Golf Ball Hunting for RARE Colors and Numbers! (JACKPOT!)

Today we are back with the Golf Ball Hunting videos and this time, Pops has laid out an epic challenge for us! Can we find all of the super rare colors and numbers he asked for? We are out here at a beautiful New Hampshire golf course – Souhegan Woods, where we found a huge amount of lost golf balls! Be sure to check out the course if you are in the area, they are incredibly friendly and it’s an absolute blast to play! Remember to show your support for golf ball hunting videos because I absolutely love them!

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Welcome Friends to muskrat links today we are out here at the beautiful sa heagan woods and we’re going to be doing some golf ball hunting let’s go yeah oh let’s go can I get a rules official over here some rodent there’s a rat oh my God what a fine that’s huge for us did you run into any of the huge black snakes I did let’s go to someplace safer guys I am super excited about today not just because we’re golf ball hunting but because pops has a challenge for me really know what we’re doing today so pops said he’s got a challenge he doesn’t think I can handle it so pops what are we looking for out here today well I’ve been watching you do the Bingo cards and they look pretty easy you’re checking them off left and right you need a real challenge I want you out here until midnight I’m not feeling the pressure now you cannot put pressure on me no chance I’m going to give you two challenges today Kai okay okay the first is you find every single digit for the numbers so a 1 2 3 a four a five a 6 a s an eight a nine and is zero okay well nine is going to be really hard because you can get one through eight on a golf ball like normally but nine that’s like custom number we’re talking all right so I’ll give you any combination with a nine like 69 99 89 if someone did a custom ball 91 we have a chance that would be okay and the Second Challenge 10 distinguishable different colors so you got your white you know your yellow your orange then any variations that are distinct 10 different ones your stck on divides would count which side can I count either side no the whole thing counts as one unit distinguishable from all the rest that’s fair but your Specky uh Vice they don’t count that’s a white ball with speckle paint it’s got to be a solid color each different from the next so 10 of those and 10 numbers good luck buddy I I’m not sure if we can do that that is a big challenge but let’s hop to it we’re out here on the back to start as you guys know they are punching the greens out here on the back today but they are very kind to let us out here to pick while there’s no golfers which is ideal so we’re starting out kind of by the swampy area here see if we can find a few hopefully some good numbers hopefully some good colors good luck buddy let’s go well the first area here we do not have the bag with us we’re definitely going to be checking off some numbers right away obviously we find white golf balls right we’ve got a white one that’s one and we’ve got the number three here on this Callaway warbird so that’s good follow that up with we got ourselves a Top Flight d two distance number four so that’s three and four and I see one out here in the water I’d like to retrieve definitely looking a little swampy but this would be a good one oh it’s a Srixon oh but I think it’s a number three we already have this number oh that’s interesting it’s a Srixon Zar refurbished here check this one out guys I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Srixon refurbished before that’s pretty cool but it’s the number three so it doesn’t get us far and down we see some In The Sticks that’s an old Top Flight I can tell you what oh but it’s a number zero we’ll take that that’s probably one of the slightly more challenging numbers for sure so I’m happy to get that out of the way oh those prickle bushes on the floor here maxfly soft fly number three and then an old Strata with a little logo on it but the good part is it’s number two so is 0 2 3 and four I believe checked off so far let’s go I got I can see it in there oh there’s two of them yeah there are oh we got mower damage on this one this one’s been hacked up he’s been eaten I don’t even know if that would count is this a purple ball no I tried that is a provy it’s an AVX actually which is pretty cool but that is destroyed by a mower there one more in here I want to grab come on baby it looks oh I can’t tell I think it says practice on the side of it maybe but it kind of looks urethan I wonder if it’s a prov1 practice it is indeed a prov1 practice ball and it’s ball number one check this one out guys provie one practice Ball but it’s ball number one that’s 01 two three four all checked off the list that’s a great start let’s see if we can find another spot and get some more going I need my bag too I can’t just carry these with my hands there’s too many balls heading back to the cart though we’ve got a yellow one what this is a brand I never heard of before big golf Crusher this one’s going to be pretty cool look at this that is pretty cool I’ve never run into this brand I’m going to have to do some research but this is a yellow ball white and yellow let’s keep it rolling and I did see one more while I was down there are you a good number for us there buddy what are you Nitro number one that doesn’t do us any good not today it doesn’t keep rolling what are we saying what are we saying we got some tracks triple track number two Callaway chrom soft that might be this year’s chrom soft actually I’m not sure I’m going to have to look that one up but Callaway chrom soft always good for the collection is this another Callaway surely this is like a super soft yeah super soft that’s what more what I was expecting number four we got a super soft but it doesn’t help us little Clover on the side of it though that’s cool what are you oh it’s an old Titleist oh it’s an Acushnet DT number two Titleist that would have been good for the old ball challenge last week the one that we missed but this week it’s worth nothing you lose good day sir o yellowy hey I need a rules official can I get a rules official over here it’s a practice ball so it’s a mauno that’s cool we don’t find too many Munos but it’s a PR practice ball so what are we saying are these two different colors pops or is this too close you’re the rules official for this challenge is this too close I would say those are distinct colors hey well I’ll take that that’s two different shades of yellow then you might find two to three shades of yellow but that’s it all I’m allowing okay that’s fair enough have nine shades of yellow we’re not doing that moving over to the woods here guys we do have a couple sitting out here nice and easy Callaway Chrome soft X that is what you love to see number two though we need to get those High numbers to start ringing in our challenge for today ooh Callaway Chrome tour this is a cool one because this is this year’s model this is a 2024 so somebody lost this ball this year that’s pretty neat oh wait red hold up hold up oh there is a color it’s the Callaway super fast that’s the bright red variant that is another color for us which brings us to four on the day I believe so far that is huge I still want to show you guys that Chrome tour too there it is this year’s 2024 model it’s the Chrome tour we accidentally gave one of these away to another golfer a couple weeks ago when we found one but we got it back today let’s go easy one down here looks like just a chrome soft what’s the number it doesn’t have a number but it’s a Mother’s Day Callaway chrom soft this video is going to be out a little bit after Mother’s Day but Mother’s day was yesterday I believe so that is pretty cool all right what else we got in these Woods here oh there we go casual prov1 action here I think the Prov ones are probably our best chance of finding the weird numbers cuz people do buy balls you know 5 through eight for the provie ones this is an old one I want to say this is 2005 or something similar but number four so it doesn’t count we got this one number four again Cape Coral Golf and Tennis Resort cool but not our number it’s number four this one is under a branch and it looks like it’s been eaten it’s it’s a Titleist number three so that’s not worth anything but it looks like someone who took a huge bite out of it here check this one out uh Rat damage pop squirrel damage something like that yeah squirrel chipmunk mice some rodent that’s rodent tooth damage disgusting and while we’re out in the woods here guys I do want to say thank you for your support on the channel so far recently we’ve been getting lots of new subscribers which is awesome to see help us get to that 10K Mark by the end of the year so we can open up the Muskrat Links Golf merchandise shop which will be really cool give us a follow on our other socials as well we’ve been posting some Tik Tok exclusive that I think you guys are going to love without further Ado I see a golf ball let’s grab it what are you my guy Titleist number three 2021 Prov one nice uh well this is not what I was expecting to find in the woods a paintbrush in the bag what on Earth is this Bob is that you be honest I’m a nature freak I love to walk through the woods and talk to the animals all right pop said he found one up here by this tree yes is as the prophecies have foretold it’s a Titleist Prov One Number Eight that is a really good one to check off of list that is extra tricky to find but let’s go we might do this challenge come on now well good news everybody we found another ball bad news it’s Deep In The Sticks what number are you my friend three that doesn’t help us are you at least all right he’s a Prock at least we got some urethane in other news enemy spotted that’s where we’re going next come on what do we have here this is a pink Callaway super soft that is exactly what we’re looking to see check it off the color list and what do we have here give me a number give me a number oh 0 0 we already have zero but that’s another cool one velocity let’s go o o oh hello chrom soft number one we’ll take it oh yeah nice Chrome soft right there number four but hey that’s a beauty one on the Bank guys he’s a Kirkland Kirky boy number four Performance Plus little doubler here what do we got oh that looks like urethane oh that’s pretty cool I like that logo Pro one number two and the next noodle number three take a noodle though yep yep yep yep yep that’s a d distance plus right yeah every day of the week going to have to go to the rules official on that one to see if it’s a new yellow since it’s like a kind of a crystally yellow almost but hey nice here some pops has got some ones and twos just drop them in the bag I mean good quality provs WX so um just throw these in the bag and I got one behind my back you’re going to like one behind your back I’m going to like do you ready for this yeah what do we got Pops oh it’s another Vice gold get him in the thumbnail boys that’s awes awesome what a fine that’s huge for us because that’s such a cool color nice fine pops Beauty thanks and I think the jewry might let you get wo wo that’s green that’s pure green my guy yeah that is that fully green we found the vice motherload right here some absolutely beautiful ones a green and a gold it’s the Bishop Brady colors I get the high school payout for this or something like that that’s awesome those are some good colors for us right there let’s go huge what we got here Bridgestone E6 and then there’s another Pinnacle gold velocity one hey Bridgestone tour let’s go woo I I think it’s the same yellow it’s like a range Ball but pretty cool find [Music] though it’s a seven yes I saw this one out here I was like I don’t know if I’m going to get this one but I might as well go check it it’s a Titleist 7 it’s a dt90 that ball has been in the ground for a while but that’s a huge score for us let’s go we got a nice bag here now pretty happy where’s our cart oh there it is oh it’s a soft response from tailor made that’s a pretty rarishock think I don’t think so that’s the yellow we’ve already got that we got what looks to be a tp5 pick and that it is any good numbers for me here nope just the standard it’s a number two good good we’ll take that tp5 yep normal tp5 and I saw another one oh what you got here I I found this logo before that’s pretty cool the guy’s persistent he is and then there’s one more down here in the Thorns got to reach sideways to get it but I think I can get it Wilson Staff 03 well not quite the number we’re looking for what do we have left we got a five six and N six and nine yep what if we find a 69 ball I can’t count it for both it has to just be one no I would count it for both if I get a 69 ball okay okay we found one way back at oh where was it it was at Maplewood we found the 69 ball hey maybe it’ll be today let’s keep rolling in here it’s a tailor made again I can see does that mean your soft response too oh project S I think it’s a 33 oo a little double number there but that’s a cool one little red project s Taylor Made I like that nice see this is actually a good area because it’s so thorny people aren’t going back here we got a maxfly soft fly really nice bright red there compare those Reds we will have to and then there’s a buried one Srixon just a number three oh it’s a zar SL I’ve not heard of a zar SL I bet that that’s an older Zar model okay slice Mar the slice marel guarantee the slice or your money back all right what are we looking at pops okay the first batch you had the 1 2 3 4 you’ve got a zero mhm and you dug out that seven which is phenomenal absolutely clutch and so um have an eight too you did get the eight right so we’re just sitting on the five the six and the nine so you’re doing pretty well there we’re still pretty early like it we know we have white uhhuh you’ve got we’re going to give you two shades of yellow and a red yep and then you’ve picked up a couple more we definitely got there’s the two shades of yellow and the red and you’ve got the pink a green and a gold boom add that so pink a green and a gold so it’s one two 3 4 5 6 7 and you got three more colors to get you haven’t even got orange yet no orange yet that’s what we need to get so three more colors and a five six and a nine you’re doing pretty well there’s a chance haven’t even really hit a honey hole yet either kind of foraging in the woods the wood been a nice walk out there today so see if we can go hit up another spot maybe we can check off a couple more let’s go get it let’s [Music] go that’s an orange one let’s go [Music] that’s [Music] did you rent into any of the huge black snakes I did yeah once I found the first snake I was going around like this just scaring him out and I scared out a couple more after that what we got here nice and crispy noodle zero hey we found that noodle eight before noodles are dangerous they’re live looks like a Callaway any Chrome softers not super soft number four he looks nice yeah that’s a chrom soft X number four though man what a beautiful spot out here well we found a couple other those Reds but it’s I those are exactly identical those are both Mac flies there’s some slightly different red colors and maybe a slightly different pink color but I think this is more of a pure pink so we’ll put him up there but I don’t think any of these count no additional colors from here I don’t think so sorry that’s all right we found some great balls in there though the differences are really Sun fading is really what it is exactly yeah just discolorations we found some snakes though I found three you found two at least those are some big snakes out there let’s go to someplace safer yeah where are we right now on the card we’re the 16th yeah we’re in between 14 and 15 15 right here I think we’re heading down 15 so maybe we check the woods over here and it looks like 16’s up ahead so maybe we got some Woods on that side too so see if we can find some more places keep rolling all right let’s let’s go the problem is it’s actually way too bright in these Woods you really can’t see golf balls anywhere so we’ll keep walking through see if we can find anything good on the ground here and it only takes one as Pop said just need to find one oh well we found two actually the bridg stone number three oh it’s urethane we’ll take that and a noodle number two we’ll still take a noodle pops and I chatted about it briefly but these Woods are so sparse you could rip a shot in here and it could go 20 or 30 yards deep into the woods before it actually starts banking around on the trees so I think it’s best if we look kind of deeper in here and just hope to find some sitting up that people aren’t going to look for cuz they were so far deep in the wood so we’ll keep looking see what we can find oh 33 come on dude why could you been 36 or something like that dang it close one o number one pops called me over he said he’s got a couple in a row to show us here so we got oh a speed soft that’s pretty cool that’s the the new one it doesn’t have like the paint brush variant like the color pattern up but that’s a new ball speed soft 2024 that’s awesome we got one over here sitting up nicely for us look at this it’s got two egg eyes and a bacon face and it’s a new tp5 oh my gosh this is literally the best ball ever because it’s a number 19 as well this is one of the best balls we’ve ever found in terms of the video look at this guys we’ve got the bacon face on it the tailor made custom number 19 so that checks off number nine and it’s a 2024 tp5 that is probably one of the most productive balls we have ever found that’s so cool wow that’s fine pops I’m glad you called me over was there another one you said there was another one right that’s it you’re on your own now I’m carrying this whole thing apparently so thanks for the help what a ball that’s such a good Ball Bacon Ball number 19 bacon 19 2024 there we have it number nine checked off now we have to find a five and a six and then we’re done with the numbers and two more cool colors I think right right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah we got to find a blue ball a purple ball or the strickson divides the half and half ball Sil silver ball yeah like a pearlescent one that’s another color that we get sometimes so all right let’s go to the next spot oh my gosh doesn’t count oh the rules official has screwed me that should count come on should I be filming maybe what’s that five do we have five yet we do now oh that’s let’s go check them off little Top Flight five action look at that provy tp5x provy provy 2023 oh my god oh and we found the blue alignment Aid Taylor Made as well holy cow fish that out for you the too bad these don’t count as colors huh I know Shane that and the vice Speckles right zero zero yeah yeah you’re finding all the good ones today Pops I got your five for you you’re popping off popping off five woo 2023 baby what are you Titleist 4 Prov one from 2023 brand new four so wo and you what are you oh my god seven pro17 oh so close o ooh yellow Bridgestone marked who are you oh nice this is an actual La golf ball that’s the first time we’ve ever found one we found the Prototype ball before but you can see this one has a different main logo what the heck is going on there good Lord and it also has a different Beverly Hills logo there but my God what is that supposed to be like a heart or something what’s happening holy cow that’s a cool find big [Music] could be oh it’s a snell that’s pretty cool Snell MTB Prime nice one so I got briefly excited about this one yeah I saw the double digits oh 35 so close wow nice one and can you get the number on this one Slinger M I don’t think so it’s the third of a Slinger yep not the third we needed no gr looks like a one Juan let’s see noodle one maybe it’s a yellowy six who knows made zero seen this guy today yeah that’s a distance plus get him in the bag Doubler oo nice Little maxfly Tor X there you love to see it Beauty that’s a reteval in a half what do we get C warbird and a Nike well could be better [Music] w [Music] there’s a rat oh my [Music] God that was quite the Montage we probably got I don’t know maybe like 150 golf balls out of that I don’t think we found any sixes we were looking we were looking maybe we’ll clean them up later and find some but I didn’t see any sixes but we did however find plenty of colors that should get us to 10 this green is close we could argue it but I think it’s probably about the same green so maybe don’t count that one this is like a peach Nitro but like maybe it was orange at one point its life so I don’t really count that but we could we definitely could then we have the vulvic crystal this is definitely different than white you’ve got that kind of Crystal see-through pearlescent color there with a different layer so that is definitely a new color so that’s going to be us to nine and then of course we have this one that I found the vice kind of baby blue ball here that is an absolute Banger and that is 10 out of 10 colors found I wasn’t sure we were going to get it today but we absolutely did all right I think we got one more spot to check maybe we can pull up a six then we got to get to our tea time which you guys have already seen but hopefully I play well let’s go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh we found it it was in the mud sorry you guys only get the GoPro audio on this one we don’t have the the mics hooked up it’s Titleist number six let’s go baby everything checked off of it wow just walking out here it just takes one [Music] [Music] so it’s Crystal [Music] white and then we had the robins egg blue mhm 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 nine 10 then finally the six the hardest to come by you know maybe if we to no just call it a six there it is 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N9 great job Kyler well pops we did it we are going out to get a little bit more footage and we just bumped into that number six Titleist just sitting out there in the reads you wanted to go get the underwater shot cuz you thought that’d be money it was a great shot we got that beautiful new tailor made zero what do you call this speed soft with like the paintbrush pattern I forget what they call brush pattern that’s a beauty to pull out for the underwater shop so good I bet that and then just stumbled upon the six this is the last one kind of running out of time you know it’s uh it’s about lunch time and we’re kind of overextending our welcome here and to grab the six on our way out we got all n plus the zero unbelievable all right let’s get some lunch and better yet let’s get back to the garage so you guys can see what we actually found we’ll clean them up and we’ll take a look at the data let’s go thanks pops oh thanks buddy hey you know what under the bridge the Junk Balls started to pile up a little bit it we start of the day at discour of souan woods with a lot of premiums we probably were over 50% premum for the first hour and a half outstanding caliber of golfers here in the balls they play that’s for sure absolutely we’ll see what the numbers shake out but yeah let’s head back to the garage here we are ladies and gentlemen we are back in the garage we’ve got all the balls cleaned up I haven’t actually inventoried them yet and unfortunately I don’t think I’m going to have time to have to get this video out quickly because we’ve got a birthday party a couple birthday parties this weekend actually so what I’ve got is all the balls laid out for you let’s talk about some of my favorites and some of the rare finds from this video and then I’ll give you some of the stats I head for all these golf balls so I think my favorite golf ball from this video has to be this beautiful tailor made speed soft that we found in the river I didn’t know what we were pulling out there we legitimately could not see what we were pulling out of the river but when this came up I was like oh my gosh this is like the best thing we ever could have pulled out of that River so this one is absolutely beautiful and we got some great underwater footage for it so that’s a big dub in my book next up we’ve got another great ball that you guys saw while we were out there it was absolutely huge for us it’s the only nine that we had actually found it’s the tailor made number 19 with the bacon and eggs smiley face on it as well and it is a 2024 version of the tp5 to boot which is even better so this one was absolutely huge for us for the challenge today it really helped us get the win so that’s a really cool one now we’ve got a tailor made toour response that I have never seen before well check that I’ve seen it before but I’ve never found before and Pops was absolutely pulling these guys out he was pulling out all the tour responses with these Stripes left right in center and this is one of the cooler ones we do not have it in our collection yet but we do now so Shad out pops are finding these ones this one is super cool this one has to be my favorite I was not expecting it but this really brought the challenge to a whole another level we found this absolutely beautiful Vice Pro soft and it’s got that kind of baby blue robin’s egg blue color there huge find pulled it out of the river absolutely beautiful and hey that got us the number 10 spot for the r colors that we were looking for so this one super cool and speaking of Vice balls we did in fact find another gold Vice ball as well this one we used in the thumbnail a couple videos back and it absolutely would be another thumbnail banger but it got taken over by that blue one so the gold Vie while it is an amazing find didn’t quite make the thumbnail this week and then another really cool one that we found we did find an LA golf ball the actual production model for the first time here so I don’t know what’s going on with the ink Mark there but again and this one is pretty cool these are fairly expensive by the Dozen as well so I’m really happy to have one in the collection that’s another first for us which makes this ball extra cool and then a couple small notes here at the end there we did find this bullet golf ball it’s I believe the yeah the 444 distance there these are non-conforming or at least they’re not on the USGA approved list I don’t know if that makes them specifically Advanced distance balls or they just didn’t bothered to get them approved but that was pretty cool I hadn’t found one of these before either so it’s good to get a nice New Brand in there and at at the very last we’ve got the Callaway ERC soft Reva which is a combination I have not seen before the Reva balls are usually the pink ones you can actually see one just down there it’s kind of the extra large one so they’re a little bit bigger and combining that with the ERC soft is pretty cool you get the purple and gray kind of Stripes there for the alignment Aid so I hadn’t found this one either so that one is pretty cool as well and for our grand total we found 324 golf balls 75 Junk Balls 86 premium balls and 163 good balls that is really cool and pops and I were talking about it while we were out there the ratio of Premium balls here at South heagen Woods was super high we were finding so many premium balls especially off the first couple holes like holes like 10 11 and 12 that we picked in the woods it felt like every ball we picked up was going to be another prov1 so the premium balls 26.5% of the balls we found here were premium that is much much higher than we normally find usually it’s floating around like 18 19 getting up into the low 20s a little bit but 25 26% that’s huge Junk Balls only 23% again that is way way lower than we usually get so we were swinging way high up into the premiums we were dropping the Junk Balls way down and that leaves 50% of the balls we found were good we didn’t find a ton 324 is not a gigantic number I’d say it’s pretty average in terms of a golf ball hunt again big shout out to the guys at sou heagan Woods for letting us out to golf ball hunt and I really hope to get back out there again later in the season to play the back n as well as golf ball hunt again because I had an absolute blast there that course was super fun but guys make sure to tap that subscribe button join the Muskrat Links golf team today we are on the way to 10,000 subscribers leave this video a like as well I want to see if we can get a bunch of likes on this video let’s see if we can get 80 likes on this golf ball hunting video be sure to check out our other socials as well my brother’s posting some exclusive clips that you can’t get here on YouTube to Tik Tok so it’ be pretty cool to give me a follow over there guys I think that’s going to be it for me have fun out there everyone [Music]


  1. Make sure you hit the like button for me on this one, it was a ton of fun! Let me know what fun golf ball hunting challenges you want to see next! Thank you for your support my friends and have a great weekend! 🙌

  2. Just subscribed! Hit up a local golf course and found a load of golf balls, it’s was a ton of fun!
    Do you ever ship out your finds to subscribers?

  3. Someone put that breakfast ball in the bushes. That’s not where a breakfast ball is supposed to go. 😂

  4. So hooked on this. My buddy makes fun of me while I’m playing. Im more worried about finding golf balls vs playing lol.

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