Smooth = Fast in the Golf Swing

GRF Golf Coach George shows Andy a few drills and exercises you can also try at home to get the lower body working, while releasing muscular tension in the upper body; smoothing out the golf swing and allowing speed to transfer through to the golf club! As always a huge thanks to Andy for letting us share his GRF Golf lesson experience.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

so do you want to start with driver yes we’re different aren’t we yeah fine start with driver um yeah and there you go didn’t actually see the ball on that one it’s gone over say that silver that way okay yeah so CU I know it does that I tend to aim out to the left more yeah and then then it goes straight and then I’m in the trees okay oh yeah and now it just straightened it up slightly yeah how does the swing feel overall what sort of adjective would you put on the feeling of this swing it’s actually nervous at the moment nervous I’m struggling for an answer I feel like IR inside from the waist down it’s just like um it is all arms same thing but now obviously you don’t have the instability of the pads so I want you to just see if you can get that belt buckle rotating yeah that’s nice awesome and again don’t look at it yeah and it’s so much better you can see the the movement starts to smooth out as soon as you don’t look let that left knee collapse in a bit more there you go nice we get this nice rotating pelvis and notice you could be drinking a cup of tea or something I do feel more relaxed doing that and it’s not all going together like this like your shoulders are still your shoulders are forward and pelvis is going crazy now same action on that board and really see if you can get it turning that’s it and how most people move in this exercise when they first get on is the board rocks and the pad swings kind of at the same time right like all moving together so now what I want you to do is keep going nice that’s a good swing length good and what I want you to do is just go as fast as you go faster faster faster using the board though yeah way faster way way way way faster fast fast fast fast fast go go go go go there you go there you oh you got a bit out of sequence there but there was a moment in time there where we had it I had it there you go that’s better so keep that Rhythm keep that Rhythm just keep going for me cuz notice how the board is now moving ahead of your pad swinging yes so there’s a tap of the board and the swing after well done so can you sense here the board is moving well ahead of this yeah now swing it at the same time so keep the same swing length yeah now you can’t stop doing it properly what we’ve just done there is getting your pressure shifting ahead of the movement that’s absolutely what we need we need pressure moving so that our body can then move in reaction to that pressure and the club can swing in reaction to our body movement when it’s all going at the same time you haven’t given the body a chance to accumulate momentum basically so then it is it will just be the arms your muscular effort picking this club up this is where go with it will start to get you using this swing weight and momentum so to get it from there all the way up there there’s almost no effort in fact there is no effort in my arm all the effort coming from the lower body and the interaction with the ground and I just create a sharp bit of energy with the ground which is where we’ll go later and that gets thrown there’s no need for me to get involved with my arm to place this somewhere just create the energy and let the swing weight react that’s where we’re going to go now can we use this board like we were with the balance pad and get this swinging in reaction to it just have it go don’t even think about it just start using the board and you’ll find it in motion that’s it what might help keep your grip is just starting with a club maybe up in this space mhm because then we can use a bit of gravity with it as well so then when you go that way and let that go with gravity it’s going to start swinging a bit more there you go yeah then you got our sequence and you can start thinking about it yeah so what we want to do is get this weight swinging we’re going to start in that place up there so as if you flick the wrist up brilliant so obviously you’re not going to let go of the club but from there imagine you were throwing it 200 yard perfect and again awesome and again now keep that same sequence but just dial down the tempo so you’re only throwing 100 yards but you’re using the board and back and forth back and forth like continuous and now look straight ahead here so you don’t yeah that’s otherwise you might stress out your neck and again so yeah you’re throwing it you’re just throwing it some 100 yards away brilliant and you’re doing it perfect right just standing here take the board away but just standing there do the same thing imagine you’re on the board just have that same feeling that you’re just tipping the board so allow yourself to move allow yourself to sway whatever you need to do there you go this is nice Andy fantastic we need a bit of this in your golf swing we’ve got so much more swing AR because we’re letting the levers fold and react they are then storing energy for longer and hold it there because youve done a lot of swinging relax well done what I’d like you to do is just play a few shots and don’t be distracted by the ball I.E I don’t care if you shank it top it air swing it whatever it doesn’t matter okay what I’m interested in is your ability to just commit to and just go with what you were just sensing there IE feeling like you’re banging the board it was awesome and letting these fold and just let this swing of it so we don’t need to we don’t need to go a long way we’re just going to nice and easy and just let the club swim if you love the coaching and want to experience the effects of the training that you see with our pupils you can purchase the GFI system Yourself by following the link in the video description you’ll get all the equipment and a 2-hour download covering all the fundamentals exploring your movement and how you can use the ground and create those all important ground reaction forces and transfer them through to Club head speed and experience the gains that you’re seeing in the videos look at that what a go shot use a bit more of the body so use a bit more of the board I should say mhm so just increase the force with the board if you if that makes sense there you go look at how compressed that is obviously you pulled it but that’s a very good that so that was 140 y carry right so that bush that it’s just rolled up to is 150 yard and it just landed roughly about 10 yard short did you see how it was a lower flight far more penetrating all you did was let the was let the face rotate a little bit more because that’s been your swing path yeah as you know you fade it generally so you know your swing path’s over there somewhere roughly what you did was you just let the face rotate on its Arc a little bit more tell me that isn’t a fantastic golf shot that was straight wasn’t it a hint a draw but yeah I know what I know what you mean in terms of it was ended up straight at the Target end perfectly at our Target it had a fraction of draw right because your your release pattern is made for a draw basically you let that face rotate on its path Care Free right which is actually a bit strange because think about it no no you don’t you just let it happen right which is actually a bit strange cuz when we very start of the lesson and I was trying to free up the levers which again yeah you probably haven’t even thought about them since I mentioned it no but they are reacting nicely only when to finish and I think W it’s just relaxed and you’re aware of it on this side but actually what’s happening great is on this side are you back swing ways it’s brilliant so you don’t need to think about it that’s what I was saying earlier about once a body has an experience of something and it finds it useful and easy to do it’s probably going to do it time and time again oh Andy that’s like a it’s like a half swing soft half swing for you yeah yeah it’s like a full swing for most people but for you it was just like that and the softness in those arms in the finish and that’s just gone 150 yards baby me I can feel the softness in the arms all SP with that yeah and and and even now I don’t know how I’ll come back to where I need to come back to doing that I think oh God that’s that’s going to throw right off and then I just come back I just do it and I don’t think and then I go oh yeah that’s exactly what I wanted our bodies are amazing they can do some phenomenal things I mean check this out Andy catch yeah you brilliant that was couldn’t have been more perfect as an example for me so I gave you no warning right I didn’t say I’m about to throw you a ball I just let for and said catch right your body just takes care of it for you oh wow Andy that is B striking clinic this oh yeah Club face just matched path didn’t it just a straight [Music]


  1. These videos are amazing! I was playing so well until last week when the wheels fell off for 2 and a half rounds. Realized I had gone back to my old static, positioned based swing. Watched some of my favorites and did some swinging in the yard for a day or two and hit the ball well yesterday.

  2. It’s amazing how well you swing and strike the ball when you don’t think about hitting the ball. It’s hard, but I’ve learned to focus only on making a good swing and never think about hitting the ball. If I do think about hitting the ball, I screw my swing up and either top it, fat it, slice it, or worse, shank it. So just focus on making a good swing, is key, at least it is for me. Cheers.

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