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Neil Warnock – Promotion Delight & his favourite Cardiff players – View From the Ninian

View from the Ninian meets Cardiff City legend, Neil Warnock. The man who led us to Premier League promotion joins us to discuss his time at Cardiff City, his favourite moments, how to work with Mehmet Dalman, that Chelsea decision, and his upcoming tour.

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For tickets to his ‘One Last Time’ tour, coming to Cardiff on June 21st 2024, visit:

uh welcome back to the view from the ninon uh it gives me a great pleasure to introduce the man the myth the legend one of our favorite managers of recent times at carder City Neil waro Neil thank you so much for giving up your time and joining us today on on the view from the Nan um the best place to start is how are you doing how’s life been post aine and and congratulations on the new job you must be very excited to get started at toi yeah well it was only an off Chan meeting on a train coming back from London and one of the new owners um just said to me would you would you consider helping us out because we we’ve no experience of football on the board and and I just went to the couple of games at the end of last season and it was so exciting I really enjoyed it and I thought well why not you know I’m not I I won’t be managing I won’t have all that pressure I’ll help when I can it so it’s nothing no fulltime and I’m not getting paid for it I just wanted to help them out and uh and I’ve you know we we we picked a manager this week that I recommended to them so hope hopefully we can we can have a decent season yeah and it’s it’s a bit closer to home as well right no more traveling for you yeah that’s right closer um you know thinking about Cardiff City have you got your eyes on any of the the young Cardiff players to go in on loan there obviously we’ve seen Kieran Evans in in the National League this year doing quite well got links to the club still I assume any anyone tickle your fancy I don’t I don’t think I know enough about them if I’m honest what I would have to do is have a chat with the coaches are you with me and see about I’ll probably have a with Joe rolls as well because you know Joe’s still there he’s the captain is he I know he’s you know he was a super player for me Joe so I’m I’m sure he’ll give me a little bit of help if if if need be about anybody that is looking to come out because it is a it’s good for the youngsters to come and have some experience like that yeah definitely I think getting getting Men’s Football under their belt really helps them doesn’t it when they go back to their parent clubs yeah um and obviously the main reason we’ve got you here you’re heading back out on the road again for for your one last time talk um it’s coming to Cardiff on the 21st of June I you know the question we’ve got is this is this really it is this the end of of your tours and and and what could people expect from it it is yeah I mean it’s the I thought it’s appropriate that my last one’s at Cardiff and um and you know I mean we did have we had a great one uh early doors at Cardiff and you know but they they said that they’ve had quite a lot of request so um we said why not you know and uh I think it’s just one of those things I mean enjoy talking about my career and and then obviously the times at Cardiff and uh one one or two guests on the on the program on the show as well so it’s it’s such a special time for me and and so I I am looking forward to it it’s always nice to got still got a lot of friends down there in that area and um it’s a nice part of the country my daughter was there last weekend she seems to be going to C every other week every other week for a wedding or a Hu or something so you made a lot of friends in the area then I I I I I hear there’s there’s there’s some exciting news about the tour you’ve got a guest that you could potentially announce for us well I think when I was at Chef United I signed a few good players and one of the players I played that played for me was Rob pagee and um so obviously with been in cardi I spoke to Rob obviously sent him messages throughout the last competition and uh I was hoping that you know that they’ get through and um and then you know I just said to him I was coming to Cardiff would he like to come on to the come to the show and come on the stage and we could talk about a few different things are you with me um just to give the fans I’m sure they would like to know one or two things regarding behind the scenes in whale the whal setup as well you know so it seemed a good and he jumped at the chant he said he’d love to and uh you know when you’re busy like Rob it’s it’s really good that he he could take time out to come come on the show yeah that would be great um from our side obviously we can talk a little bit about more about cter City now and obviously there’s we’re forever in the news carder city with the managerial um hullo should we say um I I kind of want to go back to when you came into Cardiff really and obviously at the time that you came in Cardiff was was in in quite a strange position we come out of the red Kit all that kind of stuff and you kind of came in and unified the club but how was the club sold to you when you when you first came in as manager you know what were those first meetings like and and and what were you told about the club uh well I knew about this the shirt issue um I mean I I i’ actually i’ i’ actually had two there were two clubs that were after me at that time and um and a decent clubs in the leagues but it was never really concrete and and I spoke to me Dalman and he never said anything about what I liked about him me was he never said anything about uh will you come for an interview he he straight away said the job’s yours Neil we’d like you to be we’d like you to be manager and I I love that um and ever since that day he’s he’s been nothing but straight with me and like I said to you uh I know he gets criticisms like all the board do you know when things aren’t going well but for me he he was just I couldn’t have had the success that I had at Cardiff without him being right right in you know he was at the at the front of everything that I did really and uh yes I I owe M an awful lot but it was a it was because I met him they said could you come to have a chat with me and he was in London I was in Scotland at the time so uh I said to him yeah I’ll fly down tomorrow and we we agreed to meet at a gentleman’s club and then we were talking we were talking about what we were going to do and obviously by that time I think Vincent or somebody had found out that I was talking I think it was forest and somebody else Blackman or something like that and um I think they’d found out that I was talking to two of the club clubes and just Panic so we had a chat and then we were talk he went off to speak to Vincent and came back and said Vincent would like you to sign something so I said no no me you know so I put my hand out I said I’ve sh shake my hand and he shook my hand I said I’m from Yorkshire I said that’s that’s my signature that i’ me shaking my hand and I said to him having said that I’ve shook a few Chairman’s hands it’s cost me Millions over the years we had a laugh so I got there was a suret on the table I got the seret and I said I will become your manager Neil waro I said that’ll please that’ll please Vincent andet could be worth a lot of money yeah we had a laugh about theet I should be in a museum somewhere yeah um I I guess just jumping slightly ahead obviously you mentioned memt there and and being close to him do you still keep in touch with him and and I think you you mentioned it there about the kind of board getting criticism and obviously you you mentioned that he’s one of the best kind of owners you’ve worked with is is there something that potentially the fans are missing because obviously there is a bit of criticism of him but you know in your in your eyes it seems like he’s got the best interest of the club at heart oh he has I mean I thought he I thought he might have left a while ago you know but he he’s kept it all together really and um I mean I can’t I can’t speak hardly enough of him as I’ve said he’s he’s one of the best if not the best um chairman I’ve ever worked for and I can’t tell you what it’s like as a as a manager when you you’re trying to do things and trying to get things and who motivates the motivator yeah well that was me me was the one because there were a few dark times you know and uh he was he was always there um giving me sensible word not not nothing he never he was never dramatic he was always calm influenced and and I I you know like I said um he was one of the main reasons that we had success when we did that’s really really nice to he I think yeah I think there is some there is some love loss between um him and the fans and I think that’s you know it’s it’s nice to hear that Insight really um coming coming back to the tour you be obviously talking about some of your your times at Cardiff and some of the the players that kind of came and went during the club is there any of the players that kind of came in that surprised you and exceeded your expectations at the club and were there any players that you kind of think back and go God I’d love to have seen a bit more from him I know I I saw that question actually they sent me a few question that you might ask me but not really because if they if if there were a player that could have given me more they w’t they weren’t in the team yeah they wouldn’t they wouldn’t have been in the team so I don’t remember too much about that I remember players who probably weren’t um you know the top name but came through and did I mean when I came came to the club you know your Gerson of this world um were a manager’s dream yeah you know and and we had to stay you know we were in trouble weren’t we when I took over what with the the red shirts and everything else and I what I tried to do I tried to get the whole club together again I went out into the valleys really and I did a few clubs working Men’s Clubs and things like that talking to the fans CU yes I probably only talked to a couple of 100 but those couple of hundred would have told another couple of hundred told another and so I thought it was important to go and go out there and put the club’s point of view and I think it just brought us together and uh and I think you know we put to bed the the shirt issue and um you know Vincent Vincent realized he’d made a mistake in that respect but all credit to you know to him he you know he changed it and he took on board what we would what we were talking about and uh and then we went forward and I thought from that moment you know survival that year and then building the team um you know I thought it was was was great I mean the first week I brought it I came in I remember we played I think it was West bromage Alby in top of the league and uh I brought Saul Bamber and and Junior hoer who’d been waiting for me for three months now and were they were on the end of the phone and I said we might be going to Forest you know I’ll keep you in talking we might be going to Blackburn or whoever it was the other two and I’ll keep you in touch and course it got to September time and they were saying gaffa we got to pay the bills soon we need we need to be playing and then CZ the Cardiff thing I said right get on your bik you go down on Cardiff we’re going to Cardiff and C sa ended up scoring the winning goal that night the first game on television against no not not West Brom it was Bristol City wasn’t it it was Bristol yeah city which made it even better even sweeter for the fans and it was a it was a great night we played well we deserve to win um but it was great to see everybody together again and I remember looking round after the game when I went all around and clapped everybody and and I thought they’ve all gone home happy now they’re all they all know we’re together again and we’ve got a chance and it was a really special evening that yeah kind of set the tone for your managerial career at Cardiff God I’m sorry cut across you you’ve mentioned Vincent now you’ve mentioned MTH and we’ve seen since you’ve left Cardiff that other managers kind of failed to manage up in the club in some ways did you have a secret when it came to you know dealing with Vincent and the other directors like how would you communicate with them why did it work when you were at the club as opposed to some of the managers who’ve come in since well I mean unless you’re at the club you can’t you can’t really you don’t really know I mean I you know everybody deals with people in a different way really um I mean there were there were I can’t say there wasn’t difficult times um you know um but it was one of those things where sometimes I had to bite me tongue and and sometimes you know I lent heavily on Mt um because you you have to it’s not just card every Club has problems like that regarding managing upstairs and I think a lot of the younger managers now it’s probably more difficult than managing the team yeah you know it’s probably more difficult than and you don’t get any help um when you’re taking your exams and your qualifications you don’t get any help about how to manage upwards uh you’re really thrown in you know in the lions den really so I think you have to learn as you go on and and you know I I I tried to bite me Tong at times but I always trying to get my point over and um yes I didn’t I mean didn’t always get my own way I it was sometimes you know the reason I said about mem is if he didn’t think it was right he would tell me and you know and then we talk about it and and we wouldn’t do it if he didn’t think it was right whatever was I was asking and I think that’s what you want you don’t want anybody to be just a Yes Man or just you know agreeing with everything you say and I think that’s why we got on well because he’s that the club was the interest of the club was always at his heart and and it helped me in in those times and we’ve he about the people high up in the club here but to you was there any unsung heroes within Cardiff who don’t quite get the Limelight on or off the pitch um well there I mean there’s always a few of those in I mean I I don’t know what Steve’s other name was Steve but he was a security man um okay yeah he always used to show me in get me car parked and uh and then at the ground I I’d see him about different things and and I also saw him out out and about I don’t know whether Steve still working at the club but there’s always um you know some of the people that don’t get a mention but the the backroom it was pretty good atmosphere background you know in in in the uh the training ground anyhow um I don’t think kenu has as much to do uh now as he did you know when I when I was there um but can can was always you know coming in and out and and uh trying to work things out he he was always on the phone to Vincent uh and Steve Burley Steve Burley kept coming in and out and uh so there was a mixture you know the there was a a mark on on the um on the on the um media side was very good was very good as well so it was a it was um you know I thought there were some decent staff there if I’m honest that’s great to hear and to to jump a little bit bit of a segue back into like onfield um stuff was there a moment in that promotion season where you thought we’ve got a chance here was there like a slid IND doors moment where you thought we’re on to something special here as a squad um I just thought by the end of the previous season and and and the the players we brought in uh I remember remember coming down to Cornwell where I sat here now and having a we played a few games and then I had a barbecue at the house here and funnily enough the the Huddersfield manager that’s just left Huddersfield said that we the Huddersfield team weren’t very fit because all they did were go in pubs and have and play golf and uh insinuating that that’s all I did he never mentioned that when we played he never mentioned that when we played Leicester city the third game this season the St man said gaffa it’s the most any team of Huddersfield have ran in three years wow that’s how unfit we were so perhaps he should have gone a bit more in the pubs and played golf um in that respect um but no we had a barbecue down here and and we had a bit of fun with a chipping a few golf balls Etc and I just had a chat with him and I just told them all that what we had was was becoming special the dressing room the spirit the characters we had you know Morrison we had we had you like I said Gunnerson we had we had people that you know I thought we’re going to score goals and make goals and and we just seem to have a good blend and and I said listen i’ I’ve had a few promotions and when I look around at you guys sat here today I know we’ve got a chance everybody’s got to do I’ll fall out with some of you during the season you’ll my door will always be open you’ll be able to come ask me why I’ve done this why I’ve done that we’ve got to keep things together but the one thing we have or we will have that other teams won’t have is that team spirit that we’ve built now over these last few months and the ability that’s in that this squad now I expect it to come out and uh when things are bad when things are doubtful on the game we have to hang in there grit our teeth that’s what the championship’s all about and that’s what we did basically I could see everyone of the players around that barbecue area every one of them was eyes were up looking at me there were nobody looking down at the ground thinking oh wish we can get out here everybody were really clued into that and um and then I thought I remember saying uh to jeo and Blackie I said we got a chance this year we’ve got we’ve got to overcome there’ll be there’ll be a bit few more favorites than us um but we’ll we’ll have to overcome that but we’ve got a chance and and you know it just went from strength to strength what was that like that obviously you talk about the favorites Fulham were were breathing down our neck for most of that season and obviously went to the final day what was that that you know that feeling like for fact I you know I still remember it now I remember running onto the pitch and being so excited what was that feeling like for you guys as a team obviously you say it was a special group it just looked like such a sense of relief from you guys that you actually done it oh well it it was relief no he wasn’t I I just think that um you know I mean sha shaan upset me because he when we played I mean Derby County we should never have had the game called off snow game yeah we saw somebody I sent somebody down to the ground early morning and they were shoveling snow into a mountain of snow in the car park with a with a with a lorry in that they were shoveling snow and then they were taking pictures of the stadium behind the the big mounds of snow no well I mean the pitch was playable and then I mean Gary rowt told me a couple of years ago that they got the game off because they had major injuries they had a lot of injury problem and he he told me they got the game off and um but and I knew that and that’s why I said all right I want Sky interviewing me on the pitch you know when I went down and they did and I mean the pitch was it it was faral but then sha went on the internet having a little bit of a dig at their players famous video oh my goodness me so of course we played Derby and they’re all fired up because of this video and they ended up beating us didn’t they I mean they shouldn’t have beat us they shouldn’t have beat us but we conceded sloppy goals and so it it put it all on and I thought In fairness to Shan I think he knew he’d let the lads down doing that but then we went to Hull City after that and he I mean out of nowhere don’t ask me why Morrison Center off he’s running through and scoring a great goal at whole city it just almost felt like he had to do that after what he did against Darby you know incidentally Shan’s coming to the show as well um he’s coming to the show so I’ll get him up on stage as well sure he’s got a few stories in that that year um so it was um but it was you know I I thought at whole city that we we were going to go up um everybody thought I don’t you remember but just coming back to me now Fulham played Friday night before we played Saturday they should have the other team I can’t remember who they were who they were playing against but the other team should have had two penalties it was a disgrace it was an absolute disgrace and fullam ended up winning the game so we had to get a result against Hull and so it made it even more difficult so when we won against Hull I I thought to myself we we we can do this now this is it now that that was the result for me of the Season that that reassured everyone that yes we’ve had a little bit of setback but we can carry it through now and and I thought we did and really beating Hull I thought that killed Fulham because I think FH I think it knocked the stuffing out of Fulham that because they be they knew they shouldn’t have won that game on the Friday night and then for us to to beat Hull who who That season had beaten all the top five teams at home they’ve got a great great record at home yeah and the the fans that night at all I can hear them now and the noise they made at all was unbelievable the bluebirds and uh it just seemed to it was almost like something out the theater at all it was sort of planned and and then I mean I can see the lads now running over to the fans at the end of the game and the Euphoria and it it was really the special that was the special night for me the whole city one yeah I can I when sha scores that that second goal the noise from the fans I can still hear it now it’s like it breaks the speakers it’s so loud yeah it was and you can’t unless you were there you can you can never you can never sort of try and explain what it felt like it was it was UN it was not natural it was like the decb the decb were everywhere weren’t they and the noise yeah volume I mean not just the players but the relief for the fans as well you could almost see the sigh of relief from all the fans you know that were in that stadium that night and uh I’m sure that would be a journey home to remember for a lot of the fans or forget depending on how much they drank yeah that I think a lot of cter fans still ha back that’s probably the best away end they’ve ever been in because I went to that game myself and I think you touched up on it there I think it was the sense of a relief where it became real that day I think as soon as that second goal goes in it was that kind of it dawned on he was like oh we’ve got it’s happening it’s happening so yeah it was a fantastic day and because of that I mean I’ve got I’ve got Goose pimples now talking I’ve got gooseb thinking about it and uh and it was um was just the way everything panned out that the you know everybody expected full on their wage Bill were massive they had some great players um and then they wouldn’t go away but we wouldn’t go away and and so you know over that 48 Hours where they should have got beat and but they won for whatever reason um putting more pressure on us and seeing our Lads come out and play against that pressure and even you know and like Shan I mean like you say when he scored that goal I could believe I had to look twice to see who it was um but in a way I thought it was Poetic Justice because you know he’d put us through the Derby County thing and I thought I think he owed us all one of those it’s funny because I think those the Derby County video and the H goal are probably two of the most memorable moments from That season but obviously for very different reasons and it’s interesting here how they combine together because I hadn’t I hadn’t made that link yeah yeah blinking I I could never never forget that link because I remember saying what have you done Sean stirred it all up you know all their were up in arms and wait till wait till you come up and play the game and you know um but anyway not to worry it all turned out well um jumping slightly ahead to then that Premier League season obviously it’s probably something you’ve talked about and something you could still talk about forever but obviously there’s a lot of focus on refereeing decisions at the moment but that Chelsea decision is probably the most memorable moment from the end of that season and obviously your reaction spoke for itself on the day but do you still hold anger over that because I mean as cardi fans anytime there’s a v decision we talk about that decision because it still rankles with us so much but I wondered if it was the same for you if it still kind of keeps you awake at night shall we say I I don’t think there’s I don’t think there’s many days that I don’t think about it if I’m I can tell you now Greg porson referee Ed smart the linesman I’ll never forget his name Ed SM and I remember going into his his room and and he sat down there and I remember saying to him why did you know it’s so obvious he’s offsite yeah I got slightly blocked and I said but you don’t get paid to do that such an important game and I remember him said well you know and and it didn’t seem and I just said to him you ought to come and walk in my dressing room now and see those Lads the Desolation that you’ve caused by not doing your job because we’re going to get relegated now and you know and that goal would have kept us up we’d have won that game and and I looked at him and I thought well what chance have he got really so i’ I’ve been saying about V since then and um but what a mess it is is it I mean yeah D me I mean V until they get rid of referees in the or they have other people that have played the game in stockle park I’m afraid we’re going to get this and you can’t sell celebrate a goal now can you no it’s you can’t I mean where’s the where is it now I mean the the centry man united Cup game you can’t tell me that’s offside 100% oh I know coventry’s go if that was at the other end that would have been that would have been a goal I don’t I don’t I don’t agree with that mate so V they’ll have to change I feel sorry if Howard web but they’ll have to get people in that’s not play that’s played the game Sorry so I you say it’s a good idea isn’t it but it’s badly implemented is that the kind of view yeah that’s that’s exactly very very nicely put that young working coms um the one final question on kind of your time at cardiv I think you know we’ touched upon a lot and just then but obviously is is there one moment that was your favorite part about managing Cardiff and I think we’ve talked about you bringing the club back together and I think from a Fan’s point of view we’ll always be grateful to you for kind of reuniting the club and then taking us on that Journey that kind of gave us some of you know especially my I can speak for myself in my lifetime so of the best experiences I’ve had as a Cardiff fan but is there something that you you hark back to that is that kind of like one moment as as a Cardiff manager that stands out no I think I think you’ve mentioned the the the main I mean I have to say the um the final whistle against Bristol City in the first game because I knew how important how important it was for the two new Lads for the team that are not been doing so well against the local Rivals who expect to win that night really I knew how important it was for the whole club to to to go forward and so that was an important part but mozza’s goal against Hull um you know I knew we were going up then but when that second goal went in and I knew we’d go up and uh so that was a special a special time really um I mean there would have been other games I you know I’ve forgotten a lot of what went off um you know that we had we had all sorts happening didn’t we yeah and uh and so it was there were such a good group of lads an honest group of lads you know I mean you know what Joe rolls Joel rolls is like I mean I think the game before I took over he played left wing at Burton Al he said he played left wing and I remember you saying to me um they got beat two-nil I think at Burton alvia and uh I watched the video I saying to him don’t think you’re a Winger are you no no I don’t think I don’t think I said well you won’t be playing on wing for me you know and so the the whole you know um and now they you know they’ve changed the squad haven’t they I mean they’ve got some decent players um I’ve always I’ve always loved Ken mower he’s always been one out of love footballer love to have played he’s my kind of player always looking to do something positive he’s a bit a little bit unfortunate with injuries hasn’t he um really but I I’ve always loved loved him I’ve tried to sign Mee um at the start of the season I spent a lot of time on that really but he said he in the end he said that he felt the Cardiff project was better and all credit to him I mean I only I only managed six five or six games so it was the right decision for it I told him it’s a good club I said it’s a good club um you’ll enjoy it I like the lad the young lad Rubin I like cwell I think I’d love as a manager to uh have a go motivating ruin to do a bit more because he’s got so much he’s got so much in his locker I feel there could be more to get out of him um so I’d like to have had a go with him I think I think mcginness and and per and steady steady edies I don’t I don’t think there’s a lot wrong and I know Callum Robinson works hard up front in that area so and it’s not you know it’s not been a bad position to finish in you know you’ve not been threatened with relegation you’ve not quite got there there was one stage I thought you could have got in the playoffs yeah and then you lost a couple on the Trot and then it was always going to be round about 10th wasn’t it where did you finish up it was 12th in the end 12 but you know it’s a lot worse I do like I don’t know and I don’t know what’s going to happen with the manager but I do like I met him and had a good chat with him and I have to say I thought he was very very nice very very nice to talk to and you could see the frustrations at times are you with me um but that’s what we are all like that when we’re in a job you’ve got the frustrations and you’ve got to deal with certain things and and what have you um but I did I liked him I thought you know decent decent guy and got a chance really and I know the lads The Lads like him don’t they yeah they seem to have bought into it Go time I you you touched on eret they you know and it’s still a bit up in the air with the managerial situation it’s not quite nailed down yet and did you ever have situations like this going into a season and how did it affect like the prep the season ahead you know potential signings planning preseason tours how what was it like as a manager in a situation like this um I I don’t think I’ve ever had a situation like that I think I’ve always known I’m going to be there are you with me or I’ve gone gone already I don’t think I’ve had a situation like this if I’m honest um I’m sure I’m sure between them they’ll probably know what’s the what’s going to happen now um and I’m sure they’ll they’ll announce it you know whenever whenever the it feels the right time really um I I’m personally I hope he stays because I’d like to see him I’d like to see him become successful really um but you you just don’t know him football yeah I um we just got a couple more questions though so we’ll we’ll we’ll keep it for about five more minutes and then you can you can get on with your day um I guess obviously looking ahead to to talking more about you as a as a person you you kind of you’ve been in football a long old time you’ve managed all over the country and all that kind of stuff but you’ve kind of worked through football before social media and now during social media and you’ve become a bit of kind of like a social media celebrity um and I just wondered how you know there’s so many different videos of you kind of you know when you speaking into muskat you that’s a muskat in London you’ve got the disciplined um all that kind of stuff how do you feel about being a kind of you know you call it a meme whatever it is but this kind of new age social media celebrity I I think it’s great I mean some of those videos are hilarious I mean I am know when I I went to St Andrews to watch the golf last year and uh we were up in this a box because I and and between the 16th and 17th old so the players came down in front of us and then they teed off to the next one round this hotel for the and course after every group had gone over the lads would the fans would come over the they let them across you know the number I mean I didn’t realize but the number of grouped of boys Lads you know um I’m to talking teenagers early 20s and that are you in man you got to die for three point you know and you know um and I put me thumbs up and that I I never I never envisioned anything I mean I do enjoy it like I did a I did a golf one with my son my son’s a good golfer now and we did one with Jimmy Bullard with the oh yeah the tubes one and I said listen I’ll do it but I’ve got to be myself because I I tea off the fairways you know and if it’s a difficult line in a bunker I probably put a tea down as well you know and I I go off the ladies tees so um you know it’s it’s but we had a we had a really good laugh and I think I think what I’d like to think is that I I do make people smile and that’s what I try and do really there’s enough you know enough bad stuff around is there I like to try and make people smile and and the social media but I mean my son William he’s he he enjoys it you know because it’s entirely different to him he’s such a good player he’s like poetry and motion when I watch him I caded for him last week uh I can no off the fairways for him I only just made 18 I only just made 18 so get a bit old for that there um we wanted to do kind of a couple of quick fire kind of questions and then we’ll just go come back and touch on the tour at the end so so you can give that a proper plug at the end so we had um sort of five quickfire questions we wanted um you know this all that so we’ve got Shawn Morrison or Soul Bamber oh neither I won’t I would’t have either of them uh we got uh Ronnie Jepson or Kevin Blackwell I wouldn’t have either of them I can’t pick between either of them uh Vincent tan or me dman well obviously me I you know I mean Vincent he was he was always there Vincent and but we I did have a lot of dealings with him because it was mem that took the you know the the work the workload off him really uh Umar Nas or Robert glatzel unai what Nas Striker we had on loan from nass sorry never know how to say his name and and or who Glo yeah dear me not much between them is there i’ I’ve never seen anybody like nasu before in fact somebody mentioned him odfi and I said no thank you everything right got to the Penalty area well he wouldn’t shoot yeah i’ never I’ve never known anybody he got ability he could go past P but when he got to the box he never had a shot he was past everything sideways and we used to do it in training look just do sh just go but when it come to a game i’ I’ve never known anybody like him if I’m honest um fascinating football is strange really uh and then the final one we had Peter Whittingham or ad wrapped well there were there were different players w wit had a great brain on him W which which could do things he made the game simple when I was a young lad I used to look at Bobby Charlton people like that and I used to think oh they’re not very they don’t run about do they you know lazy aren’t they but they’re not lazy they just move because they know where to go to pick the ball up to do things wit could put the ball on a Sixpence I mean you know if you got a free kicker around the Box you always thought he were going to score or you know Corner kicks and that he was and it was a nice lad and all it was such a tragedy that Adele was a bit of a likely lad uh you know when I first met Adele his first training session it was a red H day he had black gloves on and the guy the guy said he’s from Morocco GA for Tottenham you’ll get you the sack him you don’t want to know him and uh but I took him on board and and it was at Cardiff that I knew we would get promoted when I was at QPR God yeah because um uh I can see now bellam me and oh what’s his name the striker big Botho Jay yeah um who played for me as well uh those two I mean he had a team then didn’t you and you went in front twice and Adell pulled two goals back the second one he took a corner I can see it there took a corner show got it back come round Edge it box and top Corner oh my goodness it could do anything Adele and I I went with him for one year I couldn’t and even now he still I mean I got him a great contract at Benfica on the strength of that and then even last year he texted me to say I’m never been fitter and he did look fitter but I text him by I can only manage you once Adell never again um and then just just to round it off obviously you bring we’ll come back to to the tour you’re bringing your tour back to Cardiff obviously so much happened at your Club you know what what kind of things can people expect to hear obviously we talked about Shawn morison and Robert pagee being there is there things that you’re going to talk about the fans be not have heard before obviously don’t give too much away we want people to buy tickets but just things you’re G be covering obviously I’ve already been at cardish so yes there’ll be certain things about me my life and my career Etc but I thought it was good to um to to get other people up there you know like Rob page and and and and one or two other Lads um just to have a chat with them and what they felt about Cardiff are you with me and and you know Rob in Rob’s case whales uh in in in general because you don’t you never really get to listen to people like that in a relaxed sort of environment you’re always microphone up your you know and it’s always a question to get the answer that they want in it you know so it it’s nice to relax and and uh the good lads as well nice Lads so it it’ll be it’ll be interesting now there’ll be there’ll be a lot of new stories that people haven’t heard great um and then I don’t know if this is something saving for you tour but rounding off about Cardiff is there do you have any regrets from your time with the club or would you do something different this time around if you got another chance I don’t think so I mean obviously the Emiliano yeah was a I don’t think anybody realized how much damage that did to everybody because you know having met him and all the lads met him you know everybody still has the still has the the thoughts and and you know I do think that if we’d have had him we’d have stayed up you know but that’s all because we we weren’t far away I know I know the V against Chelsea but you know I’m sure he would have contributed you know the go goals wise because I think he was the second or third highest goal scorer in the European leagues at that at that time yeah so it’s I mean that I mean that will never go away um that was probably the most difficult moment in my career really um but no I think I don’t think I think every time you go to a club you have yeah when you leave it you have regrets or you have memories or what have you but you know I’m I can see Vincent now on the shoulders running round on the pit going round and his F and I know I know listen it’s hard for an owner um but I I know that he wanted the club so much to do well are you with me um but and to see his face being carried around on that you know that last game I thought was really really special that and uh you know I just feel the open top bus ride you know never forget that around every everybody turned out in the thousands didn’t they it was amazing around every corner it was somebody different and I just things like that you never forget so I’ve got great memories and you know and always you know it’s always yeah that’s the funny thing about the iol it’s one of the most unique things because wherever you go if you see another card fan you can just go like that and they instantly know who you are it’s brilliant um well that’s that’s thank honestly bit of privilege talking to you you know not to be a ding fan but will you get down to the show yeah we’re coming to the show we’re talking to um is it Steve from the veil who’s kind of involved from your side come earlier you know come earlier and have a chat before the show you know there’ll be that be fantastic inent invited guest then so yeah look forward to seeing you both yeah look forward to seeing you again thank you so much for your time it’s been bril talking to you cheers Ben


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