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RFA 21 | *Full Event# | LFA Fights

RFA MMA 21 full event featuring a Lightweight Title fight between Mehdi Baghdad (9-3) vs Zach Juusola (9-2) | Bantamweight: Joe Murphy (7-1) vs Bruno Frazatto (6-1) | Heavyweight: Chase Gormley (10-4) vs Dale Sopi (6-0) | Middleweight: Francisco France (10-3) vs Mickey Gomez (17-10)

RFA 21 took place on December 5, 2014.

Legacy Fighting Alliance MMA:



LFA has sent over 270 fighters to the UFC – more than any other MMA promotion – witness Kamaru Usman, Sugar Sean O’Malley, Henry Cejudo, Kevin Holland, Brandon Moreno, Brian Ortega, Derrick Lewis and many more before they were UFC fighters!

[Applause] good my name is my bad I represent black house Heavy Artillery I’m Zach the juice juela fighting out of extreme cotour MMA and I’m here to take that strap indeed there’s been a lot of talk about it and now we are finally about to see it he’s out it’s good night oh head PL right into [Music] [Applause] the beautiful Orange County California plays host for big night at mix martial arts action it’s Resurrection Fighting Alliance number 21 from inside the hanger hello everybody I’m Michael chll great to be here in the OC I’m joined as always by my verbal sparring partner UFC Hall of Famer Pat Milotic Pat a big main event tonight the world lightweight Championship is on the line as many Bagdad tanks on the truth Zack Jola many Baghdad Muay Thai world champion the juice Collegiate wrestler it’s mu Thai versus wrestling medy Baghdad brings in the super striking tonight pack yes he does and when you say mu Tha World Champion that means obviously he’s a very very dangerous guy standing up said he’s worked extensively on his wrestling so he’ll probably have decent takedown defense and worked a lot on his ground but I tell you what you’re not going to see much better striking than Bagdad in MMA precision and power personifies the Striking of the wkbc world champion man Bagdad collegate wrestler Zack Jola training out of extreme couta in Las Vegas these days yeah juel is one of those guys a wrestler growing up but he has picked up the strike and he’s got very powerful kicks good knees and good boxing skills but he may have to use his wrestling tonight get takedowns on Baghdad Pat do you think it’s easy to get the takedowns on manyi Baghdad Baghdad did say J Sola is a fantastic well-rounded opponent but where he’s going to pick him apart and it’s quite obvious he’s on the FI yeah well I mean he’s got to commit to his strikes if he’s going to set up his takedowns so you’re in danger by doing that with a world champion in mu the odds for our main event for the world lightweight Championship have Bagdad the favorite at minus 210 The Comeback on the juice at plus 160 our co-main event tonight should be an absolute rip sorter at fom weight Bruno frado takes on Joe Murphy Joe Murphy 7 and one record a c Lano prote frado a BJJ Pan-American and European Champion frado one of the best submission specialists in the bispack yeah frado also true world champion no ghee that means he does combat Jiu-Jitsu not just sport Jiu-Jitsu which is all ghee stuff but I tell you what this guy is so slick on the ground he will take a submission from anywhere you have to be on your toes with him you look at 7-1 Joe Murphy no slouch himself on the ground he says I’ll happily play the ground game with frato I’ll give him a taste of his own medicine well Murphy’s very good on the ground five of his seven victories have come by submission but he’s up against the best in the game so he might want a strike folks take a look at the rest of the Stacked card here at RFA number 21 Blake troop takes on khil round Tre in a middleweight contest and then takes on eler elen car Francisco France takes on Mikey Gomez and at heavyweight that promises to be a knockout when undefeated Dale soie tanks on big chase Gormley Pat take us through the official rules all right Michael the California State athletic commission will oversee tonight’s event unified rules will be used so elbows to a down opponent will be legal the title fights tonight are five five minute rounds all the other fights are three five-minute rounds and the 10-point must scoring system will be used and it’s time to get ourfa number 21 underway from here in the hanger we’ll do it at a catch R 190 between Blake troo and Khalil rry for our official introductions let’s go to Mike Kindle ladies and gentlemen we are live on Access TV from the hangar here in beautiful Costa Mesa California for RFA 21 tonight’s event is brought to you bar in part by New Breed nutrition incaa GLC 2000 Safe Auto in Adidas Combat Sports this event is sanctioned by the California State athletic commission chairman John Frierson executive officer Andy Foster judging and refereeing tonight’s fights LS Cain Michael Bell Herb Dean Big John McCarthy and Mike Beltran your timekeeper tonight is Willie arola and Joe belli your physicians cagide Dr Jeff Roberts and Dr Vicki maera ladies and gentlemen introducing our first fight of the night fighting out of the blue Corner Blake troop fighters to the UFC in 2014 please welcome his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner khil the warhorse round Tre to the T for our Opening match up two and one versus 1 and0 three years the older is true he’s also the taller by 3 Ines reaching the arms goes the way of Round Tree reaching the legs quite substantial the way of Blake TR ladies and gentlemen this fight is scheduled for three five-minute rounds in an RFA catchweight at 190 lb and it’s brought to you by Boulevard hotels introducing first fighting out of the blue corner he stands 6’4 weighing into 189.5 lbs holding a professional record of two wins one loss training out of the compound and fighting out of Oceanside California BL TRW wo his opponent across the cage finding out of the Red Corner stands 6’1 weighing into 190 lb holding a professional MMA record one win zero losses training out of Blackhouse and fighting out of Los Angeles California Caril the warart round Tre your referee in charge of the action is Mike Bel all right John over the rules already protect yourself at all times obey my commands at all times Touch goes now if you want at the side of the Bell come on out how of your business guys let’s go Mike belr and his Rapunzel mustache ready for action to kick us off here at AR 21 the warhorse versus Blake troop we inside the RFA octagon for the last time in 2014 here on exess TV sou PA stands on the warhorse Orthodox stands on Blake [Music] true turning left hand early on here good job circling out by round tree also little fake there from Troop said he’s got to be careful of round tre’s explosiveness in the early stages of this fight troops feet are very wide in his stance tough to move like that if youve seen khil fight before you know he’s striking is always spot on and so to here big left kect trps out Cole good Night Irene hel round tree has done it again the warhorse executes in fine fashion my [Applause] word fighting the Lefty keep your right hand up guys thank you my sponsors man round Tre is always exciting and that was no exception it didn’t take long yeah does a beautiful job here throws a kick and then follows up right away that’s the important part A lot of people think a combo’s done when the kick hits if you follow up a lot of times you’ll catch people round three did it perfectly one more time sets it up throws it across push pole mu Thai style right there throw a punch and then kick off the opposite side and then follow up with hands right away and Troop is sleeping so know now the prone career of the warhorse khil round Tre it was 5 and one as an AM and that was a superb [Applause] [Music] knockout let me get that uh thatt late troop now Falls to two and two did take the fin only 10 days notice BL trip came off a first round TKO ends the year on the losing end of a first round KO let’s get to Mike Kendall make it all official ladies and gentlemen your referee Mike Beltran calls a stop to the fight at 39 seconds into the first round fear winner by knockout khil the war round Tre great Ovation for the manmade cor the warhorse khil rry improves his Pro record to 2 and0 folks still ahead the B and waights Bruno frado and Joe Murphy and after that it will be the main event of the evening M the sultan Baghdad and Zack the juice TOA fight for the RFA lightwe Championship RFA one on NEX TV fights we’ll be right [Applause] back welcome back inside the hangar in coast of Mesa California where Resurrection Fighting Alliance number 21 is certainly alive and a happening in our opening fight we saw a blistering knockout from Khalil round Tre in the first round over Blake troop folks don’t forget every Friday night inside MMA is your only source for everything going down in the world of mixed martial arts inside MMA gives you breaking news the best highlights and exclusive interviews catch all the action right after our show at 12:30 Eastern here on Access TV your home for MMA been looking forward to this one at featherweight the amazing Sam tumer undefeated 8 and0 takes on aler Alena ladies and Gentlemen please welcome fighting out of the blue Corner Super Sam tumer fighting out of the Red Corner alair Allen car to Justin lean last time out back in June City work in his cage awareness being more cautious not rushing in says tum is a decent Striker with good L kicks he plans to expose him on the ground and coming off a loss you know he’s going to be motivated Alan car’s a talented kid so tumor’s going to have to be very careful careful with him [Music] T alen car with Leota mashida in his Corner here’s how they take up T of the tape two years the older is undefeated tumor he’s also the taller the heavier and has the reach in both the arms and the legs Herb Dean the final instructions for this one we set for three rounded featherweight between Sam tumer and Al Alena tumor has been Ultra impressive so far and his undefeated 8 and0 career six we camping prep for this one ready to fight ready do it we’ve got another sellp here in Super Sam tumer which means that alen car wants to throw the right hand down the center all night long and he opens up with that right hand beautiful uppercut there from Sam tumer Al wants him on the ground they get to the ground it’s tumer in top position good job by alen car to punch his way into that clinch but not able to secure the taked down tumor great balance and a great wizard cross the left looking for way back to his feet but Alan wants to keep him on the ground and he does so inside of T’s guard now 40 seconds down in the first set for three tumer doing a good job controlling inside here got watch out for that elbow coming this is where Al alen car said he would expose Sam tum on the ground this is where Sam tumer would prefer to be on the feet nice near off the left there from alen tumer doing his best to turn back into him and square up get that underhook trying to fight that left arm through skip Up N trying to C the outside of the left thir there from Al alen J good job with head position here KNE guard good on by Alan G still KN get threw off the right leg to the inside thigh from super sa oh that one there almost cut the pie at the center yes it did long arms able to secure that single let’s see if he can do anything with it though got to bend his knees get his hips in good KN to the inside thigh just about the lift KNE and again there from Sam tumer lot of good Muay Tha stylists one on the inside in the clinch working the KN will find one spot and just Hammer that spot over and over again to get in the legs of the opponent Jer making I think in my mind a tactical error here fighting in close with Allen car to where Allan Carr wants him negates that reach of tumor tumor did say he wanted to use more reachy techniques particularly the jab no chance to execute them while he’s inside a muai clinch like this Alan KH trying to pull that head down Su lowering his body weight so is not going to go down looks for a double leg here super Sam had the chance to lock his hands on that double but didn’t do it uppercuts and Super Sam says that’ll be enough of that come on Kick with the inep [Applause] there I don’t know if I do that to the sh with your in yeah soft part of the foot going to one of the hardest parts of the body knee guard now from Super Sam got the over hook on that left arm Sam breaks off takes a right hand for his troubles CHS use the jab now for Sam Tuma Sam needs to control the center of the cage got to get off that get off that cage get his back out of there always very relaxed very composed Super Sam Tuma tries to pull the head down there’s the mitt G from Tuma Alan car didn’t like it goes from a single to a double here Al Alan got his hands locked let’s see if he can work this got to suck those hips in nice looking for a down T say not going to happen buddy the midsection from alir tum went to the jaw tum good balance looping punches up a cut from tumor left roundhouse kick to the midsection little sloppy there though from Super S yeah I was going to say tumor needs to tighten up that offense or he’s going to get clipped solid outside F he pivots on the lead fo to Z Sam’s hands very low overhand run from him alanar out of Dodge just kicking to that lead knee is Super Sam tumer and alanar puts him back against the Octagon it is RFA number 21 from the hanger in Orange County California you’re watching Access TV good knee there from Al alen goes for a single leg oh nice work spins around takes the back almost here of Sam two at chance to the knees actually throws the high Shin invasive there from alen car yes he is good flexibility there in tight if you can get a little space here now you w throw it looking for a back elbow knee off the cage there and drip back to S when he breaks off from the clinch or Tak down attempts alen car does a good job of punching his way out of there score some extra points Ling looping punches again not effective here for Sam tumer big outside Viking and again from alanar he’s landed them all throughout the first round and that was a good scrap tumer missing on a lot of his punches but did a good job with his knees here when he got Allan Carr’s control of his head there in that die clinch did a good job of getting the the knees off here it is again as they break away good job clipping Alan Carr on the forehead wasn’t the chin though so he didn’t put him away with it pat you giv it 10 n Alan Card than us for your scorecard alen card just doing a good job being aggressive good defense and landed the better strikes honestly even though the two kns hit him over Allen car much better second round of three here between Super Sam jummer and aler Allen [Applause] car one of the more poetic names in mix martial arts Pat yeah alier alen [Music] car there’s some expert instruction from a lady in the crowd he sucks Sammy you’ve got it yeah that won’t work both men fighting in Orthodox STS here good kick to that lead play again from Alan gy works his lateral movement goes clockwise kick to the outside knee there from Sam Tuma looking for the inside thigh Alan G tum needs to to work his jab man use his reach you SE Tuma switch back to southp Allan G caught the leg nicely and he went back to Orthodox [Applause] T cracking round kick to the way from Alan certainly has the Tor has the pivot on those roundhouses to the legs back yeah and he does a great job after he kicks that lateral motion getting out of Dodge avoiding most of the strikes that are coming back bit needs to work some more combinations here too man not just rely on the one shot High check from him Alan car starting to breathe a little heavy here M and a half down in a second need to move a little bit more working hard [Applause] fank and looking for a right hand to didn’t quite happen for him Alan car forces him back against the G one thing that saved tumor there Alan car locked his arms around his body but also one arm tumor was able to lift that underhook turn back into it [Applause] braks off to tum back to Center cage approaching the halfway mark of this second round first round we go the way of Al alen he throws a lead roundhouse then one the real tumer now checking those kicks that means his leg is feeling it double hoook from El nothing connecting for him gets out of the way of the G the right hand solidly short they took to the orbital forces tumor back followed with that uppercut after that jab and then the hook nice setup got to say so far bat Tuma not looking as on his game as in his previous fight no you know it always is going to dictate a little bit on how your opponent moves Al car has been moving pretty [Applause] decent Tuma did say he’ used the Jabs against al but he hasn’t worked them effectively so far as he a vicious roundhouse kick to the carcass skip up roundhouse nice switch on that from LT alen car lots of movement here from alen car using plenty of the octagon and again nice quarter angle turn fires the right hand smack bang in the kisser T is been caught Here Comes Alan drops down for a single was that the right move though Pat seeing as he had Sam T in trouble with a hand well he F at least he go it when he realized he didn’t have it but uh yeah probably would have been best to follow up with more punches because he was hurting tumor Sam tumer taking some punishment here in the second tumer it’s not a tumor Sam tumor it’s your accent right it is Palmer Tuma oh oh there you go that one there shot to the old John small in herb calls TI time forget folks still to come here tonight the juice Zack just at z z mini bdad for the world lightweight championship in our main [Music] [Applause] event tumer taking this break it was looking pretty fatigued there before that knee landed and uh alen car getting into the Christmas spirit the decorations get a bit of a rattle try hanging these bubles from the tree P oh it looked like it was that might have been in the midsection brother let’s have a look from this angle well maybe just above the cup I don’t know man that looked like the digestive track to me got to keep them clean elen car has 5 minutes to recover here don’t think he’ll take the full five could to hit the top of the cup though right back under way outside leg kick alen car counter right hand from tumor checks the low kick tumor tumor needs to get more active if he’s going to win this fight good outside leg kick from super [Applause] sack L Fain with an overhand right then popped a little left hand on the inside CL of legs and Al drew the Short Straw breathing heavy again here Al [Music] [Applause] Alena T has looped a lot of his punches tonight not really gone up the center Corridor particularly with the jab as he said he would two down we go to the T [Music] [Applause] Allen Carr in this fight has done a great job Landing his kicks and then skating away avoiding damage coming back see how he moves every time he’s done kicking smart stuff good defense end up pretty at the end of your career if you do that [Music] the maider in the corner of aler and the team from the arena in the corner of Super Sam another 10 ner Pat you say to Al car yes sir staying busy Landing effective strikes and getting out of the way of most of the stuff coming back the other way 2018 LT alen car after two the man they call Torino in the lead on our scor cards it’s all for super best Sam Tuma to do yeah alen car pretty good corner there MAA and Pedro Munoz former fight Champion Pedra Munoz was a pleasure to come inside his career fun to watch fake off the back leg here from Super sa good roundhouse off the rear leg from Al Arlen car oh Sam didn’t want to go to the ground but now he’s got alen car inside a half guard good position for Alan car to land and shorter stockier Fighters do well there on the tall guys underneath them I’m sure Alan car would have liked to have seen a lot more of the ground in this fight but he has been the dominant on the feet it’s gotten him two rounds of our scorecard so far now we’re going to see some ground go let’s see if aler can posture up from here will he look to pass and go to the left side of the body of Sam tumer tumor working hard to get back to that full guard corner of Sam zumit telling him to use that butterfly he’s got on the left leg here left hands top position from Al Alena can be very difficult in tall Fighters guards setting up triangle trying to you can see alen car grabbed that shin bone to stop it inside full guard of Sam Tuma 320 remains T’s got to start working got to start putting down the points [Music] here yeah got to go for a submission got to get something going a scramble of some sorts to at least try and get an escape get back to his feet Tuma who came in with an undefeated 8 and0 record three knockouts three Subs last fight at DQ win over Daniel agar at RFA 15 back on June 6 Alan car came in tonight of for first round TKO lost to Justin lard RFA 15 on that same show and we talked about that before this fight fighters coming off losses who are talented guys are going to be motivated and very dangerous and tough to beat former physical education teacher Al alen car this is where he would expose tumor he told us yesterday on the ground stand tight trying to negate that reach and leverage of tumor you need to work time is becoming the enemy of Super Sam tumor he may be staring down the barrel of his first ever loss he’s going to find a way to get to his feet and he’s going to do it soon P yes he does he’s got the foot on the hip could give a big shove trying and clear Allan car out of his away and get up there it is high roundhouse fromen T got to pour it on now budy it’s time to pull out the stops for S Tuma tried to pull the head down looping right hand from Tuma once again a lot of looping punches in the fight not too much straight line upper cut towards the tree roing Alan car been caught here Here Comes Super Sam has he got his second wi Hy T go now T Ellen Shan he wants this win Ellen count and he’s back now tumer should make him get right back up and he’s going to do that 80 Seconds to go Sam tum has he swung the pendulum has he turned the tide the OC I’d be on him oh beautiful Hy El car in trouble Tuma goes head hunting backs him up with the right hand hey m t CL into the hey s Lum house on fire under minut to go now he’s got to get it done in this this minute right here buddy the hard the tenacity the resilience s look at the Finish alier aler is Gass and moving brother he may have nothing left Alan looks like he’s spent in tumor tearing off at him like a golf course step through knee needs to get control of that head and keep firing knees and don’t stop until he drops big round now now for Sam tumer will it be enough to pull him right back into the winner score loads the right hand to the temple sticks the jab on the kisser knees knees and more knees buddy but tum is fatigued as well he may have punched himself out both men blowing up a storm jab two from Tuma doesn’t get past the four out an amazing final round from Super Sam 2 by can’t knock him down though oh my goodness what a contest they gave it their all they collapsed to the canvas in fatigue that’s what you want to see as a trainer guys leave it all in the cage gave it everything they had tumer talented guy I’m wondering why he took so long to start pulling the trigger Mike exactly Pat did tumer leave his run too late tumer doing a good job here in the last round showing he’s got a ton of heart and truly wanting the victory staying on Allen Carr the whole time no matter how tired he is your arms and legs feel like they’re a th000 PBS at this point but he kept working throwing the knees throwing the punches Alan car showing even though he was exhausted great chin able to stay on his feet both guys collapsing wow P scorecard 109 final round to Super Sam 2928 though to Al Alena will Tuma incur the first loss of his career I think he has Mike I thought it was a very very good first two rounds from Allan Carr on the feet yep good strategic fight still to come here tonight folks on Access TV the lightweight championship of the world Zack jua many bagad and a heavyweight scrap tail soap he takes on Chase gorl it is resurrection Fighting Alliance number 21 final show of the Year here on Access TV fights Big Show next year over 40 live fights on Access TV incl including 13 straight weeks of fighting at the start of the Year we’re adding some new shows to our roster one we’re really looking forward to Legacy kickboxing yeah that’ll be fun their first show jry in Houston Pat Barry featured on that c let’s go to Mike Kendall now for the decision after three rounds of MMA we go the judges scorecards judge LS Cain scores about 2829 tumer judge Michael Bell scores about 2828 a draw and judge Mike Beltran scores the about 2927 for your winner by majority decision Super Sam TB can’t say we agree with it but Super Sam tumer improves his record he is still undefeated 9 and0 and no contest the record of Super Sam tum I guess they see everything different here in California folks still plenty more action coming your way we’ll be back in just a moment on Access TV fights from the hanger in Orange County you’re watching Resurrection Fighting Alliance number 21 welcome back to Resurrection Fighting Alliance number 21 on Access TV h hope you’re enjoying the action from inside the hanger in Orange County California we’ve seen two fights so far khil rry knocking out Blake troop in the first round and then a controversial decision win for Sam tumer over aler Alan car even though Pat I thought that Alan car won the contest two rounds to one in fact let’s go now to Pat mil he’s got a very special guest he’s got Alan car’s trainer former UFC world champion leoto mashida Le always good to see you brother thank you for joining us so you were cornering cornering Allan Carr against Sam tumer as you heard Michael say we had him on our scorecards winning that fight how did you see it and what were the keys you know in that fight for him it’s very very close fight you know very tough fight for alai but I think he he won the first out maybe the second was very close in the third one he stopped better but at the end he he got tired maybe and he got a lot of punched it’s very close yeah do you think the the amount of movement he had to do against Sam tumor in the first two rounds cuz he had to move a lot because of tumor’s reach and athleticism stuff like that you think that fatigued him a little bit yeah maybe maybe if he’s moving more in the thir round he can beat the guy know because he he threw a good he he he got a good punch at the the beginning the round and throw the go they took the G down but right now you guys obviously have a great stable at your gym black house yes a lot of very very tough guys how many guys in the room at one time are are would you consider world class world champion caliber fighters in there now you have a couple fights now I have you have a Glover Kira he’s a very tough F fighter you have a Kevin Casey brendo sha too he’s gonna fight tomorrow in UFC he’s sometimes he’s he goes there and training with us you a couple guys that the unknown everybody doesn’t know but tough opponents tough tough good partner right now let’s talk about you a little bit get to blow you up a little bit big fight coming up for you I saw your last fight I was ringside for that one it was a very close fight good fight I love watching you but tell us about your upcoming fight yeah my my fight against CB DOA going to be in Brazil December 2th and I know very well prepared for this fight you know I have a good strategy for CB do I know he’s a wrestler and but I’m I’m getting used to fight against wrestler I know how to fight always a a hard fight for me but yeah you got him on your home turf you’re pretty good against wrestlers obviously so we look forward to watching that one brother thank you all thank than for joining us see Pat Mill there is one of the real gentlemen of the sport former UFC world champion leoto mashida trainer also at Black House Gym they are well represented tonight Folks up next we are going to the middleweight division where Francisco France takes on the tough Mikey Gomez ladies and Gentlemen please welcome fighting out of the blue Corner Francisco Kiko of France Mikey Gomez he onee the Elder of Keiko both stand 61 weight goes the way of Kiko Reach In The Arms the way of Mikey Gomez he’s got an inch longer legs has Kiko Francisco France let’s go to Mike Kindle ladies and gentlemen this fight is scheduled for three five-minute rounds in the RFA middleweight division it is brought to you by Adidas Combat Sports visit them at ACS for all your combat Sports needs Adidas is all in or nothing for MMA introducing first fighting out of the blue corner he stands 6’1 weigh in at 1886. 4 lbs holding a professional record of 10 wins three losses and one draw training out of power MMA in kamora novaa fighting out of Phoenix Arizona Francisco Kiko for his opponent across the cage finding out of the Red Corner stands 6’1 weighing at 185 lb holding a professional MMA record 17 wins 10 losses training out of rain and Dynamics MMA fighting out of Newport Beach California Mikey goz your referee charge of the action is Big John [Music] McCarthy gentlemen we got over the rules in the back protect yourself at all times and obey my commands at all times if you want to touch gloves touch them down best of luck to both you back to your Corners John McCarthy to get us underway for this one first round set for three middle weight here and this should be good how long will it take for one of these two men to look to get the fight the ground SM Jabs from Mikey Gomez inside leg K Gomez big legs on France man fake there from Kiko jab to from Gomez inside leg K should have followed through with her right hand F again from Kiko you know he wants to get to the ground there’s one way to get an opponent to the ground smash them there Kiko on fire gome in here trying to tie him up is France it was a huge shot that dropped Mikey Gomez top position for K that was just bombs away John McCarthy about swatted Gomez his hand clean off of his arm for grabbing the cage there you go that’s way to push r four minutes four minutes action-packed opening minute of this fight wrestling here right here France nice job sliding over that leg this is where Kiko is so dangerous there are so many submission options open to him here big right hand between the eyes of Gomez not where you want to be stuck up against the cage Gomez trying to get away from it France trying to turn him back into it arm triangle already beautiful it’s coming it’s just a matter of time puts on the pressure he’s out open the fridge Mikey Gomez is out cold he’s trying to he’s doing the funky chicken Mike not a good sign Gomez finally back to his knees here but it was lights out for Mikey Alan goz shaking his hand there alen goz world champion BJJ known him for many years Mike indeed used to love watching his fights back in the old days Gomez good to see he’s recovered my word it didn’t take long this is what Kiko does so well big mistake by Gomez reached across the head and gave the triangle to France France securing it Gomez trying to defend by locking his hands behind his leg to pry out of it so tight he’s out instantly talk about a sick submission here it is again look at how tight his head is crushing with his whole body blood to the brain is gone sleepy time Francisco France the human NyQuil puts another opponent to sleep and Mike kle is going to make it all official in a moment he is super impressive this man Francisco France only two of his fights have gone to the third round he’s had a lot of first round finishes that’s Isaac Abel last time it’s Mikey Gomez tonight let’s go to kindall ladies and gentlemen your referee Big John McCarthy calls a stop to the fight in 1 minute 43 seconds into the first round for your winner by submission by arm triangle choke Francisco Kiko F Kiko does it again Francisco France now 11 wins three losses and one no contest folks Chase Gormley and undefeated Dale soap about to step in the cage aright 21 on Access TV fights will be right [Music] [Applause] back welcome back inside the hang of Ferrara F number 21 here in XS TV fight folks earlier on tonight we had some crackers on the prelims this opening fight between Mark tupas and Victor oristano saw oristano put a murderous knockout on Mark tup pass yeah both guys were battling throwing bombs at each other oristano had been hurt earlier in the fight also but that right hand put tupas to sleep put him on a stretcher and they took him straight to the hospital T pass we saw him out back he wasn’t in a good way just vicious stuff from vtor orania both guys young guys great offense both guys lacked a little bit in the defense and I tell people great offense fight of the night Awards great defense wins world titles folks coming up later tonight our main event is going to be for the world lightweight championship between Zack the juice Jola and the world M Champion M Baghdad we’re going to take a closer look at that one I’m from France I’m originally from North Africa Algeria I speak five language I speak French I speak English speak Arabic Portuguese and a little bit Spanish my originally is Arabic so I want to represent all Arabic country on the world like in North Africa and Middle East because you don’t have a lot of fighter represent Arabic fighter you know and I represent La you know because I’m I train in La so I’m La fighter and Arabic fighter it was hard to to find a fight and I just signed with a black house with Ed and he find um a good opportunity to fight in NFA I do my first fight um two months and a half ago I do a great great fight won by K so I fight Zach zua he’s really good fighter he’s strong he’s a good wrestling and good on on stand up too he can kill me or I I’m going to kill him so he’s not going to be five rounds if you want to stay stand up with me I kill him if you want go on the ground assum it him you have to choice right now you have to choose what you want I want to be a born fighter I want excited fighter you know I go to the wall if the guy kill me bad luck and next time I try to kill him you know is what I want is the show I’m I’m actor we we are actor we not just a fighter I Want To Be A Champion no we actor we people come to watch us it’s like people come to to watch a movie a real movie right now we are on the movie we are actor and we I want to be the best actor on on the world for MMA certainly looking forward to that one many bang D Zack Justa in our main event Folks up next they promised us a knockout the two heavyweights throw down undefeated Dale soie who may remind you a bit of Mark HT takes on big batland chase gley ladies and Gentlemen please welcome fighting out of the blue Corner Dale soie please welcome his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner Chase Gormley say that soie reminds him of Mark H with a good high kick here’s that a stack up the Elder Statesman here is gorley is also the taller the heavier of the two is so big the Reach In the Arms and the legs both go the way of Chase Gormley ladies and gentlemen this fight is scheduled for three 5minute rounds in the RFA heavyweight division it is brought to you by the official Insurance partner of the Resurrection Fighting Alliance introducing first fighting out of the blue corner he stands 5′ 10 weighed in 2708 lbs holding a professional record six wins zero losses training out of power MMA and fighting out of Mara California Dale [Music] Sal it’s opponent across the cage fting out of the Red Corner stand 6’3 weigh in at out of sub fighter and The Body Shop fighting out of Harbor City California Chase gorley your referee in charge of the action is Mike belr turn around all right gent been over the rules already protect yourself at all times obey my commands at all times touch go now if you want the sound of the Bell come on out out of your business guys let’s go the theory on this one is it could either be an absolute rip snorter in which we get a big knockout or could be gormly taking soapie down staying on top and grinding him out we’ll see how it goes down here we are set for three rounds at heavyweight that over look out for that deceptively fast high kick on Dale soie the power in his hands on the ground it will be goret ready fight let’s go soie short stocky guy heavy hips big legs might be tough to take him down and he swings early for the overhand right the headache maker inside leg kick from soie high lift roundhouse from gley no p on it though outside leg kick from soap it was a nice one just hit him to the common peronal nerve above the knee Gally pretty quick release on that lead leg just can’t go to the well too many times left high kick from Dale soie overhand right from soie didn’t have the distance though gorley looks for a take down got munching knee from gorley throws one to the thigh there Pat yeah he tried to trip so it be tough to do that with tree trunks knees from gorley to the outside left thigh this is where gorley wanted to be good names off both legs here from gorley soie looking to break off and get some distance gorley staying right on top of him pushing him against the Octagon yeah keeping his weight angling his body leaning on him a lot now soie has some distance really throw the overhand right he go down to the midsection it’s the overhand left from so smoking Joe Fraser left hook out of Sophie there over hand right from gorley but he telegraphed it so with a bow punch and he just about caught Gourley sound like it hit him in the chest don’t see the big bows often they’re always exciting though Springer for with a knee The Galloping Barrel that is Dale soic overhand right from gley we’ve got a standup contest so far [Applause] uppercut to left hook from soie switches to Southport double left Round from gorley selyy went for a shootall strike almost then goes to an uppercut gorley good job with that uppercut grab the back of the head pulled him down into it a shoter strike of course traditional martial arts is a knif hand strike front kick there from soic doubles up on that right hand single shots here from the the big soapa overhand right to the counter leg kick from Bley soie has some distance again here soie pretty good balance nible [Music] guy undefeated 6 and0 D soie 10 and4 Jay gorley tried to push off the cage there and land that spinning back kick from soie overhand right from him he’s invented for a big fella over hand right from gy smack the taste out of his mouth and soapy shrugs it off yeah didn’t even bug him over hand run from soie theyo throwing the heavy artillery uppercut almost took out the ring light that’s why people like to watch heavyweights when they throw bombs inside L Ki high on the thigh there from gorley so be side on what’s he going to look for switches Dan now overhand right again from gorley so big confidence that he’s got a granite jaw to sustain those shots high lift roundhouse and gley just got out of way a whisker behind it so be taking his time get him backside left took over hand right from soie another scooping punch tried to pull the head down do now 10 seconds stop the B tried for a punt kick that was maybe a fail ax kick there’s a spinning Hill kick from gy to big men getting a little acrobatic at the end of one both guys moving pretty well for Big Boys Mike indeed indeed Gormley did a good job releasing that lead leg quite a bit and and then the spinning kick pretty quick for a big boy actually and soie fighting his way off the cage pretty well in here Gormley Gormley had him backed up quite a bit trying to trying to pressure him not quite as much as he expected but good stuff out of both guys pretty agile athletes [Music] the whistle sounds for the second round soapy and Gormley Pat your scorecard for the opening round gy gorley had pretty good defense he got hit a couple times but not with a lot of stuff did a better job landing and staying busy throwing combos it is RFA 21 here on Access TV fights these are their heavyweights it was also striking in the opening round both men getting invented soie carrying his hands a little lower drops the lead hand down to the Bread Basket fighting out of South po St here the soap High check from here counters off the high kick almost connects with the left hand good overhand right there from the soap body shot from soapy oh he was going to try and elbow there wants him down gets him down now this is G’s territory so he’s going to try and find a way back to his feet that was commitment that’s what you get when you commit on a taked down he stayed after him and then hit the trip toward the end of it trying to climb over to the Mount got to pull those hips back though they want soie to sit up two gly nice defense on that knee bar attempt [Music] there lot of grunting Behind these right hands they’re not hurting soap here however but gorley is staying busy with them gley doing a good job controlling the hips keeping his weight over him got a spiral ride half a spiral ride got that right hand inside see his palm on his inside of his thigh there staying hooked in there tight don’t know if they said it jokingly the corner of soapie but they said get dirty soapie backas get dirty soapy soap is used to clean you and they say get dirty soapy I thought it was quite humorous don’t know if they meant it but oh here comes the soap [Applause] jab from gy might be sucking in the air here W beautiful up tried to knock the goatee off gorley gorley showing a good chin there though so he’s got power but he’s gassy here and he takes this clean right hand to the kisser chin like that can be detrimental when you’re tired you’d rather take the punches to the face than put your hands up sometimes it is that haven’t seen soie launch too many high kicks in this round he does a punt kick there you can’t call that a front kick inside leg kick nice step around from gorley 2 minutes five remaining second round of three sopia is really slowed down here Pat yeah gorley needs to stay a little busier keep picking at him pressure just needs to watch out for those big shots does a good job rolling with that double hooks High left roundhouse from so combination work is more like it from the big man yeah tries to draw that uppercut from the floor overhand run from so very soon folks we’ll be chatting to one of our favorite Fighters joining us cage side Chris cyborg always a pleasure to have Chris in the house here cat munching knee from gorley elbow looking to crack it across the cheekbone there soie you can see soie post up to throw that create a little bit of space for it going for that long knocker again G looking pretty good man there it is hooks once more from Dale SOI just can’t find the mark though took a shot to the old John Smalls and the referee bin calls time here so he’s going to get a chance to shake him back into place still to come here tonight our main event J Solo versus Baghdad for the world lightweight Championship as we see the knee that hits the nards yeah it was pretty solid lifting him off his feet a patella to the old fella from CH gorling how we doing over here D you have time okay work it out it’s a how to scoring strike you ever took in your career Pat you know mu Tha mu did you win the uh the middle cup yes I did and like I say uh we used to drill take sheet metal screws and screw them from the inside out so it would raise the metal with the hole and you do that a bunch of times so if they kicked you in the groin they’d hurt themselves interesting playy there that was our tactic old school old school indeed Dy you ready to go all right Gentlemen let’s go pick them up all right ready we take the sheet metal screws out though I was going to say I would hope say we recommence here 35 seconds on the clock second of three gy looks like the tight down Gormley gets the tight down nice timing right underneath that hook lazy Hook by soie Gormley jumped out of the mount weird half guard here for gorley 20 seconds on the clock it’s going to be gourley’s round again gley being a wrestler former wrestler comfortable in that half guard position 10 seconds high school and college allamerican wrestler Chase Gorlick two down one to go [Music] Aaron Simpson giv some directions to soie Aaron Simpson obviously if you’ll remember very good UFC fighter very tough guy knowledgeable guy looks a bit in pain there still the soap let’s see the uppercut here from the big man clipped off the forearm a little bit forearm to forearm before it met the face of Chase Gormley so it slowed down a little before it got to its Target want get a little bit tighter on that get a little closer to gorley try and pump that uppercut like a piston rather than trying to Loop it so much it’s 2018 Gormley on Pat score card as we go into the third and final I a third and final round you ready fight ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] fight body shot early to the sternum G is very agile for a 6’3 260 odd pound man yeah moves well said he’ been working on his hands not crowding himself as much he’s hand eye coordination keeping the chin tuck he’s done most of that tonight slashing elbow followed by The Hook from [Music] soie switching STS here to Paul [Applause] soie got a wonder how much D soie has left in reserve is grimacing between rounds sucking in the air as he got enough left for one or two big combinations and try and find that punch that may jop Chase gorley better get to work push of heads almost and soie backs gly against the cage gly breaks off he’s done a good job of doing that tonight spinning back f it was an ugly one from the soap not the fight we expected out of goury we expected a lot more takeown attempts a lot more slowing the action down but Ducks under the kick now gets the take down full M for gorley so he could be in trouble here gorley postures off drops the elbow yeah that’s a big elbow soie may give his back nowhere to go for Big Dale soie lots of time here for Chase gorley soie not moving his legs not moving his hips did Lay There Little Wonder the effect of soie losing what was it 21 lb in 20 four hours after a six we camp gy good job pulling his legs out did not want to keep his legs in there riding him like a wrestler making him carry his [Music] weight pass the halfway mark of this third and [Applause] final soy know where to go gley continues to put down the points here soie trying to find a way back to his feet but gley we’ve seen this before soop’s on his left knee where he should be on his right knee with his left leg posted so he can get up easier see guys make that mistak and that it is so strong though those legs are huge single leg here from gley wants soie back on his back Gally hit that trip to knock him down and soie grabbed the cage to keep his balance I need Chasers Corner calling for the knees get soapy down again top position for gorley 135 now so’s tired up watch your fingers Chase watch your fingers in the eyes SL you with no answers here full mount for gorley gy needs P her up just start raining some stuff down here oh nice spins around takes the back of the soap you feel he’s not going to do anything silly here gy probably knows he’s ahead on the score cards and he’ll just grind away he inside control now he’s got all the dominant positions Chase gley great control on the ground here grinding on him right 45 on the clock now soie needs something but unless a grand piano falls from the ceiling and lands on gorley and knocks him out from here can’t see it happening for the soap Pat ah not so [Applause] much Gormley grinds from here Gormley looked good with his striking much better with his strike I tell you what he’s improved in Leaps and Bounds in that category that want him the fight overall heavyweights we’ve seen one go to the UFC this year from RFA big Josh Copeland Chase G should take this [Applause] one jce Gormley looking to hopefully make a return to the UFC real good performance against an undefeated fighter speaking UFC Pat want to wish good luck to uh your former Protege Robbie laa tomorrow night in Las Vegas I am really looking forward to that going to sit ringside with a couple of my buddies and uh say a prayer cross my fingers and watch Rob go to work good luck rbie L some nights UFC that’s manday Bay Chase gorley should take this one and go 11 and four soie is looking at his first ever Pro loss here soie ducking and throwing that head kick trying to set it up Gormley saw it coming went underneath got the Tak Down Easy taked down for him good performance by Chase Gormley tonight nice crowd on hand here Pat scorecard no brino 3027 the way of gorley they can certainly need no controversy about this decision we have seen a controversial decision earlier in the night Sam tumer beating aler alanar both Pat n had it the way of alanar for that one they gave it to tumor but this one here certainly shouldn’t be too much of a decision should go the way of gley let’s have a look now let’s get a mic ladies and gentlemen after three rounds of MMA we go to the judges scorecards judge LS Cain scores the bout 29-28 judge Michael Bell scores about 3026 and Judge John McCarthy scores about 302 for your winnery all right there there’s some terrible judging there a judge gave a 108 round I didn’t see a knockdown Mike I didn’t see anything warranting a 108 round no and one judge gave a 108 round ridiculous judging here Cory gets the win rightly so but 3026 a 108 round is just stupidity anyway folks plenty more action still coming your way at RF a21 we’ve got Murphy and frisado both Fighters have one loss is looking to make a dent in the others record Murphy and Bruno frado are coming up RFA 21 we’ll be right back he’s with Chris cyborg Chris great to have you always good to see you uh we like it when you come to the shows are you enjoying yourself tonight yeah I come to watch my friend looks like a brother we start training together at the arena right you’re training at the arena no he come from Brazil sh the Box oh okay yeah but I training the arena yes now you you were saying you’re looking to fight sometime early in 2015 tell us a little bit about that what you’re looking to do uh I think I fight maybe February but not yet because I I have an injury in my ankle and I start getting better and I start training boxing Jiu-Jitsu and I started ran in Sun I think I getting better soon I’m very excited for being s in cage soon and I train hard I try you know for me recovery so fast will we see you maybe again in mu Tha yeah man mu Tha I love know excited my last fight good experience for me you know respect so much Jina bar great fighter and for sure maybe want fight again her you know he match because I’m here for this you know I love fight and I almost one year and a half no fighting in May and for me sad because I want keep training motivated for training because this I’m still doing my Tha jit to one person out there that everyone wants to see you fight and that’s Ronda Rousey I know there’s been some problems in meeting at a weight Division if they pay you enough at the UFC you could probably make 135 couldn’t you you know I try you know I try 135 and I have a lot of problems about this and they come in my injury you know I really want to fight her you know I don’t like speak too much I like do my work inside the cage and everybody know this and know I don’t scare I don’t fear you know anything you know know it’s professional I think Inside the Cage you can do this I think maybe you can do one big deal you know 140 I think better for me and better for her and I think one side you only push this fight only me want make 135 if you make 140 I think he better for me and for her big money fight everybody will watch Chris cyborg ladies and gentlemen for sure I’m here for that thank you always great to have Chris cyborg in the house and folks we move into to the business card Bruno frato taking on Joe Murphy Bandon W it should be a cracker let’s get it going ladies and gentlemen it’s now time for the co main event of the evening please welcome fighting out of the blue Corner Bruno frado fighting out of the Red Corner Joe Murphy [Applause] [Applause] the MS are in full force here tonight for Joe Murphy the 30-year-old fighting from just down the road in Huntington Beach 4 and one in his last five although the lost to Caron BB in World Series of fighting really he should have won that one good in the scramble good sweeps always looks for the Finish Joe Murphy gave respect to frado said he sees no weak points in Bruno says they match up well Bruno is a good allrounder five submissions two decisions for Murphy making his RFA debut trains under CL luchano C old school been around for a long long time let’s look at the tale of the day for our Kain similar records Prado three years the older one inch the shorter wait is a pound over for Joe Murphy reach goes the way of frado in the arms a halfer in the legs goes away of Murphy John McCarthy does the final inspection of Joe Murphy you’re watching RFA 21 on Access TV fights let’s go to [Applause] Kendall first of all how about we check out the blue P for victory pack frado worked on his wrestling to defend takedowns he’d like to put Murphy on his back honestly um as far as Murphy worked on his angles that means hey I want to get out of the way cut angles land my strikes good Scrambler but he does not want to be on the ground with [Applause] Rosado ladies and gentlemen it’s now time for the co main event of the evening this fight is scheduled for three 5-minute rounds in the RFA bantamweight Division and it’s brought to you by Inca Cola the golden Cola refreshment for the world look us up on the web and Twitter at Inca Cola USA that’s Inca with a c Cola with a K USA ladies and gentlemen introducing first fighting out of the blue corner he stands 5’6 weighing in at 135.4 lb holding a professional MMA record six wins one loss training in of team ngara and black house fighting out of Campina Sal Brazil Bruno frado his opponent across the cage fighting out of the Red Corner stands 5′ 7 weigh in at 136.6 lbs holding a professional record seven wins one loss training out of classic MMA and fighting out of Huntington Beach California Joe Murphy your referee in charge of the action is [Applause] herd let’s go Bruno all right been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions let’s keep this fight clean touch gloves let’s do it we ready trout Co Man evented Band and M between Bruno frado and Joe Murphy two submission specialist big crowd support here for huntings and Beach’s own Joe Murphy lot of people here to watch him Third Man in the cage will be Herb Dean Michael Shel Pat milit with at Tas TV fights on a Friday night from the OC Murphy turning Fado’s touch gloves both men just filling each other out here plenty of movement wild up cut off the right hand from Murphy loading that up from his hip good way to get stuck with something cutting an awkward angle there Murphy try to surprise frado very Herky jerky movements out of [Applause] Murphy jabbing frado frado you can see not using a lot of movement overhand run [Applause] trar JB to the roundhouse kick from Murphy both men still trying to gauge their distance here frado just pumping out that Jab [Music] overhand right from Murphy cut the angle well and landed it frado gets on the inside short right hand misses step across outside F kick from Murphy trado tracks around kick off the left turn the shiny nicely count the left hand tremendous Pace here just trying to get his timing trying to figure out this movement very hectic right now in front of him got to cut the ring off stop following Murphy around frado hooks Murphy kicks off the lead leg Left Right Hook there from Murphy not getting past the forearms though up m lado trouble Cado he’s exploded running M’s gone crazy on crado oh my goodness Miss somewhere Joe Murphy brings the house down that was [Applause] [Music] crazy time miss with the man with a perfect part Joe Murphy unleashing violence on frat my word let’s have a look at it again here drops him with the upper cut off the [Applause] right Scoops it from his hips beautifully placed frado drops [Applause] planted him like a tree and then finished him frado know where to go he tried to crawl away here and Murphy just stayed on him and abused him over and over just abused him it’s got a m Kindle ladies and gentlemen your referee Herb Dean calls a stop the fight at 2 minutes 59 seconds into the first round for your winner by TKO Jo Murphy he and one now for the [Applause] murf and Pat millit is going to grab an elated Joe Murphy Joe Murphy how’s it going think you got a few fans here tonight bud a couple I brought a couple thanks everybody for coming out thanks everybody for watching especially people on the East Coast I know it’s late so we expected this to be a ground fight both of you guys are very good on the ground you trained with cl luchano obviously so you’ve got good ground skills but ended up being a striking battle it did it did and I was ready I was ready uh big win for you frado a very skilled guy world class ground fighter very very tough biggest win of your career definitely most definitely so Joe what’s up next for you brother oh we’ll see what happens I’m ready for anything I’m still fresh if you got another guy in the back bring him out let’s go well you know just by chance I just got in my ear from the truck that uh uh Jeff Curran would like to fight you Jeff Curran that’s an honor I’d love to all right good there you go Joe Murphy ladies and gentlemen it might be on with Jeff Karen indeed that’ll be a good one to see Karen versus Murphy Karen actually tweeting earlier in the night he wanted to take on the winner of this co-main event and there is the winner Joe Murphy folks the fight of the night is up next the Sul turn and the juice are ready to square off for the RFA lightweight championship of the world R 21 and Access TV fights we’ll be right back welcome back inside the hanger in the OC it’s Resurrection fighting Lance number 21 on aess TV three great from RFA that have moved on to the big di alen jaban Pedro Munoz Brian Ora with his championship belt great to have the trio in the house where their claim to fame began at the RFA Michael Shel Pat Milotic with you Pat we’ve seen a stunning night of action so far we’ve seen decisions submissions Knockouts we’ve got one fight to go it’s the juice Zack just and take many bag that a real Clash of styles collegate wrestler versus Muay world champion but tonight so many fights have not gone to script according to style guys have shocked us as you said we thought the last fight was going to be a ground game between frado and Murphy it ended in the stand up yeah well I think with this fight just Sola has got to spread out baghdad’s defense make him wrestle when he thinks he’s going to be striking and vice versa otherwise you get yourself in trouble he still has to set up those takedowns and use the Striking and go into deep Waters with a mu Thai world champion in Baghdad so he better he better set his takedowns up really well many Bagdad does come in the favorite for the fight Pat do you agree with the bookmakers on that one I do overall unless Justa can get takedowns and control the fight on the ground he could get himself in a lot of hot water folks it’s our main event the world lightweight Championship is up for grabs bangad and just solo let’s take a closer look man Bagdad is one guy he’s training like for 12 years he’s world champion mu Tha K1 Champion my goal is to have a two belt for two different sport right now I have one objective he come back with the belti medy likes to stock his opponent come forward slow movement stay calm good nobody want to stand up with me he is underestimating me with my striking abilities my wrestling abilities my ground abilities but but I’m not coming to fight his fight I’m going to make him fight my fight Zach jua is a tough ass fighter from Minneapolis Minnesota you’ll never see a boring fight when you see me fight he’s great fighter he’s a tough fighter and I’m really excited to fight him because I know he’s going to be a wild I want to prove to everybody what I can do I want to prove to everybody Where I Belong it’s going to be a really great kill or if you want to go on the ground so it’s okay I’m going to submit him to have the RFA belt would be a great great accomplishment be ready in your cage because tonight is going to be a w medy ain’t [ __ ] sweet I’m coming for that belt ladies and gentlemen it’s now time for the main event of the evening please welcome fighting out of the blue Corner Zack juice juela magic Baghdad ladies and gentlemen is now time for the main event of the evening this fight is scheduled for five five minute rounds for the RFA lightweight world championship and is brought to you by New Breed nutrition are you the New Breed introducing first fighting out of the blue corner he stands 6 fo tall weighed in at 155 lbs holding a professional MMA record of 10 wins two losses training out of extreme culture and fighting out of Las Vegas Nevada Zack Jun Lo [Music] ju his OPP across the cage fighting out of the Red Corner stand 6’1 weight Ed 154.32 all those watching lxs TV in attendance right here in Costa Mesa California are You Ready for War your referee in charge of the action is Big John McCarthy gentlemen as far at they Championship we’ gone over the rules in the back protect yourself at all times don’t be in my commands at all times if you wish to touch glub touch them now best of luck to both of you step back to your Corners John McCarthy the final instructions for M bad and Jack Zack Justa it’s the main event of RFA 21 here on Access TV on a Friday night from the OC inside the hanger in coasta Mesa Michael shavell Pat Milotic with you ready ready a striking of Med bdad let’s see the wrestling of Zack jua J likes to throw that rear leg roundhouse got to be careful throwing that against a world champion in mu Thai though better set it up that’s why sharp count the left hand early from bdad J Sola pushing him against the cage lucky onto a single try to switch for a double back to a single good hand control by Baghdad beautiful job staying off the ground there didn’t take jua to long to show his cards Mike those knees won’t affect the inside thigh of many Bagdad but Jola trying to stay busy especially the lead leg Tie fighters lead legs take so much abuse over the years it’s like the nerves are dead in them KNE God now from Baghdad drops it puts it on again CHS trying to power through it Sola got to get that hand free not going to get anywhere with that hand stuck there Bagdad keeping control of it World lightweight Championship on the line here big opportunity for both men RFA has launched so many fighters to the UFC they really have become The Unofficial breeding ground for future UFC fighters I think last count they sent either 30 or 31 fighters in 20 shows to the UFC it’s incredible figure and the winner of this could easily end up in the UFC juel has already been offered but he had problems personal problems he couldn’t take the fight probably a heartbreaking situation for him oh big sweeping leg kick from bdad and he got got to the back leg goes upstairs with the rear leg roundhouse you get kicked in the back leg like that it gets wrecked CH go out for M bjack shoots in for a single there Bagdad trying to lock on the tie cling he does so now not just back to a single hand clinch here for B keeping that forearm in the way nice work good job oh elbow’s coming buddy he wanted to throw it he had rist control B Dad closed as the favorite minus 210 they come back on the juic was plus 160 knee there from B yeah good quick knee on the retreat nice elbows oh double crossing elbow make it in triplicate from bdad driving looking for the can can’t find it now does the Dre gets back dead down finally he had control of that left leg Bagdad and used his head to get him down but Bagdad right back to his feet and that’s getting tight on uh ju’s neck there a little bit that’s tight buddy I’m telling you juel is fighting that he wanted to get out of there head pumps out for [Music] juel big leg kick again and juel gets a take down on Bagdad Bagdad again back to his feet pad he’s quick yeah you got to take advantage of those takedowns you’re burning a ton of energy to get them you got to gotta use them keep the guy down don’t forget folks join us right after the fights live from La it’s inside MMA Kenny rice Bon Roven Ronnie C right after tonight’s fights we cross to our studios in LA and join the boys to inside MMA staying tight keeping that head in there while he’s on his feet that’s not a bad place to [Applause] be one minute five remaining in this first round set for five NY front head lock trying to use it pinch that arm across ju got rist control here coming up [Music] smart South po Towns now switches to Orthodox juela left roundhouse kick B dead stand very composed right [Applause] [Music] now juela on his b hit step across outside thigh kick we’re telling juela to Circle right but you got to remember baghdad’s got a wicked left hook o o [Music] roundhouse final seconds of the opening round it’s been an intriguing one oh beautiful left chomping leg kick caught him on the knee end of round one folks also reminder that over the Christmas period we do have shows on for you it’s the best of RFA on me 12th of December 19th of December best of Legacy 26th December best of line fight and then on the second of January best of accs TV fights 2014 Bagdad smoking that rear leg kick and he landed three of those during that fight getting to that back leg of juela and juela following up with a taked down but Baghdad coming right back up and many more of those kicks to the rear leg on JuiceLand his leg is going to be fried that is extremely painful Pat 109 to Bagdad you said in the first tell us about it Baghdad effective striking Tak Downs were not used by jua Baghdad able to negate him get right back to his feet second of five we’re set for telling juel to throw that lead arm and then throw the rear leg right behind it nice tie clinging a KN and the break off from the juice that’s what he needs to do Landy strikes and get moving move your head cuz something’s coming back the other way TI down from the J and takes the back of bad great timing on that bad RIS control trying to come up telling him to get his other hook in oh boy figure four around the body here of bad B D relx though what does he do from here back well keep hand control you like to straighten that arm and bring it over to the other side of your head and then put put pressure on the elbow joint so your opponent has to take his legs off you to adjust his body to take off the pressure pressure of the joint basically if they don’t you try and break their elbow referee may break this here if there’s no action we’re in a sty mode at the moment well he’s got dominant position though egg dad’s looking at johon saying hey come on bud help me out here he’s looking right at John the whole time this is awesome listening to his corner now great awareness jua working hard to get that choke in there trying to set it up there he’s trying to bring the arm over D time relaxed can’t make a mistake here though with hand control got to stay there be smart still got that figure four Around The Bunny of bang J they want him to cover bad’s nose and mouth long time in this position for the juice it’s getting annoying baghdad’s trying to get that arm up and over there glances up the screen to see how much time is left we are halfway through the second stands up bdad also trying to take the arm either over or tuck it underneath his right arm which is also a very smart move now he’s putting pressure on the elbow joint see how he’s trying to do that let work come on work crowd whistling and Jing they would to say more action there it is there it is now he’s safe now he knows he’s [Music] safe juiceless feet he’s sliding down slowly but surely [Applause] tight up that buy Lu Hing the foot behind the leg now to keep himself up there stay GL to him bang try to sneak over right hand to the left side of his head only mixed martial arts can you find a punch like that trying to get him to lean back back [Applause] ju adjusting his legs there to climb back up higher long long time in this figure four you know a lot of people may sit there and go this is B break them but to me this is a heck of a chess match right now both guys do not want to make a mistake B daddy nice good work from bdad and M comes forward with the hands High run groundhouse I think he’s angry I think [Applause] [Music] so juice moving kick from M see Murphy start to jump a little bit or jua jumping a little bit getting out of the way of that kick new be punches from many back out a half a minute to go in this second the wonder how much wear and tear that took on either one of these man being in that position for so long the juice on many’s back took more wear and tear juice it did T Scrolls out nicely there benj oh oh oh lining up the choke buddy he’s going to hook looking to hook the leg but he couldn’t get it time into the round Bagdad really good composure here see him torquing him off to the side and then comes out of there with some Fury he’s he was not happy to have a guy on his back that long here he is locking up the choke trying to roll through and lock it up needed to hook that leg though good job by juela getting that uh getting that hand free and getting out of that choke see how he’s keeping his elbow up blocking that cannot get your arm smashed down against your neck there third round of our well title fight for the lightwe championship between M Baghdad and Zack juel another 10 ner for Baghdad p he’s just I mean juet did nothing with the positions that he had Bagdad Landing the better [Music] strikes dropping body shot off the lead from the Jes bad maybe looking to set the right hand to the rear League round kick it’s a lead hook oh beautiful El but timed it well over the top yeah you might want to have better defense while attacking a mov Tha World Champ jab from the juice down to South St bad keeping the chin tuck backs him up with a hook bad literally looks like he’s not worried about anything that Murphy’s doing it seems to just lack a bit of power a bit of mustard in the hands of juel yeah you got to make people respect everything you do roundhouse tucks it under the right arm from the JS Baghdad skipping forward oh thought about The Roundhouse off the right cracks it to the inside right leg beautifully di I think he actually got he might have got to the back leg again Mike we see a replay I’m he got to the back leg that stuff hurts long long legs on midi B controlling the strike here the juice needs some more juice in his hands step across Shin meets thigh step through knee from the juice round half to the West playing with fire here playing with fire he’s just too flat footed though juice who effectively throw these kicks they got no step behind them no ST a Albert shave the nose off us calling him on again no stown nothing really powerful in these hand combinations from the ju P scoring points right now though the only bad thing is is standing right in front of Baghdad eventually something is going to catch you the left leg of the juice looks like it’s been barbecued That Elbow that socked H off the lead arm there Med bdad bdad needs to stay a little bit busier here with his striking L jab there from the J loading up too much leg upper cut from Juices hurt it’s a grin strike we Grim you may be wondering where the name ju Sol comes from it’s a Finnish name he told us yesterday don’t say [Music] anything need to see the opposite side both guys throwing knees at the same time that will definitely open you up he jumped a little bit into his own knee which raised his groin yes some time to recover here will juola the juice say he’s okay to go on does have five recovery time if he wants it but the old John Smalls are back in place referee John McCarthy just has a little word there with bank dad house corner of Jola a kid kicking the body of bang how effective that’ll be for them though a pretty good coverage on his defense M bagad and he loves to slam that step across outside lead kick the trajectory he gets on it the pivot on the Lead Foot there quick Talk of the hips perfectly executed the one thing ju is doing well though by peppering Bagdad so much baghdad’s not getting a chance to set up a lot of his stuff not able to dig in and and throw a lot he’s kind of waiting for an opening instead of creating one elbow looking for the overhand dad just Mo some space catches the kicking leg counter right right kick upper cut from Baghdad nether Pro pick him over hand RVE beautifully done from Baghdad looks at the elbow the left here Med Baghdad he’s just missing that he needs to turn that into a hook and he’ll land it groundh hey good kick to the body doubles up it three at a time half a minute remains counter there from Bagdad and the juice just got under both over there right hand from Baghdad juice backed up against the cage M clinch elbow coming up the right pass there it is to the orbital [Applause] juice he took some huge shots there J Sol bdad ties him up again Bagdad saw that taked down coming after he heard him the bell’s going to be a reprieve here for jua bdad Landing the heavier shots in this round also nasty slicing elbow across the cheek there and then the uppercut nice work by him like to see him stay a lot busier like that you can see Justa really really got stung with those shots Mead needs to do a lot more of that back step on back step on back there you go P you’ve got a 302 s to Bagdad another good round for him in the third but close round juela stayed busy there most of the round but the heavier shots from Baghdad did the damage the low kicks the elbows heavy heavy punches corner of Jola telling him gain kick to the body of bangad they feel it’s wide open going to be careful of that hook though from the lead hand of Bagdad nice uppercut by J stiff jab from the juice B looks for counter they clch oh KNE that one there was straight to the groin that was loud yeah that’s not good oh that might be a point the juice in a whole lot of pain here have a look at this and full chamber as well and that’ll make the juice wish he played bowling instead oh I think he’s chucking up oh no yeah he’s raling no way to end a title fight when you start vomiting from getting hit in the groin you know you got hit hard yeah nods get up into the stomach area and they feel like they’re just going to explode been there have you almost 10 years old I think last time I got hit in the grin bike accident H you’ll get five minutes to recover now if they’re in Japan of course P the doctor would come in with a big white sheet stick the old hand down the pants have a bit of a fundle I’m not letting the doctor do that you never had it happened to you in Japan no the do F no no yeah they fle [Applause] around John McCarthy having a word here with the juice take your time still look a bit of pain there’s a nice hematoma to the side of the left eye of the juice as well other side just by his left eye he’s got more time to recover here looks like he’s shaking nodding to mcarthy saying he’ll be okay we be a point off that dead I think he may huh moving too much can’t have you have another one okay you understand okay next one I’m telling you I’m taking a point so make sure you off it okay you got it all right okay we are underway [Applause] again b day cacks away at that knee [Applause] tell you what bdad moves him with his punches frighteningly strong M Baghdad left hook corner of still calling for the body kicks they he throws it off the left that’s what they want they feel they’ve found a [ __ ] in the armor of the so Landing it hitting that liver oh oh like there goes body here got to open up more straight right hand from the Suter popping Jabs here from the juice nicely done from him absolutely good flicking Jabs keeping it in the face she solely came in 10 and two Bagdad came in 10 and three up next folks live from Los Angeles inside MMA with R past roen ronning c a swag of celebrity guests uput accurate with his punches though I will say that man he’s landed a lot tracking leg kick again there from bdad that time to the outside right by he’s being able to hit both legs effectively all night the front and back legs body shot from bagd surprised he hasn’t used more of those low kicks to be honest with you Mike while Justa standing there throwing his Jabs and stuff he could be devouring those legs has landed punches but they’ve had no power it’s been more like oh oh that’s tagged him it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over big done it sliced him open budy my word sliced him opening D put a Money Box on J Sola wow Med B is just one vicious man dangerous going backwards world class Striker [Applause] crazy opened him up right over the left eye that’s a good one looking slip a few quarters in there take a look at this here folks bag that on the back foot here slices him with the elbow fets that eyebrow and then just a Sal him beats him down but that was the elbows been throwing all fight and have finally connected you fight a Muay Tha World Champion who knows how to use those elbows you’re always in danger of getting caught and getting sliced medy bagad gets his third I should say his 11th win and he’s now the lightweight champion of arf they vested up the eye there of the juice Brave effort from the juice only three weeks notice for Zack Jola can take a lot away from this fight but he cannot take the world title bout and Sor is there the president of our f with the champion sh BS we’re about to make it all official here ladies and gentlemen your referee Big John McCarthy calls a stop to the fight in 2 minutes 47 seconds into the fourth round for your winner by TKO and new all lightweight world champion the sued mie [Applause] bag and sorz fits that belt around the waist of the sultan it looks like Pat m is going to have a word with the new lightweight champion of RFA Med Bagdad you know it seemed like it took you a little bit of time to get going there looked like you were trying to get your timing and he stayed pretty busy stayed in your face quite a bit I I was training a lot for this fight I don’t know why I was tired I need to I need to see what’s going on because sorry normally I do more stuff more explos I was a little bit tired I don’t know why so I’m happy I want my fight uh I want thanks my coach Daniel ven Kenny Johnson all my boy from black house my sponsor MMA Pro gear he helped me a lot so thank you very much let’s take a look up at the big screen they’re going to show us the elbow go ahead and take us through it nice for guys clinch and I do my elbow so inside MMA look my fight uh medy another champion from Black House another champion from RFA we felt that because Justa had a chance to go to the UFC before he had to turn the fight down because of personal problems you just finished him with a nasty elbow do you feel you’re deserving to go to the UFC thank you very much and thank you for all guys come to see me Los Angeles Pon all my friend for the redone beastro thank you very much all right just great fight champ Med Bagdad ladies and gentlemen medny B the lightweight champion of RFA a promotion has sent so many fighters to the UFC we saw a few of them here tonight in Brian older and Alan Jo ban there’s one in the cage there Pedro Munoz will many B dad be the next one one over 30 Fighters have gone to the UFC from RFA in 20 event folks it’s time to go to the studios let’s join Kenny rice Al wo bus R and ren Ronnie C it’s inside in the main time


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