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Andrew Siciliano Breaks Down The Rams 2024 Schedule

Erin Coscarelli is joined by Andrew Siciliano to break down the Rams 2024 schedule. The duo talks about the early bye week, road trips, and how the Rams can take advantage of certain matchups to build off their 10-7 2023 record. Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date on all of Bleav’s shows!

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let’s get right to it let’s get this party started because I can’t think of a better person to discuss breakdown the Rams 2024 schedule then the guy the voice himself of the Rams preseason and by the way I should also say your name Andrew ceciliano Hi how are you karelli how are you more importantly from one pison to another it’s so good to see you I know I saw you this weekend but uh thank you for taking the time because I know there really isn’t a better person in fact actually you are the voice of the Rams preseason before we actually get into the games did you check out the schedule release video how clever I did I I thought it was great um you know some some teams go for like we want nothing but laughs some teams go for like the insult comic kind of role I think the Rams were kind of right in the middle there’s no insults it was all kind of like playful Jabs like you and I were talking off the air here like staff Ford Field right like puka walking out as the fire starter I thought that stuff was great um Everybody tries to one up each other it is the it is the Super Bowl for social media teams around the NFL the creative people behind the scenes with all 32 have been honestly working on some of these ideas since during last season you know sitting in traffic somebody gets an idea oh I want to do this and then believe me these teams sit around a table and they spitball ideas and they go through mockups and they listen people spend so much time on these things I thought the Rams nailed it I thought the Titans nailed it again where you know they did you know what’s her name Red Stallion girl back on the sidewalk I thought the Falcons were really good um Patriots were fun Chargers are always snarky and fun um sometimes a little mean-spirited but snarky and fun um look they they they were all good in their own way you’re playing to the audience the Browns with the bowling I don’t know if you saw that like when they had the chief David and joku um when they they brought up the chief’s game he did the Big Chief touchdown celebration he threw a bowling ball through the through the wood I guess he had to see it but yeah yeah yeah no I I loved it you know uh LA’s was very was very clever the race to New Orleans obviously New Orleans is the Super Bowl location this year and you know they did get a little snarky the Donald field billboard for their week nine game against Seattle the Seahawks why is that Andrew because because Aaron Donald has owned Russell Wilson to the Seahawks over the years now granted Russell wasn’t there last year Russell won’t be there this year barring something amazingly foren but yeah if I I believe and I don’t know if the number is still accurate after last year but I think Aaron had the most career sacks against him Russell that is than any other quarterback he um terrorized the guy yeah um I believe Russell tweet I think Russell tweeted something like thank God when Aaron retired a few weeks ago something like that somebody looked that up they did that one they did one with Arizona as well with um study hall field I think it was something like that anyway they’re fun yeah I mean you know and that’s a big storyline this year which we you know maybe we’ll if we have time we can get into because yes Russell Wilson although not in the division anymore will never have to see Aaron Donald again because Donald hung it up imagine getting sacked by Donald not once but 15 times which is the number of times he sacked uh dangerous um so yeah look let’s break down the schedule a little bit because because you know there’s going to be a new look defense we’re going to see and what can Shawn McVey do without number 99 for the first time in what how many years has it been 12 years uh he was yeah 2014 draft yeah so yeah yeah and and legit every single year except for the year he had an injury and even his rookie year he was Defensive Rookie year right so um he’s going to be missed preseason you will be on ABC7 talking about the first three games starting August 11th they have a game uh at home against the Cowboys that’s kind of cool yeah look the Rams are um in this unique position the Chargers being the other team the Jets the Giants in the unique position that if you play uh the team with whom you share your building you automatically get two home games this was supposed to be and it is technically two Road games out of three this year for the Rams in the preseason but that second or that first road game is actually the Chargers so we’re at home for the Cowboys at home for the Chargers and then in Houston for the final preseason game which is I think something we’ve done two or three times in the past 10 12 years I’ve been doing this I’m lucky enough to be doing this since 2011 with them in the preseason um it’s going to be a little bit different this year and that training camp is moving again to a site to be determined I could tell you costarelli but then we’d have to mute our mic to where training camp is going to be this year um it’s going to be a little bit closer to home I can tell you that as the Saints are moving into Irvine I’m always excited for the preseason and last year was especially fun because as you know Shawn McVey does not play any of his legitimate veteran starters he only wants to play the kids and the rookies or the undrafted guys who are trying to make the team so the Rams are unique and that their pre-season really is a reality show I mean legitimately it’s job on the line not oh we’ll see the starters for a quarter they’re going through the motions you cross your fingers you hope no one gets hurt Sean really does um hey guys go win a job and also he and artist twinman the Rams PR director um give us great access Sean will put the headset on for a series or two every game last year Raheem morus did it maybe Cula does it this year as well and so you get insight that you’re not going to get in any of the other 31 preseason broadcast I love that thank you for that uh that Insight you know for you Andrew you’ve been doing this for a really long time now that this team is you know it so different so many different storylines heading into the season what is something that you you’d like to see happen in the pre season that gives you some confidence if you’re a Rams fan moving forward W that’s a great question it kind of depends on who Shawn decides to play you you’re not going to see whatever tweaks and whatever wrinkles and whatever um Chula wants to do with this defense you’re not going to see that in pre season none of that is going to be shown on TV and none of that is going to be shown at soofi um I would love to see Jared verse and brand Braden fist get on the field together um and see some of their magic I’m going to assume they’re not gonna play much in the preseason either but at least get a little bit of run because remember puka didn’t play last year in the preseason really at all but see those guys get in there um and see what they could do i’ like to see Josh Josh cardi as well the new kicker wearing 43 from Stanford love to see uh him build a little confidence at Sofi and hopefully put the kicking job to rest in the preseason so that there isn’t this concern as to what you’re going to do if you could figure out kick and if you could figure out some of the key young pieces on defense get their feet wet and get them ready for a week one in Detroit then I would be happy yeah yeah yeah great perspective I love hearing that you know week one it’s a rematch of course they uh last year’s loss in the postseason uh they’re going to have a Sunday night football game in prime time in Detroit you know talks of not having Tyler Higg on the field of course obviously we know about Aaron Donald how do you see this rematch with everything that’s gone on between the two teams right jarro go gets that contract uh how’s this gonna play out in your mind I’m not gonna call the game yet I mean predict the game that is because we’re too far out I do think it’s perfect setup um in that think about it when last they played it was a Sunday night it was NBC um it was Wild Card Weekend you go back to the same field the same broadcast crew the same two teams the same two quarterbacks um it’s a perfect week one game it’s a perfect week one end to your first Sunday as well um I know Matthew would love to get another shot at the Lions he gets him in his next game that’s for Tyler higgy I would not hold my breath and and this is not too much inside information but that is a long comeback that injury happened mid January obviously it’s not as if that injury happened week eight and you go oh he’ll be back ready for week one we’ll find out more when they get on the grass for OTAs and eventually for for training camp and July um I’d be a little bit surprised if Higg is there and ready week one um I hope so I don’t think I’m breaking any news if you just look at the calendar consider his multiple ligaments that is a very very tough rebound um that said week one is when you um throw all your cards on the table stuff that you’ve been working on in the off season um you’re going to see a backfield share between Kyon Williams and Blake km I’m excited to see that Blake km first game is back in Michigan that’ll be pretty cool and just the whole Stafford golf drama if you want to call it drama whatever you know people want to make it to be it’s Matthew going back with another shot to win and it’s Jared fresh off the new contract by the way I’m thrilled for Jared like thrilled I I’m so happy he got another deal another deal of that size and yes everybody new quarterback contracts will all start with a five so get used to it that’s insane right that is absolutely Bonkers but yes I am I’m so happy to see Jared I actually covered him back in Cal uh years ago when I was up uh with CSN Bay Area and he was always you know a great guy so it’s nice to see him have success can I interrupt real quick Jared is awesome I agree with you aarin Jared is one of the first guys to make me feel old as a member the media right true story so super bowl 50 Panthers and uh Panthers and Broncos right Super Bowl 50 yeah Cold Play Beyonce at halftime that one right okay yeah um earlier in the week I ran into Jared GF and he was coming out of Cal he was still in college he had declared for the draft draft was a couple of months away and he comes up to me and he goes hey man I just want to say that like I watched you growing up like on the Red Zone and uh hey this is my dad and like like can we like can I take a picture I’m like of course dude and I’m like oh my God I feel old yeah yeah when you start to look at the rosters and you see the birth dates of these guys you’re just like good grief you know you want to know something like honest when I covered him I will say this when he first came to La I I I really was very unsure of him because he was so softspoken I’m like he doesn’t have that thing that I thought he needed to have which I’m an idiot and I’m totally wrong by that but when I first initially you know when I covered him at Cal he was great but I also was like I don’t see how he’s going to be successful he doesn’t have that s you know that assassin I mean I guess somewhat of a Silent Assassin but when I when I first really got to cover him I was very unsure about Jerry and I’m glad I I I get it um and you know it really listen we can’t rewrite or one day rather the book will be written about half how everything fell apart after going to the Super Bowl and losing to the Patriots in Atlanta um and it did fall apart and they needed a break up and they got the breakup and it worked out both worked out great for both sides worked out great for Matthew and the Rams worked out great for Jared and the Lions happy for everybody and I think everybody can agree but people forget that if Brandon Cook SS onto the ball in the end zone it’s a different game it’s a three-point game of the fourth quarter I’m not suggesting they’re going to beat the Patriots that night in Atlanta Bill Bel and that defense and Matt Patricia and the 61 front they did the job they shut him down and Shawn knows it and and you know listen he he still probably loses a little bit of sleep over it but Jared despite everything that went wrong could have should have and if Brandon Cooks held on to that football would have been in a position to win the game of the fourth quarter it didn’t happen the ifs don’t matter the Patriots won but the guy had an amazing season go back to the Coliseum and that duel against Patrick Mahomes in priman time the ghoul the The Duel against the Vikings and Kur cousins in prime time go back to that day in New Orleans for the NFC championship game still the loudest building I have ever been in in my entire life um and with his face mask Linda blaired on the previous drive before Nel Roby Coleman right and no flag on that they had to settle for the field goal couldn’t get in the end zone that game would have been different and people wouldn’t be complaining about the flag that wasn’t thrown or maybe they should be complaining about the other flag Jared played his ass off that year and I think he showed everyone to your point that he does have that killer mentality and I guess eventually I’ll get to the end of this it does not surprise me that he is doing what he is doing in Detroit and I’m happy for him yeah no and it worked out for obviously both parties involved and you’re right killer mentality I mean he has you know he’s he’s able to get it done and I’m glad it worked out for him because I am wrong I am glad that I’m wrong I was uncertain about jerck G when he was at Cal or or certainly moving on to the NFL and I am very glad I’m wrong about that um I I want to be very respectful of your time and I’m not going to every single team but I do have a question for you with regards to division Rivals you know Kyler Murray now a full year removed from that ACL injury should the Rams you know take them serious as they should with any division rival but is this a team to be concerned about because I believe they beat them twice last year yeah they they’ve generally had their number and Sean generally had Cliff Kingsbury’s number when when Cliff was head coach obviously Jonathan gandon now year number two I think the Cardinals if you look at the rosters uh 1 to 32 would probably be in the bottom two or three in terms of overall talent that is on the field the last two years Monty Austin fors I think done a pretty good job in starting to build that back and obviously Marvin Harrison this year starts to build that back if you look at the offensive numbers for the Cardinals in the second half of last season when Kyler got back got healthy I think a lot of us were surprised they did put him on the field but they did they got his feet wet with Drew petting in the new offense and I think they started to turn a corner a little bit in the second half of the year I’m not suggesting that this is a team that could compete to win the NFC West not with the Rams and the 49ers in this Division and whatever the Seahawks turn out to be they’re still a good team but yes they undoubtedly will be better and I do think Kyler is in position to have a very big bounceback year now what does that look like it’s a much different offense than what he was playing pre-injury under Kingsbury it’s more of what well it’s honestly more of a Rams ners quote unquote Shanahan system offense what Shane Waldren was running as well up there in Seattle the last couple of years before he went to the Bears um what do they do this year with Kyler to adapt that remains to be seen um I don’t think that putting a square peg in a round hole but shorter version of this answer I do think that they’re um I don’t think they’re a playoff team at all but they will be much more competitive than a year ago yeah well they don’t have an easier uh matchup the following week either they stay in the division they play the 49ers week three and week uh 15 Thursday Night Football the 49ers and them split the season last year and now that new look defense is going to get a tough test coming off the game against Kyler Murray how do you see this this rematch against the division rivals in the ners looking well I was actually going on my official NFL ticket exchange this morning to see if those niners tickets were selling as the home opener yet just to see what the what the market was and to see you know what people thought about already it’s going to be the home opener it’s going to be loud as all get up I I do think the Rams could go into that game at 2- 0 at worst case scenario they’re one and one um I I love it I love it in a in in the late window there on Fox and this is going to be the first test for Chris schula’s defense um and really the o line um second year with this this kind of Run game more of a gap scheme to I hate to use the word test their toughness right but it’s been a physical battle one that very often the Rams have not won over the last how many every years against the 49ers um they got bigger with Jared verse they’re getting bigger on the o line with Jonah Jackson they are getting bigger by moving Steve Aila to Center um this team has gotten the last two years it is back into their DNA to be big and physical and the lions will be a test certainly but this will defin Ely be the divisional test that you Circle there in September well and I love that you say that Andrew because I you know I I don’t want to go through every single game but I do want to ask you the toughest stretch of their season is it in the beginning because they have a week six buy right so yeah a little early which I’m sure sha McVey doesn’t love yeah so the they’re not thrilled with that I could tell you um look you could have a buy earlier thankfully week six isn’t the worst but with a 17 Game season over 18 weeks I would much rather see it later the two things that really stand out to me here is I’ll give you three um number one they don’t get on a plane in the month of October they get the Packers at home they get the buy they get the Raiders and the Vikings here um in October uh then their next Road game is a short one to Seattle last year we had only one home game in prime time and that was the Saints in December turned out to be a meaningful game earli in the year when you got the schedule you didn’t think it would be but that was it um they have three consecutive Prime Time home games this year in the middle of the Season which is great you get the Vikings on a Thursday you get the Dolphins week 10 so it’s week eight 10 and 12 so you get the Dolphins on that Monday night week 10 and then week 12 you get the Eagles on a Sunday night so that is great I think the respect factor is back as well but the worst stretch is really that week 12 through week 16 the Philly at New orans Buffalo and then at the ners on a short week and then at the Jets I mean that that right there is by far your worst stretch yeah the Rams played a total of six playoff teams uh this year uh the good news is only two of those games are away but the team finished last year 10 and seven what’s your prediction for 2024 Andrew oh boy all right we’re gonna go through this okay let me go I’ll go two and0 out of the gate I’ll go two and one three in one I’ll go four- one four- one into the buy now I’ll go four and four and one into the buy because you’re saying they’re losing to the ners is that the four yeah I’ll say ners or lions you’re not going to win both yeah okay don’t don’t don’t at me so I’ll go four and one into the buy I’ll go six and one lose it Seattle six and two this is tough can I go can I go 11 and six but not tell you where the six come how about that is that okay you know what this is Andrew’s show I will definitely let you off the hook but what I do want to know so here’s can I explain why because you and me we used to do TV together it sometimes you turn on the TV and I’m not GNA name a name or name a network not taking shots at anybody right and and you see because this this on multiple networks you see like the the the massive screen and and they’re going to go win loss win loss win winwin loss loss winwin win like it’s May yeah know I love that when they do that it’s so horri it’s called feeding the Beast you’re on 12 months a year it’s the only thing in town I’ve done it a million times I’ll do it a million more times but I’m just gonna pull back the curtain and tell you we’re guessing at that point we’re guessing Okay it’s win loss win loss and then players get mad they at you it feeds the Beast not that anyone’s trying to tick anyone off but it’s like the cycle of life and that’s how the sausage gets made that’s not a big secret everybody knows that but like picking games in May going win loss win loss win win win win win loss loss I mean yeah thank you you heard it here first it’s all speculation fantasy reality it’s all speculation so I appreciate you know look at the end of the day we love our football we want to know what Andrew thinks based on his particular opinion and expertise obviously you’re very familiar with the team um so you said about this they’re going to split with the Niners win here lose up there on the short week after the bills can I do that fair okay so what was the final record I’m gonna go 11 and six and they’re gonna win in New York over the Jets okay they’re gonna beat Aaron Rogers there if Aaron makes it to week 16 I’m gonna go 11 and six 11 and six okay and they go and they’re obviously they’re going to the postseason and they make it far if not all the way to New Orleans hopefully we’ll see I would say that if you in 2018 did they have to play in New Orleans in the regular season costarelli do you know this is live Googling right here because I have visions I have visions of 2018 here and I’m going to explain why in a second teams okay Rams schedule this is me live on my iPad schedule 2018 let’s go down to 2018 Super Bowl season yes we did play at New Orleans that year we lost I gonna say we lost at New Orleans that year okay New Orleans in the preseason New Orleans during the regular season New Orleans in the NFC championship game so I’m going to say that the Super Bowl is in New Orleans and that the Rams have to play in New Orleans this year as well which has memories of 2018 which means yes they they could make it back to the Super Bowl this year I see I’m not an astrologer I don’t believe in that garbage but I see a connection here between 2018 how about that I mean you know what that’s that’s a hot take that is a hot take and I will take it 11 and six I just made it as Andre as Andrew said it’s May but I I love it and there’s no better person to have gotten this than having uh Someone Like You So Andrew thank you for making the time I appreciate it I got to get you back have the best pre-season beers soon because I didn’t get to talk to you enough and see any dance moves and so I’m now officially mad at you because that was part that was part of the deal I I can promise you one out of two and the one is not dance moves so pick a time and we’ll do it damn it anybody want to see Andrew ceciliano dance than me that would be no no uhuh listen we we’ll debate that we’ll debate that like your dad who was on the debate team which I thought is is amazing what’s your dad’s name again uh Steve Steve ciciliano all right cool yeah um all right listen I’ll see you soon thank you for doing this and uh have an amazing preseason you can catch Andrew ceciliano preseason Rams the voice on ABC7 thanks again Andrew


  1. Brandon Cooks holds onto the ball or did Goff never see him wide open from the LOS to the endzone? That play is why Goff is gone. He threw it way too late. Goff still hasn’t won a thing so let’s not crown him yet. He could easily regress from last year.

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