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2024 NCAA DIII outdoor track & field championship (May 23) I FULL REPLAY

Watch the full event replay from Day 1 of the 2024 DIII outdoor track & field championships held on May 23.

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[Music] hello and welcome to Myrtle Beach beautiful Myrtle Beach I should say I’m Noah Dr alongside will Le and you are tuning in for the 2024 outdoor track and field national championships of division 3 will how’s it going it’s a beautiful day for track oh my gosh Noah I mean we kicked off this day was a little dip in the ocean we went for a nice little run we were trying to get a few of what these athletes are going to go through today and while we may have a little bit of heat and humidity the athletes are ready absolutely the athletes are ready there’s been some action already going down out in the field in the throws and jumps and we’ll bring you recap of of that action for sure as we get into our program this afternoon reminder this is a three-day meet today Thursday being day number one here Friday and then Championship Saturday of course a 3-day meet where the first two days are all about qualifying this is all about the team champion ship and will you got to get through the Heats to score points absolutely we actually had a couple interesting conversations last night with some athletes in the hotel lobby you know the nerves of a prelim I think that they’re probably a little bit more uh palpable than the nerves of a final you know you to score points for your team you got to advance through today um looking forward to some really great matchups we’ve already seen some fireworks on the track some national champions have already been crowned uh we got a great weekend of track and field Noah yeah absolutely really looking forward to it conditions out there if people like to hear about conditions it’s warm it’s humid it’s Breezy um but I don’t think that’ll get into the heads of the athletes too much it’s summer it’s summer it’s summer nowah it’s summer and we all expected this in Myrtle Beach and so yeah great great uh Ambiance for competition here great facility and we’re looking forward to bringing you guys along with us action here gets rolling on the track the first event will’ll bring you on the track is going to be at 5:15 local time we’ll get things going with the 4X 100 meter relays those are qualifiers only finals that you’re going to see on the track today are the the longdistance men and women in the in the 10,000 M starting at 8:30 local [Music] time on your screen now you’re seeing some of the competitors in the men’s P Vault competition they’re still warming up getting a feel getting a feel for the bar and not making any serious approaches quite yet we’ll be sure to keep you guys updated on action on the track as it gets rolling I think something to note about this men’s Pall competition I’ll be keeping my eye on some historic marks the uh the women’s event earlier proved to be be be quite good uh very advantageous win for these po volters um with with marks being top 10 marks top 10 alltime D3 marks being set by the women and so you it’s one of those things as the ball gets rolling as you watch your other competitors out there when you know that you’re on it’s a good win for jumping people were jumping well earlier I’d expect to see some guys go very high tonight and one cool thing about this facility is they actually have two pole vating pits and so they’ve got it lined up to have a little bit of a Tailwind so helps them on that approach crowd is beginning to filter into the stands here on night one definitely some excitement Brewing yeah we had the the prelims and some finals um in the in the throwing events earlier um with with those long throws obviously not being inside the stadium for safety purposes and so I think a lot of the coaches a lot of the families a lot of the athletes that were over there supporting those competitors they’ll be filing into the stands here shortly as we uh the track events get underway yep for sure men’s pole fers continuing to get the muscles warm we’ve seen a little bit of the multi events going down we can give you a give you a quick update on just the standing and in the multis in the Min to caon we’ve scored four so far the 100 the long jump the shot putut and the high jump and we should be seeing them for the 400 if uh if the schedules hold true we should see them out on the track for the 400 at at some point in the near future but uh leading that competition is Jackson Anderson he was your runner up in a close close final indoors and so it’ll be interesting to see how his shape is but uh you actually see him on your screen right now it must be over over they must be over finishing high jump so anyway this is Jackson Anderson on your screen from Williams still under way in the high jump and looks like he hits the bar there your defending champion in that competition from oair Mitch Stegman he’s back in eth right now but thing about the multis is you have to leverage your strongest events and those just haven’t quite come yet for Stegman also have the women’s heptathlon going on we uh just before we brought you guys up on air we saw them run the 200 that was their second event on the track their fourth scored event overall leading that competition is the name that a lot of you guys know Grace allly from Loris is leading that competition with 3,256 points it was interesting to watch those Heats of the uh women’s tlon because you know they obviously go from uh they Clump them according to ability and each of those Heats very evenly matched um one competitor obviously we saw sort of Head and Shoulders Above the Rest and that was uh Elizabeth bar from Carnegie melon blazing a 248 in that women’s heptathlon 200 meters um very impressive to see that but again you know tracks running fast pole vaults obviously going high and according to the fact that the the cathet are still in the high jump I would offer to say that uh we have some pretty good marks being established yeah we got the bar at 6′ 3 and 1/4 in right right now no clearances quite yet uh that he on your screen right now is raid excuse me Wade ronimus from Concordia Morehead he’s a senior he’s making his first attempt at this height looked like he has two strikes on 62 so move the bar up he’ll give it one more shot nice to be able to bring you guys some of the multi-event action before the track stuff gets rolling um yeah looks like that’s the that’s the main action on the track right now outside of the warmup on the pole vault so we’ll keep it here let you guys watch these multi- athletes these decathletes try to crank it over the bar that’s going to be Miss number three for Wade rimus and we have four athletes still in this competition on the cathlon high jump Charlie Nolan from Wisconsin Oshkosh is going to be next to make an attempt he’s got one strike so far at 63 and one4 inch and he’s over the bar there so that’s strike two for Charlie Nolan from Wisconsin Oshkosh still waiting to see a clearance [Applause] here that was segment again who we just saw and then this is Isaiah Clawson from weaton making his second strike uh correction Jackson Anderson from Williams there who just had his third third Miss but first Miss at 63 and a quarter um Anderson now will be getting ready for the decast on 400 meters coming up here in a moment correct that was Stegman from oair your defending champion from indoors he got over that right yeah he went up and over yep he’s your first athlete over 63 and 1 qu inch so as I mentioned earlier he was sitting eighth overall and uh he’ll definitely move up in the standings after this event now from Simpson going to be UL ulyses Patterson making his third and final attempt I don’t know will my back hurts just watching this uh we took a walk around the stadium before we got in the booth and just to get a sense of what it felt like to be a competitor out there and a lot of the coaches a lot of families get to be very very close to these high jump competitors the the the pits are sort of towards the outside or the inside of the track rail with the fans right there around the outside um of the fence and so you know they can hear The Hoots and hollers and uh obviously go over and get some some last minute pointers from their coaches but I think that’s pretty advantageous position for the high jumpers to be in yeah absolutely and especially right now when you’re the main action on the track you get maybe a little more fan support than they’re used to they’ve been out here all day kind of jumping and throwing in uh in the quiet withs we just saw Charlie Charlie Nolan from Oshkosh get over the bar as well on his third attempt so two still four athletes two clearances at 63 and 1/4 in clash of the Wisconsin Titans over there yeah that’s going to be a storyline this weekend is uh is the Wisconsin schools going going head to-head against each other uh maybe this is kind of a fun time to give you guys just the projections based on entries if if we just scored the meat as it was entered Wisconsin lacrosse wins with 50 points with Oshkosh in second just about eight points behind and so yeah just definitely keep an eye on those Wisconsin schools first non- Wisconsin school on the men side is going to be bethl they’ve got about 40 points worth of entries how it’s scored now but they do the meat for a reason PRS don’t I still haven’t found out what that reason is but uh the projections don’t matter so much but always interesting to keep an eye on them now and you know the coaches keep a very close eye on this right you know they’re always telling the the comparison you know every every time we can swap places here every time we can earn a point where they lose a point you know that’s it’s a double up effect and so um always always great to see you know the rival colleges be in a position like this where you know they’re not going to give each other an inch looks like we’re covering up well if one of the pits of the high jump is being covered up uh the other pit I think is where we will close out the remainder of this competition with Nolan Stegman and Patterson Still Still jumping and while they’re jumping they’ve got the blocks already out on the track for the 400 so these guys are these guys are going to be extremely busy no rest for the weary no if that’s kind of like you uh you’re rewarded by staying in the jumps for a long time by going immediately over to the 400 where their blocks are awaiting them but we’ve got a couple more jumps to get through here Stegman on your screen now as we mentioned currently sitting in eighth place in the overall standings through three total events scored Miss for Stegman Patterson passed on his last attempt at 191 63 and a qu so oh updated the standings Patterson failed to cut to Eclipse 63 and a quarter so we have just we’re down to two jumpers now yep bar sitting currently at 6 feet 4 and a quar inch Charlie Nolan from Oshkosh and Mitch Stegman from Wisconsin oair are the two remaining in the high jump competition to half on once again if you’re just joining yes you mentioned something earlier about a percentage of the athletes that represent Wisconsin schools in this meet yeah on the men side I I believe it’s 177% of the total athletes entered in this meet on the men’s side are are from the state of Wisconsin so you’re going to be you’re going to be hearing uh a lot of Wisconsin talk out of us this weekend if you’re not a fan of Wisconsin I apologize if you are tune keep tuning in Lacrosse looking to back up that dominant performance from indoors with an outdoor national title we have a potential equipment change here big if True by by Charlie Nolan uh these are his actual high jumping spikes those were his low jumping spikes before obviously so he’s looking for a little extra Firepower he’s got to get used to him he’s warming up fresh out of the box MH that’s going to be strike number one for him at this new height Mitch Stegman will be up next and he’ll get his second attempt wind blowing pretty briskly at their backs which you think is is a good thing and it probably is but it requires some minute adjustments I’m sure in their approach if you get to your mark a little quicker than you’re normally used to oh caught it with his calves there looks like Stegman probably has that height in his legs if he hits it just right yeah at some point you can going to start doing the calculus right you know how how much do these jumps factor into any sort of uh negative effects on the 400 meters yeah I mean that’s really interesting and probably beyond my level of comprehension as a as mostly a one event kind of guy but yeah that every jump you take uh just adds on to what is already a really long competition um over over 10 events and every time that bar goes up they take three more three more attempts at it they have concluded day one four events today three tomorrow Mak his second approach there he’s got it with his shoulder last couple attempts so unless he’s able to make a big adjustment guessing this is where we’ll see him bow out but stman is pretty interesting here looks like he may have it in his legs his final attempt here at 6 four and a quarter yeah for my money it it does appear like Stegman is uh attacking the bar with a bit more gusto than than Charlie Nolan uh trying to get every single point out of this event that doesn’t mean that Nolan is trying any less hard sometimes you know uh smooth you know how say smooth is fast smooth is high so Charlie noan having a little more of that lacad isical uh approach stman clearly clearly wants this far stman getting the crowd into it he’s up and he’s over mid stman just as I predicted had that jump in his legs and we see him him clear 64 and a quarter no one will get a chance to match if he doesn’t Stegman will win the high jump and it’ll it’ll be interesting to see if he moves the bar up we’ll take one more look at it here’s stegman’s approach he got it just with his Cavs last time this time he’s over clean not so much as a brush not so much as a brush Here Comes Charlie Nolan and he Clips it with his shoulder so that’s all for Charlie Nolan from Wisconsin Oshkosh in this competition you see him there exiting the mat it’s a great job for him he’ll be happy with that result Mitch Stegman cleared let’s see if he raises the bar again he uh he can yeah I’d be curious to see if he tries to scrape scrape some more points or go you know jump a level and and really take a swing for the fences here yeah and once again I mean if you’re if you’re new to the world of of to kathon this this competition is is measured in points and so just a basic way of describing it is the the better you do the more points you get so the higher he jumps those Heights correspond to a certain number of points which will be added to his total total at the end of 10 events highest score wins and so it it’s uh I mean it’d be good for him to just jump as high as he can it’s not just about winning the competition absolutely we haven’t seen him take his high jump spikes off yet so Mitch stagman will be taking at least one more jump um if not three more again to try and capitalize on this opportunity to put a little bit of distance between himself and Charlie Nolan the overall standings um I would say that third attemp from Nolan was was his best at 191 uh and you know I just I got to say it I love to see the Clapping of hands after that because you know while while they are competitors a lot of these guys in the multi events they spend so much time out on the track together they’re also the best of friends friends and so you just love to see that against of of Rivals and competitors but also friends I think one of the best moments in uh in track and field is that the conclusion of the 1500 and the decathlon you see all the all the uh decathlon athletes kind of get together and take a lap around the tracks and they’ll dunk somebody in the water pit or something but the camaraderie is uh is very obvious among these athletes and and also in the he to speaking about the men’s multi because that’s what we have to show you right now ladies and gentlemen take a little take a little walk around I just checked he’s entered in heat two of the 400 so has at least 48 seconds of rest he’ll have yeah he’ll have 50 seconds or so of rest depending on how how we go here also the division Rec was also established by CS the bar there it looks like it’s been raised up to 65 I could be wrong that’s what it looks like now lineup for the men’s and he’ll get three attempts at that number if he chooses to take him he could also out at any time I don’t expect to see thatly sitting number three on the division strategically interesting to note that stemman entered the high jump competition before Nolan Nolan obviously feeling much more confident in his ability to clear those later bars but you know there’s a lot of gamesmanship in the multi events uh there’s strategy there’s gameship there’s managing of energy um because the high jump also as an event is one of those one of those wearin the athletes you know you maybe clearing a lower bar helps you get that Rhythm helps you feel out what the what the conditions are on the day on the track um but yeah Charlie Nolan enter entered the competition full two heights after after stman had entered stman entering at 510 and a half um with Nolan entering at at just over 6 feet 185 um but you curious to see again how this all plays out because every single one of these events like you don’t get more or less less points per event um and and Stegman obviously looking for a little bit of help from the heavens there from the fans trying to get every single thing that he can out of this high jump absolutely and just to confirm it is the bar is at 65 and a half this is his second attempt fromer senior Dyan clips that with kind of his midback he’s not looking quite as smooth over over this height he’ll get one more shot from Washington University sitting at number two on the na also love thinking about just the equipment bags of these athletes I mean they’ve got different shoes for just about every event uh and at a D3 level where these guys are buying their own shoes I mean this is an expensive Endeavor not only an expensive Endeavor expensive to travel just traveling with that shop put alone uh you know that that adds what 10 kilos to your luggage McDonald and there like there were some questions about segman coming into this he he didn’t get an early Deca on the board he didn’t get a deaon score until a few weeks ago um he in his first entered deaon he dropped out on day two and so there were some maybe injury concerns around his name but uh I mean if what we’re seeing now is any indication he’s you got to imagine that the high jump is one of the most difficult events on the body all that that Force through one leg obviously requires an insane amount of dynamic power and strength hopefully the body holds together if there were any question marks for stman but as of right now all eyes on him to see see what he can do here I’m impressed he’s impressing me it’s easy to do getting the crowd into it one more time Mitch stman from Wisconsin o Clair putting an exclamation mark on his win here in the men’s to cathlon high jump far at 65 and A2 here we go actually looked pretty good but the best attempt by far still Clips it with his back there I believe that was his third and final attempt he whips off the headband waves to the crowd but uh no time to get too comfortable here he’s got to put the hair back up in a second as we see him take the take the Hair Band out cuz uh his blocks in the 400 are over there waiting for him we’ll bring you an update here it looks like it’s already been updated Mitch degman scores 749 points in the high jump bumping him from eighth up to fourth so he’s 96 off the early lead set by Jackson Anderson we saw Stegman win this competition in the pole vault the very last event in the indoor Malai so gentlemen if you would direct your attention on your screen now we have the awards presentation for the women’s [Music] discus your eight all Americans there to receive their trophies in eighth place from debuk it’s going to be Caitlyn Wilder she through 4525 finish and seventh from MIT that’s Emily ball the Junior from MIT 4555 was her Thro finishing maybe we’ll give you guys feet instead of meters in six that’s andest oimo from Whitworth she threw 152 feet and 8 in in fifth it’s going to be Katie Stevens from Christopher Newport she threw 15210 scoring four points for that Squad finishing four with a of 46 in fourth from Wisconsin oair that’s Caleb B 1531 with a throw 4 and third from Carol throwing 15311 that’s Vanessa uten Brook in second also from MIT nice to see a couple teammates up there that’s Alexis boyin she threw 164 41 and your national champion in The discus in 2024 that’s going to be Charlotte FR from Augustana she threw 16411 personal best scores 10 points for that Squad you know just just looking at the the progression here for all these athletes it I I I wonder if we had a win shift because every single almost every single All-American spot was earned on the second throw um which leads me to believe that there’s an advantageous win which is which very crucial in The discus but also very interesting to note Katie Stevens secured her All-American position with her final throw her six six out of six throw which was over a meter almost a meter further than any of her previous throws so obviously stepping up into that ring and got it done with a not a lot of time spare you love to see it just like you can never waste an opportunity you see some people winning it on their very first throw and then maybe they foul five times but also you’re in it as long as you’re in it and if you’ve got a throw left you’ve got a chance and so you love seeing people move up at the last opportunity love giving the giving the field enters some love obviously uh Charlotte FR showing us some incredible hit Mobility as well stepping up onto that first place platform I don’t know how many athletes are going to be taking the stairs or taking the elevator there yep you’d be surprised how high that thing is off the ground another cool thing just to know I me in D3 probably everywhere but uh it’s your coach that hands you the national championship trophy and that’s always a cool moment to see you see uh you see Charlotte there sharing the top step with her coach and you got to imagine all the all the days they’ve had lonely days at the track and now they get to stand up on the podium together so always a cool moment there yeah and I think it’s it’s a really great thing for the NCAA to sort of curate these opportunities for for a very memorable photo um not to toot my own horn but never really got to do that with my coach and I know that he loved the opportunity to hand me the All-American trophy but we didn’t so much as have this this celebratory jovial uh moment at top the podium together but no it’s great to see that the athletes and coaches get to celebrate as one will teasing his own athletic career there and I’m not I don’t want to get into it yet I want to save it save it for later but uh it’s safe to say that we can talk about it many times we can talk about it over and over but safe to say folks I am in the company of div of a division 3 legend in the booth right now but that’s all I’m going to say when we get to the middle distance events we’ll get into it a little bit more a legend in my own mind that’s a legend in his own mind as we see the awards ceremony in the women’s discus wrapping up next event on the track should be the decathlon 400 they’re not quite out there yet um they’re still putting themselves back together after that high jump competition um but we’ll see that play out over over three Heats takes a lot of time to change shoes you got to change shoes you got to give these athletes a minute um gather themselves gather themselves just and surely there’s quite a few of the guys who would have fouled out in the high jump quite early and so they need a basically full another opportunity to warm up even though it is as we talked about earlier quite warm outside warm and humid which which again helps the athletes stay warm um but they have to manage its energy over two days it talking to multiv venders and how they feel after especially after the decathlon and heptathlon um more so Outdoors than indoors is I mean they feel like they’ve just been run over by a truck you know the amount of dehydration that they go through the amount of effort and that they’re putting in into every single one of these events it’s astonishing and you know tip of the hat to anyone who Endeavors to do something as difficult as a he or a deck and I think that that point you made about warming up is a is a really great point because yeah you think of the 10 events but you’re also thinking 10 warm-ups you’re thinking 10 cooldowns I mean there there’s a lot that’s going on behind the scenes that we obviously can’t show you on on the broadcast but uh yeah they’re they’re not just competing all day but they’re working all day absolutely all day I mean they are out here probably so the first event for these for the men in the deck started at noon they’re probably out here around 9 or 10:00 a.m. yeah it’s it’s it’s 5:00 you know that they worked an absolute full day and they’re still going they still got another 400 meters to run um so exciting to see this Al always exciting to see that the performance that these guys can put together in you know string an event after event after event after event and uh yeah it’s it’s fantastic and their day the the men’s 1500 meter tomorrow the the Capon 15 100 meters at 6:30 so their day goes from you know all day today tomorrow they’ll wrap it up at 6:30 the women’s hepton wraps up with an 800 meter at 445 so yeah just uh you know next time you’re having a long day at work just kind of think about what these guys are doing don’t throw yourself too big of a pity party it does appear as though we’re going to take a little bit of a shift in the meet schedule so we’re going to transition here into the prelims of the women’s 4X 100 m I anticipate after the 4×1 they will probably slot in the decathlon 400 m but we’ll we’ll wait and see what the officials have and the judges and meet management have decided on that front yeah we’ll absolutely roll with this we’ll allow the thecan leetes a bit of a break um some preliminary action here as you see the women’s 4×1 100 relays setting their marks adjusting their blocks we’ll introduce the heat to you here in a second as we get a little bit closer but this competition is going to play out over two Heats and we’re going to advance eight into tomorrow’s final so that’s going to be the top two in each heat so one and two across the line and then we’re going to take the next four fastest times so easiest way to easiest way to get your team through is to finish one or first or second and then after that you’re going to have to rely on times the the fastest of all the qualifiers this year is Washington University in St Louis with 4584 um curious to see if they come anywhere near that day in their prelim I I would imagine the 4×1 unlike some of the other events it’s this is a dress rehearsal for the final so you you you’re not really saving anything maybe until your final leg it’s all about clean exchanges executing the plan because if you take anything off now I mean like this stuff is on a Razor’s Edge right if you approach that handoff with anything other than in a full head of steam your athlete you’re the person you’re handing off to they’ll take off too fast and you and they’ll miss you so really the the 4×1 this is a fantastic event for track and field fans to see something in a prelim that is as close to the final as you’re going to see in any event yeah for sure one thing to keep in mind for fans is that the lineup can change in the in these relays and so the four athletes you see in the prelims may not necessarily be the four athletes that we see in the final should they advance but do you think that’s particularly true in division 3 they they got some wiggle room here there’s a little bit of wiggle room I think it’s less true than in other divisions but we will occasionally see some substitutions so just something to keep in mind Lane assignments on your screen now in this first heat I’ll give you just run you through the eight schools real quick we have weaton Rowan Oak Williams Greenville washu Colby Chapman and Emory washu coming in is the fifth fastest time ever they were second in the 4×1 last year and third in 2022 so that was Squad is certainly one to look out for Emory fifth last year is also in this heat and so there’s there’s certainly some experience some returning all-americans Colby has had a squad an All-American Squad in the past two so those are definitely some units to look out for also be our first excuse me we’ll also our first look at some of these athletes who will see an individual events later so nice little preview in a in a few different ways here yeah I was going to say you know the nerves in a relay event sort of different than the nerves in a in a team event I was always extremely nervous for relays because I I felt the expectation and the desires of the team always riding on my back but I think that sort of performing for the greater good the great you know more than just yourself allows some pretty spectacular performances but again you know these athletes who are competing in in many many many events you I’m sure there’s probably some athletes who were competing in the heptathlon who they’ve finished up for the day but stepping on the track getting their team a chance to make the final yep for sure and we uh we have this little podcast called D3 Glory Days that I co-host with my friend and and our my normal co- announcers to do newad your preferred Co my preferred Co announcers to do newsad and we we see these athletes we talk to these athletes and they’re always excited about their individual events but there’s there’s just something special about the relays like just winning a championship with the team seem to mean more to your your average athlete than even winning an individual title and and let’s not forget at at no level in in NCAA Sports does a victory coincide with a paycheck so you are really doing this for the glory absolutely they’ll look back on these days finally will all right here we go climbing into the blocks it’s our very first action on the track of these 2024 championships and we’re away clean on this first track race of the 2024 championships obviously we’ve got to start getting around the bin before we have a great idea of how this is shaken out looks like clean handoffs all around keep an eye on lane two and [Applause] seven Chapman looking really strong there in Lane seven clean hand off from Emy there on the outside and we’ll turn for home here we’ll have a great idea of how things are looking Wheaten actually looks okay out there in Lane one keep an eye on Lane six Colby is looking really strong but Lane one it’s Wheaten it’s colby colby on the outside looks to take heat one but charging hard as Emory not a great Vantage Point here for us so we’ll wait for results to populate Emory closed extremely hard and they do get that first spot that was Audrey Johnson on the anchor leg from Emery thumbs up to the camera there that was a great last leg will wow wow so uh a lot to pick apart in that first heat I mean for starters uh Chapman out in seven their first three handoffs fantastic they were moving the Baton very well you could see the athletes taking off first implying that they were in the lead and then all of a sudden on the on the third hand off the third third exchange it was like Colby was shot out of a cannon um what interesting to see was wasu who came in with the fastest time of this we said it earlier this is why you run the races wasu fastest time of the year by a quite significant margin the only team that had cracked 46 seconds in fourth place they’ll have to wait and see if that time is good enough to advance to the final presumably it would be but goodness gracious what a shake up in heat one absolutely in a nice shake up for your announcers here as we get used to calling sprint races again it’s so hard until you see them come around the Stagger Emory didn’t look great until they got that last baton and they’ll take the win and heat one 4645 they get that capital Q next to their name Colby is the other team to get that Auto Spot as we mentioned earlier top two Advance automatically and then we take the next four on time and so weaton and washu are sitting by on the bubble right now and we make our adjustments this is being run over two Heats two Heats yes so uh you know coming away with a victory and your heat obviously again for these athletes heat draw in the final critically important so whether you’re the the winner of heat one or the winner of heat2 you will probably occupy Lanes four or five in the finals which advantageous to say the least in in these events and so man the performance in the prelims critical to Performance in the final we saw I I I forgive me if I missed it um I was trying to catch everything I possibly could dur that goes by so quickly um but I didn’t see any particular fumbles from wasu aside from just not a great performance yeah absolutely obviously you know it’ probably take a full slow motion replay to really nitpick this but they were just never in it and uh they were you know maybe two10 of a or about 0.2 behind the wind there so we now turn our attention to uh to heat 2 out on the track yeah Heat 2 uh equally as strong as as heat one I’m missing the top time of the year but uh we’ll just run through these Lane assignments we’ve got Whitworth in one Elmhurst in two Loris in three Wisconsin lacrosse in four Wisconsin Whitewater in five north central in six Dickinson in seven Lynchburg in eight uh again we’re going to take we’re to require some season’s best from these teams really putting it all together four legs three exchanges to uh to call ify for this final the the time to beat to make it to the final 4655 established in heat one from weaton finishing that third spot so looking for two automatic qualifiers here as well as uh there’ll be four qualifiers on time total if you want one team to look out for here it’s in Lane three Loris the purple uniforms they’ve won four of these last year’s win they set the D3 record we’ll see what they’ve got here it’s our first glimpse of their Sprint Squad here also obviously they’re in the hunt for a team championship and so these are Big points gun athletes are away looked like a clean start across the board Loris off to a good start clean exchanges oh no a bit of a mishandle out in Lane eight from Lynchburg but Loris off strong lacrosse also one of the big teams to look out for they’re returning all-americans clean handoffs there Loris was maybe a bit delayed in that handoff but Lanes 34 is where we expected see the major fireworks here as we hand it off to the Anchor leg it looked like Elmhurst actually got a decent hand off there Loris now fading back into third as lacrosse takes it and they’re going to win Heat number two that’s Lauren Jered we’ll see her later she’s a she’s a pretty big name around here in D3 Sprints one of the fastest all time in the Sprints and she anchors the Eagles to a win in Heat number two and it’s fast than Heat number one 4612 yeah goodness gracious Lauren Jarrett just looks so incredibly strong there and confident receiving that baton powering away from the rest of the field but really really great also from Emma uh junior from from Loris here uh securing their birth into the final running running down a couple of different spots coming I believe they received it in fourth and finishing in second so that was a great closing run from Loris as well yeah Lauren Jared so great to see her there our first preview of her she takes the Baton storms into the wind and we are set here in the women’s 4×1 we’ll go ahead and give you the qualifiers on to the final Wisconsin lacrosse obviously gets the big Q Emer Colby and Loris all get big qes by way of finishing top two in their heat next four on time is going to be weaton Elmhurst wasu gets in and Williams is going to be your last team in in on time just edging out the squad from Chapman all right so we had a couple shakeups there I mean the favorites favorites made it through Rises to the top fa Cruise wasu has a couple of things to iron now a couple of Kinks that’s why we run the prelim so great to see these uh the match up of the powerhouses coming in the 4×1 final as we get ready for the men’s 4 by one absolutely we’re moving right along here at the 24 2024 excuse me national championships here in division 3 Fireworks from the women to get things going Lauren Jared asserting her star power over the women’s 4X 100 field now we’re on to the men’s as we see them placing their tape on their marks making some last minute adjustments to the block same deal here we’re going to run this over two Heats top two in each race will advance automatically to Saturday’s final yep Saturday’s final so they get one day of rest in between here and then we’ll take the next four fastest times to round out a field of eight well not going to lie quite exed excited to see Sam Bowski the man the myth I got to watch him in person in Albuquerque at the US indoor championships my first time ever setting sights on that young man but rewriting the history books and also making a name for division 3 in the short Sprints we don’t often have uh short sprinters that make a name for themselves and show up on the the national stage and when I say National I mean across all divisions um but Bowski is Far and Away one of the one of the best ever to do it in division three and excited to see that Squad get underway here um in heat one yeah absolutely blasi is a name we are going to be saying a lot on this broadcast if you’re a fan of Wisconsin lacrosse you know all about him and if you’ve never heard of him you’re going to get to know him this weekend looks like he’s going to be on leg two um here for the Wisconsin lacrosse Squad let’s let’s go ahead and run them through the lane assignments here will yes absolutely in heat one we’ve got uh heat Lane one heat one we have Emory two Loris Lane three Wisconsin lacrosse with that a mention Sam lasowski Lane four debuk lane five Trinity Lane six Wisconsin o’clair Again The Clash of the Titans these two powerhouses lane seven John Carroll and Lane eight Mount Union um excited to see you know again how are the athletes running this how seriously are they trying to to take this first round are they looking for the win of the heat are they looking to just get through so time will tell and we we’ll we’ll see here very shortly another big Squad to watch out here is all the way out there in Lane 8 Mount Union brings a strong Squad here sixth fastest all time they were fifth here last year we also have the third place team from 2022 in Wisconsin o’clair so Wisconsin school is showing out here and third place from last last year John Carroll and so a lot of big names in this first heat yeah Heavy Hitters schools accustomed to success and we’re underway here in the men’s 4X 100 met relay off clean L one and l two into the wind as we have eyes on the first Exchange looks clear this is our first glimpse of Slam blast Kowski there in the gray singlet on l two making the handoff now but keep an eye on Mount Union all the way out there in eight we’ll see the Stagger totally made up here as leg three gets around the track and the anchor legs are waiting lacrosse looks to take off first gets the Baton clean that’s lacrosse there in three appearing to be unchallenged for the win Wisconsin lacrosse with the win Mount Union on the outside looks to take that second spot will have to go to the timers across cruises let’s go to the video tape let’s go to the video tape 3992 sub 40 there for Wisconsin lacrosse that’s a season’s best by a half of a second I got to it has to be that second leg from blaskowski he made up 20 M on the athlete from dubuke that was an absolutely incredible run for those again not accustomed to these relay events the second leg in the 4×1 is the longest leg of the of the four you think that they all run an equal distance of 100 met it’s you know it’s hand wavy uh at best and so you know blaskowski receiving that baton early in exchange Zone giving it off late really giving the team as great of an opportunity to utilize his incredible speed as possible but what a run from the Wisconsin lacrosse absolutely they looked amazing also want to give a shout out to Luke shrer he was the anchor leg there for Wisconsin Lacross we saw him get a couple All-American Awards in IND doors when he was horribly injured we saw him just throwing his body across line he couldn’t put weight on his Achilles will and but nice to see him out here looking healthy as we kind of uh called before the race there Wisconsin lacrosse with a big Q Mount Union with a big Q John Carol and Loris are going to stand by as the third and fourth team and they’re kind of on the bubble here as we move to uh Heat number two get this field filled out now I have again I will acknowledge my conflicts of interest interest I will acknowledge my biases I will do nothing to do anything about that uh I am a proud graduate of pona college and in heat W here we have pona pitser Sage hens uh to put it mildly when I was in school we didn’t have a a very strong 4×1 so it’s great to see Pomona Pitzer out here representing in heat 2 of The Men’s 4×1 let’s go Sage hens uh in heat 2 we’ve got Rowan heat three Texas Luther heat 4 East Texas uh in five Wisconsin Oshkosh heat Lane six McMurray Lane seven Ohio Northern and Lane eight bethl I believe there’s four Texas schools in the in the 4×1 total and so Texas kind of kind of showing out here yeah I mean if I were a sprinter I wouldn’t so much want to be training in the in the Great Northern cold Absolut but I it clearly doesn’t harm the uh Wisconsin lacrosse athletes we’ve got some serious experience in this heat too Wisconsin oskos is going to be your top returner they fourth last year they were second in 2021 and so definitely some program history in the 4X one and so Oshkosh has school to look out for here Ohio Northern looking to redeem some some past demons where they were dced last year we’ll see them here in Heat number two and then three other all-americans from recent memory our second place team from last year Rowan they’ve always got a really strong Sprint crew six last year was Texas Lutheran and then we have an eighth place finisher from 2022 in McMurray McMurray actually had has a great Squad here they’ve got like eight or nine athletes I think um but they have a chance to score big points they’ve got athletes in multiple events gun is up and we’re off heat number two in the men’s 4X 100 no FAL start so far we love to see that and they’re out quickly around that top turn coming into the first handoff looking like Lanes four and five Oshkosh is looking really good but east Texas Baptist is also moving well Texas Baptist maybe takes off a little early there oskos still looking good in Lane number five coming into the anchor leg here we see them start taking off Oshkosh maybe gets a baton first Rowan with a little bit of a stumble Oshkosh looking good but on the outside bethl takes the lead at the last second and it’s going to be bethl I believe taking the win there and Heat number two tough angle for your announcers up in the booth but bethl looked amazing that was Jacob parent we’re going to be saying his name a lot this weekend fist bump he knows he got it I think McMurray looked pretty good there too we’re waiting for results to populate here looks like bethl is your champion in 4025 Wisconsin and Oshkosh one of the favorites coming into this looks like they’re going to lock up that second Auto Q spot third in that heat was McMurray take a look at the compiled results here they will make it in let’s just run you through the compiled results of qualifiers Wisconsin Lacrosse bethl Wisconsin Oshkosh McMurray Mount Union John Carroll Rowan sneaks in in seventh and then Loris is going to be your eighth place finisher edging out Wisconsin oair who’s going to be the first Squad out that’s a tough break for oair and a tough break for Texas Baptist it looked like they had a bit of a of a myth handoff there and they end up back in 12th your prona Pitzer Squad in 14th will rub it in Salt in the wounds attention turns now to the infield there where we have Awards in the men’s javelin competition Before We R on air Noah and I had an opportunity to go back and and watch in real time up close and personal some of these javelin athletes and as we walked up uh your National Champion was was throwing and almost threw it over the fences but gosh these guys were absolutely heaving the jav out there today that’s Demetrius Hester from Rowan there in third in second is going to be Trey Theo bald from Ohio Wesleyan big personal best to finish second he threw it 2113 ft and 6 in but your National Champion will and I actually saw this young man throw when we were out there it’s going to be Cody wheeler from witor he threw it 215t 11 in and he scores 10 points see him there getting the trophy from his coach that tape on his shoulder did him no disservice and he’s your Cody wheeler is your national champion in the men’s javelin yeah again we sort of been talking about the processes by which these athletes go you know getting very warmed up Prime to throw having a massive first throw and then you know Cody wheeler had two throws in his uh throw series that would have won him the national championship but 6581 on his first 21511 bringing home that National Championship to witor what a what a great performance from Cody yeah and just a sophomore just a sophomore and uh we didn’t get to see all these gentlemen throw but we saw him throw and uh he was focused and just absolutely launched that thing so uh congratulations to him glad we got to show a little bit of it on the live stream here and uh looks like we’re going back to decathlon I believe right is this is decathlon 400 yeah we got to give the Javin throwers one more one more say of their dues and we saw Cory Stalter from Bridgewater State uh out there he potentially have the longest throw of the competition it was an unfortunate foot foul crossing the line but having that I it had to be one of his his mid throws this must been his third throw and trying to recreate that as he went throughout the competition and getting finally his final throw uh 6389 on his last throw of the day to get fourth place overall what the guys got to know there’s a lot more in the tank there yeah absolutely attention now we we let these guys change shoes we saw them last over at the high jump pit it’s the decathlon men’s 400 meter dash we’ll be running this over three Heats on the track now in Heat number one is going to be Lucas denois Ian mortson Josiah Murphy Gavin Smith Jacob Brown Caleb Smith and Reed pabire from Central College junor running into the wind here in the first 200 they’ll come home with the Tailwind once again the faster you run the more points you score here faster you’re done the sooner you’re done as pack wastes no time in getting out quickly you know a lot of different strategies here for these decathletes you don’t if they’re strength guys you don’t know if they’re speed guys but they’re all definitely big guys um with about 150 met to go pack buer seems to be leading this first heat of the men’s to Cath on 400 met looks good coming into the home stretch take a look at the Stagger looks like he’s going to kind of win this going away but Josiah Murphy in Lane three closing down on him a little bit but it won’t quite be enough eyes on the clock 5116 unofficially for xenox oh excuse me I got that wrong it’s Reed pack buer from Central College 5134 he scores 754 points with that effort you can see he’s stoked about that oh yeah he’s absolutely fired up right now great performance on him fully sent it going out of that first 200 I mean he was flying down the backstretch probably put 10 or 15 meters on the rest of the field in that amount of time but Packer did a fantastic job separating himself from the field and again let’s let’s remember that this is a 10 event competition so it’s not necessarily how a particular athlete does against the competitors in that specific heat but how they’re doing and Performing over overall pacm is obviously exhausted fifth event of the day fully sent on that 400 MERS and being celebrated by his competitors and teammates alike out there you love to see it uh gu has deserved a big bowl of pasta and a big night of sleep before coming out here tomorrow and repeating the feat of completing competing in in five separate events of Concordia and in Lane number eight on the backstretch right now we are looking at what appears to be the women’s long jump uh as well going on simultaneously track and field events notoriously busy lots going on it’s a it’s a many ringed circus as we’ve got the men’s 400 for the decathlon the final event of their day going on at the same time as the men’s pole vaults and the women’s long jump so incredible amount of competition going on here you sometimes don’t know where to point your eyes but always very exciting uh heat two here in the men’s de Caston 400 m we have in heat one or Lane one forgive me uh Lane one will stay empty lane two Isaiah Clawson Lane three Gage Heiser Lane four Carter Roswell Lane five kale Hobart teammates of Central College from lane two um in Lane six Max lewia Lane seven Wade ronimus in Lane eight Mitch Stegman who had a fantastic high jump right before this probably feeling the effects of that but we’ll see how he attacks the first uh few hundred meters of this race no yeah for sure segman there on the outside from Wisconsin Oak Clair The Last Man Standing as well mentioned in the high jump and we are off and way here luckily they changed the schedule a little bit for these guys gave them some more time to uh either warm down or warm up depending on how you want to describe it strong start there from Stegman taking a note out of peek bu’s race from the previous heat Stegman charging down the backstretch in Lane eight he doesn’t get the advantage of seeing any of his other teammates just it gets to run flat out one lap of this oval right now as we’re seeing stemman start to inch away from this competition but being followed closely by Wade ronimus from Concordia Morehead the Stagger will disappear here take a look at lane two Isaiah Clawson looking really good practically stride for stride with Stegman inching ahead of him now a hard charge there from Roswell Rosell from toughs out in lane four looks like Stegman well fingers in the air I was going to say it doesn’t look like it is Stegman finger in the air he’s pretty excited about that one 5113 scores 763 points hands on the knees hands on the knees and those beautiful flowing lots of steg minus he powered down the last 50 meters you know I again when you’re out in Lane eight you don’t necessarily until the final 100 know where your competition stands unless someone were to pass you before then in which that would Kickstart your motor pretty quickly but Stegman definitely felt the pressure of lane two who was Isaiah Clawson forgive me for not remembering that from weaton um out of the corner of his eye made him dig that much deeper and come up with the win in that last Heat yeah that was kind of an interesting race I mean I think Stegman may be benefited from being out there on an island in Lane 8 cuz there were a bunch of little moves kind of happening over the first 300 that he didn’t really have to respond to he could just focus on running his own race I mean we saw we saw uh Rosell from tus make a hard charge there in the middle Hobert looked really good in the first 200 Clawson actually was stride for stride with him with 75 to go but in that last 100 Stegman takes it 5113 once again your winner there in Heat number two one heat like remaining in the men’s decathlon as we take a quick peek over at women’s long jump heat 3 we’re going to have a Full Slate of athletes here all eight Lanes filled with competitors in the decathlon 400 meters uh you know I I I erently because again we we our eyes are everywhere right now erently forgot about the third heat here and started looking at the uh compiled scores and said wow we just had a massive shake up uh but no l and behold we we’ve got hundreds of points yet to be accounted for in this last Heat of the 400 meters uh but you know finishing times between those first two Heats quite close 5113 for Stegman um 5134 for paby in in heat 1 so curious to see if anyone in this heat dips below 51 maybe even dips below 50 um some of the 400 met Specialists or Sprint Specialists but we’ll see what they have on the track here Lane one Brandon dick elisis Patterson behind him Jacob Balcom Max Fen Charlie Nolan who we saw finish second in the high jump earlier Thomas Rich Carnegie melon Jackson Anderson last year’s runner up from Williams is out there in Lane seven and Aiden Sears from Oshkosh the outside in lane8 third and final heat in the men’s Kon 400 is underway we’ll give you an idea of the compiled score after this event vent is in the books keep an eye on Jackson Anderson on the inside he’s out in the hunt for the overall Nolan’s already made it the Stagger on the athlete to his right as he’s closing in on Anderson from Williams Nolan and Anderson out front as it seems to be two to three athletes getting away Anderson makes up the Stagger seems to be making a hard move on the outside but Nolan is going to come off this turn in the lead but just barely Anderson moving up on his outside shoulder but don’t forget about Brandon dick in Lane one he’s also looking good but Anderson inches into the lead as Nolan Fades and it looks to be Anderson and he three that was spicy 488 yeah again Anderson sort of Running Blind out there uh without a lot of help pushing himself uh very well over the final 100 meters as Nolan charged up on the inside Awakening the senses of Anderson in Lane seven and Anderson just with that strength to to continue on I again we were talking about this earlier during the high jump I wonder if those late rounds of the high jump and jumping for a longer period of time takes anything away from from Nolan in this particular event but will uh excuse me again um Anderson and Nolan both in the final stages of that that very hotly contested high jump but Anderson looked fantastic there 4881 what a run yeah great run from Anderson and you can see uh his little fan base over there they’re really excited for him and he retains his lead and the and the compiled results were now through five event scor this is going to be their last event of the day so they can go ahead and cool down and and head back to the hotel hopefully but Jackson Anderson leading in the compiled results right now with 3,835 points pretty commanding lead 55 over Charlie Nolan Mitch Stegman your returning champion from door sitting in fifth but we expect to see some strong events from him going forward as we see Anderson walking off the track who’s walking on but if it isn’t the women’s 1500 heat one heat one of this 1500 M looks to be a doozy um as we sort of go through the start list here it’s it’s two Heats of 11 um with a top four in each heat qualifying the next four fastest times no what are your thoughts on time qualifiers these days for it I mean I I’ll take it I don’t know I I’m going to change my opinion just depending on on the weather I I do love to see athletes really fighting out for those spots but it’s also fun to see an incentive for Fast Times in the prelims though as we’ve uh talked about before on broadcast such of this it does give a massive advantage to the later Heats to know what kind of time they have to run yeah it may be easier in something like the 800 to gauge your effort and and to front run when you know that you need to accomplish that time here we’re looking at the women’s long jump um but in heat one of this women’s 1500 we’ll go through the start list here as the women get ready shaking out a little bit those last second nerves in heat one or sorry Lane one we’ve got Elizabeth kamik from you of Chicago Lane two Lauren certa Lane three grace Hadley Lane four pton stefen position five Ellie Rising Lane six de Leonard Lane seven Alesia cusi Lane eight Helen Cross Lane nine uh Diana Ria colon and I’ve lost the back half of that name on this start list uh Lane 10 Clare abart and in lane 11 hope Murphy yeah some serious star power is going to is going to tow the line here in Heat number one not least of which is Grace Hadley from WPI she won the mile indoors and absolutely dominant fashion and she also anchored that DMR to such a huge win um and just a dominant performance from her and so you know I don’t want to say this thing is is wrapped up but Grace Hadley from WPI is is the best athlete in this field by a lot she comes in with a 417 seed time but but she’s not the only talented athlete in this field Ellie rising from George Fox of course has been third in the last couple 800s we’ve seen there’s there’s some cross country talent in here um Ali cusi is a five-time allamerican and so just you know we we write notes for every athlete in this field and just about everybody has a list of accomplishments next to their name the best part about the MERS is every single Miler thinks that they’re the best kicker so we’ll see how these races play out we’ll see we’ll see if Grace Hadley takes things into control here early or if she’s content to just relax behind someone else who who takes on the pacing duties and they are often heat one and will I have I have some huge news to break for you but Grace Hadley listed as a DNS and I don’t actually see her on the start line in that BPI kit well that is a massive benefit to every single person in this race as the pace sort of slows as the the ladies get into position out there just over 100 meters into this race we’ll try and get some more information for the viewers on on what has happened with Grace Hadley today but as of this second we have a 10w women race in heat 1 and that’s all that we are going to focus on here um as we come through 200 M at a reasonable clip that I think that there was some questioning amongst the competitors of who’s going to take the lead and uh looks to be Maldonado out there in the early lead um yeah especially when the first 200 is into that headwind you know I’m not surprised to to see them settle in a little bit we’ll get you a lap split because why not but it is Malden AO from Aurora the junior she takes you through 355.00 split here soon but all packed up it looks like we’re uh it looks like we’re leaning towards a kicker race here in the first heat of the women’s 1500 top reminder top four in this heat will advance automatically and they will take the top four times unless they get moving here the time qualifiers ain’t coming from Heat number one no you could see as they came through 400 and probably heard the split that there’s been a little bit more running of intention um with this is Payton stefen from from Central taking the lead uh that first 400 run in about 73 seconds um pedantic pace for these athletes very comfortable which is why you see them stretched out into lane two bunched up you could throw a blanket over this field and it’s not breaking anybody um jocking for position being in the front is the safest place to be right now Noah especially if you’re just willing to react when when anything comes yeah Will you’ve got a lot of experience in the 1500 which we’re going to touch on over the course of this weekend but just to what extent does everybody in this field believe that they can kick you know every single athlete as I said before thinks that they’re going to have the best finish um because if they didn’t they’d be up front pushing the pace and so again as we see the pace is slightly more honest in the second um second lap but really it’s anyone’s game right now there’s no gaps between any of the competitors um and and contrary to what it have looked like from up here in the Box the pace actually hasn’t changed much about 73 74 for those first two laps as we go down the back starts I expect to see some moves happen with about 600 to go here some of the more strength based athletes those 155k Runners someone’s going to need to put their hat in the ring and say it’s time to go Stephan and Rising shoulder Tosh shoulder basically both in Lane one you see Maldonado kind of through the Gap in the middle there on the outside from wasu suusi looking to make her imprint on the race for the first time we’re three wide heading into the penultimate lap excuse me heading into the final lap and still no one has made a move Noah I cannot believe this you don’t want to when everybody is in it that’s when catastrophe happens and we have got about nine or 10 of these women still in this race coming up to the Bell lap and only now are we starting to see an athletes assert themselves up front and that is Ellie rising from George Mason George Fox she’s looking really good I really like sui’s chances here in that spot they’re slotted in in second looks like she’s capable with the kick do not forget about Hope Murphy from baldon Wallace she’s there in that brown and yellow kit she’s looking really strong but really everybody still in this thing a few athletes starting to now fade off the back but it’s Ali cusi now kind of in the outside of Lane one she’s going to have to shut the door on the inside at some point and hope Murphy from Balden Wallace on her outside shoulder Rising still looking good but maybe a little bit boxed and remember it’s just the top four athletes across the line and since the pace was slow it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s only four from this heat Noah as we have about six athletes contesting for those four positions it’s suusi in the front with 100 m to go and these this four is turning into one is turning into two as they’re starting to separate from one another with 50 m to go hope Murphy takes it out in lane two she’s pushing cusi on her inside in Lane one they’re fighting for it top four move on top four is pretty clear there in the last 25 really no one wanting to assert themselves in that race until the last 100 hope Murphy takes it from Balden Wallace 431.073 to also autoqual Auto qualifying excuse me pton seen and diera colon Maldonado so basically the four athletes who got in automatically those are the four athletes that we saw doing work throughout that race yeah I like the look of Elizabeth kamik with with 200 M to go sort of made a very smart move around the outside but then ran out of G as Maldonado passed late in the race uh only time we’ll tell again we’ll have to watch and see what happens in heat 2 but there’s a lot of calculations from those athletes in heat 2 of what they saw in heat 1 what do we got to do what’s that last time qualifier rather what’s the first time qualifier if I’m hoping to make my way into Saturday’s final in the 1500 absolutely that that 431 time is is not quite as uh as slow as maybe we would have um we would have predicted it’s in the range of everybody Heat number two but it’s not it’s not a gimme necessarily that hard close brought the time down a little bit so Heat 2 is actually going to have to work a little bit for it yeah an aggressive clothes always will do that but you know I think that one of these athletes is going to look at that and just say hey if we just make this reasonably honest here over the first lap or two that this is going to be in the bag and I can sort of take a back seat to have into I mean those those ladies were absolutely hammering over the last 100 meters and so I think you might see a more metered approach in this second heat we stand up quickly in the second heat that gives me a chance to run you through the entrance Amelia Leman Laura Zimmer Mary Blanchard Grace McDonna Haley shuna jedge Julia Shaw McKenzie Seton Maddie Kelly Riley capuano Lexi Brown and L and Lucy gagan from Williams round out this field and there’s there’s star power here maybe not quite as much as in that first heat but Maddie Kelly from University of Chicago she’s probably your number one to keep an eye on here she’s a six-time All-American that’s a that’s a been there done that type of athlete they athletes like Kelly have gone through the process of these uh preliminary Heats time and again and really season veterans they they know how to execute and she was second last year and especially with the absence of Hadley in Heat number one you got to think that Kelly is thinking that maybe this is her year and uh you know Haley Shon um from Vasser a freshman ran 425 this year so you know sometimes those those athletes fresh out of high school when they’re used to just racing by themselves and running races all out uh don’t change their tactics and so I’m curious to see how a freshman composes herself in this heat too knowing that a final is on the line we’ve got a Athena from Claremont mud scripts out there uh that’s Laura Zimmer occupying the second position from this the S the skak a fantastic place for 1500 meters for, 1500 meter Runners little bit of contact there in the mid pack as Lexi Brown takes us through the first 300 met in the orange from morberg there I thought maybe we’d see a little bit more of a of an honest Pace I’m not sure we have yet but Lexi Brown looks pretty comfortable there nobody really challenging her shoulder and we said in the first one you could throw a blanket over the field they know what they need to do but S I feel like when you when you give four Auto qualifiers you kind of give a sense of security to the field cuz think I can finish in the top four but there’s a lot of there’s a lot of Firepower here yeah especially for some of the athletes who are expecting themselves to be in contention for the win I mean if you want if you expect to win the the division 3 national championships you definitely expect yourself to be able to get top four quite easily in your preliminary heat knowing that these are split fairly evenly among you know the top half and the bottom half of the fields um but right now we’re seeing almost a dead replay of what we saw in heat one um with these athletes coming through in about 72 73 seconds in that first 400 MERS again tightly bunched they’re out in the lane three here on the home stretch as we’re seeing the athletes no one again making a move everyone fairly complacent to let someone else do the leading here and we’ve got as we were looking at earlier we’ got that freshman Haley shanag uh from Vasser sort of moving to the front taking in the lead uh not letting anyone else direct this race for her Lexi Brown’s still in a great position I mean she’s not she’s kind of sharing the lead right now but really has refused to relinquish that inside Lane and that inside Lane is valuable position especially when we see the the move start going you know one name we haven’t mentioned in this heat probably for for a good reason is is Maddie Kelly she’s running a pretty smart race they’re tucked in um but you know tucked in out of the wind feeling good but you also have to be careful here there’s a there’s a lot of feet flying around in this pack athletes 5 six seven and eight from heat 1 right now are very much enjoying what they’re seeing in heat 2 as when they came through with 700 M about 2 seconds slower than the first heat Noah this is shocking and you know what I should have brought it up you hope to not see it but you almost always do in the 1500 meters that when the athletes know exactly what they have to do they do not do it and Incredibly heat heat two here this second heat is is remarkably slower than heat one and this is going to be an absolute battle for the top four positions we come into the final lap you know there are some coaches on the infield just absolutely freaking out Chun from Vasser leads the field into the final lap Lexi Brown still right where we left her on the inside Riley capuano from CMS now moving up on her outside into second place still four athletes there battling for second place as Vasser continues to push the pace down the backstretch teammates from CMS Zimmer capuano looking really good in those Auto qualification spots we’re starting to see a little bit of separation and some tripping even happening cuz there’s so many athletes in contention for these four positions around the outside we are having mat Kelly there Kelly looking incredibly strong with a little bit of a hiccup with 200 to go but matd Kelly finishing strongly here doing only anything that she needs to we saw a trip there from a CMS athlete Maddie Kelly doing just enough probably the favorite heading into the final she’ll get in but the Freshman from Vasser pushing out front Haley shun she’ll get the win in Heat number two Kelly going to be in second you’re going to have some coaches with some bald spots after that race Noah after they were just pulling their hair out wondering what is going on fireworks over the last 2 or 300 met there obviously the cream rising to the top yet again however athletes were these athletes were presented an opportunity and unfortunately we are going to see quite a few of them go home disappointed not making that final absolutely we’ll take a look at compiled results here and give you the full qualification list why don’t I just run you through them now your auto qualifiers are going to be hope Murphy Ali cusi pton Steph DEA cologne Maldonado Elizabeth kamik Ellie rising and then your winner from that last Heat Haley Shun in 43302 also with big Q’s Maddie Kelly Mia Leeman Riley capuano and then in on time two athletes Lauren Sera gets in with a 43435 and then Lexi Brown who did a lot of work in that he she gets in also in 434 59 pretty crazy uh pretty crazy qualification there in the women’s 1500 on your screen now we’re going to see your uh trophy recipients and the men’s long jump will any uh final thoughts there from the women’s 1500 in terms of qualifiers or strategy I mean pretty wild stuff pretty wild stuff and and you know matd Kelly I I think that this is a case of an athlete doing just enough to qualify for the final um but you know for someone who should be competing for a win for the national title I was hoping to see a bit more from her but uh what composure from The Freshman um Haley sh Shed from Vasser I was very impressed with how she handled herself with the the hand that was dealt to her in that second heat um but very very very excited to watch this Final on Saturday absolutely we see the trophies going into the hands of the participants here in the men’s long jump and let me just name them for you because these guys deserve it in eighth was Andre Lucas Cole Goodman a fan favorite was in seventh Alex Lio from T tus excuse me was in sixth dant Tre Sagal from McMurray finishes Fifth and fourth was Addison painter from maretta Henry bandad from Emory was third I think I’m ahead of the results now so I’ll slow back down in third Henry B St I’m starting to get Tongue Tied here up in the booth will and it’s too early for that well Ben St that’s it’s try to say that one five times fast it’s it’s not very possible London little from Wisconsin Oshkosh he’s your second place finisher scoring big points big points for oskos here as they occupy the the big step and the Second Step scoring 18 points for oskos that’s going to go a long way your National Champion with a jump of 261 795 if you go by the metric system it’s Joshua Rivers Jos Oshkosh coaches have to be very happy with a one-two finish in the long jump don’t know if our uh sheets had us penned in for that many points for them here but what a great finish for Oshkosh yep big points on the board for those gentlemen congratulations to your all Americans in the men’s long jump and we’ll have a recap of that competition available later on looks like we have a little pause in the action on the track will and going to just step oh it’s all they did they just start the men’s I thought oh arguably the greatest event in Al track and field Heat won down the backstretch we’ll just run you very very quickly through the competitors here we’ve got Noah Jorgenson from Central College Gordon door from Colby Derek pens cover from Stevens Point Nate lent from Williams I met this young man last night going to work for a biotech from in New York City next year love that uh Henry harder from MIT Michael mad from lacrosse RZA eski from haford Ryan Harvey from Loris Ned farington from Bates Gabe Nichols from Carlton and Conor Vashon from hope they snuck these gentlemen onto the track when I when I wasn’t paying attention will and as you know if you’ve watched these broadcasts before we like to keep track of the backwards hat totals it look like two backwards hats in Heat number one of the 1500 as Ryan Harvey Harvey from Loris takes him through the first 300 looks looks like this one is a little more strung out than we saw in the women’s race you know 48 through 300 that’s just 64 Pace 4minute pace for these guys so again quite pedestrian but I don’t you know we were going through that lineup so quickly there and they caught us off guard I don’t know if most of that was running the last 200 meters um but Harvey very content to run on the outside of that lane one looking for someone else to do some with that’s leading for him and his beautiful backwards hat but right now still the field is content to let Ryan Harvey drive this train as they just sort of you know say cautiously make their way around everyone just trying to stay upright at this point Harvey has run in all four 1500 meter championships in his time at Lura so he’s been in this race before he was seventh on the in the indoor mile excuse me as we see Noah Jorgenson asserting himself at the front here yeah again another one of those been there done that he knows exactly what he needs to do that Savvy vet uh it takes confidence to wear a backwards hat on the track race but obviously Harvey is uh accustomed to to doing just that as the pace clearly picking up here as we went from a bunch pack to a spread out pack coming through 800 m in just about 210 so a lot of running left in every single one of these guys legs as money moves are being made down the backstretch jensson definitely knows what he’s doing he was fourth in the mile indoors we see him pushing the pace here it looks like Williams Nate LS making a strong move there yeah no one’s no one’s super content to let this lag I mean it looks like they’re making moves that last full 400 was only 65 seconds though we’ll have to get a better reading on this no we’re seeing the athletes trip over one another trying to get out lent made the smart move to get up into the front clear of the traffic clear to be able to react at head down showing that he’s sort of countering these late moves in the race from the other athletes running the least amount of distance Lent powering powering on the turn going into another gear starting to string out this field and heat one of the 1500 getting a little bit of a challenge there on the outside that’s Noah Jorgenson reasserting himself at the front of the field and it looks like the moves are already starting on the backstretch you the kickers might already be kicking a little bit well with that slow early Pace this could have been anyone’s race as you’re seeing some of these NOS barrels start to empty out and people’s legs start to get a little heavy but here come some kickers with 150 M to go Jorgenson comes again on the shoulder he will not quit that’s lince there back in third also charging but Noah jensson is he going to have a challenge on the inside no Jorgenson is going to take it in Heat number one as Lin moves to take the second spot everyone kind of looking around here just to make sure they’re in the top four that was a great race we saw rra ESI there in second giving a little fist bump he was content just to cruise on in with a big automatic qualifier that was kind of a chaotic race it I mean it wasn’t super quick but there were a lot of moves you saw guys jumping into Lanes two and three and pushing on the backstretch inside outside outside inside one two that was some very creative jockeying uh I I think I had Michael mad from lacrosse it appeared being the fourth finisher there so the last Auto que big Q in into the final on Saturday but goodness gracious when these guys come through you know 210 211 through 800 I couldn’t I still can’t believe the tactics that these guys employ sometimes like someone just go to the front and make a little bit honest here um but obviously everyone was in that race until the final 100 when obvious we saw some aggressive moves Noah on the backstretch there um with some athletes really throwing everything that they had to try and get in position absolutely it took about a 56 High last lap to to lock up one of those Auto qualifying spots Noah Jorgenson Nate Lin from Williams Reser EDI from haford and Ned Fairington may be a surprise oh baates from Bates actually Michael mad actually faded to six there but he’ll look to get on time with a 355 so Jorgenson Lin esy and Fairington your auto qualifiers we’re wasting no time Heat number two and the men’s 15 on the track and underway now you got to let me talk about this one a little bit here we’ve got Steven powder from Oshkosh Sam yenza from Lynchburg Jonathan salala from Brockport will Salone from Trinity Colin Kirk Patrick from none other than Pomona pitser baby Justin Krauss from Wisconsin Whitewater Aiden Arthur from George Fox Mason radkovich from clont mud scripts Vincent jenti from Mount Union Eric Anderson from UC Santa Cruz and Simpson opell from MIT um and another heat they’re doing exactly what the first heat did they are jogging this heat probably on paper the stronger of the two Heats we have Sam Lena from Lynchburg he’s a seven time All-American Jonathan Zavala from Brockport was third indoors Eric Anderson from Santa Cruz he was second in the indoor mile Steven Potter he’s always in this race seemingly he’s uh yeah he’s been at every National meet indoors since 2019 we’ve seen a lot of Steven Potter from Oshkosh some serious star power here when the athletes know what they have to do like qua workor you can guess them to do the absolute opposite as they come through slower than heat W 49 seconds through 300 about 65 through the full 400 there again these athletes uh I I wonder if they’re feeling a bit more of that headwind on the backstretch than we’re feeling up here in the Press Box but the athletes are starting to Bunch up again here as no one can decide if they want to take this race or not Eric Anderson is the tall athlete there on the outside of Lane one just looked absolutely phenomenal indoors defending the defending champion from the mile Booth gy not here he’s focusing on the 800 this year he’s leaving the he’s leaving the 1500 wild wide open so Eric Anderson has got to be one of your favorites with that runner up position he’s uh he’s looking to separate from the field a little bit Yeah tall drink of water starting to use his height to his advantage and really stretch out those long legs not wasting any time putting a little bit of distance between himself and the rest of the field and if he continues to do so this will be all his it’s taking a little bit of focus from these other athletes to close in as the pace is absolutely ratcheted up here remember we were 65 through that first 400 and about 6 208 through 800 so 63 they’re definitely moving in the right direction and heat to and here comes Colin Kirk Patrick the steeple chase specialist moving now from way in the back to Second and charging for the lead Colin knows that this is now or never for him with 600 met to go let’s go boys let’s get this Heat going get all the time qualifiers and Kurt Patrick and Anderson going onew right now Kirk Patrick such an interesting athlete in this field I think if you’ve been following division 3 you know him as a steeple chaser but here he is hammering up front leading out Eric Anderson and Steven Potter and Sam Lena the cream starting to separate from the crop perhaps as we enter into the final lap keep an eye on Sam Lena you know how much this means to the Lynchberg program they’ve had so much success so much heartbreak to endure this year and he’s running for his teammates right now Potter your perennial veteran looking great and third but nothing changes Kirk Patrick is up there leading him down the backstretch yeah I can see see colins sort of try and go to that other gear work hard moving those arms obviously this effort is starting to to take its toll but these top four are a bit away even though we’re starting to see glimmers of of Hope from the the 59 on the third lap from Kirk Patrick as the field is starting to catch up with that effort that four has turned now to six let’s see what these athletes have remaining in their legs over the last 100 meters cuz it’s four or bust and it’s Steven Potter leading them into the last 75 he looks amazing Eric Anderson maybe starting to tie up as he moves into lane two and Sam Lena out there in three is going to lock up an Auto Spot Colin kpatrick looks to take that fourth and final big Q fading a little bit Steven Potter showing why he’s a veteran at these National meets for ashka Steven Potter looked great there in the last 100 well that was a that was a sub two uh sub to last 800 basically pretty 156 yeah 156 156 for Steven Potter Potter was uh you know out of the mix there for a little bit and then really found himself someone had to wake him up with 300 met to go as he very well closed on that top four who I thought had gotten away smoothly and then con Kirk Patrick I mean that was a tale of two different cities there in the last 100 meters where he started you could start to see a gorilla crawling onto his back and he said not today sir I am making this final and over the final 50 that steeple strength really showed it self as he powered back into that auto Q position yeah we finally saw some fast racing in a 1500 there and that was that was a really exciting race I would say the four favorites there did Advance let’s give you a look at Auto I mean excuse me compiled results um give it let’s give the computer here another minute to uh to compile those results but yeah your auto qualifiers there in the second heat Potter Anderson Lena and Kirk Patrick all kind of put their mark on that race in different ways that that was fun to watch play out absolutely and you know something interesting to know you never want to focus on time too much it’s all about Championship racing but the facility record here in Myrtle Beach 35.8 is 12 years old it’s going down in the finals got to it’s it’s going down in the DMS for sure uh no but great racing there as again we said there’s an athlete going to their strengths Colin kpatrick knowing that maybe his last 200 not quite what the uh what the other 1500 meter Specialists might have in the cannon but Kurt Patrick really laying it out running a sub 62 59 third lap and uh and and and pulling that last he through to get a large number of those time qualifiers yeah that was a that was a great race nice to see those final Fields come together there in the prelims of the men’s 1500 keep an eye on that event as we head into the the final on Saturday some really exciting stuff there we leave the middle distances uh behind for a quick second and we go back to the to the kind of mid Sprints I don’t know I I kind of look at the four hurdles as a middle distance event I think you I think you’d be uh you’d be forgiven for that it’s the women’s 400 hurdles this is going to go down over three Heats winner of each heat gets an auto bid into the final on Saturday and we’ll take the next five fastest times so this is substantially less forgiving than those 1500 meter qualifying Heats that we just saw so in these Heats just the top one there’s no no room for error if you want to guarantee a position in that final so these women need to do everything in their power to come away victorious in these Heats absolutely and you know when we speak to these athletes on D3 Glory Days we we interview them we often talk to them about the the mentality of Heats and I mean a lot of them get more nervous for the Heats than they actually are for the for the finals they they there’s no there’s no 80 90% efforts going on here these these are all out races in the prelims because you can take nothing for granted especially over um over hurdles I mean it just there’s no guarantees no with all this road furniture out there it’s a you got to make sure to jump you got to get over jump and Sprint yeah yeah I I I I assume for you know again when we’re talking about athletes who are hoping to win the national championship this is a this is 100% execution of a race plan through 300 meters and then sort of Judge where you are relative to the competition with one remaining hurdle so um looking to see you know a great opportunity for us to see what these athletes look like what their form is before the finals let’s go ahead and run you through the start list Lane one is going to be empty in Lane 2 Natalia Sawyer from Buffalo State Rebecca Stewart from University of Chicago Claire Marsh from Catholic Ashley Bartlett Wisconsin Stevens Eleanor BM from Redlands is out there in Lane six in seven Maya Medina from Amherst and in eight it’s Daria mikusova from Dickinson there’s some there’s some big names in this one Natalia Sawyer definitely one of those heroes from the indoor meet you see her there in the allh in Lane number two she’s definitely one to keep an eye out for we have plenty of athletes doing double and triple Duty in this in this event one of those is Daria mikova she’s also in the 4×1 and the 4×4 doing relay Duty Ashley Bartlett from Stevens Point this is her third year qualifying for the 400 hurdles she’s never made a final so Bartlett from Stevens Point if she if she wins this and gets through she’ll finally break through and get a chance to sore some points on Saturday interesting to see here on this Lane draw with uh Natalie Sawyer occupying he too one of the fastest athletes of the Season as one of the best personal bests of anyone on the track in this event and uh you know sort of getting the dra the short stick yeah if I know anything about Natalia Sawyer that’s uh just fuel for the fuel for the fire she’s a she’s a fierce competitor and uh and we’ll see that come out to play here as uh we see the gun go up nice shot of the uh the starter there he’s uh he’s had a long day but he’s excited for this 400 meter hurdles pumped underway in the women’s 400 hurdles Heat number one wi and you’re in otherwise you’re relying on fastest times you kind of get an idea of where in the where in the field they are by when we see them hit those hurdles Medina from annhurst out there in Lane seven looks to be getting there pretty quick but it’s Natalia Sawyer from Buffalo State she’s hitting the hurdles well ahead of the competition it looks like so far yeah Sawyer in lane two is as he said fuel for the fire not that she needed it not that her competitors wanted her to have it but Natalia Sawyer is moving gracefully over each of these barriers now with only a few she made up the whole stagger she’s made up the Stagger on the entire field miles ahead of the competition as as we sort of said you know it’s it’s you got to win to occupy one of those better Heats in the final and it’s all Natalia Sawyer Natalia Sawyer there’s there’s hardly anybody left on the screen who you do see is Daran mova from Dickinson on the outside but Sawyer is going to take that one about as comfortably as you can do it in 588 that’s a that’s a huge time pulling Daria mova also to her first sub 60 of the year but Natalia Sawyer knocking on the door of her personal best in this event a season’s best by o almost two seconds uh personal best from mukasa personal best from Medina in third fireworks in the first heat of the women’s 400 hurdles yeah Sawyer is fourth all time and what’ she just run 5878 they corrected it too and so that’s as as will mentioned just behind her personal best but still is you know a fourth alltime time that we’re we’re just seeing in heat W and and totally unchallenged and so yeah great run for Sawyer there and uh I don’t know you got to think that there’s there’s something in the chamber for the uh for the finals on Saturday you know she had the entire the again the advantage of being in heat 2 you have the entire rest of your field to charge Afters and it was it was methodical one after the other after other just eating up that stagger on all of those athletes from from Heat 2 out through uh or sorry lane two all the way out through lane8 and mukasa obviously the beneficiary of that running her own race largely for a lot of this competition until the last two H three hurdles when out of nowhere comes Natalia Sawyer probably not expecting that running a great race on her own behalf but you know running to a a great personal best that first time under 60 5975 yeah sya might have even shut it down a little bit as as she got to towards the end but season’s best for her and uh more to come as kids like to say in their training logs more to come for her on Saturday’s final we move on to heat number two Heat number two of three go ahead and run you through these excuse me these Lane assignments real quick in Lane one from the depa University it’s going to be Katie more my alma mat of course Stu’s alma mater I love to see the Tigers out there congratulations to PA for getting ktie Moore to the start line all right moving on page cookie from MIT Jaden Harner Fiona Meo Lily Roberts Nora chin Kelsey seock from bethl and Macy Murdoch is going to round out Heat number two really some good names to look out for here F Fiona Mako from Colby she was seventh last year she’s going to look too improve upon that for sure but the biggest name is going to be uh is going to be Kelsey seock she’s a 10 time All-American and she’s deciding to run the 400 hurdles for the first time just for something new to try when you’ve done it all why not try something else 10 time All-American Kelsey sea loock so pretty impressive resume there make some final adjustments to the blocks reminder if you’re just joining this oh I guess we had a little bit of a hiccup there there but it’s a green card the officials are feeling generous today Out Here For the Love of the sport Out Here For the Love of the sport reminder if you’re just joining us only one final on the track today and that’s going to be the 10,000 starting at 8:30 local time with the women’s 10,000 meter will’ll just finish off a Red Bull he’s got one I am fired up right now and so we are here to bring you a lot of awesome track action here day number one at the 2024 division 3 national championships in the blocks now Heat number two of the women’s 400 meter hurdles they’ll take their second attempt out of start and we’re away clean ktie Moore from depal looking really good there in Lane one keep an eye on those hurdles everyone kind of hitting them about the same time but we’ll see some separation here soon this booth very much cheering for Katie Moore from the depa University and Katie Moore running very well in Lane one trying to do her best to keep Chase with the seven other athletes to her right side and right now what we are seeing is in lane four is Fiona Mahiko from Colby cruising all these hurdles Kelsey seock obviously no surprise here out in Lane seven in that white jersey she’s looking really good she’s been here before a prelim is nothing for her also lane two Paige cookie from MIT looking really good and we’ve got three athletes kind of separating themselves from the field but Kelsey seock well excuse me me Fiona Mako at the middle looks to have it seock may be making one more move on the outside it’s only top one that had that had to be Meo correct absolutely y Mako got it from Colby in the middle that was a pretty good battle there for the top three but it is Fiona Meo taking the win one minute flat. 57 seock to her outside in Lane seven she runs 6.81 and that was Paige cookie 60.8 three and they they take it by about a second and a half over the rest of the field so you’d expect to see them in on time I think but uh running a personal best there and seock running a personal best well on her way to an 11th All-American award um yeah that was a great race that was a great race from the front three there yeah you know again sort of tough to see what’s happening out in lane8 very much easier to gauge where the athletes are um in the inside of the track and seeing Fiona Miko uh Miko I’m sorry if I’m butchering that pronunciation um just I mean obviously she’s very tall these hurdles she makes light work of these hurdles um but just looks so smooth down the backstretch I mean showing no signs of Reform breaking down obviously that type of time 60 point over the hurdles um its effort starting to show a little bit over the final 50 MERS but a great run and a great way to you know really dig deep and compete for that only the athletes only know what they know right they know if I win this heat I’m in the final and uh Fiona executing that very well absolutely great second heat there Heat number three heat three of three now taking to the track making some final block adjustments we’ll see the men in this same event after the conclusion of the women’s 400 hurls Lane assignments in Heat number three Molly Lodge from Rowan going to open things up in lane two lane one’s empty Madison Hayes from Simpson Emma petroia from Stockton Ellie Marsh Sophia stal from wartberg Ren Brown University of Chicago in s and JoJo tanisa from wartberg on the outside very very excited to see Ren Brown in this event uh coming in with a season’s best and personal best of 5785 one of the best to ever do this at division 3 level the best to ever do it the best to ever do this I’m sorry I I and corrected um you know just letting opening the door for you know there uh thank you for slamming it in my face um but but R Brown will have all eyes on her in Lane seven again uh you know maybe minimizing the effects of some of these bends but not having the advantage of having competitors to her outside to run down see how she attacks this race from a strategy perspective yeah be good to get a first look at Ren Brown she shouldn’t have much trouble with this field remember win and you’re automatically in Ren Brown in that outside Lane number seven couple wartberg athletes here good opportunity for them to score points get a couple athletes into the final Ren Brown already made it the Stagger on the athlete to her outside looking very smooth over these hurdles not so much as a Stutter Step going from what appeared to be maybe 18 to 19 strides in between the hurdles right now this is all Ren Brown as she is Miles Ahead of this field does she go for a personal best or does she just go for the win right now Ren Brown again cleanly over the seventh barrier as she approaches the eighth again another clean hurdle Ren Brown 15 M clear of any other competitor in this field with 80 M to go what a race to watch here from Ren Brown you see a couple athletes sneaking into the screen but this is the ren Brown Show eyes on the clock let’s see what she’s going to put down with the Tailwind 5822 I mean that’s good for that’s good for second all time yeah sure why not that’s good for second all time from Ren Brown I mean what a clinic there I mean even on the backstretch when you’re watching the hurdles she was hitting the hurdles a second before they were on the backstretch she’s she’s in a league of her own in this prelim in this prelim but goodness gracious are we looking forward to the Sawyer Brown duo in the final that’s going to be an incredible race between the two of them as they’ll be side by side the two obvious heat winners two of the fastest to ever do this indivis one of them the fastest ever the other one of the the fourth fastest of all time this is going to be a battle for the ages as they I I think we’re going to see another National Record absolutely Brown Sawyer buy your tickets now we know it’s going to be a heavyweight bout we’re excited to call that one on Saturday let me run you through the uh list of qualifiers onto that final and then we can move on from the women’s 400 meter hurdles Ren Brown who you just saw she is your number one seed going into the final and 5823 of course and Sawyer right behind her and 5878 mova from Dickinson Meo from Colby tenisa from wartberg seock from bethl cookie from MIT and Molly Lodge from Rowan is going to be the last one in it took a 10.91 to advance into Saturday’s final officials are out on the track raising the hurdles and that means one thing the men are adjusting their blocks yes I I don’t want to walk away from the women’s race just yet because I’m buzzing on those two athletes Roman and Sawyer Sawyer it I don’t have splits out there right but from from what I was able to witness obviously an incredibly aggressive athlete and so if depending on who’s on the inside or the outside for that final I think that can draw I mean this is sort of like Dila and Sydney right where where Dila is is notorious for going out super hard the first 300 met pulling Sydney along and Sydney using her strength to set multiple National world records and and you know Pro to be the best that’s ever done it um this will be an absolutely incredible final in the women’s race absolutely there’s going to be a lot of incredible finals this weekend D3 is the deepest it’s ever been there are some murmurings that this is the best D3 National meet of all time and what a joy that we get to call it and what a joy that we get to call it so really cool here Sun’s starting to go down a little bit here in Beach I mean we it’s not it’s going down going down it’s going it’s hiding for a mere second behind a cloud giving the fans and us a little bit of repri will I’m trying to set the Ambiance here the sun is behind a cloud it’ll go down later if you like long walks on the beach and beautiful sun sets Myrtle Beach is the place for you the point stands this is a wonderful stadium and the Ambiance is beautiful out here the audience The Spectators the competitors everything’s just beautiful um let’s get our attention back to the track here we’ve got heat one of the men’s 400 met hurdles getting ready to enter their blocks and if you’ll allow me I’ll run you through Lane assignments here Zach cell in lane two lane one empty Mitchell Van vorn from St Norbert is in two Max Russo from Bowden Nicholas Raz from Rowan Levy berer from Colby Joel Smith from bethl and Justin Deon from McMurray out in Lane eight Joel Smith from bethl is coming in at your number one seed he’s a six time All-American he’s been Second Twice in this event event he’s also been fourth so he never finished worse than fourth in his uh college career in the 400 hurdles I bet he makes the final I bet he makes the final too he’s prob he’s Far and Away the best coming in here also Nicholas Raz from Rowan he’s been 11th so he’s looking to uh he’s looking to make a final here oh Joel Smith attacks this race from the gun authoritatively charging down the backstretch clearing oh a little bit of a clip of the hurdle there but still running very strong and this is all this is all Joel Smith Russo looked pretty good there in the middle too he’s kind of making up the Stagger on his outside but Smith definitely the class of this field will get a good look here as they turn for home it’s Smith but Russo there looking to assert himself in the second spot with two hurdles to go one hurdle to go excuse me there goes Smith he’s over clean he’ll look to take the win and Heat number one but it’s a hard charge there from well who got that on the who snuck into second there it was video tape to the tape leave it to the pros yep beer gets it from Colby in second but Joel Smith looking unchallenged there it looked like he even backed off a little bit um when he knew he had it in here and that’s that’s how you know he’s a Pros Pro yeah but that 5220 doesn’t tell the story of that race completely as Joel Smith definitely shut it down with about 20 M to go Honestly made me feel a little bit uncomfortable was shaking over here in my boots and said got to get through the line Bud uh but Joel Smith obviously coming away with that Heat win as there was a Furious finish in spots 2 three and four um 5248 5258 and 5273 so you know very little ground separating uh second through fourth absolutely I mean Smith got it by a quarter of a second but I I was with you and I saw him kind of look around a little bit I thought especially from our angle up in the booth it looked a little sketchy but yeah drop it in a neutral don’t pull on the E bra exactly but Smith looks great there as we expected he gets the big Q out of heat one as we turn our attention to heat too they make some adjustments on the Block here and some further Firepower in this one if you’ll allow me to run you through start list here iow it I thought you were going to say I would do it no no no please I’m saving my voice for later Dirk gambell from CER Eli Odell from weaton Jake gladio from Trine colins scandin from Claremont mud scripts Josiah zeel from o Clair David Myers from bethl JoJo Frost from debuk and Ben bulgar from sahana they’re going to make up Heat number two is it uh Susana squash banana I yes is that yeah that’s the full name of the school that’s the full name of the school yeah it wouldn’t it wouldn’t fit on the on the heat sheet a big time Firepower here are probably the two names to look out for is going to be JoJo Frost he’s a five-time All-American he was second here in 2022 started his career at Northern Iowa now we see him at debuk obviously and Jake gladio we’ve seen quite a bit of him he was a 60 hurdle Champion indoors so he knows what it takes to win eight time all America and he also won this event back in 2021 was fourth last year so he’s been on all the steps he he he knows how it’s supposed to go down from try um he’s probably gladio is going to be my favorite going into this heat I think for sure the camera right now on Colin scandin the Junior from Claremont mud scripts taking his talents from Claremont to Myrtle Beach one Coast to another as the athletes get ready for heat two in the for meter hurdles keep an eye on gladio in three and frost out there in seven gun is up away clean as they head into the wind and the first hurdle a little bit of a Stutter Step there from scanland in heat in lane four as gladio in heats through three took all of those those first hurdles very cleanly and really that’s what this event is about is how much can you not lose any of your momentum over these barriers uh as again gladio just looks looks like a pro out there putting on a clinic this is what hurdling is supposed to look like gladio continuing to push there in Lane three Frost also looking strong on the outside but gladio got a step on him from CMS scanland also looking really good he’s in the third spot right now but Frost is is making up a lot of ground here as he made up like maybe 5 m heading into that hurdle and they may be side by side here gladio gladio kind of jogged it in in that last 50 but he does take the win 5208 from gladio not unexpected he gets the big Q 5221 so maybe not as close as it appeared from the naked eye JoJo Frost gets that second spot once again favorite cruises yeah I mean the top two there definitely um with with scanland from CMS chucking himself in the mix there for for a second um until JoJo Frost decided it was time to turn it on and and secure that spot in the final um gladio ran a very strong first 300 350 M giving himself the the opportunity to shut it down what an opportunity that is absolutely gladio kind of surprised indors when he won the 60 I mean probably not a surprise to those who know him closely but he’s you know he doesn’t talk a lot to the to the the media he’s he’s to himself but he went out there and he won a 60 hurdles title and uh but he’s not going to surprise anybody if he wins the 400 hurdles title No and again you know it it when you are when you read on paper it’s just top one and in each of these Heats uh you know it’s it’s for me sometimes no I I watch so much track and field that it’s easy to forget that you there are guys that are just sort of Head and Shoulders um in these events above and beyond uh the abilities of some of the their other competitors and so watching some of these athletes who are just truly exceptional um watching them put it all together in a race is it’s it’s a beautiful thing but also watching them pull other athletes to season best to personal best uh is is really um really inspiring and when you if you were one of these athletes that you run a personal best in the prelim you have nothing but all of the confidence in the world going in the final I’m in the shape of my life I’ve never done this better all I have to do is go out and execute and maybe even you know maybe I if I if I don’t clip hurdle six or right don’t stutter step over hurdle 7 you know I have another couple of tents and I’m going after the school record or you know this this is what motivates those athletes even further as they you know progress through the national meet looking at those marginal gains bubble time as we head in to heat number three the final heat 5307 is the bubble so that’s time to beat run you through these Lane assignments in lane two is Andrew McGovern from carigi melon Jason aiming from Rowan alongside his teammate Maris young Dirk lucik from Wisconsin lacrosse Lance Jensen from Sunni jio Cameron Rogers from UMass Dartmouth and Dayton love from wartberg love to see Dayton love out here he’s uh extremely accomplished five time All-American he was sixth in this race last year also an All-American in the long jump Lance Jensen though comes in as the man to watch as he won last year and he also won the indoor 400 so he knows how to get around the track in one lap yeah I’ll keep my eyes here on Dayton love um he’s he’s being challenged from his Inside by Cameron Rogers from UMass Dartmouth um love who has a a personal best and season’s best um sort of very much Clear of this field not having the start of the race that I bet his coaches would like to see from him but he needs to run a hard second half here to secure his place in the final yeah love clips that hurdle love is not looking great right now who is looking good is Rogers there and love Clips another hurdle and love is out of this so let’s turn our attention to Rogers from UMass Dartmouth he wins going away over another favorite Lance Jensen from Sun did I speak too soon I think Rogers got it there but a hard charge from Jensen to take second 5147 the auto Q for Rogers he’s uh he’s certainly excited about that run we didn’t talk about him much before this and he just upset two of the event favorites so you can see him there yelling at the track 5147 not only did he win that heat that was the fastest time of the day and here comes that hurdle hit from Dayton love coming into the home stretch you can see the fatigue in his legs as he barely stays upright and in his Lane but that heat was all Cameron Rogers Cameron Rogers challenged love on the side and you can see the emotion right now as he shows exactly how pumped up he is to be performing at his best when it counts the most so hats off to Cameron Rogers from UMass Dartmouth fantastic job today shout out to D3 photographer Kyle out there capturing that moment on the live stream congratulations to Cameron Rogers let’s take a look at the compiled results here and when you’re through the eight finalists for Saturday’s race Cameron Rogers who you just saw there run the F the quickest time excuse me over the first over the full three Heats Lance Jensen Jake gladio Joel Smith JoJo Frost Levy beeri Max Russo and Mitchell Van voren from St Norbert is going to be your eighth and final entrant interesting stuff there most of the favorites through date and love you hate to see that but we know he’ll be he’ll be back with a vengeance on the track so congratulations to the competitors and the men’s 400 hurdle and we uh we’ll get those hurdles off the track now and switch over to the some flat Sprints I think right yep we’re going to the men’s and women’s 200 met prelims the women making their way down the backstretch right now we’re waiting for the lane markers and starting blocks to be switched over to the opposing side the opposing corner of the track as they get set for the women’s 200 I think will and I are going to step away for a quick second catch our breath take a minute or two and we’ll be back with you at the 24 Indoor national championships here in Myrtle Beach and officially here your qualifiers for the men’s hles Mitchell Ben verbert maxen bye de Joel Smith Jake of TR L Jensen Sunni jio and fastest qualifying time of 5147 seconds Cameron Rogers University dart on the far side of the track getting ready now for the women’s 200 our next event of the day last Sprint event of the day 22 athletes here as well of course eight winners in the next five best times will advance the division three record 2329 held by wadin jonath have Tina Shel whitew in one Kennedy wa we are back here at the 2024 division 3 outdoor track and field championships in Myrtle Beach South Carolina you are looking at heat 1 as a prelim in the women’s 200 meter dash uh heat one here we have Tina Shelton from Wisconsin Whitewater Kennedy weight from Mount Union Lauren gay from wasu and St Louis Audrey Johnson from Emery Rebecca nepple from Ramapo Sarah shermerhorn from Hope Zariah Moore from Ruckers Kate Carlson and they are off in heat one qualification here is top one in each heat plus the next five fastest times right now we are seeing Kennedy weight and Zariah Moore challenging but Kennedy weight seems to be inching away from this field with a late Challenge from Zarah Moore on the outside Zarah Moore in the red from ruter we’ll let the timers go to work there they’re saying Kennedy wait 2412 from Mount Union the Junior from Mount Union 2412 is a personal best unsure if we’re getting a win legal reading down the track or not but Kennedy wait winning that heat and solidifying her place in the final 2418 fantastic run early evening 2412 to 2414 so from my vantage point forgive me for saying that it was Zariah Moore from ruter but Kennedy wait wind reading 1.8 that is a legal winds fantastic run a smile on her face right now saying it all she is pleased with that performance is weight maybe the busiest athlete here this week and I think she’s running five total events including relays and so she’s she’s been bouncing around quite a bit well we’ve got a season’s best from weight to solidifier place in the final in Zariah Moore you got to expect that 2414 personal best will do the same for her but only the next two Heats will tell the end of that story goodness gracious Noah and uh no I believe that you do have a bit of information to share with the viewers as to a scratch of one of our favorites yeah Grace Hadley who we expected to be the favorite in the women’s 1500 she’s out this weekend food poisoning so thoughts to her she I know she’s entered in the 5K as well don’t know if we’ll see her or not um but that’s a big name Kennedy wait takes in heat one 18 time allamerican has won the previous three editions of the 200 meters so no shocker there um also saw her win the 400 indoors so Kennedy wait does Kennedy wait things and moves on to Saturday’s Final on the track now is going to be Heat 2 in the women’s 200 let’s run you through those Lane assignments into two Nicole Stewart Megan Garretts McKenzie resser Avery Campbell Lindsey Novak MGO dbia from Center and Isabella hog or Bella hog as she prefers to be called and there’s some pretty serious star power in this one I know I’ve been saying that a lot but it’s true Bella Hogue is your indoor and outdoor 200 Champion 2022 also extremely talented 400 Runner you see her there on the [Music] outside B hog looking good on the outside but in the middle of the track back she’s got a challenger there it’s Avery Campbell but Bella hog has one more gear for it in the last 25 looks like she wins comfortably Bella hog 2376 Avery Campbell hard charge there in the middle from Albi and she takes second in 241 so I’m unsure of the ruling in division three how the win readings play into time qualifiers because in know in the first heat we had a 1.8 m/s legal wind in the second section where Bella hog just ran 2376 it was a illegal wind of 3.2 m/s and so obviously that’s going to be a a contributing factor to these very fast times uh Avery Campbell coming in at 2411 faster than Kennedy weights 2412 from heat 1 um with a a bevy of the women in in heat to coming in with some spectacularly Fast Times that’s a good question I don’t think there’s adjustments made for wind in terms of qualifying but um I’m fully prepared to be wrong and if I am I will definitely readily admit that to you well yeah please if if we’re screwing this up mightily put it in the comments yeah let us know let us know you can tweet at us whatever Bella hog takes Heat number two 2376 not win legal but if it uh you know 2376 if it was when legal would be one of the top 10 fastest times of all time so that was that was certainly a good run from Bella there essentially matches uh musu Jackson Buckner’s time from 20 from 2006 where she ran 2375 which would be seventh all time all conditions so very impressive run there from Bella Hogue again setting the stage for some f fantastic finals racing absolutely you love to see you know you love to see some you love to see some uh underdogs make it but you also want to see the favorites cruise to some extent hopefully we get a nice mix of that heat number three final heat well what I would argue is we’re not seeing people Cruise right now we’re seeing the favorites honestly they it’s like they’re ghost they’re Shadow Boxing out there now they’re not necessarily fighting each other CU they’re in separate Heats but there’s oh Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better absolutely and so we’re seeing we’re seeing the uh the competitiveness of these athletes elevate performances of everyone around them well if you want to see a favorite I’ve got one for you in this heat it’s going to be Blair in lane two Brown in three shriner in four Sims in five Phillips in six Jarrett Lauren Jarrett from Wisconsin lacrosse in seven and Kamaya kamama wooden from North Carolina Wesleyan out there in eight we saw Jarrett earlier and she just looked amazing in the 4×1 Jarrett wasting no time in about the first 12 meters making it to stagger on the athlet to her outside Jarrett powering through the turn running extremely well and effectively Wooten was third indoors and she’s in a battle for second right now on the inside s Shriner looking good in three no one’s going to touch Jarrett though she takes the win unofficially 2376 will get you an official reading there it’s rounded up to 2382 and Wooten no surprise there she was in contention 2393 wind reading there two .6 but Lauren Jarrett continues to look really good in the early stages of the of this Championship meet La Lauren Jared you know it’s like watching an athlete win more medals than most countries in the Olympic Games Lauren Jarett busy busy day for Jared through all these qualifying runs absolutely really thankful to see her get through because it just sets you up for you know what could potentially be the fastest 200 final we’ve ever seen in division 3 Jarrett Cruzes 2382 Wooten just behind her and 2393 and Sadi Shriner from RIT 2411 that was your third heat so let’s go ahead and run you through the compiled results and your eight qualifiers through to Saturday’s final number one seed in that 3-2 wind Bella hog from Nebraska Wesleyan 2376 Lauren Jarrett there the heat winner from Heat number three 2382 she gets through with the big Q Kamaya Wooten from North Carolina Wesley and she she takes third sad Shriner and the compiled results is fourth Avery Campbell fifth Kennedy weight comes in with a big Q winning her heat 24.12 1.8 wind Zariah Moore from ruter Newark is going to be Lane seven as we head into the finals she sets a personal best there and oana Brown from gadet a freshman from galet so that’s a new name on the scene 2422 she sneaks in by a 100th of a second to round out Saturday’s final that was a very important 100th of a second especially considering the athlet sitting right behind her had a more advantageous win heat two with the strongest of the support of Tailwinds um of any of those Heats but great racing absolutely the men’s 200 has absolutely been uh a marquee event in the last couple editions of these outdoor championships we’ve just seen the fastest athletes we’ve ever seen in division 3 in this Edition is no different as we look to set the field for Saturday’s final a lot of guys deserve to be there some guys are going to be disappointed but no doubt we will see some fast times here we’ll we’ll lay off a minute before we introduce you to the fields uh heat one starting to get their blocks adjusted min’s 200 meters coming up next from the Doug Shaw Stadium in Myrtle Beach South Carolina you actually they [Music] welcome back to the 2024 outdoor track and field championships here in division 3 we’re in Myrtle Beach South Carolina in a wonderful night and now eyes turning on to the track for the the fast men the men’s 200 meter dash the Speedy boys speedy boys who also know how to do more than just run fast they can turn good too absolutely they’re going to be kind of doing this one with the wind at their back well they’ll have a headwind there on the on this turn but should see some we call this an advantageous Tailwind for the 200 yeah we’ll call it an advantageous Tailwind we’re doing this one over three Heats just like we’ve been doing to get through you got to win your heat that’s the big queue and then we’ll take the next five fastest times to round out the field of eight in Saturday’s final will you want to run us through the lane assignments here I’d love to in in lane two we’ve got Jordan Brown from olette Kevin Arthur from St Johns in he in Lane three Tyler Thomas from Lever a skak athlete in lane four Clarence mlan from mville in Lane five Josh Josh Williams from Colorado College Lane six Cory Carter from principia Lane seven Brady Fowler from Ron Oak in Lane eight all keep your eyes on Lane three with Kevin Arthur who has the fastest time in division three this year yep Kevin Arthur coming in as your number one seed he was just 14th last year so something to prove in this one we see him out [Music] there he looking really good out in seven but excuse me Kevin Arthur there in second but it’s going to be a blanket finish and making the hard charges Carter on the outside I can’t quite see it from this angle I believe that was Kevin Arthur in the baby blue over red of St John’s in lane two win Cory Carter oh they’re saying Cory Carter oh gosh that’s just showing you how exactly close that was yeah Carter made a really hard move there at the end it looks like they’re giving him the win just barely 2.2 win Cory Carter from principia gets the uh gets the big que there Tyler Thomas in second so Kevin Arthur from St John’s just third will take another look at it here as we see him come around the stretch keep an eye on that baby blue he was the name we were hyping up up at the beginning there and he just didn’t quite have the closing speed to get it but he’ll look to get in on time yeah rocking that headband like uh Kung Kenny bedar um but yeah just just lacking a little bit of the the composure I I’d say over the final meters starting to starting to flail starting to fall apart ever so slightly and as you said that incredible last 50 meters from Cory Carter yeah well Arthur will look to get in on time reminder we take the next five fastest times eyes on the screen now we’ve got a heat number two setting up their blocks and some big names in this one for sure some teammates in this one dinto Jones the second is going to be at the top of your at the bottom of your screen Luke Schroeder is going to be there in lane two Alexander rhods from Puget Sound Rashad Henderson from Oshkosh Eric Gregory one of the best all time from gadet is going to be there in five Jackson priz from Emory in six London little in seven and Sam blast Kowski out in eight and not throwing any shade at all at Heat number one but Heat number two is absolutely loaded Eric Gregory is third all time he was second indoors he was a 400 meter champ Outdoors so that’s a name to watch out for obviously this name that will and I have been talking about quite a bit in on the top of your screen there the first guy you can see is is Sam blaskowski defending indor champ he was only second in the 200 last year but he’s the top returner so that’s some serious star power his uh his teammate Luke Schroeder was fourth indoors while he was injured so we’ll see what he can do healthy there’s some there’s going to be some disappointment coming out of this heat because not everybody can win it no not this is why we R in the prelims is who can handle these nerves who can perform what it matters most I think everyone in this Heat’s going to be keying off Sam blaskowski and I think that will honestly determine especially for a guy who’s so good over the short Sprints uh will determine how fast this race inevitably is run um just if you’re unfamiliar with Eric Gregory from gadet you see his coach there G at school for the deaf in the heart of hearing so his coach gives him a signal at the start so just wanted to let everyone know what was going on there s blast Kowski out in Lane eight comes off the turn in the lead Schroeder on his inside Eric Gregory a looking good but nobody is going to touch blast Kowski in Heat number two he jogs it across the line he’s excited about that he flexes for the camera light work for S BL Cy the best Sprinter we have in division three right now let’s get a look at the time I didn’t even catch the time I I think that we maybe are having a little bit of a a technical issue on the timing because it’s the time has stopped at 23.9 there’s no question of who won that heat it was Sam blaskowski by a mile but we’re looking to the timers to see who came up as second best there we go okay 2055 2055 let’s take a look at our all time list here 2055 that would put him tied for fourth on the 200 alltime list wow and he was I mean did you see how much he let up at the end of that one I I would not be surprised to see him be able to take at least another few tenths off of that performance ran very controlled out there in Lane eight and I saw Usain Bolt once attempt the world record in Brussels and ask the me organization to put him out in Lane eight you have to deal with less of a Bend than any of the inside Lanes but this was all blaskowski as he took off shot off from wow look at him shot that down almost tripping into Lane seven because he was just looking at the clock yeah really impressive run from Bowski there plenty more left into the tank Eric Gregory who we were speaking about before this he he looked really solid in a 285 and and a 2085 is a really good time it just it just doesn’t look great next to a 2055 a shutdown 2055 absolutely London little look good there Luke schroer also looked good in 21.1 it’s going to be really competitive to make this final um yeah can’t express that that was a great run that was a fantastic run but and let’s let’s relate this to the the team title right so we’ve got Sam blaskowski and Luke schroer uh occupying spots one and four we obviously still have one spot left to run um but those athletes looking very strong to qualify for the final in this event and those are very crucial points for them to pick up over the OSH koses over the O cair of the world and so fantastic run from schroer I think out obviously running a personal best outperforming his seating in this field um to come up with that performance yeah and that’s a great point and will and I are going to keep ourselves accountable to bring you guys updates on the team competition as things develop we just haven’t had a lot of finals yet but as points start getting accumulated we’ll uh continually continually come on these mics and remind you about where things stand in that competition okay let me catch my breath a little bit here 200 Dash Heat number three will could you introduce the names cuz I’m yeah catch your breath no I got you we’ve got toan Walton from McMurray in lane two Kai Smith from Salsbury in Lane three Jacob parent who we’ve already seen earlier today uh in lane four from bethl TJ Clayton from RADS in Lane five jari Jones from Barry in Lane six Kelsey Singleton the sophomore from Bell Haven in Lane seven and Luke Botsford the senior from toughs in Lane eight and away they go They’re away just like that parent is sixth all time win legal 10th all time all condition so he’s definitely the class of this field all told and he looks good from bethl there in the white Kit in the middle on his inside Kai Smith also giving him a challenge but it doesn’t look like anybody’s going to be able to touch Jacob par he gets across the line first can’t wait wait to get a read on that 285 that’s a pretty strong time there from Jacob parent from bethl he gets the big Q Kai Smith on his inside comes home in second and 29h Har Jones third from Barry in that heat and wow just like that the 200 one of the Marquee events of this Championship the field is set and the inst Stadium announcer right now is telling us that Sam blaskowski and heat to of that 200 meter prum broke this facility record with the the 2055 I love that and uh you know I’m going to I’m going to go out on limb here and say that facility record is not long for this world now short lift it’ll it may be one of the shortest facility records they’ve already had dead record walking yeah I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go ahead and get anything printed up I I think I’d wait until after this we see replay there of parent winning Heat number three from bethl light work down the middle he’ll get through to Saturday’s final and he’ll get an amazing opportunity to run well looks like all the results have populated so I feel comfortable enough to go ahead and give you the eight qualifiers in the men’s 200 Sam Bowski going to be your number one seed 2055 Jacob parent going to come across in second he’s going to be 2085 2085 so three behind Sam Laskowski Eric Gregory another one of your favorites he’s going to get a qualifier London little Kai Smith Luke Schroeder he does indeed join his teammate from Wisconsin lacrosse in the final jari Jones seventh Cory Carter eth 21.18 21.18 is what it took to make the final in the men’s 200 MERS supporting all of our clams that we are in the Golden Age of division 3 track and field yeah incredible competition there in the Sprints nice to see them get things underway we’ve got a little time Gap here before we get into the qualifiers in the men’s steeple chase excuse me the women’s steeple chase will be our next event on the track but in the in the meantime we have the pleasure to bring you the men’s pole vault we’re in the third height here of the evening in the men’s pole vault with 14 of our seven of our gosh about 20 competitors um still compete uh trying to catch a glimpse of this name here or a hip number or or some such we are looking at forgive us difficult to tell a school or an athlete oh pull flies out there luckily he lands on the on the mat there Brenan shean from itha that’ll be his third foul third Miss at 4845 10 and a half and we’ll be out of the competition we’re just happy to see that he goes out uninjured always scared to see that happen this is Raymond venditti from Loris this is going to be his final attempt currently sitting 13th bar at 15 feet 10 a half Ines pretty high you know I couldn’t do it I couldn’t do it luckily they can got the hands chocked up get some of that sticky spray on there m I wonder what makes people choose between chalk and the sticky spray I think I’d do both and a helmet and a helmet and a helmet probably yeah all the pads I can get this is this is Raymond vendi looking to make this height potentially his final jump if he can’t get over he’s got two strikes on that you see the competitors on the benches there giving him a hand pulv VA one of the most convivial of events with the at the competitors all supporting one another O A near Miss clips that one obviously a little disappointed in that but you know he did great getting here he had his last clearance looks like it was at 154 and a half that’s going to S him 13th for the time being see what happens as this compet I progresses but congrats to that athlete from Loris high fives all around should be able to get you potentially one more one more jump in before we send things back to the track we’ll keep an eye on them we won’t we won’t let you miss anything yeah vend didy coming in with a 496 season’s best and so going out on 484 will be disappointing for him but you know got to be every day can’t be your best day and uh definitely a good job for him for getting a couple of clearances on the day believe that’s McDonald from Barry he Clips it with his chest that’ll be his third strike for McDonald so he bows out of the pole vault competition as well and 10 minutes and 47 seconds to get here great field with 22 women who the way here to burtle beach M Donald looking a little bit more disappointed wanting more out of himself on the day but a near Miss there you know the hips were up and over and just came down on his chest um a strong final Vault from McDonald University Sophie mcmanis from Carlton Megan Johnson from Central College take you back now to the track nice shot of the start line there the women’s steeple chase is making some final strides here back to the distance events but we got barriers out here and I’m going to say it one time and I’m not going to say it again those barriers do not move well depends how hard you hit them though you’d have to put in some some pretty serious Force yeah yeah I you know I’ve seen them uh Shake I haven’t seen them them fall over that’s for sure women’s steeple chase this is a prelim we’re going to see the final tomorrow actually the final is traditionally on Saturday but they moved it up to Friday so kind of interesting to see a you know distance prelim and then final just the just the following day but makes some of the doubles a little bit easier qualifying in the steeple chase top four from each heat get through automatically and then the next four best times as the starter gets the women all set here in heat one um thing to note on this track that unique is the steeple barriers on the inside of the top turn here um a lot of the times we see steeple chase barriers on the second turn of the track uh but these women will start and finish here uh with seven laps of this track or yes seven laps eight laps of the track no seven laps thank you starter appreciate it seven to eight laps somewhere between seven and eight laps I if I’m being perfectly honest I don’t know that I’ve seen a steeple chase start like this I always see steeple CH start on the backstretch they always seem to be a little different it’s very confusing to me but I I trust that some there should be some if only there was a body a governing body that could make this more uniform and easier for me to not screw up just me somebody know somebody knows what they’re doing out there so we trust them yes and and hearing hearing the starter say seven laps makes me pretty confident that it’s seven laps um but the women I will run through the start list here uh in Lane one or position one matd vassel from Wisconsin lacrosse Emmy Odell from Augustana Sophie Bull from cin AB Abigail Patterson from wasu Sophie mcmanis from Carlton Megan John Johnson from Central College Ella Winnie from Welsley Molly Fitz Gibbons from Williams Carolyn McMartin from Central College Caitlyn Chadwick from lacrosse Ellie Meyer from warberg we got two Lacross athletes a couple Central College athletes and a lot of SE schools here but you know it’s it’s always reassuring to have a teammate in the race MH absolutely if you want to look for some favorites here as we get to off to maybe kind of a pedestrian start by the looks of things Megan Johnson from Central College she was sixth in the 3K the flat 3K indoors so who knows how much that correlates but you know she’s got the distance in her legs she was actually seventh so an All-American in the steeple chase last year Carolyn McMartin from Central College her teammate was eighth in the indor mile 12th in Cross Country steeple chase is kind of a fun one where you see people excelling in the mile but also if you see a strong result in cross country you know that they’re you know that they’re serious they’ve got the speed and the strength she was third in this event last year and one more name Ellie Meyer from wartberg she was four she was fourth last year and she’s she’s raced a lot and had some really consistent results yeah Ellie Meer a very good Championship racer um but right now you know one of the things I learned about the steel Chase is that the early Pace always looks kind of slow yeah and it’s because this race is so grueling the seven barriers per lap the water jumps just takes its toll it’s a survival of the fittest out there um and and every every preceding lap you’re I think we’re going to see this packet more and more and more strung out as right now we have Megan Johnson leading the charge here over the first water barrier successfully oh one competitor down we had a fall there we’ll we’ll get a name for you um that you always see the crowd gathering around the water jump and that you know it’s because it’s because they’re thinking they might see one thing I think that was Molly Fitz Gibbons from Williams who took a tumble in that water jump It’s because human beings by their nature are cruel Noah they like to see people fail um but you know good to see the athletes all back up and running here again we still we have uh Megan Johnson at the front driving the train with her teammate carollyn McMartin Central College in control of this one Meer and that orange from wartberg kind of lurking back there in third looking really comfortable the lacro across athlet still both in the pack Caitlyn Chadwick sister to Boulder Legend Cody Chadwick I know he’s watching at home so shout out to Cody But Central College in control of this one 2 and 1 half minutes into prelim number one in the women’s 3,000 met steel Chase yeah and as we were saying you know I I think that there’s a pretty large discrepancy in the seed times or you know the qualifying times of these athletes and we’re seeing that play out here but uh as as Megan Johnson you know drives a pretty a pretty formidable Pace here and you can always tell that by when the field just sort of strings out into a single file line um as the athletes are start they’re starting to sort of break away in that front pack of of four or five as there’s you know some stragglers that are fighting really hard to keep contact but right now it’s you know we’re still only three laps into this race we got a lot of running left there’s you know plenty of more water jumps plenty more barriers to get over what are you seeing out there Noah I think the I mean this control by the Central College athletes is really impressive I think it kind of behooves them to string the race out a little bit just stay out of trouble stay up front I mean this pace is obviously within them they look like their nose breathing and so you don’t really want to get caught in trouble we saw that in that first water jump we saw some athletes go down and just get yourself in a good position cruise through these laps top four make it and so I mean if you’re in this front group you got to be one of the top four I think I think you like your chances right now as we as we start to string the field along a little bit yeah if I’m Megan Johnson I’m not worried too much about the fact that there’s six athletes here I’m feeling pretty controlled up front I got my teammate you know to do any of the lifting if I need some help but right now you know the Central College athletes are driving the train here there’s even every preceding lap we’re starting to see a little bit further whittling of the athletes away from the final um as we said the top four finishers automatically Advance the next four fastest times Megan’s doing a very good job of ensuring that she will find herself on the starting line of the final and also driving a pace that you know should there be a hiccup and and things don’t go completely according to plan that time qualifier looks uh looks pretty much in the bag as well and once again the final is tomorrow and and some of these athletes are also entered in the 5K and so you’re looking at you know consecutive days of finals three consecutive days of distance racing if you think you can get one of the top four spots in in a more tactical race that’s the play seven laps of racing today seven laps of racing tomorrow seven of maybe the hardest laps of racing in allive track and field in terms of the wear and tear it takes on your body and then to come back and be ready and and let’s not forget we haven’t talked about it in in the recent past here the heat and humidity right the heat and humidity will take it so yes they get to take a quick little dip in a pool every lap here and cool themselves off but the heat humidity will ultimately take a pretty significant toll over 3 days of hard competition and so again we’re seeing even further stretching out these these ladies are running very comfortably you don’t see any strain on the face of any of the Central College athletes their coaches have to be very pleased with the work that they’re doing up front right now and maybe even piping into their ear if they can get through the cacophony of noise from the fans to just say that’s enough that’s enough don’t do anymore you’re you’re doing great Johnson and McMartin from Central College continue to control this race they’re clipping along right right at 84 they’ve had really consistent splits 83 84 second laps and they’re just kind of running their own race setting their own tempo they’re both all-americans they’ve done this before and I mean we can only imagine how many times at practice some situation like this is developed where they’re just running right next to each other and and just kind of imposing their will Ellie Meer from wartberg still looking really good she’s running the same Pace she’s just kind of given about a step and then it’s Sophie Bull from Calvin has uh slotted into that fourth spot that auto qualification spot but still about six athletes in contention for the auto bids yeah you got a beautiful large scoreboard video board at the the bottom turn of this track here um in in Myrtle Beach South Carolina and I think what the girls are looking up there to see is you know what’s the distance looking like you know at a lot of the big meets they do get the opportunity to not have to cran their necks fully turning around to see the distance between them and their competitors they had to look up and it’s like almost do some calculations of the times of okay where are they what are our what are our splits we’re doing great but it is right now it’s all Central College in heat one here it’s Al Megan Johnson and uh and Carol MCM Martin from from Central they’re just easing away from this field not a care in the world just out there for a Sunday jog Johnson and McMartin still looking really good locked into that mid 8 second lap Tempo and you know you got to imagine their coach is probably on the infield now giving them the giving them kind of the slow down relax maybe not sim maybe simmer down and just relax with that final tomorrow their their spots are pretty well locked up I think and we’ll try to give you a couple glances back at the chase pack too here’s a good one now that’s bull from Calvin in the third spot Ellie Meer from wartberg right behind her but that’s going to be a good battle we’ll keep an eye on this battle back there and uh positions three through six because only two of them are going to get those Auto spots assuming nothing happens up front with Johnson and MCM Martin and and there’s mty vessle from lacrosse I believe that no nope sorry excuse me that’s Chadwick uh from lacrosse that you know I think her coaches are hoping that she does enough to potentially secure a spot in that final and maybe has enough left in her legs to go after an All-American spot and some points um again you know I hope someone’s telling these girls that they they’re doing great up front uh M uh excuse me Johnson MCM Martin um from Central College they’re they’re just running away from this thing but they’re still I you know you don’t see a bit of strain on their faces and things I’ve been noticing Noah on all of these water jumps Johnson has a has a pretty unique way of of uh of hurling that I’ve never really seen before when she occasionally pushes off of the water barrier with her left leg and lands on her left foot um very unique a lot of swagger a lot of swagger they the conditions are we keep saying it’s pretty warm out there but Johnson and McMartin looking pretty effortless the teammates just cruising here um as they’ll come into the they’ll come into the final lap next time around but yeah positions three through six kind of locked in that battle for two more qualification spots that’s bull mile excuse me bull Meer odel and Winnie from W Wesley and they’re out there locked in so we’ll we’ll keep an eye on that reminder top four Auto bids next top four fastest times we don’t have a great idea of how how fast this is we’ll have to wait to get a comparison to heat number two but Johnson McMartin continue that that 84 second lap Tempo really really nothing has changed there and you know we’ll see if it gets competitive at all uh coming into the last lap here away from qualifying spot into the finals oh forgive me I do believe they’re saying that the steeple chase is not going to finish at the common start Finish Line here it will finish on the opposing side of the track so we were correct that it is s and a half laps that that was why it was really throw me for a tizzy but the Ste will finish get in a prel this year a fantastic season’s best um excited to see the match up between these two athletes in the prelim we’ll see if they lay all the cards out or if they just you know play close to the chest yeah absolutely her kind of done all American to this event she knows what it takes um M McAn from middleberry She’s the ncac champ and uh when I was looking through her results as we were compiling these notes she she’s gotten a little better every steeple Chas she’s done and that’s what you uh that’s a trajectory you like to see heading into a national championship little stutter on the start line there so uh you’d have to imagine we’ll see a green card yep green card comes out we’ll try that one one more time third time a charm third time a charm we uh it is a steeple chase after all nerves are high we have seen an Infamous DQ in a in a distance race before in last year’s championship when Ethan Greg was just qualified for a false start in the 5K we’re hoping to avoid a similar situation we’re away clean here in Heat number two with the women’s steeple chase yep and the affirmation Aubrey Fischer from warberg out front driving the charge this this heat already looks significantly faster out of the gates than heat one um the women sort of running with a bit more intention you can just sort of you can see it by the Cadence you can see it by the speed with which this field is starting to stretch out down the backstretch As I Shall Not Be Fooled Again into thinking that we had some weird configuration of only seven laps to somehow make 3 thou of which to make 3,000 m but we do have seven and a half laps here as they cross their Finish Line Aubrey Fischer from wartberg in the orange from wartberg asserting herself at the top of this field and these are the names we talked about it’s Fischer and hin hind excuse me out in the lead and uh the familiar uniform they’re Central College that’s parrot from Central College they’re what’s in the water down there at Central College steeple chase you perhaps steeple you let’s see if we get her into the final and then uh I think we can go ahead and and use that moniker but Fischer imposing her will on the field right now we’ll start to get you some splits to give you an idea of how things compare but nice to see this strung out a little bit maybe keep athletes out of trouble as we head over the water jumps talking with athletes like Emma Coburn and Gabby Jennings and back when my wife used to compete in this event you know having a clear view of the barrier was always very important because from a long ways out it dictates how you know whether you’re going to need a Stutter Step how you’re going to approach that barrier and so you know for a lot of these athletes getting this a little bit of space early in in the race very important um but ay Fisher wasting no time asserting herself to the front we’ve got three clear of the rest and remember it’s four onto the final so we’ve got it’s fiser hind parrot parrot from steeple U HK Sunni jio Aubrey fiser from warberg University of Wisconsin wartberg forgive the joke it’s a bad joke but we’ve been making it all day privately Fischer looking really good there continuing to lead this field looks like what are we running here about 82s at last check so maybe a slightly quicker Tempo than we saw in Heat number one and not wouldn’t be surprised to see some time qualifiers come out of this one because they’re they’re just moving a little bit quicker yeah I think Fischer you know starting to you know play the play the game a little bit here you know got this started and to the rest of the competitors says hey look I got us free maybe someone wants to take a lap or two help me out up here but hkin is very content to sit in second no she needs nothing else to do but be finished top four uh you know that that chasing group behind her starting to bridge the gap a little bit Yeah I think you’re seeing experience at play in this in this top three they just want to get a little clear and get as will mentioned earlier a clear view of those bearers which I wasn’t even thinking about that’s got to be a super important thing sometimes you’ll see athletes do a little stutter step to get around um but yeah Aubrey fish are continuing to Pilot this field through Heat number two in the women’s steeple chase well no other event node you see athletes willingly move out to Lane two right and so again it’s it’s it’s all about judging that distance appropriately and having a clear view of this as you mentioned immovable barrier that stands in front of you uh regard of its height and so you know right now Aubrey Fisher continues to be at the front hkin in second uh parrot in third parro sort of going back and fourth between second and third I think attempting to egg on those two athletes in in front of her with AUB McLean from middleburry The Freshman from middleberry being the only other uh of the competitors willing to take a chance at crossing the bridge between the the pursuance and the leaders yeah and through through 1,000 meters the pace slowed a couple seconds over that lap and so it kind of open the door I think for McAn to get in there I mean you know that’s where you have to be to get those Auto spots and that’s obviously what you want so yeah that group of four looking good over the water jump just about I don’t know 10 meter Gap maybe less than that to the chase pack we’ll see if they press that advantage or if they’re kind of content to leave it there for now fer still very much not looking under any amount of pressure but Addie parrot you know I I obviously you’re feeling uh compelled by your a your your teammates who just went one two in heat one training with them every single day knowing what type of Fitness that they were in and knowing how fit you are comparatively to them wanting to join so feverishly wanting to join your teammates in the final uh parro putting herself right in the middle of the the two favorites from this heat running that little bit of extra distance but and if if you can hear in the microphones that are out there on the track that was just a huge clearance in the men’s pole vault we’ll get you a name for that that was Andrew tomaro from lacrosse The Freshman from lacrosse clearing 494 162 and A2 a big clearance and big points scoring there for equaling his personal best from Andrew to Monaro parrot now moves up onto the shoulder of Fischer but pretty content to just slot back again I thought maybe we’d see a lead change but yeah you know I don’t know if Fisher is really even looking for a lead change I think she’s probably got clear real estate controlling the race right now she’s probably pretty happy with the the state of things but things have definitely slowed down um running 84 84 high per lap right now through 1,400 um as we as we get close to 1,800 in this women’s steeple chase yeah so I’m starting to you know put my focus a little bit less away from those top four they seem like they’re pretty comfortably out there but behind there are five athletes competing for four positions on time and so all of every single one of those athletes again they know what the time cut off is the eighth spot in heat one was 11:02 these four athletes back there athletes fifth sixth seventh and eighth in this heat seem like they have it well within their abilities to run quicker than 1102 the fifth place was elowin from Welsley in in Heat won 1037 I think that they’re on schedule to be roughly around that time that was you know roughly that 8485 range um which is exactly what they’re running and so you know compelling story lines here for athletes trying to make the final mle starting to kind of look like to be in a little bit of a vulnerable position there in fourth I mean just a couple steps off the leading Trio but we have a hard charge there from kindall exetta from Colorado College she’s made up a lot of ground out of that chase pack and I wouldn’t be surprised to see her connect here in the next few hundred meters well we always called heat and humidity the poor man’s altitude Noah and the athlete from Colorado College uh that she comes down from actual altitude uh to come race here at I I believe we saw a joking sign the elevation of Myrtle Beach was one foot one foot so that’s about you know 5,500 feet lower than what she’s used to right and so utilizing a lot of those extra red blood cells right now to close in and has her sight set on qualifying for this final with two laps to go and Heat to the second prel in the women’s steeple chase absolutely that fourth spot is now absolutely up for grabs as that as that quartet becomes a quintet here along the backstretch turn that four toop into a five top here we go we’ll see how much energy it took her to get there she hasn’t quite closed down the distance confidently but she’s certainly within Striking Distance Aubrey Fischer continues to lead them through continuing to slow just slightly 85 that was an 86 second last lap and so heat one was probably going to be the quicker heat um but this one strung out a lot faster absolutely and that’s Kendall aeta from Colorado College the senior from Colorado College doing everything that she can to make this final the top four are away and and you know you hope that they’re not letting any of these time qualifiers slip away even as the front four are slowing down mle still looking really good good it looked like she gave a couple strides up on the leading Trio but she’s now pretty confidently closed it down well as I say that maybe there’s a meter maybe two meters but she doesn’t look to be in Jeopardy anymore as The Challenge from Colorado College looks to maybe be fading just a tad as they slowed maybe for a couple of those previous laps of this track as they approach the Bell lap and prelim 2 of the women’s steeple chase Aubrey fiser starting to tighten the screws a little bit show her competitors what she’s made of this is Aubrey Fischer and Rachel hkin hkin going around Addie parrot of steeple U Central College fer trying to establish a little bit of a gap a little bit of some breathing room but it’s an equidistance spread between places 1 2 3 and four with a little bit of distance growing back to aeta from Colorado College in fifth position we’ll see how much they really want to race this out see if they want to kind of get into the heads of their competitors at all or if fer is going to cruise but hkin looks really good now kind of moving up on that outside shoulder yeah we kind of blew things apart here but the the two we were talking about at the beginning of this heat they’re the two who have separated from the field top four through the water jump cleanly you never want to say that too early as they come into the last 100 m the top five the top six to the water sh and watch out for Sarah Stevenson she’s coming in with a headful of run into the final 100 met scraping hoping praying jumping running her way potentially into the final we’ll wait and see the finishing times over the final barrier the top two class of the field they’re in safely three and four in safely it’s Colorado College versus John’s Hopkins a freshman versus a senior senior versus Senior excuse me in spots five and six and we’ll wait and see what their finishing times really solid race there your automatic qualifiers are who we expected to be they controlled that race Aubrey fiser got through leading every step of the way looked great 103.8 five gets a big Q Rachel hkin from jio 103.9 she gets through Edie parrot joins her two teammates in the final so watch out for Central colleges score some big points there Addie parrot 10342 gets in and Audrey McLean gets in as well so those are your auto qualifiers and and I believe we took four on time am I correct well we did yes and Sarah Stevenson ran the last 200 meters of her life to qualify for the finals on time narrowly it by the narrowest of margins yeah so your your time qualifiers the small Q’s elowin from Welsley Kindle exetta exetta excuse me from Colorado College who we saw and that he she had a strong race she gets in Sarah Stevenson who will just mentioned closed super hard she’ll get that 11th spot and then rounding out things in the final running a personal best from Augustana Emma OD and you got to love that el el Winnie personal best to make the final Addie parrot personal best to make the final Kendall exetta personal best to make the final and Sarah Stevenson running a season’s best to make the final Emma Odell personal best to make the final what a better time to show up at your best yeah absolutely running well when it counts and uh you know the yeah those races looked pretty controlled as you said sometimes Pace can be deceiving in the in the steeple chase but those were actually like pretty honest races yep with uh you know in that first heat we saw steeple U athletes Megan Johnson and Carol MCM Martin you know go from sort of that 83 84 Cadence to ever so slightly inching it down to running an 82 last lap in heat 2 uh we saw the athletes you know fall asleep a little bit on laps about five and 6 85 86 and closing an 80 and an 81 um for Aubrey Fischer and Rachel hkin but you know i’ I’d say fairly evenly matched no one had to do a lot more than anybody else um in both heats the top four pretty clearly away from everybody else and so the seow I don’t know why but it’s just one of those events that sort of goes according to script yep that’s your field set in the women’s 3,000 M steel Chase turn our attention now to the men’s 3,000 met steeple chase we’re going to ratchet those barriers up just a little bit this is also going to be run over two Heats same deal folks top four will’ll get your auto spots your big cues Auto qualification into Friday’s final and then we’ll take the next four fastes on time to fill out a field of [Music] 12 in the ongoing field events still that we have competing as the sun begin to set here in Myrtle Beach South Carolina we have eight remaining competitors all of our all-americans continue to vault in the pole vault um as we are going to switch over to the P Vault here as as the steeple chase competitors get ready yeah give you a quick peek of the quick peek of the P Vault probably only stay there for a minute but nice to show you something Christian din nickol Antonio is our leader uh had a Miss there at 499 164 and A2 and this is Peter lionberger from wasu a clean card for Len Burger up to this point up and over for lonberger Keeps the clean sheet that was a huge jump there nice to tune in and see some immediate success and uh we’ll kick it back out there if we get a chance but for now we’re going to go back to the track and introduce you to heat number one in the men steeple chase on your screen now as they get their final instructions will can you give me a quick read through here there’s only one person that I care about in this heat and that’s Cameron hatler from kimona P we are just not hiding our biases absolutely not all up in forgive me folks I I can’t help myself um in heat one of this two heat two prelims in the men’s steeple chase of just as with the women it’s top four in each heat in the next four fastest overall times in position one we have Kaden Schneider from Wisconsin Platville Sam nson is in position two the Junior from weaton Joey Sullivan from The Freshman from Wisconsin lacrosse Jake Jack Brown Excuse me from steeple U Central College the after mentioned Cameron hatler from the Pomona Pitzer uh Christian patka from Wisconsin Whitewater jayen zwicki from Wisconsin lacrosse Hayden bman from clar Up Mud scripts Ethan dmitrovic from John Carroll Alex hilard from Sunni jeso and Emanuel Leblon from Johns Hopkins right there in the middle of your screen kind of right in the middle of the lane for their green card we we’ve just before we get into this we’ve seen more fall starts in the distance events so far than we’ve seen in the Sprints we love green cards though yeah we love the green cards as long as I don’t need lead to yellow cards and red cards these distance athletes are a little jumpy we’re underway here I I was about to introduce you to to Christian pasca Wisconsin of Whitewater he’s your turning champ he’s the indoor 5K champ he was the runner up in Cross Country he’s second all time he’s uh he’s the class of this field for sure and so it’ll be interesting to see how he runs this prelim but um also another name to watch out for is dmitrovic from John Carol he ran the mile indoors was sixth in the mile but he was also sixth in the sheeple Chase last year and so also some returning fire power um and if I can give you one more name will if you’ll indulge me while I do this Joey Sullivan from Wisconsin La Cross he went from 902 opening to 849 to qualify that for this uh outdoor championships he ran the mile indoors yeah you know they don’t have an indoor steeple so these guys got to find something to do got to have something else to do if they’re technical Specialists um but no you know the steeple Chas is one of these events where largely this event is flat you know there’s there’s there’s just seven obstacles per lap uh and and so for a lot of these guys to hone in on their flat running skills during the indoor season and to show excellence um like demitrich getting sixth in the indoor mile this year I think that’s fantastic and and obviously leads to them having you know better success outdoors in their preferred event the steeple chase and so you know Christian PKA best guy in the field by by quite a margin um someone I want to talk about while we watch this race is Matt Wilkinson yeah let’s do that so Matt Wilkinson is a guy that you know obviously showed his chops I I think he was second in the steeple chase it was highest finish in division 3 um went on to go do a fifth year at the University of Minnesota um becoming an All-American at the University of Minnesota then going on to be you know a a finalist at the US championships and this year running 816 in his first year as a professional athlete postc Collegiate athlete with the underarm Mission run dark sky distance program out of Flag Staff you know division three steeple Chasers are freaking good absolutely yeah we’re seeing that Talent kind of develop and grow over time on the screen Sam Ellison is your early leader it’s been going back and forth a little bit but Sam ellson has it right now from weaton not running super quick about 75s we saw Alex hilard from Sun jio take some of that some of those early reps but just kind of just kind of lurking there patka is back in fifth or six she’s been running in lane two this whole time um just to get a clear shot at the barriers and he’s looking really relaxed and feeling no pressure to assert himself this early no and the power of the stash is obviously strong with that one I can feel it up here in the booth it’s important yeah and and again and I think this steeple chase is one of these events where it’s like unlike the 1500 unlike unlike any of the flat events you have a an obstacle that you need to physically Propel yourself off and so if you’re going quite slow a there’s massive amounts of traffic which can be a problem also if you’re not running fast enough you’re not going to take enough momentum into the water pit to successfully clear it obviously we have a competitor here who’s taken matters into his own hands and uh is very obviously feeling that way and that Sam ellson from weaton uh does not want to Dole any longer yeah we saw him pick it up that was 71 it looks like through a th000 and so through th000 we’re at 308 So within the range of This Crew but Sam ellson I kind of like this move just give yourself a little bit of daylight um you see how bunched up they are are behind the LA lacrosse teammates Sullivan and Zi looking really good there patka continuing just to kind of turn along in lane two and something I I haven’t been paying attention to because we are in an enclosed space up here um but I noticed with that head-on shot of some of the guys with longer hair down there the women all wear their hair back so harder to tell but the guys who are letting it Flow Free there is a pretty formidable side wind yeah the wind seems to be picking up as the sun is going down here um that could be playing a part into how this race is going to play out and no one wanting to really take the lead uh knowing they need to come back tomorrow in the final patka you know they’re made up that Gap in a lap they’re they’re not really um too fussed by this 308 through the first K that’s you know 925 Pace these guys are all sub n minute steeple Chasers um very very strong Runners so you know we’ll we’ll see how this uh the rest of this plays out yeah they close that gap on Elson pretty quickly and then zi goes around there we saw a little bit of a stumble that was Jack Brown over that last water jump he he took a stumble and he’s I don’t know maybe 20 M back from this field right now so we’ll hope he can get back in contention in time for the the kicking to begin looks like he’s making a deliberate effort to get back up there all right patka your your favorite sniffs the lead for the very first time nearly five minutes into this steeple chase looks like he’s ready to uh stretch his legs a bit you know what they say in the steeple what do they say I have no idea I was hoping that you did um but PKA clearly does and you can see as he’s prolong lengthens out his stride that things are starting to get a little serious out there um PKA ran a 71 last lap you know 72s is about a 9 Minute clip PATCO with a seven an 836 season’s best um very very capable of this and clearly still you can just again look at his face there’s not any stress there you can start to see the athletes behind him some of them starting to feel the effects of the changing of pace again this is another thing that people I think might discredit as being of uh a massive effect is the picking it up and slowing it down versus in in a season’s best type of race or a rabbited type of Affair where it’s just a consistently paced race you know these guys are they’re picking it they’re they’re sprinting to the barrier they’re sprinting and charging over that water barrier and then slowing down again and it just it ends up taking its toll that was the 69 last full out from PKA and I’m kind of noticing him kind of keep tabs on this race you you see subtle glances over that right shoulder just seeing seeing how many guys are going with him and that’s you know people always say don’t look back but to me that’s a sign that he’s in control well Don’t Look Back in Anger Don’t Look Back in Anger I heard you say um but PKA looking back just uh in confidence in confidence yeah it’s a great way to say it right now le blonde from Johns Hopkins has been kind of battling it out for a second as we see kind of a blanket group they competing for that last spot hatler looking really good for the sage hens always always looking good I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look poor in a pona Pitzer Sage hen’s uniform that orange over blue it just it really is a a dynamic duo of colors it really pops Joey Sullivan there from lacrosse the leading lacrosse teammate in this he’s he’s in a pretty strong second I’m not sure anyone’s really going to touch patka here I’m not sure anybody should really try I mean really focus on just separating yourself look for those other qualifying spots but Sullivan looking really good creating some daylight over hatler the sage hin in third really interesting fight here is going to be back in that fourth spot as uh I believe it was dich he’s off my off my screen now who may be in fourth will get a better look on it later as we see him jump over the water jump there top three over clean yeah that’s demitrich from John Carroll leading the best of the rest here um as the top three are starting to get away and we’re getting that’s definitely some movement there it looks like the athlete Kaden Schneider from Platville um another great color combo there from him uh we’re going back and forth I mean I think some guys are having very strong water jumps and then uh you know the other the flat Runners are are starting to make up the ground but we are on the last lap of this as the as patka Sullivan and hatler are clear of the field with a hard charging pack behind them of people trying to solidify those Auto big Q spots I think Sullivan wants this uh this Heat win he’s going to find himself up on the shoulder of the returning Champion here and PKA has pumped the brakes a little bit he went from running 69s to about a 71 on that last 400 so we see them go shoulder to- shoulder Pasa checks over one more time and I I still don’t think he’s concerned he he knows top four go he knows the final is tomorrow hatler there in third with a pretty good Gap over fourth and that’s demitrich from John Carroll looking to solidify his spot we’ll see if we’ll see how competitive PATCO wants to get here in the last 150 PATCO rounds the turn in prelim number two and the men’s excuse me prelim number one the men’s Steeple Chase Sullivan we’ll see we’ll see if the youngster from Wisconsin lacrosse wants to really challenge the champion for a win or if they’re just content to cruise hatler looks to have it locked up in third in a battle that’s zwiki I believe moving into fourth he must have have had a great last lap he came out of zui came out of nowhere to be the second lacrosse athlete to qualify for the steeple chase final yes Wii looked great there and we I saw him just flash a thumbs up to SV in there just to say hey I’m I’m there right with you and uh yeah they’re excited about that that’s great for La lacrosse to get two into uh tomorrow’s final uh 9:03 96 takes it from P for PKA from Whitewater he gets the big Q Joey solvin from lacrosse gets in Cameron hatler from the prona pitser sage hins also gets in running 906 and Jaden zwiki let’s see what does he clo in uh 66 wow zi with the fastest last lap in the field by beish yeah zi closed let’s see it was 3 seconds faster than the next fastest lap so uh that’s huge and that would have moved him up from basically he would have been seventh I think with or sixth without that so uh yeah he took fade into his own hands and favorites cruise and Z wiki gets in RIS took us off and right into the final thank you ma’am thank you Wham Bam demitrich from John Carroll is going to be on the bubble there with that 9908 you know I’m looking at these times and you know just to date myself uh there were maybe three or four athletes my senior year that we going under nine minutes and now we have freshman in D3 running 849 it’s just truly incredible how much this uh you know the competitiveness of the entirety in this event has has just been ratcheted up yeah we talk about it I mean just not only this event but the division as a whole I mean the competitiveness just increases every year by magnitudes and so yeah these guys to make a final I mean that’s that’s pretty serious running lacrosse leave some spots in the start line for the rest of us I mean what is going on out here we got five lacrosse athletes on the start line of the prelims of the steeple chase in this seat we’ve got uh I’ll run down all of the competitors here in heat two of two in the men’s 3,000 meter steeple chase we got Elias ritky from Wisconsin sophomore from Wisconsin lacrosse Lance sebasky sophomore from warberg Austin Austin gappa from George Fox Christopher collet from warberg Zeke Michelle from Wisconsin what’s it what’s Lu I’m I’m lost that one lost the plot here folks my apologies we’ll get back to that in a moment um Walter mooch from Overland Connor oer from Johns Hopkins Adam losner from Wisconsin lacrosse Mason Shay Wisconsin o’clair will Kelly from St Olaf and Mason Brown from Wisconsin lacrosse uh no green cards necessary in this one they’re off clean Wisconsin Luan and we’re offway clean and let’s see we have we have a returning champion in this heat too so kind of a fun thing where we have two two Heats and two well two former Champions I should say maybe not returning Champions Christopher kette from wartberg and the orange there he was your 2022 steeple champ and he was second last year to patka so now back with a with longer hair and a necklace he’s a he’s a guy to keep an eye on for sure in this heat he’s got a teammate in the final too and that’s who we see up front it’s going to be Lance sebasi from wartberg and Christopher Colette a 2020 to Steeple Chase champ and they look to control things allaha Central College they you know taking a page out of the steeple U Playbook but they’re not the only good ones in this field Adam Adam Linder he was second at YX he was seventh last year so returning allamerican you love to see that Mason Brown was also uh at wak he finished third you know wak is is a very competitive conference meet uh we see a fall there was that Johns Hopkins I believe that would have been Connor o oer Oiler excuse me from John’s Hopkins he’s up he’s fine he’s back in the pack but a little bit of a a scare there a gymnastic tumble for sure uh this heat is the first of any of the distance running Heats that we’ve seen where they’re doing what they should which is run honestly exactly you know they they they watch that first Heat Going 9:03 they all know what they’re capable of they think that they can get eight men through if they just run solid for sure Mason Shay in the gold from berin back there he was an All-American in the mile and door so look for some speed out of him Lindor from lacrosse looking strong now the wartberg duo content to let him have it 72 seconds over that that last full 400 and sebasi from warberg he’s he was third last year and so warberg has some serious Talent on the track right now yeah and we’ll just I mean I think it’s it’s prudent for us to keep making the comparisons to heat one so the the split at you know around we we’ll say rough meter at roughly 600 M was 150 for this group and it was 157 156 for the first heat so that first heat obviously starting off on a more pedestrian Pace the second Heat starting off with more intent you seeing athletes start to fall off and this is not because of a tumble this is because of the effort already because of the pace being driven up front by Adam Lesner from Wisconsin the Junior from Wisconsin lacrosse Lesnar Lind Linder yeah he looks good pushing the Pace there but call it just in his back pocket and he’s not going anywhere will Kelly from St Olaf also looking really good there is that Mo now from Oberlin who’s slotted into fifth man if you’re a lacrosse athlete this has got to feel just like practice they’ve got three in there when you’re out there warming up can you imagine warming up with five teammates just cross country and they they saw zi finish in that hard close to make it in you know and heat W and so obviously you’re kind of minding your own business getting ready for your heat that’s a great shot there guys um obviously you’re minding your own business warming up for your heat but you know to see your both teammates sneak in like that not sneak in storm in like that that gives you a lot of confidence absolutely and again we’ll continue to draw these comparisons so at 1,000 M Heat 2 came through in 302 98 and heat one was 30991 so we are significantly faster in this heat and the the guys here just keep the pedal down they are obviously they they have a they have a goal in mind and that goal is eight people through alltime qualifiers from this heat but the contrary to that counterargument Noah is that there’s about 10 or 11 guys that are up there in this so only eight of these oh there’s a man down along the backstretch which is technically the home stretch for the steeple chase but there are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of the men in this heat that are all still within contact with four laps to go I like how will Kelly from St Olaf looks here he’s you could be uh you could be fooled into thinking he’s working really hard because he’s got that shoulder rolling style um iot Garrett Heath from the past but um he looks really strong he was 10th last year and so he knows what it takes to get into a final and he’s got to be ey in an All-American position when he gets there we’re starting to see the second of the warberg athletes Lance sebasky start to fall off of this pace this unrelenting Pace being driven up front and almost on Q we’ve got will Kelly from St Olaf taking the lead taking all of this into his own hands driving hard successfully navigating the water jump barely getting his heel wet on that with Chris collet covering the very move and their four starting to separate from the rest of the pack Austin gapa he was the athlete he took a tumble there from George Fox he may actually have a chance to get back onto the onto this field before the real kicking gets started we’ll see he’s making up some ground here but will Kelly from St Olaf has put himself into the lead now Christopher Kad is still just sitting there in his back pocket ralter Walter moak definitely approaches these barriers in the in the manner of a 400 meter hurdler he gets low he you know I I’d say Will Kelly hurdles more like a Kenyan taking that sort of like the side angle approach with with the legs uh but always fun to see how the different athletes uh you know approach these barriers will Kelly licking his lips looking really good out front there Mo the Myer in third and no surprise to see her 2022 champ there from wartberg in second Linder kind of holding on to that fourth spot but he’s got a teammate lurking not too far behind him that’s Mason Brown from across all right so as we approach two laps to go on our pen ultimate split electronic split we were 526 at 1800 the previous heat was 530 so you know that that first heat closed very quickly but this second heat has had a very hot Pace from the gun the that group of four has now turned into a group of three as they are spread out single file and spread by about 80 M from first to last in this heat and it’s all will Kelly up front enforcing his will on the rest of this field he covered the last 800 and 221 which so you know a pretty measurable injection of pace there um definitely working hard now I think I think he’s working hard for real I was saying he was kind of Faking it earlier but I I think this is for real but um looks to have created some distance for that Trio I think those guys got have got to be pretty safe right now but on the bubble is Adam Linder but he’s got Mason brown right behind him so if you’re if you’re the lacrosse coach you’re hoping to get both in for sure but it’s not a bad place to be lindar and brown were 638 and 640 at the last time check at 2200 M for perspective patka and Sullivan and heat W were 40 641 and 642 so as as far as it looks on time those those guys are are in but they need to finish this thing off strong Christopher Kap from wartberg now smells the lead as he starts to push the pace a little bit a slight stumble there as he connects with Walter Mo but everyone’s still on their feet but man you can you can you can’t get rid of Will Kelly there he comes in lane two he may want the lead one more time he looks like a guy who wants to win the Heat the taste of a win is sweet and the taste of a loss is quite bitter will Kelly doing everything to get that sweet sweet taste Colette knows exactly what he’s doing he’s looking around he’s not doing anything he doesn’t have to today saving himself for the final tomorrow that 24-hour turnaround is not easy by any stretch of the imagination these top four very much Clear very comfortable the athlete that we are looking at right now is Mason Brown not on the camera but right there is Mason Brown in fifth he needs to finish this off strong to have any hope of hoping to make this final stumbles a little bit out of the water pit up front Walter MO is looks like he wants to take this heat the Miler from indoors gives us a little bit of a Sprint there down the backstretch he’s your winner and Heat number two will Kelly deserves a lot of credit for making that race from St Olaf he gets in smoothly in second Christopher kette from wartberg we figured we’d see him great battle there and fourth Adam Linder does get that fourth qualifying spot Mason Shay makes up a lot of ground round running a 71 in that last lap and he will slot in in fifth just ahead of Mason Brown and we’ll take a look at compiled results it looks like both of them will get in on time Shay and brown both in safely on those time four time qualifiers Yep they’re both in on time your other time qualifiers are going to be Ethan dmitrovic from John Carroll screen just refreshed on me there and then Kaden Schneider from Wisconsin is going to be your final qualifier 909 is what it took to make that seow chase final we’ll see them again tomorrow but really quickly we’re going to turn our attention to the women’s long jump Podium we see them uh getting their trophies right now [Music] 52e finishing seven with the lead of 5 me 75 here we go in eighth place that was Khloe hind from Center an All-American congratulations Megan hunt from Wisconsin ashkash she gets on to the Seventh Place step get her trophy in sixth place is going to be Kira Hau from lynfield she’s a freshman she gets her first All-American award Megan hunt jumping 575 equaling her personal best on her final jump of the day always love to see that in fifth that was Emma cypel from Loris we saw cypel run one of the legs for Loris on their 4×1 team earlier in the day busy day busy day on day one McKenzie daget from middleberry she’s your fourth place finisher he lter from Buffalo State finishing third Maya Evans scores big points for Wisconsin lacrosse she’s going to be your runner up in the women’s long jump and your 2024 division 3 national champion in the women’s long jump it is Raina Dunham from her sinus [Music] [Applause] very impressive jumping from Rena Dunham 598 personal best on her second jump of the series also one of the things that you always love to see in the field events is someone like Maya Evans who got second for lacrosse big points but jumped her first jump of the day into a huge personal best 590 but man this was a this was a nailbiter for the top for the podium 598 for first 590 for Evans for second and lter 589 1 cm separating second and third obviously big smiles from all the athletes out there today they’re pumped up photos abound take those opportunities get your coach up there Bravo to Raina Dunham from her sinus the Junior from orus final event on Saturday night might be a determining factor in the Team champ our attentions now are turning back to the track we’re looking at the first preliminary heat of the women’s 4×400 meters relay or they were saying at the uh the world relay championships the 4×400 meters relay in heat one we have Dickinson in heat two we have wasu heat three Central College heat four Loris Lane five I keep seeing heat Lane five uh Loris Lane six MIT Lane seven warberg and Lane eight Mount un so in the 4×4 the women will stay in their lanes for the first entire leg and the second exchange they will cut in on the backstretch so we’ll get a much better sense of these quite large staggers as the athletes come in for their first Exchange and I believe I missed Chapman is in Lane three underway in heat one of the women’s 4×400 meter relay will probably already said this but the top two in each heat advance and then we’ll take the next four best times MIT in this first heat they’re number six all time they were six last year seventh in 2022 so you know they’re one to watch out for Mount Union was third last year they’ve got some serious experience wash youu also in this heat was second indoors they were fifth last year Loris they’re the ones to look out for in the purple they’ve won the last two editions Outdoors of the 4×4 they were six indoors and so he he won is absolutely loaded we also wartberg and the orange here they were all Americans indoors as well so lots to keep an eye on here as we wrap up leg number one MIT looks like they’re handing off the Baton first followed by Mount Union Loris also looking really good there did not take long for us to recognize who is in the lead on that leg MIT with a very strong showing from I believe that was me pull up the results here very quickly Marina Miller their lead off now Julia Hoth got about an 8 m Gap back to second place right now that hoar looking really strong there and I believe that’s Central College there in second but this is the MIT show washu now moving up on the outside looking to looking to claim that second spot wasu closing down some serious distance God these handoffs are so stressful will MIT wash you take the batons together oh wber falls wartberg falls big fall from wartberg there they’re out of this competition likely MIT retains the lead getting a little bit of daylight back claing it back over wasu we we should be seeing oliv Olivia Diaz from MIT and Katherine Christopher andless lineups have changed here but the top four kind of coming together here yes the top four absolutely are you’re seeing a stellar Third Leg from Katherine Christopher from wasu trying to give her team the lead in this 4×400 meters relay Katherine Christopher taking going out to the Lane of High Hopes lane two musling with every ounce of her being as that’s Olivia Diaz from MIT saving her best for her last meters keeping the lead for MIT but these two are away as we said earlier it’s top two in these Heats MIT strategically giving up the lead in hopes of a strong finish knowing they they’re doing just what they have to here to solidify their place in the final but they cannot be too complacent as there is a hard charging Chapman anchored by Sarah Charles looking hopeful looking hopeful for a position in the final I saw Mount Union hand off to Kennedy weight if anyone’s going to make up some ground it’s her I did I just see Chapman swing out anyway it’s it’s uh washu now with the lead heading into the home stretch and look out for Kennedy weight Kennedy weight has just made mince meet of the team in third and she is hoping to put her team at least in a position for a Time qualifier as this is washu and MIT solidifying their spots in the final and Kennedy weight running out of her mind on the final anchor leg wow congrat ulations to watch you they take the win 34377 MIT second also an auto qualifier and 34481 but Kennedy waight from Mount Union maybe the Run of that entire race I’d love to see a split there they’re saying 5399 and and it maybe that was it because wasu was so far in front they’re saying their anchor Emma Kelly had a 5380 closing split and and she could have been moving very much with that amount of quickness and I just missed it because I was they had it in the bag they that was completely in the pocket not not a worry in the world and she got to run as smoothly as she wanted and or Kennedy weight I’m sorry uh had to negotiate a lot of traffic through those handoffs and then try and find daylight coming in the home stretch and and great run from her to hopefully you know hopefully 34765 puts her team in the finals I think she should get in I you know I was worried about that Mount Union Squad but when I saw her on the track Ting of the Baton I I figured she would battle back and and get him a position position in that final we’ll have to wait and see good run from Dickinson there Loris not the performance they were looking for fhow was on that anchor leg I believe they’re in fifth right now and and Chapman Fades a little bit after running strong and contention and third for a lot of that race but watch you uh watch you making a strong statement there that was impressive imma Kelly will see her in the 800 later on uh the best to ever do it um in the eight and so it’ll it’ll be uh great to see her in the final as well that’s Heat number one moving on to heat number two of two lane assignments here we’re going all eight Lanes hope in one Wisconsin lacrosse in two Beth bethl in three Rochester in four Williams in five Colby in six Nebraska Wesleyan in seventh and Rowan out there in eighth for those who are tuned into the broadcast and want a little bit of an update here on the field events we still have the P Vault competition underway as the sun has now set and the lights are starting to shine we’ we’re confirming the sun is set now the fun the sun has finally set did not set at around 5 o’l uh when I first called it yeah um but we have Christian d nicolino uh of of Catholic who has a cleared with one attempt over 504 166 and A2 Peter lionberger is currently sitting in second with he had a clean sheet leading up to 504 he has a single Miss at that height Dominic Mula has two misses at 504 uh Kyle Hensley has also two misses at 504 and so we we’ve got an absolute burner of a competition on our hands if we can get another couple of guys over at 166 and a half um but the the bar keeps going higher some serious Firepower on the track in Heat number two Nebraska Wesleyan won every 4×4 from 16 to 2019 we did a great series on that dynasty on the D3 Glory Days podcast if you want to check it out but uh they’re definitely looking to reclaim that past glory and uh we’ll see them on the track we’ll also see the indoor Champion Rochester in the gold they were second last year but looking to back up that Championship from indoors so they’re definitely a team to look out for Williams and Colby were both all Americans indoors as with bethl meline let’s talk about about this race meline O’Connell from Rochester has made up the Stagger on two of the teams to her outside already she is running a fantastic opening leg for Rochester in the second heat hopefully she hasn’t burned it too early too soon but she looks strong coming into the home stretch Rochester and Nebraska Wesley and two of those historic programs Nebraska Wesleyan on the outside that’s giri from Nebraska Wesley and looks to hand off in the lead perhaps no Rochester Rochester gets to Baton First Rochester ahead by a mile let’s see what their second leg can do that was an incredible first leg by oconnell what a run Rochester is out of a cannon right now that’s Kate Isaac on leg number two that’s it Bella Hogue from Nebraska wesle and is going to be fighting for second as they take a stagger down will I forgot they’re running in Lanes on that first lap your announcers mistake Rochester with a I don’t know 10 meter lead right now but Bella Hogue is closing it down with every stride and this is going to be a contested handoff maybe Bella Hogue looks strong and fast and she is eating up ground and she is going to pass this baton off in the lead Bella hog running a fantastic fantastic second leg for Nebraska Wesley and putting meters into Rochester going into the third legs clean handoffs Bella hog looked really powerful there we’ll get a split on that lap when we can but uh she heads off to Natalie cumins who looks to extend the lead but you can’t count Rochester out I mean these the this is the championship team and Nora chin is back in second looking to claw back some distance if she can Claire Jensen from Williams also looking up to the task this evening starting to close that Gap to Rochester Rochester needs to stay focused they need to put their head down and go work to solidify one of those top two positions again only top two in each heat plus the next four fastest times so right now Nebraska Wesley and got 10 meters up on Rochester going into the final exchange Nebraska Wesley and after that fantastic fantastic leg from Bella Hogue getting inspired from their teammates But Here Comes Rochester Here Comes chin from Rochester looking to make things even Steven heading into the last lap and she will actually hand the off a second ahead not a great handoff there for Nebraska Wesley and let’s see what we have around the turn the athlete from Nebraska Wesley and took off way too quickly and that would have been Kiara fennel running away from her teammate but right now we have got pandemonium on the backstretch we have three teams in contention for that second spot nebr Rochester way out front after a fantastically smooth handoff but you have got a athletes in second third and fourth starting to clawback distance and fight each other for the Auto’s Bell from Rochester rounds the turn and she’ll take him into the home stretch I believe that’s Rowan the squad has moved up so much in this last leg they’re in second right now Nebraska Wesley and looking to regain some of the ground they lost and Wesley and also making a charge in third but Rochester is going to take it they’re going to win the Heat let’s see who comes across in second it’s going to be Nebraska Wesley and preserves that second spot after a tough handoff Williams looked really good Rowan had a great third lap to get back into it Colby also a lot of teams looked really good there that was an exciting heat that was an incredibly exciting heat not nearly as fast as Heat won but Rochester looks smooth they I mean very composed it’s all about smooth how how efficiently can you get the Baton around the track Rochester show the importance of that with a 55c close from uh we just had had a big reorg here on the screen from Megan Bell the top four wasu MIT Rochester Nebraska Wesley and all with the big Q’s wow look at this to the hundredth some of these teams equaling their season’s best that’s pretty impressive uh Williams with a big late close from Bell King Harvey qualifying on a little Q Rowan again from the second heat 34729 equaling their or match running a season’s best 34729 with uh Nava list running an incredible anchor leg and Fiona Mao from kby my goodness running her team back into the final that was awesome yeah and that I mean we see how important that leg from Kennedy way ends up being for Mount Union I mean that was crazy I mean it that was so clearly Illustrated how important the the handoffs there when we saw Nebraska Wesley and just go from kind of miles away to all of a sudden fighting for fourth and uh it was just I mean it seems like a small thing maybe just handing off the Baton but it’s really everything um was you leaving no doubt about who the favorite going into uh Saturday’s final is going to be that was crazy that was awesome that was awesome yeah I mean a little bit of a mental hiccup there from uh Nebraska Wesley and anchor leg uh Kiara fennel obviously she’ll hear about that from her coach uh when your teammates are struggling don’t Sprint away from them try and take that baton as early in the zone as possible but you know she did a really good job I think to obviously feeling under pressure not doing something stupid like running incredibly quickly in that first 200 running yourself out of gas she maintained composure there’s shows so much maturity there to to to run in that way and then still secure the auto Q field set for Saturday’s final in the women’s 4X 400 met relay and on the track now is our last last prelim of the night before we uh switch over to finals to wrap things up I mean but let’s just like think about this right so wasu runs 343 Mount Union runs 347 if we can have at the teams produce even remotely similar results that’s 4 seconds separating eight teams of Madness on the track that is going to be an exciting final day be absolute chaos and it’ll be obviously in the 4×4 it being the very final event of the Championships uh you know team implications have the ability to up the ante over the course of things and so we’ll by you know by Saturday we’ll have a great idea of how impactful that 4×4 is going to be but no doubt uh we may be on record watch there with these squads yeah and and you know a a notable uh team and and maybe not known necessarily for their 4×4 team but probably with hopes of eing their way into the final if you’re in the final you get a point and all every single point matters Wisconsin lacrosse missing out that final yep on the track now overview of the men’s 4×4 they hear on your marks tus is going to be in Lane one Rowan in two Mount Union in three debuk in four Williams in five Brockport state in six Wisconsin oakair in seven and East Texas Baptist is going to be at the top of your screen out there in Lane [Applause] eight by the the cheers of the crowd we’ll come back and circle back into that in a second here but we have just had another big clearance in the P Vault but let’s get this 4×400 400 underway until we revisit those results Mountain Union is school to watch out for here they stand them up Mountain Union W indoors they’ won five of eight Outdoors so they’re a perennial Powerhouse in this event green card thanks officials we’ll keep things going uh will do you have some uh field results pulled up for us yes I do freshman from milikin Kyle Hensley on his third attempt clears 504 and nearly makes 509 uh very very incredible first jump we’re down to three athletes in the pole vault another school to watch out for here is Rowan down there in two they were third indoors excuse me they were third last year you’re excused thank you just don’t don’t do it again I won’t I’ll never make another mistake and now we’re officially underway in heat one of the men’s 4×400 we’ll take the top two from each Heat and the next four fastest times fairly evenly matched going down the back stress not nothing quite as impressive as Rochester’s first leg in that last Heat of the women’s 4×4 but we’re starting to see some athletes going that high gear eat up ground on their competitors we’re seeing in Lane three that’s Mount Union starting to go to work on his out to the S seats on his outside and in Lane seven Wisconsin oakair running with a great amount of steam don’t forget about East Texas Baptist he took a little bit of a like stumble step there but he’s going to he’s going to potentially hand no I keep getting the Stagger wrong will Rowan with a pretty good handoff Rowan with a good handoff again how important are these handoffs Mountain Union athlete looked like he got up a bit early and had to slow down waiting for his teammate this is Rowan in the lead right now handing off to Nana aamong hold your breath here as everybody Cuts in looks like there’s enough room for everybody Texas Baptist slots in there in second Brandon Powell with a stick for East Texas Baptist trying to get into the front maybe losing a little bit of ground but look out for oair Colin mcclowry trying to get his team up into contention for a big que and splitting the uprights as Mount Union Tyler Gill moving into second place and eating up ground on first place aiming was in control there until the very end the cream rising to the top Here Mount Union and Rowan handing off in onew but Rowan maintains the lead heading into the Third leg that’s going to be Raz from Nicholas Raz from Rowan and Mount Union Justin [Applause] nooke Mount Union now slots into the lead Rowan in second oair in third oair in third wearing those white half tights looking to go to work with that beautiful flowing mullet not taking any of this for granted wanting to make their way into the final every Point counts for these guys in the team championship overall and it is Mount Union out front with Justin nuke Justin nuke starting to pull away from this field ever so slightly with the athlete from Rowan that’s Nicholas Raz starting to tie up a little bit and we have got another very close handoff going into the final handoff of this 4×4 Here Comes Matt McBride Matt McBride is no stranger to Big stages no stranger to National Championships and he’s the one anchoring this squad but he’s going to give up the lead to a extremely fast moving amarati who also known to audience and fans of D3 Sprint he looks incredible down the backstretch we’ll see if he can hold it it’s a fan race heading into this ankle leg Matt McBride moves up onto the shoulder it’s Mount Union it’s Rowan it’s Williams your top three KY from Rowan gets a step and Mt McBride is saying hold on I’ve got something left to say shoulder Tosh shoulder Matt McBride EES out a tiny lead we’ve got eyes on the Finish Matt McBride from Mount Union edges out Rowan that was a great last lap that was a fantastic last lap and running the fastest split of the day a 4661 debuk ran their way all the way up from fifth into third running 31221 so you know I don’t want to say that that feels pretty comfortable but I do feel like that probably solidifies their position there but Mount Union and Rowan what exchanging body blows for three legs until Mount Union started to just pull clear there at the and then oair finishing in fourth a replay on your screen now the last 50 and this wasn’t settled until maybe the last 25 as Matt McBride took over it will it’s hard to watch that and not think that maybe that’s a preview of the final well we’ll see what happens in HE2 we’ll see what happens in HE2 I I like to get ahead of myself you know this and Feed Us misinformation um so in an effort to keep very clear and very uh correct for what it’s worth we had Mount Union finishing in first 11:04 Rowan 1133 those are the top two big cues and the times to beat are 1121 or sorry 31221 31260 31265 that takes out your top five there was a bit of distance back to Brockport state so debuk Wisconsin oakair and Williams having to sit by and see if they have a a future in this event called the 4×4 now Union bettering their seed Time by by a full second there in the prelim why not why not heat two we’re moving right along and something happened with East Texas babtist they they looked so strong through the first few legs they were up in the mix and then sort of fell apart there at the end yeah I’m seeing if I can if I have full splits on them are yeah it looks like maybe that third leg something must have happened yeah eex Baptist off to a strong start still still it’s showing as a personal best for that Squad but you know they uh they’re coming away from that definitely wanting more okay so quick update in the P Vault we have got for the first time a lead change with Kyle Hensley taking only a mere two attempts jumping a personal best 509 168 and a quarter the bar is moving up to well I I thought I saw a past uh but there there’s potentially one more one more jumper still jumping Peter lien bger from wasu The Freshman from wasu we have two freshman in a junior although we don’t know if he’s a red shirt or a seventh year Junior not to take anything these Co years are are are quite difficult for us to negotiate up here but what we know for sure Kyle Hensley over at 509 Christian D decantino Tino uh over at 509 and lionberger is making his final attempt or he will pass and the bar will move up to 514 so back we’ll keep you updated to the best of our ability but we’re going back to the 4×4 4×4 Heat 2 Lane assignments your sinus in One lacrosse in two Oshkosh and three Ohio Northern in four bethl in five courland State and six John Carroll in seven and wartberg on the outside in eight the cross for second indoors they were fourth here last year Beth was sixth here last year so definitely some experience out on the track and we are away Portland State has been here four straight times but still looking to get to the top step as we try to make out staggers here will is better at this than I am it’s just cuz my eyes work better than yours Noah um yes in this heat what I’m seeing right now I’m seeing is starting to make up some staggers I’m seeing the teams from bethl and John Carroll starting to make up staggers bethl getting out very well John Carroll also in Lane seven making up the Stagger already on warberg charging ahead do not count out Wisconsin lacrosse they’ve gone under 310 this year for the 4×4 and it is John Carroll out first second handoff is to bethl and then Lacrosse is in third we’ll see how these second legs get off and who decides to take the lead but three are away from the rest but we you know time will tell here we go staggers are made up we have three equal to one another it’s going to be a fight for pole position here with bethl seeming to take the lead down the backstretch lacrosse in second John Carroll in third lacrosse working hard to hold that inside position but if they have any run left in those legs they need to find some daylight to get out bethl looking really good there lacrosse now moving up to the shoulder as we head into the Zone where it counts the handoff Zone it looks like lacrosse is going to have just an inch here that was David versus Goliath right there and lacrosse versus bethl but lacrosse gets the handoff first lacrosse looked they both looked really good really smooth through the handoffs there but lacrosse has got that pull position on the third leg here Jacob homman is up against Joel Smith from bethl lacrosse and bethl comfortably out in those onew positions obviously we can see some shakeups as we have in some of the other Heats of these 4×4 you got to wonder Noah we don’t see one name on this list and that’s Sam blaskowski can does he run the 400 will they put him in in the final we have no idea but what we do know right now is bethl is again exchanging body blows with lacrosse and here comes a challenge a formidable challenge coming up from third place but bethl taking a very significant lead going into the third exchange third fourth and final exchange yeah John Carroll looked really good on that third leg but here we are in the money round bethl continuing to press the advantage maybe 10 m 10 m or so over Wisconsin lacrosse top two make it in hold the phone on the second queue right now we have lacrosse being stalked by John Carroll it is so much easier in this event to come from behind you have no idea what’s going on behind you cuz all you hear is the breathing between your ears but I you believe it feels like lacrosse saves something for the last 100 but does John Carroll have enough to advance with the big Q This is a fight for the final bethl clear off they’ll see the final on Saturday who’s going to come in in second lacrosse versus John Carroll I think John Carol got it just barely let’s go to the video tape let’s go to the video no I want to call things I just bethl 3105 with the big Q John Aral just as I predicted locks up that second automatic qualifier over Wisconsin lacrosse who ran a great race 31188 as time keeps populating here we’ll watch a replay bethl with a pretty uncontested win there the real exciting battle in this prelim came in second place as we saw John Carroll and Wisconsin lacrosse battling for that last automatic spot John Carroll just getting it with those kind of windmill arms and a little a little bit of a lean there you know now that we watch it again yeah John Carol had it no I appreciate I appreciate the caution I I have made more wrong calls than right calls so it’s nice to be held accountable here as uh we pull off the spikes and we have a a clear picture now of who we’re going to see on Saturday your automatic qualifiers bethl Mount Union Rowan and John Caroll and going in on time to Championship Saturday Wisconsin lacrosse debuk Wisconsin oakair and Williams getting the nod over Brockport oh here we go let’s see what they had for lunch I was going to say it’s always good for everyone to have a spikes guy he just handed off his spikes he knew what to do that must be uh not the first time this gu Revisited some of the foods that he had earlier in the day all right we are back to the P VA where we have an incredible competition unfolding in front of us uh looks like three men [Music] left I I think that we’ve moved up judging by uniform colors that is Kyle Hensley The Freshman from milikin uh the bar has been moved up to 514 if I were to guess I’d say Peter lionberger passed on his final attempt at 509 is going to do his level best to try and make some magic happen over the higher bar but Hensley appears as though I I don’t know maybe he’s uh got a little bit of an ankle injury something’s nagging him that calf seems to be nagging him a little bit um Hensley The Freshman jumping a personal best 509 just moments ago you have all of those competitors along the outside they’re cheering him on they want to see him succeed the big blue from milikin let’s see what he’s got 10,000 me the longest Olympic distance and longest Collegiate distance on the track of course oh I kind of thought he had that he almost hit it with his hand and we’ll keep you updated on that povall competition things are getting really interesting down there but we now turn our attention to today’s only Final on the track the women’s 10,000 a field of 22 athletes will take the start here we’ll s them up when we turn it looks like we got we got a green card looks like we had a bit of a a quick fall start in the women’s 10,000 meter run but uh they stand him up and we’ll try it again I’m going to quickly run through the names in this field we’ll see if I can get it done in the course of a lap but before I do that quick uh quick update on conditions it’s about 76° here with 11 mph wind uh 80% humidity so this is uh fairly tough conditions even even after the sun has officially gone down here in Myrtle Beach we’ll see how it affects the pace let me uh give you last names and schools here Booth from Simpson Sanderson from MIT drum from Lynch ber Ager from wesan Balden from center verba from Edgewood excuse me if I mispronounced that I’m sure I did hostager from wartberg bod from St Olaf Snyder from Chicago Richardson from NYU Jenna Gerard from Williams Marcilla from CMS pricer from Carlton buuse from Lewis and Clark battson gunkle from University of Chicago Green from genio Smith from Benedict Brennan from Gordon Porter from the depal University Markham from Hope Callum from Simpson and Tedesco from University of Chicago all right I got through that in a minute like we said challenging conditions here in the women’s 10,000 meter run it’s warm it’s humid luckily the sun has gone down obviously if you’ve been following the distance events on the women’s side over the last couple years you know that the name to look out for here is Fiona Smith from St Benedict she likes to get to the front and just run away from these races she’s got the top seed in this field by about a minute if not more um but she’s hasn’t she’s not featuring at the front of this race right now in fact she she’s tucked in there pretty comfortably and it’s Evelyn battson gunkle from University of Chicago who’s going to take this field through the First full lap they covered that in 84 seconds and looks like we’ve got five women up for the up for the challenge right now five women take you through the first lap it’s Batton gunkle from University of Chicago Fiona Smith the pre-race favorite slotted in right behind will you’re let’s say you’re a coach how I mean how how would you counsel an athlete to get through a 10K conditions like this assuming they’re you know one of the favorites if you’re one of the favorites I I’d say one of two things uh if you’re when you’re like Fiona Smith and you’re an an overwhelming favorite I’d say we got a lot of racing to do this weekend you know don’t don’t make any bold moves too early don’t let the race get away from you I mean shoot if we were watching this race and we were seeing an athlete like say mo Fara he’d probably be back in the pack you know if if this were the conditions because you have 25 laps of racing and there’s when you’re when you are so good you can make up some pretty incredible distances in a very short amount of time but I think Fiona Smith is doing the absolute right thing let other people try and take some swings um and hope that you might falter but the reality is I would just say sit in and then when you make your move make it decisively and just do it once and and don’t Don’t Look Back bison gunkle continues to lead this quintet through we’ll keep giving you some lap splits they’ve made a pretty dramatic separation from the pack there it looks like one athletes trying to bridge the gap we’ll continue to kind of give you great shots like this that that show you the whole F field you know it’s hot wheel when they put the they put the table with the water out on the track that that’s when you know things are are getting serious no one challenging battleson gunkle for the lead right now we’re we’re clipping around about 85 seconds per lap well for what it’s worth I’m really happy that battleson gungle is up front because it’s a fantastic name for an announcer it is indeed Fiona Smith the prohibitive favorite some might say linked uh linked sor slotted in right behind her um while we are in the early stages of this 10K we’re going to toss things over to the uh PV where things are getting down uh to crowning a national championship over there we’re at 514 in the pole and this is Christian’s second attempt at the [Music] height oh and he’s clear by a mile clear by country mile when you have pair like that there’s got to that’s flowing confidence right now what a jump 514 610 and a quarter Kyle Hensley does by virtue of these uh the online results appears to have passed at this height he’s going to attempt maybe one more time at 519 17 ft and A4 inch but we have got a strong I mean Christian D nickol anonio I’d has been in the lead for almost the entirety of this PV VA competition Kyle Hensley cleared uh 509 168 and a qu on only two attempts Christian needed to double back on his third attempt cleared and now has cleared 514 on his second Vault and we’ll see if Kyle Hensley can can sort of uh react to that to that clearance we did see him in one of the previous vaults sort of kicking himself in his left calf trying to get it to wake up they’ve been out here for hours no how long have they been vaulting I think I feel like the P vault started at 4:00 it’s that’s 4 and 1/2 hours ago um I don’t know how these athletes stay ready for all that amount of time but we’ll turn our attention back now to the women’s 10K and as soon as we see any more action on the men’s PVA we’ll keep you a breast of that back to the 10K battleson gunkle continuing to lead things along we just saw him cross the line that was, 1600 m in the bank and we did that just under 533 so we’re running about 81 82 second laps at the moment so you know a fairly honest Pace especially for these conditions uh this leading five is bison gunkle Smith Richardson hostager and Ager from Wesley and they look pretty content to leave it here you see some athletes moving out to the side to grab some water and honestly if the pace is is manageable right now i’ I’d be going out there to grab water every couple laps just throw it on yourself stay cool um yeah I I mean I don’t know uh physiologically if ingesting anything during a race that’s 35 minutes is going to make much of a difference difference if you come in well hydrated but at least dumping it over the top of your head and uh you know cooling cooling yourself from the outside is is is going to be Paramount um know what do you have I mean obviously we’re bringing up the weather we’re bringing up the humidity those are going to be factors in this race as it wears on um I I remember talking to athletes who trained in Phoenix of saying you know yes when you would wake up in the morning the temperatures would be cooler especially in the summer when it could get really really hot however if you trained at night the temperature would was getting cooler rather than getting warmer and even though the temperature that you started at was higher it was preferred to work out in the evening for distance Runners which I I thought was counterintuitive to what I would have chosen to do myself and so you know what do this weather how does this play in um as we go through you know lap by lap yeah this is probably the conditions I would want to run a 10K in on a day like today we’ll come back to that in just a second we have Hinsley now making his attempt at let’s see I think we’re at 54 he’s chalking up but he’ll uh he’ll take a shot at it here soon he’s making a jump at 1610 and a quar no he’s past 1610 and a quarter I’m sorry it’s 17 and a quarter inch 34s to laurentin that here last year Here Comes Hensley from milin he’s up and he clears it and he clears it he can’t believe it these guys are going nuts and it is still a Twan battle he passed on the last height backed it up Hensley PR at 509 he passed at 514 and just PR again at 519 on a single attempt what a jump he attacks he’s counting his steps attacks with gusto he is way over the hips are high he knows the moment that he gets that pole on the ground that this is going to be a good jump look at that excitement from Kyle Hensley he’s having the day of his life yeah that’s a great two-man battle and we’ll continue to take peaks in on it as they keep going after these unprecedented Heights but we’ll throw you back now to the women’s 10K we were kind of discussing the weather um you know a 10K Under The Lights it’s kind of hard to beat it you sit around all day it’s hot it’s muggy but conditions start to cool down a little bit it’s still tough I mean we see the flags blowing in the wind they’re they’re getting a face full of the wind right now but still looking really composed nothing has changed in the front four battleson gunkle continues to lead them along she’s running let’s see let me get another check of the splits here Fiona Smith there slotted into second nothing has changed there looks like about 82 seconds a lap right now battleon gunkle is really locked into that actually it’s been remarkably consistent over the last three laps that front four battleon gunkle Fiona Smith Grace Richardson from NYU and shayen hostager from wartberg uh they did lose Stephanie Ager from Wesleyan who looks like she’s Fallen back into the pack to join Riley buuse from Lewis and Clark they’re kind of in noom’s land right now but continuing to click off things in the uh women’s 10K no movement at the top Fiona Smith the big question around her is just when is she going to go maybe we can toss it back to P Vault really quick as we’ve got a jump incoming water out on the track we’ll see if any of the front four here hostager takes it honestly expected that these athletes are not practiced in taking water these are not seasoned marathoners like you Noah these are athletes who are used to running on the track uh but you know again hats off to the local organizing committee here for having the heads up to put water out and offer it to the athletes you know having this opportunity every 400 meters if you miss it on one lap it’s not like you have to wait a full 5K for another opportunity for hydration or or a bit of cooling um and so you know back up front we have a group of four who’s very much separated themselves from the rest of the pack we have a little grouping of two behind them and then it’s the Thundering looking for those last two allamerican spots exactly and we’ll uh we’ll try to get you a camera shot of that big pack fighting for the final two All-American spots we’re going to first go over to PV VA here and potentially final jumps crank up thece a little up and over oh my goodness what are we seeing this anything you can do I can do better they are at these guys are jumping out of their minds we have not seen a Pall competition like this in division three maybe ever maybe ever my apologies here I’m having some technical difficulties my internet just went down so we’re I’m calling this as I see it I think that that was just 519 so the bar will be raised up to 524 we’re going in 5 cm increments if my memory serves me correctly here in the men’s pole vault and sky the limit it seems for these guys we got Thursday night lights here in myle Beach South Carolina with the 10K going on around them I mean I mean the environment here is just it’s palpable and it is driving the success of these pole Alters the 10K that front four continues to push no one else is interested in touching the lead right now battson gunkle from University of Chicago continues to click off those mid 8C laps Fiona Smith refuses to take the lead at some point you got to imagine that her coach is going to send her a signal to try to push it a little bit but honestly will right now they’ve got so much daylight I I would just settle into a race for four I mean there’s no no reason to go early here there’s absolutely no reason to go early you know I I I think uh Evelyn Batton gunkle is doing a fantastic job up front just doing exactly what she needs to um I feel like you know her coach would have said is go out and run a a pace that you think that you can just hold and then you know that Fiona is going to make a move at sometime maybe it’s at 5K maybe it’s at 6K maybe it’s not even until 8K but when it happens get ready to just go deep and that’s what she’s willing to do right now she’s she’s she’s running very much within herself um you can see it by the you know the stressfree look on her face her shoulders are down and here’s Kyle Hensley Hensley fighting it out for this n National Championship he Clips the bar foul we’ve had we’ve had four he’s totally cramping up you can see this now he is he’s been kicking himself in the calves for the last couple of vaults trying to get some semblance of function out of those muscles they’ve been out here for so long you can see him it’s not on the screen right now but I can see him hobbling away from the mat he is in pain he needs a ever so much reprieve to get a couple more jumps out of those legs as things stand he’s your Champion but it’s not quite over yet as Nicole Nicole Antonio will get one two more shots at 17 and A4 inch back to the track Batton gunkle continues to Pilot this train conduct this train Fiona Smith there he’s starting to see the sweat on the athletes shining in the stadium lights everyone’s grabbing water now and tossing it aside openap right still clicking out clicking off about 82s battleson gunkle 14 1 12 minutes into this 10K we’ll be sure to get you a 5k split when we get there battson gunkle just looks like she’s out for a training run right now looks very comfortable I mean I honestly anyone in those top looks pretty good they’re just seemingly putting in enough work that no one else she’s running just fast enough that no one wants to take the lead it’s a strong race and we’re we’re actually going to see them lap almost the entire field here in in a few more laps and you know some athletes just really thrive on that on that front running style you know if I think some people may be watching this at home like why doesn’t she give up the lead for a couple laps tuck in maybe but this may be how she deres her confidence is being able to impose her will on the race and she’s trying to break some of the best athletes in division 3 distance running right now I mean Fiona Smith is right on her shoulder and conditions like this anything can happen so you might as well get up front run your race and see if it’s enough yeah and for those watching at home this uh the wind in the stadium is in their face right now this is the is this the first drink that we’ve seen Batton gungle take yeah she she tossed one on herself last time but that’s the first time she’s actually drunk some I think okay so this is this that’s the first signal to me that she’s starting to feel any effects of being out front but as they come around the turn you might be able to see this MIT flag behind their heads uh we’ve just gone slightly Below on that but the MIT flag is is howling in the wind honestly there’s a pretty formidable Breeze um going in the heads of the athletes as they go on the backstretch uh we’re going to quickly cut over to the pole vault here and try and catch one of these final jumps this is Christian D Nicol anonio sitting in second right now we can see how intense this competition is going we just saw Kyle Hensley’s jump from milin a moment ago and he fouled on his last attempt and then had a pretty severe cramping we saw and so the the conditions are are taking it out of them for sure more consistent than that Christian D nickol anonio eyeing that height eyeing the bar running through his approach in his head embodying Mondo Duplantis and here we go last two laps right around that same Pace 81 82 seconds for that for my money Noah I think that Kyle Hensley had a better approach on his first jump at this height obviously we don’t what the future is going to hold there for Kyle he cramped in Both calves after that last Vault this is such a dynamic event it requires so much power and precision that we just hope we I see uh I just saw in the background there it appears as though there is a physio from either from the meat or from milikin that was down there massaging Kyle’s Cals just hoping to get enough fresh blood down there to let the muscles just relax for a second before he has to go back and do this again yeah we’re seeing the physical toll that this event is taking so it’d be a miracle if we see someone else get over a bar back speaking of physical toll back to the 10K are that leading four has now become a leading three as shayen hostager from wartberg has lost contact with the trio as Evelyn ballon gunkle continues to just clip off 82 83 second laps we’ll get you a 5k split here as soon as uh those results populate for us but EV Evelyn bson gunkle continuing to press from the front she’s broken everybody except for Fiona Smith and Grace Richardson exactly who we expected to be there I I know this is going to come back to bite me I don’t want to say it but I’m going to say it Allison battson gun Evelyn Batton gunkle looks fantastic I I’m seeing a bit of Labor in Fiona Smith you’re seeing here sort of go I and I know that she has sort of that a more unique arm Carriage bis and gunkle looks just again just so smooth but she’s she’s doing the the pil Lio the nose touch when the nose touch starts to come out you know you you know something’s happening and she looks extremely focused I mean the the her gaze isn’t moving around it’s focused right in front of her she was third indoors in the 3K she was third indoors in the 5K as we take another look it looks like he’s back from the leg cramps but doesn’t have the power uh I’m assuming this is going to be just about day done over in the pole vault I’d be amazed it seems like these guys are Gast yeah it appears as though that’s what Kyle just mouthed to his coach obviously we don’t have uh spy microphones down there to catch it precisely but it did appear as though through the body language he voiced to his coach like I think I’m done I’m anything more than this it might end up in an injury so uh what an incredible performance from Kyle Hensley excuse me we’ll see what Christian has left in the bag in terms of uh opportunities to clear 524 but right now uh Kyle does appear as though the the the day has taken its toll we’re well through we’re well through 5K here in the women’s 10K it looks like they went through 5K and about 1710 more or less battleson gunkle continuing to push as we are just starting to get into lap traffic here they’re maybe 150 M behind the main pack we’ll try to give you a shot of the field going by at some point here things are starting to get really strong out so that’ll be a little bit difficult but battleson gunkle continuing to move 83 second laps just automatic Fiona Smith there in second just like she was in lap number one and Grace Richardson who was second in the indoor 5K ninth in Cross Country she’s accustomed to being at the pointy end of these races she’s slotting there in third shayen hostager has fallen back to Fourth try to get a visual on her these things are really stringing out here as shayen went from you know running with this group in that 82 83 range to an 88 on that lap so you hope that shayen committed to this early pace and has enough left in her legs to hold on and maintain her position in fourth you know we talked about earlier Noah what would you say to your athlete you know we’re we’re Beyond 5K we’re in the back half of this race if I’m someone like Fiona Smith maybe around this point is when I think it’s it’s time to just like make that one significant move get away and then relax again yeah just as you were saying that I saw fena Smith look up and and flash a thumbs up um her coach must be on must be on that turn and uh so I’m not sure if that’s a thumbs up that things are going well or some thumbs up to make a move quick look back at pval Christian D Nicole Nicole Antonio ah he’s not quite getting up to the bar either will these guys are just absolutely toast yeah you know it’s interesting because I I do believe uh this gets to a point in the pull where you technically should probably be moving up a pole but when you move up a pole that makes it that much harder to bend you need to attack with that much more energy you need to bring that much more speed into the into the pit and so yes is it an opport like should you be moving up pole maybe is it more dangerous and here we see Fiona Smith there comes that move decisive she’s going to run away from the these other two women we’ll see how much she wants to push herself over the last uh where we at 6,400 so 26 3600 meters of this race um but right now this is Fiona Smith showing that she is the class of the field and again we will we will continue to take you back to the Pall as that competition unfolds but right now we are focusing on Fiona Smith and the 10K who has just taken the lead for the first time and what we assume is will be the last time yeah one lap after that little that Sly thumbs up we see that things are in fact all good Fiona Smith doing what we expected her to do all along and that’s pushed this race from the front she maybe waited a little bit longer than we than we might have expected but she opened up an immediate 25 meter Gap over battleson gunkle battleson gunkle still looks strong in second still continues to tow along Grace Richardson but Fiona Smith just showing that she’s the class of the field in the 10K something that’s going to get difficult here you know I I don’t have much experience in the longer events but one thing that I remember no racing you in Fort Collins during a Turkey Trot of all things was uh was when you would when you would pass a stationary object being able to count down the seconds you know how far were you ahead of me was I losing ground was I gaining ground and those types of things they do oh Hinsley actually looked pretty good Bravo to Kyle Hensley what an incredible day for the Freshman from migan just an absolute joy to watch Vault today through a personal best and B overcoming the physical stressors of a double cramped calf to give a a very honest effort at 524 I think that’s it I think he might be done they’re they’re doing high fives and hugs and everything yeah we’ll we’ll keep an eye on the results we probably won’t throw it back there unless he jumps again but we’ll keep an eye on results it looks like Hensley is going to be your national champion in the men’s pole vault Fiona Smith continuing to push from the front looks like she the kind of pace injection that we saw there we went from running about 83 84 second laps and then Fiona dropped a 79 when when she went to the lead there and she’s continuing to press it sorry correction uh it the the results have finally updated um from a couple of to go here for the men’s P Vault and it will be Christian D nickol anonio who is your national champion after Hensley passed at 514 and then hit his first time on 519 um but Christian Dean anonio has one remaining opportunity to clear 524 and he’s already jumping as your National Champion open up a gap of almost 10 seconds Fiona Smith continuing to move remarkably well trying to get an idea of the Gap she’s got on the field right now sorry what I was saying before is counting back those seconds well now if you’re not paying very close attention you are going to the the pursuance here uh battleson gunkle and Richardson it’s going to be difficult to tell which one is Fiona Smith up there she’s put 10 seconds onto this group in two laps and it continues to extend that lead who knows for how long she’ll continue on on this pace and continue to press versus just settling into knowing she has a national championship wrapped up shaking out the arms a little bit there she looks strong she looks confident but this is all Fiona Smith showing exactly how you execute a 10K in these conditions yeah absolutely Batton gunkle after doing so much that early lead I think she’s settling into a battle for second there I mean she’s still looking really strong hasn’t slowed that much with 2500 met or so left to go she’s still leading Grace Richardson but yeah f Smith finally looking to get that 10K title that’s eluded her um after finishing second to some of the all-time greats in division 3 it’s now Fiona Smith’s time to to complete the a year of dominance in division 3 distance running the athlete from St Benedict the senior from St Benedict she’s heading to NC State next year so that’ll be a treat and maybe something we can talk about briefly is like this opportunity to see division 3 athletes competing in division one but we’ll go back to pval for the final oh I that almost best effort that almost stayed up men’s pole vault is a wrap that’s Christian D Nicole Antonio he is your national champion from Catholic D3 photographer D3 Glory Days photographer there getting the fist bump there and and this jump kind of looked a little messy at first but then the bar just the bar kind of I thought maybe it would give you that just slight bounce and stay he almost grabbed it with his hand on the way down yeah I I think he was a bit I mean he clearly has the ability I think that they are just a bit tired from we the wearing fatigue from vaulting out here all day in in the heat um but what an incredible series of jumps and way to battle back for Christian D Nicol anonio because that was that the the momentum completely shifted towards Kyle Hensley there for a moment and it it really took the Savvy veteran to to unseat in that first position the freshman and and execute very very well in those final few Heights congratulations n n niol Antonio sorry that’s the last time I’m going to have to say that name for now wait I’m sorry who is the P ball champion and and Kyle Hensley who was a very close in second that was a great battle awesome p Vault competition we’ll bring you a recap uh of that later now focusing again on the water station and the women’s 10,000 this is bison gunkle there from you Chicago she’s in second grace Richardson just behind her in third and there’s your leader Fiona Smith from St Benedict continuing to pull things along here she came through 8,000 m in 2728 she’s running about 82 seconds a lap right now and uh I mean she’s just got a 15 20 second lead right now uh she’s going to win this one going away um let me just give you a quick rundown of the athletes in All-American position right now B gunkle in second Richardson in third hostager still holding tough in fourth Riley buuse in fifth Ali verad from Edgewood Rebecca Markham and Jenna Gerard and Penelope green are in that kind of All-American battle we’ll keep that updated as as we get splits here things are really strung out around the track a lot of people out there are fighting their own personal battles will yeah I mean we’re seeing Riley abuse from Lewis and Clark you know run an 86 second lap um and she’s six seconds behind shayon hostager hostager who just ran a 91 and so you know some athletes are starting to see the wheels fall off lose focus While others are sort of like sharks smelling blood in the water um but no I want to go back to something you were talking about Fiona Smith going to NC State next year and I think where you were going with this is it’s going to be very interesting to see the jumps that a D3 athlete can make when training I’m not going to say the coaching is any better but training amongst other athletes of their caliber obviously we’re seeing Fiona Smith here show that she is of a different level of athlete than anyone else who she’s sharing this track with so you know is that sort of what you wereing to what thoughts do you have on that absolutely I mean we’re going to see her all of a sudden have training Partners day in and day out kind of explore that upper limit of her potential in training and then just as D3 fans it’s always fun to measure our best against the absolute best in the country and so like can we can we see her at a you know an outdoor D1 10K and Eugene next year and can we see how good the best of D3 is against D1 level competition we’ve been able to see that a little bit Alex Phillip from um running for North Carolina do you mean Alex Philip Alex phip from North Carolina just qualified for the D1 National Mee and so that’ll be a great opportunity uh to test this Theory but what’s with D3 people going to North Carolina don’t they know there’s other states they love it there Fiona Smith clicking off 82s yeah it seems like she’s you know sort of established her margin of Victory and is now putting everything back into the 5K in two days time it’s it’s about time to Pivot to to thinking about that 5K this you know no matter how controlled this effort is for her the conditions are just going to make it kind of a tough recovery process I mean they’re sweating a lot they’re running into the wind it’s a big effort no matter how much she wins by um so at some point you got to think all right how much is enough she she was 20 seconds ahead through 8,800 yeah Fiona Smith is and and showing no signs of slowing down obviously we’re seeing the immense amount of sweat being produced by all of these athletes it’s hot it’s humid uh just stepping outside for just a second here out of our our I will call I I will say we’re spoiled we have an air condition air stepping outside for just a second to get a gauge on what is going on out there before we get into the men’s 10K I can tell you it is muggy again the humidity is back to Rising we were at 80% at the start of this race and checking my uh I’m not exactly sure how accurate this is um but the the due point right now is it’s 82% humity so this humidity is just it’s ticking up as as we’re ticking down laps the humidity is ticking up and so Fiona Smith doing a fantastic job she’s just trying to get something to cool her body down to maybe minimize her her loss of hydration through sweat um which I think is very very smart given the what she has to do in in 48 hours time but fion Smith looks fantastic um and let’s talk through the rest of the field right now yeah Fiona Smith continuing to do what Fiona Smith does Grace Richardson is is still doing which we saw her do early on in this race and that’s lead Grace Richardson excuse me Batton gunkle actually just my results are kind of populating here battleson gunkle I haven’t gotten a split for yet I want to make sure she’s on the track okay so B and gunkle must still be in second um yeah she’s still bis and gunkle still running 84s we’re getting our bearings here as Fiona Smith here’s the Bell Fiona Smith looking to cement her legendary status in division three distance running here’s the bell and what she does not here is footsteps there’s nobody within 20 seconds of Fiona Smith she left this one a little bit late and now she’s going to bring it home alone Batton gunkle in a distant second we believe as we wait to see the athletes come through the uh finish area we’ll start giving you a better idea of All-American positions as results continue to populate it looks like Grace Richardson is actually now in second place coming through with a Lap to go in 3329 but let’s keep all the attention on Fiona Smith as we see her run her last 10K in division 3 she comes through with about 150 to go she’s put St Benedict on the map in distance running and she’s finally claiming the titles that she’s been missing she took this 10,000 M by storm an early race patience now paying off to late race dominance it’s Fiona Smith on your screen we will miss her in division three she is your 10 thousand meter Champion going away Fiona Smith from St Benedict your national champion in rough conditions congratulations to Fiona Smith you see her a little bit wobbly legged and that it’s indicative of the effort there’s nothing left to celebrate as she as she grabs her mom and we see her celebrate with the family we’ll get the camera back on the finish line here um she’s being held up just by the love of her love of her mother right now 3427 the winning time if we can get the camera back on the back on the start finish area it looks like Grace Richardson has come across in second place in 3455 I believe this is battleson gunko coming across the line nope that’s a lapped athlete and so we are struggling to find where the rest of these athletes are on the track there’s distance and daylight just fracturing this field uh we assume the athletes that are out in lane two are kicking home to finish this could be Riley abuse from Lewis and Clark making a fantastic move up through this field over the past two or three K and here comes Ali vered from Edwood passing shayon hostager from wartberg who went with that early pace and is paying for it a bit at the end and here come the rest of your all-americans that was shayen hostager in that battle for fifth Rebecca Markham from Hope is going to be excuse me she’s going to be in seventh in sixth that was Penelope Green from Sunni jio seventh Rebecca Markham and then our last All-American spot it looks like Jenna Gerard from Williams let’s hope she stays upright you can see the legs are starting to wobble a little bit Jenna Gerard does get across the line stops the watch and she’s your final allamerican yep Jenna Gerard All-American 3618 finishing an eighth from St Olaf that’s Allison bod in 36 29th Estelle Snider in 10th from University of Chicago Sophie Porter Sophie Porter the tiger from depa University with an amazing showing your school record holder she finishes in 11th what a great run for Sophie Rachel Brennan in 12 3639 some absolute Carnage in this 10K as we see the athletes just kind of struggling to stay upright after the uh the effort in the heat there it’s hard to tell how much is sweat and how much is the water they were throwing on themselves in the uh in the aid stations but uh you know congratul ation to everybody out there just some some serious efforts in the in the women’s 10K yeah and one of the things that you just you hate to see because I I’ll just say it like it’s it’s a component of the of the the climate that they’re racing in this this heat and humidity someone someone like as accomplished as EV Evelyn battleson gunkle not finishing this race stepping off the track uh you know I don’t know if it was GI distress if it was the body shutting down from dehydration but someone who did looked so good and did so much of the early work for them to not be rewarded with a finish and and our results are showing that she stepped off um with less than a mile to go in this race it’s just uh it’s painful to see because even before she stepped off she was still running 84s I mean she was firmly in second place and yeah you to see it it’s also just interesting to see like how quickly the conditions can set in I mean she could have been feeling okay one second and then just abs absolutely hit the wall the last second but one thing you can say about bis and gunkle is that she made a made a mark on this race you know she she knew what her best shot to win was and and she took it and you know we’ll find out maybe afterwards exactly what happened but uh you know respect to her for making that an honest race at the beginning and absolutely yeah but Fiona Smith just put on an absolute Clinic there winning by nearly uh 30 seconds I mean it it could have been more if she took off earlier but uh 30 seconds is enough what what did uh Vin Diesel say you can win by an inch or win by a mile yep wins a win wins a win yeah looking forward to seeing fena Smith and a lot of these women again on the track on Saturday for the uh for the 5K that was crazy we know that the conditions are going to take a toll now the men are on the track men are on the track and and you can hear their friends their teammates their family members getting down lining getting as close to the track as they possibly can standing just outside of Lane eight or maybe even the first row of the bleaches if they’re looking for a little bit of a vantage point but this is going to be an exciting race yeah absolutely exciting race I mean there’s some serious star power in this race too but uh one thing I will expect is is a a tighter bunch in in the women in the men’s 10K excuse me there’s not really an athlete that’s I expect to run away with this thing quite as much I I expect to see uh quite a bit of gamesmanship well without further Ado the men are on the line and we have got 25 laps of fun coming up ahead ladies and gentlemen um we’ll run through the list of starters here momentarily um but while we have your attention uh you know some of some of the notable standouts we have uh Max fainy from North Central third in Cross this year we didn’t see him run indoors but Outdoors he’s run under 14 minutes for the 5,000 now I I know a number of athletes this year in division three have but for someone to run under 14 minutes and and and be one of the top seeds in the 10K the top seed in the 10K is shows fantastic range fantastic strength that third and cross obviously he’s he’s he’s incredibly strong um second fastest seed time this year second fastest call finding time is uh Charles neot from Williams 2913 13th in this event last year obviously looking forward to achieving that All-American status that top eight but as the gun goes off we can sort of see the man the men starting to uh starting to size each other up who’s going to go to the front what’s this race going to look like what’s it going to feel like from the gun is it going to be like the women’s race will there be a breakaway pack or will the group stay together right now what we’re seeing is the group is is coalescing they are they’re out there for a stroll right now I don’t think anyone has any intention especially after seeing you know the Carnage that we saw in the women’s race that has to strike fear into the hearts are at least a little bit of uh I I don’t know a skepticism of their own ability to go out and Hammer for 10K they watched Fiona Smith do it but they also watched her get weak in the knees after she finished Noah I mean these guys just watched that field Splinter into a million different pieces um but you knowall while they’re jogging there’s no better opportunity than now to go through the starting lineup of this men’s 10K everyone deserves to hear their name over the broadcast and I’ll do my best to not lose my voice doing it you did it in under a minute will you practiced all right here we go and Spencer Moon from Simpson Tyler uh shermerhorn from warberg Anthony Rodriguez from B oh now we’re going to here we go I need to re reset this after the first lap because if I can do it under 300 me meters of their running that’ll be roughly about a minute of time uh we have Charles namad from Williams Gavin melanon from Johns Hopkins Spencer Moon from Simpson David Reynolds from WPI Enrique Salazar from Manchester Gunnar schunder from Wisconsin Whitewater Matthew Cole from carnegy melon Anthony Rodriguez from Babson Mitchell Dy from RPI Isaac Wagner from Wisconsin lacrosse Jacob Green from wartberg Conor Havens from Manchester Tyler shermerhorn from warberg Conor Kula from Wittenberg Luke wil from Calvin Cory Fairchild from WIC lacrosse Max FY chilling out in the back from North Central Simon Hayes from Willington Vince Simonetti from RPI Derek Fen from P sir and Peter Vice from George Fox and Matthew Porter from Carnegie melon I freaking nailed that get out of here Noah what do you got on that that was that was AB absolutely amazing as we see Charles Namo from Williams he was 13th here last year um he takes up the early lead uh yeah like we were talking about definitely put a little fear in these athletes I think seeing the the Carnage that occurred in the women’s race and so we’ll get updated splits here as soon as they populate for us but I’m guessing they’re running about 75 seconds to lap right now everybody in this um you know one major absence here is Ethan Greg who uh we would have expected to to see here and uh his calling card obviously is they get to the front and drill it and so in his absence I think the whole field is wondering just what do we do who’s going to lead this out and I I kind of expected uh Spencer Moon from you see him there in the red in third I kind of expected him to uh get to the front and push this pace a little bit I think it’s a smart move for him just to just to tuck in because I mean he’s one of the he’s one of the top seeds here um he’s run 1351 for 5K um he’s run some great regular season results we haven’t seen him translate it into national meat performances quite yet um so this could be a great opportunity for him yeah 235 through the 800 Ian they were probably what 310 ish 320 315 through the K uh that’s this is easy running for these guys you know they’re they’re doing Tempo runs at this pace so uh not expecting any anyone to fall off at this point I actually I really liked what namio did there which is like take a take a drink early you know you don’t want to find yourself in a later stag of this race coming to dehydration um you might as well get a custom if you’re in the front and you have a clean shot at a water glass take it you know we we know that it’s going to get hot out there for these guys the humidity is just going to keep Rising the temperature is dropping ever so slightly we’re down in the low 70s right now but as that humidity creeps up that’s going to be the crucial uh you know element for these guys to to to battle with yeah exactly I mean the hurt is that in 25 laps that in 25 laps I mean the hurt is coming it’s about who can delay it the longest and have enough left in their legs to to really close it out and I mean this this race is seriously wide open as we continue continue to see namio up front um the number one seed in this race Max centi wearing the the Candy Stripes from North Central College we see him in a in a forward tat um about mid pack uh he ran amazing he ran 2906 it’s one of the best all time in division three and but he’s pretty content to to lay back there in the middle of the pack and that’s right where I’d be I think right now yeah you know another thing I want to talk about we got Lord knows we got the time uh is if you were in this race no would you be in spikes or flats I I think there were allowed to wear flats it looks like we see some athletes in the in the vaporfly um so that’s probably what I’d wear I think that’s going to be the easiest thing on the legs especially for athletes doubling back you know give yourself a chance at feeling good especially when you know that the pace isn’t going to be super quick it’s like can you run 5 minute miles and in Flats on the track like yeah Footwear is is a legitimate thing to discuss in races now and I think that’s uh that’s probably the direction I’d go yeah cuz in in the previous race we saw uh Fiona and spikes um a few of the other women who were all Americans they were wearing their you know the road Flats difference obviously in these shoes is going to be foam stack Heights spikes being maxed out at 25 mm right now where the flats are 40 mil so you have more of that super bouncy foam under fooot um but if a consideration here is you know spikes don’t hold as much water um and if you’re chucking water on your head and all of a sudden those spite those shoes get water logged I again you have done a lot more work in Super Shoes than I have you done workouts in the rain where they get wet does that affect the performance at all sure um you know their feet might be slipping around in them a little bit I’m not sure they’re I’m not sure it’s something they’ll be focused on too much I love the feeling of spikes on the track but you know if I have confidence that the the flats are going to save my legs a little bit I’m not thinking about the water too much I thought watching runners wear Road shoes on the track was a dbest thing I’d ever seen until I watched Conor man close the D the D1 10K in like 54 in Vapor Flies and I I was like oh might be something to they can go fast all right I I don’t know I thought they maxed out of like a 60 and uh now this is you know the game has changed technologically speaking but it’s interesting to just to see how the the personal preference now comes into play Charles damio from Williams continues to to lead this field they came through 1,600 and just under 510 they ran 509 through 1600 to give you folks at home the pace they’re moving at about 76 77 seconds per lap really everybody still in this another athlete to kind of watch for is uh gunar schender there in fifth he’s got the long ha he’s a boyfriend to Fiona Smith and so he just saw his uh his girlfriend win a National Title he was an All-American indoors and Outdoors he was third in the 10K last year he closed really well to lock up a third place finish in a really deep year and so he’s definitely a guy if he can handle the heat can can do some damage in this race Spencer Moon continues to just kind of hang out in position three if Spencer Moon’s got to be thinking maybe I can run this race like Fiona Smith hang out for 7K and then and then drill it from the front with that sub4 minute speed minut yeah the these guys are again they’re clicking it off and you can see unlike this this race is completely different than the women’s race you know everyone is in this no one has made any aggressive moves in the front everyone’s just very content to let the laps pass by um as are we up here we’re we’re happy to let this race the the more people that are in the race on you know for us it’s the the more exciting that it is this Crescendo at the end is going to be triumphant as we’re you know what we just saw there in the middle of the pack though that’s maybe one of the biggest fears is there a a fall happens and and takes a lot of the athletes out or or makes it fracture um but these guys are very they’re seasoned they’re practice at running in groups so you know I’m I’m not super worried about it but the only that would worry me is in that instance of trying to go out and get water if someone starts to throw some elbows and we get a little bit of a curfuffle there we can see Derek Fen from pona piter starting to put those hands out protect his space a little bit as I I mean we’re going out to Lane two the pace has to be slowing down and honestly you know if we’re thinking that getting the water and cooling down is important these guys are three wide and you’re going by the water stop if you’re riding the rail you’re not going to be able to get out to get a cup of water and there’s there’s limited number of volunteers there’s like four or five volunteers back there and so if if all these guys want water they can’t all get it and so there might there might be a little competition at the water stop yeah it’s it’s another competitive element of this right it’s it’s sorry strategic element of this race it’s okay if I’m on the rail now and I missed a water cup in the last lap then all right I’m I’m seeing an athlete right here sort of used the finger blinkers as we call them pointing that pinky out saying I want to get out of here and get a glass of water and whether I get out in this lap or I have to wait until the next I’m going to start making some moves to to position myself accordingly so that I can get that drink of water and you know also oh that was there was a hopeful athlete there and it looks like his teammates swooped up where he missed out um but you know again this is going to be part we can’t help but have this be a part of the race and so how do they deal with this how do you position yourself accordingly and could that be a catalyst for change up front could somebody just realize I’ve had enough of this I I want a little bit of daylight I’m sick of running in his group let let me go around char Charles namio finally who’s uh continuing to click off 77s I mean metronomic metronomic metronomic metronomic metronomic go with Pato on that out there yeah really nothing changing in in this race whatsoever but that you know the 10K is a saga it builds over time to this to this marvelous uh Crescendo which is why we love it as distance Runners but uh every lap that goes by where nothing changes builds that anticipa anticipation that at some point something big is going to change yeah absolutely and there’s an athlete that I can’t stop looking at because he’s wearing a hat uh and that’s Mitchell Dy from RPI he appears to be positioned perfectly continues to get water and yet somehow is in Lane three on the home stretch every time I don’t know what’s going on there but uh you know he’s keeping himself cool I guess but yeah doing his damnest to stay cool but uh and maybe just moving out to try and let someone else have an opportunity but no these guys who are on the outside and getting the water seem content to continue to get water yeah and you know people will always say you want to run on the inside you want to hug the rail it’s the shortest distance but you know these guys when they’re running 5 to 510 per mile I I guarantee you every guy in this field has done Tempo runs at 510 um they’ve they’ve probably done 10K Tempo runs at 5’10 I wouldn’t be surprised like the level is so high in training these days and so the the pace isn’t phasing these guys necessarily it’s just like you know what’s the to the conversion for for the weather yeah I’ll leave that up to the pros uh to tell us maybe maybe Jeff Burns wants to chime in from some of the work that he’s done with the usopc and their heat and humidity chamber but until then and until that time Jeff send me a text if you’re listening uh we’re going to go back to just get the water cool yourself as well as you can and you know we we’ve got namio still still up front I think just very content to be there um I can see some flutter and starting to drop in the in the flags uh at at the top of the track and so that’s that’s leading me to believe that the wind is starting to die down out there um even as the humidity continues to rise but not affecting these guys enough for him to not want to be up there another athlete to to keep an eye on here and the all green there sitting in a fourth right now is Simon Hayes for Wilmington and Ohio had him on the podcast in the past he he missed indoors maybe an injury maybe just running wasn’t clicking but it’s great to see him back at a national meet he he was fourth here last year um in a super strong run I mean this is a guy who’s supremely talented if he’s in the race he’s dangerous also 33rd in Cross Country Enrique Salazar there on the outside with the with the gold shoulders that guy’s a super tough Runner as well really competitive I’m I’m seeing some of the athletes in the mid pack kind of thumbs up or do the like let him let him cook yeah thing and so there it’s kind of interesting to see athletes communicating to to coaches or athletes because like we’ve been saying this pace is isn’t crazy um it’s it’s just like you’re Building A Tender Box and somebody’s going to strike a match yeah 75s isn’t going to phase anybody uh we just keep clicking off those laps lap after lap after lap and the Hope right is like at some point here sometime soon someone is going to think what do you think 5K yeah just waiting to get halfway yeah we’ll I think we’ll probably see a move around 5K I mean if if not from one of the favorites from someone who’s like maybe one of the lacking any uh we have whom we haven’t given any attention who’s like you know what I feel pretty good this is my shot yeah and I’m going to shoot it and then again now here we’re starting to see guys go out to Lane three lane four the lacrosse athletes and we’re seeing a stretch here we’re starting to see single file at the back of the pack Maybe a stretch it’s hard to tell I think we’re we all right we got uh the warberg athlete smiling his tongues out he’s having the time of his life I hope he feels that way at about seven laps yeah shorn he he was the one uh he was the one doing like the the let me cook thing um as as the kids do these days but uh it’s another 75 up front for Charles Namo from Williams that’s super strong distance program we’ve seen a lot of great names come through there honest question does it help in these conditions to have ice in your veins I think so I haven’t seen anyone do the ice in the veins thing yet but I’m sure it’s coming I mean could that not be the biggest Flex that you could do on you know of mid-race peacocking we’ll see it for sure I think I think I’m seeing uh fear and the sage hins I think he’s got a nasal strip on which is ambitious because those things aren’t sticking in conditions like this yeah I have no idea uh all I know is that he’s not only fantastic at running he’s uh incredibly handsome and incredibly smart so ghost AG H ghost AG H yeah I mean there’s nothing wrong with him he’s perfect Charles namio continuing to push out front in 75s nothing changing here I’m going to let you guys just sit with Will’s commentary Gavin McKellen from Johns Hopkins has been in second the whole time it it’s really remarkable that everyone just found their spot and they were like you know what I’m good I like it here this is this is what like this suits me yeah we’re not this suits me we’re not seeing guys move inside to outside we’re just seeing them kind of slot in there um number one seed in the candy stripes in the back max senty I it’s too early to tell if he’s in some trouble or just you know want some clear real estate but I mean he’s still in the pack yeah and ever since you mentioned Simon Hayes uh wearing the all green from Wilmington are we hitting 5K right now yes so just under 16 minutes at 5K uh yeah pedestrian yeah to put it mildly well well within the range of everybody in this field I mean it took what 29 40 2952 was the last qualifier in um sorry ever since you mentioned Simon Hayes I I I’m paying attention because I I trust your commentary I trust the amount of research and and your experience with these athletes but he run he moves really well and he see like he’s he’s attentive he’s focused he’s not doing any of the I’ll call it stupid stuff he’s he’s not showing his cards he’s not saying how great he feels he’s just being in the right place and positioned appropriately in the outside of Lane one he’s grabbed water a couple of times um but an athlete like that with those credentials I think that was a 73 okay so maybe we’re seeing something here maybe we’re not maybe we are what do you see we’ll give it one more lap 73 that’s an injection of pace I mean maybe namio is starting to respond to some of that pressure uh J Jacob Green from wartberg is kind of worked his way up I misidentified him earlier so sorry for the wartberg fans that’s Jacob green out there um man Simon ha he’s drenched um just dumping all that water but he heard you he just looked he’s like yeah I am yeah he’s what it he’s like dude leave me alone it’d be like that sometimes like that but continuing to be three wide here past the 5K Mark and I mean they definitely saw that 5K slip that’s what you pay attention to in the 10K um but also you know some of these guys are realizing that a 16-minute 5k didn’t feel as easy as they had hoped and that can be a dangerous realization when you’ve got so far to go and the race really hasn’t even started did Max lose the Hat Max did lose the Hat yeah you can see that’s how you know you see his hair going if we were on a different network I’d start using some Choice four-letter words but it’s getting real it’s when you start losing is getting real when lose your pieces of flare when you’re Tu chucking those a running hat costs about $30 so if you’re willing to just throw that thing aside for a lucky fan to pick up drenched in your sweat that’s just a a sign to me that this is going to start to get moving here pretty soon um we’re starting to see a little bit of daylight here between some athletes you know like they don’t want to get caught behind the guys who who might not be able to cover these moves and maybe this is just again this is this is what’s happening with the accordion as they’re going in and out of these water zones and we’re seeing our very first lead change here um nearly 6K I think 6K into this race we’re finally seeing Jacob green who was lurking back and forth F he was even mid pack earlier and he’s now kind of asserting himself at the front just saw him shake the arms out a little bit namo’s there in third he’s still looking pretty good and now Shermer horn from wartberg he wants to join he wants to join his teammate up front what a moment for wartberg here now seeing their teammates go one two saw a little flash of this thumbs up here and it’s going to be green and shermerhorn from wartberg from Iowa out there right next to each other moving this field along through the men’s 10,000 meter run wber assemble he didn’t quite like the shoulder he decided you know Green I’m going to I’m going to let you continue to push this and I’m just going to kind of slot in behind you yeah you can see now that that we’re running uh you can tell that by the Cadence you can tell that by that we’re starting to lose some athletes on the back we’re you know we’re we’re high-fiving the water cups at this point we’re not grabbing them as gracefully we’re getting anything that we can you know Mill millimeters milliliters in the mouth most on the body um but we’re we’re starting to starting to chip away here at this pack obviously you know uh DK Fen and all his Perfection he’s still up there um a as is uh Max ventti up without a hat easier to identify him with a hat but the Candy Stripes will do just fine um you know curious to see if any other moves are made soon there’s a lot of these guys who like who don’t have the 5K chops right who don’t have the mile chops who are are just like pure strength type of Runners and I think that here in the next lap or two someone’s going to try and make some pretty aggressive moves yeah we’ve got a couple sub 14-minute guys up at the front there I think eight or nine guys went under 14 in the 5K and D3 this outdoor season which is just insane we’ll talk about that more on Saturday but wartberg continuing to press shermerhorn one of those sub4 guys but I’m still I’m still liking Spencer moon I I think he he’s motivated he knows he’s underperformed on the national stage in the past and he’s you know representative of that Simpson program he’s putting them on the map and so it’ll be really interesting to see here if he decides to make a move Salazar from Manchester is kind of a he’s a real hot-blooded competitor I’ve talked to him in the past and I know how much of this means to him I wouldn’t be surprised to to see him make the mark on the race too we’re we’re getting down to crunch time like the the kickers are probably still hanging out if there are any kickers left in this race in these conditions um but if you want to make your mark on the race you’re starting to run out of real estate here as we click past 21 minutes we’re coming up on two miles to go we are starting to see some cracks we’ve got a obvious front four Max feny there’s daylight between him and the Perfection that is Derek fearing from the Pomona pitser College I am shocked to see this Noah and now we see Isaac Wagner from Wisconsin lacrosse such a strong distance program there they’ve really established themselves as one of the best in the country and he now establishes himself at the front of the race and who’s responding but Spencer moon right in his back pocket the duo from wartberg being distanced by just about a meter it’s an interesting there’s Team Dynamics starting to happen up here with two lacrosse in the top five two wartberg in the top five I mean how motivating is it when you see a teammate up there going at going at it just like practice when they’re going to war you know they want some company so this is uh this is exactly what I would expect to see here um you know I I I do think that there are some pretty aggress this is the aggressive move that I was talking about I mean you’re starting to see this thing fracture wide open and you know who knows if these athletes are going to be able to hold us but this is where you make or break the race if you can cover the move and you can hold it Simon Hayes the man that we’ve been talking about from early on in this race covering this Gap and here comes the duo from warberg absolutely this is the race now will it is fully on we’re now running 72s per lap and i’ I’d be I bet that was 68 that was a 68 yeah all right Isaac Wagner takes the lead at 7200 comes through in 68 the race is fully on now Spencer moon is up for it Simon Hayes is up for it Shermer horn and green are right there too this is your all everyone in the All-American pack um was on your screen right there your top seed Max centi doesn’t look like he’s going to be up for it conditions may be getting to him a little bit Never Say Never but you see him back on the screen Gunner slender also going to the arms there cuz right now maybe if you were asleep you realized oh wait the move happened and I might have missed it and now what do I do and now what do I do cuz it’s hard to make move do I do I try and cover that how many laps am I going to allow myself to cover that we’re I’m seeing all American spots disappear into the abyss into the humid abyss of Myrtle Beach South Carolina there are eight nine contestants for eight allamerican spots we have got six laps to go here in this men’s 10,000 Isaac Vagner all all by himself up front maybe looking for a little bit of help from his teammate Cory Fairchild back there in about sixth but let me run you through the athletes up front right now we have Wagner Moon Hayes shermerhorn GRE green Fairchild and Salazar those make up your All-American spots with I’m seeing a a change here Mitchell da I don’t know if that’s correct or not I I don’t think that’s the appropriate athlete um but those that rounds out you’re all Americans and so they’ve the big move came with a 68 and now we sort of settled into this 70 range up front where you know as we saw with with Fiona in the women’s race break the race open and then maybe relax a little bit because you got to recharge the batteries this is taking a lot out of the athletes right about da he’s in there um so he he’s definitely a threat he’s moving along with uh with Salazar right now Salazar just losing a step to him Wagner continue moving along and about 440 per mile Pace what are we seeing with Mitchell Daly right now Mitchell Daly has made some absolutely incredible moves from about I don’t know seven positions behind this lead four he’s closed the Gap he’s sitting in fifth what he’s this is the most inspired run that we have seen so far today the move made by Wagner SPL splintered open this race and now Mitchell Daly from RPI has clawed his way back to the front of that group now he’s I if I’m Mitchell dy I got to keep this momentum going keep going man I mean just like we said he’s one of those guys who probably realized he missed the move and he did something about it whatever happens from here that’s a great move from Mitchell Dy from RPI he latches on to the pack and fifth still nobody nobody wanting to go around Wagner just yet and there we see the athlet starting to ignore the water at this point water’s not going to help you it’s crunch time there’s five laps to go you don’t need water boys you need Jesus Wagner continue to push you needed water yesterday you needed water yesterday Simon Hayes in the all green from Wilmington looks awesome there starting to move to the shoulder we’ll see if he goes around the guy I’ve been hyping up Spencer Moon continues to look super strong there 1351 for 5K let’s see what these guys have in their legs da continues to look super strong it’s Shermer horn in fifth green giving a little bit of ground another guy who’s moving up is Salazar from Manchester and the Perfection of Derek Fen is in 12th he’s passed now he’s in 11th he needs three more positions to get into allamerican come on Pomona Pitzer let’s go Sage hens sorry you’re forgiven you’re forgiven that was your last Outburst though before we throw you out Wagner continues to push that was a 72 second last lap Simon Hayes looks like he may be getting a little antsy but at this point you might as well just wait a little bit when they come around they’ll see four to go yeah nobody need nobody needs this water here that front group of five excuse me front group of six has separated themselves pretty clearly we’ll see if go shorn we’ll see if Salazar can get up there but shermerhorn the young man from wartberg listed as a sophomore sub 14 minutes in the 5K he says you know oh he’s putting the hammer down Noah anything you can do maybe I can do a little better and he’s injected the pace we’ll see who’s up for it now Wagner starting to fall back in the pack and Mitchell Daly the people’s champion from RPI Hanging On by a thread behind Wagner get around him Big Daddy let’s go shermerhorn goes to the front what an incredible injection of pace you can see by the elongation of that beautiful stride Haye trying to match him but daylight opening between and here’s your boy in third looking good Spencer Moon looking really strong I believe we’re under 800 M to go in this men’s 10,000 meter race shmer horn made a big move we’ll see if he can sustain it but Simon Hayes running the race of his life in second Spencer Moon finally putting the Demons of national meets past to rest he’s looking really strong in third we’ll see who has another gear I’m wondering if shermerhorn has another gear or if that was it these two athletes behind him looking super strong Green from warberg sees his teammate pressing the pace and he’s hanging on in fourth the people’s champ daily in fifth Wagner who made that initial move looks like he’s in six shermerhorn opening up a gap here with Spencer Moon taking that inside pass Simon Hayes I don’t know why he’s leaving that door open but maybe he’s looking for the ride of his life Shimmer horn really putting the gas down down now they’re saying this is two laps to go 800 M remaining we are not into the full-fledged kick just yet I do believe all the athletes counted those laps correctly Simon Hayes in third still for my money looks pretty good that would be a bet that I would take Mitchell Daly come on Big Daddy the people’s Champion he has now moved into fourth but it is all shermerhorn down the backstretch he’s put three four five meters into this field can he hold this pace Simon haen third again the gaps continuing to grow amongst those top three but at this point if there’s a wind take that caution throw it straight into it the race is on let’s go Shermer horn 600 me to go shermerhorn 600 to go I saw him grab a cup of water Spencer Moon continuing to have eyes on him Shermer horn cannot break the elastic he’s tried once he’s tried twice he has not shooken Spencer moon or Simon Hayes they’re still in there Simon Haz beginning to give one meter maybe two meters Spencer Moon kind of taking an eye on the inside shermerhorn here goes Moon and now Spencer Moon looking to take the lead when it matters but he can’t quite get around it’s another move from shmer horn they hear the Bell they hear the Bell they hear the Bell Shermer horn from warberg in the lead with 350 to go but Spencer moon right in his back pocket this is going to be a kick down the home stretch that was the running’s version of the the K Mumbo finger wag from Shermer horn you want to go around me huhuh not so fast not like this Spencer Moon though I do feel as though his turbo is charging up right now it is spooling under the hood as he is chopping at the B here goes to the arms spener moon with a definitive move around the outside burying shermerhorn with 200 me to go shermerhorn does he have a response Shermer horn has gone so many times but it looks like Spencer Moon from Simpson from Iowa takes the lead he’s having the race of his life he looks over his shoulder he’s under 100 m to go he’s finally done it he’s finally done it Spencer Moon from Simpson has finally had the race of his life at a national meet and he is your 10,000 meter Champion stop looking around this is your moment Spencer Moon Shermer Horn’s legs are falling apart as he goes across the minute finish line there’s Simon Hayes and here comes a people’s Champion Mitchell Daly from RPI and then it’s going to be green in fifth he’s happy with that Wagner who initiated this race across the line in sixth Salazar in seventh and then eighth I think it’s going to be Charles namio who led the first 6K of this race he holds on for an All-American spot well deserved wow what a finish to that 10K as you said this is a saga this was building it took what 20 laps for something meaningful to happen but that’s okay we got to tell the story of this race that was an absolutely Wagner made the race Moon finished it off shmer horn body blow BL blow body blow Simon uh Spencer Moon hey maker hey maker hey maker from Spencer Moon I mean I can’t wait to talk to Spencer Moon after this and just see what this race means to him coming to National meets with fast times he hasn’t quite been able to put it together but he left no doubt about it Tyler shorn deserves so much credit he made I mean four or five moves in the last K that was ran out of legs when you have a Spencer Moon behind you and he tries to go around you know you have you have one one thing to do and that’s just try and fight try and fight him off because otherwise his speed was obviously too much to overcome he’s also got years he’s got experience he’s got fuel on that fire that tank is deep but let’s just go back through these All-American positions again Spencer moon is your national champion Tyler shermerhorn is your runner up Simon Hayes rounds out the podium the people’s Champion Mitchell Dy in fourth Jacob Green in fifth Isaac Wagner in sixth Enrique Salazar in seventh and Charles namio rounds out the All-American positions in eighth what a race Charles namio closed in 66 seconds the only person to close faster than Charles namio Spencer Moon Spencer moon with just dipping under 65 seconds for a close in a race like that 3041 takes the win man so many different I feel like every one of those top eight positions had a unique story line in that race they all they all made an impact they all made a move that’ll be remembered at the division three level and so man that’s what a what a dream race when you look at the top eight and you’re just like man every single one of those guys ran it their way and they they deserve to be there but Spencer moon this is his moment we see him just with a a little bit of quiet time on the track and uh what a what a race I mean so cool you know you ask the question what what does All-American even mean what does that mean what it means to these athletes is selling your soul for a 66 second lap to pass one person to get that eighth and final position yeah really special stuff hereo okay deep breath turning my attention I’m sweating we’re sweating I’m actually it’s like freezing here now it’s freezing I put s I’m still sweating well we’ll turn our attention now uh to the infield the awards presentation in the men’s PV Vault uh hopefully you were with us during the women’s 10K we got to bring you a couple of those jumps and this was just such an awesome competition uh so we’ll see the national championship coach start handing out these these All-American trophies in eighth place there from Wisconsin lacrosse scoring a point for them Andrew Tumo he jumped 162 and a [Applause] half there’s a tie in sixth actually between rpi’s James Zola and and centers Logan Isaac it looks like Isaac is hopping up there first but they’ll share the sixth place trophy jumping 162 and a half again when there’s ties we go to Misses so that’s why you see Sim more Heights Joshua Banks from coast guards finishing fifth in an All-American position scoring four points for the Coast Guard 164 and a half Dominic Dominic Mula from itha senior takes a fourth place trophy he cleared 164 and a half in third 166 and A2 from wasu Peter lonberger we saw a couple of his jumps but these are the the men of the hour these are the guys who provided us with such an entertaining final in the men’s P vault in second it’s going to be Kyle Hensley from milikin round Applause here in the booth he gets over 17 17 ft in a quarter and see these guys are one more time Christian D Nicole Antonio I think I got it wrong again I’m sorry my friend from Catholic 17 and A4 inch TOP Step the P VA continues to be one of the most competitive events at the national championship just swapping the national championship between a handful of athletes and so congratulations to these guys looking forward uh there’s no seniors in the top three so we’ll we’ll see these guys continue to battle it out for another year or two gosh I hope so that was an exciting Pall competition that’s all for the live action on the track we definitely have some award ceremonies to bring you still specifically the men’s and women’s 10,000 All-American Awards and we’ll jump back on the mics when those athletes come up but for now will and I are going to step back from the uh Doug Shaw Memorial Stadium here in Myrtle Beach thanks for joining us um for day one of some really serious action we’ll be back tomorrow and Championship Saturday so we’ll see you again for the 10K Awards but uh if you’re going to leave us now thanks for joining us and uh we’ll see you soon here’s for the Glory Days here’s for the Glory Days Easter put on 10 probably oh I need to find a ride home you going home with [Music] wow back ladies and gentlemen if you direct your attention to the awards stand where we will recognize the top eight finishers in this year’s women’s 10,000 meter run assisting with Awards is head coach at Live to uh the awards get handed out for the women’s 10,000 meter run we saw this competition play out a while ago and just just pretty rough condition so congratulations to these all Americans that’s Jenna Gerard from Williams on your screen taking the eighth place trophy over in the seventh spot in a time of 3557 scoring two points for hope that’s Rebecca Markham see a lot of these athletes doubling back in the in the 5K later on in these championships and six it’s going to be penel green from jio she scores three points for that Squad running 3556 in fth place with a time of in fifth place we saw this athlete commit to the early Pace fade a little bit but still rewarded with a with a great finish in fifth shayen hostager from wartberg and it looks like she’s not able to put any weight on that right leg right now so we’ll see how she comes back from this in fourth it’s Ali verb verbo if I’m mispronouncing that please let me know verbo Wei the in stadium announcer said so I trust you though yeah well we’ll take a we’ll split it uh from Edwood she ran 3542 in third it’s Riley buuse from Lewis and Clark scoring six points for that Squad she had a really strong close to finish third 3533 with a time of 3455 and 3455 from NYU the senior Grace Richardson committed to that early Pace um and she was rewarded with with a runnerup trophy here in the women’s 10K but here is the woman of the hour division three Legend getting a big hug from the coach here and and stepping up to that TOP Step Fiona Smith we won’t see the likes of her again soon well we will on the 5K but after that probably not not anytime soon from St Benedict’s Fiona Smith scoring 10 points 3427 is her Mark you’re all Americans and the women’s 10,000 meter run and we’ll be back when we get the men on the [Applause] podium almost almost one more well thing is I already [Music] had this chip hell yeah don’t n i I would look a reminder that the top eight finishers in the men’s 10,000 met run need to report to the awards Tech [Music] he [Music] my wa got for [Music] hend [Music] they [Music] now yeah in fire I [Music] oh El [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen if you would direct your attention to the award stand where we welcome back the live stream here at the 2024 outdoor track and field national championships for division 3 we’re here at the Doug Shaw Stadium Myrtle Beach South Carolina on a warm and muggy night to award the All-American trophies to the field in the men’s 10,000 meter run starting with eighth place he did a lot of the early leading it’s Charles namio from Williams Charles [Applause] Namo finishing seven in seventh place we saw him make a hard charge to remain in contention for an All-American award wearing a very kind of snazzy gold jacket there it’s manchesters Enrique Salazar running 3058 making the first move to kind of get things started there it was Isaac Wagner from Wisconsin lacrosse scoring three big points for that Squad he ran 356 finishing f with a Time fifth on a strong night for wartberg it’s Jacob green the senior he scores four points for them warning 3051 and your humble announcers have crowned him the people’s champ with a hard charge to latch on to that All-American pack mid race Mitchell Daly from RPI gets a hard earned fourth place to see how much it means to him 3049 five points for that Squad Wilmington Simon Hayes gets the third place Trophy this one means a lot to him a big breakout on the National stage and Shake there finishing second he seemingly had move after move in that 10K the young Tyler shermerhorn scor scores eight points for wartberg 3045 and the man of the hour making a dramatic breakthrough on the national stage backs up those seed times Spencer Moon from Simpson scores 10 points who cares 3041 he is your national champion in the men’s 10,000 M run and he finally gets that handshake from his coach just a such a special moment congratulations to this field it was a great race hope you were joining us for it and uh we really appreciate it and that’s all for a great night of action here uh thanks for joining me in the booth will we crushed it we’ll see you guys again tomorrow on Friday and again on Saturday that’s that’s all for day one of the 2024 division 3 outdoor national track and field championships good night


  1. My friends and I, almost daily bring up how we miss blackout. There were so many things we wish they’ve kept in warzone. Such as grapple guns, sensor darts and the mesh mines. 🌺💚

  2. Big ups to these commentators. They know their stuff, they cover the field, and they have fun. The big-time crews that do the D1 championships and the pro stuff could learn a thing or two.

  3. NCAA D3 Nationals Day 1 May 23
    Women’s Discus Podium 20:50
    Women’s 4x100m Prelim H1 33:10
    Women’s 4x100m Prelim H2 37:24
    Men’s 4x100m Prelim H1 42:42
    Men’s 4x100m Prelim H2 46:42
    Men’s Javelin Podium 48:20
    Men’s Decathlon 400m H1 51:18
    Men’s Decathlon 400m H2 54:39
    Men’s Decathlon 400m H3 58:15
    Women’s 1500m Prelim H1 1:03:08
    Women’s 1500m Prelim H2 1:10:06
    Men’s Long Jump Podium 1:15:35
    Men’s 1500m Prelim H1 1:18:23
    Men’s 1500m Prelim H2 1:23:41
    Women’s 400h Prelim H1 1:33:27
    Women’s 400h Prelim H2 1:37:57
    Women’s 400h Prelim H3 1:41:47
    Men’s 400h Prelim H1 1:46:36
    Men’s 400h Prelim H2 1:50:36
    Men’s 400h Prelim H3 1:54:15
    Women’s 200m Prelim H1 1:59:43
    Women’s 200m Prelim H2 2:02:35
    Women’s 200m Prelim H3 2:05:41
    Men’s 200m Prelim H1 2:11:49
    Men’s 200m Prelim H2 2:15:06
    Men’s 200m Prelim H3 2:18:30
    Women’s 3000m Steeplechase Prelim H1 2:26:46
    Women’s 3000m Steeplechase Prelim H2 2:37:29
    Men’s 3000m Steeplechase Prelim H1 2:53:13
    Men’s 3000m Steeplechase Prelim H2 3:05:25
    Women’s Long Jump Podium 3:15:25
    Women’s 4x400m Prelim H1 3:19:28
    Women’s 4x400m Prelim H2 3:26:22
    Men’s 4x400m Prelim H1 3:35:29
    Men’s 4x400m Prelim H2 3:42:15
    Women’s 10,000m Final 3:48:46
    Men’s 10,000m Final 4:29:37

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