We Fixed Her Bowed Left Wrist And She Was Hitting Irons Dead Straight! (Live Golf Lesson)

Becca came by for a golf lesson before her final college tournament and we fixed her bowed left wrist. She left hitting high, straight irons!

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In this lesson, it was quickly evident that Becca’s bowed left wrist was causing her face to get overly closed and de-lofted, leading to a low left miss with her irons. By neutralizing her wrist hinge and stabilizing the club face, she quickly was able to start hitting her irons higher again, with more spin, and with far less shots pulling to the left.

While some players like a Collin Morikawa or Dustin Johnson may be able to make that pattern work, it’s important to consider the student and ball flight characteristics, such as: height, spin, launch angle, land angle, start line, and curve. How they manage the club face and release is crucial in being able to match up their bow in the lead wrist. I hope you enjoy this live golf lesson and a look into the changes we made with Becca to better suit her game!

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Learn to Swing Like an Athlete™ with Milo Lines Golf! My channel and coaching team will provide you with lessons and tips to help you play better at this game. Most of our content is filmed at the beautiful Superstition Mountain Golf & Country Club in Gold Canyon, Arizona.

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that was maybe the best golf ball I’ve ever hit maybe the best golf ball you’ve ever hit spin that was great swing it up I had her feeling like she was getting her her arms a little bit more here so that creates a little more right bin and got her start line farther right feel like it’s more like that you’re like that so if you’re there now we can swing it down we can deliver it and you can have like that much loft on it mhm if you go like this you got to get the handle like that far forward and that’s going to shoot nothing but bullets is that the wind or is that me it’s some wind some of you why are you hitting that club near the moon I don’t know hit little trap draw yeah that would be more optimal a little better it we we play this Monday Tuesday Wednesday okay where at uh estraya Mountain okay yeah I played well there last year my first top 10 last year good better like watch the difference in yours and mine I got a 56 no I don’t have a 56 I have a somebody’s ping I’m sorry oh no wonder they’re going so high you got okayo well the grooves are completely full of grass here that’s the whole reason you can’t hit wedges that are gross it doesn’t work I get to hit one should fly a little better now you have grooves amazing the difference in the ball flight when you put some grooves on the ball no wonder they were just sliding up the face yeah see the difference yeah don’t ever practice wedge shots with a dirty Golf Club okay well what’s funny is that like so much better but they’re like on a tire like the the the grooves or the cuts in the tire that filter the water out keep you having traction that’s what grooves are for when you get them full of grass you’re basically creating a flyer every shot now from a movement standpoint let’s let’s get did you film any yet I filmed a lot she’s kind of diving down her wrist structure has totally changed since last year in a bad way no it’s different she’s pretty stacked up it’s good yeah it’s looking pretty it’s looking a lot better than last time well that’s what last time I had her feeling swing it up I had her feeling like she was getting her her arms a little bit more here so that creates a little more right bin and got her start line farther right good start line but the launch was too high yeah so what I was struggling with this week doing it is like how do I get some my top position how do I get from there to like there like that well you need a little bit more float down and left so swing it up now from here I want you to feel like you kind of fall that way did you feel that so your chest has to come down and left that’s an exaggeration but right a little of that goes a long way okay yeah just hit a nice smooth one and there you go that’s a perfect wed shot right there that was really good and it went every bit as far as the full ones didn’t it right yeah I’m looking at the the marks that’s the farthest one what are they yeah you feel that yeah look at her ball flight see how your wedges are really crisp now so good yeah that was just a dirty face guaranteed yep see cred was on the club iron like my seven iron is very low it’s launching like 14 grab it to 17 it’s a hair low but that’s pretty good still well I want to get rid of a little of the bow in her left wrist yeah face a little shut it’s just a little too Del lofted face a little too down closed I would like to see your wrists go back a little bit to this versus this so okay so wind it up feel like it’s more like that you’re like that so if you’re there now we can swing it down we can deliver it and you can have like that much loft on it if you go like this you got to get the handle like that far forward and that’s going to shoot still going to go too Bulls nothing but bullets if you swing 120 you could do it but yeah is it my grip I’ve always wondered that no you know your grip hasn’t changed a whole lot but you’ll really feel at the bottom cuz it’ll come in like it’ll feel like this now turn it’ll feel like you’re really kind of keeping the Loft so now you got like a little high draw or maybe a cut versus when you have it a little bow like this you’re coming in now you turn where’s that going good feel that face there yeah going to feel a fraction more tow up it’s going to feel like it’s more toe up this wrist is not going to flex same down and through same same body action I don’t want to change that I just want to have a little more Loft on the golf club that was more Loft right yeah good and on the on the forward side I want you to really feel like you’re pushing up okay that’s going to help you launch that golf ball up yes feel that yeah give me some launch good aggressive like that that’ll play that’s perfect that was really good that’s really good that was good that was pure you’re putting on a clinic that’s much better that’s really good what’s your main feel to hit that higher spinni or shot my feel is taking it back just leaving it a little more open and not yep doing flexion so much leaving my wrist more flat and then through I’m feeling down and through that way almost like there there yeah so I just get to whip it through Y and it’s already in the right spot when I get to impact I like it at that little high cut beautiful than it’s still bowed but not as bowed so now your face isn’t like you were it was pretty shut it was it was well then she went she was here and then she went more uhhuh you had DJ Club face yeah basically and there yeah that’s really pure yeah okay so it’s like that and then and now as you change directions just a little down and feel we left your wrists kind of how they were you don’t need to add any of that into it right you don’t need any twist you got the face plenty good okay she twists it in the back swing and then again in transition slightly yep yeah like that that’s perfect I love that it’s ideal right there yeah what if you were playing like you were playing really firm greens you wanted to hit one just a little higher maybe what would you do can you do it I don’t know no I mean I would probably move it just a little bit more forward probably feel it a little more open I okay let’s see it got to hit this one over a tree and land on the front edge of a green softly good pretty dang good that was nice and high that was maybe the best golf ball I’ve ever hit maybe the best golf ball you’ve ever hit that was great hey everyone thanks for watching click the link below to access my free five keys on building a rotational golf swing and learn how to swing like an athlete if you’re new to the Channel please hit the Subscribe button we’d love to welcome you aboard and be sure to comment below and leave feedback so we know how we can better serve you thanks again we appreciate all of you


  1. Thanks for creating these informative videos Milo and Henry. I am trying to develop a good "feel" for getting the club from the top of the backswing into the delivery position. Presently I employ an active backswing which I trigger with a pressure shift forward then quickly move my pressures to the trail leg. I then shift my pressures forward which allows me to recenter by the time I reach the top of my backswing. I try to move the pressures early rather than late. I then initiate a surf downwards into my lead leg with my back and pelvis still turned away from the target. As I forcefully apply the brakes with my lead leg this causes the clubbed to accelerate (whip) through impact. I find that doing this creates about 6 degrees of shaft lean at impact and a parallel shaft on the downswing just before my hands cover my trail thigh. Presently I carry my 7 iron 175 yards and play to a 6 handicap. I am not looking for more distance necessarily but more consistent strikes. Now for my feel question. Should I have the feel of actively moving my arms down, separate from my body rotation at the start of downswing? Presumably this would get my hands further ahead at delivery and create more shaft lean? Or, do you favour a more passive delivery of the hands into delivery? This is a key and somewhat confusing component of the swing and any clarification that you can provide will be very much appreciated.

  2. sorry to sound like an idiot but how does a higher finish result in higher flight? i mean you hit down and ball is long gone. something i just don't get. she really was thumping it after just a few tweaks.

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