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Exclusive Inside Look At The Buffalo Bills’ 2024 NFL Draft | Buffalo Bills: Embedded

Go inside the Buffalo Bills’ Draft Room with Buffalo Bills General Manager Brandon Beane to see how he navigated the trades that led to the picks of Wide Receiver Keon Coleman, Safety Cole Bishop, Defensive Tackle DeWayne Carter, and more in the 2024 NFL Draft. Plus get a behind-the-scenes look Keon Coleman’s interview at the combine and Keon, Cole, and DeWayne’s first day in Buffalo!

Presented by Northtown Automotive.

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I’m guessing you don’t want to step in the ring who you I Ain worried about this I got a jacket on what man let’s run the other side ah bought this crazy well how y’all doing y’all deep man where y’all get all the snacks from I’m good them cookies do them cookies looking good though I ain’t lying to you you’re going to enjoy covering this guy he’s going to he’s going to be real he’s not going to hide anything from you guess what I got this from though nah misses what you mean step yeah come on y’all got high spices up here I appreciate y’all he’s a true dud dude he’s not trying to hide who he is there’s no there’s no fraud to him he’s as genuine as can be you golf I ain’t no go I I’m tiger wish he could I’m not Tiger Wood I’m tiger Wishy could I wish I could gol there it is Tiger Wishy could man this is an infusion of Youth off season and and adding some some leaders and some edgy dogs you know we know we’ve we’ve come close but we haven’t gotten there and so you have to evolve the roster I’m excited about the the energy of this group and and it’ll be you know be fun I’m ready to play man I’m ready to come back here 10 days that’s it howy be we kind of came in preparing we knew we didn’t have a three we thought there would be value in those middle rounds to to add a pick if we could do it there were players you know some higher tiers you know that you see coming off when the last one of those kind of ticked we went down a little bit and the same level that we ended up getting Keon on all right let’s see if it stays that way and how far we think we can go back hey buddy yeah yeah no doubt no doubt what uh you interested moving up here yep yep okay all right give me a shout and know what okay all right sounds good yes been expl Kansas City all right let we’ll do that the Buffalo Bills have traded the 28th pick to the the Kansas City Chiefs Kansas City selected Xavier worthy this was a chance to you know reading our board how we graded people to move back not far and and um and then add that third you know the swap up that we did with Kansas City and then again of course the we board still R we could do it again with Carolina and move into day two again 33 hey you want to do it okay all right the Carolina Panthers select Xavier leot thanks for dressing up back basically when I went to bed that night I was like it’s it’s Keon unless someone just blows us away we didn’t feel anything was attractive enough for us to pass up on Keon all things consider all things consider just get the guy who’s yeah feels the best yeah it always might be obvious but so tomorrow who we picking we’re just going to keep trading more we’re going to get 14 fifths barring someone offering us something stupid we’ll take key on C there round two is officially open Buffalo is down: def a hand Keon how you doing buddy I’m doing great man where you at I’m back at the crib my f okay all right you ready to uh pack up come to Buffalo yes sir come give me a night well congratulations to you and your family man you worked hard for this buddy man thank you coach I appreciate that so much man yall not going to regret this I promise you [Music] give that 33rd pick in the 2024 NFL drive the Buffalo Bill select Keon Coleman [Applause] [Music] receiver uh waiting you know I you know I kind of had a feeling it was coming it was a lot and then once I got the phone call like a whole bunch of weight just left my shoulders I was like let’s get to work I’m I’m [Applause] ready I’m just I’m good I’m good you know I just be worried about you I know fell in lar was waiting for some tears I got them he’s got a great feeling instinctual feel I think some of that comes from even his basketball background this this guy’s not just like a high school basketball player like he could have played a major college hoops so that shows you his his athletic ability I would say he’s a hungry dude he’s going to talk a little bit you guys will enjoy [Music] him what’s up Keon nice to meet you you good yes sir where’ you where did you learn ball from like who’ you learn from man I think just my time in Michigan State just becoming a film junkie and asking questions the more I ask the questions then I turn on the film and then it’ll start to make sense so I would start trying to learn what the lineman do so I can buy myself even more time on certain routes I’m not getting into a window too fast or too slow watching film with my quarterback so I can understand where he would want me to be you know areas he struggle to throw in we going to avoid that but I can still get there for you so just trying to be a quarterback friendly as I can be and make sure we’re on the same page okay what what do you do outside of football I chill at the house golf uh bow a little bit you golf I ain’t no gol I a I’m tiger Wishy C I’m not Tiger Woods now I wish I could put and do all that them boys out there shooting five under I ain’t doing all that it’s control chaos you know you frustrated but you can’t get mad pull a muscle on your back trying to hit the ball so it forces me to stay calm and just swing just have some fun he walked in like he was in his family you know living room like he knew everyone we we had to Tell Keon like hey dude your time’s up like other teams are waiting on you you you got to get rolling we got it you’re smart you know ball and uh and you’re quite a character come on no I’m be completely honest Josh throwing that 70 yards over here like that’s touchdown they in quarters he shouldn’t be the stop a post man we could have had a lot of explosive play pit we played pit we went Lou Keon interesting interview quiet quiet not going to get much out of him com and you know if not for leaport literally having a record-breaking here wow Coleman is fly that well done he was flying he’s a guy he’s got play speed he’s got short area Quicks for for a big guy and we all know some guys um you know they can run the track time but that’s where the mental part comes into it too you know I always say you can if you run 43 but you’re not smart you’ll never play 43 big surprises I’m glad he ran that help help you get them [Music] 454 told y I’ll be back she remember walking room can you find it oh put that on later hold up you see that it might well let me go on ahead put that on all right I like this you want me to turn it backwards let me turn it backward [Music] what you going there with your boxes yeah usually usually we’ll put like uh gloves on it’s not bad step in this one it’s not cold this one’s gold Cher hey boy that’s enough to freeze my my pants boy we trying to go roll in the snow too Bo I just made a grand I feel like the cut the lights I feel like the Undertaker let’s do it again we we got to reshoot out we got to put his music on this ain’t John Cena this Undertaker right here watch all the smoke come out of here this how the pre-drive be Ste yeah come on come on got you supposed to he think he think 170 that’s negative it ain’t positive stay minutes cuz I got my clothes on it don’t help me sleep tonight you don’t want you ain’t want to go on that that can help you sleep today uh I think I’m a people’s player like I play the game for the love of it I love to get back to the community I love I love the fan base so I love the people that’s coming in there filling up the stands for the team what hey look I scored a touchdown boom i d up my line and they pick me up and we throw the ball to the fan sitting right there a little boy with a sign you you just missed the whole celebration thank you for bringing me here one of the holes obviously coming in was receiver we H hope to hit that in the first two or three rounds defensively we were hoping you know at some point you know day two or early day three um you know to land a safety what would have be figure out what do you’re expecting the worst you have to you can’t assume you’re going to get that guy we’re just looking at potential trade Partners right now we would consider coming up if uh that’s we looking at come out you’re going to take the pick all right bu thank you we were eagerly calling when it you know when it got inside 78 picks in front of us to see would anyone do business and I think people had their targets yeah I going to see you guys going to pick there you think or um you you are okay see there so we were sweating it out you know all the way to the very end I think it was Houston right in front of us picked the tackle uh from Notre Dame that we you know we would be able to land coal and we just think he’s a great fit for this defense have to yeah good just for my agents talking and everything I had an idea that they were interested me um and around you know that 60 pick so you know I was getting close to that time I was you know waiting for the phone call and then you know phone started to ring yes sir hey Cole Mike Z Buffalo Bills man how you doing I’m good how are you doing good man hang on real quick all right I’m GNA pass it to our general manager uh Brandon Bean okay yes sir Cole how you doing buddy I’m good I’m good how are you I’m good we uh we were getting nervous you weren’t going to get to us fired up to get you man yes sir I can’t wait I appreciate you guys no you got it it’s going to be excited Dalton Dalton’s been in my ear a bunch about you so he he oh yeah you backed everything you told me at the senior Bow Man super excited yeah super excited to get you here hey man we had a long long line of of of great safeties play here in Buffalo and uh you’re going to be coached well and we’re going to take care of you here buddy all right yes sir let’s do [Music] it how’s it going good how you doing I’m good welcome to Buffalo good sir thank excited to be here Bobby supp what’s going on man welcome thank how you guys doing Bobby B Bishop nice to meet you nice to meet you tied in buddies is he your agent too or that’s what I hear I hear he’s been letting everybody know they need to draft me but I appreciate him doing that good yeah I’m excited to see him it’s been a while since I’ve seen him yeah me and D played together at Utah um for 2 years he went and had an amazing year in the NFL so that was huge to see but I mean we were always hanging out always competing in practice safeties versus tight ends 10-on ones and everything so that was always fun oh wow oh next to d next to that’s awesome checked it out wow that’s sweet that was awesome J is pretty cool right there 24 oh look at that I love it pretty sweet hold on Love It a this makes me so happy you see who’s next to huh oh next to oh that’s awesome shorts you should take one of his shirt just take a picture of it this is awesome I want down you can see some of these pictures I think there’s some that’s one my favorites did D get a feature this I think yeah he did he’s further down first tou I think it was yeah Alice in the ground oh that’s sweet that’s awesome see D oh yeah that’s awesome in the trial celebrate yeah that’s sweet congratulations you must be exciting and so proud yes sooud work think you end up Buffalo till last year when do came here see you guys talking I was gone take off listen I’m going to go back in the in the draft room we’re going to catch up bus or two and know each other more Dwayne how you doing buddy I’m good man how you doing I’m doing well where you at yeah I’m I’m home here in Pickton Ohio okay well listen you’re going to be able to celebrate here in a little bit we’re going to make you a Buffalo Bill look what took you so long man I know I know I know we were we’re fired up that you here man I know you’re going to help us out love watching you play man you play hard that’s one of your best choices you ever made I’m telling you with the 95th pick in the 2024 NFL draft the Buffalo Bills select Dwayne Carter def you know what they’re going to tell you there was one leader on our team it was Dwayne this guy’s a big time guy I I love that and going to Buffalo that makes a lot of sense for what like instant tears from my mom I start talking like started hearing my dad cry it was just I think it’s one of the coolest things ever and it’s one of the realest and coolest things I probably ever experienced you’re getting a guy in Dwayne Carter who is a Pros Pro three-time Captain academic allamerican met him in the Senior Bowl just truly a grown man he comes in here after we draft him most guys are wearing sweats he’s in a in a sport coat I said he looks like he could have sat down right in one of your off officers and been a young exact man congrats bro what was the defensive plan cuz y’all came out with with some coverage I ain’t never seen bro so our coach we change coverage every game T thing like y’all can watch film but like they bracket like they bracket Y and Johnny and then Johnny went out so it was just you y had that play cover once I caught that ball the stadium got up it was over I knew yall was going to beat us from that point on but we on the same team to meet you in practice yeah I got to get this you see I can take what I want yeah you get about to walk out of here like this I’m just a high energy guy I try to be a High character guy and I love the game and I love winning trying to win a world championship on a team that’s already a contender every year um what more can you ask [Music] for all right guys real quick so today right now we got seven picks one and the fourth four and the five and a six and the Seven we want to be as competitive as we can we’ve also told the scouts uh we want the rookie mini camp to be as competitive so once it the dust settles we may need you to recruit a couple guys there any questions from that standpoint okay cool let have a good day yeah the plan was to see how long our board survived you just you don’t know seven picks are you really going to find seven guys that you think are worthy of being drafted and so part of that was you know playing the board what’s Fallen what’s there last day you’re really trying to hit those positions of need and you’re asking the question who’s got the best chance here you know so that’s kind of what we were doing each way and one of the things that presented itself to was you know getting a chance to get a you know a future four from Chicago as they moved back into the draft um can we swap F okay I think here we do a great job of collaboration it starts with a lot of people our our coaches obviously it’s a long season coaching but we get them involved we want to you know whether we send them out to privates or prod days and getting them on zooms it’s timely it gives me a chance to ask him you know Joe’s not going to be able to compare an offensive player versus a defensive player he’s not going to know it but you know I know one of the times we asked Bobby two different positions on defense I’m good I’m just [Music] getting just putting it all together all the pieces there’s the many discussions we had watching them with coaches so really appreciate those guys we think we found a lot of guys that again will service roles whether it’s day one starters starter later in the season year two or some guys who will be key on fourth down for us these the new kickoff rules and things like that DG I’m going to go Davis first vanalo all right let’s uh let’s DAV with 128th pick in the 2024 NFL draft the Buffalo Bills select Ray Davis running back Kentucky go bills good look at him go Ray Davis all gas no breaks hello Ray how you doing buddy doing great how about you I’m doing well you ready to get this thing going get your ass to Buffalo yes sir yeah love his energy The Edge he plays with we talk about all the time dogs he Embraces the physicality of the game you know I’ve told people like he’s been through a lot in his life sometimes you ask guys what you know tell me some adversity you you’ve faced it’s real clear when you understand his background you don’t even need to ask him that question you excited yes sir I’m excited I’m ready to get the work man ready work I love it I can’t wait for people to see what you can do man you got a lot of ability we’re excited to get you here man yes I appreciate that he’s been through it and I think he’ll be super excited you know for his opportunity the NFL and he’s going to do anything he can to make sure he sticks and helps his team Pi this one but I might be the next one next I’m going to take he’s there SEC is probably the closest thing we have to a minor league you know and and I know conferences are changing but you’re talking about a guy who played on a two-time national champion you know multi-year Captain a super smart Alpha Dog leader of the group a guy who by all accounts was you know willing to call out teammates that’s what you need at the center position the Buffalo Bills select Cedric van PR Ranger Center Georgia love this pick yeah he’s played a lot of how you doing C how you doing good where you at buddy I’m in New Orleans okay M lissen coach Cromer and our offensive staff’s fired up to get you here man you’re going you’re going to be a good addition to our Squad sir I appreciate that give us a chance to add another depth piece to come in and I would say position one Center but he’ll also get reps at guard and if he ends up earning one of the eight jerseys on on game day you know he’s got to be ready to play both C you’re on the board let’s go you ready for the rapid fire round yeah I’m excited with the 160th pick the Buffalo Bill select edio Eddie how you doing buddy I’m doing real good another Senior Bowl guy we added you like his his size and the physicality he plays with a downhill linebacker yet smart enough to play multiple spots BR look where I’m at bro congrats teammate appreciate it bro it’s fun when you hear those stories that guys already knew each other either from the combine in this case senior B we’re fired up about you ready to get here and get to work absolutely man we going to win we win a loton how you doing bud I’m doing great man we were trying to add to the dline this guy led the nation in Sachs understands how to set guys up he understands what the quarterback’s trying to do let’s do something special here right we believe in your budy can’t wait to get you up here and put you to work yes sir go out there make some plays no doubt let’s do it Marl we got a tackle buddy High how you doing buddy grael UCF kid he was a guy that you know stood out to coach Chrome and started as a quarterback at one point converted to a tight end and then ultimately tackled this guy’s embraced it and you can see his athletic ability that should translate as well to understanding how everything clicks on offense listen we’re uh we’re going to turn this card in make you a Buffalo Bill yes sir glad to be one going to the bill [Music] [Applause] return with the 219th pick the Buffalo Bills select dayquan Hardy we thought it would be good at some point whether it’s a receiver a running back in this case a corner to add another returner to the group and this young man’s you know taking a couple to the house you know we think he can contribute serious competition to the punt return spot yet also be a nickel corner so coaches let’s just wait till we get since we’re the top of seven 221 when we make that pick then we’ll know exactly what we need with the 221st pick in the 2024 NFL draft the Buffalo Bills select Travis Clayton tackle International player pathway I love it he’s here he’s here we called his agent and said you know where’s he at and he’s like no he’s actually at the draft apparently he was about to go on stage as part of the the league recognizing the international pathway program I think we all saw him come across the stage fired up and it was kind of a cool moment look at that that is awesome you just see the athletic traits the size this guy ran like 479 or 48 shows you that the freak athlete that he is you don’t make a living drafting players that you’ve never seen play football with helmet and pads on so from that standpoint it always can give you a little pause but we just felt u a raw piece of clay uh good DNA a guy that wants to learn the game and and so let’s take a shot here you know we’ll be able to go to instead of 90 we can go to 91 and you know give him a shot in Camp all right guys appreciate all the hard work a lot of different people through this whole process you know it’s a lot to only get xmember guys you know and work in our process to the very end which helps us create board it makes our job easier making the decision up here as long as this is done right so appreciate that like great job on this last process appreciate everyone give everybody in the room a round of applause thank you this has been an offseason of transition we’ve obviously lost some guys with a c on their chest you know that’s that’s never easy but changes is inevitable and you have to continue to evolve your team and I think it’s going to be an exciting group we always focus on on leadership you know what we call the bills blue DNA of of smart tough Dependable all the things beyond your physical traits as as a player one it starts with listening and two you got to earn it I’m excited to learn excited to work just being relentless is something I take pride in you know I’m always going to be out there trying to make plays I’m ready to do whatever expectations it is so just being able to ask these certain questions to the ogs the veterans on the team and just taking whatever nuggets I can get here and there this is an infusion of Youth offseason and and adding some leaders and some edgy dogs you’re getting somebody who’s a Relentless player you know I feel like I am the type of player you should be excited for they trust and believe me to bring me in here and draft me in a veteran group yeah I think it just means the world for my confidence man let’s run the other side oh W that’s awesome like I talked about with dton going to a team like this is huge because I mean you have a chance to actually win a Super Bowl that’s been the dream since everybody started playing football so bringing the energies out bringing the practice every day going to push us all to be better so for me I’m ready to listen learn compete contribute and then figure out what my role is on this team we don’t play games till September so things continue to happen players become available for various reasons we’ll continue to look and see areas that whether it’s a starter whether it’s a backup the goal is to take the best 90 we can find and hopefully have the most competitive roster we can come the end of July I’m I’m ready to play man I’m just ready Buffalo it’s a dream come true right here


  1. Would have been the latest "most Buffalo thing ever" if that couch jump cost him an ankle or a tendon right after we took him.

  2. I’m a huge patriots fan but I love watching these videos from all the teams just seeing these young men having their dream come true. It’s always so amazing. Seeing this Keon kid hug his mama. Warms up your heart.

  3. Loving Cole Bishop…man can feel he is going to be special. Keon is going to be nice and so is Carter. Great set of guys and feel like this finally could be the Bills year. So excited.

  4. KEON. Practice like an addict. Perfomance is affected 35% by a good sleep. You're gonna go against a whole bunch of other heros, so prepare better, just do more reps than they can. You're a phenomenon already, but you will dissapear in the sea of phenomenons that is the NFL. When you're sitting watching a screen, throw the ball up and catch it, it made me a really good catcher just this simple exercise. I send you all my positive energy. Go Keon, as we go bills.

  5. I still say we better pray worthy can not catch a football or take a hit across the middle because to me this still feels like we gave Kansas city Tyreek hill
    And mahomes will make him a instant success

  6. Couldn't think of a better team to be drafted by we live and die with the Bills and sabres .
    You will be treated like a king in Buffalo

  7. Embedded Bills Draft. My favorite all year long. I look forward to this and you didn't disappoint. Go Bills!

  8. Not gonna lie with the trade to KC for Xavier Worthy, like Beane said “You never know how wide receivers develop”. They can be making a mistake.

  9. I love Beane saying he's glad Coleman ran that 4.57. To him he saw a football player with great character. He was literally unphased.

  10. Loved this! I’m soooo happy they do the embedded series! Great Job to the Bills Organization for putting this together. I remember during “The Drought” we just wasn’t as forward thinking as most teams, now we’re doing things that most teams don’t do. It’s just a blessing to see where we’re at now as opposed to where we were at in the mid 2000’s.

    Still mad we took a RB in the 4th Rd … could have really used another WR… over another RB. We just keep wasting picks on RB’s. Such a head scratcher

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