Golf Babe

Morgane Metraux fires a 64 (-7) to lead by six | Jabra Ladies Open

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Morgan pretty crazy uh half day really with the Wayne suspension but you now hold a six shot lead just tell us how you’re feeling I’m feeling very calm very very cool um I love this place I always feel really really good here um yeah I just I know my game’s in a good place so I just try to sorry I just try to stay present and uh yeah see what what the next round will will hold in a round where everyone seemed to be struggling the scores are very high you’ve gone out and posted as seven under what was the secret um I think no mistakes was the secret uh this course I know it really well now I’ve played it quite a few times uh and I get to practice here sometimes when I’m home so um I’ve gone a few times around it and I know exactly where you can go and where you can’t go and I managed to stay in the good places today and give myself some good looks and made a few PS so I think that no mistakes was the key yeah you arrive here with Olympics in mind you arrive here with Evan championship in mind just tell us how important is this we to you yeah obviously it’s important every week’s important you always want to do really well and every every week is an opportunity to win um obviously there’s more at stake right now for me with all these tournaments coming up to qualify for uh I try to not think about it too much um and just play my game uh right now I’ve managed to do that pretty well uh just you know Focus that focus on the shot that’s right in front of you and um and leave the consequences for after and just tell us how nice this week been for you I see you’ve got your your family out there lots of support yesterday how nice has it been yeah always that’s one part of me loving playing here is I’m so close to home and I get to have people supporting and cheering on uh cheering on me so that’s really fun um everything about being here is just amazing for me we’ve got a really healthy lead now a few hours until you get your final round on the way how excited are you for the challenge yeah I’m really excited um we’ll see we’ll see what how it goes as I said earlier um I’m just going to try and stay present as much as possible and just uh play the shot in front of me and see how it ends up I’m feeling very confident with where my game’s at so um yeah I’m just calm and trying to stay that way

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