Golf Babe

They Had A Scary Encounter With A Massive Alligator On The Golf Course | Moments Of The Week

We had such an epic week full of great moments. Bob Does Sports x Fore Play video was a banger! Enjoy this week’s moments of the week.

@Bobdoessports @GoodGood @ForePlayGolf @wedgiesgolfco @hammygolf @thegolfsupply @golfgirlgames @malosigolf @tacogolf

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oh who ripped that come on come on that’s right [Music] here get away from that stupid thing bro they can sense fear you just got to own it what is he doing I got to get this why why are you aimed over there what here it comes watch here it comes it’s going to be good a I thought it was going to come a whole lot more he did have one Looper Putt and he didn’t need to do that now never did I thought it was going to come a whole lot more tick it just died like a fart in the wind yeah fart in the wind indeed here’s what we’re looking with just not a good back nine really but it is what it is it’s got to get ready for tomorrow this is a tough shot got a a little Zippity zip in there or bank it off that Hill four my bad brother if you guys two-part it I owe you guys a drink so what if I one part okay smart bit from Harry cuz I can’t see myself heading this inside 6 ft but we’ll see [Music] good go in oh my God go in okay all right I already my drink [Laughter] wow that was sick he’s back respect really nice could be in the hole goodness that man that man just wanted to hit a little better chip than the last one I felt right that felt right holy Christ guy now I got to make four I going to make a four for three technique felt right contact was right weight was right you silly little [ __ ] oh that’s why I should have [ __ ] bumped and run it doing Joe that’s the [ __ ] risky look at this what is this mushrooms what is that an onion what what are what are these [Music] show me a nice Fairway here Bob so I can give it a rip oh [ __ ] where is it all right I’m may hit a good one here for a bus is that out yeah B it went it went in there hey make it take it don’t have to twist my arm come on come on come on my gosh if that pin wasn’t in that’s in dude dude oh my gosh who ripped that right here that’s right here really that is absolutely unbelievable dude that is absolutely that is unbelievable dude the audio a his is way deeper this guy lives blocked down from me I can tell you bris look I would I would I would own it that’s a funny joke why would I want why would I not want to take ownership of that joke my tone dude it’s not my pitch are we taking are we taking that dve where did that finish per okay all right we’re fine we’re fine the fart helped only me dude I know it wasn’t you fart that was not me you could hear he turns me goes I got a fart listen to this all right we got him we got what he doing yeah you’re miked up you’re clean you’re [Laughter] walk I got a fart that I’m just rock roll with I got I got him I got him I got him fresh Kitchen tonight I got to eat something clean oh no we’re barbecuing oh god oh the gator bro oh he heard the 1 V One Challenge and got nervous s you’re going to die yeah I can’t closer than that that’s all I can do for you he’s about to get up look should I give him a ball move Pat get away from that stupid thing bro Pat there’s a rope behind you and you can’t get over it he’s like I played today folks kind of bizarre I didn’t think I was going to GoPro and then GoPro then I went are you okay sorry sorry are you okay and I sat there and I thought how are women allowed to drive Trent just shock the world here I’ll shock world oh my God oh my God you did it oh he [ __ ] do it do it you know what that is that’s a that’s that’s a good no nip no nip a great know Trent that’s Trent knew that by the way you got that go away this is going to be the new Trent Ryan [ __ ] pin’s in a bit of a [ __ ] funky spot again just over a ridge just trying to chip one in there nice and close oh my [ __ ] days that was the most unlucky golf shot oh my God it always happens when we’re about to get pissed on as well didn’t it did you see that bird we just passed a second ago no look like Bernie Sanders really did right here kind want to SH birn now I think Bob left a club just when you thought it couldn’t get worse I guarantee you that’s what happened this going to be [ __ ] awesome please W please we’re going to ask but if there was a club Left Behind the chances that it was FP are like less than 3% see what I’m saying you see what I’m saying back you’re such a sick guy dude you’re a sick tell you bro it really does it looks like bur Sanders how do you feel about free education bro what happened a bird look like Bernie Sanders are you I didn’t see that coming that bird we just saw he’s like now it’s like look like Bernie Sanders he’s like I got to see this bird the old outfielder for the Yankees no that’s Bernie Willam Bernie Williams Jesus Who’s Bernie Sanders tax the rich you don’t know Bernie Bernie Sanders for president education oh feel the burn feel the burn feel the burn I don’t know what’s in this thing but I want some of Y I bet you if you ask J for a Bernie Sanders impression my Lord boy wow shocking turn of events young man is disqualify so MOSI and I just lost a bet um un if we bogey a hole we we had to play this the next hole shirtless and this is the the next hole you think we’re going to get arrested for this oh not but just let all the females in there know we are both taken stuff that we picked uh right after the day we ate a bajillion cheeseburgers yeah yeah here we go all right here we go and we’re hitting at the same time that was another thing that we said oh mine’s so good oh that’s so money mine’s left oh I think I saw yours back in m b yeah yeah you’re good you’re good hey let’s go baby [Music] what is this that is disgusting the heck those are bees are those bees those are bees wow it’s like we’re in stranger things they can sense fear you just got to own it okay this is sick actually get me like in the middle of this a be wait what do we do right now just hit just hit your they’re already left they’re flying away they literally left they’re gone now I’m sorry Joe I I just keep keep banging you it ain’t you it’s me pal you’re doing fine we can’t even move no probably not like we can’t go backwards not suppressed good thing is I got nothing but time when I tell you I got nothing but time I I mean it man I I I got I got a lot of time on my hand grab the steering wheel Bob grab the steering [Laughter] wheel stop Bob can you do Jeter look look look he’s so uncomfortable Bobby and that is good where is mine [ __ ] that’s good I was in this other bunker oh damn oh [ __ ] that’s good bro that’s good that’s a good Jeter get up no no I got to get it up get get in the hole I didn’t see it cut it cut it out I really just pushed my tea down just a little bit thank you that’s the layup we were looking for Lay that’s the one please somebody I’m not even selling it somebody come steal this club off of me I hate this club in my back shout out to mauno though thank you for the Club come on cam man we’re not paying you nothing to do nothing Fu F holy


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