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What the AFL can do to help the WA teams, Freo’s best midfield & an Elliot Yeo update

Justin Longmuir has said the AFL has “Neglected a heartland of football” in relation to the WA clubs travel disadvantage & Schoey has a very simple solution to help. Schoey gives us his best Freo midfield for the rest of the season, which leaves one gun player potential on the sidelines. Plus, the boys have their take on Elliot Yeo and his big decision.


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Music by The Southern River Band.
Shelter is born and brewed in Busselton, Western Australia.

Follow us on Instagram: @shelterfootycast.

Shelter FootyCast is produced and recorded at BackChat Studios.
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[Music] yeah welcome to sh podcast uh will SC with Mark reading sometimes I do think I’m living in an alternate reality I walk in here this morning and I got to let you know this and and and I’m sorry Nick but this is this is top of the charts so Nick our producer does a great job um technician put mechanic so Nick does a great job in here [ __ ] runs a lot of things very well here at B chap here comes the clip but I walk in here today and Nick is feet up on the desk hair looking a million bucks he’s he’s he’s rubbing his hands he’s got a coffee in one hand he’s it like it may as well be in the Bahamas man how we looking beautiful beautiful run sheets done great show coming up skater going to be on time you’re here early we are killing it I sit down skater I sit down where I where I live and breathe right now right and I get my computer out and the Run Sheet’s looking great and Nick’s had his second sip of coffee and his hair is still looking good pristine like pavich there’s no [ __ ] microphones he’s forgot to put the microphones on the set I just looked at Nick and said but you Reon we need something to speak into if bons of Airlines need someone to help them get back on their feet after what’s been debarked go and give Nick a call because we’ve got seriously we’ve got it covered here what’s what’s happened to bonsa I think they’re in a bit of trouble is that right I think so I don’t know the exact and I say this with all due respects but uh yeah travel at the moment not all that safe if you’re Singapore ens you heard the news a couple you that was that was very serious that’s not bonso no it’s not bonso mon won’t be they not going to be sponsoring the shadow footy casting time not anytime soon unless they get up off the ground we’ll go to Barley that otherwise I reckon we’re cooked okay that is ironic off the ground uh shelter footy cast on socials very good footy cast at backchat today you I haven’t seen you wear that top Kings of the big game for about I reckon since well since we started this show yeah I don’t know I just found on the ground oh yeah you are such a bandwagon jumper I’ll tell you what sker uh I did do some work yesterday I made a website for us you yeah uh it is shelder and speaking with shout out to Tommy from shelder who text me yesterday I’ve got some beer coming to my place so to Giddy Up I thought you were up about about something I thought it might have been our VIP skat we’ve had some more members sign up you want to support the podcast you want to support skates retirement you can jump on and sign up as a VIP to the show 10 bucks a month will’ll give you the scoy tear get add free content beers with the boys every quarter we’re going to come and have a beer with you we’ll SK Tom M anyway put his credit card on the bar personalized cameos from sker discounts on shelter uh and our merch all that sort of stuff or if you want to really level up you want to get to the sker tier 75 bucks a month you’ll get a monthly beer drop from shelter Brewing Co you get tickets on discounts to all shelter footy cast events free of those you get tickets to all uh shelter Brewing Co events uh discounts to shelter Brewing on uh the merch shop you’ve got personaliz cameos all the stuff skat is pretty exciting stuff it’s enormous can’t yeah if there’s any interest in there to have a beer with us I’m I’m there but I I don’t like drinking with myself let alone someone else is coming and sitting with me skate uh looking after our Foo fans today we got uh two tickets to give away to the big Friday night Clash tomorrow tomorrow night Collingwood Foo sellout I believe and uh we’ve got our hands on two tickets so if you want to get those jump onto Instagram sker get one of your daughters to show you what that is uh shelter footy cast on Instagram and you can find the post there tag a mate you want to go with and that’s as easy as that we’ll give that away probably tomorrow Friday day of the game but it’s a big game coming up for Foo it’s huge we’ll talk about it soon will scoffield Mark ring shelter footy cast [Music] all right skate uh Fair bit happened this week I I think um let’s start with Interstate travel sh we I feel like that’s very relevant here to us at the shelter footy cast we are based in Perth I did play for a Western Australian team for 14 years and you have worked in media over here for a long time so there is a little bit of a ground swell of I think maybe at least attention but maybe support uh from media types and now coach that Interstate clubs are more hardd by than Victorian clubs now people in the west people in Adela people in the northern states already knew this but there is more attention specifically happening right now Daman Hardwick uh either yesterday the day before this is a direct quote from him for clubs in Victoria to sit there and say the 12 business class eight it’s eight by the way dimmer uh help the teams in Perth is laughable they should be named and shamed to be honest it’s downright disrespectful I’ve played in Victoria I’ve played into State and now I’ve coached here we’re up against it there’s no question about it so that’s Damen Harwick multiple Premiership three time Premiership coach Tigers Justin Lomo who’s also coached in Victoria at coning but as an assistant and has done the the playing side of it now coaching s of Adam Simpson Same by so once they’ve done both and there’s so many examples across the competition and and Hardwick’s one of the latest ones to to I guess discover that and it’s no fault if you haven’t done it you you can’t see the problem and the queensland’s only 2 hours from Victoria so there’s even less of burden on them and we do live in the west so we have to understand we have to travel we don’t want to harp on the fact that you know W is me but if there can be some concessions or some consideration I think clubs would like that so Justin longm the coach of fro usually a pretty mild mannered doesn’t make headline sort of guy I think you’d have him in that category as a coach I think he’s pretty uh selective with how he goes about things is’s a direct quote from him uh on Tuesday I feel like for whatever reason the the AFL has neglected a Heartland of football and that is wa so he made some points in a press conference and an interview during the week um look I don’t think anyone in Western Australia or Adelaide or northern states expect them to get four home games they know they’ve got to travel I don’t think they they don’t expect not to travel in fact you there’s no world in which you can’t travel however perfect example um on the weekend uh freem manal played they play Sha Saturday night as opposed to Saturday Twilight because when you play Saturday night you you physically cannot fly back on that night to per you have to stay in Melbourne you don’t get back till lunchtime Sunday they have a Friday night game this week so it was already a six day break but it turns it into a 5day break because you’re traveling on the Sunday if they move the game to the Twilight fixture which the AFL has that capability they can get home on the Saturday night they get a traditional six day break because it’s they’re already home and they’re in the own bed and it makes an equitable as as Equitable as possible fixture now the AFL either don’t care do care and and um are sorry about it or simply have just completely neglected lot Justin longm said any real factoring in of the travel fact of West Australian clubs I couldn’t agree more with Justin Lomo absolutely again it’s it’s one that this is not new Trevor new but um I did it m three for years on the afl’s back of bet trying to mitigate against and again the travel is is undeniable you’ve got to do it but if you can minimize the aspects as you say whether it’s a a day game or a Twilight Game and and have lesser night game certainly less games in list less games in Darwin go Coast that’s fine there’s a team base there at least yes pull that back a bit to to make it so that it is u a more manageable experience and that’s not to say that um fixture in the AFL is not extremely difficult it’s a tough gig I mean Travis all did it for a long time and there’s no simple solution but no but there is there is absolutely Simple Solutions they have time slots right on weekends they have time slots before there’s a fixture there is time slots they then put games into them the very simple solution is to make sure West Australian teams first and foremost can get home that night so essentially what you’re saying is last Saturday night if there’s a Twilight game between um Saints and the Dockers that starts at say 2:30 Perth time 4:30 there’s in running into or uh overlapping with brisban versus Richmond yes uh which is either a seven game or Fox game and that allows that that travel component to be taken out of it that’s correct um what it it allows their sleeping in in a in a hotel bed for another night of which West Australians do the most of in any team in the competition it takes away one night of it and it might not seem like a big deal for one round but when that happens six rounds in the year or 10 rounds in the year and you got 10 more nights out of your bed and you come to finals and every other club of traveled 10 10 less rounds it’s a big bloody deal so so what it means is and let this has been an issue for a while but you know the iron is that when a Victorian Club be it jalong and others have come out and said there’s no disadvantage that actually ended up being a a godsend I think hopefully for wa because it’s it’s brought out this sense of um bewilderment as to what are you talking about the AFL now has to at least heard the the argument both ways and and obviously they dis count the fact that having business class seats is a is an advantage or not a disadvantage I think it now puts it more on the agenda to get what wa wants ironically um when Victorian clubs were probably those that are thinking it’s a it’s a pretty cruisy setup now will be under the pump to to try and justify what they’re saying remember Justin L was an assistant coach at Collingwood so he knows what it’s like to play those Simpson same thing yeah Freeman will clock six uh 62,000 km of travel this season compared to Colton’s 13,000 Lomo doubled down his criticism of the cats push back he’s worked at Collingwood and he’s worked in the west at two different clubs it doesn’t compare not even close and so he just wants little fixes also questioning around gather around it gives the Adelaide clubs another week there and everyone else has to travel including Western Australia with wa not getting anything back and probably one that you’d be more aware of than than I am with the NGA and the pathways the West Australian sides can’t take anyone from their their next Generation Academy’s inside pick 40 so if they have someone really good that they’ve developed and put time and money and patience and all of that into they’re probably not going to get them yeah I think Lance Collard is is the one player that Springs to M uh went to SC Kilda I know the Eagles were on the cusp of trying to get him but they their hands were tied so there’s so many different little aspects and travels won uh the NG setup and and they’re all valid arguments no doubt about that the other one that has been mentioned Simon G’s been pushing this as hard as anyone I think to try and get a a travel solution being bring Carlton Collingwood I believe as a as just two big clubs to wa they play each wa Club back to back they’re only they’re here for two weeks and then they play each other at opta Stadium now not saying that’s the the a popular way to go about it but I’ve been having spoken to someone from Collingwood this week they actually make good better money playing at Opus with the Full House than they do at the MCG I didn’t know that I was staged by that Collingwood made the stadium deal for opta stadium to my understanding is better than the MCG over there would be collingwood’s home game well whatever who yeah if it’s Collingwood or cartton the money that you make at Ops is actually really attractive I believe that’s why apparently either EST or Richmond whoever hosted that dream Time game yes was a bloody Good Financial win for for them so where some Bulldogs that to be a big Club bigs a question you know the Eagles for instance why couldn’t they potentially buy a North Melbourne home game I know it’s a huge disadvantage for North because of well Oni they they’ll get beaten you’d suspect at the moment but financially they’re going to get beaten wherever they play sker they could be playing down at um skater’s backyard and they still gets flogged thank you very anyway there’s a lot of discussion uh we haven’t heard the last of it but I don’t still don’t think we can have a solution in the short term because the AFL they might hear you doesn’t mean they act they may not care you could be exactly right Luke Parker six weeks um we did speak about this Monday I did say I felt there needed to be some responsibility for the player that coped the hit specifically in this one um I think this is a a suspension on outcome and not action that’s that’s my opinion I don’t think it was with malice it was a clash of heads I believe he hit him from front on so the player should have seen him this has all the Hallmarks of an outcome and not action and and I and I continue to say it if we continue to suspend players on outcome and not action we have no Clarity and players don’t know what they’re going to do and it’s just chance it’s roll of the dice anytime you go out in the field which is ridiculous it’s a terrible state to be in yeah well I think they’ve appealed it they’ve appealed it they’ll try and get it you know brought back to I suppose three or four weeks you can’t get it exonerated from six to nothing surely so it’s going to be a case of trying to bring it back a week or two but it’s been a week or two since we’ve had to talk about you know these controversies and this is this is one Parker at the moment can’t get a game for this onean so it’s not as big a story if he was certain come but still g’d be frustrating for for one of the best players in the AFL when he’s up and running I like Nathan tweet on this Luke Parker this is from Nathan Luke Parker is a hardened AFL footballer playing against with all due respect am of footballers some more so than others is he responsible for the lack of awareness of his opposition that contributes to the impact of the football action so I like it because he’s supporting me a little bit it’s about the football action for mine and is Luke Parker meant to you know give a handshake and give him a document about um what you should expect on an AFL football field he’s been suspended once in his entire career he’s played almost 300 games I think for Sydney let go all bets are off and I still I’m sure be surprised if you disagree with me all bets are off after bra Braden mayard versus Angus braa and no penalty and so this year they’re doubling down on everything I think I think this is across the board and we just can’t look look at look back and say this is and I I don’t disagree with well maybe it’s ridiculous manate and and heish BR shows open letterer that went absolutely viral he said as much as well the the the the rule from the AFL giving him zero weeks meant that that action wasn’t suspendable that was a suspendable action regardless of outcome right the outcome right which is uh you know BR Shaw being he’s now retired has got the IFL [ __ ] themselves and now they they’re suspending anyone that touches a head I I just think it’s a frightening position let me throw C you um and this is only just off the top of my head so we go back to the braer incident was going for the ball yes or no to try to I think he probably was probably was yeah okay so when it comes to Michael Frederick and Jimmy Webster at the weekend yes Webster was going for the ball action yes yeah for the ball yeah so that’s that’s that’s been ruled on action not not outcome yeah whereas we blink right and Luke Parker is being adjudicated on outcome any it’s probably not the best analogy I’m just Perfect Analogy mate because Jimmy Webster knocks out called Michael Frederick going for the footy going for the footy it’s a football action and I think he shouldn’t have been suspended because of the action he didn’t shirt from him ironically Jimmy Webster spent what he eight week eight weeks for Jo simpin because he Shir fronted him and knocked him out same outcome different action yeah and it was not a football incident geez it pisses me off ska uh will scoffield Mark readings shelter footy [Music] cast uh big big uh big fental podcast this one I think even though I’m wearing the king’s a big game and I promise I did find it just on it was just folded up nicely SK art and our lovely cleaners come past on that c you a cleaner oh you’re tossa seriously we we’re going a cleaner Victoria rings and she and I don’t say that in in a sexist way but she refuses to get a cleaner because she thinks anyone she’s like a you know very controlling with the that dust is there do she does she want to she want to come over to my house we got one one of our family members coming over to help you out regularly so maybe two a stret but you got a cleaner well done Sky you a poor man as well I I just slipped that in for that reaction just purely just purely for that reaction I just think it’s a huge week for for Freo this is this is we’ve had some tests for the 3o footy Club while you’re up um and against Collingwood on Friday night I don’t think there’s many bigger and it’s a it’s away from home for Collingwood but that that makes it a bigger test for me like if you collingwood’s good away from home yeah but if you’re playing wood at the MCG it’s like yeah give it a crack hope for the best fro should win this game yeah yes or no I don’t disagree I don’t disagree and given the outs for Collingwood given what wups uh given what they did last week on what you saw in that game it’s very hard to be confident on their the quality of their football but but I mean that can change from week to week and against against Sydney they were exposed we know they’ve kicked 1333 over the past fortnite but you’re right I think this is this is an opportunity against Collingwood side that they they’ve been very good but they’ve also they’ve been in and out of matches as well I mean they started well against the crows they they fell away in the last quarter so they’ll give you a look on Friday night either way because of the way they play their game it’s where the freem man the the way upside can take advantage so uh big outs for Collingwood being ra for mckinness he’ll be out with concussions so he was kind of playing that forward role that’s been vacated by bro Meek they may get him back by the way they’re hoping he plays b mccre as well hoping him for to return will Hoskin Elliott is out with a hamy Jordan deoy out with AB injury Tom Mitchell still out of the game they’re missing a whole bunch of players forward uh Jamie allet being one of those they got some good we call the game against the Eagles a couple of weeks ago and some of their their Fringe players I mean Ed Allen gets his first game son of Ben which is terrific news for him I think he’s like beno’s 510 and was a superstar player but I think all 194 he’s giant is massive so he gets his chance will Parker who played Cricket for the Hobart hurricanes I think he’s a Ley he comes in he played a game of cricket 104 days ago he gets his chance what do I just like immediately think like Dan coner is getting a game for cwood just some some little TW the twer just coming in a couple of leggies and then suddenly playing for cwood the bristle on the mustach and then he goes um yeah so magp I got to admire their depth because they showed that against the Eagles they’ve got terrific depth and they they’ve got role players for Freo there’s some there’s some a couple of issues I flagged him on Monday they need to play Bray Shaw first center bounds and have him on Ball and you call that last week at Hal time or there abouts yeah if that means five out Hayden young back Matt Johnson dropped I don’t really care what it is but you have to play your best Midfield especially against Collingwood especially early you can’t wait till halftime and think oh let’s go and fix the balance up and let’s get Andy Brer in won the he won the MVP two years ago right best player in the competition ition and what playing them on a forward flank and and because of your team balance I was I was supportive of Team balance as well early in the year but where they are right now they are must-win football team balance out the window the Center Square then for the opening ball up tomorrow night you saying Darcy’s playing or not 50/50 I I’m not I’m not guaranteeing he’s okay so say say he doesn’t play Jackson song Bray Shaw and young or F who do you young okay and what does five end up five he could be close to a spell skater like because of his well they can’t play him forward no he’s not refuses to keep the never played back in his life yeah so the only position he can’t play Wing so the only position he can play as the one he’s playing right now and is he good is he doing a good enough job to maintain that balance which is what I’m talking about we look at those Nam song’s doing medal probably as we speak young we know how well he uses the foot and he gives them that Silk that they don’t have in the middle and brael as you said is is arguably the best mid Ste I wouldn’t drop five though because well uh last week wasn’t very good did he get a week off the week before he was subbed no he wanted the sub we the week before and win against Richmond who cares it’s witches hats then the week before that he would had three Brown low votes best best player on the ground so I don’t think he’s out of form I I I just think I think Andrew br was a better midfielder than him is that okay to say absolutely so do you start him on the bench and rotate him through I don’t know how do you either way will Brody used to do that they used to do that with Will Brody play him at 60% game time and bring him on and and play him in in with David money because they couldn’t they couldn’t have him on the field the entire time because he lacked defensive intensity and effort well there’s there’s nothing wrong you know providing the ego of f isn’t affected I I think you’ve got to look at that and those names you mentioned inside the Center Square probably moving forward and even now are your best quartet I don’t see look sha NY did his c a decent one it wasn’t a was told I’ve done a c they’re not fun bruising right up so imagine putting a 50 Kil white belt on top of youy yeah and being an athlete Mel Frederick will miss out on concussion that was uh yeah disappointing incident of course so he’ll be out who have you got in this one who you taking I’ve you know what I convinced to take W up against Sydney two weeks ago uh Carl and Luke mcfar said I was I was Sydney all all week all week until 10 minutes before and then they anyway that is my weakness I’m in just such a weak individual at times this week I’m going to stick with W love I I think this is this is a huge game for them I don’t think collingwood’s traveling quite as well as cityne that’s not to say easily can win this game give them what we we know what they can produce yeah deo’s obviously a massive exclusion I I I’m going with the Dockers I’m going with the Dockers too I’m on I’m on well you up and if you want to go and see this game we’ve got two tickets to give away make sure you’re following us on the shelter footy cast on Instagram and look for the post and tag a mate you want to take and the tickets could be yours Adelaide V West Coast Adelaide oval this is a interesting one k k versus wallich marowa I know W marowa I’m not sure of adad one yeah I haven’t got to that point yet okay I’m calling the game but we’ll get there it’ll be k k okay the crows the crows Play the Eagles like hopeful on Sunday yeah really interesting game this one I think you know a few weeks back you think I’d see a later Eagles but they’re becoming competitive especially at home um Elliot yo will come back I’m going to put put my nuts on the line there and say he’s playing looking at me as if no I’m think don’t doubt you I’m also thinking you know despite all the talk I’m pretty well I think he’ll stay others say not next year yeah we haven’t spoken about that I’m leaning more towards it um we there a bit postering by The Eagles I you know I know that adela’s into I’ve been told a couple other clubs have inquired but not to the same level so yeah I I personally think if he gets even a reasonable deal with the Eagles he’ll stay here but again how you probably know better than I whether he is driven by Financial Security or not and you know what there’s nothing wrong with that so I hope this has Tak Tak in full context right I hope it’s not C this is clipped up into a tiny little bit and say like Al you’re goodbye alot I think yoi wants to stay yeah I think he will stay I think uh he really loves the club he loves being here he’s got a partner that’s pregnant yeah he J been Crook and all those things and I think he wants to get the deal done but then I watched him he’s done his radio gig on on 96 96 FM strange answers so I don’t know if that’s yo just not being experienced enough in the media or not all yoy had to say right and if he’s not getting coached by his manager or the club or anyone all he had to say was uh great I’m glad there’s a lot of interest I want to stay at the football club I want to stay at West Coast it’s in their hands we’re all big boys and adults and big girls we know what’s going on right clearly there’s interest from rival clubs just hear me out right you you’re moving around and in your head and grumbling along I really want to stay with West Coast it’s in their hands I I want to get a contract and I want to sign it that and that’s it and and any other deals are relevant to that if we can get a deal done why can’t you just say that well because why can’t you say that well if you let me explain why why SK because well it’s like buying a house you say I want that house you that’s that’s you know really want that house he’s playing a little bit Cory and a bit you know just trying to just cool his heels and allow the process to take place and and you know maybe he’s a $500,000 short over the two years for argument sake at the Eagles uh if that drags on and he you know obviously wants to get back playing footy as well I mean you want to be playing good footy when you start sprouting off that you you know you want to stay here and you want to go there so I think he’s being uh cautious because of that as well so I can understand where he’s coming from a lot of players do that I mean even Patrick danger we knew he was going from Adela to Jan we knew it but even you know as we do in the refus to say look I’ve talk talked to the cats and you know that that’s on that’s a possibility NRL we know 12 months out where someone’s going Wayne Bennett’s coaching the South City rabbitz next year he’s currently and we know that he’s coaching the Dolphins this year oh yeah this happens in World sport everywhere except here it’s like will scoffield he’s he’s linked with uh silda but he continues to know he’s bought a house in moravan he’s got his family kids booked into school there he refuses to admit it but that is like bred by yeah okay the media but the players as well and so it goes hand in hand right players are scared of coming out and saying it cuz they’re worried about getting clipped and P by players by the fans by the media yeah it’s an interesting interesting one isn’t it I to to finalize it I think he stays yeah I agree um but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t beind him if he was going to get if he gets three years that’s that’s the the one that you think you get a million million more dollars in your career think about it just listening along watching along if you’re going to get a million more bucks doing something over 3 years is I reckon you’re going to think about it I’m gone I’m [ __ ] gone too that see you later bloody hell if only we could be in that position tipping who we like well I was at Rankin missing with a hamstring I think that’s a big out for them and if yoi comes back in look I think you got to think that West Coast can challenge the crow I’m picking ad yeah I’m picking adite just quickly but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s closer cuz I do think the West Coast light Planet had L over I did call you might have been with me a preseason game between these two clubs and Harley had a bit of uh bit of spunk about him he was pushing and shoving getting involved I got a feeling won be wrong Joshua Shelly might have spent some time on him but you talk you’re very adamant you push this barer regularly do opposition clubs need to put time into Nick Doos do they need to put time into Jordan Clark is it a situation now where Harley Reed as a as a crows person would be thinking is he a BL that we need to send someone too at stoppage yes not not around the ground it’s difficult when he’s a forward like that goal he kick forward on how what are you going to do out defending him so forward no around the ground no but at stoppage yeah I mean he’s he’s an absolute brute in there isn’t he but if you get Elliot yo back in there then you’ve got Reed yo Kelly one of them will get off the chain yeah it’s a bloody good Midfield it is a good Midfield but having said that you mentioned this last week that’s why you tipped the crows against Collingwood can you stop bringing up tipss I got wrong you stop doing that it’s actually it’s actually a pat on the backat because anything you do remember [ __ ] up that don’t worry you’re very confident in telling me when you get things right so I just need to keep that in my memory back but there forms when kide lost draw I did say that power yeah that’s what you did say I’m trying to give you some some credits uh so I’m tipping them at home but you know if the Eagles can get away to you know they form away from home semi summed up really well a rebuilding team going to be really tough to beat or certainly a lot tougher to be in Perth way they’ll have their weeks like against Collingwood and the Bulldogs where they you they’re shying I do remember things it’s just the things I get right that I remember I don’t remember anything I get wrong Western Bulldogs V Sydney tonight uh this is at Marvel um strange matchup this one funnily enough I saw a I saw a graph um on on social media this morning sker it’s got the premier ship window so it’s um points scored and and points allowed and you got to be in the top six for both to be in the Premiership window only two clubs in there not these two these two sides these two sides I mean you’re not surprised with Sydney no no yeah me the Western Bulldogs are the only other side with a top 64 and top six uh defense and that what that shows you a bit about this season given I mean was this time last year this is going to stretch me but I mean Collingwood would have been close to um top position Port might have been right up there as well but they were clear Premiership for this year I reckon there’s been four or five times when you you’ve waxed and W Sydney’s been consistent but you this is a game against a bulldog side that is less reliable than the equipment in here I think I I would not you don’t know what’s going to what you’re going to get it’s like the sh cast he very unreliable um they are unreliable but you know what they’ve done in the past fortnite you know albe it Giants it down but they still beat them away from home and was it actually put U was it kill to the sword to the sword one of yeah they really theyve been impressive the last two on paper they look rivic Liber I think is getting closer to coming back um y he’s been given all clear by the train again yeah so yeah it’s it’s a tricky game I you know I think Sydney probably on form you have to back them they’ve only had one bad loss this year that was against the Tigers which is remarkable extraordinary it is extraordinary I don’t think Sydney are very good at at Marvel and I don’t have one stat in the world to back that up but I just feel like that’s not their favorite place to play vulnerable you reckon there a little bit yeah I don’t know certainly not picking the Bulldogs I can tell you that right now there’s no chance in that I’m picking against Sydney and Bulldogs he could get the very best they could literally they could win this by 10 goals and they could lose it by 20 yeah I don’t think I don’t think it’ll happen but I think you’re right who do you trust more at this day Sydney I think until like they’ll they’ll have a hiccup they’ll have a few hiccups between now and the end of the season but I think their for’s been stacked up well uh loving the work of Warner golden hey they Midfield they kick goals and that’s the thing with Parker those guys you just met mentioned Rob Bottom’s leing the league in tackles uh Adams comes off a flank he’s sort of doing the Andy Brasa sort of rooll to sort of at least get a game I don’t know whether they’re going to play Parker they got to have Mills back into the side as well I think when Kell Mills comes back in who’s been a midfielder for the last couple of years at AFL level captain of the side he’s going to have to play off a back flank he doesn’t get in that Midfield yeah I think the I only made one change again I think Campbell Roberts in fox out fox out fox out so that’s I think he’s injured I think shoulder Robbie so yeah that they’re well placed with and you know rather be in that position waiting for a couple of experienced heads to potentially come back in and maybe not even if they’ve got the young players doing the job Sydney Sydney okay North Melbourne V Port adade I pick Port adelade um where is it uh I think it’s in laist Hobart oh Hobart blunstone Arena in Hobart of course yes yat py uh take on North Melbourne what a contest this is going to be there’s some great players playing and it’s going to be a terrific game of football or what I mean seriously how many people do you think will go to this game well they’re dropping off by the Dozen I reckon in Hobart didn’t they have 4,000 at the last that because but they’ve got their own team now they don’t and because they’re terrible Malin are terrible man anyway the forecast 12° on Saturday um Connor Ros could be back from his three weeks cuz he he’s done a hamy and he’s come back from that I don’t think you’d play him why would you play him no 100% lap over 100% agree the power again how they beat Hawthorne I I don’t know after being six goals down and down by two goals with the minute and a half to play whatever it is but they’ll beat North who who clearly a side that um you know if they win a game this year the big people the odds I haven’t had a look the odds for them not winning a game this year would be reasonable moderate yeah wouldn’t be anything outlandish there and I can’t see them winning they’ll bounce somewhere they they’ll beat a side that is either injury stricken or as sleep at the wheel could be this way well ports at top a team aren’t they surely they can’t they’ve got enough quality that they do win sure Jason Horn Francis he’s still he he talk about Harley but he’s Dangerfield he’s just Dangerfield he’s probably a better kick than Dangerfield was though I reckon he’s got a little bit more um Precision danger was just get it going forward yeah I think charie Dixon is going to have a rest by the way being managed this week okay I’d be managing half the team Colton V Gold Coast Marvel Stadium this is a good game yeah I like the sound of this uh Caron will be sweating on the fitness of Jacob weering he’s a big big part to how they play was subbed off last week with a quad know if it’s a strain or a qu have you ever done a quad strain one I that can be that can be qu they’re not he hasn’t torn his quad they’re not not hoping he gets up if you’ve torn your quad it’s like a 10 week injury so he hasn’t done that I like your pick no your pick it’s like the BLS do their picks Adam Reynolds done their Pi there longterm say is just like your pick except it’s on a completely other part of your body time wise out youp okay thank you very much uh look Carlton have a decent injury list right now and and Gold Coast so the knock on on Carlton is like you know can they can they stop a score I think they’re ranked bottom four score against at the moment Colton so they can’t stop team scoring and then Gold Coast can’t win away from home they can’t they haven’t won away from home well they won in Darwin that’s to Darwin I reckon that’s close to their home home it’s as close to home as you can get without being at home no you’re right um and that look know Anderson they had the talent there is it time for them to start you know taking a big scalp in Melbourne yes in Victoria and and Carlton you know for all the talk of premierships Etc M and I don’t I don’t get few things right but I remember watching them against the Dockers and I thought to myself this side yes yeah they’re know they’re no world beaters they they played some good footy they got out of jail L they won the game and they they had some good wins this year don’t wrong but they didn’t really impress me as a side I’m going wow like saw was Sydney against the Dockers at Opus they impressed me uh Carlton are a long way off that in my mind they’re getting they might look forward to the mid-season break the blues I mean they’ve got weering who’s also coming out of contract I think he’ll he’ll stay um 1.5 something 1.5 over eight something really so not over eight 1.5 a year for eight years yeah it’s a lot of coin lot of coin uh but vos’s got to be careful with this team at the moment um we know they’ve got Crips and Walsh and they’ve got the you know Cher’s been injured a bit this year as well yes Marvel Stadium they should be winning I remember game last year where C had lost five in a row or something silly they played go Coast at the MCG they were down a couple of goals early then they absolutely paxed the Suns which went on a bit of a run from there so whether that’s the case this year you you can’t be tipping the Suns I know that so I’m tipping Carlton here with not a great deal of confidence but again away from home you can’t tip you cannot tip the Suns away from home until until until they win this game which they probably will we can’t tip them but I I don’t want them play it Marvel I think that’s you know if the roof is closed and everything’s pristine I I prefer them maybe they don’t want pristine mate they win they win in Slippery conditions maybe you’re not going to to get the MCG are you either unless it’s wet do they ever play at the MCG I can’t remember Goos ever playing there you’re probably right they play that’s where they played Carlton last year at the MCG and they got spanked oh we’re both taking Carlton but it’s it’s with caution if Goos win this then I can pick him away from home yeah this is a big big game for both clubs let’s be honest the Suns the suns in the eight they’re very close to it if they’re E Yeah Caron are 10th both on the same amount of wins just a better percentage for the Suns jalong V gws sker another good game in a big game um gws won their last three at gmhba stadium that be that’ be a world record yeah one one of the few teams in the comp that can go down there and win and and say that they’re confident of winning um close to a few people at gws they they think that they play the ground really well um they know what jalong do well there as well so they’re able to stop that um to an extent so problem is they’re not playing good foot at the moment SC you know that and that’s it’s all all very well saying and going back 12 months ago they were you know I can’t remember where they were in the ladder but they the difference from what we saw we were watching the game against the Bulldogs yeah that was bad the weekend that they were they were poor interestingly enough their issues start in the Midfield they’re not getting it done at the cold pH the contested ball wins their ground ball G all those metrics in the middle the contest and that that’s not just you know one-on-one picking the ball up that’s uh free kicks that’s uh tackles being first to all that sort of stuff they’re getting beaten so I wouldn’t be surprised to see Toby green running around in there a little bit he of course started his uh career as a midfielder very good midfielder but an even more dangerous forward all Australian Captain last year he hasn’t had the season that I think he he would have liked none of them have no you’re right we got Tom Green who’s been interrupted with the injury Steven Canelo has been interrupted with the injury no Josh Kelly um I I just think this is a game that they set themselves for every year and I think particularly the state of the game is Right Now Toby green will do something quite big and that will mean going through the Midfield a bit kicking a few goals and and I’ll I’ll start with I’m picking JW West yeah now you’re very bullish and always loyal to the Giants that’s fair enough uh and and I have jalong sliding I a couple that with that I they’ve lost last three in a row they have lost the last three in a row absolutely so you’re intitled they’re probably probably uh 5050 going on that basis but it will help that Cameron comes back into that side Jack Buckley’s out as well Buckley out um you have discounted the fact that Tom Hawkins you meant we always talk at Milestones with the cats this is a milestone match this is when Tom goes past Joel silwood for 356 games he was rested from the DAR trip you can bble your head around how many Milestone games have we got to have matter Milestone G they they in fact they they were beaten in the Milestone equaling game so this is one their due oh I’d always Lo to piek Against The Catch if if the Giants were playing good footy I’d be very much on your train but I I don’t know if they’re going that much better and the cats I just feel after losing three in a row playing at home when’s the last time you’ve you tipped against the cats at home it’s pretty rare pretty rare yes and you and you had them clearly the best s in competition after round seven yeah and I told you they weren’t and they lost a row they were top of the table so they were the best side at that stage no they weren’t cuz they weren’t playing like that and then they lost three in a row to prove my point so who’s best side in the competition that’s and who’s the next best side in the competition no idea well who’s second not jalong no do you think jalong is second no no not of course not no but they you only beat who you beat well I understand that it doesn’t make you the best side in the competition if you beat who you beat well they beat Caron I thought that was a pretty good win but you just said Caron were no good I didn’t think Caron I don’t think Caron are that good but Caron were at that stage Premiership check favorites not in your mind you just told us that yeah I’m picking the catch you picked the joints and I’m sure if the joints up by four goals you be texting me like some imile at know three4 time so so D answer your question I think it could be Collingwood second second best side and and that’s with their injuries is that is that it’s not be on the realm like like deserve to be in that conversation at the moment richm so you’re picking Jong richm and mcj Saturday night dream time this is dream time at the G how good it is a great game to watch like just as a spectator seeing the lights off and uh it’s better when like I say it’s better when in one Club both clubs are going pretty well and this isn’t the case at the moment that’s a very good point yeah luster hasn’t it I mean and the big question moving forward Dusty Martin they’re trying to get him limp him to 300 games uh he’s not far away bottom line is they want to play that 300 at the MCG so manipulate a bit like Tom Hawkins yeah they play every game MCG so well they do play a few there but yeah they’re just so B of um of bodies at the moment and Adam new it’s it’s a tough gig for him uh and just on Dusty talk about him you know either playing on going to the goal Coast I think odds are this is my priority I think he’ be at the end of the year retiring as most likely Gold Coast Suns as a second possibility continuing with Richmond number three i’ probably got it back the front no no I think that’s right I think he’s more likely to retire than those other two options but that’s just having Spar Adam Blu worked for Richmond he said look I’m not sure D’s got much more petrol left in the tank and that’s motivation as well well you’ve been to the buff I keep saying SC if you’d won all serious if You’ won three the head bubble would be just I one look at me painful it’ be just I a mediocre career in one one look at me imagine if I won friend oh know you’re poting Matthew pav at at at sporting function saying I how many flags if you want all this sort of stuff I mean all this sort of stuff it’s what’s the answer you know what hum humility and being and humble is always a good attribute to have self deprecated that wor anyway what was my point Dusty he’s done it all 7 he’s played so he’s close y who are we picking bombers uh very good Peter wght adding some Far Sam Drapers out I think for a fair extension of time Darcy Parish I believe got a an injury as well so they’re a little bit depleted they are um we looked at their fixture a few weeks ago and thought they had a pretty good run in it so they played north last week they played Richmond this week it’s win-win for them they don’t lose this game unless unless they completely Switched Off the Tigers just don’t have their Manpower unfortunately have got Richmond then Gold Coast away that’s that’ll be built up uh yeah it’ll be huge Carlton at home West Coast at home Jong like they they very should wi most of those games most of those games top four here we come good on them bloody like it uh I’m picking snn as well horor V Brisbane uh Marvel Stadium uh this one uh 11:00 on Sunday James Sicily should return so that’s a big in for Hawthorne they bloody should have won that game so let me ask you this forget the ins and outs how does how is it when you lose a game like that does it does it steal you for the next week or can it be mentally and physically deflating probably the latter um i’ I’d love to say you’d be like yeah it it would depend how they reviewed it to be honest if they if they reviewed it harshly which they could have um it could go one way um or they they could have said look I watched the entire last quarter right cuz I saw some of the criticism that they went into park the mode um too early and I watched the whole last quarter I don’t think they did too much wrong and so not saying I’m a complete genius but I reckon Sam Mitch will be on the same same path so if you’re a head coach and you’re thinking how do I get him to win next week because yes you want him to learn but you can’t do anything about that loss can you it’s done I I think he probably would have taken a bit of a softly softly approach taken some clips and say hey we should have done this better but you did almost everything right you were leading what six goals Away From Home Adel a o against you know decent side I think that’s probably the messaging and maybe they maybe they’re buoyant maybe they think hey we’re actually got something going here because we should have won that game we’d won three of their last four before that and Brisbane let’s be honest they’re nowhere they’re absolutely nowhere no well that they’re somewhere they they did have witches cones to run around last week which is you know Richmond up at the gabber they won by 10 something points so you know they might be nowhere you said they’re going to win six in a row which they might well do it’s just a buy against Richmond it’s a buy that being said a good team like get you know Charlie’s back in form kick some goals so those sorts of things can only be good for a team I mean you can’t damage yourself by winning games of footy in terms of confidence and and your self belief so I think this a real More Than This is a a game that Hawthorne you know if they on song they could really push the lines at Marvel because they’re playing if you look at the last five or six weeks SC they’re probably one of the well they are the most improved side of the competition hawthor yeah that’s that’s probably right I mean from where they were they look you know bereft of any confidence um early on they were getting pumped by teams now they you know they pushed Collingwood to five they’ve won matches they’ve beaten the Bulldogs so you know rightly or wrongly one of the um Premiership credential sides as we speak so yeah they they’ve got done a lot right if we had our uh rough roughy of the week if there are any sponsors out there right now I want to sponsor the roughy of the week happy to bring it back be I’m picking I’m picking Hawthorne yeah I me I’m picking them picking them yeah paying three bucks we had to go over three bucks throughout roughy I’d pick them in pretty confidently so they can really challenge Bru of the weekend no doubt about that I I’m the lines T talent wise it’s just where they you know they jump on the plane they can be I know they drew with ad a but their form from home still is is a question mark for me Melbourne V killed the last one of the weekend that’s 120 game on Sunday of course Jake lever will miss the next 4 to six weeks what concussion he knocked himself out and because he was going to be missing uh one or two with the concussion protocol and the buy is going to be missing three so the club has taken action on a on a grumbly knee and they’re they sent him in for surgery so he’s going to miss four to six weeks with a knee so that’s a decent Miss I think he made a big difference the way they defended against West Coast on the weekend Adam Tomlinson seems likely to return and replace him uh jacket van royan will need to pass concussion protocols Ed Langdon will be back in the S after missing uh last week with a wedding in the UK what are your thoughts on that one he went for his sister’s wedding yeah pre-planned by the footy Club heard from a few people in the footy Club this was start of the Year type operation no matter what’s happening I’m going what what do you think about that oh well it’s it’s and I’m give me a d deci divisive it can be I mean there’s there’s some clearcut ones you know in modern day sport having a child if you you know if you’re into the state for a game Etc some some don’t some don’t but I mean I mean wary didn’t the great man I there’s some cricketers that have missed all their kids’ births and that’s going back even back in the 70s even my dad my dad wasn’t at my step sister’s at the hospital so some dads back in the 70s 8s like couldn’t you know just couldn’t be bothered more of a thing now yeah so but births obviously a wedding if you’re getting married you need to be there um you’re not going to get wet you’re not getting you’re player you’re not getting married in the middle of season October ex sorry s I’ve got to all the boys are invited as well this is this is a wedding so you’re right with obviously with a funeral there’s zero there’s no argument there but a wedding of your sister H you know what it’s that’s what the club’s accepted um what you know if it was a cousin would you accept that that’s a very good that’s a very good point where do we what s of depths do we go I don’t want say ID langon absolutely family’s first footy is a distant second but where do we as a coach as a club where do he go SC you’re going across for your your your cousins he’s said getting married again he’s gone around a second time you’re going across New Zealand for this well like what if you’re best excuse me what if you’re a best man like is that just a mate yeah that’s that’s extension I missed I missed um not that I’ll never forgive Simo for this but I I still I tell him about this as well this was [ __ ] so um we played Sydney at the SJ I was groomsman at my mate’s wedding where was the wedding in Melbourne yep and and I I I asked to go to it and he and he and he considered it and what day was the wedding what day was the match same day uh the day before the wedding yeah the day before the wedding so I wanted to potentially go um and come back cuz I was emergency I wasn’t actually playing but I traveled to Sydney to be emergency to watch the game and then I flew in for the recovery the next day so no it was the same day as it was the same day as the game I asked to go and to miss miss the game and not be up for selection Not only was I selected but I didn’t play so I was emergency so I I may as well have not played I didn’t play I was pretty pissed off about it yeah and I yeah I was straight out of there as soon as the S went I got an Uber straight to the airport by yourself yeah was that the done thing oh I was allowed to the game was over no no but don’t you normally travel with the team yeah but but I wasn’t allowed to go to the wedding so it’s say so you had a real dummy spit not a dummy spit no well you weren’t happy so no I told him I was going I didn’t just leave but I left as soon as the S went I went to the airport and got on plan oh so you flew separately to the team bloody earth oh okay they didn’t come to the recovery with me no okay you’re like you’re allowed to do that like that happens a lot that happens a lot with with indate players that happens a lot like you might stay an extra night to see your family or might St next night to hang out with your mates or okay I thought I thought it was more case if the team was traveling at six you thought bu that I’m getting them different flight well it sort of was but but but they went to Perth I went to Melbourne oh okay sorry so I thought you going back to the same destination Melbourne wedding so you what happened you got there for the what recover the day the day after yeah I missed the wedding yeah so I’m yeah looking back on my career I’m disappointed that I didn’t put my foot down and say what are you doing like taking me as emergency [ __ ] take someone else’s emergency I’m not playing not not playing me anyway but when you’re in that footy bubble right and that sort of stuff happens you think oh if I do that I won’t get you know all this [ __ ] we do everyone in their jobs just briefly everyone I work a lot of weekends have for 30 years you you miss some events in your life some of your kids stuff you know you wish you hadn’t or some events so you know we’ve got a pretty privileged job and there occasionally some um some times when it uh it means you miss stuff certainly not poor me but I’ve I’ve missed a lot being over here and it annoys me at stages will scoffield M ring sh footy [Music] cast who’ you pick Mel and kill uh melbour that one having seen the Saints firsthand last weekend at Crown you saw Melbourne firstand as well that weren very good uh where do I see them against West Coast West C they were that was that’s true um no I I was more impressed in fact I was impressed with neither them but demons are better side Saints are a rebel at we’ve got a fair few listener questions to get through because I have to cut it short on Monday skate because you were late G SK and skate G SC and skate would love to hear your thoughts on Neil Rasmus and what he should be considering can’t get a game at the Dockers doing well on the waffle what more more does he need to show being a wa boys should he look at the Eagles and should the eagles look at him keep up the good work yeah it’s been spoken about maybe not by the Eagles and Dockers but it’s one that’s patently clear that he’s picking up regularly 30 plus possessions for Peele inside player always said his overhead marking is great he’s he’s a good all around player his kicking is probably the one knock shooting for golf for instance having seen him play at PSA level um good young player but does he fit the mix at the Dockers just as it’s set up probably no given his style of footy what about West Coast I’ll ask you that question is he would he would he be in the Eagles Midfield at the moment if everyone’s fit probably struggle yeah probably five or six back so so would he be five or six back at a lot of clubs possibly y yeah but uh that doesn’t mean he can’t move up absolutely no no doubt about that the foot I think he he’s an AFL player in Waiting given the right circumstances so that question was from Kyle and he says PS SC you can’t pull the Arma Vic anymore more um you’ve you’ve lived in wa longer now represented wa you’re a West Aussie Kyle let me tell you mate I’m a Victorian right may have played for Western Australia in the fistball competition last year in the national titles uh I may have lived here longer but I am a Victorian and always will Bas so it’s where you’re born is that what you’re saying absolutely it’s where you’re born well I’m a Canadian so welcome to our our Kook coverage of the ice hockey of the Stanley Cup we do a whole episode with you speaking like that I wouldn’t be a I would be crying I was born my dad was doing radio my mom was in labor for 5 days I weighed 11b what a fat little bugger I was and not a thing has changed Sim simore auu Adam Simpson tuning into the podcast thanks for joining us Sim saying the wa clubs aren’t at a disadvantage because they fly business class is like handing someone a [ __ ] sandwich and saying it’s fine because it has sprinkles on it that’s very arent thank you very much Adam Simpson uh Dr Sho uh that read goal was one of the purest bit of football I’ve ever seen in my 75 years thinking of Witten barassi balock abet truly that was so pure no matter who you barck for who who’s that from Dr sh he’s 75 holy I didn’t well more more your demographic he might be more demographic William but I’m just saying to actually on YouTube on YouTube all that stuff he’s got Dr Sho you you’ve done well yeah it was great I actually was had the the fortune of calling that goal for 6pr and I think 360 did a montage of the radio calls and I think everyone did a really good job or tried to and captured the emotion of what was a a pretty special moment yes uh this is from bdb 2024 don’t players need a career after footy if yo stays in Perth and works on business opportunities with people associated with the club then wouldn’t he be better staying he gets paid more and goes over East but then he still needs to return here but we’ll need to start again and his brand will be damaged because he left and he may have less opportunities that is a brilliant point a brilliant point and and I can tell you Tom Baris made his decision to stay because of that very reason yeah and and Elliot’s family if you don’t know is in linked with the hotel game and Hospitality so it’s the broken Hill Hotel they’ve got um good establishment establishment I’m sure they’ve got shelters on top probably yeah Craig of course uh the dad who’s been Republican for 100 years and and I think Cory’s living up in calgi but yeah so that’s part of it the family side of it the business side that that lends to staying here not saying that’s the determining Factor but it’s certainly an important one yeah but the point would be if you can go on earn $500,000 for an extra year in football you’ve still got it 40 years to live after that no I agree it’s not a otherwise it’s not a fighter comp play that he’s going to stay here but there’s probably more if the if the Eagles and Don pike come to the party a bit more or certainly but they’re entitled to sit back well as well and say okay how much more foot are you playing towards the end of the year how well are you playing how’s your body you’re entitled as a football club to do that and I I would be I think they’d be remission their duties if they gave Elliot a three-year contract that’s just my opinion given what we’ve seen from his body I mean I was disagreeing with n f getting two and Michael Walters getting two years when when the Dockers gave them those contracts after the age of 30 I think we’ve spoken about this before but yeah I think you got to be a bit more cautious with uh handing over longer periods once you get towards the end uh Wilmer I’ve got a question here from you but we’re going to save this one for Monday I think it’s a little bit more relevant to the mid-season draft that’s coming up on next Wednesday 5:00 at time handful of West Aussies will West Coast take a pick will Freo take a pick uh I think West Coast certainly have the availability to take a pick given Milan Murdoch Milan Murdoch saw him in the Stak game um they looked at him even before the state game I believe they you know had some um some measurements done on him and what he did in the State game so he’s an option Jasper SCA jaob blight who played well in the State game so um I think the Eagles might have spoken to him as well so I reckon West Coast yes uh the Dockers yeah possibly I’m not sure their list position but oh they’ve got they’ve got list spots like um the kid from seit qek oh yes he’s out he’s long-term injured possibly so anyway we’ll discuss that early next week which uh you know and also the debate as to whether we should have a midseason draft or mid-season trade that’s all sort of worth talking about Dockers fans make sure you jump on social media shelter footy cast on Instagram for two tickets to the Friday night game tomorrow night Collingwood Dockers they great seats an ex Legend of your club seats actually you can jump on those make sure you’re on Instagram sker um you don’t know what that is but uh have a great day it’s Thursday footy uh big weekend um and kings of the big game will be worn on Monday if the Eagles win good luck on the punts skate thank you


  1. Here in WA us fans also pay extra 'surcharges' on our Tickets, membership etc… that pays to prop up the financially struggling Victorian Clubs.
    I personally wouldn't have a problem with any of it IF the AFL didn't bang on about all their equalization BS they love to Virtue Signal about

  2. I think a cup of cement is needed😂
    Life isn’t fair, and the AFL “FIXture” isn’t planned out for anything other than bums on seats and to maximise $$$.
    If they wanted a fair competition I’m sure they could create one, but at a massive financial loss, the population of the Eastern States is far superior to WA and that will always sway the AFL.

  3. I believe the AFL should build a purpose built facility in Melbourne for the travelling teams

    Purpose facility… baths …and meals..and so on.


    Build it to house 5 or 6 teams.

    Close to airport also

  4. AFL can go to 20 teams with 4 conferences. Western (Freo, WCE, Adel, PA, + Joondalup?), Northern (Brissy, GC, Syd, GWS, Bulldogs), Eastern (Melb, Carlton, Tiges, Ess, Pies), Southern (Tassie, Geelong, Hawks, North, Saints). Each team plays everyone in their conference home and away (8 games) and then everyone in the other other conferences once (15 games) for a total of 23 regular season games. This would keep travel to a minimum for non victorian clubs.

  5. On the Bonza thing as a fun sidenote. The company that owns Bonza were in the running to buy Everton in the EPL, that deal now looks like it will fall through as there are questions about the legitimacy of the funds/wealth they actually have and there are civil suites going through in US/UK. Anyway sounds like an easy problem for Nick to fix up

  6. If it is typical Victorian arrogance or the old VFL bias against interstate clubs I'm not sure but the problem is Victorian Teams are getting it easy, why is that. Because there are 10 Victorian teams and you can bet 8 times of 10 they hardly go and travel because when they play each other home or away games, they hardly leave Victoria. Those teams should try and travel from one side of the country to the next for 4 and a half hours on the plane every second week. What needs to happen is the WA clubs or interstate clubs should have more home games to compensate for the total combine games the Victorian clubs in Victoria. And each club gets one game on Thursday and Friday night and the rest is played on the Weekend.

  7. Just a thought on Yeo situation, whats the cost to relocate the family to Adelaide? That would be a factor. I love Yeo, he is our best player however his last contract was a 4 year deal and he only played 37 times in that period. Hope he stays , also hope WCE stand firm

  8. 5 day turnarounds for interstate teams only if playing same state following week. Eagles and dockers do the old stay in town for the week play 2 games in Adelaide in a row 2 games in Melbourne in a row then can come home for a run of home games in a row limiting travel time over weeks

  9. They should have built a hub over there so you have your own rooms,pool,games room heaps of amenities..Maybe play 2 games in Vic in a row???

  10. Both WA teams get the short end of the stick, too many games in Tasmania and Geelong for our teams. Ideally we shouldn’t have to do these road trips as often but the AFL will never schedule the big Vic teams in Geelong let alone Launceston or Hobart before Tassie comes in

  11. Agree that all it would take is the AFL looking at the time slots to relieve some of the WA travel strain. All the clubs and supporters want is for the AFL to take the the impact into consideration, right now some clubs have a travel advantage like the dogs not travelling at all between round 11 to round 16

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