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[Free Match] Allie Katch vs. Aaron Rourke | Beyond Wrestling Open (Intergender Mixed AEW TNA Impact)

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[Applause] as here we go oneon-one contest use that hashtag wrestling open let us know what you think the Bell has rung we are underway who do you give the favor to here Drew who do you think’s going to take it oh boy I mean Aly catch is somebody that has become one of the most popular wrestlers in the world in 2022 but popularity does not necessarily win matches in the lengths that Aaron roor has been willing to go to I mean I don’t know I don’t know I I’m I’m going to I’m going to give it the Aly catch in this one what is although it looks like it’s like Russian dancing or something no it’s something way cooler than that take to Twitter they’ll tell you all about oh all right use that hashtag let me know what what just happened well I think that Aaron Rook may be walling Aly catch into a false sense of security thinking yeah maybe this could be a fair fight an evenly contested matchup and uh I would not trust him you don’t say I and right now I don’t know if I would trust Aly catch he tried to Kip up didn’t really work he think him playing cat maybe I can see that going to assist here on the kip up that’s very nice of Aaron roor I don’t uncharacteristic to say the least Paul I you could say that again Ducks the clothes line in the back elbow there’s a shoulder block [Applause] as now Aly catch going to follow it up with that Avalanche Splash in the [Music] corner Irish whip up and oh no I stand corrected allly able to hold on to Aaron roor there oh too much leg strength though the way that he drove her into that corner now in that seated position nowhere to go as there is a boot to the throat of Aly catch and now Aaron dancing together a minute ago now he’s choking around well you did say Aaron Roar can’t be trusted and that was a clear indication of your uh smizing there very wise old DC I wouldn’t go that far as Aaron roor with the big chop there in the corner and he has had his issues with Bobby Orlando and Bryce Donovan of course cheating to Beat Bobby Orlando just a couple of weeks ago and Bryce Donovan saying you want to beat up my mom while Daddy’s home so I think we inevitably going to see those two classs match up I would love to see but right now Aaron Roar still get his hands full with Aly catch one of the things that I think is worth mentioning is there are very few competitors not only as popular but are that are also as active there’s very few independent wrestlers that have had as many matches this year Ali catch always stays in ring shape and she can get down and dirty with the likes of an Aaron roor so if Aaron roor is willing to uh stoop to some de steps in order to get it done yeah you never know what you can see out of alley catch as well although attacking on the ropes oh what a spin kick to the back of the head that was clean though right on the back of the head hooks the leg is that it it is not shoulder up as now Ali catch has to figure out a way to get around the evil Ingenuity of Aaron roor here in episode 45 as he has shown he is not somebody you want to mess with Baron roor once again trying to close the wind pipe of alley catch with a foot across the throat something that is going to bend the rules if you get to the five count from the official you have broken the rules you will be disqualified as Here Comes Aaron roor oh no great counter from Aly catch some signature offense out of the corner with that senton once again a body Avalanche and now maybe a cannon ball oh no just a flying hip attack work could be out not even sure that he can defend himself right now could have broken his collar bone right on the money hooks the leg but Aaron roor able to get that shoulder up and things are certainly looking much more positive for Aly catch here in her wrestling open debut once again we want to thank our sponsors at pro wrestling pondering for putting this match up together as RoR sends La catch into the ropes and she catches herself now looking for that pile driver no work had it scouted oh man that roundhouse kick kick to the temple now going to the top rope got a handful of hair gets met with a forarm to the jaw and Aly catch instead of retreating is going to be looking to take the fight to the high rent district if she can go from the top all the way down to the mat that could be enough to put away Aaron Ro but easier said than done charges back in caught him with the boot that was some unique offense and Alli catch looking to fly oh caught him with a cutter there is a cutter Fold It Up shoulder minutes have the very last moment five minutes remain Aaron Ro hanging on here against Aly catch in episode [Music] 45 going to bring Aaron Rook back up maybe looking for that pile driver this time in the center of the Ring center of the Ring away from the ropes oh big shot to the face of Aly catch and now Aaron RoR talking some trash there’s a forearm from roor Aly catch is stumbled but fires back there’s a chop an overhand attack from Aly catch this one’s broken down Paul this one is a measuring stick who is going to be the tougher competitor who will be standing last oh and now fun the pile driver oh look a counter unbelievable counter by Aaron Ro slipped out the back door able to avoid contact with the handstand looking for a pile driver of his own alley catch armed trapped good night thanks for oh Aly catch out at two Aaron roor alley catch here at wrestling open they are delivering [Applause] as Aaron roor is losing his mind he can’t believe it boy the pressure is on to deliver wrestling Open the Eyes of the wrestling World on Worcester Massachusetts every Thursday night and Aaron War continues to mouth off to aliat oh this is just absolutely disrespectful and unnecessary here by Aaron it’s not going to win you the match there’s a forearm Aaron Roar could have cost himself here oh Ali catch looking for the Death Valley driver this could end your career she hit it but does she have enough energy to go in there and finish it off going to push or away from the ropes wasting valuable time unable to hook unable to hook the outside leg with their own legs couldn’t great find it this match will continue but man that was a bad land you think that R’s going to be able to recover Paul well it was enough time for him to recover to get that shoulder up at two but I think Aly catch is on on the precipice here I think she could put it away going to try that pile driver one more time but Rook oh he he bit the hand he is biting the hand there’s the high kick one more time and he plants Aly catch he got all of it he did it again A Low Down Dirty win for Aaron W the time of the ball 7 Minutes 43 seconds here is your winner the dime piece Aaron roor Aaron Ro forall it’s just completely UNC it’s enough to get the victory there’s no need to taunt your opponent like that it’s just something that has no business in professional wrestling and you know that Bryce Donovan’s at home watching live on iwtv you know that it’s just a matter of time before he can get his hands around the throat of Aaron Ro


  1. Not surprised she couldn’t defeat a man but she put up a great fight. Allie is always a joy to watch in the ring.

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