in the lead as they run off that North curve that’s Northwest Missouri State in the white on green they are in Lane six and they are going to be first off the curve Here Comes West Texas A&M and then inside of them in our Central Missouri Central Missour and West Texas A&M and from this angle it’s a photo finish I say Central Missouri may have taken it but we’ll see what the timing system comes up with and no it’s West Texas A&M they will Central Missouri just a 100th second off that so the mules will take the silver at 3943 and you can see just as long as it takes for these results to populate that means they are that close on the track and they are checking to the 1,000th to make sure that we do get this accurate so Northwest Missouri first off the curve but they can’t hold that down the stretch but they do hang on for the bronze Albany State will be fourth Pittsburgh state will be fifth so that will add to their team total as they move up in the team standings they came into this race sitting in eighth position and are as they make their run on this day you can see there how close this was at the Finish Line just just 1,000th of a second making the difference there but that is a repeat backto back State national 4×1 Champions West Texas A&M and we will see some of those athletes competing later in the finals of the 10200 [Music] meters and Minnesota States finishing in six place so it will be a Podium finish for Minnesota state and Shamar Miller and we now see that he is making his way back over to the triple jump competition well he will have three jumps remaining in that [Music] competition and looking back at the men’s triple jump now we are just about ready ready to start the finals the runway is clear so this is and it looks like we are still in the warm-up session tough to tell there where the officials they are sitting ready to go but no Mark there so we are still in the warm-up stages again we mentioned Shamar Miller of Minnesota state he’s currently in second at 1598 our leader is Trey Betts from Pittsburgh state he has 15599 so triple jump competition very very close you do have Betts in first Miller in second Trayvon Ferguson of pit state is currently third so again pit State looking to make up some major points in the standings today with multiple athletes in multiple events our men’s Pall competition again the bar is still at 5 m 10 we now have seven volters over 510 but we do still have four volters left with opportunities and their third attempt at 5 m 10 our Javelin competition always traditionally an end of the meet Saturday event many of our athletes they’ve already thrown the shot put discus hammer throw and as we take a look at the Javelin earlier today there’s going to be one result that is possibly the most talked about field event although we’ve had some fantastic performances along the way but Jordan Davis if you don’t know that name in track and field you will do do so soon he’s from Southern Connecticut State and he came in ranked in the one of the top Javelin throwers in the world well today he threw a personal vest he broke the facility record he broke the division 2 record he threw 84 M 45 that is 277 ft even in the javelin that is the number one mark in the United States right now this year and that is the number 10 Mark in the world so and fantastic performance there from Jordan Davis of Southern Connecticut State and that gives us a good opportunity to remind all of our fans that for some athletes yes the national championships is the last meet of his season but many of these athletes hoping to continue their Seasons competing internationally representing their country the USA Track and Field under 20 championships they are coming up soon they are June 12th and 13th in Eugene Oregon the Olympic trials for the United States track and field team they’ll be held June 21st through 30th also in Eugene the Olympics this year Paris hosting on the 100th anniversary of the 1924 Olympics which many of us know a little bit more about the 1924 Olympics thanks to the movie Chariots of Fire the Oscar winning picture depicting The Fortunes of British athletes in the 1924 Olympics well in 2024 the Olympics are back in Paris and they begin on July 24th the track and field or the Athletics portion of the Olympics this year August 1st through 11th so definitely some athletes here competing today and competing across the country in different divisions looking to continue their careers or at least their seasons in international competition now we do see the women getting ready for their 4×1 100 meter relay again women did qualify on Thursday and here are your teams who made the finals sagov Valley will be in Lane one scheduled to run Thelen oleva debos and Cheyenne Nesbit scheduled to be on the anchor leg down there and that does look like she may be there she was our Hep athlete champion and you know that name formerly sharan Williamson Sheran Nesbit a four-time heptathlon Champion she will be anchoring for sagov Valley in Lane one in lane two we see Finley with a team of Smith Ivory Ray and Taylor isua Pacific will be in Lane three leading off scheduled to be Nicole War you know Nicole wari from championships in the long jump and um triple jump and she is also a hep athlete she did not compete in the heptathlon this this championships but does have a good Mark she’ll be leading off for zza Pacific along with Holmes Williams and Miller Pit state is in the middle of the track they are our current team leaders so they are trying to hang on and pick up some more points in this 4×1 relay Blake Lee win Tania Looney jamaah Morgan and deand gains scheduled to run for pit State Fresno Pacific is in Lane five with the team of chance green Copeland and Vera in Lane six Lenor Ry they are scheduled to run Jones arola con and brown Academy of Art will be in Lane seven with a team of urea James Lindsay and cornette and in the outside for the women as well it’ll be be Minnesota State Minnesota state scheduled to run adaa Brewster Denisha cartright Rose Kramer and Tanque Morton as the anchor leg for Minnesota state and you heard that second name there Denisha cartright finishing up a long and illustrious career here at the division 2 national championships we’ll see her in some of the individual events of course those 100 meter hurdles coming up but she is scheduled to be on our second leg of this 4×1 and that does look like her over on the far side of the track so just about ready the officials waiting for the exact minute of competition and the gun is now up and more adjustments the gun is not up anymore you can see the athletes patiently waiting at their blocks there’s some new mechanics in the last year or so with official and so it does feel a little bit like the starts are taking a little bit longer but this time they were just adjusting the sound system so that all the athletes can hear and you hear as they are taking their marks now again it’s sagov Valley in one Finley in two isua Pacific in three pit state in four Fresno Pacific in five Lenor Ry in six Academy of Art in seven and Minnesota state in lane8 on [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a clean start all even on the first curve maybe Fresno Pacific out well and Lenor Ryan on the outside in the white but now as we run down the backstretch you do see oh we did lose Minnesota state so a bungled handoff that is where the outside team is on the inside side then this is Lane six that’s Lenor Ryan they’ll be first off the curve Here Comes pit State on the inside Fresno Pacific and in Lane six Lenor Ry photo finish again we’re in the middle of the track so we can’t see that Finish Line straight on but it is going to be Lenor Ryan it looked like Lenor Ryan might come back strong 4421 pit state will be second 4427 and Fresno Pacific will fall to bronze but they will get the bronze at 4440 so again a tight tight finish across the line there nobody is running to qualify as they have in the previous days they are laying it all out there on the track and you can see that that pays off for Lenor Ryan scheduled to be that team was Melody Jones leading off Victoria ranola running second Holly con ran a great third leg can hand it off to Alexis Brown the sophomore she is our top athlete in the 100 meters coming up soon so no surprise that Alexis Brown of Lenor Ryan was able to run down the field and she came from down on the track gold medal for those four athletes and their coach very happy from Lenor Ryan they are the 4X 100 meter relay champion [Music] [Music] current Track Time Is Now 212 so the field just a little bit spread out today on the schedule this is an opportunity in the schedule they’ll be introducing the men’s shot put finalists at this time and that does mean there’s just a little break on the track our next event will be the men’s [Music] 1500 so we’re going to take a quick break here then we’ll come back and give you some up-to-dated field events they’re introducing the men’s shot put that’s the final field event getting underway we’ve done our 4X 100 met relays we’ll be back in just a few minutes with the men’s 1500 that’s scheduled for a 225 Central Time Zone [Music] start fora Kansas we are on the campus of Emporia State University we are here for our 2024 division 2 men’s and women’s outdoor track and field championships it is a beautiful day here the temperature up now to about 81 82° sunshine and just just enough Breeze to keep us cool but not enough to really affect any results on the track you are looking at our men’s triple jump competition we are now in the finals and on the runway there you see Zach bookold of Colorado Mesa he is currently in ninth place this is our second jump in the finals so their fifth jump overall you can see asking for a little crowd support there quite a good crowd here at Welch stadium and they will see Colorado Mesa Zack buold here his fifth jump overall he’s currently in ninth place just made the finals with his Mark of 1523 he did improve in the finals he’s at 1530 right [Music] now and on the podium there you see the results of our men’s 4X 100 met relay that was the first final event of the day Northwest Missouri took third Central Missouri play second they were coming fast but a facility record for the team in the center there West Texas A&M team of Jace Lynch Jerry Jacka jeriah lazon and Isaac batzio they run 3942 West Texas A&M your two-time now 4X 100 meter relay Champions two of the four are back and you can see raising those Championship Awards with pride our first running event of the day and we have handed out our first medals of the day round one back to that men’s triple jump competition book holds last jump 1510 so no improvement our leader in this men’s triple jump competition is Trey Betts of Pittsburgh state the Junior with a mark of 15 M 99 Shamar Miller of Minnesota state he is second at 15 98 and Trayvon Ferguson of pit State he’s third in the tables right now at 1571 on the runway you just see there that’s Miller Jones he’s also from Colorado Mesa so the Mavericks with two jumpers in the finals they are currently ninth and sixth overall Miller Jones just the freshman at Colorado Mesa his first jump of the day was 1552 that was his best you just saw his fifth jump today that’s 15 M 28 so no improvement next up on the Run Runway will be Rajan rickets from Benedict he’s got a personal best today 15 M 69 he is currently in fifth place in this man’s triple jump jumpers are running from south to North this is the direction the wind was blowing on Thursday we did turn it around yesterday and all of our events went from north to south but today on Final Saturday everything again going from south to North and that is a clean jump for rickets from Benedict the sophomore currently in fifth place at 15 M 69 he’ll need to improve by 2 cm 1571 is currently actually tied for third and fourth so we’ll see if rickets can do that and no improvement just close in 1560 so consistency here in the finals in fourth place right now yakuba nakako of Academy of Art he is one clean jump today it was 15 M 71 he has fouled on his other three attempts so this will be his fifth attempt on the track here in this man’s triple jump and a bit of a wobbly finish there as he went off the straight so we’ll give you keep you up to date on this men’s triple jump but we’re going to be back to the track now it is time for the men’s 1500 and the men are out there on the south east portion of the facility you see them just about to get their final instructions again they did have to qualify for this 1500 so the finalist lining up today from the inside out we should see Jagger lot off from UCCS Dylan sper from Pittsburgh state Simon kot he was fourth last year the Junior from Western Colorado Dominic sulaman from sagov Valley Patrick lyel from Grand Valley State Roberto Fardo from Lee Luca poy from Windgate Caleb footer from Grand Valley State the senior he won the indoor mile this year so now trying to duplicate that feat here in the outdoor 1500 we also will be seeing West Texas A&M’s Aziz Muhammad Mississippi colleges Cole Benoit from Pittsburgh State Mason ster and from ausa Pacific Juan Diego [Music] Castro and we can hear the public address announcers introducing the athletes there that you see in this men’s [Music] 1500 it has been just under 48 hours from them to qualify on Thursday a big shift for many of our athletes as they move from the high school to the Collegiate and then hopefully into the professional ranks learning how to run in rounds and professional athletes if you make the Olympic trials or you are in the Olympics they’ll run three rounds of the 1500 before they can get to the finals little bit of a stumble there in the beginning but nothing the officials see worthy of a recall and so we are just under four laps around the track in this men’s 1500 and you can see it is not going to be a strategic race that is Caleb footer making his way to the front quickly and a very fast pace with the pack to follow so you again in the middle of the three there you see Caleb footer he won the indoor mile the indoor Mile with much tighter curves and so the positioning on the track much more important than the indoors but in this 1500 they have a bit more room to stretch out Aziz Muhammad of West Texas A&M there on the outside wearing HIP number nine but still a very tight pack in qualifying fastest time was 351 the slowest time was 353 so all of these athletes experienced knowing what they were doing just to run this event and advance to the finals and although it started quickly does look like the pace has now slowed down just a little bit as they are packed up generally you know that the tighter the pack the slower the pace and then we wait to see which athlete is going to be the one that is not confident enough in their finish or wants to run the legs out of the rest of the competition so we see quite a battle there up at the [Applause] front very tightly packed [Music] here Aziz Muhammad of West Texas in A&M still seems to be the pace Setter and then that is Roberto Fardo of Lee he’s on the outside he is going to be the first to cross the line with two laps to go 154 on the clock with two laps to go so in this 1500 we are in our final 800 M and we all know what’s going through the minds of each of the athletes on the track they are waiting to Spring nobody is going to leave this to the final 100 meter sprint it is just how soon do they want to go just over 600 M now remaining and no one has made the charge yet but you’ll see some jockeying for position you do not want to be on the inside you can see Dylan sper of pit State there in the red on black he is in not an enviable position of having people outside of him Mason straighter on the inside sper on the outside for pit State this is where you want to be towards the front and on the outside you see the bumping and the shuffling now as they come down this straightaway just just over 400 m to go lots of pushing and shoving let’s hope no one Falls but we’ll go into the Bell lap right at 31 and now it will be a Sprint no holding back now still lots and lots of pushing and shoving in there you need to be a step clear before you step in front of somebody but you can see all it takes is you wanting to Sprint and there’s nowhere to go if you are on the inside with people out next to you and in front of you but we now have a Sprint they’re three across with 200 M to go so it is still anybody’s race here somebody’s going to get wide and somebody is going to have the full kick coming down this final stretch but they are still two across with three right behind them if that leader holds the curve he’s not going to let anybody through on the inside you see him going just a little bit wide there that’s Fardo from Lee he’s out in lane two he’s pushed out aiz Muhammad look out on the inside it’s going to be Muhammad he was right on the rail he stayed on the shoulder of Fardo Fardo wisley came of him but Muhammad does it he’ll run 35441 Fardo will get second 35453 and you can see that was kadi Simon kotti he was fourth last year from Western Colorado so he’ll move up a spot and get third the two gorillas will finish fourth and fifth so as we mentioned at the head of the show Pittsburgh state looking for a third consecutive team title they were eighth coming in today but in our final events they have scored multiple points in these races so pit State making a run in the men’s competition will keep those update they were currently prior to this race now up into sth with 19 points West Texas A&M is our leader and those two teams have battled it out in the team titles last year pit State winning the team title for the second year in a row or for the first year in a row 62 points to West Texas A&M’s 47 pit State also are indoor champion this year they scored 69 points indoors Grand Valley State 56 A2 Adam state with 55 so the team points really start to change here on the final day of competition [Music] [Applause] and you see celebrating there Aziz Muhammad of West Texas A&M he will add 10 points but Pittsburgh state is also going to pick up points finishing Fifth and fourth on the board there you see the women’s 4X 100 meter relay team first final event today for the women a a very exciting race Minnesota state had baton troubles on the backstretch but they did recover and they will finish in eighth place and pick up one team point and a medal which is always better than disqualification Saga Valley there finishes seventh Finley will be sixth isua Pacific fifth Academy of Art is fourth Fresno Pacific is third Pittsburgh state finished strong they took the silver the team of Blakeley win tanayia Looney jamaah Morgan and Deandra Nique gains and just as their names get called there you see that team in the middle that will be the team from Lenor Ry the Bears with a national championship led by standout sophomore Alexis Brown we’ll see more of Alexis Brown in the Sprints today but the team of Lenor Ryan they ran 4421 and that will be Melody Jones Victoria arola Holly con and Alexis Brown on the [Music] corner back to the triple jump you see yakuba gako of the Academy Art this is his final jump in the men’s triple jump and that looks like a pretty good Mark the white flag goes up so it’s a clean jump for gako he’s currently in fifth place 1571 on his second jump and then he fouled three consecutive or two consecutive times 1428 on his last jump but he will finish strong we’ll see what that Mark is and it is an improve movement it’s 15 M 75 and that will move him up from fifth into fourth position just three jumpers left now in competition Trayvon Ferguson of Pittsburgh state will be next on the runway he began finals in third position he has slipped to fifth right now so he’s at 15 M 71 that was his second jump this will be his final jump of the competition for Pittsburgh state trying to get back out of fifth place and score more team points for the gorillas you can see there he wants a little slow clap from the crowd and he is getting it here from this good crowd here in Emporia State the stands below us here in the Press Box looking pretty full at least on this side here by the pval and triple jump competition Trayvon Ferguson the Junior from Pittsburgh state State this is his final jump in the men’s triple jump currently sitting in fifth [Applause] position and a clean jump so again he’s looking to improve on 1571 we’ll just have two jumpers remaining next up on the runway will be Shamar Miller and remember he is coming off that 4×1 and a big Improvement for Ferguson he’ll jump 1584 that’s 511 and 3/4 he will move back up into third place that’s the position he started the finals in so he falls from third to fifth but then on his jump steps back up and he is back into third that’ll score seven points for the gorillas so now we just need to see who is going to win will it be Betts from Pitts bate or Miller from Minnesota State and you are looking at Shamar Miller our early leader in this competition he jumped 1598 on his first attempt this is his final attempt after running the anchor leg on the 4×1 100 meter relay for Minnesota state so trying to improve on [Applause] 1598 and a good jump he was a little off the board there which will cost him some distance women’s 15 00 now at the start getting a little caught up in our excitement of the field events just one jumper left in the triple jump but we are now underway with the women’s 1500 and not to give them any disadvantage but here is the field you’ll see as they are running around this first lap we’ll have Arya Hawkins from Lee Leah Taylor from Western Colorado she was third last year in the field is Gracie Hyde Gracie Hyde won the steeple chase yesterday she won the indoor mile this year at the division 2 championships the senior from Adam State that’s Gracie Hyde Kate Hedland from UCCS Megan roxby from Simon Frasier Katie Heck from Fort Lewis Riley McGrath from the Colorado School of Mines claudo Ali from Grand Valley State Elena kery from Adam State Kaylee Byer from Winona State Deanna loner from Adam State and Lauren Wallace from Mississippi College rounding out the field here these are the 12 athletes in this women’s 1500 don’t want to leave anybody hanging in that men’s triple jump Shamar Miller’s final jump 1557 so Trey Betts of Pittsburgh state is going to win the men’s triple jump we’ll give you the full rundown on that just a little bit later but that is yet another event complete in the field so we are down now to our final four events in the field and we have eight revents remaining on the track a stategic race here running a little bit for this women’s 1500 yesterday in that steeple chase Gracie Hy just took off at the gun established a 10 yd lead around the first curve and never looked back she won that steeple chase by more than 100 m on the track so she felt very good yesterday we she see how she bounces back that is her current in second place on the inside in the Adam State green Kaylee Byer of Winona State is our leader bringing him through a lap and three qus so just two laps to go now in this 1500 buyer of Winona State Gracie Hyde of Adam State Katie heck of Fort Lewis is currently running third there you see her there with the blonde ponytail now on the outside of Hyde and you see the pace picking up now just a little bit the field starting to stretch you see Adam State maneuvering themselves into position you can never miss the green the fluorescent green of Adam State and The Grizzlies looking to duplicate their indoor Team Championship Adam State always tough indoors scored 67 points to pit State’s 64 1 half indoors and the lady Grizzlies trying to move up on the standings here with three athletes in this race currently all in the point scoring area but they’re making their push here this is Kaylee Byer the senior from Winona State she will bring them into the Bell lap that’s Gracie Hyde of Adam State she’s our indoor mile champion and our steeple chase Champion she is running in second place and also from Adam State now moving up that is Elena kry So Adam state currently running second third and eighth so the Grizzlies looking to score three positions in this 1500 there goes Gracey Hyde she’s making her move with just about 250 M to go again she led wire to wire in the steeple chase last night and now with under 200 M to go she looks very strong she does not have to run through that water jump this time and she passes that with ease she’ll be first off the curve again this this is the senior from Adam State Gracie Hyde a very very successful national championships for her and she will pair yesterday’s steeple chase Championship her indoor Mile and now she’ll win the outdoor [Applause] 1500 Hyde will win we’re going to have a race for the bronze medal very tight there Strong finish for the bronze Adam state will fall to fourth so we’ll see if that will be the winner 41680 buyer the silver at 4204 that is om Ali from Grand Valley State moving up into third position Grand Valley State currently second in our team standings for the women’s side so that’ll be a bonus point for them getting third instead of fourth Elena kery of Adam state will finish fourth 4295 and Leah Taylor she’ll run a personal best 4 2399 that will move her up into fifth place from Western Colorado but the winner is Gracie Hyde and 4680 that’s not a personal best but it is a facility record so hosting the national championships always creates a big change in the facility record board and Gracie Hy’s 41680 will be a facility record she’ll win the women’s [Music] 1500 we’re going to go ahead and take another quick break on the track as they set the hurdles the next race will be the men’s 110 M hurdles we are going to run from south to North and while they are setting up the hurdles on the track we’ll take a quick break and be back to Emporia Kansas and welcome back to Emporia Kansas this is the 2024 NCAA division 2 track and field championships you’re looking at the finalists and award Podium winners from the men’s 1500 a very exciting race saw Aziz mam of West Texas A&M he took the lead on the final lap was passed but then came back down the final straightaway he wins the men’s 1500 in 35441 you’re looking at Aziz Muhammad the sophomore from West Texas A&M your 1500 meter champion and no we won’t have just one person in the hurdles but our next race will be the men’s 110 m hurdles our athletes now just getting their run throughs they are running from south to North today the slight breeze we’ll find out exactly what it is once we run this first race on the straightaway today but you can see the flags blowing a little bit in the wind we are still setting the hurdles the athletes now getting their run throughs together the men’s 110 meter hurdles will be first followed by our women’s 100 meter hurdles here are the lane assignments and of course running from south to North the lane one will be on the inside here with Everett delot from the Colorado School of mindes you can see him there getting that final stretch in as they are ready for these 110 meter hurdles so delot in one dalen Williams of Pittsburgh state there he’s wearing HIP number two he was your indoor 60 M hurdle Champion so look for him to get out of the blocks very quickly and over the first few hurdles third lane three is kale cassen of Lee Tennessee the decathlete so he is running his 12th event of the competition he finished the 10 event to cathlon and now running the prelims and the finals he’s in Lane three Parker warmi of Central Missouri State there he’ll be in lane four lane five will be Ryan fields of Cal paully Pomona Lane six he was fifth last year that’s Andrew Martins from Augustana in the yellow on blue in Lane seven it’ll be Savon bush from Harding and on the outside in Lane 8 Malachi Pipkin from Missouri Southern and you can see the athletes very relaxed there sitting on their Lane markers as the final adjustments are being made on the hurdles no more run throughs and we will have our start coming up momentarily from the inside outs delot Williams KAS warmi Fields Martin Bush and [Music] Pipkin as you can hear in the background the PA introducing our finalists in The hurdles just one of our 21 events for both the men and the women so we are just about to the Midway point of events that are final we still have eight more events on the track for each of the men and the women and two each for the field events but we will keep you up to date as that team scoring starts to shake out just a little bit and all the athletes up now and standing at their blocks which means we are just about ready for the start of this men’s 110 meter hurdles the gun is up fastest qualifying time in the semis Parker Warmack of Central Missouri the sophomore running 1357 the meet record in this event sent just last year if you joined us last year you saw that fantastic athlete Cordell tinch of pit state now running for the United States he ran 1321 in this meet last [Applause] year and dalen Williams is the first across us here at the middle of this race he is in lane two and it looks like he is going to be first across the line that is dalen Williams he will match his indoor 60 met hurdles with the 110 M for pit State and more importantly that’s another 10 points for pit State as you look at the graphic here you can see on the right those are the team scorings and I’m not sure if they update as the race results go live but you can see in the men there pit state currently sitting second just two points off of West Texas A&M so this 10 points helps warmi the silver 1354 and Bush will finish in that bronze position at 1375 that was the men’s 110 meter hurdles we’re adjusting the hurdles now for our next event which will be the women’s 100 m hurdles [Music] comp flight the chh again so as we adjust the hurdles for the women’s competition i’ like to remind everyone that last year we were in peblo Colorado for the D2 national championships this year it’s in aoria Kansas so it is a little drop in altitude last year peblo just about 4,500 ft as opposed to the 1100 ft here in Emporia Kansas the next two championship sites are set we’ll go back to Pueblo next year for the 2025 national championships and then in 2026 the national championship scheduled to be back here at Emporia speaking to their sports information director they’re excited for that two years that will Mark the fifth time that Emporia State has hosted the D2 Nationals and that will break a tie Poria state will have hosted the most outdoor national championships in 2026 with their fifth he also informed me that there are plans in the motion to build an indoor track facility here off to the North and the East part of our facility and he says that if Emporia State can get that indoor track facility built their goal is to be the first school to host both the indoor and outdoor division 2 track and field championships at the same site in the same [Music] year so we’re going to go back actually we’re looking at the high jump right now our high jump competition still in the early stages the women’s high jump that clearance you just saw that is at 1 M 74 that’s 58 a half that was Beyonce Kelly of California that is the third clearance at that height but we still have six athletes competing at that height so we’ll be keeping up to date with that women’s high jump as they get a little bit closer to the finals then now you see the award stand for that men’s triple jump competition we caught a little bit of that competition earlier in between races but there you see the podium Awards top three in the triple jump again that’s going to be a big jump for Pittsburgh state in the team standings Trayvon Ferguson of pit state will be third with the personal best 1584 Shamar Miller very impressive he jumped 1598 went and ran the finals of the 4X 100 meter relay came back finished second at 525 and a quarter and then Trey Betts just beating him by a quarter of an inch 1599 for Betts from Pittsburgh state he’ll be the champion by just one quarter of an inch over Miller so very tight jumps there Miller jumped his on his first jump bets bested that on his second jump so they were in those positions for a while but congratulations to Betts Miller and Ferguson gold silver and bronze in that men’s triple [Music] [Applause] jump and indeed that will push Pittsburgh state into the lead if you’re following along in the team scorings at this particular moment Moment In Time Pittsburgh state is leading both the men’s and the women’s competition so gorillas and gorilla fans out there watching on the live stream here still time to get from Pittsburgh Kansas to Emporia Kansas if you’d like to have a big celebration at the end if your teams can sweep both competition you see the women Now setting the blocks it’s time for the women’s 100 meter hurdles and you’re going to get the opportunity to see one of the best athletes who has been competing in division 2 for the last four seasons and if she has a chip on her shoulder they had a bad Exchange in that 4X one and were out of contention on the back stretch so they did pick up an eighth place medal in the 4X one but Minnesota state looking for a little bit of redemption here with two athletes scheduled in these finals here are your lane assignments now starting on the inside in Lane one that’ll be sell nguma from Harding the sophomore qualif qualifying at 1370 in lane two Patrice Clark of New Mexico Highlands in Lane three Adia Brewster from Minnesota state in lane four she is our two-time defending champion in this event the senior from Minnesota state Denisha cartright she’ll be in lane four in Lane five from isua Pacific the senior Nicole Warick Lane six from Tusculum Teresa green white in Lane seven from UCCS Missy morinii and on the outside or closest to you on the screen from Sean Hill that is Natasha Bernett so another great opportunity there to to see Denisha cartright one of the best to ever compete in division 2 she is a six-time gold medalist here she’s won the last three 60 M hurdles indoors and she has won the last two 100 m hurdles Outdoors so she’s looking to go three and three she also has a slew of silver and bronze medals and one 4×1 100 meter gold medal to go to her stable so you’re looking at her there in Lane five Denisha cartrite her teammate a diet Brewster just inside of her so Minnesota state looking to make a move in the standings they are not in the top eight at this time but a good opportunity to pick up 18 points in this race women’s 100 meter hurdles now on the track and a little Shake there from Lane six but not enough to cause a recall but it definitely took her out of the competition you see hurdlers in Lanes one and two both go down it’s been a tough year for the hurdlers but not for Denisha cartright with ease Denisha cartright will beat the field we’ll see the yellow flags up because we had a number of hurdlers go down but you’re not going to be interfered with when your name is Denisha cartrite and you are that fair ahead on the track 1237 for the wind is 4.2 so no chance at any records there with a 4.2 wind at her back but Nico or Denisha cartrite with absolutely no no conversation about who is the best hurdler that will be her third consecutive 100 meter gold medal and National Championship one of the best Denisha cartright Nicole war of isua Pacific is second adah Brewster of Minnesota state is third so they will pick up 17 points there for Minnesota state Bernett of Sean Hill is Fourth morine of UCCS was fifth Teresa green white sixth across the line and then two of the hurdlers that went down early they did get up to finish so we’ll see if there was any disqualification there but they were all right Patrice Clark of New Mexico Highlands and sella nguma of Harding they do finish the race the hurdles off and that gives us just chance to take another break we’ll be back for the 400 m both men and women that’s scheduled for a 305 start we’ll be back to Emporia welcome back to Emporia Kansas you’re looking at the women’s high jump here at the 2024 NCA division two men’s and women’s national championships that was Elena Saunders of zuza Pacific that was her third Miss at 1 M 77 that’s 59 and 3/4 we just have one athlete over the bar at this dist at this height that’s Erica Harbo of Concordia St Paul it does look like Cheyenne Nesbit from sagov Valley our heptathlon Champion she has one more attempt she had two misses at 1 M 74 and she has passed then so she is still in the competition next up is going to be Taylor nellums the transfer to pit State she has one more attempt at 177 now and it looks like she just missed that as we were speaking so nellums is done so Erica Harbo is the only athlete over 177 but Cheyenne Nesbit still with another attempt and she will decide what height she’ll take that attempt well move over to the women’s 400 correction are men’s 400 first the next event on the track again these athletes not only had to qualify but we had a tie for eighth place and we had to have a runoff on the track and in Lane one you see Ashwin Jude of Goldie beac he had to win a runoff yesterday morning to advance to the finals so he’ll be in Lane one that’s Jude of Goldie beacom Raheem Tate best of University of Mary will be in two Justin steel of Lee in three Joshua pagee of tiffen will be in lane four darari Bush of Harding in five Shamar Palmer of Fresno Pacific he’ll be in Lane six Sam tutor of Pittsburgh state in seven and Nicholas kly of Mississippi College he’ll be in the outside in Lane 8 darari bush is our defend ing Champion the now senior from Harding winning last year in Pueblo he also won our indoors 400 this year that event taking place in Pittsburgh Kansas so darari bush is looking for a clear establishment of his 400 meter dominance both outdoors and indoors he is in Lane five the senior from Harding Palmer and and the athletes now standing at their blocks getting their commands from the starter and again it’s been a been a bit of an issue this championships I don’t know why they are not checking the speaker before we start but a number of times the starter has gone up the steps of the ladder started the commands and then they’ve had to stop and go over and adjust that speaker which you see them doing in the middle of the infield but the whole goal is a complete Fair start want to make sure that all the the athletes do hear the commands and sometimes the starters are helping out the time schedule just a little bit if they feel that we are a minute or two ahead of schedule they will take the time to fix the sound system or make any adjustments that they can make in the background there you do see the women’s high jump competition the bar is is at 1 M80 technically we do still have three athletes in competition ARA Harbo is over 1 M 80 Josie coffee from Colorado Mesa has two misses at this height and Cheyenne nesbet Again with one jump remaining she has passed from 174 177 180 so she may be just saving it for one more jump at a height or she may be done with the competition but now Runners are set for this men’s 400 Jude Tate best steel Paige Bush Palmer tutor and clay and a clean start again our defending Champion darari bush is in Lane five from Harding that is Shamar Palmer of Fresno Pacific outside in the white with the white headband he gets out quickly and he’ll be their leader at the 200 100 meter mark on the inside Bush and Joshua page of tiffen now moving up coming off the curve it’s tiffen in the lead he is in lane four Palmer still on the outside and in between them you see darari Bush so expecting this defending Champion with the strong finish Paige Bush and Palmer and they are not going to catch him how about that Joshua pige the sophomore from Tiffin he is going to hold on for the victory 4571 Palmer will be second from Fresno Pacific with a personal best 4573 darari Bush not a repeat Championship he’ll finish with the bronze at 4605 and there you see the results of all the athletes on the track so two sub 46 second 400s and on the right hand side of the screen now again as a reminder you can see the team scores if you are not following along with live results we’ll bring you the results from each event and each race and you will see the updated team scores and you do see that Pittsburgh state currently with an eight-point lead in the men’s division over West Texas A&M and on the women’s side now pit state with a 19point lead over Adam State on the women’s side pit State and Adam State they’ll flipflop back and forth between the distance races and some of the the field events and just as we were talking there a quick update you saw these latest results go in pit State now with a ninepoint lead over West Texas A&M again you can follow along with us we appre you watching appreciate Kansas giving you the opportunity to see your athletes live in competition we hope you’re enjoying it as much as we are here watching it in person but if you are watching us on the live stream we invite you to also get online go to the webbsite go to track and field click on division 2 and you will see an opportunity to click to the live results for the field events you can see each jump each throw each Mark and you can also see the live results on the track you can see splits in the longer races and you will see exactly those times just as quickly as we do here in the Press Box they also inform us of personal bests meet records facility records division 2 records and you can also see the wind readings and get the immediate Point scores so we do invite you to follow along our next event is going to be the women’s turn it’s the women’s 400 and they are making their way down now to the starting line single file along the home stretch we know that the next time we see them on this home stretch they won’t be in single file they’ll be across the track [Music] and taking another look at the podium here these are the winners these are the winners of our men’s 10 meter hurdles that you see on the podium there and that was the big surge that pit State got to push them back into the lead dalen Williams he ran 1352 Parker Warmack of Central Missouri second and savian Bush of Harding is third so you’re looking at the winners of the 110 meter hurdles and again a big 10 points there for the Pittsburgh state gorillas Pittsburgh Kansas just just about an hour or so East and maybe a little bit to the South last few years quite a Resurgence in track and field at pit State they built a beautiful new indoor facility a few years ago which not only provides the opportunity to host meets including the national meet this year the indoor meet but they host meets all throughout the season and just about every week there is either a high school or a Collegiate meet at the indoor facility at pit State Northwest Missouri State just up the Road an hour or so north of Kansas City they have a similar facility wasburn University another D2 school they have a 200 met banked track facility so all within about an hour you have three new indoor facilities that are just beautiful Kansas State and Kansas of course both have indoor facilities and as we mentioned a little bit earlier inor State hoping to join the parade sooner rather than later and getting an indoor facility down here but in the midwest indoor track is a growing sport that has usually been the most popular in the Northeast we know that there are many traditional great facilities and events that take place in the Northeast for indoor track our athletes in California and Texas and Arizona they rarely train indoors or have to run indoors with the weather that they have but here in the Midwest definitely the opportunity of running indoors helps make you better in outdoor competition we are just about ready now for this women’s 400 MERS here are your lane assignments From the Inside Out in Lane one that is blessing a kintoy from West Texas A&M the freshman in Lane one Aaron Thompson of UT Tyler will be in two shade Finley of Angelo State in three Carissa Perry of West Texas A&M she was third last year she’ll be in lane four in Lane five Tiffany huy from Northwest Missouri State in Lane six The Freshman from Harding she was our Indoor national champion that is omara Ogen makindu Alona Beva from sagov Valley in seven and Ayan fields of calply Pomona she will be on the outside in Lane 8 the women’s 400 will be the next race on the track [Music] and again you can see our starters making just a little bit of discussions as they are making sure that the event starts on time and it is very easy as all track fans know for track meets to run long or sometimes get sped up if you move to that rolling schedule you’ll never see a rolling schedule in the National meet unless we are behind because of weather so here the idea is that we will hold we know the weather’s coming in later tonight but we should get our meet in so it’s very very important to make sure that the races start as scheduled and there are two main reasons for that obviously the athletes do need to be able to prepare for the meet many of the the athletes competing in multiple events and they will know the exact time and how much time of recovery they have have but also for those of you watching on the live stream we know that if you know that this next race is scheduled to begin at 3:15 we’re going to make sure that it starts on 3:15 so you do not miss it this is 3:15 and the women’s 400 m they are ready on the track they are in their blocks again it is Jude correction in the inside it’s a kintoy Thompson Finley Perry huie Ogen mju oleva and [Applause] Fields in lane four that is Carissa Perry she was third last year she makes up the Stagger going going around the curve so she’ll have the lead down that backstretch outside of her Tiffany huy now starting to maintain her [Music] position oh good mckin is in Lane six she seems to be struggling she is back in fourth place as they come off the [Applause] curve and it looks like it’s going to be Lanes five and four that’s huy and Perry huie and Perry and on the outside o oleska but huie is slowing down the least and that is going to be the Northwest Missouri Junior Tiffany huie she is going to win this women’s 400 m huie will run 5203 that’s a personal best for the Northwest Missouri junor personal best also for the first three athletes so huie runs 5203 oefa from sagov Valley personal best 5278 and Finley from Angelo State a personal best 5281 so they will be your top three finishers Northwest Missouri State will pick up that valuable 10 points it does look like our women’s high jump competition has concluded while we were running our 400 m Erica Harbo of Concordia St Paul with three misses at 1 m84 so she’s going to win the event on a first attempt clearance at 1 M 80 that is 510 and 3/4 so Erica Harbo of Concordia will win pit State keeping an eye on those team scores pit state will finish second Sixth and tied for seventh so the gorilla is clearly making a push in both our men’s and our women women’s competition just starting to talk a little bit earlier about how you build that program and building that new indoor facility a few years ago was a big step but then if you have the facility you need to have the good coaches and then you need to have the coaches get the good athletes and pit state has definitely become a division 2 Powerhouse in track and field they’ve not yet had the women and the men win the national title at the same time but they are working towards that this year last year pit State won the men’s while women were seventh indoors this year on their home track the pit State men won and the pit State women were second but currently on the track right now Pittsburgh state leading both the men’s and the women’s competition our next race will be at 325 it’ll be time to find out who is the fastest in the country this year it’ll be the men’s and women’s 100 meter dash finals after the break e aoria Kate University in aoria Kansas we are here at Zola Whitten track in Welch stadium for day three it’s Championship Saturday at the N NCAA division 2 national championships we have complet completed half of our events on the track this afternoon and is just getting ready to find out who the fastest men and women in the country are going to be it’s time for the 100 meter dash finals for the Men followed by the women just a couple of minutes away but you see the men there at the blocks they have done their warm-ups and run outs so let’s meet the field in Lane one on the right hand side of your track there jabz Reeves from Minnesota state lane two wakili Bennett from Dominican in California Lane three Malachi Adams of tiffen in lane four it’s Isaac bsio from West Texas A&M he was second in this race last year he was also a member of the 4×1 100 meter relay team that won a gold medal earlier today in Lane five it’ll be kibran Moore from Albany State Lane six to priest Hogan from Pittsburgh state Lane seven Ed Gilbert from Albany State and in Lane eight Johnny inz from Academy of Art that is our field fastest qualifying times on Thursday night both bsio and Moore with 999 qualifying times and if they could duplicate that today with no wind that could be a both meat and facil [Music] record Steve reck of norfol State still has the meat record from 1972 so that is a record that is over 52 years old it’s 10 flat and it’s been a bit since we’ve been on a straightaway track so not exactly sure what the wind reading may be on this but we’ll see what we can get Reeves Bennett Adams boio Moore Hogans Gilbert and in and a clean start btio out quickly he had the fastest start he’s going to hold on he’s going to win this race we’re going to have to see that time he looked very very fast 998 the wind is 2.8 on the wind but bsio will run 998 Malachi Adams of tiffan he’ll be second at 10.11 let [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and you’re now looking at the podium finish for the women’s high jump competition been going on in the background of our races that you were seeing on the track but in the women’s high jump and interesting look down there you see a three-way tie for seventh place there and that does include Haley Hadley of pit State Julianne Fu of UT Tyler and Cheyenne Nesbit the senior from Saga Valley we will see her at the Olympic trials in the heptathlon moving up to the top of the podium Elena sers of isua Pacific is third at 1 M 74 by fewer misses Taylor nellums from Pittsburgh state second she’s a transfer student so she was scoring points for West Texas A&M last year she’s scoring them for pit State this year but on the top of the podium there that’s ARA Harbo of Concordia St Paul she is the only athlete today to clear 1 M 80 that’s 510 and 3/4 our high jump National Champion Erica Harbo of Concordia St [Music] Paul hey guys guys hey guys guys guys guys can we get out the way and you may there have just heard the PA announcement for the men’s shot put we can’t really show you the too much of the shot put the shot put there it’s on the north side of the facility but the man you do see there just behind that tent that is Miles Kerner of Grand Valley State so he has won this Championship he just completed his last throw it was 19 M 46 but on his third throw he threw 1994 that is 65 ft 5 in not only a personal best but yet another of the facility records that has been broken here this week so congratulations to our national champion in the men’s shop put miles Kerner a senior from Grand Valley State with a facility record and personal best 19 m 9465 f 5 in the re of the award for women back0 and as we’re wrapping up some of these events here just wrapped up that men’s shot put you’re looking at the P Vault and we may just be taking a break to set the bar the bar is going up to 5 M50 it looks like that’s 18 ft we have three two we have two looks like we have two competitors left it’s getting tricky to see now as some of these athletes play a little political games there once you miss at a height you may pass at the next height but it looks like we just have two athletes who have cleared 540 that’s 178 and a half so the two intill in competition are Vlad Malin the sophomore from Harding and Thomas neetto from Texas A&M Kingsville they have both cleared 5 m 40 178 and A5 they each have one miss at 550 which is 18 ft 1/2 in that is Thomas Neo who is on the runway now so this will be his second attempt at 5 M50 and when you get down there to see him with his actual attempt in the pit the breeze has picked up enough that the officials they’re holding the bar up there till the very last second when he goes up so not wanting the bar to fall off at all and yes it’s up there 18 ft 1/2 in this is Neo second attempt and he’s not going to get there on that so again he’s got one more attempt Molly kin has one more attempt they are both the only athletes over 540 but malakin will be the leader right now on fewer misses he cleared 530 on his first attempt while Neo did it on his second so next up in that P Vault we’re going to see Vlad malakin from Harding pval venue here at the national championships you see the elevated Runway way that is in the middle of the facility most athletes at this level have competed on a similar facility a way to feature that pull Vault and also keep it clear of the other events the elevated runway in the middle of the field you can set that to go either direction based on the wind but no longer are we having to conduct the pole vault right on the sides of the track but you can see malakin here asking for a little crowd support we got the slow clap going he is the center of attention right now the only event that is going on here in the infield men’s PV Vault second attempt or correction this could be his third attempt at 550 close but he is not going to get there so the results board changed while we are watching this event so not sure if that is his second or third Miss but he is our leader on the track it looks like Neo definitely will have one more attempt but the way they are congratulating other athletes over there it may or may not be complete again you can follow along with us on the official results but sometimes those are not not exactly correct they are putting the bar back up so by my thoughts Neo with one more attempt and he will either clear this and be the winner in the men’s pole vault or if he misses he will finish [Music] second and now looking back at the award St and these are the place finishers in our men’s 400 let keep in track with what we’re seeing here all the Awards being presented just as quickly as they can this is the men’s 400 as opposed to the men’s 100 that did just finish but you see the players up there darari Bush he was our defending Champion he’ll finish in that third spot and take home a bronze Shamar Palmer of Fresno Pacific with the personal best 4573 he is going to be second and on top of the podium from tiffen he’s just a sophomore Joshua pagee 4571 he looks a lot more comfortable right now than he did finishing that race but he was the first across the line and so this sophomore from tiffen with a national championship in the 400 at 4571 the women are now ready to start their 100 meters from left to right there HIP number one that is javana cornette of the Academy of Art in lane two it’s Deborah H pong from West Texas A&M Marie Eloise laclair from Simon Frasier she was fifth last year she will be in Lane three Alexis Brown the sophomore from Leno Ry she was second last year she’s the winner of the indoor 60 and if you were with us earlier you saw that anchor leg she ran on the 4×1 to take Lenor Ry to Victory so Alexis Brown now in lane four is looking for an individual goal to go with the team next to her we will see Denisha cartright Denisha Cartwright the senior from Minnesota state she has already won the 100 meter hurdles today and the long decorated Minnesota State athlete she’ll be in Lane five yakubu bikas from West Alabama she’ll be in Lane six de andranique gains of Pittsburgh state in seven and Lauren James from The Academy of Art in Lane 8 so we will have the Academy of Art bookending the field here as we find out who the fastest woman in the country is this year division 2 fastest qualifier was Alexis Brown of Lenor Ryan 1124 and she did have the fastest 100 meter anchor leg earlier this afternoon [Music] yeah I know it really is brown and cartright out together early and cartright pulls away from everybody except for brown who pulls away from the field so Alexis Brown the sophomore from lonard Ry now she won the 4 by 100 meter relay for Lenor Ry running from north to south she turns around here and from south to North she wins the women’s 100 again the wind has picked up just a little bit it’s a plus 3.2 wind behind her but Brown will run 1096 in that win for gold cartright will add a silver medal to her collection at 1114 and that will be deand reque gains of pit State she is going to get the bronze at 11 25 just ahead of bikas but of course that will be onepoint difference gains will score seven points for finishing third and you see all the times there again the wind reading on that a plus 3.2 but an impressive victory for Brown [Music] [Music] so we found out who the fastest Sprinter is on the straightaway we’re going to take a short break then we’ll come back for the 800 M we’ll find out who the fastest middle distance Runner is at the 2024 NCA division 2 men’s and women’s outdoor track and field championships from Emporia we’ll be back in a few minutes and welcome back to Emporia Kansas we are on the campus of Emporia State University for the 2024 NCAA division 2 men’s and women’s outdoor track and field championships we’re here at Zola Wht track in Welch Stadium we are starting to wind down down the afternoon with more Championship events just have the men’s and women’s 800 M to go along with the 400 meter hurdles the 200 the 5,000 and the 4×400 Met relays all of our field events are now complete some of those athletes still to get their rewards but it’s starting to wind down here at the division 2 national championships our official scoring shows that we are 2third of the way through the events and Pittsburgh state State the gorillas leading both the men’s and women’s competition after 14 events on the men’s side Pittsburgh state with 61 points that is five better than West Texas A&M Harding is currently third with 37 and in the women Side Pittsburgh state with a commanding 78 points that is 37 points better than Adam State’s 41 and Grand Valley State has 39.5 last year’s winner isua Pacific currently fourth place with 31 so we’ll keep you up to date with those results but the next event on the track is going to be the men’s 400 m or correction the men’s 800 M these athletes have run through qualifying so we are going to see the eight fastest qualifiers now here on the track and they will be able to go full speed the weather is beautiful still about 82° on the track with relative humidity and a slight breeze enough to keep everybody cool but not too much to make it difficult on the track there you see Lane one that is Nolan Mohler The Freshman from Drury he’ll be on the inside for this 800 meters Harry Ross Hughes of Lake Erie running out of lane two he was fifth place last year in Lane three it’ll be Drew Daly from Shippensburg in lane four Johan Korea from Central Washington in Lane five he is our defending champion this is Wes Ferguson he’s a senior now Nebraska Carney he won the indoor 800 and he is the defending champion in this outdoor 800 therefore the favorite Wes Ferguson from Nebraska Carney in Lane six Samuel idian from Charleston in West Virginia Lane seven Benjamin suner from isua Pacific and on the outside in the headb there you see dalen Madison the sophomore from Ashlin West Ferguson last year in peblo setting a meat record at the altitude of peblo he still ran 14546 showing you that for the 800 meter Runners more of a Sprint than a distance or even middle distance event but we’re underway now again mhler Ross Hughes d Korea Ferguson idian suner and Madison they’ll run around this first curve in their lane and then break for the straightaway and that will be Ferguson who moves to the front so he will control the pace in this race that he is defending his own Title First 200 just about 26 seconds flat and again the record that they would be shooting for is 14546 Ferguson leading them off the curve and on his shoulder keeping him honest that is Benjamin sner the Junior from isua Pacific 400 met split just Route 53 seconds official split there from our timing system 5376 for Ferguson so we’ll see how he feels down the [Music] backstretch five Runners still in that first group Harry Ross Hughes of Lake Erie making a move up into second place still five in that first group but it is Ferguson he knows how to control this race and as they come off this curve for the final time they’re either going to have to run around him but he is showing showing no signs of let up pulling away and this is going to be backto back national championships for Wes Ferguson from Nebraska Carney the senior will defend his title he’ll run 14784 that is going to be a facility record so we’ve mentioned many times today that records you’re going to need somebody to create a new board I have not counted up how many facility records we have but we could be pushing double digits as far as new facility records but that’ll be Ferguson setting another one at 14784 Ross Hughes takes the silver and Idan catches the bronze for Charleston West Virginia Monro your six Place finisher 18.10 594 and 3/4 of an in13 Thomas Valley St award from and at your Podium there you on your screen you’re seeing the place winners for the men’s shot put competition we mentioned a little earlier miles kerer with a personal best and another one of those facility records miles kerer the senior from Grand Valley on his third throw 19 M 94 that is just an incredible Mark of 65 ft 5 in for the senior so looking at the podium there at the top we’ll see Cedric Pearson of Missouri Southern personal best for the bronze medal Noah iers from Davenport a personal best for the silver medal and on top of the podium miles Kerner the senior from Grand Valley State a mark of 19 m 9 4 and a National Championship men’s shot [Music] put well we found out who the fastest men Runner is in the 800 who’s going to be the fastest woman well we’ll find out after the break here from Emporia State University and welcome back to Zola Wht track we’re in Welch Stadium on the campus of Emporia State University in Emporia Kansas as we are winding down finals Saturday at the 2024 NCAA division 2 men’s and women’s outdoor national championships we are just about ready to begin our next race on the track and you can see the women moving back to the starting line for this 800 M and there you see the runners from Adam State they have two in the finals here so any chance they have of catching Pittsburgh state in the women’s team team standings will have to come here in this 800 met race they’ll be running out of lanes three and five so theoretically that means they are seated first and third and if they could pick up those 17 points that would still keep them 20 points behind Pittsburgh state and Pittsburgh state does have a runner in the field so as we get closer and closer to the conclusion of this meet it is shaping up to be a celebratory day for the Pittsburgh state G is currently leading both the men’s and the women’s team competitions but here we go at the start now looking from right to left here Lane one Elizabeth aeson from University of Mary Lane two Megan roxby of Simon Frasier Lane three will be le hookin from Adam State Lane four she won the indoor 800 meters the Junior from Ursuline that is Alia Brooks in Lane five Jessica Simon from Adam State Lane six from Colorado School of Mines she was fourth last year that is Ariel Wright in Lane seven Kate Dawson from Pittsburgh state and in Lane eight inz McAdam from tiffen there is our field just getting the public address introductions and the gun is up women’s 800 M final and a clean start and quickly out there in the middle of the track that is alayia Brooks again she won the indoors 800 and in the indoors 800 is very important to get out to the front more difficult to pass on a smaller tighter track and if you were watching the prelims you saw she is catering to the same strategy she just took off hard hard at the gun early in the preliminaries and just has that really fast stride and just keeps chugging along and she is quickly out to almost a 20 M lead as she comes off the curve here for the first time again this is Alia Brooks the Junior from Ursuline Ohio she is going to be way out in front at the 400 meter Mark she’s going to come through her first half of the race just about 58 flat so she has set the challenge and she is going to try and run a fast time to also win the National Championship now if she keeps that pace that would be amazing she’s probably going to slow down just a little bit here so the rest of the field chasing if they have a strong finish they will start to close that Gap Jessica Simon of Adam state is currently running in second and ANZ McAdam of tiffen is on her shoulder and now now moving into second but as our second and third Runners now have 2 m 200 M to go we still have Brooks out there with about a 25 meter lead showing no signs of slowing down the stride is the same you see she’s working harder now to get there the field is coming they are starting the chase you’ve got the long-legged Madam from tiffen in Chase Adam State giving Chase can Brooks hold on Brooks is feeling it it is going to be close they may catch her oh Brooks goes down Brooks goes down she could not hold it for the 40 800 after that start inz Madam is going to win and poor alayia Brooks the junior for mereline she was five yards from a national championship but she could not hold it down the stretch hearing those athletes behind her she goes down Madam is going to win so kudos to her she was not intimidated by the early pace and you can see her there emotions overcoming her the Junior from tiffen she can’t believe she just W but there you see the results Madam wins 20885 Simon of Adam state will be second 20892 and also running sub1 are or sub 210 aerial right of the Colorado School of Mines you never know in track and field you can lead for the majority of the race but if you don’t cross the finish line first there is nothing but some heartbreak so Alasia Brooks at least will have another year to compete just a junior from and it’ll be interesting to see how she responds to that continuing her season or in the future we’re going to head back to the podium and see the results here for our men’s pval competition they just finished recently and as often in the PV and high jump we did end up with a tie there for eth Place Jacob Clark of Fort Hayes and Wyatt allwine of Grand Valley they’ll tie for eighth Hunter patricus of the Colorado School of mins will be seventh Garrett Baker of Ashland is sixth Bastian Frank of Missouri 7 is fifth looks like we did have a tie for third place as well in third place matio madrasi of calply Pomona and jacobe Jones of Angelo State we just had two athletes managed to clear the bar today at 5 m 40 that is 178 and A2 and while they both cleared that attempt on their first try if we go back by fewer misses Thomas Neo did have one miss at 530 and clear until he went out at 550 is going to be our champion that’s Vlad mikin of Harding the sophomore will win the men PV Vault competition so congratulations to those P valters there a celebratory day for the final field event I believe all the events are completed and I may have presented all the awards in field we’ll give you a complete recap of all the finals at the end of our competition today but we’ve got about 10 minutes till our next event on the track they’re setting up all the hurdles it’ll be the men’s 400 meter hurdle finals after the break of start Lee and Central Missi with 20 points in with 26 points in with 2 points the paciic in with 38 Valley State in [Music] 426 points 6 points gillitt St battle Brewing here between again place and welcome back now to Emporia Kansas the campus of Emporia State University we’re here at Welsh Stadium for the 2024 NCAA division 2 men’s and women’s national championships just starting to Cloud over a little bit here this afternoon it’s been a beautiful day Blue Sky just a slight breeze it’s kept everybody just a little bit cooler kept the humidity at Bay although we did have some wind AED Sprints thanks to a Tailwind just over the allowable limits but we’re going to continue on the track now with our finals the next race coming up here is the men’s 400 meter hurdles just a few minutes away again these athletes did qualify for this event on Thursday evening so they’re coming back 24 hours later and having to run the finals some of them have been competing in other events While others have had the time for a little bit of recovery here but as we get ready for the 400 medles 400 meter hurdles you can see the athletes standing patiently at their box here are your lane assignments now in Lane one that is Brendan Jackson from Ashland lane two Javon Riley from Claflin Lane three Ryan fields from calply Pomona and Lane four Shan Shawn cawan from St Augustines Lanes five and six will have teammates in Lane five Shar ham from The Academy of Art he was fourth last year in Lane six Josh Marlin from The Academy of Art in Lane seven Sheree Hamilton from Lincoln and in Lane eight Clarence McGill from Lenor Ryan so that is the field you look at a lineup like this none of the athletes representing teams in the top scoring group so those of you anxiously awaiting the team title top group not a big effect coming out of this heat although Academy of Art with two athletes they’ll be looking to score the most points but no athletes representing teams in the top seven of our individual standings again Jackson Riley Fields Caan ham Marlin Hamilton and McGill men’s 400 meter hurdles and a clean start fastest qualifying time is Caan from St Augustines he is in lane four and you can see he has made up the Stagger on the first curve thean the first man ham of the Academy of Art also out well we won’t really know what the lead is until they come off this top hurdle and that’ll be the inside of the track making up the staggers so we’re going to get a first off the curve from the inside we’ve got ham in the lead fields of cowply Pomona making the chase they’re over all the hurdles and the first across the line that is going to be Shere ham so he’ll go from a fourth place finish last year to a gold medal 4997 for [Music] ham and there you see the official time for everybody on the track ham 4997 Fields 50 37 and Hamilton will pick up a bronze medal 50.6 so again you can see the team scores now on the right hand side of the graphic there and while none of the teams are in that top group we are getting closer and closer to a pit State celebration their women have dominated this meet 88 points they lead Adam state with just 41 so that would be a tough group to overcome on the men’s side still a close race there you see Pittsburgh state is our leader they’ve got 60 West Texas A&M with 56 Harding with 47 Missouri 7 with 42 Grand Valley State 38 and A2 huza Pacific was 28 and don’t count Windgate out there they’ve only got 26 points right now but they took first second and third yesterday in the steeple chase and they have those athletes coming back in in the another quick look at the podium here and in the podium you’ll see the results of our women’s 800 MERS and that is a big congratulations for ANZ McAdam the junr from tiffen she wins in 20885 Jessica Simon scores eight points for Adam State and as you look at the team there it’s nice to see on the far right side that is Alisha Brooks of Ursuline she was she was leading through the first 795 M and giving credit to the athletes they were chasing her they may have caught her anyway but she felt the pressure she was struggling down the home stretch she fell just 5 M from the finish line and went from first to eighth So Adam state does pick up some points there so they get a little bit closer to pit state but pit State also picking up points in that event looking at our official women’s totals now just four events remaining pit state has 92 Adam state has 54 so that is a 38o lead with four events remaining ver virtually impossible for Adam state to catch Pittsburgh state so while the women won’t be celebrating just yet they can devote their attention to supporting the men with just a narrow lead and quite a few teams still in contention our next race on the track will be the women’s hurdles and as the hurdles are adjusted around the track still do not have our women out on the track they’re just coming out from the clerk’s tent at this time so give you another opportunity to just wish all of our athletes continued success we know that for some athletes this is it this is the last time they may ever compete collegiately we know that some athletes will take their experience here and their goal will be to make it to the outdoor national championships next year which will be back in Pueblo Colorado and then we do have some few Elite athletes who will be hoping to compete internationally for the United States or their home country for our International athletes this year the US a track and field athletes two opportunities if they have qualified for the Olympic trials which run concurrently with our USA Track and Field national championships there those are going to be held June 21st to June 30th in Eugene Oregon someone of our athletes may not have qualified for the Olympic trials but they will qualify for the under 20 championships those will also be in Eugene June 12th and 13th and the ultimate goal in any Olympic year of course is to make the Olympics and represent your country there the Olympics in Paris this year begin on July 24th the Athletics or the track and field portion of the Olympics will run from August 1st through 11th the sport of track and field always gets a little bit more attention in an olympic year and we do hope that track fans and non-track fans will follow the international progress of all athletes competing this year in US national world and Olympic championships there are the women for these 400 hurdles they have received their final instructions and now will go out and set their [Music] blocks the favorites in this event both running sub 58 in their qualifiers they’ll be on the inside of the track and then also on the inside of the track running out of lane two our highest Place finisher from last year that’ll be Maria Diamond from Lincoln the senior running in her final national championships barring any unique exceptions this is the last covid year for the NCAA athletes if they missed a season during the pandemic they were granted an additional year to compete but across the board our seniors this year would have already Tak Tak advantage of their pandemic year and unless they had red shirted or do have another unique circumstances they will be done that’ll help all of the sports information directors across the country now not have to worry so much about what year an athlete is and of course we all know track and field makes it very difficult with cross country indoor track and outdoor track being three different sports the headache of any sports information director or someone planning senior night and you can have an athlete who may be a sophomore in indoor track a junior in outdoor track and a senior in Cross Country all within the same Academic Year but it looks like we’re just about ready now so here are the lineups looking at your screen from left to right in Lane one that’s Rasha bedani from San Marcos the sophomore in Lane one lane two again she was second last year the senior from Lincoln Maria Diamond in Lane three this senior from Hillsdale that is shur irof in lane four she did have the fastest qualifying time this week the sophomore from Angelo State that is fatum Cabo in Lane five the sophomore from Lincoln odisha Nanton in Lane six the Junior from Finley that is Kylie Ray in Lane seven a senior from Fort Hayes State Kansas that is Taylor saval and in Lane eight wearing the green of Adam State a freshman that is Victoria Aman so there is the field for this 400 meter hurdle race on the track patiently again standing at their blocks and they’ll wait for that come to your marks this is the women’s 400 meter hurdle final B bnie Diamond irof Cabo Nanton Ray seol and Amman [Applause] and a clean start in Lane three that is irof of Hillsdale with a quick start she makes up the Stagger but then hits that second hurdle and stumbles but she is still going so we’ll see how that works out for her we lost another hurdler there in Lane seven that’s saval of Fort Hayes State she hits that third hurdle the hurdles are taking their toll on the athletes at this year’s championships just about every hurdle race we have had has claimed one athlete but looking at the top of the curve that is Lincoln’s odishan Nanton who will be the first off the curve and inside of her from Angelo State that is Cabo just one more hurdle now to go it’s nanson and Cabo both clear nanson and Cabo Here Comes Cabo and that Sprint after the last hurdle it’s going to go to the sophomore from Angelo State fatumata Cabo she is going to win this 400 meter hurdles 5739 that’s a personal best for her the sophomore from Lincoln Nanton she’ll be silver 5762 with the personal best and Kylie Ray of Finley she will sneak in there and win the bronze medal at 591 everybody finished we had two athletes hit the hurdles hard on the backside we’ll hope they are all right especially if they are going to be running this 4×400 meter relay that is coming up but there you see the results officially on the board Cabo nanson and Ray winning gold silver and bronze and diamond is fourth we are down to our final three events to come on the track at 440 we’ll have the men’s 200 followed by the women’s 200 that’ll be our last Sprint final then we’ll have our 5,000 meters for both the men and the women that will take care of our distance Runners final event and then we’ll get the athletes putting their best left and we’ll give you an update in all the team scores as we head into those 4×400 meter relays they are scheduled for 550 and 6:00 Central Time in the meantime we’ll take a quick break from Emporia Kansas [Music] him [Music] [Music] t oh [Music] yeah like [Music] oh yeah won I’ll up if I fail I’ll rise up wither it’s the all the way she in NCAA division 2 [Music] student it will be it’ll be the NCAA to our corate chion and support [Music] dep [Music] was just don’t your he you can stand here [Music] [Music] the top performers [Applause] BR your play with a new personal B 5116 from Leno Ry Clarence MC your six Place finisher also 5113 fromy in fth place 519 [Music] Academy with a person6 [Music] [Music] for the first time in his career 4997 from The Academy [Applause] [Music] of conratulations on Daddy [Music] 400 for the a [Music] day Victoria 5949 finishing in fourth from Lincoln 5946 season1 l conratulations ladies Excell [Music] women’s and welcome back to Emporia State Kansas we are on the campus of Emporia State University for the final few events of our 2024 NCAA division 2 men’s and women’s national championships next up it’s going to be the men’s 200 and the wind has shifted throughout the day and so we are going to run from the home stretch and finish on the backside so they’ll have the wi at their back wind may have died down just a little bit from those 100s and 100 hurdles which were wind AED for the men’s 200 you see them now from right to left this will be kibran Moore of Albany State in Lane one in lane two we’ll have a Johnny in from Academy of Art Lane three Ed Gilbert from Albany State in lane four from Cal State Los Angeles he was third last year that’ll be Leon TOA in Lane five from Minnesota state is our indoor 200 met Champion jabz Reeves the Junior from Minnesota state in Lane six Shamar Palmer from Fresno Pacific in Lane seven de priest Hogan from Pittsburgh state and on the outside he was second indoors will be the senior from Finley Josh verhoff men’s 200 meter dash they are at the blocks it looks like Lane five is going to be open and that would be jabz Reeves from Minnesota state the lane is open so no chance to duplicate the indoor and outdoor 200 for Reeves so we’ll have more in Gilbert to firea Palmer Hogan and verhoff and they’re off quick start on the inside Lane one that’s kiban Moore of Albany State he was third in the 100 m he’s made up the Stagger on those inside of him on the outside that is verhoff from Finley Dei Hogan from Pittsburgh state and how about that that might be the one that seals it just ran into the pit State coach he said he needed seven points from the last three events well he just picked up 10 points there from De priest Hogans the Junior at Pittsburgh state he is going to win this 200 the wind 2.8 but no matter to the priest Hogans the Junior runs 2038 look at Silver a 2064 and Ed Gilbert from Albany State he will pick up the bronze at 2065 so that’s a big 10 points for Pittsburgh state with just two events remaining now that’ll give them 70 points in the team standing team standings there West Texas A&M with no one in the 200 so they will not score so that may be the race that seals the deal for the gorillas from Pittsburgh state looking for their third consecutive National Championship but this would be the first time ever if pit State can win both the men’s and women’s competitions at the national championships so we are winding down towards the end here from Zola Wht track in Welch Stadium as you look outside around the track now you see the majority of athletes are relaxed and and celebrating and enjoying the fact that they can not have to worry so much about concentrating on an upcoming race we just have our women’s 200 meter final and then we’ll have our two 5,000 meter finals and the 4×400 meter relay so the mood is a lot lighter now in the stands with all the a athletes celebrating with their friends families and coaches as a another successful track season and national championships event has concluded it’s been great here at Emporia State they have done a great job of hosting the facility has been wonderful the weather has filled out for the most part we’ve had amazing performances a number of facility records and even more personal bests out on the track for the past few days we’ll go ahead and take a quick break we don’t see the the women for the 200 yet so we’ll take a break and be back with the women’s 200 M from Emporia State University and welcome back to Zola Whitten track in Welch Stadium on the campus of Emporia State University we’re in Emporia Kansas for day three of the 2024 NCAA division 2 men’s and Women’s National track and field championships it’s been a great day we are down to our final five events on the track all of our field events are complete and those Awards have been presented five races on the track and we’ll have our team trophy presentations and that will mark for a very successful National Championship season here next up on the track you see those are the women in the 200 meter final they qualified for this race yesterday so just about 24 hours rest but most of them all competing in other events let’s go ahead and meet the field now in Lane one we’ll see Ayanna fields from calply Pomona lane two belongs to yakubu bikas from West Alabama Lane three she was third indoors the Junior from Pittsburgh state DeAndre gains in lane four she won the indoor 200 she won the the 100 m earlier today she anchored the 4×1 to Victory earlier today it’ll be the sophomore from Lenor rine Alexis Brown in Lane five from Fresno Pacific sah Copeland in Lane six the senior from Minnesota state she was fourth indoors she was second last year the final race of the track career of Denisha cartright she is in Lane six Lane seven Marie Eloise lir from Simon Frasier the Canadian third last year second indoors and in Lane eight javana Cornett from The Academy of Art so a very distinguished field here in the women’s 200 the favorite has to be Alexis Brown she ran yesterday in 2284 the fastest qualifying time and has already picked up two gold medals today on the track and it will be our farewell to Denisha cartright if cartright can finish this race it will be her 16th medal if she finishes in the top three it will be her 16th medal that is gold silver or bronze at the national championship so big Challenge and between the two you’ve got Sarah Copeland of Fresno Pacific and you’ve got the Simon Frasier athlete Marie Eloise lir but you can’t C anybody out as we saw in that last race for the men depri Holmes from Pittsburgh state he was 15th seated and he walked away with a national championship Fields bikas gains Brown Copeland cartright lir and cornette [Music] cartright out very quickly and brown out as well on the inside coming off the curve you’ve got cartright on the outside Brown on the inside Copeland now making a move in the white cartright continuing to lead Here Comes Copeland here comes right it is going to be Denisha cartright Denisha cartright I don’t know it’s tough to call that an upset when you are such a distinguished Champion she’s going to get her 16th medal that is no worse than bronze that is going to be her first gold in the 200 that is going to be her eighth gold medal overall you can see the excitement there Champions go out on top and a big big congratulations to Nisha cartright of Minnesota state and win this women’s 200 the wind just a 1.9 reading so that was all cartright out of the blocks quickly around the curve and down that stretch she held on Copeland will finish in silver at 2297 and Alexis Brown will pick up a bronze to go with her two Golds today all three rning sub23 what a race but it is going to go to Denisha cartright the distinguished senior and a big smile on her face as she accepts the fired shell from the starter and a big hug for her coach there in the middle of the field we’ve seen athletes today crash hard and go out with nothing but pain and then we see some athletes go out on top of the world with a big smile on their face that is the joy of track and field and that’s why we love the sport that’s why we run the races and compete in the competitions you never know what’s going to happen and the good thing about track and field is you’re not always just Racing for the top spot on the podium athletes can be very happy just beating a personal best or working towards a team Title by being part of a point scoring event but I think everybody is happy today for Denisha cartrite well that’s going to leave us with just four events now the women’s five or correction the men’s 5000 will be our next event up and that’s just going to be a little over 5 minutes away so we’ll go ahead and we’ll take another quick break here from Emporia Kansas and the national championships we’ll be back with our men’s and women 5,000 m to come and welcome back to the 2024 NCAA division 2 National track and field championships we’re here in Emporia Kansas we are down to our final four events on the track we’re going to have our men’s and women’s 5,000 meters and then of course as all track meets finish that’ll be the 4×400 meter relays then we will be able to present our team champions so it’s that point on a Saturday afternoon when athletes are wrapping up not only for the day but for the meat and that sad moment for all of our seniors who may have just walked off the track for the final time of their careers but track Never Ends all of our underclassmen looking to be back next year and of course for the best of the best continued competition as many of our athletes will be competing in National Championship events representing their countries in either the under 20 the Olympics or any other regional track and field meets to come this summer as we get ready for the men’s 5,000 m we’re reminded that the distance runs here around this track will be facing the wind for half the track and have the wind at their back for half the track in just the last few minutes the wind has picked up up quite a bit I’m just looking out at the flags next to the award stand and they are blowing quite hard now from the south to the north which means the Finish Line straight away will have the athletes in there the wind will they’ll have that in their face but it will be 12 1 12 laps around the track in this race for the 5,000 meter Runners and it may have a effect a little bit on our overall team scoring in our men’s competition West Texas A&M is currently second but they don’t have any athletes in this the team to watch out for will be Windgate last night if you joined us for our steeple chase Windgate ended up going one two and three the Bulldogs Tian lrie winning the steeple chase for the Bulldogs and he had athlete teammates finish second and third Windgate with five athletes entered in this 5,000 meters so you never know but a one through five [Music] sweep score a lot of points for Windgate they currently sit in seventh place with 26 points but they will definitely take a big jump here if they can get some top Podium finishers now while the shorter races that are in Lanes if you make the finals on an eight Lane track you know that you are going to place and you are going to be one of those all-americans for finishing 1 through eight in these distance races where we have more than eight people on the track 1 through eight will be all American first team 9 10 11 and 12 they will gain the accolades of being second team all-americans but they will not receive medals and they will not score team points so always the goal to be in the top eight as we look at this bigger field 19 athletes scheduled to be competing in this race on the track and here are the athletes we expect to be competing Felix perier from isua Pacific Peter Kim kimoy from East Central Sam Wilhelm from Alabama Huntsville LS laros from Windgate Cole Nash from Alaska Anchorage Simon kot from Western Colorado Luca pope from Windgate Ryan Hartman from Augustana Hamza chahed he won the indoor 5K this year the Junior from Windgate Matthew store was second in this race last year from Colorado Christian John Lucas Becker of Mississippi he was last year’s champion in the 10 K soil bzy from Windgate Roma legendre from Adam State Tian lree was the steeple chase winner as mentioned he is in this race along with josephat Melly Duncan feni from Colorado School of Mines Tyler Nord from Western Colorado and William aansa from West Texas A&M also rounding out the field Logan bovich from the Colorado School of Mines the fastest qualifying time to make it to the finals here is legendre from Adam State the junior he has run 1316 this season so the race is underway in the early Pace Setter that’s tishan lree from Windgate again he won the steeple chase yesterday he did not lead that race for the entirety he was always within Striking Distance but with just a few laps to go he joined his teammates at the front and he did have the strongest finish heading into that water jump first and emerging with a straightaway finish and a individual National Title so he is continuing to lead them down the backstretch again 12 1 half laps for this 5,000 m and nobody clearly breaking out at top speed they’re going to come through their first 400 just about 73 74 seconds so nothing too quick at the end of a championship event like this whether they’ve run multiple events or not it is still a long day living in the hotel cheering your teammates on and again most of these athletes have competed in another event so they’re still tightly packed here as they come down the home stretch for the second time and it does look like the wind has died down just a little bit since the gun went [Applause] [Music] HIP number six there you see tiwan L continuing to set the pace and the rest of the field is quite happy to run along beside and behind him those at the back just comfortably settling in still too early to wonder to worry about being boxed in you just don’t want to have anybody in front of you going so slow and easy to step on a foot or get a heel clipped nobody wants to go down but you can see they are at a pedestrian 231 for the first 800 m [Music] in the [Music] [Applause] yell and they’ll come [Music] they’ll come through the Thousand meter Mark at 310 lree continuing to set the pace bu frezy his teammate is right up there at the front with him while the rest of the Windgate Runners are spread out through the [Music] pack just another 7879 second quarter and you can see some of the athletes taking advantage on the backstretch grabbing some water early in this race but again it’s turned into a strategic race so nobody nobody taking charge nobody setting a tough Pace out there so that will eventually play into the hands of the sprinters or those who think they have the fastest finish moving up on the outside now he wants to get get to the front have a little more control on the pace that is Peter Kip kemboy from East Central the sophomore and the orange he was up at the front of that steeple chase yesterday falling back a little bit on that final lap and as they make their way around this South curve once they hit the straightaway that’s the 1500 meter Mark and for any measure 1500 meter is just about 449 at the 1500 meter Mark and as you can see the pack lengthening out a little bit that means that the pace might have picked up a little bit but we also see some of the runners they’ll just break out to either the front or the outside so that they have the opportunity to pick up that cup of water on the backstretch they’re not necessarily going to be drinking it but they’re going to be pouring that water over them over the head over the arms it’s still quite warm out there especially the distance Runners always do like it a little cooler but we are here at 5:00 central time so the sun just starting to go down but maybe not the heat of the day but it is 85° and my app tells me that that feels like 88 with the humidity so the warmest part of the day right now on the track and without that breeze these distance Runners are definitely feeling that heat if it is 85 and feels like 88 and muggy that may explain one reason why they are not going off to try and set a personal best or Championship record time they’re going to be content to run a nice easy Pace at the beginning we imagine the pace will pick up in the second half of this race and we’ll find out who wants to go for a top of the spot Podium finish some of the athletes having a little more difficulty getting that that cup you can see our support crew spread out all down that backstretch handing out water to the athletes as they go and if you are particularly strategic you might see a jump from an athlete it may happen on that backstretch while the athletes are looking for water and may see one or two escapes but they’re taking their turns at the [Applause] front this is soil buzy the Junior from wi gate his term time now need to lead them through 658 there and now just under seven laps to go so we’re still just closing out the first half of this race we do expect that the second half will be a bit more of a speedrun doesn’t look like too many athletes are picking up water this time [Music] around the overall Pace has picked up a little bit after consecutive 400 m splits of 7778 this one down to 7576 and you can see now literally as they come down the backstretch the pace [Music] quickens and they have really opened it up quite a bit here and as the field stretches out now now we’re going to have a race with six laps to go the race is on so it’s still going to be called the ,000 M but the first half of this race being used to get comfortable get loose the race now on Felix perer of isua Pacific he’s the one at the front and now they are just about single file on the backstretch imp pansa of West Texas A&M is at the front the green of Adam state currently running second there and as they come down this home stretch when they hit that Finish Line there that will be the 3,000 meter Mark so a good chance for us to now gauge the time 3,000 M into this at about 9 912 9913 for the 3,000 so of our steeple chase athletes they would be finished by now but another 2,000 M here and you can see the pace definitely quicking quickening as the athletes are spread out into one long file so nobody really out of the race yet but those at the back need to keep touch because the pace is not going to slow down again it is going to continue to increase down the backstretch and with each lap we’ll probably see this field thin out even more in this 5,000 m straight single file across the north curve and they’re going to have just four laps to [Music] go once they cross our Finish Line here and pansa from West Texas A&M he is still the leader on the track Roma Legend Adam State he is running second he had the fastest qualifying time this season and of course he has come down in altitude from Alamosa while aansa from West Texas A&M assuming that is probably a similar altitude to empor Kansas here Sam Wilhelm from Alabama Huntsville has settled into third position and in the orange again that is Peter Kip cmoy from East Central Felix perier of zza Pacific and Simon kot of Western Colorado are rounding out that top six still have about 10 in contact with our leaders but as that pace quickens again down the home stretch here you see four athletes at the front with five trying to keep in [Music] contact and with three laps to go you can see the turnover at the front the legs we’ve had the top two go aansa and legender down the backstretch now starting to shape into what may be a Twan race to the final again the top eight will score pit state does not have a runner in this race and pona from West Texas A&M their second overall and they are leading this race so if they pick up a 10 points here that would match those 10 points that pit state scored in the 200 but they both look pretty strong here just over 800 met two laps to go k pansa has been setting the pace in the longer legs of Leandra from Adam state two laps to go now for our leaders he’s slowly been creeping up but that’s just fat Melly from Harding The Freshman he was about 10 Deep but he has now moved up into that third position and is chasing them I don’t know if he can get across the Gap again no sign of any slowing down at the [Music] front but it is hot out there so don’t count out Melly leading that chase group of perryer and Wilhelm they are 34 five on the track but at the top of the track now just over 500 M to go these are the two leaders we’ll see how long Leandra wants to stay behind the Junior from Adam State against the Junior from West Texas State very familiar with each other running in indoors and outdoor championships just over one lap to go so andona is going to take us into the Bell lap 400 m to go we’ll find out who has the strength in their legs to finish this kick they’re side by side now at the bottom of the curve and there is the first move the long legs of Leandra of Adam State he must feel confident he goes with about 300 M left in the race and he’s already opened that up to a 10 yd lead just 200 M to [Music] go and pona still running second but that Gap is closing But Here Comes our leader off the track for the final time the long legs of Roma LeAndre of Adam State he’s going to win this race and pona finds enough strength he’s going to finish second and look at this finish Hamza chahid of Wingate he is going to come from a way back to get the bronze the jandre is going to run 1436 and pona 1440 and that is Shahid maybe waited just a little bit too long today but he’ll get bronze at 1441 and you can see the times and places of our top seven 8 n finishers there and again Windgate with all their five athletes in this race only scoring maybe one position there lree won the steeple chase yesterday could not come back and have as much success in this 5000 he’ll finish in 11th place at 15 flat his teammate laros at 1502 and then bzy also running the steeple chase yesterday he’ll be 1518 and pop for Windgate will close out with the group so not quite a successful 5,000 MERS for Windgate but all props for qualifying five to the finals and you can see the toll this takes on them I think for most of us here the weather is Pleasant if not on the warm side but any distance Runner will tell you they would prefer it to be much cooler than it is right now here in the mid 80s and the humidity feeling like the upper 80s for this 5,000 m so the time’s a bit slower than hoped but their success there you see getting the accolades from his teammates the happy happy Roma Leandra he’ll take yet another National Championship home to Alamosa and the Adam state Grizzlies the Grizzlies currently not ranked in the top seven on the men’s side which is a rarity for Adam State a perennial Podium team this year for our indoor season the men for Madam state were third Grand Valley was second pit state of course the winner on their home track in the indoor season last year Adam State men were in third place overall behind Texas West Texas A&M and pit state but the results of this race not yet entered but Adam State not anywhere near the top five so just a little bit of time now before we get our women out here they are scheduled to begin at 5:25 so just about 5 minutes away so we’ll go ahead and we’ll take another quick break here we’ll be back in about 3 minutes to Emporia State and the finals of the women’s 5000 m EA division 2 men’s and women’s National track and field championships we just watched the men’s 5000 and you can see that the pace was a bit slower in the first half of the race due to the Heat and the exhaustion of athletes who have been competing in multiple events we’re just about ready to see how the women react to this start time of 88° with some humidity Crow’s temperature about 84 feels like 88 and a little breeze out there hopefully keeping them cool but the men seem to suffer a little bit through the the heat in the first half of the race and we’re quite content to have a pedestrian in first half before the pace picking up in the second half of that race what you see now the starting line for the women’s 5000 this is the largest field there is a lack of consistency with the qualifying system so each event here at the NCA division 2 championships May feature a different amount of athletes that’s just a little bit different from division one when you know it is going to be a top 48 qualifier so we are scheduled for 24 women to compete in this women’s 5000 and as they are getting ready over at the starting line we’ll run through the field for you it should include Emily schulof of Adam State although she did fall in the steeple chase and wind up with an ankle injury but it looks like she is over there on the outside getting ready to compete in this 5000 Marissa diatri of Chico State she was a Podium finisher in the steeple chase Florence wena from West Texas A&M she was fourth last year she won the indoor 5K and she won the 10,000 MERS that kicked off our competition on Thursday night Betty Bika of West Texas A&M is in the field along with her te teammate Sarah kumson we’ve got Kylie antic from Edinburgh Elizabeth Walmsley from Hillsdale Leah Taylor from Western Colorado cathina gotel from The Academy of Art Hannah smirka from Lewis Brianna robbles from Adam State she was second last year Morgan hikes is from Adam State and in the field Zoe Baker from the Colorado School of Mines Del Molina from Chico State Tristian Spence from Adam State Allison Beasley from Western Colorado she also went hard down in the preliminaries of the steeple chase so we hope to see her out there Gracie Hyde of Adam state is scheduled to be in this race don’t know if we’ll see her she won the steeple chase and she earlier won the 1500 today Riley McGrath of the Colorado School of Mines and aosi from UCCS Claudia Ali from Grand Valley Molly masin from Colorado School of Mines Ana anuka esvelt from Seattle Pacific Maggie mesy from Adam State and Kaylee berer from Winona State see a number of names her multiple events they’ll qualify but they may not choose to run in every event we’ve seen that throughout the day with some of the athletes here and they may not decide which events they’re actually going to compete in until they are actually on the track so a lot of times you’ll get the the intentions of running in multiple races but if you win your first race and you think that took a lot out of you you may not enter a second race and the flip side of that if you’re a little bit disappointed in an earlier race at least you have another one to come back to so we’ll get the field set a little bit tighter as the race goes on but we’re underway now again 24 athletes were scheduled to compete I do see schulof out there the Junior from Adam state so that’s good to see after she did not finish the steeple chase [Music] preliminaries do not see hide out there for Adam state so after the two victories for her in the steeple chase in the 1500 she’s called it good so definitely we’ll have a smaller field and you can see as they come down this home stretch women are following the take of the men a very slow start to this race so the humidities out there the exhaustion of competing in a three-day championships most of these athletes competed in the 10,000 or another event and so they are going to be quite content also to get a little faster than a jog but they are in no hurry as they run down the back stretch here looks like we did end up with 22 athletes starting the race Gracie Hyde of Adam State Allison Beasley of Western Colorado the two dns’s and well we know that Hyde WS two gold medals already will hope the best for Allison Beasley she did hit one of the barriers in the steeple chase preliminaries and did not finish that race so we will hope that the sophomore from Western Colorado is okay and able to join us again soon there you do see an athlete go down though that’s what happens sometimes you’ve got that many together and all it takes is somebody to clip an ankle but that’s a tough fall for anuka esvelt of Seattle Pacific she pops right back up and she’ll have that adrenaline in the heart pumping after that fall but a quick tumble and roll but she is now back caught up with the pack and that’s what happens sometimes in these longer races something happens and the time that you are slowed by the Fall that uh gets mix-matched by the adrenaline that comes afterwards and if you’re following her around she is all the way back up into third place now anuka esvelt so she goes down coming off the curve and she has popped up and streak through the field and she is now settled into third spot so hopefully she’ll be all right as some point that adrenaline will stop and it’ll settle back into her but that tumble may may or may not have taken a little bit out of her but she is back there in third place HIP number three and as the field stretched out hopefully she’ll be safe coming off the curve this time on the track you see the field has spread out so they just took that one lap relatively slow to begin the race but we’ve got cathina gotel of the Academy of Arts she’s been running in multiple races this weekend and Podium finishes Brianna robbles from Adam state in the green you’ve seen her in just about every distance race over the past few years she may have more silver medals than any other athlete the Junior from Adam State often finishing second on the track she was third in the 10,000 m on Thursday night and picking up the pace a little bit there has not necessarily split the field but it is has spread out the field that will make it a little bit safer as they continue around the track but it also has caused some athletes to fall to the back and once you have fallen off the pack in any sport it is tough to get back into the group got about 15 running together in this first group all with contact but it’ll be three across gotchel robbles and esvelt running one two three as they come down the home stretch here and that does look like Florence luena of West Texas A&M she has settled in there on the inside in that fourth position still too early to worry about getting boxed in the field has spread out enough that only one person is going to be outside of you you see a more shoving there at the front and one athlete takes one step inside the track no foul there of course but don’t let any anyone ever tell you that track is a non-con sport any distance Runner will tell you that in anything from the 800 and up when you’re not running in your lane there’s going to be quite a bit of pushing and shoving and sometimes it’s every man or woman for themselves and not wanting to get muscled around well our leader this is the athlete who fell anuka esvelt from Seattle Pacific just a few laps ago in this exact spot is where she went down but she popped up does not look any worse for wear maybe a little strawberry there on her right hip just above her hip number you can see where mchi may have taken a tumble on the track there but she’s using that to her Advantage now with eight laps to go the pace has been a consistent 78 76 77 78 eight seconds for the most of our leaders so they’ve settled into that pace you see we’ve lost about eight or nine Runners now off that lead group but at this point in the race they’ve kind of gauged that heat they know what to expect and as they now have seven and a half laps to go we will start to see who feels like if they want to win they’re going to have to push the pace just a little bit further he’s taking a quick look back to that 10,000 MERS on Thursday evening U Jan of West Texas A&M she won it esvelt was second and Robles was third so our top three finishers in the 10K all up there near the front in fact running one two three right now so what Phil may feel like a warmup or a Sprint for our 10,000 meter Runners they are all out front in this 5,000 m and like any track athlete if you ask them which they prefer the 10,000 or the 5,000 most of them are going to say say whatever’s next put me out there I’ll run it I’ll run anything, 1500 would be a good speed workout a 10,000 M probably the longest they are running at this point but it would be safe to assume that many of these runners in their post Collegiate years they’re trying not to shake out the competitive Spirit they will be running their first marathons before too long [Music] esvelt continuing to set the pace Robles making her presence known off the shoulder in the 10K it was the other way Robles let set the pace for the majority of the race with u Jenea on her shoulder so they’ll try out different strategies along the way the teammates from West Texas A&M now moving up Betty bik and Sarah kumson into those fourth and fifth spots so West Texas A&M looking for a big push in our women’s 5,000 m 12 athletes clinging together in this first group that you see on the track once you fall off the back the odds of getting back into it are not not going to be very good especially when you have Front Runners who you know are not going to slow down so keeping that pace up for as long as you can may take its toll and we may be losing another three here as they adjust for the water but we’ve got nine through the top of the curve with three just off that pace and then the rest of the field now spreading out behind them they’ll have five laps to go when they cross the finish line this time and no change at the front other than Roes not really challenging esvelt but running beside her as much as she is running off of her shoulder keep an eye on Florence uena the senior from West Texas A&M she is just sitting there comfortably in that third spot letting the other two do all the work and as this group of eight head down the backstretch we’ll see they’re all thinking about when they are ready to go and there is robbles actually going to the front and Ur Jenea with her so we’ll see if esvelt can stay with the group again she took that tumble earlier in the race expended a lot of energy to get back up to the front she went from first to third in less than half a lap but at time we still have that group of eight we did see that in the 10,000 meters a lot surge slow down surge slow down just making sure that none of the other athletes can lock into a nice Pace The Front Runners are going to change up that pace a little bit challenge the athletes wear them down a little bit they’re probably a little more confident in what they can do but as they come down the home stretch This Time Again Robles and U Jena running together and there goes U Jenea four laps to go and she has now moved to the front robbles goes with her we’ll see if the rest of the pack can follow along the last three laps for uena 82 82 82 and 81 W and you see now that those two have made the break so they feel the best just over three and a half laps to go you’ve got Florence uena the senior from West Texas A&M and Brianna robbles the Junior from Adam State they finished first and third on Thursday night in the 10K and if the heat and humidity is going to play a factor in this race you’d have to say it favors Ura Jenea from West Texas A&M over Robles who comes from the high altitude of Alamosa Colorado and that’s the way it seems to be playing out here as now with just over three laps to go Florence Urena taking matters into her own hands the senior knows this may be her last race at the national championships and she wants to again take control and make sure that she finishes on her terms what’ll happen here in the heat they may feel good in the first half of the race but if they expend too much energy and their body is fighting to stay cool the collapse can happen quickly you can go from tending and being on the podium to dropping way back and generally you’re going to find a few of those athletes who have run a different type of race where they have gone out slower laid back and then they feel better at the end of the race and they will start picking off the runners in front of them counting those top eight spots and hoping to get a place on the podium but it may matter not to flor lence Renea she is looking and feeling really good as she comes down this home stretch for the next lap she’ll have two laps to go now just 800 meters to go we’re going to be right about 14 flat on the clock for Ura Robles the pace has slowed a little bit and in this Chase pack now we have five athletes already running together hoping for that bronze medal and that is Adam [Music] States excuse me that’s Adam State’s Maggie mesy who has moved up into third place so Adam State looking right now for picking up 15 points in this race the running second and [Music] third but still going to be quite a Chase for that silver medal position we’ll see our top two leaders now coming off the curve for the penultimate time and it does not look like Florence uena is going to slow down at all just over one lap to go for her roblas is coming back I think Robles may have picked up the pay she may be too far behind with one lap to go now but this will be the Bell lap and possibly the last time we will see Florence origa in a West Texas A&M uniform her final national championships for the seniors she’s leading she’s on her final lap Robles is on her final lap mesy now with some separation she is in third place and in her final lap W Jenea now just starting to lap Runners on the track but she’s only going to catch one does not look like Roes has what’s in her to catch her just 200 met to go now to the finish for Florence uena and we’re going to watch her come around the track here seeing one of the more prolific distance Runners over the last few years of division 2 she’s here looking around just going to make sure nobody’s there by behind her she’s going to come off the curve we’ll see if we can get a smile out of Florence here as she knows that she’s going to win this race and this is going to be her last time competing at the NCAA championships robes is finishing hard but she is too far behind so Florence uena is going to win this race he’s going to be about 1632 hands up in Victory Robles is going to be second she’s just going to be about 5 seconds behind here comes the race for third Maggie Mesley of Adams is holding on can she hold it 10 more yards it’s going to be a close finish here but yes Adam state is going to get third as well as second MCL went on a state with a strong finish for fourth Marissa diatri she’s going to get another Podium finish as she will finish fifth Kylie anic from Edinburgh will be sixth anakah esvelt will slip to seventh but that’s still a Podium finish for the Junior from Seattle Pacific and our final Podium spot’s going to go to Elizabeth Walmsley of Hillsdale at 1655 and as the remainder of our athletes finish up this race still a few few Runners out there on the course they’ll be quite happy and a cool spot to sit down one thing we are going to find in track and field we’re not going to get too many athletes running this 5,000 and then coming back to run the 4×400 meter relay in high school I have seen that happen from time to time they’ll have a really good 3200 meter Runner who can run one more lap around the track can contribute to their teams 4×400 but we’re not going to see any of these 5,000 meter runners in our Collegiate 4×400 meter relays so we’re down now to the final two races of the day at first it’s going to be the men’s 4×400 meter relay obviously so they will be coming out taking the blocks all track fans know how exciting the 4×400 is obviously at the national meet we will not see the excitement on the field we all remember those High School meets and even some Collegiate meets where you see the teammates running back and forth across the field to cheer on their athletes in this 4×400 but the stands are looking good here as we look out over the under the Press Box at the home stretch the stands while not full there are a good amount of people here we can look just beyond the Finish Line a whole crew of Adam State Grizzlies wearing their green fluorescent green and dark green proudly a lot of red in the stands at the Finish Line representing Pittsburgh state but a lot of our teams especially those who are not in a hurry to catch an airplane or have a long drive home tonight and even a some standing ovations from some teammates here in the Press Box and down on the field everybody’s excited when you see these athletes coming down the track for for this 4X 400 met race you can see a pretty good crowd there the backstretch not too many people over there on the backside that is where the media and the coaches but here when you look at the home side on the underneath the Press Box there that looks pretty full and all those people enjoying the weather and we’ve stayed ahead of the storm the storm has slowed down quite a bit so by the time the storms roll here into Emporia Kansas everybody should be long gone and this Stadium cleaned up it’s been a very very successful 2024 National Championship meet for Emporia they can be very proud of the facility here it is held up under scrutiny and the fans have loved coming out very spectator friendly Stadium here for not just the running events but also the field events and very friendly people here from Emporia State helping us put on this great meat you can see the athletes taking their runouts for this race we are going to have eight teams who have qualified yesterday and come back to run this relay it should not make a significant change in the team standings at this point but we will have our top teams competing for the men’s 4×400 in Lane one it’s going to be Grand Valley State Grand Valley State currently in third that’s the women’s there in third they’re in third in the women’s they’re fifth in the men’s they’ve got 38 and a half points so a big victory here could propel them into the top four but we’ll see Grand Valley State with the team of Harris prey gay and roads in lane two Fresno Pacific scheduled to see Fox Palmer Jimenez and cook Lee Tennessee will be in Lane three with mangu Shaw Jackson and steel Lane four will be Northwest Missouri the team of Jansen Monday Ariano and hair they did have the fastest qualifying time yesterday at 3710 Pittsburgh state they won the indoor 4×4 three of the four are on this outdoor team Pittsburgh state will offer Chapman Stone Williams and tutor Lane six Mississippi College the team of clay Stewart Hodson and Foster in Lane seven The Academy of Art will feature ham OBO in and Marlin and in Lane eight they were third last year so don’t count out Lenor Ry they will have the team of Crumpler Ai wodsworth and Mill Rel and as we look at the team scores for the men 19 of 21 events have been scored so not sure exactly which of the other events has not been counted in there that could be any 5k or there could be a protest that has caused a delay in the scoring but if we look on our live results right now for our men’s scoring we see that Pittsburgh state has 70 West Texas A&M has 64 now that shouldn’t make too much of a difference because West Texas A&M is not in this race and Pittsburgh state is so even if we do have some kind of protest and a change in our scoring shouldn’t make too much of a difference and we have just been informed that there is a question with the 400 met hurdle final results and the good news for the team scoring is that will not affect any of the overall team scoring but of course those individuals would be very concerned so we’ll try and get you an update hopefully that will be fixed before the conclusion of this meet officials are working on it but as we go into this 4×400 meter relay Pittsburgh state coming out of Lane five has the luxury of knowing that they should have have locked up the team Title Here of course getting disqualified in this race means no points but as long as they finish this race they will score but they want to win and they do come in here with the second fastest qualifying time just behind Northwest Missouri State so everybody’s running for Pride everybody’s running for medals and for some of them yes this is the last race of their collegiate career and they will want to go out knowing that they gave their best so we’re underway now again this from the inside out it’s Grand Valley State Fresno Pacific Lee Tennessee Northwest Missouri pit State Mississippi College Academy of Art and Leno Ry stagger holding up pretty much down that backstretch lane one Grand Valley State closing a little bit and on the outside Academy of Art maybe closing the Stagger but again as we know in this race this race is generally won in the 10 yards either side of the exchange as the incoming athletes are slowing down and the out going athletes are speeding up that is where you can make a big big push in this race it’s a three curve stagger so second leg here they will not break they’ll have to run in their Lane so Fresno Pacific in lane two is out very well that’s pit state in the red in the middle of the track they may be our leaders at the break as they hit the straightaway there you can see that it is indeed pit State going to the front but the Academy of Art taking the long and most efficient point they move up side by side so we’ve got pit State and Academy of Art and then on the inside that’s Fresno Pacific as they come off the curve here in this second leg again pit State a second fastest time in here but this is where you see the change the pit State second leg slowing down just a little bit while Fresno Pacific surging to the finish line so at the Midway Point Fresno Pacific with the lead pit State still slips to Third and that is Northwest Missouri State so the two teams we expected to be at the front at the end they’re running second and third now Northwest Missouri State and pit State Fresno Pacific still in the lead this is the third leg on the track Academy of Arts now moving back into contention and that is Mississippi College in the gray on black and both schools behind them also finishing very strong so we’re going to have exactly what we wanted here a tight finish pit State wrapping up the third leg very strong pit State’s going to have the lead it’s going to be Theirs to lose Northwest Missouri State will finish this third leg in second and we’ll see what happens in this final leg it is pit State’s race to lose pit State already having won the team title so you know they want nothing more to finish in style Northwest Missouri State proud school has beaten Pittsburgh state in the conference meet Fresno Pacific representing the West Coast trying to show what they can do and the Academy of Art now moving up into contention but we are in the final 100 meters pit state looks very strong off the curve Here Comes Northwest Missouri State we’re going to have a Sprint to the Finish pit state had that lead But Here Come the Bearcats from Northwest Missouri who’s going to win this 4×400 what a finish too close to call from this angle Northwest Missouri State they are going to come back and win in the prelims they had 100th of a second difference and look at this in the finals they win by 4 hundredths of a second so Northwest Missouri State they’re going to have the Pride of the MIAA conference they are going to be national champions in our 4×400 meter relay pit State’s going to take silver but with the Solace of knowing that they have won the team title we see their anchor leg there down at the finish line so we’ll hope he’s all right it’s got to be a little disheartening to know that you did just get pipped at the line but I’m sure his athletes are checking on his welfare they’re also telling him he did great 4516 that was Sam tutor on the anchor for pit State he’ll run a 4610 so you run a 4610 anchor split and his teammates telling him hey you ran great it’s okay we didn’t win but it was nothing on you but we’ve got a gold medal as a team and there you see the Northwest Missouri team coming over giving their congratulations so the miaaa conference very proud as they will take first and second and there again you see the Northwest Missouri State Bearcats quietly celebrating their huge comeback so all props again to Anchor leg Truman ha for Northwest Missouri 4516 and just enough to win at the finish line and as the women now get ready for their race we’re going to show you a quick look at the podium for that women’s 5,000 m just completed fourth place there getting her medal or award Kaye B of Winona State Maggie mesy of Adam state will take her third place medal award home to Alamosa yet again Brianna robbles the Junior from Adam State she has more silver finishes than just about any athlete over the past three years she’ll take those but she’s still going to be trying hard for gold the gold this year is going to go to the senior Florence Urena from West Texas A&M she won the 10,000 m on Thursday night she’ll capture the gold National Championship award tonight the senior running 1633 that is another facility record yet another facility record being broken here by U Jenea and that’s going to take us to our final race it’s always this time of year this time of the meet on a Saturday when athletes are wrapping up a successful day as we look out we see a lot of smiles around the track lot of Happiness here as a season concludes good weather all day lot of Awards being presented and now just one final race on the track and again if there’s anybody who can breathe a big sigh of relief it is going to be the coaches at pit State they have put together both men’s and women’s teams that have pulled off for what a pit State and unprecedented double first time ever they’ve both won individual Team titles but they’ve never been able to put them together at the same time and it’s obviously not quite official yet but Pittsburgh state is going to win the men’s team title and the women’s team title as we go into this women’s race Pittsburgh state and Adam State the top two but 25 points separating them and Adam state is not in the field so they are not going to close so pit State again they can do the same thing the men tried to do they can go out with authority they want to win this last race as much as they want to have won the team Title Here are your lane assignments now for the 4×400 from the inside out that’s Finley the team of Ray Jordan Taylor Ellis and ivory in lane two Cal Poly Pomona have the team of Thomas quinette Milton and Fields Angelo State will be in Lane three with McDaniel Cabo frush and Finley in lane four the team from Lincoln it’s Clark Giddings Thomas Nanton and George Northwest Missouri they are the defending national champions and they just saw their men win the title so Northwest Missouri feeling a little bit there they’ve got the team of ss Toledo harp and huie the same four athletes that won the national championship last year and won the indoor 4×400 so they’ll be the team to beat also in Lane six lauza Pacific with verer medley iire and Holmes pit State the team champion they’re in seven with Morgan Hall Johnson and Edwards and on the outside that’s Fresno Pacific scheduled with Copeland green Vera and hlip gun is up and the athletes settling into their marks this is the final race of the 2024 NCAA division 2 men’s and women’s national championships 4X 400 meters for women the final race on the track the gun is up [Music] what and a clean start in this three stagger 4×400 met relay again the team to beat has to be Northwest Missouri defending Champions indoor Champions all four runners returning and they have quickly made up the Stagger there down the backstretch they are wearing the white on green and in Lane five Pittsburgh state outside of them in Lane seven running for Pride as well you saw that men’s race where pit State led the entire way in Northwest Missouri State just pipped them at the line so the women will be remembering that and trying to get some Revenge there running well on the inside Angelo States zakaya McDaniel again this is a three curve stagger so we won’t exactly know who the leader is until the break looks like the Baton being exchanged Angelo State on the inside with a good exchange Fresno Pacific on the outside but now as you see the Stagger start to even out on the other side the middle of the track will take the lead and that is Northwest Missouri State in second place Angelo State in third place and that looks like it is going to be Lincoln who will be leading coming off the curve Lincoln Northwest Missouri State and Angelo State as we approach the Midway point of this race Angelo State is going to have the lead heading into the third leg Northwest Missouri State and Lincoln will hold on they’ll be in third place pit state has fallen back into fifth position sixth position on the track you see the long legs of odisha nanson of Lincoln now she charges into the lead Down The backstretch Linc always represented well in their women’s relay teams Nanton has taken them into first place Angelo State still running second Northwest Missouri they are third but definitely still in contention and as we come down the home stretch here they may be three across which means that anchor leg is going to be the determiner for the national championship Fresno Pacific moving up and fourth but at the exchange it is going to be Lincoln Angelo State Northwest Missouri State we know the men’s team needed Northwest Missouri State you needed that 4510 quarter split to Win It Missouri State Northwest Missouri State women putting themselves in the same position they’re going to run from third and if they’re going to win the national championship here the fastest 400 meter split is going to have to come from the anchor leg that’s Tiffany huy and we saw Tiffany huy earlier winning an individual gold Angelo State with Finley holding in there and we’ve got what we wanted 100 m left in this year’s National Championships and still anybody can win Northwest Missouri State and Angelo State Angelo State now into the lead Northwest Missouri State’s going to fight it one final surge there but no Angelo State is going to win Angelo State the team of McDaniel Cabo fresh and Finley they are going to run 33288 that is going to be of course what a perfect way to end it here in the women’s 4×400 Northwest Missouri State will be second linkoln is third and there you see not only the results of this women’s 4×400 meter relay but we do see the team scores to the right sounds like they have cleared up the protest and the any confusion that there was in the men’s results because the men’s results and the women’s results both now with all of their events scored Pittsburgh state on the men’s side 74 points that’s going to be enough to beat West Texas A&M 64 Harding has 50 those women’s results have not been updated with this 4×400 meter relay yet Pitts B state did take sixth in this relay so they’re going to pick up three points so they will finish with an even 100 points on the women’s side Adam state did not run in the 4×4 so they’ll be second with 72 and it’ll be isua pacific moving up and finishing with 44 points they will be third on the women’s side so there you see the champions from Angelo State totally exhausted that’s exactly what you want to see the sun shining the Shadows long the end of the season for most of these athletes in Angelo State can bask in the fact that when they have the energy to get up they’re going to head over to the podium but they will be on top of the podium and they will be collecting their championship trophies so you can see there everybody enjoying the Long Shadows at the end of a good day Blue Sky again do not see very many clouds in skyp and what this means is the athletes now just getting their recovery in you can see some teams starting to make their way to their team camps or their Vans and then of course we will see the teams coming down to collect their team championships we still have to present our 4×400 meter relays for both the men and the women so we’ll take a short break now we’ll be back with the presentation of our relays and our team e e e and welcome back one more time to Emporia Kansas we are on the campus of Emporia State University and we have just wrapped up this year’s NCAA division 2 men’s and women’s National back and field championships you can see there the teams and athletes Milling about the stadium the fans starting to gather their belongings sad usually this type on a Saturday at the end of a meet a long season all coming down to the final competition but for the most part we’re seeing smiles and congratulations and hugs out there on the field as many athletes competing for the final time and many athletes just thinking I’ll be back next year next year we will be in Pueblo Colorado once again for the division 2 national championships and then in 2026 we will be back here in Emporia State two great facilities two great committees and our division 2 track and field athletes coaches Spectators have much to look forward to you can see there the green and gold of Adam State the red head of pit State and Academy of Art we’re still waiting to present our final two sets of individual relay Awards the 4×400 and the 4X 400 for women and men and then of course we will present our team trophies we’d like to thank all of you who have been following along with us on the live stream it’s a pleasure to be able to watch and call all of these races these incredible athletes just some incredible performances some names that have surprised us and then some of the names who we have become familiar with over the past few [Music] years one thing it might be interesting we’ve had fireworks the past two nights our first night we finished a little bit later because of the rain delay it was dark and we had fireworks off in the distance last night the meet concluding around dusk it was still light but we did have a fireworks [Music] celebration the teams now you see lots of smiles out there that’s Angelo State they won that women’s 4×400 there you see Minnesota state getting those pictures in last opportunity for a complete team picture when you have a team with that many athletes here at the National Championship it’s rare that every single one of those people will ever be together again in the same place and that’s just the way it works in Collegiate Athletics with athletes graduating or athletes transferring and success and failur heading off to the National meet is a special experience for all these athletes and coaches and some of them will have a plane ride home some of them will have a long van or bus ride and of course some of them will split up here and go their separate ways but this is great the weather’s good the Sunshine’s out we’re seeing far more Smiles out there seeing the congratulations from teams with each other looks like we’re trying to get our men’s 4×400 meter relay teams to make their way to the award stand there’s not going to be a whole lot of drama as we present our team champions but that will be a very very special moment for the coaches the administrators the fans and of course the athletes at Pittsburgh state Pittsburgh state transforming itself into a division 2 track and field power house over the past few years they’ve won both the men’s and women’s Team titles but never at the same meet at the same time and they had a chance this indoor season pit State hosted the indoor Nationals and while the men won the women could only finish second at indoor Nationals but that’ll be different today 3132 on the clock that is the Bears of Lenor Ry next ACR the line [Music] 94 team 30947 the Lakers of [Applause] Valley fourth place 53 here tonight to the academy of hearts in the third 30853 the tops of Mississippi College your up to by 30645 the gorillas Pittsburgh and your 2024 champions of 4×4 new facility record 30641 Griffin gav Monday [Applause] [Music] and there you see the winners of that men’s 4×400 meter relay lots of Hardware to be taken home some of these athletes doing a lot more room in those suitcases as we have some athletes who have walked off with two three and even four of those individual championship trophies can we have your attention please we do have a wallet here so when we start to look at the fac special achievements of some of these athletes some names will always stand out Minnesota State’s Denisha cartright going out on top the multiple hurdle State national champion she’s a three-time winner indoors in the 60 meter hurdles a three-time champion ion in the 100 meter hurdles she was favored third in the 200 this afternoon yet managed to take home yet a another gold medal in a championship and we will miss the senior here just we miss all the seniors especially those who have won multiple titles over multiple Seasons the family is small in track and field and even smaller for division 2 and while every year there are some athletes who have a successful season and may transfer to a division one school not as many as you would think and many of these athletes back here for their second third and fourth seasons and in this case of the pandemic some even here for the fifth time and we mentioned before that this may be the last year of the covid seniors barring a few exceptional cases and unique cases the fifth covid year now will have expired after this season and that’ll make it much easier for everybody next year to know exactly what year they are so we still have to present our women’s 4×400 meter relays and then of course we’ll present our team champions so we invite you to stick around whether your team is getting an award or not but we know we know we have quite a few pit State Guerilla fans who will be watching this not only live but watching it for time to come so when we get to our team championships we’ll make sure that we have our cameras wide and can capture all the fans from pit State both the men and the women good news for pit State they won’t have long to get home Pittsburgh Kansas just just about an hour or so east of here and many of their athletes homegrown when you get to division 2 you don’t have the athletes from all across the country going far and wide most of the athletes competing in division 2 grow up and attended High School relatively near to where they are competing in college most of them are here for the love of track and field of course that’s not to say that any of them aren’t on their way to bigger and better things we know that that we have our multi-event Champions our heptathlon Champion with an automatic qualifier for the Olympic trials our da cathlon Champion just missed the automatic qualifier by two points but depending on the scores from their other professional and division one athletes across the country the top 18 should advance to the trials so we would fully expect pit States hunter green to make it to the Olympic trials then on the flip side we’ll have some athletes here who will walk off the track very sad they’ll know that this was it this was the end of their career but making it to the National meet is a lot better than walking off the track at your conference meet or being injured and not able to even compete at the end of the season so we’re just waiting for those final results to get in the organizers have now set up the trop trophies for our women’s 4×400 we see some of the teams making their way towards that Podium but everybody’s enjoying the good weather and the Sunshine the wind may have picked up just a little bit but it is still warm still over 80° here in Emporia Kansas we’ll obviously want to wish all of our teams officials and Spectators safe travels on their way home as we look around the stadium you see lots of picture taking well as we said we’re just waiting for the 4×400 Relay for women to make their way to the award stand can’t really tell what the delay is but that’s what we’re waiting for and then we’ll quickly be able to move into the team Trophy presentation so I’ll take a break and we’ll just let you listen to the natat sound of Saturday at the end of a track [Music] meet Round of Applause and thank you to all of our officials and volunteers over the last 3 days who help make these me happen again it does take more than a village to pull off a championship like this several long hot days for our officials across the events here thank you for all your work we go back to the awards Podium here for the presentation of the [Music] four Angel to get into position tom boy hat moving this direction finish twice the team from C poly [Music] [Applause] [Applause] pona in fifth place the 3 3855 [Music] no in fourth place with the 33774 azaan 3435 theam from l finishing in second with a 33323 Northwest [Music] Missouri and winning the wi 3288 McDaniel [Applause] you you too right [Music] [Music] welcome back for the final time to Emporia State University this is the end of the 2024 NCAA division 2 men’s and women’s outdoor track and field championships it has been a great weekend of track and field it’s been a pleasure to watch these athletes compete lots of smiles out there lots of individual trophies have been given away all we have left now is the team trophy presentations to go and we’ll let our natural sound p a take that over for you but we just want to take the opportunity to thank you for watching along with us we know that true track fans are not just tuning in to watch their own athletes but they just want to be able to follow everything and if you’re watching this not live but just catching up with your events or if you’re even an athlete who competed and now you’re going back to watch your race we appreciate the efforts that all of you have put out can never say enough about the athletes and the coaches and the fans of track and field we want to thank Emporia State for putting on a great meet they have been great hosts here we’ll see them again in two years of course next year once again we’ll be back to peblo Colorado we’ like to wish all of our athletes good luck with their future whether it is on the track or in field events or they are graduating and moving on we wish everybody a safe trip home and as you see now just individual teams taking pictures that was Angelo State they were those 4×400 meter relay Champions they don’t want to leave that Podium they are just all smiles Gathering those trophies up maybe they expected to win but somewhat of an an unexpected championship for Angelo State so we really just have the team trophies to present and you can see the the teams know who they are so they’re Gathering down there near the field we have our top four team and you hear the PA calling for the top four teams so we’ll sign off now we’ll let PA handle the top presentation of our team Awards open on thewest end of the facility here just outside of the facility the merch facility again still open for business here and folks before we move on with the awards I did want to give a special shout out to oural organ in committee consisting ofen mishki Steve roap the athletic director here at empor that is David staffer and president Ken thank you to all of them for their effort here to bring the championship to an effective operation in impor [Music] yeah yeah if you your attention to the or Podium we will start with the recognition on the men’s side of the competition in 2024 the recognition for our top four teams in the outdoor track and field Championship we will start with our fourth place team with a grand total of 42 points Li of congratulations [Applause] coach shining and the Lions now mounting in the shot 15 the disc 10 in the hammer two in the javelin two in the four in the p and two in the 110 hurdle a strong field based and throws based squad on the it’s okay [Music] that hard to get up and finish the Third with a total of 50 point great effort there for Harding they score in 4000 six in the 110 five in the high jump 10 in the P six in the long jump and six in the Decon a well rounded unit for Coach D de Hood and the squad [Music] get both of them oh no I think there only what are you going that I don’t know is it real sticky on the that’s what I was thinking somehow on something I have a [Laughter] poster and now points the bo of West Texas ANM a very well-rounded there they score 10 points in the they put up 10 in the 100 10 in the 1500 in the 5000 10 in the [Music] 10,000 all the and the squad thei there as the runners up and play [Music] and here it is youris men’s outdoor track and field Champion with a grand total of 78 points the gorill [Applause] of 5 in the 10 in the 200 in the 400 n in the 1500 10 110 five in the long J 16 in the triple jump and 10 in the Caston congratulations to the gorillas of Pittsburgh state coach r and the squad on the [Music] podium and there they are folks again the gorillas of Pittsburgh state congratulations 78 points on the board third time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh God [Music] oh over there by the [Music] water that is very small you’re done with [Music] yeah don’t want cuz once we’re done we have we also have to clean up all the cables right we take just a moment yeah you guys will have to tell me which C go where probably like like pretty sure once we’re done they should be com down like uh you you show us which one to take off and everything I’m just going to be like I’m going to take the first things from this camera into the back and then everything else all right what’s next up I’m glad still you still yeah they still shooting I yeah they even said that I was speak that they could even speak I was like but I had the mic on that’s weird oh it’s probably the mic with a total Point 392 points Valley St scoring 39 and half points about 32 the throws as the throw foot in the shot this and Hammer [Music] in Valley St jary bz J I got it place with a team total of 44 points [Music] Adam I’m pardon me as the pafic in third place the 44 points Four Points in the 4 by one five points in the by 4 Points in the 100 in the high jump in the long jump five in the shot and six in the half line again in [Music] [Music] [Applause] and finishing in second place with a team total of 72 points the team from Adam F Adam D Martin 72 points 13 points in 817 and 15004 points in the 5K points in 10k 18 points in the once again 68 of their 72 points coming in the three in the distance events and this year’s 2024a women’s outdoor traic field national champions with a team total of [Music] [Applause] exactly going very evenly across points in the 4 by four 6 point in 100 800 12 points in the [Music] high 11 for exactly 100 coins [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen this concludes the 2024 Ina division 2 men’s and women’s outdoor tville Championship on behalf of the division team and women’s committee employe State University we thank you for your attendance and support of the championship


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