Golf Players

Pro Level Putting Skills Secrets Revealed

Unleash your putting skills with these pro golfer putting secrets! Learn the best putting tips and techniques from the PGA to improve your game.
My Favorite Putting Mirror is this one:
This Alignment Ball Mark will help you roll the ball towards your intended line and aiming point.
The beautiful putter I use in this video and carry in my bag is the Honu; hand made in Maui from sustainable bamboo and brass. Here’s my review of the Honu:

USE DISCOUNT CODE: JohnE20 at to save $20 on a Honu Putter.

I’m also a certified fitter for Honu and can do an in person or video fitting for you so your putter is fully customized to you, at no extra cost.
Learn the secrets to pro-level green reading skills with the Tour Read App. Email for details and a discount.
0:00 Introduction
1:17 Secret 1 A Consistent Routine
2:46 Secret 2 A Consistent Set Up
5:06 Benefits of a Consistent Routine and Set Up
6:17 Secret 3 Improve Green Reading Skills
7:02 Secret 4 Consistent Rhythm & Tempo
8:13 Secret 5 Proper Mindset
8:29 Visualize the Ball Going in the Hole
9:41 Patience
10:55 Secret 6 Practice & Warm Up With a Purpose
13:10 Summary
My Favorite Putting Training Aids can Be Found here:
My Favorite Overall Golf Training Aids…
One Putt Golf Store
I’m a Certified Tour Read Green Reading System Coach. Contact me for Lessons on putting, green reading, Tour Read Discounts or other help you need with putting.
CHECK OUT BIRDIE RAG PRO: THE ULTIMATE GOLF TOWEL. I’ve invented a golf towel like you’ve never seen. GET YOURS HERE:

Birdie Rag Pro: The Ultimate Golf Towel

Here’s links to my Amazon Store and tons of Great products that I actually use. When you use these links, I do receive commissions which help fund these videos.
My Amazon Store: the secrets to pro-level putting skills in this video! Discover top putting tips and PGA techniques to improve your golf game on the green.
Uncover the secrets to pro level putting skills in this video! Learn the best putting tips and PGA techniques to take your game to the next level. #puttingtips #golftips #golfputting
The PUTT OUT Golf Store on Amazon is a great source for some of my favorite putting and alignment aids.
My Favorite Putting Alignment String and Practice Aid is this one that resists tangling.

one of the biggest problems I see with people putting is we get frustrated and that frustration comes from being inconsistent and it cost us all kinds of problems well in this video I’m going to help you end that frustration by teaching you how to roll the ball the same way over and over and over again like the pros do because we’re what we’re going to do is open the vault and let you in on six things that professional do and know that you either don’t know or if you do know you don’t do them and if you’ll apply what you learn in this video it’ll radically change your [Music] putting let me say before I launch into these six Pro Tour Secrets kind of open up the Vault and let you into these that each and every one of these six could be an individual video in and up itself this is going to be a highlevel overview good news for you is that on this channel and in coming things that we’re doing we’re going to cover each one of these in great detail so you can pick out the ones you need to work on and that’ll help you but let’s get to it the first one number one is the tour Pros have a very consistent putting routine and when I talk about a consistent putting routine I’m talking about on every putt they have a pre pre-planned step by step routine they do it the same exact way every time and it’s so precise you can put a stopwatch and it will be within one to one and a half seconds of the same exact amount of time every time they’ve got a routine for how they walk around and read the green they’ve got a routine for their practice strokes is it behind the ball or is it when they step up to the putt for their practice strokes they got a routine for how many practice strokes they’re going to take how many looks back and forth with the ball in fact Tiger Woods talks about that often two practice strokes and on the second practice stroke I look up put my club down where I want the ball start out at one look and then I’m gone often other professional golfers talk about that often a consistent routine at the end so when I stand here I first practice strike look up the line and look up line again look at the hole see the ball go in walk in set the pter take one look and leave it short in the middle now as a part of that consistent routine they also have a very consistent putting setup it’s always the same setup every time and think think about that and the reason for that if I want to roll this golf ball the same way every time then I have to hit it with the same part of the putter face every time that affects how I stand and where I stand I want to hit it slightly ever so slightly on the upstroke with a slightly Del lofted face so that it gets rolling instead of skitting or bouncing or hopping to do that I’ve got to set the ball position the exact same every single time and keep the putter face Square every single time so the ball’s in the same spot on my on my face one of the things you don’t realize is how much the pros drill on that two years in a row I volunteered at an LPGA event that comes to Vegas and you go out before the round and the practice green they have so many of those setup mirrors out there it looks like a solar farm everybody using one of those mirrors to check their setup I’ll put a link in the video description to the mirror that I use there’s several really nice ones but the professional golfers are meticulous about their setup and they’re checking things as part of their routine and setup which is the second thing is setup but part of their routine their grip they if the ball is here let’s say on the ground how do they step into it do they set up this way or do they do what I do which is then step into the putt but they’ve got a very M meticulous routine for that and their setup and here they’re checking okay ball position relative to eyes relative to feet are my hands straight under my shoulders are my shoulders knees hips Square in line with the target the pros do that over and over and over again and most of you most amateurs don’t take advantage of that secret they just walk up and go oh yeah here let’s make this putt and the next time and you watch these you’ll see them when you play with people the next time they’ll step in and set up this way and it’s not consistent if you’re not consistent with your routine and your setup you’re not going to roll the ball consistently on your target line think about what that does for you too and this is a huge advantage that you don’t even realize if I’ve got a checklist in my head going I do this I do this I do this I do this I do this now I stroke the ball I’m so busy and my mind is so occupied with that checklist that I’m not distracted or my brain isn’t going oh this is the difference in first place or second place it’s an 8 million I not distracted by that it’s another stroke which is what it really is it’s another Putt and you do the same exact thing on every single Putt and those negative thoughts and pressure don’t creep in and distract you all right Third Secret that the pros have that you don’t is they are constantly growing in their ability to re to read the greens more and more tour pros and hundreds of professional and college caddies and coaches and players are using the tour read green reading program that I use it’s used week in and week out Ralph Bower who invented tour read his players his students on the PGA tour are the ones who are leading in Strokes Green in Strokes gained putting reading the greens is critical most of us don’t devote enough time and thought to that and we need to that’s all I’ll say on green reading a fourth secret that tour professionals and high quality low handicap golfers have over most of the rest of you is their putting always has a Tempo and a rhythm and what I mean by that is their backstroke you can set a metronome or a musical a a piece of music or a clock to it but on one beat they start the stroke on the next beat they contact the ball and it’s the same beat over and over and over again there’s a rhythm and a Tempo rather than so I see so many people and you watch the guys you play with on one hole they’ll putt really fast like this the next hole it it’s like this and it’s so inconsistent you watch the tur Pros there’s the same tempo no matter the length of the backstroke and the through stroke which they’re using that combination of tempo and ratio distance to control the speed of the put we’ve recently done a video on that so I won’t talk about that anymore the fifth secret that tour Pros that you don’t have and this kills and hurts a lot of you is a proper mental attitude about putting and here’s what I mean by that two pieces to the mental attitude the first one is visualization part of their routine is always seeing the ball go into the hole the first the last part of the first in a way so like I’ll read the first five feet the last five feet of the part first see where I want the board to go in specifically rolling in at a specific part of the hole I often imagine the hole like a clock 12 1 2 3 4 5 all the way around and in my my mind’s eye before I stroke the putt I see it going up on my line and because of the break or whatever it’s going in at 4:00 or 5:30 or 7 o’ or 8:00 you you learn to see that and visualize that in your mind’s eye Tiger Woods talk about his dad when he was a little boy and he couldn’t get a concept of speed and distance control and line and matching those said his dad T taught him to walk around the green look at the put and take a picture and then putt to the picture he was teaching him to visualize and see the ball going into the hole you’ll be surprised how much of an impact that has on making you more consistent the second part of mental attitude is not getting frustrated and being patient because here’s a fact and most of you don’t know this secret and can’t separate the two a good putt does not always go in the hole you know Believe It or Not these golf balls are not all perfectly 100% balanced sometimes a ball has a heavy side sometimes there are imperfections in the green and you hit a perfect Putt and it hits something and bounces or skids slows down or goes right or left that happen so be patient with yourself don’t make excuses but be patient ask yourself did I make a good stroke did I hit my target line did I hit the right speed did I read the green well and it fix whichever one of those ca it to miss and if it wasn’t one of those or you weren’t absolutely perfect be patient and keep working don’t let your attitude get you frustrated and get you down we all know those guys who get mad stomp the ground snap their putter throw clubs and all that that doesn’t help you shoot lower scores the sixth secret and this is a big one and you can apply this one instantly after you finish this video and use this one will save you some Strokes it’s practice and warm up with a specific goal in mind I see so many people go out on the practice screen before they’re round and you do this too we throw three balls down and we hit this ball and we hit that one we’re not really practicing with the purpose the tour Pros when they go out they’ve got a very specific drill that they’re doing they’re working on something maybe it’s rolling the ball straight up a Target line by the way we got videos on the channel on how to do that maybe it’s working on speed or distance control but they’re practicing with a very specific purpose I put a lot of warm-up drills and things that I use and do on this channel one of them though is always before I play around I’ve got one ball out on the practice screen I’m not dropping three and hitting them and fact this week earlier this week I was playing in a competitive event and I was out I would go through my full routine in the warm took about 10 minutes before we played put a ball down walk off the distance so I know the distance use the T read system that I do to calculate the percentage of slope do the math in my head choose a start line for so many inches right or left of the flag stick Trace that start line back to my ball pick out an intermediate Target 8 to 10 12 in in front of my ball go through my setup and the full routine trying to roll the ball over that specific Target and up that line and into the hole and if I missed it I’d walk up go through the same full routine again and roll the ball into the hole and somebody who was playing that day said why why are you just using one ball and going to all of that I said well when I get out on the course in about five minutes I’m going to have one ball and I’ve got to read the green and make the Putt and I’m here to warm up for that but I’m warming up with intention and purpose so the pros do some things that you don’t do they work on a consistent putting routine they spend a lot of time perfecting their setup they work on green reading they have a really strong mental attitude and understanding about that they practice with a purpose they warm up with a purpose and they practice drill and rehearse a rhythm and Tempo so that their putting is consistent and if you do those things you will be able to consistently roll the ball on your intended target line and you’ll hold more putts if you like holding more putts and you like more information on any of these topics that we covered then you ought to subscribe subribe to this channel by the way if you’ll shoot us an email we’re working on an online putting Mastery course that will include details on all six of these tips and tons of other information that’ll make you a much better putter shoot me an email I’ll include you in the advanced planning and let you have some input into what goes into that and it’ll also save you some money when that course comes available and in the meantime there’s a video here on the screen you can check out that’ll help you make more putts and here’s to you doing exactly that [Music]


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