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Gutfeld: This was Trump’s historic Bronx rally

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld goes over this week’s leftovers and ‘Gutfeld!’ recap former President Trump’s campaign rally in the Bronx.

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[Applause] all right uh couldn’t have said it better it’s Friday so you know what that means look how white I am let’s welcome tonight’s guests he still has an atam 12 lunchbox Fox News contributor X cop Paul Morrow he’s both the comedian and a judge so you can laugh at his sentences actor and comedian Vince August she’s like a serial killer because she ritualistically kills people for gratification okay New York ‘s best author fo contribut and for the TSA patting him down is an all day job New York Times bestelling author ComEd former NWA world champion all right before we get to some news stories let’s do this boy you can like leftovers this you know tan it’s leftovers where I read the jokes we didn’t use this week and as always it’s my first time reading them so they suck we’ll tie Joe Macky to the bottom of an Iranian [Laughter] helicopter what you too soon you guys fans of Iranian helicopters yesterday there was record turnout for former president Trump’s rally in the Bronx yeah residents residents were in such a good mood they only stripped half of Donald’s limo for parts meanwhile in reference to Trump’s rally New York Governor Kathy hokel called Trump supporters clown [Music] then she asked who does their [Applause] makeup meanwhile As Trump was in the Bronx what was Joe doing he was also having a rally which is what they called it when a group of First Responders try to revive his non-beating [Applause] Art thank you thank you for cheering our First Responders two CNN’s primee time ratings have hit a 303e low but to boost those numbers they’ve hired a new anchor to fill their 8 PM slot wow wow one pundit suggests that the Kansas City Chiefs should replace Harrison buter with a a female kicker or ban him from professional sports Forever by having him play women’s soccer today is uh National brother’s day so go out and love your brother just don’t marry them today is also aviation maintenance technician day or as they call it at Boeing what the hell is that [Laughter] day happy birthday to Bob Dylan who turns 83 today when reached for comment he [Music] said new research published this week reports that human test Les are full of microplastics the good news now your balls are dishwasher safe you always wondered yeah according to a bombshell study up to half of all UCLA Medical students fail basic tests of medical competence the good news every surgery you have from now on comes with a free hidden sponge that’s oh yeah in Rome a team of researchers has uncovered the long lost location of Plato’s tomb and inside they found a picture of his old [Applause] girlfriend find something in the news about something really old then go look for a picture of Pelosi joke [Laughter] written find something in the news about a fat animal find a picture of Chris Christie joke written more and more businesses are accepting payment in the form of facial recognition that is unless your face breaks the [Applause] scanner and finally tomato prices might rise due to extreme heat in Mexico great now what are people supposed to throw at [Laughter] [Applause] kilme what uh you hate Tomatoes now to the news the Bronx came alive showing love for 45 Donald Trump held a gorgeous massive rally last night in New York City drawing thousands of Art and supporters to the Bronx nearly all of whom survived the subway trip there it’s a multi-ethnic burrow that’s home to the the Yankees a world famous zoo and the guy who invented the chalk body [Laughter] outline Trump hopes to turn the heavily Democrat area Republican red for the first time in decades and is counting on his growing support among black and Latino voters to do so meanwhile Biden is also courting blacks and Latinos he just hired two more round-the-clock night nurses [Applause] but I wonder was Trump doing great was he sort of like a hot guy I was doing great I was sort of like a hot guy I was hot as a pistol I think I was hotter than I am now and I became president okay I don’t know I said to somebody was I hotter before or hotter now I don’t know who the [Laughter] [Applause] hell true [Applause] it’s another area Trump leads Biden body temperature and I bet a lot of people if they could ask him ask him a question how do you do it how do you get up in the morning and put your pants on could I ask you a question how do you do it I say do what how do you get up in the morning and put your pants on why do you put the pants on I’ll explain it to you someday how do you do it how do you get up how do you do it how do you do it it’s CL classic Trump sticking to skills where he crushes Biden putting on pants and getting up unassisted but Trump also discussed serious issues like food prices I wonder does he eat bacon anymore I don’t eat bacon anymore it’s too expensive it’s true it’s gone up like four times I said what’s what’s with bacon on day one we’re going to throw out bomic are going to replace it with maganic like your hats you know he brings up bacon he’s even trying to speak to the view but these are wise words from a president who can still eat his breakfast without a straw which leads us to make America great again make America great again thank you appreciate I appreciate it thank you thank you very much that’s where I like those teeth I want to find out where you did I got to get my teeth like [Applause] that so clearly there’s a lot of support for 45 and the Bronx the only type Democrats go there is to set it on fire but they’re hardworking men and women many of whom are Black Or Hispanic they’re tired of being Perpetual victims which is also why they don’t root for the Mets these Bronx voters aren’t exactly the magga country white supremacists the me media would have you believe and they’re 1 million times better than the spoiled College snots currently littering campus with their brand new tents and old Marxist opinions but for New York’s democr Governor Kathy hokel these Bronx voters are just a bunch of clowns well I’ll tell you it won’t make a difference at all Jake and that is for Donald Trump to be the ring leader of a and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx New York will never ever support Donald Trump for president well it’s another example of how Trump goes after those in charge and the Dems go after the voters and she calls people clowns with that face of hers she she looks like she just sucked face with Ronald McDonald all right Paul sir so what did you make of this you you know you in the police force you get the numbers before we do what tell us about the size of this event and was it a smart move definitely a smart move the estimate by the PD is 8 to 10,000 they’re usually pretty accurate but the problem here is this somebody needs to say to hok listen Governor the Bronx it’s in New York yeah all right because she’s insulted them now a couple of times in over the last month and remember something zeldon only lost by about 3% for governor M so the moral of this story is zeldon takes the Bronx yeah because they’re going to remember this and you know they can’t believe usually when a guy that looks like Trump comes to the Bronx let’s be fair I mean what what people say is the landlord’s here all don’t answer door he’s going to raise the rent all right we’ve all been there but that’s the conundrum Donald Trump despite being a billionaire they hear authenticity this is a guy that sounds if you if he went home with anybody in that crowd first of all he went home with anybody in that crowd Alvin BR would open a case on him but if he goes home and has coffee in the kitchen with anybody in that crowd they’re going to get exactly the guy who was at that leg turn and that’s authenticity works you know what it is to he actually oh thank you thank you they’re applauding the opinion I’m about to make [Laughter] he if you listen to him he speaks to real things and not ideas so he talks about jobs crime the Border where Joe flounders in ideas white supremacy threat to democracy the soul of America these are things that you cannot touch but you talk about jobs or food you could this is why there’s no way he can I I mean I can’t say that but this is why he’s ahead what do you make of this but it’s funny that the people that tell you about the soul of the democracy and tell you about freedom and all of that also tell you don’t talk to my voters because we own them and that’s the whole thing with the Democrats they believe that they own voters because they’ll tell you that vote is ours and here’s a guy who like I’m going to talk to all the voters I’m going to go into a district that’s Bluer Than Cookie Monsters balls and I’m going to talk to these people because you know what why not cuz if I win eventually I have to rule you know I’m going to be a president for every one but Democrats don’t see it that way like even when Murphy won Jersey by two points they consider it a mandate and they’re like you know what screw the 49% you don’t know what you’re talking about I’m going to talk to the 51% and the other 49% deal with it and this guy’s like no you know what I’m going to go and I’m going to reach out what do I have to lose do do you think uh the Cookie Monster isn’t getting any is that what you’re saying are not since not since Sully came along who was bigger and Bluer and more relevant do you think he’s being um uh uh discriminated against because he lives in a garbage cans that’s the green one that’s green balls oh that’s green balls yeah and that’s uh what does Big Bird have uh well big birds are her so egg laying device of some sort yes this is on TV yeah yeah I know I forgot we’re doing a show cats what did you make of the rally what are your thoughts feel like Kathy hoko was probably surprised show so many people showed up she probably like how did they find out about it when none of them have [Laughter] computers I just everything she said I mean she Trump’s wasting his time in New York hey uh just so it’s not as if it’s exactly his decision to be spending so much time here lately and and just is is Biden going to win New York probably I would be shocked if he doesn’t but that doesn’t mean this was a waste of time I don’t know if she noticed she was talking about this on CN this is national news everybody’s talking about it talking about the people that wanted to come see this cuz it is something that I mean who who would have expected something like this to happen so it’s not as if it was wasted just because Biden’s probably going to win New York and just to call the V the voters clowns to call these people clowns when all you know about them is they wanted to go see Trump speak like I really you thought she couldn’t outdo herself with the after the computer comment but she somehow managed to uh sound just as stupid and sensitive yeah it is true that the the the gift of trump is that he exploits the free media they had to cover it and then there’s got to be people at home watching that and going like oh wow so it’s like he may have had 10,000 people at the rally how many more people were watching thanks to CNN and MSNBC so to be clear before we get into all this brother’s day was yeah not in February no it [Applause] wasn’t so it wasn’t like brother brothers day it was a brother biological like your sibling it was like Greg to Marsha I got all hype and I was like I had an extra day and you snatched My Dreams Away thanks godf all right uh I think the the point that we’re missing here is and Paul made a strong point is that they don’t care about people who don’t vote for them MH and they don’t learn from their own mistakes because a certain young lady decided to call everybody deplorables and it they it the whole reaction of the country changed not just by the ones you’re talking about by people like wow you’re talking about my neighbors like that you’re talking about people I know like that and they don’t care because they think they just have it in the bag they don’t have to do anything because Trump trump keeps he’s changed and I got to give him credit because this two in two when he was running in 16 he wouldn’t have been like this he’d have been attactive and fighting with everyone he was everyone’s friendss and they even told a guy with gold fronts like hey man where do you get those teeth like that I would like there’s a guy who was like figured it out like I’m not wasting any more energy fighting with them my route to the to the White House is through the American people and he’s doing it and it’s driving them crazy because he didn’t spend his whole time talking about hulc he didn’t spend his whole time throwing shots at biting he’s like this is what we’re going to do this is how bad it is and I’m excited to be for you to want me to do it and people are getting behind that and it’s driving them crazy and it’s not only that but yeah it’s one thing to say that Dems won’t go to Red cities it’s another thing that when you see AOC hold something in her district and it’s empty so he’s out drawing even them in their own District you know what he did he just turned half of America into the Bronx yeah right like I don’t live in the Bronx you know I’m a Met fan so you know but the bottom line is you know people across the country all of a sudden are identifying with the Bronx in City that you know have nothing to do with red States it’s a brilliant move yeah and real quick to your point to your point you talked about how they deal in feelings MH and they they personally attack those who are not against them that’s why when they say deplorable when they say morons are clowns it we know who they’re talking about yeah when Trump says a policy is stupid he’s not talking about individual he’s talking about the law that’s the difference that’s why their’s carries weight they don’t haven’t figured that out yet they personally attacked the American voter yeah with this election the only thing the only thing Joe Biden has in the bag are his [Applause] feces thank you thank you you know who wrote that joke Ansley airheart up next Biden needs memes to fulfill his dreams I had if you’ll be in the New York area and would like tickets to see Gutfeld go to Gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else


  1. Fox is clown news owned by an Aussie billionaire who thinks Americans are stupid CNN is worldwide respected honest and and legit

  2. trump is quite mad but compared to biden he is mother teresa….the real question is TRUMP OR BIDEN…IS THAT THE BEST AMERICA HAS TO OFFER THE WORLD

  3. Trump supporters, they don't all have white teeth…oh yeah I guess they do…if they're from the Bronx! 😁 – LOLOLOL LOLOLOL LOLOLOL 🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸

  4. I am a conservative and I can’t believe Gutfeld is the number 1 late night comedian, he is not even funny

  5. Don't call 'em clowns…call 'em Bozos🤡 – LOLOLOL LOLOLOL LOLOLOL 🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸🤠🥳🇺🇸

  6. 5of5 A $15,000 incentive is paid to employers that list then hire a GWR from the Newly Arrived Worker Federal Job Listings database. The GWR are housed in Homeless Shelter Villages [HSV] using Pallet Shelters components; paid for by repealing the $9.3 trillion dollar Bush and Trump tax thefts to the rich and price-gouging inflation-causing corporations.

  7. 4 Use artificially-intelligent [AI] 3-D-printing self-replicating GWR processing robot border agents [RBA]. To instantly match GWR to one of the 10 million open jobs in America right now.

  8. 3 Before 1979 ya'll where pro-choice / pro abortion; until it needed something to defeat Jimmy Carter with. So Paul Weyrich, Jerry Falwell, and Richard Viguerie created “anti-abortion” where none before existed.

  9. 2 To its rejection of the evidence of AGW all around ya; creating the global-warming-refugees [GWR] at the border?

  10. 1of5 Do ya talk to your phone? Yeah. Are there robots smarter than AGW-denying EVILgelicals who are anti-abortion yet cannot tell ya who told it abortion is wrong? Where it is written in the KKKible, that Jesus Christ spoke of abortion; and where Satan told ya to link its Satanic beliefs?

  11. Ok at the very moment DJT gets those gold caps put on his pearly whites the election is over…for creepy Joe!

  12. The median IQ in America is 79. That means half the population has an IQ higher than 79 and the other half calls themselves democrats.

  13. I think the diversity of the crowd is what scares Democrats the most. They're chains are slipping off. People are seeing the difference in a peaceful world where only leftist cried about trump compared to a world where people are struggling more than ever and wars are going on and only started due to the weakness in the white house. Plus the most illegal border crossings in American history. If you deny that we were more peaceful under Trump then you are literally brainwashed beyond help.

  14. She called her voters clowns. Now, these clowns dont have a right to go anywhere, to listen another individual running for the presidency, this is called totalitarian, attitude. We are still a republic, We are free citizens, that We can choose what is good for Our lives to have the opportunity to live comfortably.

  15. Why does Kat never laugh at anyone else's jokes? Is she just sitting there waiting to deliver her own poorer jokes?

  16. Is there an award for worst performance ever??? This woman would definitely be near the top of the list!!!! 😂😂😂 I bet she got her hair did when she knew she was gonna be on TV. Her hair is matching her acting 🤣🤣🤣

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