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[Free Match] Kennedi Copeland v. Clara Carreras | Women’s Wrestling Open 5/4/24 (Beyond WWE NXT AEW)

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[Music] [Music] s person to my life from Riverside California chica CL [Applause] K heron 120 lb of pure EGS the girl ocean and keny Castle did I say copel I keep saying Copeland don’t I no she she’s been candy Copeland for many years prior to the last name change Kennedy Hard Castle versus Leica I’m really interested to see what they do in this contest what the game plan would be for for both women well we about to see it here in Spencer at the food truck festival what a day that we have had Brad Hollister still the wrestling open Champion but the shot caller Pedro Donis is the number one Contender to the iwtv world championship we’re going to find out if that’s cruel or RSP but either way as far as I’m concerned Pedro has an uphill battle Yeah it’s going to be him giving up size it’s going to be a similar game plan either way but right now we’re seeing that Le’s game plan seems to start with a good technical base trying to do her best to both get in the head and into the wrist of Kennedy Hard Castle well we’re going to see how Kennedy reacts to dancing I don’t see her as a dance person inside cradle almost got the pin maybe a a mosh Pitter is that how you say it no that’s not how you say it but I I think I know what you’re trying to say they do it rocking the hips again Leica yeah definitely not what Kennedy is used to again vict count of two and Kennedy Kennedy hoping that leik will come after her instead Kennedy comes over gets takes advantage executes the pin and now we have a sweep it looked like Kennedy wanted Leica to charge in but smartly at first at least Lea wasn’t charging in but we have a stalemate both young women going for these pins trying to make quick work of the other and let’s know no time limits today this changes the game plan as people compete is very different than what we’re accustomed to on Thursdays but make sure you join us every Thursday forever 7:45 p.m. Wester Massachusetts iwtv oh wow Irish whip off the ropes ducks that shot running European uppercut candy now going for that snapmare try to take control and uh Leica letting everyone know that she has something to prove here I think maybe she needs she feels as though she needs this win to be able to stick around in the wrestling open space make sure that she has the opportunity to perform here on a more consistent Bas well she’s seen Kennedy over and over at wrestling open it seems like Leica hasn’t been been able to crack her way back in so she knows beating someone like Kennedy is important Kennedy has really made great points over at wrestling open via her activity within the ring she’s gotten some big wins over very quality competitors you’re trying to do so here makes the cover only a count of two as Kennedy goes one-on-one with Clara Carreras we’ve seen CLA have some fun times with laf Fiesta of course that’s the Hispanic mechanics and L Johnny Santos over the years but this is not about fun this is about proving something according to Clara and right now good maneuver there candy Hard Castle getting ready to jump over the the drop down Clara gets the right arm up catches the ankle causes the trip and immediately ends into a chin lock Well Done by laica as Kennedy trying anything she can to figure her way back into this one all right now Kennedy back and CH up into the ropes goes for a big swing L with a chop trying to get on offense ducks that shot another shot by Leica another duck another shot chica firing up and thus far she’s been trying to use her technical Acumen now utilizing strikes I don’t know if that’s a good idea against Hard Castle but working out thus far full body weight into the corner showing off that flare that style makes the cover only a count of two is now Kennedy has to try to figure out something here candy Hard Castle I don’t think she expected this this level of competition from L maybe she over maybe she underestimated the young lady excuse me but now we have a whip reversal and now big arm drag from Hard Castle goes again following up with another arm drag and now Hardcastle lining up but no big drag from claraa trying to get side trying to get the blood flowing big big splash into the corner back roll and now claraa she’s on the Run backing up big Splash in the corner hits it in triplicate now going for the vertical suplex hits that suplex makes the cover count of two says referee Tyler Callaway here at the Spencer food truck festival and right now I I feel for candy Hard Castle to to a degree if you’ve watched a lot of Clara’s work and i’ I’ve seen a fair deal of it the last thing you’re expecting is an attempt at a relatively power-based technical based strike based offense typically she’s flying through the air with a version of the American Lucha style instead sprinkling in with some nice stable Basics big strikes and simple takedowns it’s been really one-sided here with Clara showing a much more aggressive side to herself backing up to M sure there is no disqualification and now clubbing the back of Hard Castle saying come on the last thing you want to do though is awaken Hard Castle she’s been known to have these extremely vicious matches we can see what can happen when Hard Castle gets focused big running drop kick count of two if that cover was slightly more immediate there would have been a better chance of Victory there for Leica claraa and now she’s over here immediately going into another submission Carreras now trying to go with a little bit of a submission attempt here or at least trying to wear Kennedy down more the crowd starting to Rally behind Hard Castle and now Hard Castle who once again this has been a rough match for her definitely was not expecting this type of offense from Clara wasn’t expecting this aggression wasn’t expecting a strike based offense and I think she got her Bell rung a couple times on the drop kicks on the splashes it’s it’s having an effect on her Clara has her in her sights again she missed was going for that Splash one more time hits the top of her head on that turn buckle not much saving you for metal with the exception of that relatively thin pad and now Cy Hard Castle to the top Clare has her in sight takes a big shot to the back of the neck double axe handle there’s a Clos line short arm Clos line nicely done may have knocked the route this could be it just a count of two and Candy Hard Castle big shot at the end there trying to find a way to to wrap up and end Le chica claraa on the ground first time in a long time in this contest that she has been down on the m Matt Hard Castle trying to take advantage Clara on the receiving end head first on the mat gets the shoulder up just barely and Kennedy can’t believe it Kennedy trying to find a way to figure out the puzzle that is Le clar carasses and she is struggling at this point to find a way to wrap this up a grabbing the back of the neck that one definitely hurt a B Kennedy has been in control here for just a little bit seems like she’s been able to shake out the cobwebs but for her she heard what Clara said to her about needing it so she needs to lock in and put this away because CLA is going to come back very quickly Clara taking a beating in that corner candy Hard Castle making some space and going for a run European uppercut there you go [Music] here we go Kennedy putting clar on that top rope not sure what she’s going for here possibly a possibly a superlex from the top we saw Kyon King find Victory with that in show one definitely make sure to check that on iwtv Clara getting prepared getting her feet situated effectively on the second trying to kick candy directly in the chest trying to get her to back off but Clara jumped straight up seated senton all overweight to the chest that’s it kicks out at two and Clara can’t believe [Music] it may have caved in the chest of candy Hard Castle there I’m surprised that she’s still inside this contest [Music] [Applause] [Music] trips her up on the ropes drop too clar’s on the run and flips almost snaps Kennedy in half hooks the [Applause] leg and a huge kick out KY Hard Castle this match continues Kennedy not sure what she’s going to do next back hurt from the huge senton big shots to the side the head on the drop kicks Splash after splash I don’t know how much air she has left within her I don’t know what Castle has left Clara has been in control for the duration of this contest I’m not sure how she’s going to find a way to put an end to all of this moves out of the way got another move kick to the midsection and we’re thinking DDT possibly no no time 10 minutes seconds the girl ocean Kennedy Hard Castle Kennedy able to slip in the win with the pinfall match she claraa saying that she needed this win but but candy hardcast refusing to allow it to be so [Music]


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