Golf Players

Ebay Breaks 5/23/24

for for [Music] for for for for would you care if I take some of the boxes and just put them on this more space upstairs if I can just start piling things up here for all right guys we’ll get going here in a couple minutes couple minutes for for for for for oh my goodness yeah trust me I watched that Pete unbelievable my question is over the course of a year how many games are the PIR of SK are they is he going to end up not winning because of that team I mean it’s kind of absurd how bad that was leaves 5 to one and they lose s to six they gave up what five runs in an inning and a half after he left I mean they’re going to cost him win after win I mean they’ve already cost him too now he got one win he’s one and0 but he should have should be three and 0 they’ve already done it to him twice now Wilson Hernandez Thomas White yeah he got one he went what he won the last game Jack brandan yeah he won the second one uh hails Dylan Cruz blue I mean I think he’s going to be ready to be done with that play plus they pulled him he gave up one run in the first game and then when they pulled him they G the next guy that comes in gives up two runs on his dime Dylan Cruz green they should have left him in s Stewart onhell Perez I think after a couple years skes is going to be like yeah I need out HW Cruz Familia Carlson Reed blue aspirations I will say he’s Miss musty TV I’ve watched all three of his games so far number to 83 Aiden Miller red yeah I’ve watched all three of them so far Ricardo louder Bradfield green me I was talking with a group of people it’s hard to believe you give up five maybe Rhymer uh wizen hunt boss Troy picardo CER dcut but I mean really he should be three and0 right now if they weren’t screwing with him Vargas and honestly he didn’t even have that great a day today and left 5-1 and after six innings Rett louder I’d be like I want to go full games guys no relief pitching let me go nine if I win I lose at least it’s on me should I don’t think they’re going to do it though Blake Mitchell blue don’t think they’re going to do it groover Payton Graham on held de la Santos diecut I think he’s going to be the next Nolan Ryan I think he’s big enough he’ll stay healthy kind of kind of guy he throws an easy hund Albert Ferman at least that’s what he reminds me of jinz Colin Hawk huren walr gold diecut to 24 hero Wyatt dcut 399 Drake um wilin moral a skyler hails Bas signature prime number a Redemption all right guys reminder it is a keeper break if you like Blake Mitchell which means any player you bought tonight you can send me an email markolf at the bottom tonight it must be tonight not through eBay email um telling me you want to keep your player you will have them for the next two3 Thursday nights for the same price you paid Theon night hit kyel hall Hall and I do combine the shipping over all breaks for the 3-e period as well Allen Rhoden no cheaper easier way of getting your players don’t have to rebid you save the tax Meyer Cruz Rios but a Chase doer blue aspirations number to 89 Matthew Wood and Hernandez all my braks work the same way Massie all of them work the same way so if you buying on a Thursday you can keep for the next two Thursdays with this being week one you’re buying something something next week you can keep for the last week but it saves you on shipping you pay one shipping if you’ve got a wife you’ve got one box showing up every three weeks Chase Davis blue yes really if you have a wife you only get a box every three weeks looks better than a daily package Mike B gold prime numbers uh number to 24 Jacob Miller well I break Monday through Friday Monday through Friday always baseball almost always Prospect Ronnie Garcia to 149 I do a lot of Onyx um Leaf metal was Wednesday Mercedes kikel Rivera Philip Abner and then if you missed anybody anybody not kept tonight on Hell Perez tomorrow I’ll put a list up on Facebook Hawks breaks on Facebook and anything not kept can be claing for the next two weeks for the price it sold tonight so just ways of trying to keep it off eBay mcgonagle Cruz Kyle teal saves me money saves you money AJ Ying to 399 oh they’re in here I’ve hit I’ve hit enough of them Ralphie Velasquez you a Miller fan or are you a Phillies fan Rosario Wilson Naylor Garrett Forester Garrett Forester number to 399 Hector Perez to 199 I’m a race fan I was actually hoping that the Rays would have taken Miller in the draft pero louder Garcia uh Francisco valo oh a people admit to be in Yankee fans what’s going on Kai Matthew Wood you hit enough on Tuesday for the 3-we period by the way what’s up Nate you guys going tomorrow Brock wilin I just kept hitting them never hit that many Enrique in one stinking half case all right Gonzalez Shan wetter Michael carero well you playing golf instead Jacob Gonzalez I don’t know if the Orioles get a get some management help I think they’re going to take over the stinking division Jorge Dylan Cruz hails Tyler La I think the arrow will be the ones to beat for a long time if they don’t screw it up points niens groover hit will Sanders yeah I just hit a Hurston waldrip gold I hit an auto last one and he’s going for like five bucks Allan Rhoden Gonzalez Gonzalez quested how about a Paul [Applause] SK yeah those are real solid they got too many pieces how about a Paul skin throwback Auto what do you think Pete look at that be Drake Baldwin Forester a blue Gonzalez Foster Justin Rhymer I will say I think the rays are shot for this year they are terrible there’s a walri jersey card you ought to be buying SK MSI if you’re a Yankee fan he’ll end up there probably I can’t imagine he’s going to be good with the Yankees for any length of time oh I’m well aware of that card Pete well aware skin stur he absolutely did Darwin Hernandez oh I’ve been saying that for a while skines is the real deal I mean real real deal Mitchell uh Nala Treadwell Nicholls Chase Davis yeah so what are you doing instead of going to the game Familia Gonzalez Ortiz red prime numbers I was actually leaning towards going Beth even made a noise about it Scher 399 no about it you did she scoffed noise of derision Jacob Gonzalez Crowell masaw KN Wier oh really that’s kind of crazy do they have anybody there in the miners Mercedes to 149 uh Rucker Cruz Naylor how about a blue aspirations of CH Chase Davis Chase Davis nice card uh number to 82 Alvarez good old nacho yeah there still could be I mean rookie ball could still have some top picks there miles Naylor definitely could have some good prospects to watch I didn’t look to see he was there though all right guys halfway through halfway wow an orange Enrique Bradfield diecut I am shocked here’s my shocked face uh Sullivan Fernandez Kendall George Matthew Wood all right guys one more reminder if you are going to keep make sure you get me that email Sullivan Bradfield orange oh the Rays and the Braves oh heck I still might want to go number to 99 Ric uh Ricardo mcgomery yeah it’s my shocked face I pulled you another Enrique color this is before he I had to sign a ton of them Nate we Nate and I sat with Mason and he signed uh for Onyx with us serono exactly that’s a guarantee Quello Floyd he you got a green Aiden Miller it’s not a auto but you do have a gray or green one now you didn’t skunk how’s that Kade Morris diecut to 399 Beth and I went they weren’t as good for some reason Chase dander Anderson Gonzalez Ortiz Harrison points De Santos if they put it in here I absolutely can carig I will say it is hard to pull in the first and second rounders aren’t as easy as everybody else or so it seems and let this Enrique Bradfield and then you pull a billion of them you pull so many you feel bad Gonzalez orange AJ Ying Harrington onel Perez DPL um I hit an ink number to five last half case Massie I hit an ink the Jersey Auto green number to five of him ask Kai I’ve hit a ton of them zanello Gonzales Lord Zack thoron dcut I I think they’re all in my boxes yeah see ask Kai how many I’ve hit onel Perez I think I’ve hit more Enrique card wise than any other five players can bind ball Meister Bradfield Sanders points Bradfield jersey card I mean I’m telling you it’s just crazy yeah I’ve hit both I’ve hit two of the greens number to five they’re all in my boxes Horvath another Bradfield Thorton Ricardo stick around mzy you will be a in the Enrique Ricardo David mcab yeah there you go Bradfield he’s three letters off on the gold you have any of the other colors completed Kai Shaw skin crowel how about a gold R louder tonight guys how about a gold red louder 24 that’s a nice one pitcher that’s right behind skines on that list of best pitchers coming up ring KES hey you’ve hit plenty of stuff there Jason Aiden Smith oh really there you go tonight would have been the night we got skin how about a blue Enrique Bradfield Landon Sims Colby Thomas he goes cheap I’m surprised you don’t grab Enrique and leaf metal and go for the go for the colors kyel lard nens a Jack winegar Jack winegar diecut Cooper Engel I mean heck as cheap as he is Kaden Grace Tommy Troy Madrid orange skin Walton prime numbers Victor herado to 200 399 Nathan dmer you go you go after any of the Le I thought about it Hopkins samel is he in a Vandy Jersey or did they um change it for leaf did they do a Kyle teal photoshopped them into an Orioles jersey uh Matthews shenell quested we’ve got a diecut Kaden Grace to 399 he he Annabelle bele Annabelle bele and Aiden Miller base throwback they change it for leaf ah you probably would have been all over it if it had been a Vandy Jersey see Massie you can just show up grab a couple players T night talk baseball I’ll tell you how bad the rays are every night uh Gonzalez Rocka for we’ve got Walter Ford you sent who a completed Spellbound you sent Enrique one Allan Rhoden uh since it’s sitting there Andre chaparo base signature two bwon Wilson namala Kyer Lord rice Eldridge how’ you how’d you get his info huren waldrip that’s got to be I think that’s number two on the jerseys for waldrip tonight I know you got connections and all but Jace SK shenell blue Velasquez namala a Sammy stafura red prime numbers ah that makes sense uh Jake Deo Jake Deo diecut to 399 Camden minashi Heck if you keep it going when he’s here next march I can do anything for you Emerson Gonzalez shenell Dylan head diecut to 399 singz he’s in this area for spring training nacho Alvarez good old Nacho and Lead better all right guys if you haven’t hit yet drop to your knees say your prayers we got one box left this is it but if you are going to keep make sure you get me that email if not your stuff will ship out tomorrow and by then it’s too late for me to combine or do anything I can’t unship all right we’ve got a diecut Tommy Troy Tommy Troy diecut to 99 spro Robert Moore Annabelle Bel oh no wilen louder PCO Garrett Balman well if you can get the info you can tell them you’ve got a guy here in Sarasota brington area we you can send it to me and we can make an exchange for him bradden Taylor orange Jacob Wilson Troy uh just Rymer gold aspirations number 24 Jack Hurley points sakur Wilson Lake Mitchell M Mike B to 3.99 yeah well there you go all right we got close I ran out of top loaders you say you want to be a breaker invest in bcw four Stacks wasn’t enough Jose Jorge H there you go namala Dylan Cruz Madrid how about a blue aspirations Johnny farmelo diecut to 84 Shan mlan well like I said I sat here with Kobe Mayo I’ll do it with Enrique viso more than willing all right guys guys recap from tonight all right we’ve got Mitchell Rhymer Troy stafura chenuel Madrid Bradfield Ying Miller Bradfield Ortiz Gonzalez teal B Davis waldrip Mitchell Bradfield Cruz twice Jersey bele walr Eldridge teal Engel Bradfield Perez dander uh sorrano Gonzalez Davis waldrip Gonzalez Velasquez Perez Mitchell Ferman Miller forgot you did get the Miller to 49 nice red one and perezz not an auto but little something anyway uh Auto first stack we’ve got McLane felo Jorge B Hurley Balman Moore nacho head mini Deo Lord chaparro Rhoden Ford Beltre GCE seel dmer herado winegar Thomas Sims ring conz louder mccab Ricardo Thon Perez Harrington de la Santos lead better Morris mcgomery wood and and George no you can definitely do worse getting skunk in this is definitely an option Alvarez Davis Mercedes schlager at least it’s cheap if you get skunk normally Nicholls Hernandez Ford Rymer Baldwin good old skin tonight Roden Sanders laer carico wood valo Perez Forester Ying Abner Garcia Miller wood doer Rhoden Hall hails Wyatt de los Santos Graham Vargas CER wizen hunt Reed Stewart Branigan and white all right guys that’s it like I said if you are going to keep make sure you get me that email tonight yeah you can spend a th000 bucks and get skunked in 2024 this this time around I don’t even want to know what big names are going for in a break but I mean the names have to get have to be out there they’ve got to be that kind of money I mean what a hobby case is over three and a jumbo is over four grand I mean that’s crazy money back in the day I mean I say that but we’re talking what seven eight years ago I was paying 600 a case now they’re three and 4,000 compared to 600 just seven or eight years ago and at 600 I could take all I wanted absolutely all right hope you guys had a good night and we’ll see you tomorrow night with Onyx we’ve got 2024 and 2022 2024 and 2022 tomorrow night guys

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