Why 99% of Amateurs can’t create the PGA Wrist Motion! – Simple!

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Hi. I’m Craig and welcome to World Class Golf. The purpose of this channel is to provide effective and evidence based coaching content for all golfers.

Over my career I have played professionally for over 8 years won 14 tournaments and have given over 40,000+ lessons internationally. I have taught over 100 Tour Professionals.

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[Music] so people have’t listened to the sound of this so people great sound great contact and that consistency of strike in this video we’re going to be having a look at the elbows the hands and wrist and how they really move in the goal swing this is going to help your delivery your direction your Shar lean at impact to improve your all round consistency and finally stop flipping that club head in and around impact later in the video we’ve got the PGA Tour drill can’t wait to show you that one people if you’re new to the channel consider subscribing and if you like the video give us a thumbs up right let’s get started so people the important message here to get across to everyone is setting up your wrist alignments on the way back not only is it a speed accumulator but it makes the down swing so much easier so we’re going to have a look at the wrist alignment here the 50° PGA rule the average on tour before we move on to part two which are some great drills and exercises and feels and how to deliver this club head perfectly in to the back of the golf ball let’s go through some basic checkpoints here swinging back and getting the club parallel to the ground here when I look at the club face the club face should be pointed at 11:00 my side and 1:00 your side if there was a clock over this club face that will bring my right wrist in a position that looks like this you see the angle in it now when I tow the club up to 12:00 and you see the angle in that tra wrist it’s gone and this is not a good position this has a devastating any effect on your ENT entire back swing and how we tilt and turn to the Top This is the area that we need to get into now the second part is when the left arm is simply parallel to the ground here this is a great visual aid a great way to feel this position when we get up into this position it’s where the right hand points this Trail hand let’s have a look at that just quickly here because once you get this part right you’re setting up a wonderful chain reaction on your swing that’s 90° people okay 90 80 70 60 45 that’s also 90° point it over this way is 45 now remember I said that get in your dress position swing back and if I take my right hand way and point that over we’re pointed at 45° and this is setting up this angle that we need this is essential controlling your Club head it controls your plane it controls your delivery you can think about it this way that when you’re swinging back my side 11 here left arm parallel that I’m pointing the phone slightly away from me showing someone the picture on this side over here another way to do it if you imagine I’m holding a torch I mean it’s a visual aid I know we’re not at the golf course with torches but sometimes things like this can really help us if I’m standing in a room and that back right hand corner is over there and I shine the torch up in that back right hand corner I’ve got the same effect this bulletproof right wrist position that sets off just so many great things in my swing now getting up to the top we know that the PGA average is 50° what are you where are you this is an interesting way to have a look at golf training these days it’s not all old school it’s not all new school but looking at some of the averages of movement where great players are it really does make sense when we’re looking at wonderful ball Strikers getting up to the top of the swing and having a really good angle with your shoulder under your chin you can position the left arm on that shoulder plane you can position underneath or slightly above but when that right wrist has that angle in it we can bring the club through the forearm and I’ve got this position here have a look at the right wrist okay when I get this type of position I’ve lost the angle are coming in steep the face is now opening up have a look at the right wrist angle this is the part of the Swing That’s essential to stay on top of it and get that sharling now there’s another great way to feel this right hand position at the top now the other way you can do it is use mechanics to create feel use mechanics to create feel right have a look at this so if if we know that the PJ average is at 50° 4550 at the top here watch this we get up to the top of the Swing right now bring this club down and if we keep it around 45 to 50 this is where the great players are and if you’re not in that zone well you know you need to know about it and look I love old school leave your comments underneath because I think technology if you use it great it it’s awesome like if there’s averages in the swing and that’s where great players are and you’re not there well that doesn’t make any sense especially now it’s 2024 we got the data right we got the information we show people that on walk GL we got the data where are you right so this is it’s not for everyone I understand that but I’m using it all my students using and literally hundreds and hundreds of thousand people around the world are using this this hack motion this trial risk you can measure everything chipping putting wedges what I’ll do for those of you interested because it’s such an awesome device I’ll put a discount code in the description underneath but leave your comments underneath because you can create field definitely through mechanics awesome piece of equipment so guys I want to show you something that you wouldn’t have seen before I want to show you one of the secrets to the downswing here and it’s about straightening the right arm and this has amers absolutely baffled completely fooled when we have a look at the right arm as it slowly straightens in the downswing it’s going either going to point at the ball or slightly outside the ball when we looking at the best ball Strikers in the world it makes sense to look at great ball Strikers okay now the arm won’t be completely straight at impact but we know for a fact that this helps shallow the plane it brings the arms into the slot position now the right arm would just be slightly B DED impact but for so many am players I’ll show you some of those in the moment they just don’t understand this move you got to understand how your downswing works this is why people are getting stuck and coming in Steep and all sorts the arms only just slightly bent really an amazing position here but with so many amers they’re riding in really high with this right forearm look at that tips the club over it ruins your wrist alignments here people and player after player most of the guys are just practicing this what we’re going to do is have a look at how to get this right arm or talk about what it does get this right arm in the correct position it’s just one of the key elements for for great ball striking this is where I’ve been helping so many people online improve their down swings and their slot and impact position guys send your swing through to me seriously you got contact with me at worldclass you get a bonus 1,400 videos 80 series it’s an absolute Nob brainer helping so many people right let’s get stuck into a fascinating exercise and drill can’t wait to show you this now what we’re seeing with a lot of am play is is when they’re coming down they’ve got the right forearm too high right the right forearm is actually too bent or the right arm’s too bent we’re seeing it tip over a lot of the time this way and when it doesn’t tip over they have to do funky moves and drop the club back into positions and it’s really affecting a lot a lot of people a lot of it comes from that drill that they’re doing here where the right arm’s coming up too high now if I’m coming in with the right arm too high most times I’ll come in steep some people can do this but what’s what happens when I straighten the right arm watch what happens to the plane of the club when I straighten the right arm now that club head now is coming in behind the hands the right wrist has a big angle in it but that right arm has to straighten quite a bit on the way down and that’s where people they just turn off they they can’t believe it it’s like it’s a mental barrier if you like it’s something that they they need to get past to understand at first this right arm has to straighten to help shallow out the plane the right arm and I’ve been talking about this for a couple years the right arm has to also connect back to the side and not be out here the right arm has to connect and we need a longer right arm at impact so one of the great ways you can feel it is get down into impact I mean if there was a golf ball here on the ground right just a little bit of common sense I mean the thing about common sense these days it’s really just it’s seriously not that common like when you’re seeing people use a drill like this it’s like they’re hitting off a chair or something now if the golf Ball’s on the ground and I rewind this is where my arm’s going to be right it’s not going to be up here somewhere that’s just ridiculous now what you can do from this position here is just rewind and have a look where your right arm is now the right arm is still going to be bent but it’s not like it’s coming in this in this direction now once you get that to straighten for a lot of players out there that are getting stuck if you’re in advanced play and you’re getting caught if you’re getting steep if you’re dragging it in here if you feel like you’re blocking out the right or flipping it to the left this is a really important area in your swing to sort of get the feeling of straightening your arms take a split hand grip and just do a practice swing and you’ll sort of feel like there’s a little bit of a forearm jolt the drill that I want you to do is to lead in a little bit with the grip here and get the right hand to have a big angle so I’ve got like a right angle here hold that position but your right arm’s quite long right this is the place you want to be this is the place in the swing where the great players are they’re not up here do a couple of practice swings get your feels hit some balls and this is one of the areas where I’ve been helping just so many clients online world class golf instruction is improving golf is between four and 11 shots your swing analyst video is the same as this YouTube format except with your swing on the screen it goes between 15 to 30 minutes with tailor drills and exercises a higher level of instruction at a cheaper price 1,300 videos 75 five separate series reach out to us in the chat room and get on the path of playing your best golf so folks don’t try this at home right we’ve got the knife taped to the golf club here it’s almost like a spear but sometimes right we need a great or a really good visual aid and effect here now what we’re going to be looking at doing here people is getting a longer straighter right arm but I want to hold on this angle of this right wrist so what we’re going to do is be driving this knife into the back of the golf ball now when the left hand under the chin we’re looking at a right angle and from here I really have to release it I really have to release this club head then past my body but to get this effect if you want to hit it a little bit more from the inside the end of the knife would be heading more out in this direction here’s more of your straight shot but if we get too much internal rotation almost there’s a danger of sticking the knife into the front side or the inside of that left thigh this is an interesting way to look at it you can obviously think the butt of the club but if you’re bringing this club in nice and deep and you’ve got a a long ride arm this is a great way to get this Trail arm this wrist into a great position so that you can release this club head get the correct hand motion then through the ball to propel this golf ball consistently down the line so guys this drill here is an absolute Game Changer it’s been the most important drill for my swing all around and it helped so many people get the correct angles at impact it’s going to help your plane of your swing all around it’s going to bring this elbow out in front and it’s going to teach you how to feel this club head more this is how we start the exercise before I’m going to hit some balls and show you watch this it’s important because you got to be able to do this first now you can pick up a golf club if you got one there in front of me get on the couch and you know go through the video it’s a great way to do it now what we’re going to do I’ve taken the oversized Club here just to illustrate this a little bit better now if you can imagine like I’m standing in a swimming pool and the water’s about at my belly button height right I’m going to swing back the club will probably lift up over the water a little bit but you’re trying to keep it pretty much level now when you get back into impact watch this this is the key we start off in this position and then when you get into impact we’re going to have more sharply now the important message to get across here to everyone is the club face has to be square right then you’re going to notice the feel what your left wrist your left hand does you’re not going to bring the club back to an open position okay like most people out there right so just swing back and then stop it impact just swing back and then stop at impact take a look down at your left wrist and you’re going to feel like this flexed more it’s bowed more but then through the ball people after impact this lead wrist moves in around 40 45 degrees of extension so we’re going to also get that club head to swing freely and past the body but in this drill the first thing is to get back and have more Shar Lan that you did at impact and the face has to be square now let’s hit some balls and talk about feel and how we can bring this into your go swing take your address position lift the club head up over the ball make sure it’s Square now I’m going to use about a half to 3/4 swing here swing back when you bring it into impact I want more Shar Lan what you started that but you have to look at that club face feel where your left wrist is we need 12° of Shar landed impact it’s okay if you exaggerate that a little bit here look down at the face you want to exaggerate it to pick up to enhance certain feels swing back back into impact more Shar lean than when you started at and the great way thing that it does is it shallows and it’ll bring the club through your Trail forearm you don’t really want to have the club coming too much through your both your forearms unless you’re sort of trying to fade the ball then it’s okay all right we’re going to hit one and keep it soft it’s almost like you’re flicking a towel or looks like you know I’ve done a video on that before when when we’re painting a wall here right we got to paint brush and we’re working this hand back we’re getting into impact and then we’re going to let it go right we know that the lead wrist is going to let go it’s going to go into 45° of extension this right wrist is in flexion we got to get this hands and wrists moving more effectively let’s do a practice swing into impact just a little half swing here all right no bad strike on that you’ll start to feel like certain things in your swing might happen by themselves it might be a little bit more extension through your chest or whatever feeling have a little swing first back in more sharlean than where you started keep it nice and soft and what a wonderful way you can then pick it up and use more swing more turn more power use your wedges your nines your eights to start with guys I can’t recommend it film your swing get stuck in that film your swing your mobile phone have a look at that what it does to your impact position without a doubt one of the best drills in fact send you swing through to me I’m teaching people from all around the world don’t do myself you want me to analyze your swing I’m improving so many people we do it together you get my cell phone we write messages back and forth It’s a real personal service and it’s just helping so many people that is my favorite drill of all time and that improves everyone’s lag ball striking and compression wonderful way to go about improving your golf


  1. Some teachers say to feel or turn your knuckles of your left hand pointing down towards the ground /ball on the downswing.Your thoughts please.

  2. Craig. That was the most intensive valuable use of my YouTube time in a decade !!( I am developing music ability as well) . I will have to watch and rewatch to realize the true value of what you have systematically laid out for us. Definite save ! THANK YOU. Jm

  3. Your swing is just so good! …Sometimes I just watch it over and over again love the content Craig thank you so so much.

  4. I highly recommend online lessons from Craig! Get your swing analysed by the best. I mean who else can analyse a swing like he does.

  5. This is amazing, of all the lessons, no one has ever said anything about the right hand like this. Creating this wrist angle provides so much more control at impact as it feels like you can drive the club through vs feeling like a noodle that randomly moves through impact. You can feel the control and the snap on the ball impact immediately with this simple adjustment. You typically hear instructions that the toe should point up at 12 o'clock in the horizontal position in the take away. Thanks for this tip. Pure gold.

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