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Chase Claypool impresses at Buffalo Bills OTAs | Always Gameday in Buffalo

We recap the first week of Bills OTAs, including Chase Claypool and Dalton Kincaid impressing and discuss the wide receiver depth chart. We also talk about Micah Hyde’s future after his charity softball game was another huge success.

well it’s been a minute since we’ve all spoken Sal capacho Matt B it’s always game day in Buffalo welcome in a lot has happened in Buffalo or in multiple Sports by the way over the last I don’t know week since we’ve been here on the podcast thanks a lot for tuning in potting wherever you do the Odyssey app wgr sports radio 550 and of course across all your podcasting platforms and of course on the sou Sports YouTube page Matt you got to witness I did too I got to witness it but you were working I was in the stands I was the fan with my family you were reporter down in the field after the game covering the game the bandits back to back how cool was that for the City of Buffalo oh it was really cool the atmosphere there was awesome and I think the atmosphere was a little bit different than it was a year ago when they won I was at that game with friends just sitting in the stands I was at this game reporting for work on the fields but the last game the one they won two years ago was a blowout so I think that by the time the game had ended people had already come to the realization that they were going to win even though they pulled away at the end it was still a little bit close so that’s why I think that that big explosion of Celebration and sound at the end was really cool I mean definitely the best Market in the nlll for professional lacrosse this place loves their Bandits and it was cool to see him go back to back and now the now the Quest for the three repat starts so two years ago three seasons ago I guess now um my friend who has season tickets they were playing in the third and final game against Colorado at home and he took my son Max who at the time was eight and I said oh my god he has a chance to witness a buffalo Championship they lost that night if you remember they lost in game three and I’m like I can’t believe I felt like a bad dad that I basically sent my son out to watch a buffalo team lose a championship and another team team celebrating on their home field and I’m like oh my God I can’t believe it so last year they go back to the championship again we go to game one I mean whether you win or lose game one it’s not gonna be the end they won it was amazing they go and they lose game two in Colorado had a chance again to go to game three and I actually as the dad this time I said I don’t know I don’t know if I could do that to him again I don’t really want to there was we had something else going on that night it was more of a he could do it we’d have to miss this but do I really want him to witness it so I decided against it and they won and then I’m like I can’t believe it he had a chance okay so fast forward to this year secondary Market tickets were crazy right I mean they were just they were going crazy so luckily we kind of we were able to get like more of a face value type price on going I said we could do it if we could hey I’m not if I’m not paying astronomical prices and I can get in the building pay face value that’s great we’re able to do that buy some tickets uh off some people face value we went in and we had really good seats in the corner in 113 where the Bandits goalie is for the fourth quarter right where Matt Vincent’s for the fourth quarter so I said to Max they do this and they were winning they’re going to celebrate right in front of us it’s gonna be awesome they’re gonna come out and pour on the I pour on the field by the way yeah we sit down in our seats I turn to my left sitting right next to us Reed Ferguson and Matt Hawk right next to us oh no kidding literally right next right right next to me literally it was me Max Yanna Matt Hawk Reed Ferguson like in the S we were like sharing five seats so it was great and we got to watch the whole game they were a part of it and of course they won and I feel like I’m a I feel like I got a a reprieve here and my son who’s now 10 got a chance and Dad I’ve never seen it a chance to win a see a buffalo team win a championship on their home field I’ve been in the building for the last three that they’ve won I was there in 2008 as a fan in the last row of the stadium last row of the Arena I was there last year as a fan and then I was there this year for work and I will say I didn’t really think about it too much on the Saturday of working but then realizing after the game that we were basically going to run right out onto the field and try and interviews and get video of those guys celebrating like that was really cool so you know you lean on that’s when the relationships help you lean on the people who you’ve talked to in the past like Zack belter one of their defenseman is from Niger readfield high school he was the first interview that I went and got because we’ve known each other for a long time to Hoke and anoke we just did a really big story about the history of lacrosse in the Native American community and how it’s potentially not going to be played in the Olympics under like their flag and that they’re fighting back on that so we went talked to him because we’ve got the relationship there so those are the times when relationships matter when you know they’re drinking beer and celebrating and you need to pull him away for a minute and 15 seconds to try and talk to him quick but yeah the timing worked out and it was really really cool to be part of that just a small part of it did you have goggles on in locker room for a champagne spray celebration no we didn’t go in the locker room I don’t think we were allowed in the locker room but I was down on the field basically like a minute after the final horn went off and that’s when you know the confetti shooting everywhere and you get all that experience but it was cool because that happened around 10:30 p.m. and then we needed to go live for our 11 o’clock newscast right at 11 o’clock in legitimately 30 seconds before we were about to go live Josh burn was next to me so I was like Josh in 30 seconds I’m coming over to you it’s going to be on live television and he was like all right let’s go and I’ve talked to him in the past about so right at the start of the 11 o’ News live with Josh burn the nlll MVP the nlll championship so that was uh that was cool too very cool very good work by you and your team and of course WKBW TV channel 7 that’s awesome to see congratulations to the Buffalo Bandits back-to-back Champions 2024 nlll Champions very cool to see the next day the bandits had a bit of a party now they’re going to have more of a celebration than a pradey but they had a bit of a a party downtown Buffalo right at Key Bank Center in the plaza at the same time that was happening the Micah High charity softball game was going on at Salen field just about two streets away and I once again for the fourth year have the pleasure and honor of being the onfield MC thankfully as we record this today on Wednesday I’ve recovered with my voice because it’s a lot of oh my God home run way back that kind of thing going on all day screaming but it’s a great time it’s one it no lie Matt is one of my favorite days of the year I love it it’s great it’s great to see the players in that environment it’s great to see the friendships and the connection and one big storyline related to that is Jordan puyer who’s a member of the Miami Dolphins coming back to play for Micah’s charity Softball Tournament game in in in at the game and then even taking the mic and saying you have the best quarterback in the league here in Buffalo and he said I know that’s going to go viral but whatever right I just think it just speaks to the tightness the closeness and the relationship and the friendship that Jordan and Micah have and that Jordan and this team always have had with this city I also think that it maybe Paints the picture of once we get through this year regardless of what happens Jordan puyer will be remembered for his time in Buffalo and Micah Hyde will be remembered for his time in Buffalo I feel like they’re the new wave of fan favorite players that will be around in 10 years in 15 years when somebody is leading the charge at the new stadium when somebody is back in town doing some sort of charity event it feels like those are going to be some of the faces that we will keep see popping up you know it’s funny like Josh Allen is in his own Stratosphere right like whatever happens with the rest of his career he’s always going to be the guy that this kind of era immediately resonates with but then after that I think Hy and poer are really high on that list because it ended a little bit messy with travius white because of the injuries it ended very messy with Stefon Diggs and he was only here for four years I think when we get a few years removed from all of it these players who have left on not the best terms will be held to a higher standard and will be looked upon and remembered in a better light than maybe they are now but like Jordan puyer was a really really good player for this team for a long time and obviously Micah Hyde was the exact same I just keep going back to the clips of the event obviously you’re on the field Josh Allen chanting one more year when Micah Hyde has the microphone I just keep wondering is there a chance that he comes back and plays for the bills and I don’t know the answer to that the answer to Is there a chance yes I wonder what the percentage chance is to me it’s less likely than it is likely but okay let me just kind of walk through the timeline here of what has been said over the last couple weeks Micah did did his media availability on Thursday before the game on Sunday and at that media availability he told us how he’s staying in shape he’s ready he’s had great conversations with the bills he’s not ready to make a decision on what he wants to do but the bills aren’t forcing him into a decision he also said insanely that he woke up one day and randomly ran a 10K just to see if he could get his best time that’s how these guys are wired differently right I mean that’s incredible but that’s how much he’s staying in shape so he truly doesn’t know we get to Sunday he says the same thing to the media like hey he doesn’t know doesn’t know what’s going on I had a chance to talk with Amanda his wife and she echoed those sentiments I want everybody to know this is not posturing by Micah Hyde this is not I know what gonna happen I’m keeping it a secret Amanda looked me right in the eye and said s we just don’t know what’s gonna happen and you know he he’s leaving all options open right now he could wind up playing he might not play it could be now it could be later it could be not at all we don’t know the one thing Micah did say at that media availability was it’s either bills or retire yes and I do feel that I do feel strongly about that right now but I’m gonna say this Matt if Micah Hyde in September gets those juices flowing and he misses playing football because that’s what’s gonna happen he’s gonna start feeling it he’s gonna say why am I not with my boys right he starts to get that and the bills go Michel there’s just not a spot for you and they can’t pay him and there’s not a roster spot I wouldn’t rule it out that mikah hey says well I am a free agent I can go other places and play I’m not making that the story what I’m saying is I do think there’s some wiggle room even though he says that that if he really wants to play again it doesn’t have to be Buffalo sure uh this is completely me speculating s is much closer to this entire situation than I am because of his role as the MC at the tournament and the relationship he has with Micah I think Micah Hyde is going to play for the bills this season I don’t know the capacity I don’t know if it’s going to be after training camp if it’s going to just be in a secondary role I think they are going to scr up whatever little money that they have left and say Micah we really value you just as much off the field as we do on the field you still got a house here your family obviously loves this area come back for one more year try and guide these new young guys like Cole bishop and obviously Mike Edwards has had a lot of success but like we want you to kind of be a coach to them and we also want to know that if we need you we have you as an option I don’t think he’s going to be starting safety for this team for every snap like he has been in years past I don’t even know if he’s going to play that much but I just think that the longer the doors open the more likely it is that he comes back and I could see this as a training Camp’s about to come to an end he didn’t want to deal with all that nonsense of sleeping on a dorm room bed then he makes the call and says Brandon I’m ready just you know I’ll do I’ll do whatever you need and he’ll be like the third or fourth safety on the roster he’ll play some snaps when it’s an obvious passing situation and pretty much call it a day that’s the the area where I wonder so Micah Hyde what could it look like what role and when Let’s uh continue this discussion here and it’s always game day in Buffalo okay so you say he’s going to play for the bills I say I think it’s very possible he could but to me it does not happen until November at least I think this is a John Brown Cole Beasley type of situation maybe where you you get deeper in the season you’re getting some injuries guys are banged up Micah is fresh he’s still working out he doesn’t have to do the training camp thing they he can be he doesn’t have to be on board he knows the system to me if it happens and I do think it’s possible I agree with you if it happens Matt I don’t think it’s till after the halfway point of the Season even after the trade deadline I would even say it almost feels like it would be a little bit like the year where he got hurt in week two and then he was cleared to play the week before he ultimately was able to come back which would have been in the AFC Championship I I don’t disagree with anything that you’re saying but I think if he gets that itch that it happens sooner rather than later that’s just maybe my read on all of it but listen Len what happens is and I I just alluded to it you know the way these guys are right this is what they’ve done their whole life it’s their identity playing football and not for right or wrong I mean they have families and Micah is a very big family man but once August comes around in September and he’s not playing football think things will feel much different for him physically and mentally and it’s just going to be something where he was going to be like hey he’s going to be at the at point I should say hey I don’t know what to do with myself maybe Amanda says get the hell out of the house even and go play football for all we know right I mean because that’s what happens this time of year with people he he is but he is 33 and he said look I want to have a healthy life these are all things he has to consider he does feel good he says he’s healthy he’s cleared all that so the neck injury thing we can obviously have to have a discussion about and think about and he does but as far as like right now he’s able to play yeah I just it’s once again him saying retire or bills I do believe that even though I understand your point I think he believes that to be true for sure but the moment that I keep going back to is the owner meetings in Florida in Orlando when Brandon Bean had every opportunity to kind of close the door and hasn’t and I know that there has to be even though don’t know the percentage and maybe Micah truly doesn’t know right now I bet the bills have an idea it’s like Micah just tell us are you leaning one way or another the bills have to know that and and I think they do because I think that they need to just kind of have a plan in place like they’re about to get10 million that opens up Micah Hy’s not getting a big contract at all but if you need to stash a little bit in an emergency fund because you think he’s coming back then I think they probably do that because for what it would cost to bring him back I think that they would absolutely do it I Micah Heyde is not getting three four five million a year he’s getting a million and a half two million doar to come back for one season and if the bills can set that to the side I think they will the question I would have is would Micah play for that I don’t would play for that they don’t do it then exact and if you won’t then you’re not doing it% it’s still for as wealthy as these are that’s still a very significant amount of money right I I here’s here’s my opinion on it I don’t know mic’s not said this to me am mana’s not said this I’m just my opinion is I don’t think Micah hides signing a Jordan puyer deal with the Buffalo Bills to play I think it’s got to be more significant than that for him to feel it’s worth it and even if he was to play you say like his role could be the special is he coming back to play that role I don’t know see those are the things that I just wonder about and how it all fits but I do agree with you your initial sentiment the overall picture that it this is not out of the question he might wind up playing for the Buffalo Bills and by the way adding on to all this is Mike Edwards has a shoulder injury he’s gonna be out like three four weeks according to sha MC deret which might lend some you know reason why they signed D Delaney right a couple a week ago to you know join the squad and they have an extra guy at safety so we’ll see how the secondary goes if mikah Hyde does come back and by the way real quick to wrap up the mahy softball game great time thanks to team Lamy they did an amazing job Micah imagine for Youth Foundation all the sponsors and of course Josh Allen winning the Home Run Derby winning it back Spencer Brown had it last year AJ Vanessa was close this year he had the lead Josh kind of caught him they got to the second round Josh wins the Home Run Derby so congratulations to him what a fantastic day great seeing Bills fans out there it was a really really cool day it was also if Micah is going to come back announced next week last week that that would be at St John Fisher for training camp if that were to happen who the bills are going to be at training camp how about this day or we know that news can be broken from a lot of places but Peak Welly the bill Co actually posted it and broke the news that the team is returning to training camp at St John fiser but it is um he’s a Rochester native by the way it’s it’s great for the team to be back at fiser yeah and it’s another oneyear deal it sounds like so I think that they’re trying to figure out what the long-term future of all of this looks like this is once again speculation this is more of an educated guest than anything else I would imagine it stays in Rochester until the new stadium is built and then once the new stadium is built then I think you could just conceivably do everything back at your old facility not your like the current facilities where they practice now I think you would just have to try and figure out a way of working that out but I do think that they genuinely enjoy going to Rochester I think they like it from a camaraderie standpoint obviously the facilities at fiser are not quite up to the level of what they’re used to they bring a ton of equipment they pack all of their stuff into these moving trucks and they move it down to Rochester for basically a month of the year as we’ve seen over the years the time they spend in Rochester has become less and less you know it goes from okay it’s like a month then it’s three weeks then it’s two weeks then it’s 13 practices and 11 pra I don’t even know what the schedule looks like this time around but I’m happy they’re going back to Rochester because I think it’s a real really cool opportunity for the fans more than anything I think for fans to go and get a good look at the team and get up and close to all of their favorite players I think Rochester at least at St John Fischer is the best atmosphere and potential for that we do know that the first practice will be on July 24th we know that that was posted yes all right so as far as the bills are concerned now let’s think about this their preseason schedule uh is it the August 7th I have to go back and look at this now to make sure I have the preseason schedule correct is it August 7th mat is that what the all I know is it’s home away home it’s August 10th Chicago yep August 17th at Pittsburgh and then August 24th Carolina okay so if you’re going July 24 I would say maybe right before that first preseason game the the 10th might be that’s probably about where you usually would end yeah well they also will have though mixed in I believe their red blue and red scrimmage and I believe the date for that has actually already been announced my guess is this I don’t know I don’t have that off the top of my head my guess is that this Chicago game is a Saturday that they wrap up at fiser Wednesday the 7th or Thursday the eth that’s my guess oh okay I’m looking at it now yeah I mean I don’t know the I think the blue and the red would probably be the second or third and then I agree I agree that that would probably be right and then you have the home preseason game maybe you do go back to fer for a day or two after that but I don’t know we’ll see but either way we’ll have that schedule for you as soon as it comes out uh we love going to St John fer we’ve had a lot of stories we’ll share a lot of those and you know why we like going to fiser you know as we go on here on it’s always game day and buffal but it’ll be nice to get back out there I love it for the fans out there who live in Rochester who have a chance to experience that that’s very cool as well um all right so bills back in town though in Buffalo for OTAs now they have nine OTA practices over a three-week period then it’s mandatory mini camp we are only allowed one day as the media each of those three weeks so Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday we were out there on Tuesday the 21st we’ll be back out there on Tuesday the 28th right after Memorial Day and then the following Tuesday again and then it’s mandatory mini camp the following week we get one day we aren’t here to make sweeping judgments about the 2024 season based on what we said that’s for sure I think Matt would agree but we could tell you some of our observations and the first thing that popped out to me go ahead I think I know what you’re gonna say I don’t want it no I’m gonna I’m gonna write it in the private chat between the two of us okay and if I’m right so you say it and I’m gonna type it okay the first thing that stood out to me there are two things that stood out to me two players yep Chase Claypool yep it’s literally yep clay yep thank you there a look at why is there balloons I don’t know I don’t know who’s doing that I don’t know who did I don’t know if we did that I don’t know yeah way to go I don’t have no idea remember when we were doing the pod in Orlando and we had fireworks everywhere behind us yeah I want to get to Chase Chase Claypool but the first thing that actually did stand out to me was the work that dton K Kade got I mean they were thrown to him all the time it seemed like it seemed like every time you looked up dton Cades making a catch somewhere down the field yeah if you could find your prop bets on dton conade this year might be a good might be a good idea to do them that was to me it is so drastically different the team that they have and the receivers and the weapons that they have and I know that it’s still may there’s a long time to go but you go out there as somebody who watches pretty much every practice and what you’re used to and it’s like oh number 14 is not step digs anymore it’s Chase Claypool number 13 is not Gabe Davis anymore it’s ma Hollands there have been very few practices we have watched over the course of the last four years where they did not have either Diggs or Davis if not both and now it’s like whoa this looks way different so we were actually having to talk on the sideline just completely like hey they’re an 11 personnel so they got three receivers on the field first snap offensively of the Season who are the three guys and I said Samuel Shakir and mvs with con to tient I think those would be the guys who I would say have the best chance of getting snaps early on now I say that probably realizing Matt Collins might be an even safer bet to make the team than mvs and Keon Coleman was obviously a very high draft pick I’m just saying it from the The Stance of like I don’t know how much they’ll throw on Keon Coleman immediately I I don’t I don’t know the answer to that I guess this is just a really long-winded way of saying the offense is going to look so different this year so much more different than any of the last several years this feels more like 2019 than it does any of these years in the last couple I mean I think Keon Coleman’s gonna be on the field a lot obviously he’s gonna be taking over the role of Gabe Davis maybe not on the field as much as Gabe Davis obviously who never left it seemed like never left the field he’ll be on the field a lot but it’s going to be a very very heavy Dalton conade focused type of passing attack I think in a lot of ways and they’ll be game planned right some of that will go away each week some of that will come back each week we’ll see where it goes um but he not only got a lot of work that one day we were out there he also made a couple spectacular catches the kid has hands right I mean we we know he can catch the ball um you go look back at his season last year Matt I I guess I forgot or didn’t realize he had 91 targets he was number two on the team last year I think you and I probably would agree sitting here he’ll be the number one target guy on the team do you agree this year like he would be the number one target guy on the bills yeah the yeah the interesting thing is who’s gonna be number two because I think that’s where the debate is I think that he’s definitely gonna be the guy who gets the most Targets this year yeah 91 last year I think it’s well over a 100 this year uh for Dalton concade and then from there we’ll see where these guys slot so let’s get to chase Claypool the other guy that you figured that I I would talk about he also was very impressive at the first day of OTAs all right Matt Chase Claypool um just your impressions I was impressed he made a great grab we saw near the sidelines then we talked to him on the field off the field what you think yeah so on the field he had the Catch of the Day and now take that with a grain of salt it was against Jamarcus Ingram he made the catch over on a pass from Mitch trabis so it’s not like it was an immediate connection between Josh Allen and Chase Claypool out on the fields but he did make a high- pointed contestant catch which is what they’ve been looking for for a long time but to me the more impressive part was the way that he held himself off the fields and just the responses that he was given to the questions that he were asked about basically like hey like this hasn’t worked out in a lot of different places at a certain point you kind of have to look yourself in the mirror and say what am I doing wrong and it felt like at least from this first 12 or 13 minute interview that he was ready to take accountability realizes that he needs to be better both on and off the field and also realiz izes that he doesn’t have that many more opportunities left and he needs to make the most of this so that’s the sense that I got and the other people who talked to him we all kind of said the same thing it was like wow like that was pretty impressive and Shawn McDermot talking about him was maybe the most glaring or the most obvious tell that we got like sea mcder felt like went out of his way to really really Hammer home how impressive Chase clayo is let me ask you a question do you think that and I I agree with you I’ve thought about it because it it’s kind of a little abnormal for McDermot to do that in in this setting right now he’s very much like well like all of our players they have to work hard and that kind of thing right yeah I think maybe you disagree I think maybe there’s some games also going on where mcdermit through the media is trying to show Chase Claypool hey we have confidence in you because I think he could be very fragile right now and maybe it’s his way of restoring the mental confidence in him to say he’s here this in the media oh yeah my coach is believeing me I’m gonna go out there I’m GNA show them because maybe if you hear the other message it could get him to a spot where you don’t want him you need him really believing he can be that player he was when he came in the league yeah they’re trying to build up his confidence right now and he has at least proven at times that he has been able to perform in this league I have not changed my assumption projection on what Chase Claypool is I think that he probably makes the Bills roster but I don’t think he’s anything more than a piece but the thing I will say is he has a chance of contributing as a depth piece more than some of the guys they’ve had there in years past I think right now you’ve probably got three or four wide receivers who are competing for two or three jobs I think the locks in the wide receiver room are Keon Coleman khil Shakir Curtis Samuel and actually Mack Hollands believe it or not because of his special team stuff and just because I think the way they’ve talked about him they signed him pretty early in the season that tells me that they have a plan for him then I’m close to a lock on him I haven’t been I’m close to a lock I agree with you I think that all these things adding up are putting him in that category a little bit more lately so so then you get to those are four guys I think they’ll keep six or seven the next names that come up are Marquez Valdez scantling that is how you say his name I asked him he was very nice about it so we can call him mvs quz or Marquez Chase Claypool and then Bill’s fans favorite Justin shorter Tyrell Shavers and Isabella like KJ hamler I think all those guys that we’re talking about are competing for basically two spots yeah I think it’s three guys for two spots I think it’s mvs Clay and shorter but I’m not going to completely dismiss anybody else if they just pop it they would have to pop to me KJ hamler has to give them a reason to keep them you know what I mean like he’s got to show you we we got to keep this guy whereas I think mvs clay shorter they’re bigger they have in the case of the first two they put in work they they they’ve been productive in this league not shorter but shorter has the investment of the draft pick their own draft pick just a year ago I think they’re in a bit of a different tier for different circumstantial reasons we’ve seen Isabella he’s been here maybe he’s a return man maybe not but it’s been a year he’s been here he couldn’t really crack the field last year I think mvs clay and shorter are fighting for two spots and the other guys wild cards if they force their hand because they get if KJ hamler goes out there and just flies down the field and catches two or three bombs during preseason during games you might be like we just got to keep this kid because he does something nobody else does that’s about it though that’s the only way I could see it I feel like KJ hamler is going to have the conversation that we had about Tavon Austin where it’s going to be like okay in training camp this is a guy we could see making an impact on this team or potentially having a role and then who knows how that plays out with Tavon Austin it didn’t necessarily work out at all KJ hamler younger more upside at least at this point in where his career is compared to where Tavon Austin’s career was when the bills had him in but I just don’t see it happening I mean Chase cull is a guy who has produced in this league and with the it’s not like they broke the bank for mvs but Josh Allen isn’t having those level players over his house for dinner and recruiting them for guys who might not make the team mvs is going to be on this team I I’m very confident in that as well I’m not ready I’m not ready to say lock but mvs is closer to a lock than on the bubble for me and that’s why I said a little bit ago who are the guys that they’re starting if they’re in 11 personnel week one yeah I think mvs is going mvs has played in back-to-back Super Bowls you know like I I I know we can say I know we can say like oh well he’s had trouble with drops and he hasn’t been consistently dominant and he wasn’t you know worth what they paid him in Kansas City all of those things can be true but he also played really well in the playoffs last year like he had a really good catch against the bills a contested catch against Micah Hyde he had a big catch against the Ravens that iced the game and then he caught a touchdown in the Super Bowl like that means something I don’t think he’s a lock I think that he’s still yeah those inconsistencies can’t be there he’s also had two teams walk away from him over the last few years right I mean it’s it’s not like teams are just dying to keep him in their on their roster because he’s had some inconsistencies I do think that he has more here just like Chase Claypool because it’s not the super deep receiving core but even the Chiefs Matt who have their own issues at wide receiver they didn’t do much to keep him yeah but it would have cost them a lot of money to keep him based off the contract that he had and the Chiefs are they have more flexibility than the bills have but I think it’s hey we would like to keep him if it didn’t cost as much I even heard and I read a couple places that the Chiefs had thought about even bringing him back did too they could get him for the right if they could get him for the right price maybe they weren’t willing to go as far as the bills were willing to go but I I see a role on this team for because he also has a skill set that’s just a little bit different than some of the other guys like mvs is going to be the guy you take deep shots to to honestly just keep a defense honest right he lead the league in yards per catch one year in 2020 20.9 yards per reception and vers career he’s a 17 yard a catch guy I mean there’s a lot of similarities to Gabe with MBS there’s big plays depth of Target inconsistent hands it’s just Gabe Davis got like $4 million more than mvs did because he’s young and he’s still got some upside that people maybe don’t see an mvs but I don’t think you’re GNA get nearly the uh blocking prowess with mvs as you did with Gabe I think that’s going to be mat Collins but I I really do think that almost every game we are going to see a deep shot or multiple deep shots to him to keep a defense honest and then who knows maybe a hit on a couple of them he’s going to be right now their best deep threat option other than hamler if he can get going yeah but I’m I’m honestly I’m not expecting that I would be pleasantly surprised if KJ hamler making of course that’d be amazing if he would’ be amazing if he just even chose like yeah it’s a guy that even you could keep him around and on the practice squad or whatever to have that ability ility to have flexibility around the roster by the way mvs 64 206 Gabe Davis 62 225 so he’s taller he’s lankier I agree I think the style of game that the game they play the inconsistencies but at the same time the big plays they that very similar to Gabe Davis um okay the other bit of news from OTAs was who wasn’t there or why they weren’t there weren’t participating dayquan Jones rasul Douglas not a part of ota’s did not show up it’s voluntary no concern there people have asked me what’s the any concern there no I wouldn’t I mean it’s voluntary right and Russ Douglas I have no issue why they would you know I I’m not concerned um injuries though Matt Milano he did not participate sha mcder said maybe closer to training camp maybe get some drill work in before then does that sound right to you does it concern you in any way the fact that they’re putting at least a little bit of a timeline on it at least tells me that they are expecting that he will be a full ready to go guy by the Time of the Season because they would not unnecessarily paint themselves in a corner like they like they basically just did if they still thought that there was a chance he wasn’t ready they never do that they never paint themselves in a corner it’s completely intentional but the fact that they said okay we think he’ll be more closer to a full go by training camp tells me that basically he’s going to be like every other guy he’s going to get training camp and then they expected he’s going to be you know the guy that he was as they begin their season so not a not a shock I think maybe some people were hoping that he would have been closer to that point now but we’re not that far from training camp and also remember really there’s a month break in here so yeah maybe it would have been earlier if there wasn’t that month break but from mid June to Mid July these guys all go back and hang out and they go on vacation like he’ll go back to Florida and just probably continue rehabbing and then he’ll be I’m I’m fully anticipating that Matt Milano runs out of the tunnel in pads the first day that they’re in pads at training camp he’s really the only one that we could have that question for but it is notable that Spencer Brown is not participating because he had offseason shoulder surgery he’s still recovering from that and then as I said earlier Mike Edwards shoulder injury they put a timeline on that I think mcder said three or four weeks or a few weeks something like that is what he said but there are some notable guys that are kind of dealing with some ailments who weren’t out there you know at OTAs but I would say this Matt like any fans listening wondering they’re gonna slow play at this time of year they’re not going to rush anybody in there’s no reason to do that all you’re G to do is give it more of a chance to be reinjured and then they miss even more time you have mandatory mini camp coming up and even then if guys are dealing with anything you just back off them and wait till you get to training camp that’s the way I see it and that’s what I think they’re kind of doing here with all these guys who have these bumps and bruises yeah for sure it’s just like there’s no benefit right now of rushing anybody there’s no reason to there’s not enough actual stuff that’s happening I mean sure you want to get them on the same page you want to get them acclimated with their new teammates but it’s not like they’re not there Mike Edwards was on the fields Matt Milano was at the facility a lot of these guys are there without just participating in those drills and and that’s fine to take your time no reason to be overly you know risky so before we go um I wanted to just say thank you and it was awesome we had a Roundtable discussion on a panel on Tuesday night at Buffalo State University at the Birchfield penny art center and I was the moderator and it was myself moderating for Maddie glab Chris Brown Steve Tasker John Murphy and Vic kuchi it was awesome thank you so much to the people who went thank you to Odyssey and wgr sports radio 550 and of course the Buffalo broadcasters Association we had a great time Matt we were expecting to go an hour to an hour and 15 we went two hours and I could have gone two more hours because the Q&A was taking Q&A was taking so long from people which is great we wanted to get through all the questions I went an hour asking them questions we got great stories great stories about oldtime stadiums and press boxes and covering games because it was a broadcasting type of Round Table and that was great and then we did a Q&A here’s a question that I got two people to ask me afterwards they didn’t want to ask it necessarily in the microphone maybe they were embarrassed or thought it would be a kind of a well so I get this question a lot maybe you get it a lot okay and it kind of is a pet peeve of mine a question because I anyway I’ll just ask you so I am the beat reporter for the Buffalo Bills for wgr you are a reporter anchor but you cover the bills that’s kind of a beat for you you’re there all the time and I get asked by people all the time and I was asked this twice Tuesday night how come Adam shers and Ian Rapa ports of the world break the news and not the local people and I get this all the time and it’s a pet peeve of mine because I think the insinuation is we’re not close enough to the team to get information that’s our job we’re not doing our job enough and maybe I’m just being too sensitive I don’t know I wanted to address it here because I’d you to give your kind of take on that question but what I’ll say is my general answer is well the agents tell those guys everything the agent calls the calls he in Rapid Port where bam shapon says my client is signing with the Buffalo Bills and he’s getting this much money because it behooves the agent to have the national person report all these big numbers they’re not g to call Sal or Matt to do it because we’re the Buffalo reporter and if we do get information of course we would love to be first to share it but we also have to vet it we go through the bills and there’s process for us to do it it’s not like we don’t have relationships it’s not we don’t know news of course we do but that’s my answer that I give it’s really all about the agents giving the information not the teams to those insiders yeah the agents to the Insiders and if you’re wondering well why would the agents give to the Insiders there’s a couple layers to the conversation here one to sales Point they’ve got the biggest reach two the agents can manipulate the information in a way that it paints their client in the best light for example hey they’re getting $5 million well in a week or two we might learn that it’s really $9 million but there’s $6 million in incentives but the initial report will say $15 million which makes the player look good and it makes the agent look good and all that stuff and the other thing is that The Insider can provide Insight on what they are hearing that might also help the agent in a different negotiation because most of these guys don’t just represent one player so if Agent X calls Insider Y and says hey have you heard anything about this player potentially going for this much money then The Insider can say actually I’ve heard that there’s not as much interest has been reported and then the asan can go interesting okay well maybe we can lowball them a little bit or maybe we can get them for a better deal than we thought we were going to be able to it’s a big game it’s also their full-time job right like we’ve got a million other things that we’re doing as do a lot of people but it’s just for me I always say the juice isn’t worth the squeeze the juice of breaking a news story is not worth the amount of effort it would take for somebody locally to do it that’s just my kind of answer that I would give or for it being something where if you potentially have something wrong about it it costs you a lot of credibility right like I always say it’s way better to be right than be first I don’t care who breaks the story there was a time period where everybody wanted to break the story I don’t think anybody cares about that as much anymore I don’t I’d love to it’s great if I get it but holy cow if you’re first and you’re wrong that is such a bad look and it’s such a knock on your credibility if you’re second or third or fourth and confirm that it’s right and you have the right information that’s fine what’s more important to me is not the first part of it it’s the why it’s the Insight it’s the backstory once we do find out something that’s when a Matt B A Sal capacho somebody else who’s on the beat somebody who’s else who in the media room can talk with relationships of people in the building and say hey what what was going on why’ you sign that guy why’d you wait so long we get insight then and I don’t think that’s something the Insiders provide as much of also and I don’t want to put words in sales mouth here but this is something we’ve talked about not on the podcast there are a lot of instances where we’ll have a heads up but we can’t get it confirms through another secondary source but when that’s the case you can do all of the leg work so if you find out from somebody that you trust the bills are drafting Keon Coleman then you can do a bunch of leg work and have all of the stuff you need about Keon Coleman ready to go so the minute that they draft Keon Coleman you can press publish on the story and you can have the graphic or you know that’s there’s just certain instances here where I don’t feel comfortable with just one person telling me something to report it but I trust the person enough that I’m going to start to do the leg work that when it does happen I’ll at least kind of be ready for it that’s honestly a lot of the schedule too you know I know that there’s people who are listening to this and we do our schedule release and like why don’t you just tell us the schedule because I don’t want to be wrong and I don’t have it from that many people where I’ll feel super confident about it but I also had all my flights booked by four o’clock so you know what I mean so it’s kind of it’s like a little bit of give and take there no doubt anyway that was the answer to that but I did get that question a couple times and I get that question a lot so I wanted to address it here on it’s always game Dame Buffalo which you can find wherever you podcast or of course at the South Sports YouTube page we got a lot more coming up this summer this offseason into training camp make sure you’re following along with Matt at WKBW TV channel 7 and of course me on wgr sports radio 550 thanks a lot to Mike robier our producer Matt enjoy the heat we’ll be back down next Tuesday at OTAs again after Memorial Day what do you got going to Memorial Day anything cool with the fam uh nothing cool as of right now I would really love to get out in golf a couple times this weekend I play sale I uh my my my rounds the other day started with a seven so only my second round of the Year sh better from there though that’s the good news so it won’t but I was excited because I am I’m an eight handicap so a seven should be kind of like in the Wheelhouse but it was early in the year I missed a two foot or three foot pot on 18 for a 78 and I got new irons and I’m hitting them really my best round ever is a 74 I’m not to that point at all right now but my irons I got new you started with a seven on a par no no no no no no I said my best round ever is a 74 I know you said your round the other day started with a seven no I maybe my mic cut off my best ever round is a 74 on Sunday when I played last Sunday I think your mic cut off because I thought you meant you shot a seven on the first hole that you played and that’s why I said it can only get better from there my apologies no no no so I finished with the 79 so I was excited about that so I do think that thank you so I I think that if I can play a little bit more that was my second round of the year my second full round of the year I think if I can start to play a little bit more then maybe I can be a little bit more consistently in that range I think I’m pretty consistently in like the 80 to 84 range but if I could just shave a couple shots off and have a few more rounds that start with a seven that’s that’s always nice well I went to Florida and played and I shot 883s and 84s and then I came back here to Buffalo and I shot over 90 when I my first time out so you never know what’s going to happen right it’s aun maybe just gotta maybe we just got to move back to Florida a better golf there all right we’re gonna uh step aside here until the next time we talk to you on it’s always game day in Buffalo hope you have a nice round of golf and a great Memorial Day if we don’t talk to you before then


  1. 13:34 honestly I love Hyde , just end it in a good note he started to show his age last year and I’d hate for him to come back and he just sucks and ends it that way . I’d rather he be like an assistant safety coach

  2. I see Claypool in a offense that suits him ,he needed a guy like Ben and hish style is like tgat plus better offensive cord and secure team

  3. It’s didn’t work out with Klein …. As Micah in same position Klein was .was a disaster vs chiefs with Klein … will get same results with micah and prob worse

  4. I love Hyde But! Let’s hope this team has found a long term replacement for him and not have to sign him!! Also I wouldn’t sign him to anything more than 1.5 million, if he’s not ready week 1 then I’ll pay accordingly!

  5. Diggs will NEVER be remembered in a good light. He betrayed us, his team mates and the organization who was nothing but fantastic to him. He never deserved the C. He was the epitome of a bad captain, bad team mate and of bad character. He pissed and moaned because other receivers passed him in salary when he was only half way through his contract…so we re-sign him early and bumped him back into the top tier. Very selfish move. Then, before he played a snap under his new contract, he starts acting out again and forces a trade. As a result, the bills ate $19 million in signing bonus at a time when we could not afford it. I'd wager we had to let Mitch go early to cover that loss. So Diggs not only walks away with $19 mil unearned money, he also left us in the lurch and dramatically hurt our ability to replace him with a comparable WR. He should have had to pay it back. He impacted this season and I don't forgive him. I wish we never made the trade in the first place. Imagine if we had Justin Jefferson who would have far exceeded Diggs' production and probably put us over the top. Notice not a single player publicly wished Diggs well after he left. Speaks volumes. We were warned. I hope Beane learned his lesson.

  6. Milano suffered a complex injury and they are being careful. Claypool was obviously mishandled by past coaching staffs. Guys like him need to be handled differently to properly motivate him and keep him on the rails. Like they knew Stephanie Diggs had to be handled gently because of his teen girl petulance to get the best performance out of him. Even that wasn't enough and it ended badly as many knew it would. Now he looks like a slow old man in a stable of young studs. I see him flaking early in the season in Houston.

  7. I don't think that they were trying to build up Chase Claypool's confidence, I think they were trying to make him the captain of his ship. No excuses, no blame just do what you're supposed to do and be the best you know you can be.
    He's a grown ass man put it on his shoulders and let him demand more of himself and get to his true potential. Dig deep man let's get this f**** Lombardi!

  8. Thank you and I noticed that just seemed to really have a good body connection with Collins have no idea what he can do but they definitely seem to get along while they were on the field. I noticed a really nice connection and good for them.

  9. It’s definitely bills or retire for mica if he won’t take a vet min for buffalo no other team is offering more

  10. Claypool week 2 vs fins: 7 catches 124 yds 3 tds. Two tds against Poyer.
    Sal, don't be peeved by the question. I've wondered why the locals don't "break the story" over the national guys. You have the perfect explanation. Now I won't wonder.

  11. Well to be fair to Claypool, just take a peek at his previous QB's🫣 It's been dysfunctional in his first stops and had a QB that can't pass over 10 yds as to why he still doesn't have a contract. Yes, he still has a ton to prove but the culture the Bills have created should nullify the antics and bring out the best version of himself 🤞🏽💯

  12. . claypool is going to be a top 3 rec. this year. 700 yards. if mcDM calls him out, and want him on ST TOO, cmon, the writing is on the wall!

  13. sal- your sidekick is such a chad with mousse, claypool is gonna get 700 plus. mack hollins aint playing at all, he is claypools backup, ya'LL covering the bills? the tea kiddos! love u sal

  14. Lmao “the confetti shooting everywhere and you get all that experience” spoken like they just beat the ender dragon

  15. If all are Healthy, I think the WR Room will be, Samuel MVS Shakir Hollins Claypool Coleman

  16. Do you remember when people thought Matt Milano could be back for the playoffs? Yes, some people advanced that concept.
    I did think he would be back now, and am slightly concerned.

  17. I’d love to see Buffalo do training camp in Syracuse one year. We have a huge population of Bills fans.
    Pack that dome with Bills Mafia!!!

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