Is This The Most Simple Explanation Of A Golf Swing You Have Ever Heard?

The Most Simple Explanation Of A Golf Swing You Have Ever Heard?

More Speed and Distance: Snap Release

Music:Buzo Timeless _ Artlist


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hello today’s a bit of a kind of state of play I’ve been talking about a number of different principles theories ideas that I’ve had about a golf swing um in the last few weeks and months and I thought it’d be a good idea to actually kind of try and compress them down into a basic idea of of the golf swing again um my intention with all of these videos is to try and make a golf swing easier to understand simpler for you in the long run and sometimes s i don’t achieve that at all because I’m introducing new theories new ideas which might contradict the things that you’ve been doing in the past so in order to maybe put it all together in some kind of a a bit of a kind of a jigsaw puzzle that you can understand I thought I would uh uh yeah make this video so really when it all comes down to it it’s all about controlling impact and it’s all about controlling the path and the face through impact in order to understand that you can’t be moving the Club consciously down a bould Target line um it’s just not happening because you are swinging a golf club around yourself uh you are not standing directly over the golf ball and therefore this club has got to be moving in a circular movement around a central axis in a tilted plane that’s simply what’s happening what is however happening in a good golf swing is that between your feet you should be moving the club on a more or less uh path through the ball towards the Target and the club face should be square in order to understand that part of the golf swing better basically the base of your swing um you’ve got to understand that the movement of your uh of your golf club is produced by the pressure that you’re applying to the grip of the golf club and rather than you moving the grip uh laterally towards the target what we what I believe you should be doing is is more moving the grip by applying pressure down the shaft and this should be happening from a point round about what we call P6 where if we were to have an extension of your hands to be pointing at something like 7:00 if this is kind of a a a a big clock I was standing in but your Club will probably still be round about parallel to the ground at this point uh with a club face pointing very slightly down towards the ground at this point what I believe you should be doing is pulling the grip apart at this point you should have the feeling that you are trying to stretch with your right your Trail side down the shaft and pull with your lead side up the shaft by doing this with your hands although the grip can’t be pulled apart obviously what you’re saying to your body is lead shoulder pull back and turn Trail shoulder push forward and turn indirectly your shoulders will then be talking to your hips and saying in order to do this in the amplitude that this guy wants hips I need you to turn as well and legs help us do that so applying these kind of forces is the reason that you’re going to get this active and accelerated rotation in the body in order to help the club to swing around you and for that short period of time swing on a path through the golf bone of the club face Square applying this pressure to the grip is stabiliz stabilizing as well the club phase you’re going to start with your uh grip with the lead hand pointing slightly up to the sky and what we call extension and by doing this you are going to make sure that it’s not doing that anymore straightening your arms and hands out and pulling the club out will basically straighten the lead wrist and put it back to to a more neutral position if not into a little bit of flexion and that combined with the rotational forces and the inertia in the golf club I think will almost always help you to get back into flexion in fact if you were to just make a swing back to around about this 7:00 position and then straighten your hands you will actually see the club will actually go down towards the ground and slightly back behind you so it will not only cause the go the the wrist angle to change it will change the actual path that the club is going to come on flattening it out and moving it slightly back from the path that the golf club will have taken away from the ball this flexion extension rather in the wrist is basically going to always cause the feeling of the club head kind of going away almost outside of the boulder Target line although that’s not really the truth but that’s the feeling and it’s later in the swing that it actually flattens and comes down on a flatter path behind you more about that in a second so I think quite honestly one of the most important exercises you could be doing is simply hitting golf balls from around about this feeling of 7:00 position and holding this extension through impact holding it as long as you possibly can because the longer that you hold it the more that you are telling your body you have to turn the shoulders and the longer you tell your body you have to turn the shoulders the further it’s got to turn the hips and the further it turns the hips the more it’s got to work with the legs and again in Amateur Golf one of the main problems is you just don’t do that you don’t work with your legs you don’t work with your hips you’re not turning your shoulders enough and so there’s no way you’re going to get your hands in front of the golf ball if your shoulders still parallel if you can get your shoulders to open relative to their starting position get the lead shoulder back that’s going to carry the lead hand forward and it’s going to help you to get lean on the golf ball or on the shaft and get this so-called lag again more about that in a second but really these things are happening automatically as soon as you start applying these forces to the to to the club and they are causing the club to come through the golf ball on a pretty neutral path with a stable Club face that would then mean that everything above 7:00 I’m just taking more run up and I’m taking more run up by turning a bit more by lifting the arms up a bit more and by hinging my wrists now as soon as you start to hinge your wrists you’ve got to unhinge your wrists and hinging your wrists again will usually mean that if you just hinge them up the club is actually going to feel like it’s going out there and then slowly come behind you as your lower arms rotate and trying to get them on a a plane parallel to the original Shaft plane is something that we’re always looking for but it’s more of a problem how do I release the risk and here it’s very important to have the feeling of the club going behind you now I know I’ve talk talked about going into flexion bending rotating and doing all these strange things but in my uh in my experience working with students um it’s better not to think about what the wrists are doing and just really think about where you want to throw the golf club in the downswing and this is going to be behind you so if you can imagine a big mountain here like a triangle you’re going to go up the left side of the mountain I want you to throw it down the right side of of the mountain doing that will basically bring you back down to 7:00 now you’re all going to say well but we don’t want to release our wrists like that but when you do this this is not going to be the only thing that happens on the contrary when you do this you will actually start to rotate back to your starting pos position with your hips anyway simply because your leg will resist this force that you are applying here and that will be enough to turn your hips back also dropping your arms down will also apply inertia to the golf club which means that although you think you’ve just done that you actually haven’t done that at all on the contrary your arms would come down to 7 7:00 and your Club is still pretty much parallel you still have hinge here just the hinge is not so much deviation in a radial or nness sense it’s just basically bending back of the of the lead hand and this can be released by stretching the club out by pulling the grip of part and that’s basically our 7 or 7:00 swing so to speak so when I’m pitching a golf ball I’m basically taking it back to about chest High hinging the wrists and then I’m re releasing them there and going immediately into the stretch of course the full swing then is just take it back a bit further and a bit higher complete your shoulder turn lift the arms up until they collide with your chin and see where you are at the top so we’re going to go on more or less the same path as by the pitch hinging the wrist and up and there we have the end of my golf swing obviously if I were to uh straighten my leg a bit more I could get a bit more if I were to stand up I could get a bit further but here you’ve really got to think about your own physiology and your body should be telling you when that’s enough try not to bend your lead arm try to keep that pretty straight and at the top of the Swing you’re here now you’re going to do exactly the same thing as you just did with the pitch you’re going to throw the club out behind you this is going to send your lead wrist into a bit of flexion it’s also going to close the club face a bit and it’s going to more than in the pitch throw forces out in this direction that your lower body is going to have to resist and will resist quite naturally and by resisting it it will start a hip rotation quite actively back towards Target now if you’re a 20-year-old golf profession you’ve been doing nothing else your whole life than playing golf then you might even be able to accelerate this and get so much rotation in your hips but by the time you actually start turning your shoulders um you’ve already got 45 degrees of hip rotation to the Target but for the rest of us forget it you’re going to break your back you haven’t got that much Mobility so probably you’re going to be lucky if you’re back at a roundabout parallel where you started but it’s not an conscious move movement this is something which is happening as your body resists the the forces that you are applying to the golf club back away from you and behind you what’s very very important because your Club is going back away from the target is that you allow your arms immediately to swing down don’t keep them up there they should go straight away with your your Club so it does have the feeling as if you’re going fishing here the road ation however of your body and the dropping of your arms is again applying inertia to the club the resistance of the weight of the club is stopping it from being released in this way and therefore although your feeling is you’ve done that it looks more like that and again you’re getting down to this 7:00 position with the club are almost parallel to the ground your hands pointing out at 7:00 and then you’re going into the stretch and this is the most difficult thing to tell time in a golf swing when do I go into the stretch and it’s going to need practice to be perfectly honest but in the end you’re basically taking a full back swing releasing and then stretching at the bottom and that’s a golf swing why is golf then so simple if that’s all there is to it Jonathan well because as soon as you start applying forces with your hand at the bottom of your golf swing you’ve got to apply exactly the right Force if you imagine the short swing at 7:00 here through the golf ball I’m applying pretty much the same force with my right side as I am with the left side of my body the pressure down towards the ground is the same as the pressure I’m applying away from the ground as soon as I start to take it back up and release accelerate the golf club down towards the ground then obviously the club has already got enough acceleration down towards the ground the lead side has got to be working a lot harder in order to clearer path for the arms hands and Club through the ball so when we get to pitching we’re turning harder and what do you think is happening when you’re swinging a driver you are actually having to balance the forces that your Trail side is applying down towards the ground with the with the forces that you are using to stop yourself hitting into the ground with your lead side so to a certain extent it’s your lead side your ability to rotate and clear with this lead shoulder to pull the club up with your lead hand which will decide how much pressure you can apply to the club with your Trail hand because there’s always almost or already so much force being applied to the club in the downswing towards the ground you’ve got to somehow equalize that in your downswing in order to keep a nice round movement through the golf B and then there’s these things called biorhythms which means uh you’re different every day your biorhythm is sometimes saying you’re feeling good and you’re swinging quickly and your brain will have to then change the amount of forces you’re applying to the right and left side of your body on other days you’re stiff you don’t feel very good you hardly turning your shoulders at all and you can’t apply too much pressure with the trail side because otherwise you’re going to be chunking it in the ground every day but basically that’s my take on a golf swing the real golf swing is about moving a golf club around your body not moving a golf club down the target line or even a ball for that matter it’s about applying pressure to the golf club in such a way which makes your body want to turn which makes your shoulders your hips and your legs work and Hope strips you of this fear of not hitting the golf ball because doing that will actually keep you in a far better axis than trying to hold everything stiff here and swing your arms backwards and forwards everything above that level is about taking a run up and creating speed we are lifting the arms turning the shoulders hinging the wrist to get more speed in the downswing that’s the only reason we’re doing it we’ve got to be very very careful though because if we come down on the same path as we went up we’re hacking so we have to make sure that the wrists release the golf club on this flatter path behind us and then that we accelerate the club down that flatter path using the arms and at the end through the ball using the entire body in an active acceleration through the ball I hope you understood all that I hope it is a simpler way of looking at golf swing if you liked it even a little bit give me a like it helps the channel immensely if you haven’t subscribed to us yet and you found that interesting then please do subscribe but I’ll be coming back with more on the same theme very shortly until the next time goodbye


  1. Outstanding Johathan, I'll say if I listened to your teachings 3 to 4 years ago it would of gone straight over my head, I've become pretty educated in how the body works in a golf swing because of watching your videos, and of course other golf instructions, if this makes sense I've had a few replacement surgeries from injuries or just parts wearing out as we get older, that helped me understand how the body works in a golf swing also. The school of hard knocks I would call it lol, anyway, I think your understanding of how we can get the best results and how the human body reacts to certain movements we ask it to do is absolutely perfect to my brain, I understand every explanation you state, which is inspirational and motivational. So thank you you for sharing your knowledge.Big fan of yours!

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