RARE Golf Ball Hunting for Crazy Expensive Lost Treasures!

Today we are back with the Golf Ball Hunting videos with another amazing installment of golf ball hunting BINGO! We are out here at a beautiful New Hampshire course – Granite Fields, where we ran into the absolute motherlode with THOUSANDS of lost golf balls! I’ve got 25 cool and rare golf ball features we need to try to find out on the course today among the thousands of golf balls that we see and collect. Remember to show your support for golf ball hunting videos because I absolutely love them!

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Welcome Friends to muskrat link today we are back out here at Granite field we’re going to be doing a golf ball hunt today let’s go what on Earth is this I will catch him with my ball retriever back to back noodles there’s wild animals here boo there’s spiders here so I’m not putting my hand in it we found something cool there are thousands TI a rope for him in case he goes too far uhoh that’s what you get I never found one of these before today to is going to be so much fun guys this course looks absolutely beautiful you guys will have seen it last week already in our course Showcase in the golfing the granite state series I’m super excited to be out here again we got Pops here with me he’s got the day off pops you ready for some golf ball hunting I’m ready it’s beautiful out I mean it’s just spectacular the weather looks good the course looks great I think we’re going to hit some home runs today yeah everyone’s been absolutely great here so far I’m very excited to be out here like I said I haven’t seen it but you guys will have seen it already so we’ll probably play some golf ball hunting bingo so go ahead and throw that score card up there let’s get out there and see what we can find bonus points guys for Steve the starter he’s absolutely fantastic he was chatting with us for a while letting us know where the good golf ball hunting areas were he is a class A 10 out of 10 gentleman right there so I think we’re going to start out here on ho one because we do have some Woods on the right so we’ll go ahead and uh strap on the waterproof stuff hop into the woods and see if we can find anything right off the bat let’s go I will catch him with my ball retriever hello snakey boy he’s going well the woods on the right side of hole one here seem like a a great place to start I see a couple balls down here it might be a little bit older so pops and I are going to go ahead and start this off we got the Bingo sheet up here we’re ready to rock and roll this might be three within a club length right off the bat maybe that one was too easy for the bingo card we got a pinnacle oversized that’s interesting then we jump to a Titleist DT distance that’s old and then a little bit further down we get a titlist prov1 with the extra alignment Aid here from 2021 so that’s cool that checks off three within a club length and it checks off backto back makes cuz that is Titleist titlist right off the bat so uh I’m happy with that let’s keep going tidalist true feel JS logo not a brutal logo but uh definitely functional Callaway super soft ball hitting Bridge question mark are we going to die here too oh I found a pinky we’ve got it it’s a pink Callaway super soft that is the pink ball checked off the list let’s keep this thing rolling I think it’s Titleist of provie oh no it’s an older one NXT Tour s some down here buried in the ground Nike that one’s been there a while Nike 20xi X that’s an older ball this could be a brutal marking right here I see a lot of green that’s a suspicious amount of Sharpie on this thing oh my what the heck is this this one might be the most brutal golf ball I’ve ever seen it’s got these giant cues all over it what on Earth is this here I’ll bring it up for you guys you might get better definition here look at that that is horrible what’s up with all those cues there’s something to it but that is horrible holy cow yeah there’s a bunch of swamp balls in here uh swamp elicious noodle hey that’s one on the list noodle kaching shout out to uh Westbrook main Westbrook M got one here another backtack noodles what the heck the same guy hitting them in persistent here’s the issue we can keep finding these balls I don’t want to wash these balls these balls are going to be horrible but if they keep coming up good like this Titus prov1 I will keep finding them into the bag they go so much scum yeah you’re not making the cut buddy it’s Top Flight oh wait there’s one under this Branch I was just attacking it’s another Top Flight what the heck they called each other oh he’s deep in yeah you’re right yeah was it worth it NXT tour that’s a no go for that fox den fox den oh my God there’s wild animals here we could be killed I’ll take these golf balls though what are we saying a Callaway Max Fly Power Max and there’s another Callaway right up here which I will snag and add to the collection that’s a Diablo Tour the hole in one ball oh I think I see some red ones over there a couple good ones great density so far over here it might not be the most high quality balls but there’s a lot of them so so far so good looks like a Wilson followed by a Kirkland Performance Plus that’s a good one we’ll take that followed by a prov1 from 2021 we’ll take that followed by get the mud off this thing a pro1 from 2021 all right that’s better we finally hit the uh the urethanes we were looking for there that’s a good little haul oh I found a good one here we go it’s one of the fan favorites we got the Srixon qar tour divide looking absolutely beautiful here that’s going to check off the patterned ball off the list let’s go and then right on top of that we’ve got a whole bunch in here we got w a pink maxfly soft fly we got a Top Flight bomb and we got a red Callaway super soft woo nice little triple there’s a couple others right near here we can snag as well looks like a Callaway Michelob Ultra logo super soft I wonder if the super soft is going to be the most popular brand we find out here again because super soft was the most popular one last time we were out I wonder if it can repeat and go back to back it is a Titleist it is a 2023 sorry 2021 Prov one not one to be checked off yet but I’m going to get him and then I think I see a triple track after this come on buddy yep there we go got him on the retrieval he is a top flight boo with initials on it but that does not count as someone’s name unfortunately we’ll have to wait and check that one off later but this guy come on be urethane it is we got a chrom soft XLS absolutely beautiful nice little triple track there always good to find some quality urethanes all right let’s keep going yeah just throw it in your bag oh thank you oh actually it popped it’s a good one this is a refinished tp5x so this checks off the refinished thing on the list you don’t see too many refinish tailor Maids usually it’s the uh the provie ones that get refinished but uh that’s a good one we take those this one is underneath some heavy brush no one would ever discover him but we discover him what is he I think I saw Titleist he’s a prov1 2019 good check this out guys we got a little double yellow action here distance plus distance plus number one and number two guy had to go back into his bag to bust out the other sleeve and hit them both out here shame [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on a stick can you guys see this [Applause] [Music] [Music] we’ve got a little pile here that pops found while I was out searching distance plus yellow uh Muk ball Ram tour that’s uh that’s old we do have a Kirkland Performance Plus though he might clean up to be a good urethane some sort of logo here can’t really tell it’s too mudy maybe like a Top Flight D2 distance or something couple more top lights nice little velocity Pinnacle Nike tidalist DT roll and looks like a tailor made possibly tp5 yes tp5 that is a good one we will take that but I think we got to bring the bag back because we’re full up already this place has been super productive Let’s uh let’s take it back to the cart and wait what’s this okay we’re fine let’s go back to the cart and drop all this off just before that yellow tp5 good condition as well oh Titleist right here what are you Mr Titleist 2021 still haven’t hit that 2023 yet but oh nice little logo there as well decent decent stripes are good just an ERC soft we like the stripes though keep them coming check this one out ladies and gentlemen we found something cool very cool indeed this is a new ball from this year this is the tailor made speed soft there it is with all those kind of paint brush patterns all around it I was hoping I would find one of these eventually but today is the day we got the red and the black one that is super cool we’ve got a couple here we’ve got the maxfly tour C this is a nice urethane just sitting there with some cool markings on it as well that’s a really good one followed up by little Callaway warbird no problems there I think I see one buried halfway under this tree looks Callaway by the dimples can’t tell yet though oh there’s two here actually it is a Callaway Oro plus and then around the corner it’s a pinnacle pinnacle with some purple Sharpie on it Pinnacle gold all right and I don’t know if this counts you guys are going to have to be the judge of this but we have to find golf equipment right that’s on the Bango card what is this does this count as golf equipment sprinkler cover clearly the top of a like a sprinkler system access point and the rest of it’s down here together let see can we make an entire sprinkle head cover out of this one two kind of I think we’re still missing a few pieces but it’s pretty darn close there irrigation control valve I don’t think it counts we got to find like a club head or a shaft or something all right we’ll leave it here let’s go get some more okay guys what is this there are spiders here so I’m not putting my hand in it but it’s in the log oh my gosh I think this is a vice speckle that is not what I was expecting to see in a log yes it is it’s got a tiny bit of damage but check this out guys sticks it’s the Vice Pro speckly guy here absolutely beautiful it’s the blue and orange or blue and red speckle guy that is huge for us love finding those guys some good patterns here in the woods so far I saw a squirrel walking over there too look a sus he’s moving slow this guy’s mad we’re stealing his balls we need these brother it’s for the views he’s obviously a loyal subscriber he’s probably just saying hi Callaway super soft buried under the leaves is a Titleist ooh oh it’s a prov1x left Dash that is cool obviously these had a limited run originally and then they released them so they’re in tital List’s main lineup now but I was not expecting to find a left dash out I I think we’ve only ever found one before so that is pretty cool and I’ve got something for the bingo card here for you guys right here we have it’s a prov1x with some dots and the custom number 22 that is very cool these do not come standard you have to ask for them 22 custom number check it off the bingo card yeah 22 You Know Who You Are you know you lost it I hope you’re watching this if you are you better subscribe it’s here you better be everyone subscribed who’s watching this right check this one out guys this is a vulvic vivid it’s a yellow Avengers ball it’s got Iron Man on it we found a green one of these once at Newport but this is a nice yellow one no mower damage Iron Man on it vulvic Vivid Avengers combination that’s a cool one let’s go got one more little cash here before we maybe head on to some new spots we got a Bridgestone E12 bag is starting to get heavy again even after Popp dropped some off earlier you got that is a prov1 2017 pretty sure we got a Callaway super soft I see this red one that you guys probably been looking at got to be a super soft maybe super fast super soft got him there there’s one in the trees here I can’t quite tell what he is Callaway mower damage Diablo Tour oops I don’t have the GoPro one mower damage Diablo Tour that one is going to be checked off the list because we’ve got a mower damage ball on there so that is actually a good find despite it being a destroyed golf ball let’s grab a couple more here I see one in this Bank you guys definitely can’t see new ball let’s see what we got here Callaway Diablo Tour again back toback Diablo tours this is another brutal oh it’s Q again that’s another one with a giant Q on it what’s going on with this course man who’s q and we’ve got two right next to each other one is on the Bingo list for sure it’s the strata Super Range that is a driving range ball checked off list we are doing so good on Bingo right now and this looks like a provy it is a provy and it is a oh it’s too far blacked out I can’t see it but I can confirm this is a provy one from 2023 that’s another Bingo item checked off or List we have so many right now oh but we got to get back to the cart see it’s getting very buggy and we got more holes to go let’s roll seems to be a very common pattern of the day we got a distance plus with a logo on it we got a distance plus with no logo on it and then buried underground here could be urethane hard to tell o this is a cool one this is a Hogan ball it says the hawk on the side of it I can’t remember if these are urethane or not some of them are some of them aren’t from Hogan so we’ll have to check out the hawk later and see what it is but I like finding a Hogan I made an eagle with a Hogan once it a good day got a yellow guy here could be like a AVX tour speed NXT can’t tell survey says NXT Tour s that’s kind of cool older yellow Titleist is a good one and then there’s another one over here half a ball anyway it’s just a pinnacle gold but what does the other half say just a pinnacle gold out of the tree and into the bag a lot of those today lot of those might be it for this area all right let’s pack it up we’ll do a little bit more and then we’re out of here as we head to our next spot tap that subscribe button and share this video with a friend we’re on the road to 10K Subs this year and I’m so grateful for all of your support ladies and gentlemen we have found what can only be described as the motherload we found this beautiful Crystal Clear Lake I’ll put some footage on there now for you it’s obviously a nice man-made Pond I don’t know if the hip waiters are going to get us far enough out to be able to reach the golf balls but there are thousands out there there many of them are going to be Way Out Of Reach we definitely can’t reach them but if we can even reach like a couple hundred let’s gear up and let’s get out there and see what we can find I’m excited about this this is so cool I love this Lake in Cas he goes to we need a rope for sure he can swim I paid the swim lessons many years ago we need maximum extension on this one [Music] let’s go all right let’s rock and roll water temperature is feeling pretty warm that’s for sure so that’s a good start got an easy one here and it is a pinnacle I also don’t have a bag I guess I can’t really wear a bag for this so it’s obviously a lot deeper than it looks I thought I might be able to get way out to the end of the Rocks but I definitely cannot in this spot I can at least get the ones that are kind of close to the Rocks here tell made burner slimy let’s just see what the reach looks like here I even reach there oh I think I can reach there okay that’s promising let’s get this guy no leeches that’s that’s a good sign I don’t want no leeches nasty all right maybe I can get out to this ledge over here so many rocks tit this tour soft decent I think that’s pretty much going to be it I give it a look it is and no chance I might be a get that one right out there I’ve moved him this is impossible I’m trying to hit a moving Target that’s moving because of the waves and because it’s actually rolling we got him looks like a true feel yellow guy he’s been in there a while that’s for sure though how’s it going the fishing not bad it’s a little deep out there though I’ll give you my phone so you have it just in case I dump it which is like 15% chance at this point come on ball Titleist NXT Tour I want to find like One Premium urethane a cut that’s a new brand y well different than normal I should say Nitro uh-oh that’s what you get got him oh crispy tp5 here we got him Vice tour come on we need more urethanes man I see a socker ball out there guys I don’t know if I have the length to get to him oh he’s close and I got another like foot I can go here but it drops off fast that’s still okay this might be what we needed come on baby got the Go Pro on see if I can give you guys a little better view I think I can get him yes oh no no no no no no no do not go further soccer ball I think I got him I think I got him yes we got the Chrome soft soccer ball yellow and back rescued from the drink let’s go that’s a good one oh no he’s under the Rocks a I’m not going to be able to get him might be able to get this dude there we go he was a little far out unfortunately it’s just a Top Flight but Ball’s ball it’s a crayfish it was it’s a crustacean what’s he doing Mr Krabs there we go we got this guy boom Wills some velocity he’s free don’t roll out no no no no no no no no that’s right you roll back got him oh yes a Top Flight thank goodness who knows you might have a logo we need Kingston Fairways Golf Course haven’t heard of them aren’t we in Kingston uh we might be at East Kingston this course used to be Kingston Fairways maybe no all he said it was uh built new oh my gosh here it is how on Earth did we just find another q it’s another q ball ladies and gentlemen velocity Q that’s like the fourth one we found whoever this person is we’re going to have a dozen of their golf balls by the end of the day oh my goodness all right we got another one come on up baby what are we saying Pinnacle come on I’m grinding out here man give me a proy or something I will say though even though we’re not getting a lot of numbers cuz I can’t reach out that far this is super fun having the hip waiters on out here finding some golf balls Vice T probably the same guy who lost the last one it is a lot of fun it feels very golf ball hunting and it’s a beautiful Lake this is definitely a urane tp5 anybody oh tp5x let’s go that’s a nice one out of the pond he’s right next to my ball from right in front of the frog out from under his nose a Top Flight XL distance there’s another one right over here though snag this guy what are you Titus tors soft I think I saw a red one over here I’d like to get hello red ball oh yeah got to be a Callaway soft feel or super soft and it is a Callaway super soft wo one more right down in front of me see if I can get him out of here it’s kind of stuck under some rocks I got to wedge them he might a provy though guys I can’t tell Al it might be like an NXT Tour something or other we get him and he is yeah it’s not a Prov that’s for sure tors soft Quintana Supply and it’s got a phone number all right we just got out of the water and that was so much fun I just love that ball hunting experience it was so cool we got a great thumbnail for you guys as well so now we’re going to head down into the ditch kind of on the other side of the water here the water’s up there we’re going to go down here pops has got hiking boots I’ve still got the waiters on so I think it’s time for a nice little Montage I hear the music playing it’s a greeny we’re starting out strong let’s find some golf balls wait Pops I see I see a blue in there I’ll bring them right back I promise I have never found one of these before but it is a blue tiess velocity that is such a cool color absolutely lovely look at that color there beautiful now let’s get that Montage rolling yeah [Music] [Music] I found like maybe a 100 oh my God what a montage and with that we went back to the house to get our haul cleaned in inventory I once again Enlisted the help of my daughter who always seems to love washing them especially the colored balls I’ll share some extra cute moments here before showing you all the cool Treasures we found not pretty bad I what do you think yeah premium can I have another golf ball can I wear the hat yeah what do you think yeah thanks can I have another ball yeah this is the title is true F I’m finding some one it this I that one this one’s got a big letter on you know what letter that is C that’s right cute what start of cute quack that’s right nice cack another quack one another quack one that’s right this one’s got some f on it too let’s give it a little clean we had some pretty good luck out there on the course today with the bingo card but of course we’ve got more stuff that came out in the wash and here are all the golf balls laid out in front of you guys you got them all inventory but I want to show you guys the extra ones that we found for the Bingo cart and some of my favorites here as well because there’s a couple here that are pretty special first of all filling out the bingo card of course we have a green golf ball we’ve got a titless velocity here so we can go ahead and check that one off we found a couple different balls that had people’s names on them this one had a name this one had a name that says I can’t quite make it out there it’s blurred out a little bit but it’s got someone’s first name and then it says McAn Memorial golf tournament and then if that wasn’t good enough for you we of course have the name John Hancock is there a more iconic name to find on a golf ball I maybe tiger Woods I guess but like John Hancock is like the name right so that’s pretty cool and if neither of those were good enough we’ve also found a ball that said Victor on the side of it as well so we can definitely check that one off next for the animal I actually found a really cool ball this is a Monument Valley ball apparently there was a handful in this little collection that they released but this one’s got some sheep on it as you guys can see there in the middle it also has a plant but we found a plant one already I’ll show you guys that one towards the end but this is a pretty neat ball and sheep are an animal I wasn’t expecting to find on a golf ball so that’s pretty cool next up we’ve got our first blank of the video on the Bango card I didn’t really find a ball that I considered old I mean sure there are some balls in this collection here that are probably like 30 or 40 years old but I like to find ones even earlier than that I’m looking for like 60 70 year old golf balls with some really weird dimple patterns so we didn’t really find anything that fully fit the criteria of old golf ball so that one we didn’t find this week next up we’ve got the local course golf ball and we actually talked about this one in the video a little bit as well it’s the Kingston Fairways golf ball I wasn’t sure if this was the original name of granite Fields but it wasn’t dad was correct of course Kingston Fairways is actually a course that used to be an operation in Kingston so it had been shut down you know several years ago or something like that so it’s pretty cool we found a ball from a local course that is also an abandoned golf course now so that’s pretty neat next up for the sports team we actually found only one but it definitely counts we’ve got the co- Brown golf team labeled golf ball that is pretty cool we’ always get different golf balls in high school with our high school either logo or team name on them so we found a CO brown one out there today I think we did play them they were in our division in high school so that is pretty neat speaking of logos though the next one the double logo we didn’t actually find any double logos out there the closest we got was this one that has a logo on one side and then text on the other side I don’t count that as two logos because text versus logo sometimes the price is different if you want to put a logo on versus putting text on so we go for the full pure double logo when we’re looking for that Bingo point so this one does not count double logo not on the bingo card this week and another one I was really expecting to find is something with a date on it I found nothing with a concrete date nothing that said May on it nothing that said 2021 on it crazy I thought for sure we’d find one but hey that’s the nature of the game right so no date this week going back to something we obviously did find Orange golf ball we found a small handful of orange golf balls not a lot I think we ended up finding like three four or five something like that this time um so I went with the Callaway super soft here cuz that is a very nice bright orange then of course we have the equipment which pops and I found in the previous video outplaying the course I’ll go ahead and roll that clip now for you guys this is like the that’s golf CL leg of a c of AAG hey that counts a piece of equipment found on the course does that check a bingo card box send it off to the bingo card for next week let’s go yeah part of a golf bag I definitely count that as playing equipment from the golf course it would have been cool if we found something like a club head or something in the woods but maybe that’ll come up next week and finally for the bingo card we do have the plant I showed you this ball when we found it but I never checked it off the card because you couldn’t really see the logo when were’re out in the woods but it’s clearly got some palm trees on it so that checks that off the list so not bad on the bingo card this week but not a blackout either we’ll have to see if we do this again next week I don’t know maybe I’ll be able to put some of your guys suggestions into it I know you guys left a lot of really good suggestions on the last video so thank you for your support on that one that was pretty cool so yeah maybe we’ll put some of those into the bingo card next time get rid of some of the easier ones like yellow golf ball red golf ball and replace them with some of your guys more hard ones or maybe we’ll tweak it up a little bit and really put a spin on the Bingo idea and really make it interesting we’ll see but yes more golf ball hunting is coming your way and speaking of golf ball hunting interesting things we’ve got my favorite finds the day right here check these ones out I was hoping to find one of these it’s the tailor made speed soft this is a new ball this year I talked about it in the video but this is a really cool find it does have the different paint colors this is the red variant so I’m very happy we found this another really unique one we we found a vulvic vivid this is the Iron Man variant of course we’ve got the Avengers logo on the side of it we found the Hulk ball originally I think this is actually in two colors I think there’s a red ball with yellow text and a yellow ball with red text so again this one’s pretty neat I really like it one I wasn’t expecting to find out there is the prov1 left Dash we have only found one of these before so it’s really cool and surprising to see something with a little bit extra on it so I know it’s a mainstream Ball but it’s again very rare so it kind of took me by surprise when we found it out in the course and that’s always a good feeling to get in the videos right and this one is really cool it’s a Titus velocity that is blue the only other blue ball we have ever found in the collection was a Max Fly that wasn’t actually on camera in a golf ball hunting video we found it in I think it was my birthday video where I almost made a whole one with pops playing out in the par three course we found it stuck in the rocks that was the only other blue barall we found assuming you don’t count the Srixon divide that are half blue cuz we had found some of them but this one’s really cool title it’s velocity very neat this one has more of a cool story behind it so this is a ball I hadn’t heard of before this is the Callaway rule 35 so I did some research on this ball last night and it turns out they called it the rule 35 cuz when they were producing the golf ball there were 34 rules in golf They said rule 35 was supposed to be the unwritten rule of have fun right do all golfers follow that rule not necessarily but we definitely do here on muskrat links and this ball actually came in two different variants as well there’s a blue variant you can tell by the little Callaway logo up here the little Target thing up there I believe that’s the softer variant and then there’s a red logo which is the firmer variant as well and I think at one point this Callaway rule 35 was the most popular ball played on tour which is pretty cool so that’s one for the history books and lastly I found this strata I had no idea what it was you guys can see there it’s got all these little like skull and crossbone numbers on it so this is number one this comes from the voodoo collection which again I think is pretty neat it’s a ball I’ve never run into before and I always like finding stuff that is unique out there on the golf course that is it for all of this section now let’s go ahead and go inside and see what we actually found it is my favorite time of the video let’s go ahead and jump into the data here starting off with the granite Fields meta here this is all of the balls that we found we did in fact find 369 balls out there today which is awesome we didn’t spend too much time out there and we only went to a couple spots so that’s really cool it brings our collection up to just over 3,100 balls now and that being about 12% of the balls we found came from what we located out in the woods today and if we scroll most of the way down here we should get our value per ball which is bada bing 78 cents per ball that is definitely a little bit lower than our average I think our average is like 85 or 84 we’ll see on the next screen anyway and the total amount of money we found today was about $289 once again I don’t sell the balls we try to give them back to the courses donate them to Local youth groups we bring them back to the house for testing and chopping up and our compression and all that stuff so we have a ton of fun with all the different models and makes that we find so it’s pretty cool there we ended up getting 369 balls out there today awesome over on the quality side this is probably the most interesting data point we found out there we ended up with a lot less premium balls than we normally do we only had about 16 17% here when we normally average about 22% premium balls and as a result that made our good balls a lot higher so there were a lot of balls that weren’t quite premium but they were in good shape so they made it into the good ball category so we replaced a lot of the premium balls with good balls out there at Granite Fields today uh the junk was a little bit lower than average as well which is good so we found fewer Junk Balls at Granite fields and more good balls and fewer premium balls that’s kind of the pattern we saw out there today compared to our normal collection what we find on like the average course of New Hampshire as for the brands we have another interesting bit of information here of course Titus stays in the lead with about 27% then we jumped to Callaway and then the big three is definitely not the big three in our data here today tailor made which is usually in the three spot is actually in the four spot today with Top Flight jumping on here we found about 12% Top Flight golf balls a lot of Gamers a lot of D2 distances a lot of XL distances out there so I wonder if they sell a lot of top flights in the Pro Shop we’ve seen that before at Newport where they had a big sale on the what was it the oh it was the precept lates and we found a ton of lates out there at Newport we were like why are there so many lates out here the Pro Shop was selling them at a good price I wonder if Top Flight is a popular sale in the Pro Shop at Granite Fields but let’s go ahead and jump over to the model chart and we’ll see who won the race was it the prov1 or was it the Callaway super soft the winner is and it was only decided by one single golf ball is the Prov one we found 31 Prov ones out there to 30 super soft so again it’s a super tight race for the most popular ball we find out there and then dropping down we’ve got let’s see it’s the the Top Flight XL distance actually in third place which is pretty crazy prov1x right there and fourth plenty of velocities plenty of noodles plenty of Nitros the distance plus always a popular one the warbird tp5x the E6 tors soft Performance Plus the Kirkland and of course all the other little guys down there jumping over to the colors and the patterns next we actually did get a good amount of colored balls as you guys can see here our ratio is actually a lot closer to that 8020 mark that I like to see we found 82% or actually 82.7% had no color and then 17.3% did have a color or pattern which is cool that 17.3% is probably higher than our data base average which is nice to see we found lots of different things out there yellow being the most common followed by any patterned ball red pink orange green and a blue that’s right we found that one blue velocity out there today that was pretty cool all right let’s jump over to the prov1 I think by year and this is where the data is starting to get interesting we can start to notice some trend Trends here as we go kind of year to year season to season now that we’ve been doing this for a while so always the 2021 way outnumbers all the other ones but you can see here 2023 is starting to catch up I think we’re getting to the point where a lot of those 2021s are kind of going through people’s bags getting lost and then people are replacing them back up with the 2023 is what they can find in the Pro Shops obviously so we’re starting to see a kind of surge here from the 223s and then of course we go back 2019 how far can we go 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 any 205s no no 2005 no 2003s we do hit a 2001 which was in really good shape actually that was pretty neat and we found three total refurbished the refinished Prov ons as well that’s what the zero represents all right let’s hop back over to the big data sheet here the full database and show you guys what we got overall yep we can confirm over here that value per ball of 84 cents up there that’s kind of database average and then our average premium balls 21% good 45% and junk 33% so it’s cool to see some of these patterns and again I get this question asked in the comments a lot how do I actually value these balls it’s all based on what they sell for on third party websites and on eBay I kind of go buy the Dozen obviously if you sell a single golf ball it’s going to sell more than you would if you sold it in bulk like a dozen or two dozen or three dozen I found a dozen is kind of like the normal average based on the model of course based on the condition of course so I grade all of them myself and then I do my research and that’s kind of how I come up with all the pricing for the junk and the good balls and the premium balls and then some of them are one-offs that have to be researched a little more so things like specialty golf balls I’ll have to actually go on eBay and do some research and it might get a little higher value it might get a little lower value depending on what it is but usually if it’s something rare and I’m looking it up it’s probably going to have a slightly higher value but I hope you guys did enjoy this go ahead and tap that subscribe button join the Muskrat Links golf team today we’ve got so much cool stuff here on the channel give our other socials a follow as well we are starting to do some Tik Tok exclusive my brother is putting some really awesome content on there so make sure to drop us a follow over there on Tik Tok we are on the road to 10,000 subscribers and like I said to you guys if we can hit that this year we’re going to be opening up a merch shop as well I’ve got plenty of ideas cooking up we got some stuff in stock here already I can’t wait to do that so do your part cap that subscribe button share this video with a friend it is the best way you can support me and our awesome Journey here muskrat Links Golf but I think that going to be it for me have fun out there everyone [Music]


  1. i found a nice orange callaway superhot when i was playing today, also last summer i got one of those nice blue velocities bc a nice course near me that im not a member of sells them for 5 bucks beside the checkout lol my buddy spotted one from the golf cart he also found the green one in the fescue and gave it to me!

  2. I’ve got a challenge idea for ya, @Muskrat Links Golf See if you can find every letter of the alphabet on a ball in a day of hunting. It can be printed or hand written, but you have to find every letter of the alphabet somewhere on a ball. Bonus points if you find them in alphabetical order!

    Love these videos, for some reason it’s so soothing to me.

  3. Just fell into this world of collecting golf balls because I moved onto a golf course. I found 27 the first time I mowed my lawn. I can’t wait to find more!

  4. I just Went to my local golf course to look for balls with my friend and then I just randomly found a golden vice also love your vids ❤

  5. Sell them? Hell the premium ones I play, the non premium I hit at the range. That’s strange I find blue ones constantly. I’ve found about 10 speed Softs I just found the NEW Crome Tour. 👍👍 Can’t wait to test it.

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