Golf Players


After months and months of rain, the sun has finally shown itself and just about dried the garden up enough to finally get the dirt jumps running. After a quick couple of test runs, it was clear that the hard work we’d put in reshaping the dirt take offs had been worth it. The jumps ran a lot smoother and I was able to carry more speed than the last time we tested them, linking up the whole course and completing the first top to bottom run of the garden jumps. A few more runs later, it was then time to add in some tricks, I crashed the first time, but was able to put a solid trick run together on my dirt jump bike. It was then time for a very rare sighting of my camera man @cagreenwoodmtb riding his bike, unloading all of his trick bag on the final trick ramp. The video ends with a slow-motion montage of a few of my favourite tricks! Don’t forget, to win a pair of the latest Pinkeye sunglasses, leave a comment with how tall (in cm) do you think my trick ramp is? And follow Me, Matt Jones and Pinkeye on Instagram as we will also be doing a giveaway on there as well.

NEW PINKEYE DROP available NOW for viewers of this channel only, full launch is tomorrow for everyone else!

there it is it works oh no hello everyone Welcome to The Back Garden dirt jumps and today’s video I’m here raking up the last Landing because today we are not going to finish this video Until actually we’re not even just going to do a full top to bottom lap we’re not going to finish this video Until I’ve done a trick on every single jump in a full run so I’m just fluffing up this last Landing making it perfect there’s actually no digging in today’s video cuz we’ve had enough filming digging we’ve done loads the last couple days and this morning just on the jumps trying to get them perfect and now we’re going to try them out properly for the first time and I really hope all the hard work is worth it cuz I think finally most of them have gone hard enough we had to dig out that whole third takeoff cuz it just hadn’t dried out after a week of sun and it’s still not the best but we’re going to ride it I think it’s possible and uh yeah hopefully it’s going to be sick we on we’re on we’re rolling few boards few carpets here and there which hopefully soon we can take off but uh yeah it’s uh a necessary evil for the jumps to work right I think I’m going to try I literally think I’ll do first three and then see how this bm’s running and then yeah then we’re on let’s go this is it months of work I think finally we just needed a bit of patience I think it’s going to work now we definitely need to make a nice little platform up here don’t we we’ll do that once the jumps are finished and we know they work right let’s get straight into it ready SE come on who oh yes oh overshoot that is absolutely on it’s on oh yes so much smoother like this jump was sick I like pushed forward cuz basically we’ve rebuilt the first lip and the second lip to try and tweak the shape a bit so I didn’t know how hard it was didn’t know if I could trust pulling back on it but I overshot that and also kind of overshot that so I think we can get some height on it now and more speed and then blast the third and then that’s definitely going to work this is going to be it I reckon oh yeah yeah oh yeah there it is oh there the trees in the way there it is woo it works finally that middle jump so sick yeah it looks so good yeah that was a bit too close but went straight over head yeah good Air Time still got a bit wild in them all definitely need to learn them oh it literally finally works I think I can do tricks in the all as well M let’s do a few more Cruisers get them ridden in [Music] yeah so hard [Music] oh [Music] a that was delicious my favorite trick threee table Runing smooth yeah yeah getting there the higher you go off the first the more speed you have for the second and the more speed you have for the third that third takeoff is still less than ideal but it does work just about it’s such a good taste of what it’s going to be like when uh when it’s all totally Concrete Hard in a few more weeks but this is still Wicked fun should I try and trick every jump yeah yeah got isn’t I oh no no oh man I got excited oh tack hand there three nice to whip oh big trick run has he got enough pump coming into the last a huge flip I go FR he’s going to hate me oh he’s CR it’s all good the Run doesn’t count I was not expecting the flip with but he went so big big out of frame I he’s if it all goes well I just pop a flip with at the end know how that goes through your mind lands on my nuts and end up in the bushes that was cool to three though yeah that was very surprised me as well and then it’s just hard to K the speed the next take us so soft but close I’ll try and get that run I think [Laughter] huge T her hand there oh massive throwing oh no it can into the final one oh he’s got through the three whip he’s rolled away that’s all I’ve wanted in the garden like a bit of excitement to get you excited for a big trick at the end then it means more doesn’t it if it’s at the end of a run sick that’s so good that jump you can three it like so high bit of tweaking to do I think but it’s real close now to being real good I think even when that third take off’s hot it’s going to be Mega we’re off to winterberg next week but when we’re back hopefully that’ll give it enough time to dry out then we’ll be wapping some big runs through here I’m going to chill for a bit I’m knacking and it’s hot actually you want to give it a go few jumps in the last yeah I’ve do a few jumps in the last go thenc let’s empty the old trick bag let’s see all three of them look at that table number one very nice really wide nice completely blown out sh there nice that was good filming was again quite terrible for me that’s all right that’s why you ride bikes and I hold the camera exactly yeah I think I’ve got two more trips looks like see left is wber down there must have been working on something earlier oh that’s a buan bombers so that’s two out of three tricks or it was a whip the third trick yeah whip the third trick is that the trick bag emptied then I got one more okay she got four tricks and we’re going to see them all Cen that was a huge one hey four tricks but they’re all done well the trick bag emptied I’m sure you can do an ex up let’s see an next up last time I did that I literally pulled my shoulder out I tried not as an aggressive one clicked is he shoulder still in I nearly got locked out is the shoulder still in as well it is it yes yo Wicked five tricks then actually oh look at that go and then comments below what’s ca’s trick number six 36 not fling three tell you that much noten one day you got to all right what’s your dream trick then see that you’re going to land this this year Tu no handed to been on and off good shout go on show us what you can do and then we’ll get some improvements in the comments no another table then we’ll slow [Music] [Applause] [Music] out is that the fish ey lenss on there C should we get a bit of a slow-mo bang accessory [Music] y raising Theos we growing like fresh tomatoes Boys on fire to we pass it around Hot Potato everything is new I’m with my sweetie like quo my cheese need that queso my bread need that bank wake up yes Lord I’m thankful another day on my schedule steady blocking the devil I tell a hater God bless you cherish moments that special you got to keep the momentum if you me then I you and I could forget Memories the old days but CH you change what’s around you how you think how you live how you speak how you walk how you blank how you talk how you teach how you reach let it s what’s your purpose what’s your passion is it on a I’m just what’s your purpose what’s your passion did it what’s your is it on a how I’m just playing uh I be by feel like ob one Kenobi cuz I’m a star they can’t hold me like I’m Kobe in the four is ever for we headed straight to the source no middle man little man let me show you if you was lost took couple college courses but I ain’t finished that Sho been chasing dreams since 17 so yeah I’ve been on my Sho yeah we loaded up the Vault and had to empty the clip remember days we wasn’t paid and had the roll up the clips not the urge we extra strong and they coming a zip people say we taking long but we ain’t rushing with put the plans in God hands and he going bless us with riches I ain’t tripping over because I’m watching my step putting money on the phone dab and call and collect all respect I can’t lie I’m just here for a check just to build my family out and to buy a family house a lot of people only talk and put your money where your mouth is so sick session in the garden what a massive day we actually dug most of the morning so that I don’t know it might not be the longest video but I’m absolutely knackered not really up to my full fitness being a new double dad mad respect all the dads out there actually cuz that is not easy and moms actually that’s even harder big respect to moms but I uh hope you guys enjoyed that video anyway cuz the garden is now here for the summer we’re going to get a load of people around to ride um oh one more thing as well my men follow you if you noticed these sunglasses earlier in the video myself and CER were actually wearing them it’s the new pink eye Turtle heads nice toris shell on these ones black white versions available probably now on the website if not now coming very soon cuz hopefully it’s going to be sunny from now on and if you don’t like paying for things even though they’re pretty cheap I’m going to be giving you guys a set for free all you have to do is guess in the comments how tall you think the ramp is there maybe there’s a shot earlier in the video where you can do a bit of good guessing a bit of a bit of mathematics on the screen but whoever gets closest to the nearest centimeter will win a pair of whichever color pink eyes you want I’ll pin the winning comment and I’ll reply to you so make sure you check your YouTube I’ll also be giving a set away on Instagram so make sure you check out my Instagram as well because there’s some going on there same with Matt Jones and the pink eye make sure you give them all a follow and I hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks everyone for watching be amazing if you could like this video send a comment below and we’ll see you on the next one cheers [Music]


  1. An early Happy Father's Day to you, from one new dad to another! I didn't know you were a "double dad" but I respect your choice to limit how much you put your kids in your online presence.

  2. So good to watch some dirt jump riding without half the video being square space sponsors like some other channels … 😂

  3. Anyone know what the green covering is that he’s riding … I’m assuming it’s erosion matting of some sort.

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