How To Put Spin On A Golf Ball – Pitch Shots With Spin

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hi I’m Chuck Quinton founder today we’re going to talk about how to hit the one of the funnest shots in golf and that’s hitting the low spinning checking Chip Shot or pit shot rather than just kind of the basic stock Chip Shot which we’re going to talk about in a minute but at first I want to show you how this you see the tour Pros do this all the time they hit the ball and it only goes maybe 15t but then it lands and stops really quick and you all wonder how they do that and I see amateurs trying to practice that all the time playing the ball way off their back foot and then chomping down on it wondering why the ball doesn’t have any spit on it and launches off the across the green the trick is you got to learn how to use the bounce the bounce of the wedge is this trailing Edge that hangs beneath the Leading Edge of the club and what the bounce does is allow you to get the club to work under the ball without the club digging into the grass so you don’t lay the saw over it and as you’re doing that allows you to increase the Loft dynamically through the strike sounds kind of crazy right but it’s what’s happening so as the ball is working or the club excuse me is working under the ball the club face is opening and adding Loft not opening it’s just adding Loft here so as I come through what I’m doing here is I’m going to teach you how to practice this to get the club you’ll notice as I’m doing this I’m just barely brushing the grass but I’m allowing the club to release so that the bounce of the club is the only thing striking the turf the trick to doing this is getting your right arm to swing kind of like a grandfather clock like a pendulum and allowing your your right wrist to do the one thing you typically never want to do in your regular golf swing and that is to release under the ball most amate already really good at this you don’t want to do that with a normal golf shot but when you’re learning how to get the club to release under the ball this is a good thing for a pitch shot cuz it’s going to allow the club face instead of striking the ball and launching it it’s going to allow the ball to slowly ride up the face which is going to allow the club to slip under increasing Loft and spin while taking some of the speed out of the shot that’s how you hit a short shot with a lot of spin so let’s take a look at this so just practicing back and forth you you do this can do it anywhere on the practice screen Fairway t t box like we are here and allow the right wrist to hinge and then unhinge that ball went 5 ft and then sto Stone dead and that’s all I didn’t have any speed on it I’m just allowing the wrist to release under and you’ll see as I’m doing this so I’ll do it back at you as I’m practicing I’m allowing the club the butt of the the club to hit me in the form and this is allowing you now notice I could hold a glass of wine on my club face I’ve increased The Loft and you’re not doing this by actively flipping it mind this is important to distinction to make your wrist is pretty soft actually is a really soft you’re just allowing allowing the club to work under the ball you’re not trying to force it to slip under the club or under the ball so set it back nice and smooth again the ball goes out comes out really low because it’s not launching off the face it’s essentially as you strike the ball instead of getting it to do this it’s kind of doing this and working up the face so then as you get comfortable with it now you’re going to practice your right hand you’re going to put both hands back on it but you’re going to feel the same thing it’s just going to change a little bit as you put your left hand back on there so same thing and as I allow this left wrist to break down that allows me to add Loft dynamically through the hitting area now this is for those fun little Checkers you can

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