How Far Should You Hit Your Golf Clubs? (By Handicap)

Distance in golf is massively important to improve your scores. So how far should you hit your golf clubs? In this video Coach Lockey gives you the answers on how far you should hit your driver, how far you should hit your irons and how far you should hit your wedges. Plus gives you a simple golf tip to hit the golf ball further if you are struggling with distance.

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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf course vlogs, golf challenges, golf tips, golf lessons, golf club reviews and the odd golf club unboxing. So pretty much everything golf!

I want to help you play better golf by providing coaching videos on all topics about golf. How to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!

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00:00 How Far Should You Hit Your Golf Clubs? (By Handicap)
00:43 Distances You Should Hit Your Golf Clubs – The Data
03:08 Simple Golf Tip To Hit The Golf Ball Further

do you feel like you’re a short hitter of the golf ball and could be getting more distance out of your swing speed do you play with some golf mates and their swings look slower than yours but somehow they hit the golf ball further how does that work so question for you how far should you hit your golf clubs that’s going to get the egos going come on in the comments down below how far do you hit say your 7 ir and your driver comment Down Below in this video I’m going to give you some ideas on how far the average golfer really hit the golf ball and I’m going to give you one simple golf tip to help you gain a bit more distance first up here is the data that you’re all after how far should you be hitting the golf ball pause screenshot this so you can take it all in this is how far each handicap range hits each Golf Club on average and by the way share this video with your Shor hitting golf mates just to rub it in a little now obviously there are a number of factors that can determine how far you hit your golf clubs the length of your clubs over the years clubs have got longer and longer The Lofts of your clubs over the years these have got stronger and stronger your age unfortunately the older you get generally speaking the slower you’re going to get and what gender you are generally speaking males hit the golf ball further than what females do but with all those things considered what determines how far that golf ball goes when you hit it number one centeredness of strike where you hit that golf ball on the club face number two swing speed how fast you swing that Golf Club when you hit the golf ball number three Dynamic Loft what LOF your delivering at impact to that golf ball number four club path and face to path relationship so are you out to win with an open face are you into square to wi with a nice Square Face those kind of relationships will have an effect on how far that golf ball goes and number five angle of attack whether you’re hitting down whether you’re hitting up on that golf ball the most common power leak I see in my lesson when it comes to people not hitting their golf ball as far as they should is dynamic Loft so many golfers deliver a high amount of Loft when it comes to hitting the golf ball generally speaking in most of the time delivering a high amount of Loft impact leads to an open face to path angle of attack and lowo issues and because all of these things are out of sequence and Out of Time swing speed is then affected and cess of strike is also affected God damn you Dynamic Loft so how can we improve it and get you hitting your golf clubs and golf ball as far as you should check this out this is my hack motion wrist sensor I’m going to pop this on and this is going to tell us all about my grip my wrist angles and my forearm rotation I’m going to hit a couple of shots with this on one my normal swing and then one delivering high amount of dynamic Loft and let’s see the difference in wrist angles first shot here I’m going to hit is just my normal swing I’ve got a seven iron in my hands so nothing crazy going on I’m just going to hit my normal 7even iron good strike well struck shot carry 179 launching at 16° now let’s hit a shot adding some Dynamic Loft before I hit this shot obviously I’ve got the skill to be able to change Dynamic Loft but you guys down that lens not hitting the golf ball far enough for your swing speeds this will be your natural delivery you’ll be adding Dynamic Loft not delivering the Loft that you’re meant to for your swing speed to hit that golf ball as far as you possibly can so you need to learn this skill of controlling Dynamic Loft so this second swing I’m going to add some dynamic Loft and let’s see what the difference is in my wrist angles and things as well so I’m gripping exactly the same as what I did with my normal shot as well so I’ve added some loft there on that shot it’s only carried 151 now and uh it’s launching at 22° higher Dynamic Loft delivered lot of distance higher launch and trajectory so let’s take a look at the difference between my standard shot and then adding Dynamic Loft and the differences between my wrist angles so let’s start with flexion and extension so first of all at address I have 42° of extension in my lead hand and I also have TW minus 22° of oner deviation as well flexion extension owner radial when I get to the top of my my swing I start to lose some extension so it goes from 42° down to 28 and then when I get to impact I lose it even more down to 14° of extension so my wrist has started pretty cued and as my swing gradually Works throughout its back swing and then in the down swing to impact I lose extension from 42° down to 14 on a deviation starts at -22 at at the top of my swing I go into radial and then when I get back down to impact I go more into oner down to 38° let’s compare that to the shot where I added Dynamic Loft lost distance and the launch angle went up 42° of extension at the start of my swing exactly the same as my normal swing at the top I went into more extension so not taking any out I added more extension into my lead wrist and by the time I got back to impact I didn’t take as much extension out of my lead wrist 42° of extension added a bit more by the time I got to the top of my swing and then didn’t take out enough of this by the time I got back to impact at the start of my swing I started with a little bit more older deviation at the top I went into radio again and then by impact I went back down down into owner but I didn’t go into as much owner compared to my normal swing and why is that the more I go into extension with my lead wrist the easier it is to go into radial more extension easier to go into radial if I go into flexion it’s harder to go into radial whereas it’s a lot easier to go into owner so in my normal swing where I’m starting to take Loft off of this club and deliver lower Loft I’m going more towards flexion I’m not quite in it with my stronger grip and because I’m going more towards flexion again not in it it’s easier to get more into owner and that’s what you guys have got to get good at if you’re struggling with distance get good at controlling your lead wrist to then deliver the correct Dynamic Loft to impact I promise you you get good at Dynamic Loft you’ll get good at changing face paths angle of attack everything you need to hit that golf ball further the magic is in your wrists people whether you concentrate on your lead wrist to achieve this or whether it’s thinking about the club face and looking at where it’s pointing those kind of ideas is totally down to you and how much you need to play around with wrist angles is totally dependent on what grip you have on the golf club a weaker grip compared to a stronger grip is going to require completely different wrist angles throughout your swing to achieve the same results so please bear that in mind and remember if you’re a weak gripper of the golf club one knuckle showing at a dress you’re going to have to move towards flexion and get this bowed looking wrist if you’re two Knuckles sort of a standard neutral grip you’re going to go towards a flat lead wrist and maybe into a bit of flexion if you’re a strong gripper of the golf club like me free four Knuckles shy you’re going to go towards flexion but like me I’m I’m still in extension when I hit the golf ball because of that strong grip and that placement on the golf club at a dress not everyone is going to have to go into flexion and look like DJ it depends on what grip you put on the golf club but every golfer is going to have to take extension out move towards flexion or even into flexion if you want to start taking that Dynamic Loft off of the golf ball and start hitting your golf clubs further than what you do I hope that helps you understand why potentially you might not be hitting it as far as what you should do in the comments down below are wrist angles something that you already think about in your gol swing or is this A New Concept for you it is talked about a lot in golf so get skilled at controlling your wrist angles which then helps you control that Dynamic Loft which will have an effect on face paths paths strikes distance speed all the juicy stuff to help you hit that golf ball further I hope that helps you understand distance why potentially you might not be getting as much distance as what you should for your swing speed I hope that helps you gain some extra yards and thanks all for watching and by the way if you’re new to the channel and not subscribed and you did enjoy the video make sure you hit that big red subscribe button and returning viewers hit that big red subscribe Button as well cuz you’re obviously enjoying the content thanks all for watching hit the thumbs up turn your Bell on as well thanks all for watching I’ll see you in the next one [Music]


  1. I get around 175/180 yards carry with 7 iron….and about 220 yards carry with Driver. Tried it all, watched all the videos, but i cannot hit driver upwards at all. Golf is great, ha

  2. 7.7hcp I'd say my distances are all a little closer to a 12.5hcp looking at that chart( I'm assuming they're carry distances.). But then I do turn 60 in just over a month, ugh!

  3. 7i-31.5 degree- low 90s club head-175 yards, driver- 10.5 degree- 105-107mph club head- 250 carry… 40 yards left of target

  4. Sadly, I think this tells me loud and clear what I've long feared… that my putting must really suck. My yardages for nearly all my clubs line up pretty closely to the 10 HC column, 7i-160, Driver257, yet I'm playing at 15 right now.

  5. No official handicap currently but would consider my self mid to late 20's. I use Shotscope. Driver 189 currently. 7 iron 135. Great video.

  6. Love the visuals Coach! Knowing how my wrist is working is something I’ve been working on so I can get a handle of that face! Always glad for these vids you put out!

  7. This is a great explanation. I swing 7 iron at 90+ mph and only carry it 160. Went on quad and I’m delivering 30+ deg of loft which I know is too high. Any drills you recommend??

  8. I am a 12 to 15 handicap at 51 yrs old and hitting the distances from your P-avg chart of the 0 hcp. I must be needing to make the putts on the first stroke instead of the occasional 2 and 3 putt to get to the 0 hcp… Great explanation of the wrist movement that should be achieved… Not new but have not been focused on that. I will now though, thanks Coach Lockey

  9. Handicap: 10.7 (bit out dated maybe)
    7i @ 31°: 165-170yards carry
    Driver @ 9°: 260-265yards carry

    Been trying to work on wrist angles at top of back swing from a lesson I had recently

  10. The wrist info, though interesting is probably the hardest thing to change during swing consistently. Hack motion is information and not a direct cure for any swing faults.

  11. Driver, usually, 240 carry, 311 record.
    3 wood, usually 220, record 260.
    7 iron, usually 175, record 205.
    50 year old, 2 years in.

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