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#urbanlegend, #ladyinwhite, #creepy,

hey guys so today we are going to be playing an epic game oh epic I didn’t know it was that epic epic it’s tremendous we’re going to be playing an epic game of Hide and Seek in the woods nowhere is off limits to hide and also guys make sure to give us a thumbs up and subscribe and turn on the notification Bell and the question of the day is where is the best spot you ever hit in hide and seek oh gosh what’s yours I don’t know I think yours was when we moved in and we played and you hid in your little bins in your room I could probably still fit in there I don’t know you’re a lot taller now I’m 5’4 y’all so are you ready oh also too I was reading this thing online okay go about the lady in white and if you say this chant she comes oh I know what my best hiding spot was she doesn’t care about the lady I know I know what my best hiding spot was it was when like last year when we went to that beach house like the new one like I think they remember if they saw R Vivian video okay but I hid in one of the kitchen cabinets like the really small tall one that was in Myrtle Beach right that was a good spot during the hurricane yeah and also too like I don’t know if this is true or not but there is like this the legend of the lady and white that if you say this chant she’s supposed to come Mom that is not a good idea and she can bring good fortune or bad or dark Fortune mom no we’re not going to do that why we need good luck or bad luck we are due for some good luck just it’s okay it’s okay everything will be fine are you ready Whispering Winds that’s not a good idea mom why just don’t why it’s not a good idea it’s not a bad idea oh it’s a bad idea right okay Olivia Whispering Winds and shadows light call forth a lady dressed in white from the depths of time through the veil of night appear before us a spectre bright Lady of luck both dark and fair drift on the edge of the cold night air bring us Fortune if you dare or curse us under your despairing stare mom I didn’t realize it’s just an internet rumor anyways that’s probably not even true mom what curse it’s probably just an internet rumor oh no it’s probably not real what M you could have just cursed us with her stare or brought us luck well she doesn’t bring us luck well whatever give me that we’ll see let’s just go play hide-and seek okay rock paper scissors to see who goes first ready Rock Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Me I you want to do you want to hide all right I have to take her oop sorry y’all I have to take her um you take my phone and record your part yep okay what should I count to okay count to a minute a minute okay we’ll wait a minute okay y’all let’s go I have to entertain you guys minut yeah so how’s everyone how was your weekend so far um try to talk for a minute it’s really beautiful day out today the sun is shining so I’m going to try to hide as far as I can I have Converses on and um it should be okay because there’re sneakers ooh I could be like one of those people who go like you know like come with me you know uh I should really consider being more quiet yeah so what do you guys think of the tortured poet’s Department I really like I like fortnite I like that song a lot I like down bad I like but daddy I love him I like Chloe Marcus and the other names that I can’t remember right now pretty good album I don’t know what else to say o comment down below your favorite Olivia Rodrigo song she’s pretty good I don’t really know what to say so I’m just kind of rambling [Music] um thought I saw something behind me but I suppose not ah what was that I don’t like it okay well I could go up there a little bit should I I don’t remember what the winner WIS but either way I just want to win all right I’m gonna go look for her she’s a really good Hider so here I come ready or not here I [Music] come thought I saw something apparently not sun is in my eyes now I okay I have these polarized sunglasses on so I literally can’t see myself when I am recording [Music] Harley okay come on lady and white bring me some good fortune she’s wearing bright blue so she probably won’t blend in too much this is like the same spot where I hid s oh my gosh I see my mom and I can’t find this [Music] SP I should have climbed up there watch out for snakes keep hearing things behind me I see you no you don’t be careful back there you crazy spider stuff yeah I’m sure there’s lots of spider stuff so now it is your turn to count and my turn to hide wow okay and I keep hearing something or seeing something but I don’t know if it might be the ghost lady you think yeah did you see anything no I didn’t either okay I’ll count right [Music] here I don’t want to where should I hide I’m not a good Hider and I’m kind of afraid of [Music] snakes this is a crazy story too so like Carly’s dad and Carly were outside and he was in his golf cart and right behind like the seat that he sits on like a snake head popped out there’s a huge snake like hiding in his golf cart okay guys so I have a little bit of a plan I’m going to use the golf cart to finder drive around now you can use your house is on my ankle break right there I think I’m going to hide down here okay I don’t know if I can see that [Music] something I’m scared I’m going to hide behind this tree I don’t know what I’m at all right guys slay woo I have to look for a girl with bright pink and green pants that should be relatively easy okay I’m hiding behind the tree she’s cheating she’s on the golf cart I know for sure she’s not going to go too far into the woods he’s terrified of getting bit by snakes oh gosh I almost just hit that tree okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see you Mom we got to go what there’s a ghost lady in white we got to go the camera what go get it you go get it there’s no one over here there’s someone over there there’s no one over there yes go get out of here Karly I saw her you didn’t see her hopefully she was coming to bless me with Good Fortune why did I do that I didn’t think that stuff was real did you not hear me scream and drop the camera I heard you scream and I dropped the camera it’s already broken what it’s already broken it’s fix it’s what see she’s bringing me good luck I’m almost getting smacked in the face with branches oh no that’s just me I oh if you want to oh that’s a holly I don’t want to smack you in the face of that thank out see scared that’s not giving you bring that’s not bringing you good luck [Music] [Music]


  1. Love you Carlaylee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💖💕💞💓

  2. I LOVE Your vids Carly and I laughed so hard when you said it’s a bad idea right lol but I watch your videos every single day!!! Also I love the song it’s a bad idea from Olivia Rodrigo❤❤ but I am subscribed and liked to every single vid can I pls get pined 😅 ❤❤❤

  3. I remember when Carlie was 9 and now shes 15 or maybe older:( (i have watched you for 7 years or 8)

  4. Oh my gosh Carly you look so beautiful my picture on my profile is not me now that is me when I was sick I am way beautiful now I am as beautiful as you but I will never be that beautiful

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