Golf Players

1:1 with PGA TOUR Player Nico Echevarria – Growing the Game Among Latinos – Tranquilo Sports

In this episode of our Tranquilo Tee Time segment of Tranquilo Sports, powered by Stay Tranquilo, we speak to Nico Echevarria, PGA TOUR player, at the Puerto Rico Open. We touch on:
– losing Latino players to LIV
– growing the game of golf amongst Latinos
– favorite Colombian dish
– best golf courses in Colombia

[Music] what’s up everybody we’re here with State tranquilo at the Puerto Rico open and we’re here with naria he just wrapped up his first round today how how was it out there today it was good the wind uh the wind picked up for playing so early in the morning it was blowing um I think since our fourth or fifth hle started picking up it was a good day uh didn’t finish the way I wanted but overall it’s a it’s a good start yeah great start and it seemed like like you said we when we were on our way here I was the first thing I said was like whoever’s playing today in the morning got lucky because the wind was blowing yesterday and then today it kind of seemed like it picked up earlier than I think expected so I think you’re great spot today we’ll see what the afternoon looks like but one of the things that I wanted to ask you and we were talking about it a little bit before is growing the game amongst the Latino Community what are some of the things that players like yourself fans like ourselves can do to help grow the game amongst that that Community just uh there there’s unfortunately the golf has has been a little divided the last couple years a lot of Latinos went uh to live yeah um a lot of good really good players went to live um so there’s there’s not a lot of us on the PJ tour right now um but we’re trying our best to to represent our countries and and I think we’re doing a good job I think you guys are doing a great job job I think uh you hit the nail in the head and honestly it’s something that I thought but I hadn’t heard anyone say it is yeah a crapload want to live and they’re good golfers too and you see guys like walk Neiman that are doing great right now and and it kind of stinks that people have kind of put them like in a a whole other world and you don’t even hear about them we were having that conversation so it’s it’s unfortunate because they’re great golfers and here we are trying to build something and it’s like in this weird limbo I think everything will get figured out H but it’ll take some time I would say h so a couple we do a concept called the sleeve it’s a couple rapid fire questions okay what is your go-to meal after a round do you do like ano or you uh do do you try to like do something Latino when you’re probably not at home probably a little bit more difficult but do you do anything like that when you’re on the road the problem is that we’re on the road all the time um you know what I used to go a lot to eat pat pat Thai Pat tha tha food yeah I got I got a little tired of it but let’s put it that that used to be a go-to meal nice H do you have a favorite course in Colombia I know a lot of them are private but so it’s not as easy to access over there but do you have a favorite course that you play when you’re out in Colombia yeah my my home Club is is one of my favorites uh in in manene uh C is also a really good has a really good course trali U we we have we have a lot of quality golf golf there is quity unfortunate it’s it’s private and it’s private golf courses but they’re they’re starting to grow with some public golf more in Bogota than other cities but hopefully we can why is it that they only make it private courses is it just you know they’re try it’s been it’s been like that for a long long time and they haven’t built enough golf courses in the last 30 to 40 years where public golf has got golf has gotten more popular so hopefully that change es and and we see more public golf in colia okay cool last question what does it mean to stay trano stay trano that’s that’s hard for a Latino we’re we’re fiery trust me I I battle that all the time I’m likeo uh for me is a lot of breathing I I have to control my emotions with a with a correct breathing uh have some techniques that I want to share because that’s uh something I use as a as a a little power that I have but stay tranquilo with the breathing I like that very cool all right man we appreciate it thanks for your time appreciate good luck this week thank [Music] [Music] you

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