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Reaction to Tom Brady saying he regrets agreeing to Netflix roast | Nightcap

Shannon Sharpe, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, and Gilbert Arenas react to Tom Brady’s recent appearance on The Pivot podcast, where he stated he regrets doing a Netflix roast after jokes were pointed toward his family. Unc, Ocho, & Gil discuss Brady’s decision to get roasted, knowing his personal life would be the topic of conversation.

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hello it’s your favorite sports Unk here don’t forget to hit that subscribe button to join the fastest growing community on YouTube Remember night cap doesn’t happen without you so please subscribe or you’re going to make oo cry Tom Brady has a few regrets about agreeing to be roasted on his Netflix special and how it affected the people that he loved this is what he said on the pivot podcast I love when jokes were about me I thought they were fun I didn’t like the way it affected my kids it’s the hardest part the Bittersweet aspect when you do something that you think one way then all of a sudden you realize I wouldn’t do it again because of the way it affected the people that I care the most about oo what did I tell you did you see the way he was sitting there hey see that’s a old school roast that’s the way that’s the Dean Martin when they had Don Rickles when they had all those guys and that thing see a roast if you’re not they’re like if you’re not doing that that ain’t no roast yeah that ain’t no roast unless unless you like God I sure hey I sure hope they uh uh don’t Castel such and such they tow his ass up yeah Hey listen that’s that’s what a roast is and I’m glad they had a roast to that magnitude and a roast that was that VI where everything was a green light and nothing was Untouchable except one thing and obviously I I don’t I don’t want to bring that up because it it wasn’t allowed to be touched during the roast but other than that everything is everything is a go that’s what made the roast that great Tom Brady was paid a significant amount for this roast yes so whatever’s wrong with him whatever’s wrong with the kids based off what was said at this Roose they G they gonna heal up just like Wolverine you should have thought about that before you took your ass and took them people money you didn’t think oh you care about the most so you didn’t think they gonna hit on jaelle you didn’t think they gonna hit on Mr Crow coach bich oh yeah now they didn’t say anything directly about your kids but you best believe anybody that you’ve been affiliated with they say about your mom they said about your dad but they G to tell your wife ass your ex-wife they G to te her ass up yeah and they going te your ass up Tommy Tommy knew come on come on now you know you know Tommy Tommy knew what time it was he understands what goes into a roast he’s been around long enough to know what what goes and comes along with something like this and honestly it was it was great it was great it might be probably one of the best watch roast and I know I’m sure a lot of people are happy that the the the py type of culture and and the people that are offended all the time was out the door Noah because here’s the thing we it roasted in a oh he roasted him we changed the term we started call it joaning Joon he yeah but you have to understand all of that is fair game all everything that you’ve done is going to be on full display what you thought they were gonna talk about Je oh yeah and she got a new man yeah and it’s been reported that she had this man while she was married to you and you didn’t think they was going to touch on that so you thought all they was gonna talk about is you and your foot man stop it you can’t be that naive that’s why I say I wouldn’t take my ass there and sit down because you know they gon a they gonna get my my brother go a of course it’s just like anything even if somebody say something about you that impacts your kid remember what I told yo when they be playing with my name and yeah I said that’s my kids my kids hear that they calling me my sister my mom no I already know no D can’t put I’m good man now me and the boys we get together Gil I would tear their ass up don’t give two shits about what they said on that he had a ball I listen I I I want I want I want to say that I think I think on on the platform with the pivot he had to say that stuff but knowing Tom the way I know Tom and the Tom that I know outside of in front of a goddamn camera man Tom don’t care nothing about that [ __ ] man but that’s the part about roasting Gil it when we we say a whole bunch of stuff Ain’t No cameras around yeah but when them but the camera you like man she talk about hey she talking about how her boy her new boyfriend could whip your ass while he eating her oh Lord he don’t he didn’t care that’s that’s what you do now to pretend that oh because that he was glad that they roasted that that woman he was that they that woman he is saying it now because she’s affected which affects the kids now so he wants to go in like yeah I’m I’m kind of disappointed but that’s the point happy that happened the kids didn’t know that the kids didn’t know that that man pulled that much meat out their mama of course she was married to their daddy come on oh Jo that P that me out her y’all better stop playing Gil but that’s why he’s pretending that he’s sad he he knew what he knew what was coming he knew his he knew that woman was about here the but here’s the thing though Gil Tommy Tommy Tommy playing chess not Checkers man Tommy chess y’all can say he play chess all he want to that hurt you married you Tom Brady you the greatest quarterback and man y’all better stop playing the greater the hey hold on hold on oo what did we say the greater expectations the greater the expect Tom Brady so if Tom Brady if Tom Brady could get cheated on who can’t get cheated on and but who did it make look bad not him they roasted that woman badly hey hey and they say Tom you throwing touchdowns and somebody was and somebody was playing golf yep you hey you got a you scor one and somebody put a hole in one yeah she she got hey remember remember what I told you the other night yeah remember no hold on now hold on because you told me you told you told me what remember what I told you about managing your expectations so situations like that don’t bother you you can’t you [ __ ] me yes you can no you can’t not when you not when you married and got kids oo you say that you have expectations for real boy hey boy hey I’m would have to come down to Miami cuz you on crash out man stop playing no choke come on it already happened two years ago now oh that was two years ago what I’m saying is when you watch it the world is looking at her like yuck you [ __ ] up not him you did you left damn near an Advan scuba divver with a black belt here’s the Gil here’s the thing as long as nobody knew the whole world the world knows the world knew no they didn’t who [ __ ] me they didn’t they didn’t know this was going on at the time [ __ ] me the kids what I’m saying is the kids didn’t know so now that the kids is calling like Hey Dad is this true oh yeah you know I’m just you know mad that the kids infected he don’t he didn’t say jezelle no but who look look Mr look like look here like Mr Kraft you can’t you hey they went to where they went with that you do about that hey hey I’m sorry hey I’m g go up there hey man leave that alone cuz you know I’m saying I’m sure they were look they were certain parameters that they were given now obviously they did a job they didn’t bring the kids in we want to protect the kids hey leave the kid hey leave the kids alone now the kids alone but they left Mom they left dad alone we gonna leave them alone yeah but boy everybody else that close to you get it think about what you said uh here’s the parameters leave the kids alone leave dad Alone Now go to work hey hey y’all y’all can get her she can we talk about your wife hell yeah hey but but I I think the thing is is that like but but at some point in time now you know there’s an expectation of like hey hey hey oo now I don’t gave you I don’t I don’t I done been on the back burner you told me that you coming home for 13 years you say hey one more you ain’t coming home oh you got film study he got film study Hey Hey listen you do a roast about me I’mma say this hey kids off limit here’s some Elmo goam it do work and then when it’s all over I’m going to do the same thing yeah you know what I mean I kind of regret that the kids infect I’m lying I’m BL g g Gil gave Gil gave us most of the good ammunition giving you all the ammunition he handed he handed us the [Laughter] gun I look man look here I just think the thing is man It’s just tough to like to like I’m okay cuz you know like I said we’ve all been a situation had some do something Reckless hey because see when you when you when you private with it you can deal with it in private when you public and the world know everybody walking by you like damn y gonna beat the brakes out your beat the brakes off your wife hey Gil now you know how it goes when somebody somebody girl a why get caught and you know like damn CU we had had a homeboy in college got caught dude dude didn’t play no Sports got caught dude on the football team dude in there beating the brakes off in the door so you know me hey sharp you hear what happened now what happened man you ain’t heard by last night bro what sh ain’t nobody told you so now you so now I have said it three times I don’t know what happened man you sh you mean to tell me I said bro stop that bull job now I don’t know what happened you mean to tell me ain’t nobody told you yet so now I’m hot man what the hell happened man such and such up there beat the brace off his girl I said for real so you know me I get hey I get dressed I’m waiting for him to come in I wait for him to come into the locker room Oho I said hold on you let such and such and he don’t on the football team and you let him beat The Brak beat the back at your girl oh I’m up next man go ahead man hey I say hey oh I say hey Co I’m next cuz you know I’m the Big Man on Campus you let him do it oh I’m definitely come on man Let It Go man so you know we joke you know how it is hey them oh them jokes to the flat now in the Lo we stretching we in the line stretching so I tell I said hey you let old boy do that oh I know I’m coming off the top rope tonight I’m be so he get up out the line we stretching he come up there hey man man you need lead I say bro look here you better go get your ass back in line so your girl got up back beat out you get about to get your ass toore up that’s a terrible combination hey B you bet C you can’t let us know Gil you cannot let us know no but I don’t care once I’m done I don’t give a [ __ ] what y’all do after that oh ah what you mean you a done you that’s your girl I just saw yall holding hand and and go to the cafeteria walk you not done you done after after that dude don’t pull that much meat up out but before then you before then you wern’t done remember I can get a new one H that’s okay listen the NBA listen NBA you got a girl you got a nice little girl R to day tomorrow somebody else you got to be able to move on your swivel you got quick but I oh but see but see listen everybody got that one yeah you might have the a you got but you got a favorite car you like to drive that’s your favorite car hey you know look here everybody all athletes know you try to put one on the shelf that can’t nobody reach but you Jing hey they can tiptoe they got Deep Pockets they can reach up there and get a g you know how it work you put it on the Shelf up there H cuz he you put it on the shelf and you make it exclusive they going to tipto they hurt it hurt even more he they gonna tiptoe but look uh this what we got to really think about with that this is pre-recorded right this wasn’t live this pre-recorded I think it was live was it live this is pre-recorded this wasn’t this is pre-recorded which means he already heard the jokes that means if there was something in there he didn’t want in there he would have had it scrubbed right yeah you know that was a little let me go ahead and move he didn’t so he was okay with the product that came out I want that y y’all y’all need thing oh oh oh you know somebody beat my time I laid down I thought I laid down a time of world record time and you say both came and ran past oh no oh no cause cause here’s the thing especially see the best thing that’s working for Tom Tom isn’t on the team anymore cause you know how it is oo you know how I don’t know how it is in locker room Gil but if it happened in the NFL locker room oh sh what we got H we got video we playing the video hey you remember that girl you just had yesterday bam me too a man come on bro yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I think I think that thing was live though Gil I don’t think I don’t think I think that was live I don’t think that was recorded that was that was live but you know hold on how about how much you paid him 25 mil oh yeah 25 mil to talk about talk about how this scuba the scuba divver xmm guy beat on my girl give me my 20 do do work I’m being there drinking drinks too but the thing is like like I said I don’t I wouldn’t want I wouldn’t want look no matter what look when you once you have kids no matter what you think right of of the mom you don’t want your kid that’s your kid mom and you never want them to see them as anything other than Mom and pristine and so that’s why you you have to be careful how you talk to your uh uh your kids mother in front of them because I don’t want them to think any man your M hey ain’t hey I ain’t not a she was pristine she was the Virgin Mary when your boy met her it g you stupid sometimes they got to find out the hard way just like they did on Netflix God damn it Mama you left me for a black belt and I made 25 million off of it it says jezelle was reportedly deeply disappointed by the disrespectful portrayal of her family on Sunday evening’s Road Show Brady poly apologize for the joke s Jazelle and J Jitsu instructor waim Valente man I ain’t apologizing to him y’all need to apologize for me for what y’all had going on behind my back man they they get they got photos of them walking together hand in hand I don’t give a damn what they got I ain’t apologizing you should have thought about that I just said they got photos of her and and the instructor walking hand in hand yeah what apologize for man child please Netflix netfli hey Netflix Netflix I’m telling you right now look 25 million right I’ll give you the list right hey hey Gil you’ll do it for 2.5 million while you bull driving it ain’t gonna be no kickboxer instru I can tell you that [ __ ] I got a whole theyy it’s the this is a super super super super team this is Halla Halla Hall of famous in every sport I can give you the list and the joke God damn it pay me I’m going sit back like this hey yeah tell my kids I can’t believe they did that to your mama oh my goodness you know send her some flowers my bad no hell no like I man you you know hey oo you know our kids think they boy they think they Mama they think their mama Jesus Christ yeah yeah yeah always I hey rock with it like I said they they they mom was good I ain’t got nothing bad to say about it but bro to to be married and then oo that thing hurt man that I know it hurt I ain’t never been married but I know it been hurt I know it hurt it probably hurt it probably hurt then I mean listen oh yeah oh you remember when he was in Tampa he left camp for about 11 to 12 Days remember yeah yeah at the beginning at the beginning yeah you remember try the camp and I said I remember on the old show I said that’s not normal unless there is death in the family of something serious serly seriously going on yeah players are not leaving camp for that length of time unless something major is going on hell yeah [ __ ] and they talking about family oh yeah yeah Chuck Norris is down there man [Music] m


  1. Shannon was wrong for that. Dude is punk for letting Shannon punk him that way, if Shannon is telling the truth. I know that dude did not let Shannon disrespect him that way — twice. They should have been fighting on the spot, especially since he kept coming for him. Karma is a b—-, though. Skip did the same thing to Shannon.

  2. The special was recorded before it aired, but Brady did not hear the jokes beforehand. I heard Netflix cut out the booing of Kim Kardashian before it aired.

  3. Never regret to hearing authentic and genuine truths. Reminder to life is not happening to YOU … Life is just happening and what happened you experienced personally. Experience is the absolute truth and everything else are just his story, his theory, his perception and cannot be representing the truth without being a Observer to Awareness… extension of all that is, all that ever will be, and ever was. Society is cought up in their emotions and feelings that do not even exist outside oneself. 💯 Percent yours and yours alone. Nothing is good or bad until one thinks it so. Pushing your feelings on to others is true oppression and abuse.

  4. I tried watching it, turned the channel. I didn't think it was that funny. I don't dislike him, but Brady has always kinda bored me. Definitely a good football player, but not that interesting as a private person. I felt they roasted the other speakers far more than Tom, just my opinion.

  5. Nicki Glaser is such a Yt girl name. Lol that was the first time I had even heard of her. But I don't think she was joking either… About her wanting to do the Fundoosh (Captain America) withTom. 😂

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