I Bought The BEST VALUE Driver On AMAZON & It SHOCKED ME! When buying golf clubs we often look to buy the best budget golf clubs money can buy… and often that means buying second hand golf clubs. but then when it boils down to the best cheap golf clubs people want to buy brand new golf clubs. sometimes buying golf clubs online can be the best deal you can find, buying golf clubs from amazon, buying golf clubs from eBay even buying golf clubs off Facebook market place can be one of the best places but after seeing lots of mid handicap golfer and high handicap golfers wanting to see this driver reviewed, the bomb tech golf 4.0 driver could prove to be the best budget driver money can buy… lets find out…

just a few days ago I was doing my weekly Amazon golfs on search for the best budget golf clubs balls and Equipment you can find and I’m not going to lie I cannot believe what popped up when I searched budget driver because in a world where we have Tacomo we have CostCo we have Cali my comment section was going crazy for one certain brand and the fact that I’ve managed to get hold of one of these drivers together with a 3-wood for the price on screen now is quite ridiculous guys this is the bombtech golf 4.0 driver with the stiff shaft in there now this is going to be interesting because I have reviewed bombtech before and it was a rather interesting experience you see the guys actually reached out when my channel was in its infancy and bomtech was the first company to send me golf clubs to review and that made me feel amazing it thought right the Channel’s going in the right direction and you can see now that we review golf clubs full-time for a living and I love it so realistically I owee them a lot it was a strange thing because they didn’t want me to compare it with another driver because there was a lawsuit or something anyway anyway I’ve bought this one so I can compare it to what I want and today that’s exactly what we’re going to do and see if potentially this could be the best budget Golf Club I’ve ever seen guys what do you think so my first impressions of this driver are rather good you’ll see I’ve got it in the 90° setting it’s a 4 60 cc head it features dual weight technology and also some aerodynamics very similar to you could say the tailor made inertia generator I’m sure it’s a totally different thing but looking at the face as well we have that titanium face with green grooves in and the top is actually gray it might look kind of really dark but it’s a nice color gray with bombtech Central in the middle together with the green and white shaft as well so guys do you like the look of this driver would the shaft color put you off bombtech is primarily the color is green so generally that is their color and as you all know price is a huge factor for me when I do these videos and when I do these reviews I love finding the best budget golf product of the year of 2024 2023 2022 so we’re going to have to test this and we’re going to have to potentially test it not against something that’s 5600 I’m not sure that would be a fair fight £175 with free shipping from Amazon with a free 3w so it came as a bundle set17 so we’re going to test it against maybe the Costco driver that’s a similar price only for the driver or are we going to say the driver would be £100 and the 3w would be more like 75 because if this is a 100b driver and it performs anything like one of the 5600 options you’re going to get today then this could be an absolute steal that’s a feeling you just can’t beat ripping the wrapper off your brand new driver so we’re going to judge this on its looks we’re going to judge it of course on its price we’re going to judge it on its performance and we’re I’m going to judge it on its sound and feel because I’m a huge believer that when you are buying a golf product you want it to perform you want it to look good in the bag and you want it to feel quite pleasing you want it to sound nice you don’t want you playing panas to be stood there like that because if they do if I just Ming my white hat then it’s probably not going to go in the bag it might do you might not care looks wise I’m going to give this a solid s out of 10 I think they’ve kept it nice and simple you can see from the crown it’s a lovely color and soundwise I tell you what I didn’t expect that cuz that’s a little bit towy and we have that’s gone a long way as well just at the left side of the Fairway we have an oversized sweet spot here so it’s going to be fairly forgiving the shaft I didn’t expect to feel that good I suppose you can say expect to feel that stable because all it says it doesn’t give you a grammage it doesn’t give you a torsional stiffness it just gives you this is the bombtech golf 4.0 in stiff Flex so they keeping the car close to the chest on the exact specs of this shaft but then for that price is that an issue probably not I mean who’s going to be buying this driver really is it going to be the scratch handicap golfer is it going to be the golfer aspiring to get down to scratch or is it going to be the golfer potentially new to the game likes the idea of a new driver and can’t help but get a deal from Amazon cuz I don’t think they’d care too much right that’s not my best that’s uh I’m I’m not going to blame the driver for that one that one’s in the trees on the right but again it felt good it sounds okay and it’s starting to tick the boxes for the price because again if you were going to spend the money on this what would you want okay like I said we’re not blaming the driver for that one because I can hit 1,000 driver to the right the first shot was good that one felt that one felt like it gave a little that’s uh that’s two to the right but it didn’t go left so we’ll take positives and one of the things I’m really looking forward to with this test is getting it inside and testing it against another driver potentially a driver of a similar ilk or similar price to see just how it does stack up I always think the shaft is so important here and the one thing that maybe lets this down is the lack of adjustability the lack of being able to take the shaft out of there and if you do want to put an upcharge shaft in that’s something I think the guys could work on a little bit let’s go and find those hopefully and let’s go and hit some more golf shots and you see I started this video by saying it was my kind of weekly search for the best budget golf clubs online cuz I do spend a lot of time doing that and not because I feel like I’m going to put them in my bag cuz I’m in a very lucky position I do have access to a lot of golf clubs so I’m personally going to use the best I can for my game but I’m also aware that if we can find a little bit of a Hidden Gem of a golf club if we can find a golf club that could potentially save you guys a lot of money and and perform pretty well everyone’s a winner so I like finding these clubs I like finding the 11 drivers the Tacomo irons the C wedges the Costco products because for me that’s what’s keeping golf alive in the midst of PJ to live billion pound here billion pound there Grassroots golf is where it’s at and affordable products is what keeps it thriving in my opinion but we can see the first drive I’ve hit just up the left hand side still in the Fairway not the longest drive I’m ever going to hit on this hole by any stretch of the imagination but it felt good it sounded good it’s in the Fairway and I’d say it’s probably roundabout where I would hit a much more expensive driver to be brutally honest so make sure you stay tuned for the indoor testing portion of this video cuz that will reveal all realistically but I do like testing them out on the golf course first to get a feel for them I need to eradicate that right shot though I don’t know if I can do something different with the shaft the first one was my fault the second one felt a little bit like the face just got away from me a touch and we’re nearly on The Fairway with the third one just uh unfortunately the wrong the wrong Fairway we need to be over that way to the next te okay so this next hole is a long PA five there is out of bounds down the left and a whole lot of trouble on the right you need to be able to rely on your driver it doesn’t matter how much you’ve paid for it because I always say this in these kind of reviews as well there’s a huge difference between valuable and cheap you see cheap is something which you buy it it’s probably a little bit of a waste of money you might use it a couple of times and then you just kind of throw it away I’m not going to throw it because it’s a brand new driver and great value is something which you buy it you think oh my Lord how have I never found this product before I’ve saved myself a fortune I was going to buy the latest Callaway ping Tailor Made titless Driver but the bomb Tech is that good of value it works for me I’m not there yet I’m not there yet let’s hit some more shots then we’re going to jump inside we’re going to test it for numbers and that’s where I think we can probably tell the true value or cheapness of the bomb Tech driver and it’s a really funny one to comprehend because you look at the price of it £175 from Amazon I could have gone to their website online I just found it on Amazon to be honest and then remembered seeing all the comments saying James why haven’t you tested the bomb Tech driver and I thought for that price with a 3w we’re going to do a separate video on the 3-wood and see just how good it is cuz I believe it does deserve its own review it does look a tiny bit cheap from this angle where you can see the titanium face meet that I don’t know what Crown it is it’s certainly not carbon probably a titanium Crown realistically the argument stands about value doesn’t it because golf clubs I don’t need to keep boring you on we know golf clubs are expensive they are far too expensive and the fact that these companies do invest in the R&D to make more budget more affordable products even if sometimes they have a little bit of a Miss which they’re going to because the R&D isn’t going to be as extensive or as expensive for these Brands you have to commend them anyway let’s hit a really good one and then let’s make James realize how good this is there we go there we go cuz that was high toe and I reckon that’s dragged the spin rate down and this is a similar thing I see with quite a lot of budget drivers I see it with the Costco driver I certainly saw it with the 11 driver slightly as well if you can get them high toe you do see that spin rate drop a little bit and if the head waiting Ani is sufficient then you will see a ball speed not a great drop off or not a great drop off in ball speed I’ve mixed that up but we’ll stick it in interested to get on really out the middle now and see what the difference is for the Forgiveness there we go there two really good drives and I’m starting to get the feel for this shaft now and the first shots start hit that went right I’m not going to say the shaft let me down I think it’s a case of getting used to a shaft and my reviews generally I like to give you a first opinion and a few people may have hit this and gone you know what again I’m not going to throw it but I’m not going to have it because if a couple of shots the shaft feels a little bit na and I keep hitting it to the right you start to understand what the shaft does how to release the shaft just be a slightly different release required than what you’re used to whether or not a lot of golfers are good enough to understand that and try and put that into practice I don’t know but I certainly feel like a little bit of a smoother Rhythm for me certainly helps get this in the air and hit it more out the middle can we hit another one down this par five I’m really enjoying this now guys let’s jump inside let’s see just how this driver does perform for numbers for £ 175 with a free three-wood try saying free three-wood and not get the free and the three mixed up so I’ve been saying that quite a while and I can’t do it I tell you what that for the first shot inside with Club 265 carry running up to 285 total spinning at around 2,000 and a ball speed of 158 mph for me a ball speed of 160 is really really good really good that’s the one I’d worry about the one that just creeps up a little bit the spin rate is going to be higher ball speed is going to be pretty good but it’s going to be lacking in distance as you can see that’s a 250 shot 4,000 spin four speed very similar 157.5 feel and soundwise I really think it’s good I think for the the lack of technology in it you could say 254 265 total needs to be that low penetrating one they’ve done a really good job with the audios of this that’s the one that we hit on the first T the high riter we just need to keep the ball flat down that’s all we need to do for the money how far do you want it to go for the money is the question and so the more and more I hit this bombtech driver the more and more I realized you can get it out there if everything lines up if all the stars are line you manag to get it a little bit out the toe and drop that spin rate but more often than not the ball speed was there the spin rate was just too high and you can see with the averages there averaged a little bit lower ball speed than the Costco obviously is a lot cheaper than the Costco as well and the ball spin was just a little bit too high so realistically quite way back from a Costco driver which the Costco drivers is a little bit further back from some of the more premium clubs as well especially with it stock shaft but for the price with a free 3w as well if you’re trying to build a bag I think you have to try it if you can somewhere guys thanks for watching smash that subscribe button and I’ll see you all at the same time tomorrow goodbye


  1. I appreciate the brutal honesty you represent. I've been playing for most of my life and I can't believe how much companies are charging for clubs these days.

    Is there any chance you could get more of your high handicapper friends to try out what you're reviewing.

    A guy with your skill set could probably swing a fallen tree branch and still hit it further than most of us.

  2. wild colors are great in golf. I play the King Cobra in yellow and it looks like a race car, love it.

  3. How close are we getting to the cobra 3-D printed clubs? I have feeling you will love them. When you do a giveaway for them make sure my account is picked. Then I’ll tell you where to send them lol.

  4. I played the Nike sumo driver for a couple of seasons and I would get crap for it sounding like explosion when hit but I loved that dang driver. I hit that thing so well. I don’t understand the hate that driver receives. There’s nothing better for the ego then high toeing one and watching it release.

  5. Take it to Golf Clubs For Cash and get a new shaft for it and retest. A plain Hzrdus black would be cheap enough not to be a ridiculous swap.

  6. I have a 7wood from this brand. I love it I hit it great off the tee and straight. I get anywhere from 210-220 out of it higher if I crush it. I use it on short par 4s all the time.

  7. That is horrific…. Looks like a sports direct special. Looks like a £30 Slazenger. Compare it to the eleven driver with its premium shaft for £50 more with your discount code, conference vs premiership

  8. Mr. Robinson I'd live to see you test the McGregor MacTec X Adjustable driver. $149 US. Would love to get your option. Thx from Georgia, USA

  9. Stop try irons ramdomly. But go to Decathlon to test the last version of the Inesis 500. C’est bon ça ! There is no best proposition of power and forgiveness currently

  10. Only thing is for 175 you can get really Ping g400/Sim2 etc type drivers and have a really solid shaft. So is it really worth?

  11. Nice video.
    I have an old yonex cyberstar driver (paid £10 off gumtree/ my whole set cost £120), it goes 250-270 and I play off 8.
    I think the new clubs do make a difference, but you need a bit of ability.

  12. You’re gonna get about £5.75 when you come to trade it in for a driver with some substance. Think it looks wrong overall, just a no from me.

  13. 😆😆 Well James. I understand the point of this video, and your budget direction.
    So my experience with Bombtech. Great customer service. Wedges are decent and very comparable to the Kirkland wedges. Irons are good beginners clubs. The woods are too inconsistent. if you're a beginner looking to learn and get better at the game. These woods will frustrate you. You'll learn quickly that you wasted your money. That should be better spent on an older quality like a new M4, Sim 2 Max, Epic, or even Kirkland, or a good used second hand driver. Plus Lessons. I was against taking lessons. Because I was just out with the boys. But when I struggled so much I considered quitting. (Bombtech stuff in hand) I took some lessons.
    Best thing I did.
    I can't stress enough at how much budget can sometimes mean cheap and not worth your time or cash.

    If I had it to do all over again. New golfer. I'd probably go second hand or Tacoma, Stix, Robin, Adams, or Sub 70. And spend some time and money on a few lessons. In my opinion. These companies all represent good value and take care of their customers while providing an average to high quality product. Better than cheap stuff found on Amazon or others.

    Keep up the great work James. And please try Adams, and Sub 70. Even though it's not completely budget. These are Well worth the money. Also if you can find the Adams Tight lies from 3 years ago? (Mostly clearance now) That product was truly outstanding. I have 2 hybrids and a 5 wood in my bag. Best value DTC I found. With high quality and ease of use for the beginner.

  14. Thumbs down. Reminds me of a John Daly 460 I got for $45 at Fred Meyers early 2000's. It was junk. There are better used TM's out there. IMHO.

  15. I love that you do these reviews. I am a massive fan of finding diamonds in the rough. I always like having stuff in my bag that nobody has heard of. I don't think numbers stack up for this one overall. But keeps these kind of vids coming please! My favorite so far has been that Temu hybrid! I would buy that if I didn't absolutely smash the hybrids I have!

  16. I think for most golfers, a 260 yard drive would make most weekend golfers very happy! For me, I stopped carrying a driver, except for a few courses that I played that were close to 7200 yards. I found a 13° Yonex Super ADX 3 Wood that I loved…and I could consistently hit it between 260-270 yards, and I could hit it very straight. I did carry my 9° TI driver for Par 5's…and that was about the only time I used it to get the ball close enough to where I could go for the green in 2.

  17. Yeah good one James. Make Bezos even more wealthier by buying his crap. Would rather spend ten times the price at my local golf or pro shops. Cheers.

  18. Companies over charge way too much for there products. I haven't bought a big brand club in a long time.

  19. Hi James
    Always watching your content, value.👍
    I currently golf a Ping rapture 10.5 regular flex shafts also Ping that I hit very well around 200 to 220 meters what would you suggest as an upgrade ?

  20. been asking them to make left handed clubs for years, they wont do it so definitely not the best budget club for me.

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