How to hold and grip the golf club (easy way)

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Hi I’m Rick Shiels, welcome to my channel! This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf equipment reviews, golf instruction & I play against some of the best golfers in the world!

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.

I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!

holding the golf club is simple and easy to do my name is Rick Shields I’m a PJ golf coach and I’m going to show you in this video how to hold the golf club correctly I want to kick things off by saying the way you hold a golf club is unlike any other sports it’s all geared around making sure this club face is aiming toward your target so you can hit straight and consistent golf shots so to kick things off we’ve got to make sure the club face is aiming at our Target I’m going towards the simulator screen here but if you’re out on the golf course make sure that’s aiming down your Fairway or towards your target your flag often as well grips golf grips have the logo down the front you can see here on my grip here it says Golf Pride make sure that’s aiming super straight the reason why that’s important if that’s aiming too far to the left and you hold the golf club then that face is going to be already going towards the left you’re going to hit it offline likewise if it’s twisted too far to the right and then you grip it the club face isn’t going towards your target it’s number one rule we’ve got to make sure that’s nice and straight once we’ve established that we’re going to kick things off with the left hand off and your glove hand we want to make sure the back of the grip sits between the middle of the index finger and the edge of your little finger I’m going to put the back of the grip there as you can see I’m then going to wrap my fingers around and place the squishy bit of my left hand left thumb on top of the grip now what you’ll notice here is a couple of things you actually start to create this V between your thumb and your index finger that that V this is a really good Checker make sure that V is almost running up towards your right shoulder again if it’s twisted too far this way that’s going to affect the club Face’s position it’s going to twist it too far to the left if it’s all the way around here it’s going to open the club face twist it too far to the right so we’re going to make sure that V is running up towards the right shoulder the other big thing here on the left hand we don’t want any overhang of the hand so you can see here I can slam the grip the butt end of the golf club and my hand isn’t touching at all we don’t want to see that hand overlapping that would be a you’re going to lose power and and distance and consistency there so once we’ve got that left hand on we’re not trying to strangle the golf club and this goes across both hands want to keep that kind of a five out of 10 grip pressure if it’s 10 out of 10 your arms get really tight and you end up topping the golf ball so keep the hands relaxed the five out of 10 is perfect right hand now the lower hand what we’re going to do first is we’re going to wrap the fingers around the back of the grip and this squishy bit here on the right hand actually sits on top of the left thumb this will feel at first a little bit weird and bizarre you don’t want to push down too hard so if you’re feeling pain in your left hand you’re pushing down too hard keep it again relaxed you’ll also see a V created between the index finger and your thumb again on the right hand likewise that wants to run up towards the right shoulder with we don’t want to see it wrapped around too far here we don’t want to see it all the way over there we want to keep the hand almost sat really much on top of the golf club now the other big factor of a grip and holding the golf club is the back of the grip you can see here this is a what’s called a 10 finger grip and this is fine if you want to do that if that feels comfortable for you where your little finger and your index finger are almost touching together another option is to interlock this is where the little finger and the index finger actually link together it’s a grip that I use a lot of golf professionals a lot of players use that grip and also there’s the overlapping grip where the little finger just overlaps that index finger again a very popular choice it’s whatever feels comfortable for you there’s no right and wrong in that section we’ve just got to make sure that both these are pointing towards the right shoulder we’re not strangling the golf club we’re keeping it nice and relaxed we want to relieve that tension we don’t want to get get the arms really tense and if that’s all done correctly it’ll give you the best chance of hitting straight consistent golf shots time and time again guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed the videos loads more coaching videos on my channel be sure to subscribe try and make it easy and simple so that you can enjoy your golf more see you next time


  1. Can you teach us how to properly throw a club after a bad shot? I need to make sure i use the correct form.

  2. so the squishy pad of the rt thumb you have resting atop the left thumb v. putting that left thumb snuggly in the lifeline of the rt palm? That is slightly differently than I have been doing; however I may try your style as that would seemingly make the rt hand "stronger" by having the left thumb secured by the rt thumb squishy padding so that right hand is not turned over more to the weak side to have the lifeline of the rt palm be the pressure point

  3. One of the best descriptions of gripping a golf club! I learned something for sure. Rick, I also like the audio background, it made me feel encouraged and happy, because it's hard to learn golf techniques! Cheers, thanks for another stellar video.

  4. These types of videos should always be prefaced with ‘go and see your local pga pro’…. I’m sure my grip isn’t right, but my coach has never mentioned in and when I asked, said it’s fine.

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