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Gareth Southgate reacts to announcing England provisional squad for Euro 2024

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Watch Gareth Southgate’s press conference as he announces England’s provisional squad for Euro 2024.

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good to see you Gareth big day and you’ve made some big decisions particularly in terms of one or two players that you’ve left out that have been very important for you for a long time now um let’s start with Marcus rashford why is he not in the list yeah I mean these are of course difficult calls you’re talking about players that are very good players and who’ve been an important part of what we’ve done over a number of years so with Marcus I just feel that other players in that area of the pitch you’ve had better Seasons it’s as simple as that Jordan Henderson too I mean he’s had a difficult couple of years really he went to Saudi Arabia and and from my understanding a big reason why he came back to Europe was to try and keep him relevant and close and and in your thoughts for for the England squad so he’s not now in your top 33 apparently um is he just not playing well enough in your eyes to to to kind of earn a place at the moment yeah I mean the 33 isn’t quite a fair definition because we’re taking a longer Squad with some young players to have a look at as well so um I mean hendo’s given himself every chance um the bit the determining factor is the injury he picked up around the last Camp he’s missed five weeks and just hasn’t been able to get to the intensity um in the game since then so yeah look he’s he’s a fantastic professional um that that was a really difficult call to make because he’s been so important so supportive in my time here and and I have to say all the boys when I’ve spoken to them uh Ben Marcus Jordan who were the three that were with us last time they were incredibly professional and uh yeah considering the disappointment they dealt with it very well you hinted at it there saying this is a provisional Squad of 33 so lots of really exciting youngsters you’ve brought in that I’ll be honest we didn’t expect Adam walon For example Gerald quaner Curtis Jones Gerald branth but this is a provisional Squad you’ve got C it to 26 by the 7th of June what chance have those youngsters got of making that final grade well everybody has a chance um there are definitely some players that we wanted to see um the reason for the longer Squad we were in a similar situation before the last euros and more time is going to help us make better decisions and might help us to give a better balanced Squad so there are some injury issues that are very obvious and apparent and there are some that are a little bit more nuanced and um that we don’t have all the information on and sometimes you need to work with the players and see the players and see how they react physically to training so yeah there this has been as complicated a group as I can remember picking and we’ve had quite a few complicated ones um but as I say I think we can make better decisions uh by giving ourselves more time and and we’ve got time so there are moments where actually time doesn’t help you to make a better decision but in this instance it will hi Gareth Luke Shaw is included in this squad but has struggled with injury just from your point where where is he at the moment and what’s your understanding of his situation yeah I I have to say you know he’s up against it um he’s missed a lot of football um the fact that he’s been our first choice in that position we’re probably giving him a bit longer than we might have done um and I don’t again I’m not sure what’s realistic at this moment in time so um we we’ve I’ve talked with him medical team leasing with Manchester United very closely um but yeah I’d have to say he’s a long shot and in that Midfield area of the midfielders that are in the long list there’s under a 100 caps there is is experience initial or feel the players Talent can carry them through well clearly um you’d like to have experienced players um and it’s still possible that you know we can play in a way that we have that um but we need to see some of these younger guys as well they’ve had good Seasons um we can learn more about them and they are we feel the best players at this moment in time to be able to come and fulfill the roles that we’re talking about in the forward area there’s 12 players listed Jud Bellingham among them how many are you expecting to cut from that 12 for the the fin final Squad yeah I mean I wouldn’t be obsessed with where we’ve positioned the players cuz some of them could be in different areas of the pitch so I have to write a list and then these guys put a heading on it we should just have forwards and backs and it would all be a lot easier maybe but um yeah again we don’t know where we will need to cut this is this is part of the issue if we picked tomorrow we might end up taking a dozen Defenders because we’ve got so many questions um and we’d obviously rather not do that so um in another couple of weeks I think we’ll be much clearer on number of issues um so there are that’s why there are opportunities for everybody I I’d also have to say I think you can take too many forwards as well and uh you can have too many options in certain areas of the pitch and of course with forwards you’ve got to give them love and and um make them feel special and if you’ve got too many that that can also be complicated so um yeah there’s there’s a lot to to think about over the next couple of weeks I’d have loved it to have been cleaner and more definitive um but it’s not the situation we’re in J hi Gareth um obviously Jordan Henderson offers a huge amount in terms of leadership and what he brings to the camp away from the pitch um are you confident that the squad will be okay in that facet even without him well he’ll be a Miss there’s no question about that he’s an exceptional individual um fantastic human being and he’s been in that leadership role since I took charge um equally in the last game we played we had a lot of our senior players missing we made Declan captain and him and one or two others with that space I thought really Rose to that challenge and that’s that’s what you hope to see and what we have to challenge other people to do we’ve got young players with a lot of caps there’s no reason why young players can’t lead and the dynamic will be slightly different um but also you you’re giving space for other people to mature and develop so does that mean we can expect to see a slightly different leadership group within within the squad in Germany well we’ve moved away a little bit from a defined leadership group for the very reason that I think we’ve got so many people who lead in different ways and have a voice and sometimes when you limit that group actually um it means that others don’t step forward when they might they they defer to a hierarchy and um we’ve got too many good influences around the group that um I want input from various areas now there will be certain things where I consult with a smaller group and and I think that would be normal for any coach of any team um but I have noticed occasions where you know even with a captain Vice Captain there’s a bit of differential uh behavior and and we don’t want that we need people to step forward we encourage it and um over the last year or so we’ve allowed that space as well I think another experiened player who’s not in is Eric Dyer given his form for Bayern Munich were you tempted to bring him back yeah he’s he’s played very well for Bayern and I know that they are very very happy with him um we think he’s just behind the other guys we’ve selected um we we watch every game he’d obviously played well in in some big matches in the Champions League as well um so conscious of that um but we’ve assessed all of that right across the board Gareth you me Gareth over here hi um you mentioned sort of other options uh instead of Marcus rashford on the left do you consider Phil foden an option on the left or is he as he’s pretty much showing for Manchester City a number 10 and is Anthony Gordon an option to start giving his form for Newcastle well Anthony is a um has obviously missed the last game with an injury so that’s that’s part of that Phil has played off the right off the left um I think the key with Phil is where he ends up not his starting position so um when he plays on the left with with City sometimes he stays wide but very often he’s allowed to drift and it’s always been the same with us he’s allowed to drift then then there’s where the player has to defend you know Jude all season has played as a 10 sometimes is defended on the left wing um for Real Madrid um um so I think it’s about where these players arrive and where you allow them to drift to that’s that’s the key um I think if you spoke to all of our players in the forward areas we never pin them to a touchline you know that’s not how we work so there is that freedom it it’s obvious how you know the brilliant season Phil’s had how he stepped up in big games um not only when big players have been out but when he’s been playing alongside them as well and you want him in those Central areas as you do one or two others um so we we have to find the best way of making that happen James hi Gareth um you mentioned obviously you’re balancing a number of injury issues can you give us an idea of the number I mean just how many players do you think you’ve got at the moment that 33 that are carrying something no I don’t I mean I’d have to go through the list but you know there are there are a significant number that that will be apparent to you looking at the players who have missed the last few games of the season and the players who are only just back from the last few games of the season so we’ve got an important physical challenge in that some players are going to need a bit more work but we’ve got to make sure we push at the right times and get them the minutes that they need in the games and other players don’t need much at all and need refreshing and um so yeah I think we’ve navigated that well in our previous end of season tournaments and and and that’s the challenge we got to do this time as you say you experienced in dealing with it but is this is this the worst you’ve known this in terms of just the volume of players carrying problems yeah we’ve never had so many I would say we’ve never had so many unknown situations we’ve had you know tournaments where we’ve taken a player that we think would be pretty certain would be back for a certain moment of the tournament um we’ve had tournaments where we’ve had two English teams in the Champions League final and not had players for the games so yeah they’re different problems but we’re used to dealing with it and um the key is making the best possible decisions and will you do you plan to keep the 33 all the way through to the Iceland game or are you going to maybe release one or two as you go along yeah I I couldn’t answer that accurately at the moment um I think certain pictures will emerge and evolve and and other things might need to wait until right at the end because obviously we have a game that night that you could have anything come out of that game as well so um as I said I always like to give players as much clarity as possible um I think that’s helpful in these situations but um yeah on this occasion we’re not able to do that and just finally from me did you speak to Ben White at all this time no no I mean as far as I’m aware he’s not available to us thank you thanks James anything [Music]


  1. There’s a reason why the likes of Germany always called up players like Podolski or Klose or even Giroud with France who sometimes were out of form for the club but still very effective for the National team. Rashford is that type of player to be honest and already had great chemistry with the core players. He also has that personal drive to redeem himself from the penalty miss. Sometimes you don’t just pick players from form only. You think of it as a unit.

  2. The defence has to be the right call, for me we have brilliant midfielders and forwards, but apart from walker and stones I'm struggling to see a real solid set up. It's now down to the coaching team to do the business.

  3. Some good news tho Portugal have called up that preening Muppet Ronaldo so that's them out…as all he'll do is stand around in the opposition half ensuring his hair looks good on camera then have a 3yo tantrum when his team mates don't pass the ball…😊

  4. When Henderson was signing his massive Saudi contract to "spread footy" he didnt worry about playing for England this summer did he? He won't be missed at all.

  5. The Ben White question was typically dumb. Why would he talk to players that make a point of not wanting to play for England?

  6. What a job this man has done! Iceland 2016 is a distance memory my god he’s been treated so crap he’s brought nothing but gems in

  7. Just wanna say for all the haters, southgate clearly cant win. The players hes giving a chance to are incredible, and hes cleatly not picking top 4 players at long last. Fair play gareth im pleased.

  8. Mitchell at left back instead of Trippier. Trippier looked gassed at Christmas and Mitchell has been class for Palace especially in the Liverpool game.

  9. Elliot for me should have been picked.. he’s been absolutely crucial for Liverpool either starting 11 or coming on as sub, always makes a difference

  10. I’m just glad kalvin philips hasn’t scammed his way into the squad. Henderson can’t be picked leaving the premiership for that crappy league ended his england career leaving there was great but going to another poor league was pointless he should have come back to the premiership if he thought he had any chance apart from Bellingham and lane the other English players that play abroad don’t matter tomori, Abraham, smalling no one watches them

  11. I thought that was a very good interview from Gareth. He knows he will get questioned or criticised whichever way he goes, I like the decisions he has made. Lets see how the final squad takes shape and get behind them.

  12. We won’t win anything because of pure bias ness and ignorance. We can’t even get good coaches much less managers

  13. Pointless waffle. The fact is, England have the highest scoring winger in premier league history if you exclude penalties, the second highest scorer for England of the players today, the highest assist provider, the player who almost single handedly dragged England to their first final in over half a century, the most reliable England player in high stake competition games, and so clearly most dangerous attacker in English football today not in the squad let alone the team. The idea any team can succeed to win a competition without a player that can deliver so much reliably to their game and be so influential to a teams success whether the rest of the team do not perform so well or not is called wishful thinking. We've seen Southgate take risks in finals and failed at every turn. He is unable to make constructive risks and is strongest when he uses common sense. Common sense would tell you Jude Belligham has excelled partnering Vinicias Junior at Real Madrid winning the Spanish League and in the final of the Champions League which should be amazing for England as England have a similar player to Vinicias Junior in the name of Raheem Sterling in the England team meaning they can understand each other very quickly and form an equally powerful partnership for the England attack. This is common sense. But what does he do? He takes Sterling out of the team depriving England of that obvious lethal attacking partnership. Common sense would tell you that with England getting to a final with Sterling as the driving force giving defenders nightmares on one wing and Saka still developing on the other, when Saka finally develops as he has today and so much better than that final and able to give defenders nightmares like Sterling, England with these two wingers would be giving defenders sleepless nights on both wings and be even more lethal than when getting to that final, so you play them both again now as a bigger threat than before. This again is common sense. But no, Southgate has decided to not play Sterling and play a lesser threat that has achieved nothing, but some good games for an average club for one season and has no experience of high stakes competition, or an alternative that has played for England, but achieved nothing special when playing for England and is not even the first choice for his club team. It's astonishing stuff. As for Palmer, a player that has scored an average number of goals in open play scoring 10 penalties he will not take for England to push up his stats, but more importantly failed to make the Man City team and was then sold, because although he was known by Man City to score goals is too much of a defensive liability to have in a team that wants to win things or be a top team, why in the world would a manager with any sense ignore these facts and like a novice want to consider putting him in his team just because pundits, commentators and the media choose to ignore the obvious facts and claim the manager who sold him has made a mistake despite the fact this manager is winning everything under the sun. Palmer does not understand defense, does not participate in defensive responsibilities, does not know how to balance defensive and offensive responsibilities and has no interest in understanding or participating in defensive responsibilities at a time in football when all 11 players have offensive responsibilities and all 11 players have defensive responsibilities and the team least efficient at utilising all 11 players for these offensive and defensive objectives loses. That is modern football and what is understood by all the top teams in league and international football as necessary to win competitions or leagues. But Southgate obviously thinks he is the exception and wishful thinking will get him over the line. Without Raheem Sterling in the team, I predict England will be knocked out of the competition in the Quarter finals at these Euros as we saw proved when Sterling did not play in the last World Cup, mark my words, so I won't even bother watching the games managed by stupidity that makes no sense forced on the manager by pressure from the media. Wishful thinking gets you nowhere. Peace and love

  14. The best way to play is high press as most are used to this energy level, also opponents are not going to get through easily as they are not familiar with each other in international games. If they go high ball then it is easier to deal with the aerial dominance in defence. This will allow more possession and that will suit England better as they are stronger playing in opposite half with the talent they have upfront. However that means Watkins becomes the better choice over Kane. Best press formaion upfront will be Watkins, foden, Saka, grelish and Bellingham. Rice will be tight on their playmaker to avoid passing through midfield.

  15. It’s so mad as the media all up to the announcement say Henderson and rashford shouldn’t be in then when Gareth leaves them out it’s all they talk about it’s obvious why they both not there

  16. Terrible call on Henderson, Thats a shame. A true leader we needed. Thank god Sterlin isnt in this time! LETS GO ENGLAND

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