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Watch all the Celebrations as Celtic FC lift the Scottish Cup ๐Ÿ†

๐Ÿฅ‡ Scottish Premiership Champions
๐Ÿฅ‡ Scottish Cup Winners

#CELTICFC – 2023/24 DOUBLEย WINNERS!ย ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ€

Bernardo shot couldn’t be held by Jack butland and that was the difference between the sides the Celtic fans will party yet again as the Rangers fans in their thousands make their way towards the exits where do these boys find the energy to do it but they’ve done it yet again they have done it Joe har is in tears what an end to the career for the Celtic goalkeeper and the boys will have wanted to do it as much for him as for themselves wow where did they find the character for that one Peter because it wasn’t a pretty game from a Celtic point of view there were hardly any chances in of goal but it just takes one to win a match sometimes and that man Adam stepped up as did Pao Bernardo striding forward well the substitutes here again what an impact to make you know and they needed them today because the second half I thought we were the better side the first half I thought Rangers obviously better say the second half we’ve got to be fair on that and we were digging in but they’ve shown character throughout the season that’s the biggest thing that’s why they’ve won the trophies they’ve won because of the character they’ve shown because it’s not been vintage but they’ve been able to find a way and sometimes for all the talent in the world you’ve got if you show guts determination and say you’ve got to fight you’ve got to scratch and these boys have shown that today that they can do that also as well as been very talented individual footballers delighted for either because he comes on he knows he’s got a job to do behind kyogo and he comes on and produces again it’s not the first time he’s done it and Bernardo as well so these guys are all a big part of it and you’ve got to tip your hat to every single one of them to fought right to the death and to come out with a double is magnificent for them now the manager has said it so many wrote Celtic off from as early as August but we are the double winners now and what an intoduction Adam has been brought in on Loan in the January transfer window has contributed to some big moments in the league win are now scoring the winning goal in the Scottish Cup Final as the Celtic players go across to celebrate with the supporters they will do their half lap of Honor as you do a hand in after getting the famous old trophy for the 42nd time in their history K McGregor will get a 22 medal as he goes up to lift the trophy I just feel his special as his very first one Jerry that’s for sure that’s one thing you don’t get sick of as winning trophies for these guys and they’re very very fortunate should never forget that everyone you win is special shouts of super jewart from the Celtic supporters Joe har we need to get used to calling him former Celtic goalkeeper now yeah he’s been outstanding not just on the pitch I just look at him and I look at his body language when there things going on and it’s been against us and I’m as I say I’m not in the dress room but I’ve Got a Feeling he’d be such a big part of that huge massive and you can see that the respected players have got for them you see the respect that the fans have got for them and for somebody to get that respect for the Celtics support in such a small period of time it shows you and he’s handled criticism exactly the way he should handle it he’s been calming he’s been composed and I thought before game and I spoke to you myself I thought the two goalkeepers would have a massive part to play in the game today and it’s it’s worked out that way butland made one slip the balls in the back of net and that’s how fine these games can be now you can see what it means to Brandon Rogers as well we’re situated high in the main stand above the Dugout area and one thing I’ve noticed throughout the match as Philip Clon was remonstrating and getting all emotional in the technical area Brendan Rogers was as calm and as cool as ice he has got such trust and such faith in his players he wasn’t screaming instructions he wasn’t shouting telling them what to do he was simply trusting them trusting the process the preparation that they’ve put in and letting him deliver because they have delivered time and time again they deliver and they’ve done it again this afternoon Rangers will come up first and get there losers medals bil clemont talks about how it’s the uh it’s the end of a end of a cycle the end of an era for the Rangers team it needs to be a rebuild seems to happen every season certainly Brendan Rogers is looking to take Celtic from strength to strength car McGregor pulls Adam away from a television interview to go and Lead the celebrations in the Celtic end and he duly obliges I’ll not have a better night than that scoring the goal in the winning goal in a cup final a Celtic Rangers match doesn’t matter what he does in the rest of his career this is one day I’ll always stick with him forever more and it was a fantastic finish because he’s had a couple of movements prior to he’s not just went in there and been lucky and bernardo’s te the strike on but he was forc to react and he had to time it perfectly to stay on side when the shot comes in as well absolutely but it was good Striker play because he’s he said two different movements to keep himself still on side well quite incredible there were times in that second half where Celtic were really Under Pressure but that Scottish cup with the green and white ribbons will’ll be coming back to Celtic as Joe Hart goes around the Celtic supporters and kisses the gloves kisses the bads waves goodbye for a goalkeeper he’s been for Celtic so there is a presentation podium out on the pitch but that’s for the secondary celebration the trophy will be presented up the hand in steps we can start the Trophy presentation thank you well Rangers uh gave everything in that one Peter and when I look to my left there is not a single Ranger supporter who has left to applaud their team when they go up to get their medals is that pretty standard probably not for her support but in Scotland unfortunately if you’re second you’re first loser really there is no such thing as second and that is the big difference here you’ve got to Wi and you’ve got to win again and that’s what these boys have done they’ve been over the course they’ve been up against they were up against in the second half I felt they dug in they found a way and then you get that opportunity when you’ve got an and the big thing for me is when you’re bringing on the guys you’re bringing on we couldn’t do that earlier and that tells you the squad of all the party play it they’ had to dig in they had to win points You’ have not your best players available they’ve managed to do that but then you had two guys has come off the side of the pitch today had a massive effect on the outcome of the game and that’s what it takes and this is what this group looks like it looks like a squad of players you know all look an impact and they’re all happy for each other of course you all want to be playing there’s no doubt of that but when you’ve got scor l w to fight and scratch and bite for each other along with their talent then you’ve got an opportunity to win trophies and that’s the difference between the two sides Celtic have the better players but it wasn’t about that in the second half cuz you’ve got to say Rangers are the better side the second half but Celtic still found a way how to win and that is the most important thing how do we win and cup ties 100% there about winning that’s all people remember who loves the trophy and they say winning is a habit and it’s a hard habit to break 42 Scottish cups for Celtic no one has one more just waiting for the Celtic supporters who’ come down to celebrate with the team behind the the goal to return to their seats before they will uh get on with the celebration careful if I was a Rangers players I don’t think I’d be waiting amongst all this I’d be way up the tunnel crying I wouldn’t be worried about M somebody can hand them in if they W no interested I wouldn’t be L all the Celtic supporters singing and the Celtic boys gr up to get the trophy that’s for sure yeah it’s a fair point the Rangers players are still out there there’s no fans of Rangers left they’re all gone but uh the players are waiting to be handed there medal before K McGregor goes up lifts the trophy and Begins the party [Applause] it just shows you the emotions there’s no doubt Adam either would be disappointed not to start as it comes to Cup finals everybody wants to play but his reaction on the pitch and the way he played when he come on tells you the type of character as and that’s something we talk about when the Simon players to play for Celtic that means he’s got the right attitude and can handle the disappoints and still come on effect the game and that’s a massive part of becoming a Celtic play so Rangers Captain James Tavern here has to take that agonizing walk up past the Scottish Cup bck in green and white ribbons come back down the other end and disappear up the tunnel with another runers up medal [Applause] so the Rangers players disappear up the tunnel and leave Celtic to it [Music] here come the boys in a repeat of last year’s celebration when Celtic beat and beress caloni and fle in the Cup Final car McGregor will lift the trophy not the referees have to go up first of course Nick wals pretty busy this afternoon Fair number of yellow cards was involved in disallowing the Rangers go quite rightly with the push on Joe Sima thought he had given Rangers the lead early in the second half it have been interesting to see the controvers if it not for the penalty situation in the first half we never seen much of that wonder if Callum will go up last looks like he will let his teammates go up collect their medals and wait so they can join in the trophy lift or a first season back for Brendan [Applause] Rogers so here we go it will be C and Carter Vios who goes up first to collect yet another Winner’s medal the whole Celtic Squad going up Joe Hart getting a high five from everyone of the back room staff he’s last up before the manager and then Callum [Applause] the players all Gather in front of the trophy it’s a tight space up there not much room for Callum to find his way in but I’m sure he [Applause] will Here Comes Celtic Captain carum [Applause] McGregor with Celtic goalkeeper Joel har Celtic Celtic have won the Scottish cup Celtic have won the double to be fair to clont not they’ve stayed out they’ve not now they’ve showed the respect and you’ve got to give them credit for that because that cannot be easy cuz it wouldn’t be me that’s for sure so a little bit of respect there for that but it’s fantastic to see Celtic L this Trophy and what a fantastic way we’re talking about Callum that but what a way from Jo har to finish his football career and a th deserved unbelievable end to an unbelievable contribution to Celtic for Joe Hart I was talking to him through the week in L town and just asked him how he was feeling and he was saying that things were going so well that he was really uncomfortable with it absolutely and you can see that and it’s it’s difficult when you’ve made that decision and especially when he’s he’s still fit lad he looks a fit lad you know he’s been playing a long time but mentally is draining when you’re away from your family a lot you’re doing a lot of traveling there’s not preparation you very rarely you break up for a holay to come back home because you’ve got so little time now and sometimes it gets to Stage I’ll not be money Joe’s looking for that’s for sure but the one thing he does you can’t make up for medals in these days it doesn’t matter how much money you got in the bank these are special special days and you just want more and more of them but as I say if somebody deserves to go to the highest level it’s definitely Jo heart yeah money’s money but medals are memor [Applause] absolutely I’m sure you’ve got your Scottish Cup winners medal from that Rangers game and pride of Play Somewhere In Your House absolutely absolutely that never goes anywhere you know I’m not telling you where I know what you’re like pH Clon a final handshake to Brandon Rogers before he leaves the scene and the Celtics Squad go up onto the podium on the pitch for some more celebrations [Applause] fantastic memories for these boys as you said I’ll live with them forever more no matter what they do in their lives these are always special special days and you can always go back to it no matter how many years it is down the line [Applause] you never get tired of a trophy lift so why not have to it is a double after all [Applause] AB well Joe heart’s old Club Man City lost the FA Cup final today but I don’t think that’ll be concerning him right now because this is exactly the way he wanted to end his career on an absolute high it was already a high after the league win but this was the ice in on the cake for Joe Hart and everyone at Celtic and well he will just be absolutely buzzing to have ended his career here at hamen with a trophy in hand having beaten Rangers in a Scottish Cup Final [Music] [Applause] some of these Celtics supporters at an age where they’ve only known success Peter you and I are not quite as young as them so we know what it’s like me as a supporter you as a player to have played through some times when silver Weare didn’t come as often as it does these players these supporters they need to cherish these moments because well times are good just now but it’s not always been like this oh that’s why they’re so fortunate and that’s why I say enjoy every moment off it because you never know what’s around the corner and this club is built on winning that’s what you’ve got to do is win there no get away from it no matter how long you stay here you have to win trophies you have to win League titles I said it we won the league last week your champions for 6 weeks that’s the way it is you’ve got to go again you’ve won the cup now your double winners tomorrow Monday you’ll get the pictures all over the papers for sure allbody everybody will be talking about this next day everybody switches on to the Euros they’re thinking oh the League’s ready to start again and that’s the way football is and at this football club it’s about winning winning we talked about one half of the Stadium’s full the other half’s empty it’s a long time since we’ve seen that with Celtic supporters and the respected that it’s always been full because of got it that way winning and as you say it becomes a habit but you’ve got to keep fighting for all the time and this group of players deserve that as I said before it’s not been a vintage season but when if had to show guts enough had to dig in they’ve shown the true traits which Celtic Football club’s built on it’s 57 years we talk about today these guys are allt the ones that’s upstairs looking down in them I’ll be so proud of them that have represented them the way they have well Joe Hart might be 37 years of age but let me tell you he knows how to party you may have seen that recently on social media he will celebrate of that there is no doubt these players well of course it’s the end of their season a few of them will go off to the international duties like James Forest K McGregor Anthony ralon Greg Taylor for Scotland of course most will have a well well earned rest we’ still got another game tomorrow to broadcast to you live we are at Celtic park for the Legends match between Celtic in Dortmund that one is a 2:00 kickoff you can see it live on Celtic TV wherever you are so we hope you can join myself and Paul Kur in the commentary box to see such players as Joel edley Georgia Samaras Arthur borich Charlie mcru Yan benar of hesselink Scott Brown of course captaining the Celtic side Simon Donnell is playing as well I did promise that we’d be kind to him you’ve raised the bar now you mention him I one a 2:00 kickoff tomorrow so please join us for what will be a great afternoon raising money for the [Applause] foundation pleased about as well Jerry the boys have kept the strips on nothing better than celebrating with the Hoops on I’m not one for t- shots going on top I think you’re lucky enough to wear the Hoops let everybody know it’s Celtic at w you know I know there’s a place for t-shirs and whatever but I think the celebrations in the medals when they look back with our jerseys on it gives him that place that Pride [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] players are still on the pitch getting uh group photos in fact I think Joe Hart’s taking a team selfie that’s going see that’s a bigger self SE is [Applause] indeed Steven from multimedia team handing him the uh the social phone to get some content that no doubt you will be enjoying over the hours and days to come as Brendan Rogers gets handed the trophy by kogo and he holds it a loft all these Celtic supporters some of whom were not too happy when he returns but I don’t see anyone not clapping absolutely not phenomenal deserves it if they dig in this is probably I keep saying it I think the league title and winning this cup has probably been his hardest since he’s been at Celtic even including the first time this is a one it’s a one absolutely he’s already admitted that he’s had things to deal with that he perhaps didn’t expect and he’s come through them and out the other end and now as he gets his uh back room team behind him he will take a well earned break as well but not totally because he will be looking to as he says add quality more quality to this Celtic Squad and take us from strength to strength because there’s a new Champions League format next season instead of six games against three teams we have eight games against eight teams so that should make for an exciting competition we know we will have Champions League football after Christmas because the the first round doesn’t end until the end of January yeah listen we talk about the Champions League I think the performance over the last two years have been much improved in the respected they’ tried to win games and I think that’s so so important they’ve been unfortunate in certain games yes we’ve seen a couple Hamm against the top top teams that have actually want to get to the final or win it you know so we’ve got to be realistic and financially we keep talking about it if the bottom team in England gets 120 million we need it 2 or 3 million I think that tells you the difference rate and that’s what you’re fighting against all the time near impossible it’ been nice to win a few games of course we try and get to that level again you know hopefully we can do that manager and Captain together with the Scottish [Applause] cup so many police and Security in the Celtic end not just preventing the fans from encroaching but preventing the team from going over there they created a big big area of space between the Celtic players and the supporters we know it’s not the best for the supporters behind the goal when you’re so far away but I can understand them wanting stewards around the supporters to protect the players from supporters coming on but they’re now preventing the players from getting close to even the Stewarts which is a bit odd well if you remember the other day I think it was fenon that was there so we could get right up and go around about the fans that near the supporters at that particular time and I think nowadays because so many things are banned now it makes it impossible for them and that’s sometimes the difficulty because that that touchy feely thing with the supporters was always so important and the respect it when you used to walk down K Dale Street and you were getting patur signed and whatever and you were part of them you going to the the nights and that evening and it’s different now it’s different now and this is where the supporters get to see them Andy enjoy them and it’s fantastic for them because listen as you say a lot of these young kids have only seen success the older ones have not seen it and probably appreciate it a little bit more we just think it’s a norm well the t-shots are out Peter yeah not t-s are out they say don’t back down double down oh yeah I’m not too sure about I don’t like the T-shirt I’m not a t-shir man I must that got to see traditionalist absolutely more you see the Hoops in the front page the [Applause] better players now coming across to celebrate with the supporters in the South stand just down below where we are situated it’s going to take something to get that trophy off Joe har I think one thing’s for sure he’s not going to drop it no it’ll be emotional for Joel when he takes those gloves on knowing that he’s not going to be putting them back on again that’s a nice touch Jo’s get the the goalkeepers with him along with Stevie Woods who’s helped him of absolutely no doubt St is a top quality guy as well and he’s got a calmness about him that similarly Joe would probably appreciate and the support network of Scott ban and Benji secist as well is is not lost on Joe as he mentioned in a recent interview I did with him it’s something that that supporters don’t see behind the scenes you know it’s a it’s a real tight group and the other goalkeepers have to support the main man and um both Scott and Benji have done that and Celtic have benefited greatly as as Joe because of that well what a season it’s been what a season has been did you think we’d be standing here on the 25th of May on such an historic day in Celtics history celebrating a double well we are because after wrapping up the league title and lifting that Trophy last week Celtic thanks to a late goal from Adam EA have no won the Scottish cup and are the double winners thank you so much for your company this afternoon as I said please join us again tomorrow afternoon it’s a 2:00 kickoff at Celtic park for the Legends against the Dortmund Legends in a match for Celtic FC Foundation enjoy the rest of your day and we’ll see you soon thanks to Peter Grant from everyone here at Celtic TV I will leave you with the words Celtic Theos [Music] she [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] away I [Music] [Applause] [Music] e for


  1. unreal team. looked unbreakable most of the time. as soon as maeda didnae run wi it and knocked it back to bernie i knew we were on!

  2. Stewards a disgrace super joe was wanting over ……but NO HUNS IN HAMPDEN…..we kick on and blow that GANG away next season ……callum McGregor your the FUCKING GUVNOR….hes like me and you he loves celtic to .

  3. The most dominant club in Scottish footballing history! Celtic Football Club, unmatched, unrivalled and unbroken! Hail hail ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿค๐Ÿงก

  4. Love Idah, Hart and the team. Make it a double thanks barkeep. ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€

  5. " nothing better than celebrating with the hoops on…let everbody know that it's celtic thats won" 100% agree

  6. Rangers cheated again against the mankies , 5 goals scored against them chopped of in all games this season , pure corrupt sfa .

  7. Idah will forever be remembered by both halfs of Glasgow the day they put a statue up will always be the date we won the European cup and done the double to become the world's most successful team btw that was a slack pass from Palma of the cup to big Joe ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ๐Ÿ€

  8. A club like no other a people and a cause๐Ÿฅฒ A fuckin love ma Celts!!๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ€๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  9. The rangers must have a lot of they runner up medals now. ๐Ÿ… has ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  10. The rangers must be glad the season is over after all they meltdowns ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช

  11. I donโ€™t think Big Joe could have imagined he would finish his career on a high like that. I hope Brendan and the board sign big Adam.

  12. 25th May. Twenty twenty four. The huns are snaken out the door. But the FANS IN GREEN N WHITE, WILL CELEBRATE TONIGHT. COS THE BHOYS ARE DYNAMITE. HAIL HAIL CELTS. CELTS ABรš. ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†

  13. The ginger girl with the green sports top is Erin she the biggest supporter ever she goes to every game and shows us her on the TV ahah . Hail hail ๐Ÿ’š

  14. Why did Palma take the trophy and not pass it along to Bernardo, Hatate etc? Honestly think heโ€™s only here for a photo op ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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