Golf Players

Most Amateurs Get This WRONG #golfdrills #golf #golfswing

not many people know this about the driver swing but it can dramatically influence your performance your hands should be their fastest quite early in the down swing about here after that they slow down which allows the club head to release adding speed and also Square the face if you’re trying to accelerate your hands through impact like I’m demonstrating here many golfers are trying to do this you’re robbing yourself of power and the club face is likely to delivered open we don’t really want that so grab yourself a couple of alignment sticks take your regular set up as if it’s a golf club and the job here is to accelerate your hands early but then more importantly slow them down that then creates the bend like this in the alignment stick and that’s the little exercise that we’re after so up to the top accelerate super aggressively and then break put the brakes on as hard as you can that’s the best way to get the speed from your body and your arms out into the club head it’s going to give you maximum power but also maximum accuracy as well


  1. I love your videos so much….simple concepts and drills that make a huge difference if you practice them…thank you Chris

  2. This is an eye opener. When you bent the sticks manually, you flexed it in the opposite direction. I went to my net and tried it. It felt over the top by feeling the opposite flex but it allowed me to accelerate the hands,arm early and the strike is phenomenal. I checked it on video to see how much over the top and there wasn't any. What's going on here?

  3. No one actually hits the breaks at impact to launch the club forward. Yes the hand speed happens right away. But the rotation of the body is what creates the breaking affect. You should try to spend fast the entire time. Not just half the way down…

  4. Just saw a video by Mark Crossfield and he’s demonstrating the markers and gear system by Jonathan Drake Academy. I don’t know if you saw that video but JDA is saying that you need to have your right forearm in a position that is 90° or less. Apparently Rory McElroy is at 65°. The premise here is that if you bend your right arm less you’ll have more extension. Do you agree with this practice?

  5. Would this motion be aided by having a little extra weight in the clubhead?
    I find that modern light clubheads make it difficult to generate the lag and to allow the whipping action.

  6. does anyone know what he is actually talking about? I've been taught to always accelerate through the ball NOT deaccelerate in the downswing.

  7. Without hyperbole this is the WORSE advice on YouTube (saying a lot)

    “Break with your hands” ???

    It’s laughably stupid.

  8. Wow this looks helpful!
    It could be a test for me as my biggest single problem is "trigger like arms" so I've been trying hard with irons to slow down the start of my downswing.
    Q: Will it help if we start with the fast arms but then feel that as we slow it down we have to feel hips fire?

  9. 😂 bunch of people in these comments not understanding the video saying it’s bad advice.

    The hands brake, this allows the club head to swing through. In any pivot there needs to be something to pivot *around*. That’s the hands. That’s a release.

    If your hands are always ahead of the club head in the arc, the club never actually releases and never squares to impact. It also travels slower.

    His advice is solid here, y’all need to get out of your own way.

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