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Tyrone McKenna: I need boxing as much as boxing needs me. Without structure, I’m a maniac!

Tyrone McKenna: I need boxing as much as boxing needs me. Without structure, I’m a maniac!

Interview 707: Tyrone McKenna

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this is boxing tickets and I we are delighted to join with it I’m not going to call you the mighty cult anymore it’s the promo king T listen is there anyone in boxon do promos better me I don’t think so the what do you know what Joseph Parker mate he he’s the colge king and the promo King he does a s bit it’s unbelievable and he’s done during lock he done like a step brothers thing and he’s done quite a few [ __ ] funny skits I don’t know if he makes them up like I make him up but he acts them and he’s pretty good he probably is someone that gives him the ideas ideas or yours I know so I’m H grown we’ve obviously we just been at the George best airport for um obviously you’re probably you’re going be 10 10 times more than me but like what a what insane just know I’ve known him from I grew up in the same street as him I’ve known him since was 6 years old m b since six we joined the boxing club together we spent hours upon hours days every day of the week hours upon hours in his front garden SP each other we had we don’t where he got it from 8 CLE R gloves pro boxing gloves and I had a pair of gloves and we just sit and that’s is why I probably have a good CH cuz Kachi unb belongs to People hits like [ __ ] and I took some heads in our garden every day when I was at 8 nine 10 we we for years that’s all we done um went to join the boxing club together we went over to Philly together was slapping the floors in Philly but didn’t know we were going to make it ever like I I personally have just I was just over for the for the for the fun not really taking boxing two ser and nothing think I was going to go as big as far as I did and Kachi was the same and to see Kachi go from from what he’s been through and all the backs and all the the the injuries and is he going to retire or is is is he is he passed cuz he’s 35 years old and the same go over to sorry and prove everyone wrong and and during such a big stage and and the way Don was insane he absolutely dismantled Joe like I was expecting it to be a hard hard fate and he absolutely went in there and bothered I I swear to God have you seen me on Saturday I was bouncing about this house going [ __ ] M and I don’t know I’ve never been this Happ in my life I don’t think I don’t think I’ve ever been as Happ in my life I’ve won a lot of fights myself and I wasn’t as happy as I am though like I [ __ ] couldn’t happen to next person he sits he doesn’t do much he keeps himself himself he sits in the house he’s a family man um he doesn’t like his attention like his worst nightmare is to do interviews and and go around media and and uh everyone make a big deal of him he hates it so to see uh go the feed here by biscuits where whereever so he’s keeps quiet but uh the same as life changed like completely changed now he’s like for for his family side of was his family’s future for for life and I was talking about 6 seven months ago he I was talking about retirement and from going from that the this it’s [ __ ] it couldn’t happen to this person you spent quite a majority of your life with him like obviously I know with you him and Tommy um all in the same gym you’ve seen him you you’ve seen him probably and you and I know we’re probably C on the fact that obvious R everything else but you’ve seen him obviously raise a week’s training on all Ireland and everything else sausage Rose Red Bulls I talking to him and saying insane like like it was every sport it wasn’t just boxing like football G like hurand swiming everything he is unbelievable he’s just a natural talented absolutely everything and there’ be it would come Saturday morning they’ have the the football manager at his door you’d have the Gil manager door you’d have the H manager all want to play at day he didn’t go to training but they want them to play cuz he was that good and py used to have to go over to his house drag him out to go to training he he was just so [ __ ] talented um but I hated training but he used to come back a week before before hard Champs also seniors and and stuff like that and then win them with E and just looking and going like see ever since he laced the glove he was he was unbelievable like it was it was never you see kids you go out in a couple of years they’ll be good or they have to work on this not Cy instantly took the box like some people have to work hard at box C born to box he he wasn’t born to do anything else he is he’s fight he’s got every like usually you look at boxing go he’s got a weak chin or he’s he’s not fast or he doesn’t H hard something like that he catches absolutely every everything he’s boxing IQ his footwork his distance control his power his speed is’s a good Chan he’s absolutely every is it good for you in a way now where you and Tommy talking about for years of obviously how good he is know that people can now go would believe you remember you said that rather than people going I was wor I was worried cuz I know how good he is like he he’s scary level good like unbelievable and uh I always I always worried that he wasn’t going to he was just going to feed away in the background like he wasn’t getting his chances really ever talking about him being world champion around the RO just c yeah he’s but doesn’t train I was just like no one realizes how good he is and I’m just thankful that Finly it all jail and the one night he was box unbelievable the biggest show he could and he became world champion so people are starting to recognize that he is [ __ ] unbelievable like he could easily be one probably the best boxer ever come out Ireland out say it’s it’s crazy when you look back in the fight like I say I’ve seen the punch stats 40% punch accuracy left hooks right hooks body work uppercuts [ __ ] obviously you know yourself you want to show up the very best version of yourself on the night I’m more an occasion to do on but the thing is that wasn’t even the best version of Ki cuz he had a broken rout and there was there was runs we were going running together three weeks AG four weeks he had to stop about a m in cuz his knees were [ __ ] G given like or his ankle or whatever it was and uh it just that wasn’t even the 100% catch like that’s was frighten him like he box I was kind of worried about his rib cuz his RI roads really D and he went out and done an absolute demolation job with a with 80% he was 80% and I know for a fact that Kashi is even better than that which is matter cuz he’s [ __ ] Le was the best I’ve ever seen cuz normally night he’s uh he’s got like a broken hand or or or it’s the wrong type of Fate where the guy makes you look bad or something like that so no one’s ever actually seen the cat look as we’ve seen him grow up in in in Spar I’ve Spar him and he’s bothered me like I’ve seen how good he is and uh in the gym and then when it comes to F night sometimes he just laging something um and then there family where everyone got to see how fast he is how accurate he is how [ __ ] powerful he is everything it’s cre history as well was the first first obviously we know won the IBO before previously but obviously the four mags is the first Irish male super fellow at world champion thanks another one in five weeks time as well 100% then there’s a [ __ ] unification fate but uh I’m just bu he just inspired some people as well in B like people are kids are looking at him in the boxing gym going [ __ ] me I can be Katy um it’s inspired me like I’m looking at going when I first joined he became AR shamp first next year I was Irish Champion I was like [ __ ] that’s the in the Pro game he be world champion next year I can be world champion he spur on to to believe in yourself and and uh K so working class and he’s just a humble humble person that he’s just an ordinary person like an ordinary man would see and he’s just achieved something massive obviously on yourself you know there the reason we sort of we have to obviously bring in the part you know because he’s inspired and everything else but you’re back you know you’ve already done your promo and like take over internet you know um you’re back the third of August I guess before we obviously touched on the third of August obviously go back to the Belfast obviously it’s in the back of the main sort of night but like when you sort of look back on that like everybody knows obviously what m is you know BS are still like what a fight you know I I watched that fight for the first time about a month ago think it was and uh was actually when it was in the ring it felt like it was taking a lot more damage and it wasn’t given it as much as I thought it was but when I watched it it actually was a decent fate it was a good fate to watch um and I was giv back or going back and forth and stuff so but there just a weight difference was insane um I don’t think like when I did retire I don’t think it was a case of teron past it I was just at the wrong with like I need I need to realize I need to go back down the marigan with I’m not a [ __ ] M with I’m far from it I’m I’m a a super late with and uh I think I still have planty me I’m still I’d say I’m still as fresh as it was 5 years ago I’m still the same I just was at the wrong way class and couldn’t do what I wanted because Le was [ __ ] massive to me he was a stone over a stone H to me on that night so um yeah I just I don’t look at that f as as a big loss to me like Ah that’s a that’s terrible finish rning I don’t look at that fight at all I got because that was a completely different weight class I moved up that way hadn’t fought in the year and a half and needed the money that’s why I took the fet and uh I probably shouldn’t have but I needed it so uh I don’t look at it as a as a blemish on my my record because because it is it’s a completely different we is it one of them obviously when you look back in a few years obviously we know the potential lose has there as well you can look back in a few years and people will go Fair fck they they turn obviously what you know and everything out that like we know obviously you fought Jack Carle and on the fight that that was but that’s one of them you’ll look back in a few years and go i b l craer is it sort of that sort of feeling to uh I don’t know I just I know everyone everyone credits me as being this hard bastard that [ __ ] loves Wars and F and and I love that about me I love that the people call me the hardest C in irand stuff like that it bring me great joy so I I don’t know if to look back and and well it was a m f you know what the buildup was proba it was probably my favorite fight in the buildup the the city was talking about it um there was a serious Buzz about L CER fit and um I wouldn’t change like I would if I went back I wouldn’t say no I’m not fighting I still would as I say I always fight for the fans and always give them the best fights of the the put me I pick the hardest one I pick the best one and lo put I’m going to always say is the the an fit um probably my downfall let say to all FS but I do it for the fans and uh they respect me for it they love me for it and that’s where they come out and what you saying there just picking this bag up with obviously the man sort of I think he was bringing some money so Bish’s anime arch anemy called to the door he hates the bo man but uh what was it saying there um I guess sort of me sort of look back you know when you sort of look back in the loose you you said that you’re always going to take the fight yeah I was always I’m always going to take a fight I mean it’s it’s not a fight that I regret um I don’t fight I don’t regret any fights um and I love the buildup was probably my favorite buildup and as I said the was [ __ ] buzzing for it and actually blew me up as well more than than obviously I was I was already a popular F but after that in R City it was even more uh popular people love me for it even even the L I did take loss seem as Jack Carol took loss but I actually gained from it people love me from from the Jackle that’s when I really my career really started and also L one that everyone respects me because it take the hardest fights so I never want to change that way I would say again in the initial aftermath I was the next morning nobody knew other than you that you had announced your retirement I don’t for even you was half sleeping when when you sort of look back on that and now you done it with regret that like tox’s been your whole life yeah you know so when you made that you sort of pretty much instantly regret it sort of do it yeah you know what I’m very [ __ ] not spontaneous compulsive or impulsive very impulsive so when I had my man R return I instantly to do I should have waited for a week and settled and thought about it but and I didn’t realize all my my boxing C always I can’t wait the boxing over just a retiring chill I don’t realize how much I would hate retirement like I need boxing as much as boxing needs me I [ __ ] I thought I hated the routine train going to bed on time and eating healthy and all [ __ ] but I actually needed my life with that structure I’m [ __ ] am Maniac so and uh I realized that pretty quickly after about a month or two I he back I need start training again and to be healthy I need to get myand it cuz actually was going through a bad spell one I had was [ __ ] M to sit in this house morning you don’t realize everyone [ __ ] works everyone’s got kids everyone’s got life so it’s not like when you’re 18 you’re you’re out account like now you’re just you have nothing to do you’re bored and uh I’m still young I’m still 34 I catch when World H at 35 so uh I’m still young enough and I still feel like I can do something in boxing so I don’t know why I reti she just went back to original wheel the buzz know obviously under one obviously what way is that going to inspire you as obviously is it going to maybe get you the to say no to certain fights to sort of like where do you sort of I don’t say no to fights but where do you sort of set your your vision Now sort of like I’m telling you right now this is interview say let’s say next year I’ll be world champion I have a new Lea a new lease of life like I am buzzing for KI buzzing from I just want I’ve always looked up to my I’ve always wanted T does something I want to do something I’ve always he’s always inspired me and driven me and and show me how to do it and uh this is just just the same I’ve got the same Buzz that I had 20 years ago when he in the all Ireland I’m like [ __ ] I want to do that I need to do that like it’s my my focus now is more I’m more focused on boxing after watching him on already than I’ve ever been I am determined to better this guy on in August 3rd and uh and then hopefully be on on on card of Kachi World title fight and uh just [ __ ] do do the job like he he’s [ __ ] I love it third of August you’re back yeah s Arena y m Muhammad M rematch yeah why did I sort of know sort of I know you sort of done other interviews but why obviously specifically Muhammad m is it the fact that people were saying the Well from Our Fate I have to delete Instagram and all after I F in tech or Twitter and everything because of the abuse I wasting I was getting abuse nonstop all day for weeks months I was I was [ __ ] I had been in depression during Co and uh I always said I’m going back revisiting our fet I might have been lucky to win it I think it did win it I think Janu I got six rounds of the 10 he bothered me for bothered me for not sticks in everyone’s man tearing a B for 4 but still and then at the end of the day I never got put down so but I’ve always said I going to rematch him before my my career finished um it’s I feel like it’s a blemish in the record cuz a lot of people always I moonit you’re lucky you’re lucky so I want to put the right already is right cuz I W you I’ve never heard of anyone having to avenge a win most people go ah you know I’m going to sh away from this and I won and I will just leave it that not me I want to avenge my win that already done I want to prove that it was wasn’t a robbery that I’ll do it again I’ll do it even more spectacular style this time I’m going to absolutely beat the head normally people want to avenge a loss obviously you want to avenge a win do you obviously have the same token of that obviously you want to avenge the loss to hard that that’s what I I said to Jimmy I said Jimmy comeback fate I want two people I want M moon or or sorry said someone new a big a decent name or if you’re doing a rematch mimon or ohar Davis that’s a two1 everyone saying I Rob my moon and I feel everyone was saying I got robbed by by horse one empty and want an avenge and uh and then he got my moon my moon said yes and uh and I got sorted and I cannot wait that honestly I hate his goods and he hits me it be a fate before the fight in the depressor cuz us still in the same room is going to be hated thank you you come to BL York call as well yeah yeah yeah that helpen in York call let be even worse like I the how annoying he’s been for the last four years like I could tax Mage still meals this still this day four years later SL mov and like [ __ ] me it does my head so I I need to smash this head obviously one a spare thought obviously for Sean MC as well obviously went to America obviously the opponent you were initially planning to obviously fight I think last year barza yeah you know obiously and it just didn’t work out but like what more could Sean done is completely robbed you know was robbed blind absolutely bed him like I again thought it was going to be a tough fight and he went out and the absolutely school like he barely got hit and I know I know when you’re going over to America you always say the look don’t like back foot boxing they like people coming forward and stuff but Sean stayer wasn’t back foot boxing he was standard witing and then absolutely puming and then moving he wasn’t running away he wasn’t running SC running from corner to corner them he was boxing the head he was doing what the in the sport of boxing just was box and he absolutely bothered him he was hitting him with everything there is zero he could done more zero unless he knocked him that’s the only he could done more but he bux Perfection that’s should I should I had to e too and I was like right that that’s that’s thing he’s he he’s the American he’s a champion he’s the Golden Boy fter let’s be more leaning towards him when you’re when you’re scoring so I had it the worst it could have been was 64 to to shome 73 maybe but it was 82 mys and uh I don’t know how some some judge got a seven arer he didn’t even Land seven puns it’s crazy like the ab the W Haven come out like if I was like a Tyson Fury usach fight like I just I just show you when when you don’t have a b behind you you don’t have a promoter behind you who’s going to battle for you you can’t really you can’t you can’t you can’t change results um I’ve seen one result I think changed in my life was lenko in amers I mean you have to be a serious pag that I can thing changed but uh I think the whole boxing more knows I know it’s not great for sh come that a whole box more knows you Rob but at least they know you won the fight I know it doesn’t change that his next f is going to be it should be [ __ ] T Lopez or something like that but uh but hopefully he gets a rematch he deserves a rematch he deserves a massive massive opportunity from that we know you love obviously Wars and you love the beef and everything else obviously Taylor Carl too this weekend kind of wait I’ve watched the build up I’ve seen obvious their face to face and stuff like that as well like the last couple of years since that first fight and and everything went home with that like what a fight it’s going to be on Saturday night kind of wa I don’t I don’t even know like the first one I thought Josh was W EAS like I [ __ ] love Jos and I was like he’s going to B Jack car and then Jack Carell went out and box away there and it was unbelievable and ni I’m just sitting there I can’t even called like it’s they hate each other is is the ha they going to get in the way of their game plan and just going to go and try and kill each other and then throw the game plan in the wind or or what I mean I would say Jack’s probably AER hitter so of the good of war was a favor Jack I don’t even know I don’t know I actually don’t know a way his fight’s going to go you want a war I want a war I want to St the S the ring and actually trade like [ __ ] for 12 rounds but uh we’ll see what happens but Josh looks much much more up for this time than he did last time um I think the last time I think he was a bit half harder than he thought I’ll B Jack and this time he knows he has to put it in so I’m expecting a different jws definely some fight well obviously we’ll thank you for your time we know the celebrations are going to be on turn here for next couple weeks there bank called OB listen Kachi how but I you know what I love Kachi he hat this [ __ ] [ __ ] he was trying to get the [ __ ] bus called up and like yeah 6 you excited for 6:00 he so or theate he said why was theate and I said open top bus he said [ __ ] up there’s no open I don’t want that [ __ ] and he started calling get that bus count I want noce he texed me yesterday he was like uh don’t be coming to the airport I seen you Steve Morty put up a b the airport don’t be coming and I like Cy you have to L us up see any other box in the world they L us [ __ ] I love [ __ ] up open top us I be organizing it myself but I the rules revers like sort of like you be going you know I want I want the best play to come back man that’s why I love him that’s why he’s a [ __ ] here cuz he hates the lame he doesn’t want this Lam lady he doesn’t want to be known as this [ __ ] hero obviously it makes him proud that he won the world title and everyone looks up there but he doesn’t want hle he hates hle he just wants to sit in his house and chill and I asked when he do he going to the PD for celebrate cuz that’s around the corner and uh I’m just going to set my house get a big pizza and that’s [ __ ] C catch you all over it’s [ __ ] BR I love them I love them well look obviously thanks very much for your time as always we obviously look forward to the build up in the fight no doubt obviously um say you’re to be a master class yeah um but look we always look forward master class of wars it’s going to be a war it’s going to be a blood blood blood buff I I am the first fight I had a box for five rounds and N got the war this one from the first Bell and going to and solely have an award and that’s it thanks very much for your time folks don’t miss that one M TI August 3rd SS in

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