Golf Players

Primitive Japan 2024 Tour Part 3

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▷ About Paul:
Paul Rodriguez, also known as “P-Rod” was recognized as a prodigy at the young age of 14, only two years after he started skating. His consistency, effortless style and persistence on his board led Paul to travel far from his home town of Northridge, CA to the City Streets around the world as a part of the legendary City Stars team. His passion for skating and filming with his friends led to his breakout part in Logic 6 in 2000, Street Cinema in 2001 and landed him Rookie of the Year in 2002 for his part in Tranworld’s video production “In Bloom.” He turned pro later that year.

Paul bought his first skateboard at the age of 12. When he’s not skateboarding, Paul enjoys studying the lives of influential individuals, including his favorites such as Alexander the Great and Bruce Lee.

Paul currently lives in Los Angeles.

it’s only like an hour max so might as well get it in nice to meet sir meet you brother how’s it all right yes of course SP mik what’s up brother thank you H the demo the other day was really rad pretty much a brand new skate park [Applause] [Music] woo very successful demo that the boys put on a show oh my and for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go [Music] man sh he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you could just see like they they’re like feeding off each other one guy does one thing and the other one comes back and does something he’s like oh no I’m not getting left out of this and then adding to it like they were just rifling and going off get [Music] [Music] stay yeah [Music] oh off [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah hey yeah hey yeah yeah yeah [Music] on your say that I got a r bring your down really [ __ ] I’m somebody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pain [Applause] my oh [Music] let see those yeah [Music] thank you thank you how you feeling buddy feeling pretty good man I love it here people are it’s nice respectful everything worked out organized all smooth oh [Applause] you guys fans of Kio you likei peace out peace out dude you’re you’re famous out here no no I’m not that was [Music] tight they say like rad rud what was it Tommy Boy you remember Chris what you saying though he said rowad like [Music] thank [Music] you how long you had those for oh man more than 15 years I and luckily I was able to get it so I I just C this year wow wow see two different generation jrods yeah back to [Music] [Applause] back I mean that’s it’s it’s crazy to think about that like we went to 7-Eleven and Eric was like yo Mike go outside and go look and he had his camera against the door on a tripod in the parking lot we’re all inside 7-Eleven getting snacks and it was there it was it’s just weird it’s something that like you’re not used to you go check it out where did I leave my uh my my tripod he’s he’s letting us know that it’s safe out here to just leave your tripod in the middle of the street all right what you thinking oh I’m not hungry I’m just like admiring like how even their 7-Eleven food looks like appetizing and like delicious and nice and packaged and wrapped like you get a good salad ey you you won’t feel like you’re just treating your body like a dumpster yeah no dumpster your food your best friend yeah there you go buddy want want to try it now nah I’m good just ice packaged up oh man this is my favorite just straight cup of ice yeah like who thinks of doing that just packaging up good cup of ice simple things in life no totally in know summer time so good yeah so good oh yeah thank you I love I love them my hair bro this thing I got them dude this thing is tight what we’re doing we is 7-Eleven man we’re just like getting some snacks you know what I’m saying got the mes special you got the shrimp with mayo no I got a salmon and salt shrimp and Mayo boss that sounds crazy shrimp and mayonnaise but wait how’d you get the salmon one salmon and salt just got to look man yeah you probably got the last one no there was like four I went back and double back bro oh my God I just ripped a freaking seaweed bro a little pool tow ah you know what I’m saying that’s the business okay okay okay it out so much like Direction when it comes to like a snack I’m just trying to go in oh my God what it’s all good just we’re figuring it out just not bad I think I did worse my first time opening one taste test out here honestly like a scale from 1 to 10 10 so yesterday was the day after the demo and we went out to Kyoto and we visited this skate shop called leaps it was a cool little town I would say it was more like a suburb type Vibe and a small little shop but like really nicely done really well organized really beautiful displays great product selection and a lot of people came out for that one which was really cool to see let’s go keoto that’s sick nice to meet you pleasure pleasure nice to me you nice to meet you nice to meet you I’m glad to meet you thank you for today my pleasure our pleasure I’m so glad I kind of say what can I say like oh let’s hang out [Music] hello what’s up what’s Up’s what’s up what’s up yo what up what up thank you overall experience p man that was beautiful experience the kids were hyped that was am the shop was beautiful the windows open say I love you back where I love you yeah [Music] That’s So Dope then we made our way back towards Osaka but we stopped probably like halfway back and we went to uh the skate shop called trial which is actually um IU’s home skate shop that he skates for and he grew up just going there his whole life and they had a nice little like mini ramp kind of bowl out there outside and that one was like supposed to be just like a stop by hang out Vibe but it was it was basically a signing as well and um they had food for us there they had like a little coffee shop snack stand in the skate shop which is pretty rad I never seen that before where’s the jelly at you have one of these buddies not yet buddy but how is it bom w I know car well Osaka’s been a great time um but now it’s time to go to Tokyo so let’s go see what we have in store over there where we at P shabuya Tokyo baby what are we about to do go eat D this is insane this is a crazy crosswalk even like in the Rain the experience is still dope what buddy said even in the Rain the experience is still dope it’s not raining that hard buddy it’s it’s not but it’s just like well you appreciate it differently well right here rain’s got to happen at some points in life buddy yeah they do this makes you appreciate the sunshine so the first night we got into Tokyo um we went out to a dinner it was this uh really cool place I don’t even know what what to call it but it was another situation where like they they put our party into like this little room and you it’s like the the floor was was sunken in so you sit down you’re like on ground level but you’re still like sitting up like it was a chair and it was really packed there was a lot of us and we were really packed in there Mike was definitely uncomfortable I was watching him the whole time he was sweating he was uncomfortable his legs were squished cuz he was sitting right next to me and we all had to like scooch in but the food just kept coming just more food more food it was amazing something about the city just got me just Juiced you know when we were walking through that Corridor to bring I didn’t realize a space at first I’m like all right I’m filming Paul we’re going through this little you know like little door get in take your shoes off walk in we go and then Paul says what’s up to the morisaki sports guys and it’s like yeah they’re all excited we’re walking in as I’m walking in I’m like looking at the area where we’re sitting and it’s just like getting smaller and smaller and more people and I’m counting in my head and as soon as I sit down I’m just like bunched [Applause] up oh scoot over Fordy [Music] up what’s let’s go pretty good huh what is that right there Rish [Music] Mike was uh in rare form he was he was he was hyped excited um having the whole table busting up laughing we were having a great time wow hey he’s grilling it up but no we’re just having a good time man like they gave us these towels I was sweating it was just fun I don’t know something about the Ambiance of the I at first I was stressing then my stress de desensitized into less Waring and my less Waring got me into going you know like I just started going and I don’t know something about I I just said like come on the air let’s get yeah hey [Applause] yeah yesterday we visited two really cool stores one was like a Coe skate shop called stormmy they had a great uh board selection shoe selection just a classic skate shop but they still added a little extra twist with some like just cool different kind of street wear like their style and fashion out here and like the clothing articles of clothing that they have is just like really awesome they got a good sense of style and they’re really like ahead of Trends out here um when we went into stormmy I saw this jacket and I instantly had to have it it was it was a belly jacket from the movie Belly with Nas and DMX and it just looks so cool that I immediately was like I need that jacket so okay okay pop the tags off let it rip oh yeah had a whole new vibe [Music] to thanks thank you thank you very much your first skateboard Day first day started Dam sick hi today is my first I heard that your first day skateboarding welcome thank you welcome to the culture to the lifestyle [Music] and then we went actually pretty much across the street to this other store called mortar which is like a skate shop but it was like three levels or maybe more maybe it was four levels I didn’t even go all the way to the top but uh we did with the actual signing there and there was a really good turnout all the Fanfare we’ve been getting out of here has been really amazing we’ve been getting a lot of love um but yesterday at mortar was our longest signing there was a line going up the stairs and like around the corner of the store so it was like really cool that we had um such a great turnout thank you very much [Music] no thank you signing a camera it’s ass but it’s legendary smtv it’s legendary thank you so much first time I sign camera what we were literally just talking about this last night oh my God who brought that this guy oh my God where did you get that we were talking about it yesterday this is the first shop te we ever did back in 2008 wow 2008 my first shoe so remember in the last shop when the kid showed us his primitive yeah yeah yeah that’s what I okay it’s that colorway that they did it off of right here like this why is there a truck in it uh that was not uh the original design yeah it seems like kind of randow I see your shoes nice yes thank you yeah it’s [ __ ] dudy man So Dope So Dope we’re in Shibuya Tokyo So Dope overall this has just been a really positive awesome experience I’m so glad I came and um I’m sad the Trip’s ending now GMA GMA


  1. Japan has law & order, respect & honor. America in general, especially in the democrat cities, total opposite.

  2. Imagine having P Rod welcome you to the skateboarding lifestyle and culture on your first ever day skating. I feel cheated 😂

  3. FYI -the cups up of ice at the convenient stores are for iced coffee (the machines are usually right next to the cashiers). Lately, there are also cups with fruit, etc. in the freezer to make smoothies with as well.

  4. "Rains gotta happen sometimes in life, just makes you appreciate the sunshine." Warching this on the ferry to go see my dad in the hospital with stage 4 cancer I feel that so much right now. Loving the Japan series. This made me so hungry too seeing all the snacks. Much love keep shining.

  5. Prod should run for governor , or something political , who wouldnt vote for this guy . . . This man is loved by so many generations . .

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