Golf Players

๐ŸŒ๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ The Hidden Secret of Precision Iron Play – Forearm Rotation

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Masters Weekend is here and so today we’re going to take some inspiration from legendary 3-time Masters winner, Nick Faldo. In this captivating video, we delve into the hidden secrets of his iron play and how you can apply them to your game for improved performance.

๐ŸŒŸ Throughout the late 80s and early 90s, Nick Faldo’s dominance on the golf course was unparalleled. His precision iron play set him apart, leading to six Major wins and countless victories. Now, discover the secret behind his success as he reveals the power of forearm rotation in his swing.

๐Ÿ” Faldo’s unique insight into his iron play technique sheds light on the importance of forearm rotation for controlling the club face and achieving a crisp, powerful impact. Learn how he utilized this technique to trap the ball and produce penetrating shots, even under pressure.

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Tune in as Faldo shares his wisdom on rhythm and timing in the golf swing, emphasizing the role of forearm rotation as a key component of his smooth and rhythmic motion. Explore the Straight Away swing trainer, endorsed by Faldo himself and designed to perfect your takeaway and forearm rotation.

๐Ÿ”„ Discover the transformative impact of proper forearm rotation on your swing, as demonstrated by Faldo’s iconic model. Whether you’re struggling with your takeaway or seeking to refine your iron play, this video offers invaluable insights and practical tips to elevate your game to the next level.

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Ballstriking Blueprint:
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Simple Swing Solution:

Hi I’m Zach, thank you for visiting my channel. My goal here is to help you play the best golf of your life while having as much fun as possible!

I’m a PGA-certified golf instructor and have been coaching since 1997. I’ve been named a Golf Digest “Best Young Teacher,” a GolfTips Magazine “Top 25 Golf Instructor,” and Southern California PGA’s Teacher of the Year. I’ve worked with golfers of all ages and levels, from 4-year-old beginners on up through touring professionals. My students have included nationally-ranked juniors, touring pros, celebrities, and CEOs, but wherever you’re at on your golfing journey, my goal is always the same… to help YOU play your best golf!

I started playing competitive golf at a young age, ultimately reaching #3 in the California junior golf rankings – just behind another promising young golfer named Tiger Woods. I also played collegiate golf at the University of Southern California and professional golf on the Omega Asian Tour.

I work with students in-person at my studio in Valencia, CA, and teach golfers all around the world through my YouTube channel and on my website: Thanks for stopping by and drop me a comment if you have any questions or would like to get in touch!

so growing up right one of my huge Idols in golf was Nick FDO right you got to remember just the late 80s early 90s mid 90s this guy was absolutely Untouchable his ball striking especially his iron play was so head and shoulders above everybody else I mean that’s part of why he won six Majors Ridder cup you know just killing people doing so many amazing things and he hit iron shots wasn’t the longest hitter even though he was a big man right um wasn’t the the longest hitter but his iron shots were just he could draw it fade it the sound of his ball I watched him play in person multiple times I mean just an amazing golf swing so definitely one that I’ve always tried to look to and emulate um so let’s take a look here there’s a quick little podcast from uh the guys over performance Golf and falo’s talking about what he thinks is one of the secrets of his iron play so I was like let’s hear this what what would be his opinion on this take a listen and then went back and defended didn’t I yeah and then my iron shots through 1990 were really good I just had the great had very good rotation in my forearms you know I could really feel I could rotate and control the club face that was what was so good so you could you could really trap the golf ball yeah really got a really great crunch out of it so I thought that was so interesting right forearm rotation forearm rotation is what he felt was one of the secrets of his iron play right and it being just so dominant for so long and then he also said I don’t know if you caught that he said that he could rotate it right meaning his forearms and it would Square the club face because most people don’t think of it that way they think that you know in order to square the club face you’ve got to keep the club stable and you know he’s saying no I could rotate it and square the club face so just amazing insights there and I really feel like it’s something that could help your golf game because I see so many golfers out there just not getting the foron the forearm rotation down correctly um and not in a rhythmic pattern right that’s the thing that you see with falo’s golf swing it is so amazingly rhythmic to boot it’s part of why he’s able to hit so many good golf shots Under Pressure a lot of that is rhythm and you could say that you know kind of like a a conductor conducting a lot of it starts with what’s going on in our arms and wrist and once you find that rhythm in your arms and wrist it starts to kind of go into your body so um I want to show you one thing that we’re going to use today in today’s lesson it’s called the straightaway it’s made by David lead better and for those of you don’t know David lead better partnered with FDO and it’s they totally changed his golf swing and it’s a perfect swing trainer to kind of get the forearm rotation going in the right way so I hope you can see it here kind of attaches to the shaft notice this yellow line here I’ve got a yellow stick on the ground that’s kind of how I want you to start beginning to think about proper forearm rotation and the straightaway go ahead it shows you that just right off the bat so you see as I go to take the golf club away I want to have zero forearm rotation absolutely nothing and when it’s done correctly I can get this yellow line and that yellow stick on the ground to match up perfectly here’s the big key if you just do just this like you see how small that was right there that’s going to throw off the forearm rotation for the remainder of the golf swing okay and that’s not something that falo did so just two degrees of forearm rotation this way that’s going to start to make my forearms react in a negative manner okay so what falo is doing there and uh in the takeaway his forearms are not rotating at all the club you could say is staying outside of his hands I feel the weight of the shaft and the weight of the head here he doesn’t start rotating his forearms until the club Transitions and he starts down so he goes from basically full range of motion as far as forearms this way change the direction now he’s imagine a steering wheel his forearms are as much turned to the right as possible Right coming down and then what he talked about coming into the ball I could rotate it and square the club face so that’s really the big key so many golfers out there right probably the number one problem in golf is golfers rotate their forearms to start the back swing and the club goes inside or below plane sometimes you’re a pretty good player even and you just do it just this much that’s still not going to allow you to swing the golf club correctly that’s why I love this swing trainer it really even when I put it on mine I thought my takeaway was pretty good I’m like no I’m I’m actually still rotating the club face sum in my takeaway so it really kind of irons out that takeaway issue that starts to affect transition right release impact all those different areas so what I want you to try to think about here is get it to your right thigh and stop I can tell using this straightaway right I can feel the weight of the club outside my hands I know my forearms have not rotated at all okay now I’m going to from here this is part of the drill and this is how I want you to learn it start your down swing now and as I go to start my downswing from this position my forearm is going to rotate my lower body is going to lead and now my forearms are turned this way as much as possible that’s really the big key is getting to those end ranges of motion don’t be in the middle so many of you out there that are in here and then when you come down the club tends to do this that’s forearm rotation this way and that’s not what we want so once I get to here I’m going to just stop and freeze I’ve double checked my straightaway I can see it’s right in line with the the yellow stick on the ground from here I’m going to go go ahead and just feel like I hit it start my lower body down and hit it that actually felt great that ball was 89 yards not very far dead straight but I could feel my forearms going through that full range of motion so no rotation fully rotated uh clockwise and then down through impact I feel full rotation coming back through and I thought that was so interesting him saying that because many people that are trying to hit the ball straight they’re trying to really keep everything square and steady going through and he’s talking about how he was really kind of act actively and rhythmically moving his forearms as he was coming through and I like that saying how he said okay he could rotate it and square it and he felt like he could really trap the ball so that’s just that image of the Club having more Loft here and then he felt like he could rotate it trap it at impact right to really kind of keep his flight down he talks a lot about how you know when him and Lead better first started working his ball flight was too high you know was up in the air especially with the old golf ball and he really learned how to kind of hit something that was more penetrating and I I know a lot of it had to do with some of this forearm rotation hey it’s your coach Zach Allen here and if you’d like to permanently eliminate your slice add 20 or more yards to your drives and make consistently flush contact swing after swing then I’ve got just the thing for you I’m about to show you a method that will fix your swing fast in fact we often see huge improvements on the very first swing since I don’t have enough time in this short video I’ve put together a three-part mini clinic where I walk you through the exact process nothing held back I call it the one swing fix and you can get the entire thing free of charge by clicking the link in the description below the training isn’t available anywhere else so go ahead click the link right now and I’ll see you on the other side all right now let’s get back to today’s lesson so when you guys are working on it right freeze here don’t take it back very far initiate with the lower body and just try to hit some small crisp piercing iron shots with this little compact golf swing that’s does feel great that was pretty straight again 82 yards and I can feel my forearms going through that full range of motion you could kind of see him demonstrating it there as he was talking about it sitting in the chair get your forearms to work like that um if you like the straightaway I use it with a lot of my students it really tends to fix a takeaway issue right off and I’m telling you it’s one of the most common problems in golf is the takeaway going like like this most people kind of Overlook it because they start to see something else that happens on the way down that seems like a bigger deal but I’m telling you the root cause is in your takeaway so this thing is very simple the straightaway right it only does one thing but it does it perfectly well it will fix your takeaway once and for all if you’re one of those person that said yeah you know I I always kind of I tend to take the club inside you know but you know I I also I early extend I come over the top I I do other things trust me it’s rooted back to the takeaway so I really believe in this swing trainer it fixes things pretty much right off it’s very self-explanatory very simple to use if you want to take a look there will be a little description in the link below you can click on it and take a look and see if it’s something that you want to um you know possibly purchase or look into getting other than that I hope some of these stories about falo lead better them working together you know lead better coming up with this same swing trainer because I know it had something to do with him trying to get his stud students to swing more like his model Nick falo right who wouldn’t want to swing like that I hope this stuff’s helped you out if you want to look at another video that possibly has some other things that’ll help you with your takeaway I’ve got one right up here but other than that I will see you next week have a great week


  1. unless he really meant arm adbuction/adduction? Pros tend to have feels that are completely different than reality. Then again, he was probably practicing hours on end so might not work for mere mortals. But for some of us it's almost a feeling of counter-rotation to cancel out our ingrained over-rotation. Pretty much delaying rotation until transition where it shallows the club auto-magically. ๐Ÿ˜€ That feeling of "greatness" Is still elusive to me but It's getting more frequent so I'm more motivated than ever..

  2. Exactly what I've been working on lately, and guess what? As long as I remain focused and follow my routine, my contact is pure, sweet feeling. Now I need to add another 15-20 yards in distance, which may not come because I'm 64 and too old to achieve more distance. Ah youth..

  3. Between you, Zach, and Chuck over at Rotory Swing are hitting it out of the park!!! You two have help me so much! Thank you!!!

  4. Thing is that if you watch the Faldo/Leadbetter video from that period the takeaway that Leadbetter was teaching was completely not like this (from 10:40 in, Leadbetter has changed his teachings to be more like everyone else teaches now . Also Faldo is a big guy at 6ft, 3 inches (1.91m) and was clearly swinging well within himself with the distances he hit then, which would have very much helped his accuracy. Nobody can play like that nowadays because everyone is hitting so long, everyone is using 'full effort' (as it says in the Stack app). Leadbetter then pushed Faldo to drop his arms even more in the downswing, which led to him hitting it straight left. Have to say I think Leadbetter is overrated.

  5. If I remember correctly Nick Faldo talked (in book or video) at some point about an in between point of deciding he needed to change his swing (prior to starting work with Leadbetter) that he had been trying some advice I think he was given by Mark O'mera. I think O'mera actually encouraged him to rotate his forearms going back (to make the backswing flatter). I think that coupled with the Jack Nickulas leg drive he had at the time led to the arms and club being stuck behind him and passive feeling coming down.

    When he then remodeled his swing with Leadbetter like you said he kept his club more in front of his chest during his backswing, that in turn kept his arms more in front of his chest throughout the swing as well leading him to no longer get stuck, no longer passively having the arms dragged through, and promoted a more releasing type of feel down and through impact. Going from the bandaid Omera compensation to an almost opposite movement would create a drastically different feel at the time.

    Faldo has said at times that he's been billed as a technical guy, but has said that the drills he did were to create feelings and sensations he could take to the course.

    I'd be interested in hearing more theories that you think cause people to get into that bad rotated takeaway position and some more drills to get the club staying in front of the body (without swinging outside and away from the body going back).

  6. Like your videos and instructions, thanks a ton. Leadbeter put the yellow stick by the toes and you have it about 10 inc from it. I have orded the straitaway and i dont want to do it wrong.

  7. I hate to say it Zach but youโ€™re not standing correctly with respect to the alignment stickโ€ฆthe stick should be placed adjacent and touching your toe lineโ€ฆyou should watch Leadbetterโ€™s video on how to use the toolโ€ฆthank you

  8. Understoodโ€ฆby the way I have purchased your program and think youโ€™re a terrific instructor with great content.๐Ÿ˜Š

  9. It seems for every bit of golfing advice there is someone doing the exact opposite with success. It can't always be a matter of talent. So with great respect to this channel, look at Tony Finau's golf swing. He looks to be an early rotator of his forearms BUT he keeps his arms in front of his body throughout, therefore not getting stuck.

  10. I always – ALWAYS – learn something helpful to improve my game when viewing a Zach Allen golf video. We're lucky he shares his wisdom and insight on You Tube.

  11. Golf is an amazing game. More amazing is the so called "secret(s)" moves or technique to improve. Every day something "new" is "discovered". Endless mumbo jumbo! Learn the fundamentals and practise correctly and you will improve. Learn the "laws" of ball flight to correct any flaw in your swing. I learned to play in my mid fifties (never struck a ball or held a club). Purchase a net, a mat and Leadbetter's book: "The golf swing". Practiced an average of 2 hours every day into the net until I was consistent in making solid contact and the swing action was smooth. Then I started hitting at the range and practicing the short game. I ended up on average 1 to 2 over par, sometimes 1 to 2 under par. I stopped playing because that would be about the best I could achieve without putting in more practise time. That is the great lesson I learned about golf or just about anything you decide to pursue in life.

  12. Discovering this transformed my swing. Way better compression and consistency now.

    I try to keep my lead hand "under" the trail hand as long as possible and initiate the take away with my shoulders.

    A good take away is so important!

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