How To Take Your Range Game To The Course

Are you doing lots of practice but struggling to take your range game out onto the golf course?

In this video, I’m going to show you how to practice on the driving range to be more efficient and make sure you are learning and developing skills that can be taken out on the golf course.

I’ll be comparing the different driving range technologies from TrackMan and Toptracer and showing you the features that will help you improve the most!

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Hi, I’m Hannah Holden; welcome to my channel!

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I honestly think if this was the only thing you did when you went to the driving range you would be like a way better golfer by the end of the year and you would take that out to the golf course a lot more what is the best way to practice to bring your driveing range game to the golf course I’ve been to the belfrey Waterfront and now we’re at St Andrews links to show you how you can use different drive and range Technologies to improve your golf game so the first thing you want to do at every range session and definitely before every time you go out on the golf course is do a warm-up this is just really important to get a feel for the club and also just get your body warmed up and get you to actually perform well when you want to now I love hitting to different targets when I’m warming up rather than just beating balls in One Direction and also hitting different clubs I like to move through the bags I tend to use either the odd or even numbers in my bag depending on like the date of the day now you can see with the different options here top Tracer has a full warm-up routine where it has different targets set out which matches Target on the Range I really like this cuz you can just pull out different clubs and practice different dist to your mind not necessarily do so for example here at St Andrews I had some like 43 yard pitch shots to start with and that’s just like a really nice way to warm the body up now in terms of track man they don’t have a specific warmup function but I just use the general practice fertility and again with this you do have different targets that you can hit to so once you’ve warmed up what you really want to do on the Range is do some performance practice obviously a lot of the time we might go to the range just to practice our technique and that’s fine but that’s not necessarily bringing new skills to the golf course so so what I really like to do is kind of go through the bag hit to different targets and if you can do that in a test environment that’s even better one reason I’m really keen on you changing targets all the time is because out on the golf course very rarely do we hit straight down the line maybe off the T box but even if we’re hitting into dog legs we’re hitting off at different angles so it’s really getting used to hitting to different directions orientating your body differently against the mat and getting used to not just hitting straight shots down the range because that’s not what we do out on the golf course so on track man to test this I Ed their bu ey game where you have different targets and you get different amount of points based on how near the pin you hit it now you can choose shorter or longer distances and if you hit it closer to those pins that are further away you get better points because obviously you’re more accurate with that longer clue Now when using top Tracer I actually use their game called top Tracer 12 and this is like a through the bag challenge game so you get 12 different shots hence the name all generally with different clubs or different distances and it gives you like a Strokes gain score vers your handicap for how well you do and then gives you a handicap in terms of driving approach playing and pitching which sometimes can be pretty brutal if you’ve not played well I’m not going to lie oops now I really like this again because you hit into specific targets but also you’re hitting different clubs through your bag and you can change the target throughout that so you can hit into different directions I also think it really focuses you because you get a score at the end of it and that’s something that can be saved onto your profile and each time you can go through and try and do a little bit better I honestly think if this was the only thing you did when you went to the driving range after warming up obviously you would be like a way better golfer by the end of the year and you would take that out into the golf course a lot more I think 12 balls is a really good amount to kind of fcus you and just the fact you’re having to hit different shots through the bag focus on distances and getting it near to the Target which is exactly what we do out on the golf course it’s completely different just beating seven lons down in the middle of the range hoping your swing looks nice on camera and then thinking you’re going to play better out on the golf course there also is a 30 Ball version of this this is quite a bit longer so I think you would only do this if you’re super focused and you have kind of a little bit longer to practice that day and I would recommend if you’re doing it with that one make sure you’re doing full pre-shot routines without and having a little break just to make sure that you don’t kind of get out of your routine and start beating the balls too much now there’s also longest drive features on both of these which I think are good if you’re someone who maybe has got out of the swing of things a little bit in the winter hasn’t really really ramped thems back up to full speed it’s really good to challenge yourself in these and just see how far you can get the golf ball to go just trying to get you back into that kind of full hitting mode throughout on the golf course now the cool thing with in these is both trackman and top Tracer offer leaderboards you can see how you’re getting on against your Ms you can maybe challenge them or you can also see how different people have done the driving range that week oh come on we got to have a now the biggest thing that I think is really great with these Technologies is been able to play golf courses and a lot of them actually offer the golf course you player which is a great way to going and warm up for your session get ready for your competitions a good thing is just to get into that routine of hitting different clubs in order of what you’d actually hit out on the golf F rather than just hitting blocks of maybe driver or 7 iron and also getting used to hitting to the pin and changing your target relative to the pin so if you know the pins back left you might want to play a short right of it you can move the screen around to aim where you want to so you kind of hitting the shapes that you want to hit out on the golf course rather than necessarily just hitting straight shots down the driving range now both TR and top Tracer do this slightly differently because obvious so you can’t put at the driving range so trapman will just give you a score for the whole base on how close you hit your approach shot whereas with top Tracer you actually get to hit a pitch shot for your put which I actually really like just because it gets you hitting more pitch shots which is definitely something people could be doing more of out on the driving range to get us pitching it better and knowing our distance control we get out on the golf course I’s kind of a little bit fairer cuz you’re just getting that third shot to give you your score so if you pitch it really good you’re going to get a better score now the last thing I love specifically about top Tracer is you can sync this up with your coach so they can sit and count up and say you go for a golf lesson and you’re not very good at for example pitching that week they can set you a challenge so it really helps you kind of bring the golf lesson your practice and DET tournaments all together to improve your score so your coach can say right you specifically need to work on this you can then do it at the driving range it’ll send it back to them they can see how you’re getting on and maybe give you some more tweaks to improve prove they can also do this relative to which golf course you’re go into so if you know you’re going somewhere for a competition or for a holiday with your friends you can really dial in where you’re going to play and get your game ready for that so overall I think you can see from this if you go into the driving range without technology you’re really losing out in terms of your practice and I think if you have one knee and available to you it’s really worth going down maybe driving a little bit further just to make your practice more productive now there’s loads of key points we’ve gone through here so just not beating balls doing different challenges and and I hope you really make sure to focus on them and bring kind of that drive and range skill out to the golf course for me practicing pitching and approach games has massively helped my performance out on the golf course so far this year compared to just technical practice for that reason I just love the top Tracer 12 and the top Tracer 30 games because they really focus me and I’m a massive nerd so I just love The Strokes G data it gives me so if I was picking between the two I probably would sneak towards a top Tracer one just cuz I think those games are so good and I love the fact I can connect it to my coach get some tips that kind of link my lessons my practice and my golf course together so get down to a technology range get some better practice in and get some good scores in this summer


  1. Toptracer approach game helped slice 5 off my handicap last year. Much more accurate representation of hitting onto the green than some random targets on the range. And you get to try and practice different types of shots to solve that problem of trying to stop your ball on the green.

  2. ive these ranges – i have a visual impairment so sometimes go to the range and can't see a single ball and its basically pointless but since these ranges its helped massively – love playing the courses after working on stuff but hate the trackman chipping its impossible ha
    also you are looking very tanned must be in scotland too long ha

  3. What do you do about range ball differences for yardages.? I.E. you’re practicing a 60 yard shot with a range ball then try that muscle memory with a ProV1. Also is it just me that hates hitting driver off they big rubber tees ?

  4. “Very rarely do we hit straight down the line” …… you have no idea how true that is! If only !😂 I do love your videos – thanks 👍

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