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Winged Nation – Buddy Kofoid and Lucas Wolfe

Steve Post and Ashley Stremme talk with World of Outlaws winner at Attica Raceway Park Buddy Kofoid and Williams Grove Speedway winner Lucas Wolfe!

[Music] ladies and gentlemen we want you to stand and we want you to make ladies and Gentlemen let’s go racing here at Knoxville oh the best go three of it is Showtime at Williams Grove Speedway ladies and gentlemen boys and girls here at Aldora Speedway it’s showtime you got him for a rep often imitated never duplicated the greatest show on dirt the world it’s time to sit back relax and enjoy because ladies and gentlemen it’s sh set to do battle 4 30 laps the green flag is waiting hello again it is Wing Nation presented by Sage tro talking Sprint car racing our favorite time of the week and we are so glad that you have joined us Steve post here and our Concord North Carolina Studios Aaron everham is on special assignments so we have from our lethal chassis Studios our other co-hosts that we get to talk to on a regular basis Ashley stry joins us hello Ashley how are you Steve I’m great Pennsylvania weather is finally cooperating um but it’s been a heck of a season with Mother Nature up here my gosh my gosh we’re going to talk about this a lot over the course of the program but just big picture stuff you have a few people rolling into town this weekend for the Bob wer Memorial how are things looking uh everything all tidied up there at the speed Palace honestly it really is 8th Street is uh getting got a new paveed job so the roadway in is beautiful the facility is being cleaned up uh 29 I believe it was gallons of paint or F five gallon buckets of paint uh to paint the fence uh this week happens so things are looking really mint at the speed Palace sounds good we’ll talk about that over the course of the program Lucas wolf one of our guests going to join us as well as buddy koford going to join us here on the program let’s get into some of the race stories race highlights over the course of the weekend cuz fortunately it was a busy weekend of racing World of Outlaw Nos Energy Drink sprint cars Ashley Friday night they were at Atta Raceway Park and well we just mentioned Buddy’s going to join us he’s going to join us because he won the DED race that’s right his fourth career World of Outlaw win his second in that 83 car with Roth Motorsports um as you can see in the video here he absolutely stalked Carson MSO there to finally pick up the win on that last lap it was exciting stuff I actually watched this one Friday night and I was screaming at my television not not even know who I was screaming for I was just screaming because it was such a good race so much fun that’s for sure uh buddy kof for over Carson Mao and how about Bill bog a nice run another nice run this is no longer becoming a shock to see Bill bog run in the top five it’s becoming the norm in a more regular basis and I’m here for that that’s for sure they moved East to Sharon Speedway on Saturday night and well David gravel had a rough outing at ATA he finished 11th but he did not have a rough outing over at Sharon no flag to flag he showed them who David gravel is um solid solid run his 95th World of Outlaw win which ties him for eighth place with none other than the Sharon owner Dave blay I think that was kind of cool that that happened there it was gravel Donnie shots Carson MSO while they were busy there the high limit racing uh series was up at uh Outlaw speed when Thursday night Brad sweet got his sixth high limit win of the season over Tyler Courtney and Zeb wise and then Ashley on Friday night they moved over to new udar roome Speedway yes and your winner Rico Abu his first high limit win of the Season he also has a World of Outlaws win but Steve I’m surprised this is really the first time we’re talking about Rico in in capacity I mean I felt like that’s all we talked about last year so hopefully they can figure they finally got things figured out and are headed in right direction now fascinating you say that Ashley I was looking at his stats this year and it is a roller coaster ride I mean it is 3rd 12th 2nd 15th it’s like all over the map and I agree with you I think that I I thought we’d talk more about them now maybe they get into the summer stretch they get the Rhythm to them but and maybe that win will help now he went out to Sharon and finished 10th on Saturday night but we’ll see heading into Port Royal this weekend where Rico goes but I could not agree with you anymore speaking of northe or speaking of central Pennsylvania Williams Grove Speedway on Friday night and Lucas wolf look at him go picking up the victory his 24th career win at Williams Grove his first this year um but he also LED flag to flag um but it was shortened because rain was in the area Mother Nature she’s been hateful up here she really has that’s for sure Lucas wolf got the win over Freddy rammer Troy Wagman Jr finished third spot on the podium last week Aon and I talked about this we kind of sort of figured with the schedule changes with high limit that Port Royal the speed Palace was going to be the place to be and it was the place to be and in this rainy rainy spring Ashley you guys had some sunshine up there we we sure did and he found his way to the win his fifth of the season three high limit races One World of Outlaw race and of course the win at Fort Royal um it’s surprised me looking at this Podium though Tyler Courtney Spencer Bon and then Austin Bishop um in makes me a little nervous for this weekend I feel like posy is not strong right at the moment and so we’ll we’ll really see what unfolds I hate to say that as much as I am a posy girl but we are not strong at the moment yeah and I think you look at that world of alllaw race at Lincoln a couple weeks back and I’m a little concerned I’d like to have seen Williams Grove but uh right now in the small sample size we have I’m not really sure what to expect this weekend for the wer uh BS Motor Speedway and well this is kind of the S same theme Ash Jacob Allen one of the high limit regulars of course there in town in his home area picked up the win on Sunday evening yes also uh he started second and he ended up leading flag to flag for the win um the cool thing about Jacob winning here is this was his first win as a four-time driver 410 driver eight years ago at bats Motor Speedway so I’m sure it was Full Circle for Jacob really is and again that theme Cory Eliason another high limit driver finish second now Danny Dietrich and Dietrich has struggled seems to have figured out what was wrong with his car he had a a part problem on the rear end of the car he finished in the third spot n King of the West series they had a pair of races this weekend to Larry California thunderbow Speedway it was Shane gbec picking up his 16th career Nar win that was absolutely crazy but the cool thing is it’s him and rookie Kaden steel they battled in traffic and really cool to see a rookie up front running with him and and you know in second there yep no doubt about it and then they moved on Sunday to the Stockton dirt track it was the salute to Leroy Van conet and Justin Sanders got his second win of the season it’s his third win at Stockton and a big big win for Justin Sanders yes and he was rounded out by Shan Becker and Shane gulic yes so great great stuff out on the west coast at stocked a little bit of a rough race track they’ve been working on it out there they redesigned it and it’s uh it’s been a work in process if you will but I know that they’ll get that all worked out so good stuff from the West Coast other winners Garrett Williamson picked up his career first 410 win at Knoxville Florence Speedway the fast series it was Cole Duncan Tyler droi picked up the win at husett and Ashley I absolutely love what happened at Tri City Speedway over in the western part of your state in Franklin the youngster The Kid Bob Fel picked up the win yes youngster I love it not 16 61 that’s right the numbers are not transposed there 61 years old um he sat sat out of racing um up until his late 201 teens and he returned in 2021 and he got it done this weekend yes he did he returned to racing in 2021 as you mentioned he had one win then he had two wins last season and he’s back in running so score one for the old dudes Bob felmley picked up the win at Tri City and we’re in May who knows what the future can hold for him as we roll through this season all right we do know what the future holds for us it’s a visit with Buddy kofoid he joins us on the sage fruit hotline next Tony do you even remember how to drive one of these it’s not something you forget you should know that the drive to succeed the need to win the desire to be a champion and we surround oursel with partners that believe the same like Tony Stewart racing Sage strives to be the best in all they do they work hard on the farm in the packing facilities and with their Retail Partners to provide high quality apples and peirs all year long you can compare apples to apples but nothing compares to a sage fruit apple winning quality in every bite welcome back it is Wing Nation here presented by Sage fruit let’s go to the sage fruit hotline picking up his first win of the season on Friday night at Attica Raceway Park with the World of Outlaw Nos Energy Drink sprint cars drives at rth Roth racing number 8 three buddy koford joins us hello buddy how are you I’m good appreciate uh you guys having me on and um yeah I said finally happy to get that one out of the way I can imagine and we’re going to talk about a little bit about that finally part of it but I do want to talk about that race my gosh you and Carson went to battle in uh lap traffic Attica a little unique Attica Raceway Park as well uh just describe a little bit how that race unfolded for you yes I feel like even before the fature I felt just really comfortable and I feel like we could make speed um you know wherever we were at any point in time throughout the whole day and I feel like if you can just keep that up you you can roll that into um you know your next race whether it’s the Heat or the dash or feature whatever um I feel like that helps a lot and we just had that all day and um yeah Adica was a little different for sure wasn’t wasn’t Dusty and as slick as it normally has been I think they got new dirt so it stayed relatively wet but you could still you know move around and um you know started pulling was leading for a little bit early then you know Carson actually got me on on a restart and I I figured I needed to start moving down as the top got dirty and he just got a good run and got around me um and then just kind of got in line with him for a while and and I figured if we could get to traffic and if it stayed green I’d have you know that’d be my best chance and and I feel like our car has been really good and in dirty air and and you know sure enough you know we got close and just just stayed with them and and you know I thought you know the chance would come but I didn’t think it’ be at the last corner so no just uh just had a really really good car and just we’ve just been able to capitalize on on that and we did you know right when we unloaded at Attica budy you talk about obviously the confidence in your car and running Mao and say your car is really good in dirty air with that being said do you just kind of follow along knowing that you’ve got the cards in your hand and then you know you hope that lat lat traffic Falls its way or was that kind of it just all just kind of happened at the right moment or do you play your cards and not show your hand when you have a good car well yeah I would say yes to both um you know I I could you know we started you know you know when I took the lead or started the race actually I should say you know I was running the top and then it got dirtier and dirtier um but not typical dirty or Dusty how it normally gets but you know enough to where I needed to start moving down and we you know started on the top and you know eventually by Midway through the race you know when we were in lap traffic we were about running in the middle and then you know towards the end of the race I was just running the bottom basically and um he was about a lane higher than I was and um my kept showing a nose for I think that six to 10 laps didn’t you know last 10 laps um so I thought he would move down to be honest and um but you know we were still racing with traffic so we had to get under a guy or drive around a guy so I you know it made it tough to know exactly where we needed to be when we’re racing with lappers that are racing with other lapers that are too wide and whatnot so but I just kind of committed to the bottom and just you know got my back enough where I could get it in you know end of the corner a little deeper but I could stay just you know come off lower on exit and eventually you know got to his inside down the straightaway and was able to kind of you know get my nose in there enough to where you know he couldn’t you know chop down and and kind of take my line away and you know eventually it was able to finish off the pass and um I feel like I was trying to set that up for a while but um like I said I was wondering if if I could ever get inside of him if I could get that run and eventually you know it took you know the last quarter lap for it to happen and you know paid off took 24 and a half laps or whatever it was and you got there that is for sure buddy when I look at your season um set aside probably Brad SED and David gravel you have been so strong you know and that sort of thing yet not getting wins and you’ve talked a little bit about it you’re you’re you’re tired of being on the podium you had seven Podium finishes up before Friday night how do you balance the frustration of that but yet knowing that there is every other Sprint car driver other than probably those two that I mentioned that would trade places with you knowing you have a good car yeah know it’s uh you know I’ll be honest you know Sprint car racing is tough obviously and it’s it’s uh there’s so many good guys that could wi I feel like on any given night and a lot of people with really good equipment so that’s first and foremost and if you can beat those guys obviously it’s it means you’ve done something or you know you done your job right for at least that night so um but I feel like like you said you know I’ve been in positions win and I mean at blua we we were leading actually in blue attire which it was no fault you know to just just something that just happens that you just can’t avoid and um you know so it would have been nice to get that one out of way out of the way even earlier but um you know then we honestly we struggled a little bit in Texas and then we decided to make a change and I’m glad we did we went back to a car that worked for us and then that kind of started that string of of podiums um you know we were seconds and thirds and and running up front and um you know there’d be times where i’ lead or be close to the lead and then you know just couldn’t get it done whether it was honestly just me you know making a mistake or or just getting beat the last 10 15 laps and but still being right there but just needed that a little bit more and I feel like finally we’ve kind of turned a page if you will um where figured that out and and we know what we need to do because I feel like our speed throughout the whole night you know qualif we’ve been qualifying really well and heat racing and and making the dash and and all that which is what you got to do you know I’ve always said if if you want to have a chance to win an allo race you gotta you got to at least make the dash that’s that’s one of your better chances to at least help that um but no we’ve just been Dylan Nate and Gage have just been working really hard and and we just get along so well and I feel like that’s something you got to have is good chemistry and um I just enjoy showing up and doing my job and um they make that fun and they make it worthwhile and of course Dennis and Teresa Roth mobile one and Toyota they they let us do what we need to do and and like said you just got to enjoy what you do and you know know that you’re going to have some bad nights but then you know build on that and hope that that you have those good nights and pay off and um hopefully just turns into consistency where you can you know turn that into wins you know buddy it seems like yesterday we were just talking about you going on tour and seeing these tracks for the first time um but a place like Attica you were talking about it the surface you knew the marbles would change up top and that that track obviously you’ve had a lot of laps in northwest Ohio um starting your career there do you think that really helped you to to score that win and now that you’re getting to know racetracks across the country because you’re seeing them for more than the first time yeah I would say so um so I ran Attica in all of pretty much all of 2019 um you know we were really really good and you know even then I feel like ATA was different than what it’s been the last couple years and now it seems like this year it’s even different than than the other times in recent memory so um I think it helped you know running a season there but at the same time I’ve always thought you know I tried to run there’s a point where in 2022 for example I ran eight different types of race cars and and ran all over and then you know you know had great opportunities to go overseas and race this and race that and see these new places so what I’m saying is I feel like if you make your force yourself to adapt to these new conditions and constantly put yourself in a position where you have to figure out right then and there I feel like that helps you adapt better and I feel like that’s something that I’ve always tried to do um and I feel like that’s kind of helped me you know more than anything than just seeing you know a place that I’ve been to more than once um because even like I said being an Attica you know for year help me but I think at the same time it’s still to me fairly different than what I remember so I would say yes and no to to that to be honest buddy you commented after the race that you feel like right now you feel better the best you have felt in a Sprint car uh I think obviously that’s a nod to your crew and you mentioned Gage and how you’re working well is it also not and you just referenced it you’ve ran so many different types of cars shoot you’ve you you’ve been on Wing Nation as the as as the USC point leader because you go in and you win a sprint car race here or there is also what’s it been like to kind of more focus on that this year as well that’s had to play a part in it too I would assume yeah no I think um you know I just like I said I just I’ve always enjoyed you know racing sprint cars that was kind of my first you know love in racing was Wings sprint cars and you know as a kid in California you know I grew up going to the Gold Cup and and you know we that was kind of our family trip and we’d spend the week there when I was just getting into go-karts and um you know grew up going to Sprint car races and stuff so I’d always always love sprint cars from the get go um but I mean also you know I love just racing in general I like racing all different types of things and I feel like that’s helped me kind of get to where I am right now just you know being involved with so many different types of cars and and good teams and good people um yeah like you said having a good crew you know that wants it as bad as you and that you enjoy being around for one um I think makes a huge difference and um you know I think too for this for this year I got to work with with Dylan the last half of last year and and worked with Gage um obviously last year and then you know Nate’s new with us this year but I worked with Nate at kkm in the midgets for a year so you know they’re all familiar faces and we all you know like I said just get along well and know what we need to do and um you know if we don’t have a good night we know how to handle it and move on and when we have good nights we you know makes it just that much better and gratifying for them such a people business it really truly is and it sounds like you’ve got yourself surrounded by some really really good folks you’re driving for Dennis and trth Roth Roth so you’re you’re working for some good folks for sure and I love hearing that with you and your crew guys because it is a grind and I got to have some fun out there as well buddy got to be fun to go back to Victory lande and I’m sure we won’t wait this long to see you in Victory Lane again we wish you the best this weekend another Ohio weekend coming up and on throughout the season but thanks for joining us here on on Wing Nation yes absolutely no I I appreciate you guys having me on and um hopefully this isn’t the only time I’m on this year with you guys we’ll we’ll dial you up that’s for sure sounds good thanks buddy thank you there we go buddy kofy joining us on the sage fruit hotline the high limit racing is headed to Pennsylvania it is Bob wer week and one of the drivers that’s had some success at the speed Palace a two-time winner of the Wert Memorial wolf he joins us next Tony do you even remember how to drive one of these it’s not something you forget you should know that the drive to succeed the need to win the desire to be a champion and we surround oursel with partners that believe the same like Tony Stewart racing Sage strives to be the best in all they do they work hard on the farm in the packing facilities and with their Retail Partners to provide highquality apples and pairs all year long you can compare apples to apples but nothing compares to a sage fruit apple winning quality in everybody welcome back it is Wing Nation presented by Sage fruit let’s get right back to the sage fruit hotline a man who picked up the win his 24th career win at Williams Grove on Friday night Lucas wolf joins us hello Lucas how are you hi hi how’s it going we we are fantastic um has to be good to knock that first win out of the season and to get a big one on uh Friday night up Williams Grove has to feel really really good for you to uh to to to check that one off this year oh yes for sure uh you know winning uh winning any spring car race is difficult these days or any race in general I would say but uh to get to get a win at Williams Grove is always an important uh Benchmark for the season and uh from from growing up and being around here there’s uh not too many places that hold that kind of uh the history and how special it is to uh to win and R well there so a uh a good boost for the team a good boost for me and hopefully uh more to come no doubt around it especially rolling into this weekend um but I want to chat about the race obviously there was rain in the area so they ended up shortening the race does that play differently in your mind than when you first put that helmet on when they tell you hey we’re going to shorten this race up because rain’s in the area well so we actually we ran the full 25 laap distance what we had was a a a a yellow on lap two for just a small amount of rain where we actually came in the pits and and got out of the car and so a little bit of an unusual circumstance that way um and really by the time that we got out and just topped off the fuel uh the rain had stopped and it was H clear enough to uh to get back in and go again there wasn’t an incredible amount of you know moisture put down that that caused any kind of a problem but it did start a little bit of the the cycle uh as the track as we got going again the track it gets uh kind of rolling a lot of dust off the uh the bottom so the track was uh not not a typical kind of feature type of track but uh it was good enough for me on that particular occasion Lucas you you you said a phrase in your first answer that really just made me want to pick your brain a little bit because you’ve been on the road you’ve you’ve been a posy guy you’ve been a World of Outlaw guy you’ve been over uh all over the all over the planet as far as Sprint car racing goes you mentioned how hard it is to win in Sprint car racing can you even put into terms the depth the level of competition right now in 410 Sprint car racing well it certainly is just that I think it’s incredibly deep uh there’s been an increase in guys that have come from some some other forms of racing and uh you know some non-wing guys that have moved into Wing racing now that are are incredibly competitive uh among some of the best really uh plus a lot of the guys that have come I think probably having two national you know full-blown National theories probably amps up the the level of competition some more uh here locally in PA we go through H phases from time to time uh where we’re we’re pretty strong as far as the depth of teams and and then sometimes they go in uh some Le to travel or or come and go just like uh as anything is is a little bit variable but uh the yeah the depth of the depth of the field that I think any race that I’m either at or or watch or pay attention to I think is uh probably never been higher than that uh you can certainly see some B Mains that are incredibly tough at uh at any show uh throughout the country so I mean in a lot of ways those are those are good things for for showing the strength of the teams and the the overall infrastructure of racing but it’s uh it’s something where you still see the the guys that are truly uh doing things right and strong teams and strong drivers that are consistently uh racing towards the top five so I think it’s still a good Testament to the the level of competition the whole way through the field but the the best of the best still seems to make it happen uh and make it count when they have the chance it’s so true and I referenced that at the beginning of our show that I’m afraid that the posy is in a down year this year and I’m nervous about the wer Memorial but Lucas you have two previous Waker Memorial wins um do you remember Bob as a kid with your dad race and does your dad Randy have any good stories with Bob wer uh yes so my dad does have uh have a lot of stories about the Bob and uh and the whole family uh the amount of time that he spent around there um and growing up and and and racing him his own career uh I uh didn’t really overlap my racing career did not really overlap uh with the the car when they were campaigning it uh We’ve run a few different things I had done a tribute car when I was really young um dick Hench uh Todd’s uh family member and Rick Hench obviously were were we were close with uh dick helped me a lot when I was younger before he unfortunately pass so there’s a few ties to uh to them in the area but certainly in the last uh well it seems like at least 10 years or so the wer fames had an incredible uh impact here locally especially uh in terms of at Port Royal and helping a few different cars out over time so it’s uh it’s become uh or it’s been built into an event that has probably look forward to as much as any here locally in PA and it’s a great uh it’s a great facility they’ve done a really good job with the event I know you guys have been a part part of uh really boosting the the wer weekend over the years and uh it’s one that you look forward to it’s kind of the first uh really big uh Pennsylvania type show outside of the the usual Outlaw swing in May so it’s one to look forward to and glad it’s uh time for it how do you uh you you you raced up there on Saturday night how do you assess where you’re at with Port Royal and uh and uh what what you need to do to to to cash a big check Sunday night I’m having a little bit of struggles at the moment having the uh right pace for the the feature yeah kind of time of the night I’ve had a few uh decent performances there earlier in the year when we kind of had the uh the middle afternoon starts where it was a little bit Slicker and slower uh the last couple features we’ve run been weather affected a little bit and probably even marginal and whether or not we were even going to get them in uh with forecast so that the tracks were significantly faster than what you typically see at Port Royal so there is some unknowns I would say but uh Pro probably like uh along the lines of most any Sprint car rat the the beauty of it is every night is completely independent we run a different format a unique format for the wer weekend to uh to kind of shake things up a little bit potentially but you you can always find a way to have a good speed and do a couple things right and find yourself in a good position and if uh if we can line all that stuff up I hope we could challenge to uh to run well Lucas you mentioned that and I kind of want to chat about it because it even confuses me at times and I forget about it the format for the wer is much different do you do you keep that in the back of your mind when you roll into that just because it is so different than what a typical show is run like uh I think the current for the most part unless you’re in a format that finally locks you into a redraw or a dash by being the fastest qualifier like we run that a lot here in Pennsylvania uh kind of like the speed week format now which has become the most popular kind of time trial show format we have the high limit run a similar one so if you’re in the in the spot of being the fastest qualifier you have to do a little bit of thought because all you really have to do is is be in a transfer position uh your your result really doesn’t much matter and you’re already in the redraw pretty much every other format or any other position outside of that fastest qualifier you benefit from moving forward all the heat races uh affect how the the lineups are if you’re not in the dash or redraw uh if if it’s to uh to get qualified a lot of times you have to be the winner of the heat so really all formats now uh lend themselves to advancing is a significant benefit uh for the rest of the night which was not always the case so that the same the same type of mentality would apply I guess as my best to this format this weekend or almost any other uh circumstance that you’re racing and you you do uh Advance uh in heat race or at any time of the night better performance results in a better starting position for the ultimately for the feature so those are the right I believe that’s the right mentality to have for competitors and uh ultimately for fans Alik because sometimes the super complicated formats can get confusing I believe to follow I mean I know they are for me and I think there’s a little bit of a disconnect there when fans are watching or attending the event and wonder how they uh they came up with the lineup that they did yeah I agree with you there’s times where I’m just kind of like huh just just I I I start to get an explanation and then my eyes gloss over and it’s like just tell me where to starting I I I’ll Trust I’ll Trust yall to figure that out um final question for you here Lucas you have such a neat brand that you’re working there yourself the beer wagon car the old Milwaukee colors how are beer sales how are things on the sponsorship on the marketing front for you as you as you continue on with uh with all these relationships you’ve had for the last number of years yeah incredibly fortunate to uh to continue the partnership with Old Milwaukee uh here into our second season it’s been uh it’s been a good experience thus far uh we have a lot of things that we’re working on uh you know attempting to to drive sales to uh to bring more awareness to uh to get out to to some more races there’s a lot of uh unique kind of stuff coming I think soon uh we’re doing a lot of uh extra Media stuff a lot of video work uh more and more of that to come uh over the the short term and ultimately the long term so I it’s uh it’s been a great uh opportunity to represent and partner with Old Milwaukee it’s uh something that I think is a bit of a throwback certainly for the spring card racing Community to the uh to the 80s uh it’s been a uh well received and I’m fortunate to uh to be in that position I said final question but I’ve got one more because you led me it’s your fault you led it to me you say videos cameras the social media the push all of this uh how do you how do you balance that on a on a on a night at the racetrack because it’s a whole lot different than you just rolling in there now and if you’re going to be doing some video work and stuff like that and media how do you balance all of that Lucas so at the moment I have a a pretty strong team around me to handle and facilitate a majority of that uh one of the perks of partnering with Old Milwaukee is that it comes with some some extra personnel and people in place that are Professionals in their uh respective fields that allow me to or allow me to Excel or attempt in what I do and and likewise for them so it it is it is and it continues to be and I I guess the forecast would be even more so the driver of almost all uh interest from commercial and marketing Partnerships and U I think the video aspect of it seems to be the the strongest Trend at the moment I think people like to see a little bit more of a of a behind the scenes and in-depth uh type of content above the uh the generic uh just Stills and and text words so um it’s a little bit new to me I’ve been educated quite a bit on it here in the short time so far this season and uh the the guys that are are working on it is have a lot of uh pretty cool content together it just it does certainly take a lot of time to get it all processed and we we have a lot of volume here in the spring car racing world because we race so much there’s so many events we’ve done a few uh uh kind of meet and greets at uh local Distributors and have some more plan with wholesalers and uh other special events throughout so all of that stuff will be included so it more stuff gets rolled out every time so I encourage people to uh to keep up with it fun stuff that is for sure fun stuff it is a changing world uh this is from this is from an old radio guy living in a television world it’s learning all kinds of stuff every day Lucas we appreciate the time we wish you well this weekend at Williams Grove and Port Royal and on throughout and we’ll talk to you down the road but thanks for joining us this time all right thanks a lot see you there we go Lucas wolf joining us on the sage fruit hotline stay with us more Wing nation in just a moment Tony do you even remember how to drive one of these it’s not something you forget you should know that the drive to succeed the need to win the desire to be a champion and we surround oursel with partners that believe the same like Tony Stewart racing Sage F strives to be the best in all they do they work hard on the farm in the packing facilities and with their Retail Partners to provide highquality apples and pairs all year long you can compare apples to apples but nothing compares to a sage fruit apple winning quality in every bite welcome back it is Wing Nation presented by Sage fruit wow what a great great time to catch up with Lucas wolf and buddy kofoid I’m telling you what I love the Insight these guys give us and man we’ve we’ve got it from from from National perspective and local perspective Ashley it’s pretty cool it is and you know those two I feel like we’re getting old Steve I feel like we’ve watched these kids grow up you know like it’s so cool to see kind of how they’ve come through their career and where they’re going yeah no doubt about it I joked around there about the old radio guy doing I mean many of you are watching us on YouTube you know and all of this and there’s times where it’s like there’s times where it’s like craer can we do this or can and I think about it or I talk to some other people do social media hey can we do that and we do that and then I’m like n you you know what I just think I’d rather sit on my couch and watch it all unfold you know I think the old uh the the old guy and the uh the the the the vision is you want to do all of this stuff but uh I also enjoy time at home or just time at the racetrack I just just let me sit in the stands drink my beer and watch the sprint cars go around in circles I don’t want to be doing all of this stuff it is so cool we’re so fortunate we live in a really good time of sprint car racing it really truly is uh and uh one of the one of the aspects of it is the national Sprint car Hall of Fame and Museum Knoxville Iowa birthday calendars how we focus in on that uh Joe James uh has a birthday on Thursday Sunday Stevie Smith Jack Gunn Casey Luna Jimmy Sills dick Beren has birthday on Monday but tomorrow would have been the birthday of Gus shrer now before we even get into Gus Ashley when you came on before we went on the air you’re you’re hanging out with Ken shraer a little bit today are you really I was yes he was here at the shop he’s got a little uh play date at the speed Palace this evening for his Federated folks to I spend in the morning with Mr Sher man oh man you you’re you’re living right when you’re hanging with Ken shider my gosh I’m telling you what were there any stories told never never never never kener yes exactly not that I’m aware that there’re any Ken but today’s gu or today’s Focus for our birthday calendar is tomorrow would have been the birthday of Gus shraer uh he is part of the inaugural class and when you’re part of the inaugural class that means you’ve done something pretty special um he was born in 1895 in new Iowa and Ashley he had quite an interesting history and a lot of success along the way yes dirt tracks and board tracks I I need to dig more into what board tracks are Steve oh youve you have got to dig into board tracks you think you think what we you want to talk about Daredevils I am telling you the board track you can even go on YouTube there’s board track videos and they’ll scare you to die I mean they’re old black White videos I’ve read a lot um the speedway the National Speedway directory had a whole segment uh Alan Brown’s book had a whole segment on the board tracks and man I’m telling you what that was a that was an interesting era the old phrase were men were men I am telling you what that that is an era not for the faint of heart and then lightning would strike and the track would burn down go figure you know I mean that’s uh that’s how that would work uh his success gush trater success IMCA Sprint car Champion 1933 1937 1939 and 1941 and uh Ashley how about this we talked to Lucas wolf about marketing and Partnerships Gus Shader had a$1 thousand a year sponsor from Montgomery Wards Isn’t that cool he probably didn’t have the camera crew fallowing him around did he and and social media people and all the things right yeah gust Rider on Twitter I don’t think gust trater ever spent any time on Twitter or X as it’s now known the dynamic gust Trader the final few years of his life is the dynamic of racing okay and this is why it’s so important that we have the national Sprint car Hall of Fame and Museum in Knoxville Iowa because we talk about this sport not being for the faint of heart and we talk about some of the some of the tragic past of this sport we’ll go with the upside of it 1939 he married his wife Unice he met her she was a nurse in a hospital he was in after a Sprint car crash so you wreck your car you hurt your yourself be you come out of the hospital with a fiance now that is the I mean so that is cool fast forward just two short years 1941 he has the IMCA title wrapped up him and Eunice purchased a farm he was going to retire from Sprint car racing work the farm and live the rest of his life and unfortunately the season finale for IMCA October 22nd 1941 shreport Louisiana Louisiana State Fairgrounds crashed and died from injuries in a wreck our th this is why our Hall of Fame is so important because Gus shider was not able to Gus shider was not able to he was born in 85 was not even able to live long enough so that we had old school videos of him to tell the stories but we have the stories at the national Sprint car Hall of Fame and Museum just a tragic ending to to amazing career but actually that’s why the Hall of Fame is so important because all stories don’t end they all don’t have a happy ending as far as the as far as that goes they don’t and you know it’s our history right it’s the roots that our sport was founded on so it’s important to keep that you know in our minds and in the Forefront to know where we came from to get to where we are today yes they have the Sprint car raffle coming up a 410 Sprint car with an Al Parker Racing Engine you can take the cash option of $50,000 10 tickets for $25 or you can just become a member just become a member go to sprintcar that’s www . sprintcar Ashley uh you’re not going to be there but the headliner is in your hometown the Bob wer memorial high limit racing Saturday and Sunday night yes Saturday is the fallen heroes championship and then of course Sunday is the wer memorial for $75,000 um so cool it’s going to be huge obviously the werts are an incredible family as you know Steve um working with them the vision that they have for this race and like we said keeping the history alive it’s you know remembering Bob wer and what he did for Sprint car racing yeah real quick a little of the history of this race it started in 2003 Greg hodnet a six-time winner of this race two time winners Fred rmer Lance DSE Lucas wolf who we talked to and Anthony Macker who’s won the last two other winners of the wer Memorial Todd Schaefer Jeff Shepard Stevie Smith Doug HH Cody Dara Dan K Dietrich Logan Wagner and some guy named Kyle Larson who’s got a little going on this weekend he should throw the wer in if he really wants to do something try to figure out how to do that but Ashley the winner’s list of this race is really really a big part of central Pennsylvania Sprint car history yes oh my goodness I mean obviously at the top with Greg hodnet you know obviously hodnet is no longer with us but he set a a marquee for what he’s done with his career and to be no one even be close to him at six you know the next to two with Freddy Fred Raymer and Lance deise just mles of our sport right yeah yeah when you’re when you’re three times what Fred Raymer and Lance dwiz has you know I mean and you that’s that and that’s where that’s where Greg hodnet was at Port Royal man there were times watching him go around Port Royal is like who is this guy and who are the other guys out on the racetrack he just he just so smooth so fast so I mean he had he he was the full package so great stuff at going to be a great weekend up at the wer Memorial if you’re in central Pennsylvania go to the racetrack just go to the racetrack you know my montra this year is clubbing everybody over the head to go to the racetrack go to the speed Palace this weekend you’re gonna have a good time and it’s an event right like I know about this a lot you go to the races every single weekend it’s what you do but this is not your typical race this is an absolute an event that a race happens at and this year it’s paying 75 large so it’s it’s going to be a good one yes indeed World of Outlaw Nos Energy Drink sprint cars Friday and Saturday night Atomic Speedway that’s going to be fun and on Monday they’re at Fremont Speedway for the rick fkl tribute race I love this I love we’re going to honor another one of our greats Rick fkl Friday night Williams Grove the JN trone tribute race $10,300 but on the other side of the country Silver Dollar Speedway on Sunday has their Fair Race folks we want to see fair food we want to see fairest wheels and sprint cars on our social media those of you out at Silver Dollar Fair week at Silver Dollar speed hey that is really really cool yeah there’s nothing better than spring cars fair food in a an a fair a county fair I love it that is so good so good and all we can’t get out without mentioning we did mention just a second ago thaty Kyle Larson will have all of our attention as well over the course of the weekend like he did this past weekend going to start fifth in the Indianapolis 500 the Indianapolis 500 the Coca-Cola 600 double selfishly I’m the track announcer at Charlotte Motor Speedway and it would be absolutely amazing to bring an Indie 500 winner into that racetrack on a helicopter as a track announcer um there may be something uh there may be something moved down uh the the cool moments but even a good run at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and seeing him the return he got at North wboro Ashley was insane I can’t imagine what it’s going to be in Charlotte it literally literally you thought you were you you thought you were watching you know the queen or the the pope or Elvis or somebody they’re tracking helicopters or tracking planes and when that golf cart came into that Speedway oh my gosh it was wild it was really cool fun stuff no doubt about it and you know it’s cool we know that Kyle Larson is incredible to begin with like and what he’s done but in qualifying when he hit P1 and when the top 12 I was like you’ve got to be kidding me who would have guess no good stuff it’s going to be a fun weekend it is a big weekend that is for sure also remember it’s Memorial Day weekend so at some point I love that Port does the fallen heroes tribute on Saturday night at some point just take a few minutes and kind of ponder the reason for the weekend and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice as well we do appreciate buddy kofo joining us and we do appreciate Lucas wolf joining us as well she’s Ashley strummy I’m Steve post more important though than all of that thank you for joining us this time on Wing Nation presented by Sage fruit

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