Snell Prime 2.0 Golf Ball Review

We just got done with Vice. Snell has a ton of competition for the 2024 season. How does the new Snell Prime 2.0 stack up? A two piece Urethane Golf Ball has so much potential!


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00:00 Intro
2:12 Design
3:55 Chipping and Putting
9:07 50 Yard Pitch
11:23 9 Iron
13:02 7 Iron
14:05 5 Hybrid
14:58 Driver
15:46 Durability
18:40 Conclusion

what is up my fellow golf ball addicts welcome back to the channel and we are now starting the brand new 2024 Snell lineup starting with of course the 2.0 let’s Dive Right In so last year snow had a big Rebrand they redesigned the logo they redesigned the look of the golf ball they made some changes uh and it was met with pretty good critical success even from me I really loved what they did a lot I partnered with them for the video um it just it was overall a really great experience but what I was really surprised the most by is that they kept that price point of $33 a dozen despite all the covid inflation and all the stuff you know you see golf balls like Vice even and uh Prov v1s Callaway Chrome tours now going up in price just because of inflation and all the stuff going on um and it’s it’s been hard as a guy who loves the value of golf balls but Snell has been really true Snell is a company that understands what direct a consumer means they understand about keeping the prices low they they understand what the idea of it is and how they retain their customers and the fact that they kept it that price was just amazing so now this year they’ve done some tweaks they’ve done some adjustments and they’ve come out with essentially a rebranded lineup of what they had now before they had the Snell Prime they had the Snell Prime Mt or prime X mtbx whatever you want to call it one golf ball of course being for you know like your normal Tour ball then of course one being for the faster swingers the X model um what they have done is they have kind of revamped those they’ve made now the 3.0 and the 4.0 the 3.0 being the traditional uh MTB Prime ball and the 4.0 being kind of the new X model if you will uh but the 4.0 it really keeps it simple 4.0 has four layers the 3.0 has three layers they’ve also introduced another golf ball to this mix the 2.0 which yes has two layers now some of you who have watched the channel and no snail’s golf balls might be saying well they already have the Snell get some so that’s a two-piece golf ball so is that what this is supposed to replace no the Snell getsum and the 2.0 are two totally different golf balls and by the end of this review you’ll kind of know the difference between them because there is a huge difference for sure so let’s dive right into the 2.0 the 2.0 is a two-piece golf ball but where it differs from every other two-piece golf ball in the market that I’ve ever tested it has a urethane coating and it feels fantastic when you when you get this golf ball and you pull it out of the package and you feel it you would not guess it’s a two-piece golf ball it it acts feels looks everything like a normal premium golf ball which is phenomenal it also keeps a really competitive price point at $25 a dozen now $25 for a dozen does seem kind of high or at least on the higher spectrum of two-piece golf balls your cow super soft is that and um you know your your uh soft respon I’m sorry not soft response anymore it’s a speed soft ink that came out um those are 25 as well but the main difference here is that you are getting that urethane coating so you’re getting a better value you know those other ones are going to be an iometer Surin blend getting urethane is a big big deal on a two-piece golf ball it’s one of the biggest complaints I get when I recommend them so looking at the golf ball great new logo love what they did with that Rebrand it looks so much more professional than the old logo the snil 2.0 will have a red kind of like the X model did and also the 4.0 still has that but a red model there coming along on the side you know it’s a really good alignment tool lines on both sides of that Prime in the middle it really helps with lining up it’s not overly hard on the eyes or anything I really love it and again when you look at the dimples you look at the coating you feel the golf ball it does feel premium which is awesome you don’t get that with a lot of two-piece golf balls a lot of two-piece golf balls although they may perform great just don’t look and feel very premium so that’s where snil automatically gets a pretty good Advantage so looking at the golf ball we know it’s a good value we know that it has a great new design everything really checks out there there’s no issues let’s get out to the chipping and putting green and let’s see how it does around there I’m interested to see what a two-piece golf ball with a urethane coating can do as far as spin okay here we go okay I’m going to do this again um listen so one thing I really noticed about this golf ball is the urethane coating is not like a cheap urethane coating there’s obviously more Premiere prov1 Callaway urethane Coatings and there’s cheaper ones you know the 29 budget direct to Consumer this does not feel like a cheap one this one feels sticky it feels like it would really stick and uh I did see signs of that so I’m going to go ahead and do it again I’m going to do my putting motion now just to kind of okay very good that reminds me of more of a budget bulb it’s a two-piece get in a hole baby that’s what I’m talking about right there that’s what I’m talking about I’m going to open the face a little bit here look at that look at the bounce to the right there I mean you can see that that’s way more spin with any two-piece I’ve ever gotten I mean oh my gosh guys that is incredible for a two-piece golf ball I mean this is performing just as well if not better as some of the three-piece models I’m still not there I’m still short this is the Mallet putter now going to get a feel here already really good and impressed with the the wedge okay A little dead but there is the small tiny click for feedback which I like a little too far so let’s try to take it a little off here boy it just jumps off the putter let’s see if that gets there no just a little short okay let me find the feel here it is a little bit of a learning curve because you know these really soft two-piece golf balls you got to kind of feel all right a little short again I’m going to run through that again I got to find the feel here all right here let’s try little still on the Mallet here trying to get the feel oh my goodness okay way too far just give me a second here to try to find this feel all right I finally found the distance but just not the right accuracy here there we go all right so moving into the blade putter now I expect there to be a little more response here no not really actually it feels exactly like the Mallet putter to a te let me try again here let’s validate our parking yeah no I mean it feels exactly like the Mallet putter that should be a little short that’s exactly what I thought let me move this way a little bit try to get that other ball out of the way and oh just a little far no I I like that though that’s good all right so I’ll be honest with you I cannot remember the last time I tested a two-piece urethane golf ball this might be the first time but I will say that the first thing I noticed is when I was chipping around the green with it it had so much more stopping power I mean that gripping when you feel the golf ball it feels sticky it feels like it’s really going to stick a green well and I saw that I saw it when I was chipping and I got a good shot off I saw it when I duffed it a little bit you could really see it stop and hit that green and really stop for a second and then release the fact that it offers that type of level of forgiveness as well as now you can actually get some checkup around the green I don’t recall a two-piece golf ball ever performing quite this well around the green when it comes to the spin um this golf ball acts like a three-piece golf ball it just does and I think it’s because of that urethane Coating in the past I’ve never really realized how much the urethane coating helps I know it helps don’t get me wrong I know it definitely adds to the spin but I had no idea that by taking a two-piece golf ball and just adding a urethane coating you could get that level of stopping power now granted that once it does release it does release pretty firm it it goes pretty straight but I just had no idea that that that could add that much stopping power so because you can see by that line down there it’s pretty cool how much stopping power it really adds now as far as the feel it feels soft it feels squishy it feels forgiving it has all those assets of a two-piece golf ball that I would be looking for that most people would be looking for uh when I got to the putter on both the Mallet and the blade it had the exact same feel you’d be surprised how rare that is actually but it’s very rare to have the same feel it feels mostly soft and dead for the most part but there’s just a tiny little bit of feedback and click there to let you know whether you hit it well or not and the thing is is what I the the push back if you will that I get from most golfers when I suggest two-piece golf ball is they say well I’m looking for that tore level feel around the green well what this does is it essentially balances it out if you have a scale where over here you have two- piece and over here you have Tor level it’s right in the middle it’s a balance it takes the Best of Both Worlds and kind of combines them a little bit hey yes you’re going to get that that forgiveness around the green you’re also going to get some spin around the green you’re going to get a little bit of feedback around the green but you’re also going to get that really squishiness that allows it to propel as you you could see from the putting it took me a minute to get used to the feel as far as how the distance was because it was springing off the club so fast all right excellent so let’s go ahead and talk about the feel the golf ball crossed all clubs uh before we dive into the numbers um it’s interesting so it it does have a little bit of a dead feel which is fine some two-piece golf balls do uh it does have a little bit of bouncy ball effect not much but a little bit when you hit it right in The Sweet Spot which is interesting most two-piece golf balls because their compression is so much lower I get a lot of bouncy ball which essentially means I hit the golf ball and feels like a bcy ball coming off it just Springs off the club and it rockets off of it um not as much as I would have thought with this golf ball I would have guessed a lot more but overall not bad still has a decent feel but boy it’s just kind of dead and soft if you’re looking for any type of feedback whatsoever you won’t get that and the snow gets some actually does have that it actually does have some feedback so it’s kind of interesting there um I’d have to look at the compression numbers to see if this one’s lower but boy it feels lower that’s for sure um not a bad feel doesn’t super impress me but there’s nothing wrong with it it’s just that’s kind of how modern golf balls are now a lot of them are kind of dead with a little bit of spring so um if you like that type of feel this will be up your alley let’s go ahead and dive into these numbers here let’s start with the 50 yard pitch now keep in mind youran golf ball maybe actually it will get a little bit more spim 7,869 which is just slightly above my average that’s really really good you know most um tour level golf balls will get just over 8,000 such as the Pro Plus uh the vice tour air um Callaway warbird was a two-piece golf ball I got 76 600 so it it it does better essentially than most two-piece golf balls I’ve tested it got a little bit more spin for sure um one thing I was just kind of disappointed in was the Forgiveness um with two-piece golf balls that’s really the main selling point I try to get people to play them on I’m like hey get a two-piece for giving golf ball wasn’t the case here with the snow 2.0 if you m hit it it was like 4,000 5,000 RPM don’t like to see that there’s other golf balls like even the um Vice Pro Plus I just got done testing even though it’s a firmer More tour Advanced golf ball when I M hit it it was like 7500 7400 opposed to losing two to 3,000 RPM so not super impressed with that but the fact is if you do hit it correctly it is going to spin more than a two-piece golf ball in fact a lot of the time I was able to get 82 to 8,500 out of it it’s just because of that disparity that brought the average down all right let’s go ahead and get into the nine iron now um I have added a new metric uh smash Factor I’ve had a couple people um suggest that I’m still learning exactly but I’m just going to go ahead and give it to you guys cuz Hey more information necessarily ain’t a bad thing so uh 1.2 with the Snell I don’t have an average for that yet but out of the Snell lineup I will say that is the lowest I’ve had out of that so far 125.4 kind of average there 125.77 right on average 97.8 which right now is average and 7,055 on the spin which uh that’s actually just slightly above average but not by much that’s pretty much average so um it looks like 23 .7 on your launch as well which that’s boy that’s right on Mid that’s hilarious so nine iron across the board pretty much average everything average um that’s a little concerning only because two-piece golf balls usually test really really well on short irons nine iron seven iron they usually do really well because when the compression’s lower and I’m not swinging as fast the golf ball compresses really really well doesn’t have a lot of spin behind it and just takes off like a bad out of heck um not the case here it really just didn’t have that spring you could see by the smash factor it’s like I said it’s the lowest out of the three I’ve tested so far from Snell and everything across the board is just average from you know the launch angle to the distance now is there anything wrong with being average no I mean that’s a consistent number everything’s there but again what I was really disappointed with was the fact that the forgiveness was just okay I really expected the Forgiveness to be better but boy you know if I really got into one it’d be 131 132 and if I missed one it was 110 115 two-piece golf balls usually just don’t work that way getting into the seven iron 1.3 on your smash factor that is uh pretty close to what I’ve gotten with the other ones there’s one ball that was more but I’ll save it I won’t spoil it 153.7 on your uh distance which is just slightly below average not too bad 154.32 uh kind of right in there with average and then 5941 on the spin which boy that’s really really good especially for a two-piece model um yeah I mean almost 6,000 is awesome it’s going to stick a green 18.4 and again it launched mid which okay it seems to want to launch mid that’s awesome um again across the board average there nothing wrong with average again not to harp on it and beat a dead horse but it’s just the Forgiveness here across all clubs not real great now I do think that there’s a reason for that I I’ll I’ll talk about it in my conclusion a little bit more but this will be the last time I talk about the Forgiveness just really disappointing there because the golf ball has potential if you do flush you get phenomenal numbers with it but it’s just when you kind of slightly Mish hit it it just kind of averages out to be average that’s all going into the five hybrid we have a 1.35 smash factor and then we have a 1 79.7 which again just slightly above average 182.5 slightly above average 24.1 slightly above average 5,32 and that’s slightly below average but just right in there in line with it and then 16 launch which is mid boy really consistent you know I may harp on it for the the Forgiveness but I will give it one thing it is very consistent when you average everything out when you average everything out and get all the averages in a row I mean average with the nine iron average with the uh the seven now average with the five hybrid it’s very consistent at least if anything across all those platforms so that at least is a is a good thing there um boy I just wish the forgiveness was better but hey let’s get into the driver the driver can be what makes it or breaks it sometimes getting into the driver we have a smash factor of 1.43 um which compared to the other two golf balls um it’s it it did exactly the same as another one but there was a first place winner again I won’t I won’t spoil it 226.11 your distance that’s slightly above average 235.68 launch which which was actually slightly higher which makes sense because you do if you have a two-piece golf ball most of the time you want your golf ball if you’re swinging slower you want it to get up in the air a little bit more um but you also usually want it to spin more too so I don’t know that’s that may be contradicting one another but um before I get into my final thoughts I do want to talk about the durability now with snow durability has been a big big problem in the past um when the snow golf balls were released last year I did test them I did a normal testing on durability and they passed with flying cover colors excuse me I have not had really any issues with them but I started to have people get on the channel and talk about how hey they’re they’re cracking after one H and they there you know there’s a razor blade cuts on them after one H and it’s awful I even had one guy message me on Facebook one time and and ripped me a new one it was like I can’t believe I bought these because of you um I continued to use the golf balls and I will say about a month ago I finally experienced what you guys were experiencing and I do apologize I you know it’s one of those things we not everybody’s going to experience the same thing but I did finally experience it with a sleeve of them it was only one sleeve but boy I mean I only got like five hits out of the whole sleeve and they were destroyed um so these golf balls the new Snell 2.0 3.0 4.0 line I am putting them through extensive testing most of the time you know I only do 10 to 15 shots per golf ball I’m doing like 20 so I’m going to get a 100 hits out of these golf balls I’m not holding back I’m doing full wedge shots just you know to to get a little extra durability testing in here’s what I found out with the 2.0 the 2.0 actually holds up pretty decent until you kind of start to look really deep in there and you start to see some of these what look like the paint chipping off essentially but here’s the thing the paint starts to chip off and after a couple more hits these little lines you’re seeing really open the golf ball up and at that point it would worry me it would worry me a lot that this golf ball isn’t going to have a true roll anymore it’s going to make me wonder about the flight cuz think about it if you have a dimple right and the paint’s kind of coming off like this a little bit it’s going to affect the ball flight 100% um I do think overall that it’s a little bit of an improvement over last year because I haven’t had any lacerations I haven’t had any just straight up but it is a cause for concern you know after I just got done doing the vice line the vice line had almost near perfect durability across the board let’s be honest for a second Vice and this are pretty much direct competitors both direct to Consumer I would consider them the number one and number two ranked you know direct to Consumer companies right now in my eyes this is the competition and so when I’m comparing it to the vice and saying hey Vice has their stuff together when it comes to durability I hope Snell can at least make a little more improvements over time because that seems to be the main issue with them um again it’s not bad I’d call it like a six out of 10 it’s just okay but after you know 80 to 100 shots this golf ball is toast you got to toss it there’s no way around it um it’s only going to last you a round and quite possibly you know I haven’t done extensive testing it could even be a little sooner than that I hope that’s not the case but if you guys have any feedback on this you you play these golf balls and you just Discover it please again let me know like you did last time let me know that feedback because I can’t test snail golf balls you know for 3 four months straight I just can’t so if you guys experience any of that let me know all right so final conclusion here interesting golf ball we’ve never had on the channel as far as I can remember anyway a two-piece urethane golf ball now as far as the value for that amazing as far as what they’ve done with the design amazing as far as um you know I didn’t even mention it earlier but they have bulk pricing you can get these for $22 22 a dozen if you buy them in bulk that for two-piece Ure theme it’s insane it’s an insane value average across the board but there were a couple things I noticed first of all like I said forgiveness should have been way better I don’t know why it was so atrocious but it was um also durability it’s okay but boy there’s a lot of room for improvement so who do I think this golf ball is for is there still a market for it I do actually but again that’s something really interesting and weird about this golf ball the Snell gets some um their other two-piece model you know their iometer blend is one of my favorite golf balls it actually made number four on my top 100 list um I shot my best round it cavat Citrus Farms with it I love that golf ball it’s very forgiving it’s very far it’s it’s uh it actually has decent spin it does a lot of things that like I would want a two-piece golf ball to do this one on the other hand is more for the player I believe who is experienced you know you’re a golfer who just doesn’t swing the club as fast anymore but when you could play you were scratch you were really really good excellent ball Striker know how to hit chips around the green know how to get the ball to check up you know know how to you know know the game of golf be really good at it because I I firmly believe that this golf ball is going to be for someone who can strike it pure every time it’s not for your average weekend warrior who’s like oh man I just need some forgiveness and you know hit no this golf ball spins for being a two-piece it spins you can get it to bend left and right you can get it to back stop on you you can get it to do a lot of things that most two-piece golf balls can’t and that leads me to believe that you really need to be an advanced player to play it based on cuz I’m not and there was times I struggled with it there was times I was like man I’m just not good enough to hit this cuz boy you m hit it and you feel it and you know it it offers like torf level feedback sometimes from a two-piece weird maybe the market did need this though so is it worth trying out yes if you fit in that market 100% if you’re someone who’s like man I’m a really good golfer I can still my handicap’s two or three five five or less um but I just don’t swing that fast anymore I really need like a two-piece golf ball but I I want something that spins a lot of you on the channel have fought me for years saying yeah Nick you’re right I probably do need a two-piece golf ball but I got to have that checkup I got to have that spin I got to have that well here’s your solution finally after all these years it’s worth a shot it’s only $25 to buy one dozen it’s not going to break the bank um it does really good things bad side you got to throw the ball out after the round probably and yeah I mean make sure you’re good because it’s going to take that to hit it but all other players you know most 99% of people who need a two-piece golf ball this doesn’t fit what you’re looking for you’re looking for something like the Snell get some which by the way amazing golf ball $1 1999 you can get him for 15 or 16 a dozen I love that golf ball it’s absolutely incredible but if you’re the advanced player here’s what you go so I like what snail did there I actually kind of like the fact that they still covered different markets I was afraid that this golf ball and the get some were going to be too close and then I was afraid they were going to get rid of the get some and I was going to be like no I don’t think that’s the case these are two totally different golf balls aimed at two totally different type of golfers guys as always keep watching to keep saving and keep learning now next up we have the 3.0 coming up I think you’re going to like it I’ll see you soon


  1. I haven't had any issues with Snell durability. I played the MTB Black for a while and then bought the new Get Sum in bulk. All have been very durable. My current sleeve of Get Sum balls is on its fifth round.

  2. Seeing those numbers it’s going to be hard to beat any Vice ball. Looking forward to the 3.0.

  3. good job. But you need 1 more decimal to the smash, or it doesnt have any meaning. you want like 1.22, or 1.33 or 1.44 you need 2 decimal for meaning. Thank you

  4. These new Snell balls are based on 7 iron swing speed the 2.0 is for somebody at 125 yds. or less but the compression is 80 to 85 which is confusing to me thats the same as the 3.0. Also Trust golf has a 2 piece urethane golf ball would like to see comparison when you get a chance.Thanks

  5. I’ve been using the Snell 3.0 in all my rounds the last couple of weeks. The durability is off the charts, I can’t seem to scuff it enough not to use. I just got 2 dozen Cut Greys that I’m going to try this week, then I’ll choose between Snell, Cut or Sugar G1’s.

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