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Frank Warren Tears Into U.K. Media After Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Usyk | The MMA Hour

Frank Warren discusses the Tyson Fury vs. Oleksandr Uysk showdown, Fury’s post-fight interview, the rematch, how he scored the fight, Dubois vs. Hrgovic, his relationship with Eddie Hearn, Joyce vs. Chisora, and more.

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there he is after a long day Frank isn’t this just what the doctor ordered one more interview with your old friend Ariel isn’t this perfect you can let your hair down a little bit that’s the best interview out of all of them ah I appreciate that I’m doing great yourself how are you I’m good yeah I’m good uh I mean we’ve been full on with a show last week uh or last Saturday then got back here we’ve not stopped and we’ve got we announced we announced um two shows today that we’re doing and we got um the 5v5 I’m flying back out to RI in few days time so I’m looking forward to that that’s a fabulous event very competitive really good fights and uh that’s the name of the game that’s the business we’re in yes now you know making these and business flying right now and and Frank could I ask you and I I don’t mean to put you on the spot but there’s a reason why I’m asking you uh currently how how old are you right now 72 you’re 72 you look fantastic you’re you’re you’re you’re as energetic and vibrant as ever as as a newfound friend of yours Frank I don’t want to see you getting all fired up on these interviews like I saw yesterday on talksport this is not good for your blood pressure this is we come in peace you need to speak to people who are bringing you joy and happiness Frank I can’t see you turning red like that getting all fired up we need to we need to put a stop to this okay look you know I’m a I’m sort of got boxing in my blood I’ve always been like that and uh and I didn’t like I didn’t like it wasn’t actually against um in some ways talk sport I was a bit frustrated that we came back from a great weekend of boxing and my man got beat but we came back and it was a fabulous fight I think for me the best heavyweight fight this Century because it was the most important heavyweight fight this Century the four belts on the line and to have a great fight an epic fight it takes two fight one fighter doesn’t have a great Fight It Takes Two fighters and both Tyson and Alexandra was they gave everything they Beed their souls they came out of that ring they didn’t leave anything in it whatsoever it was competitive I thought it was close and TI to come back and a few what we call feature writers rather than boxing writers weend we had season um to be talking about things that it’s said in his past some of those things when he was when he was not in a good place he was suicidal when he he vacated all his belts after beating Klitschko and he did say some couple of things that were you know I’m sure he he feels regretted at the time but also a couple of got misconstrued but he’s bipolar and I’m not telling stories out of school you know he is bipolaris in his book and he even mentioned it again last week in an interview I said just bear in mind when some when somebody’s bipolar and our Health Service are really go on the health line it gives you a big list of symptoms and and some of the things that happen to you when you got that and one of the things uh is that you just say something which PE someone might find outrageous or be offended by various other things and Tyson’s a good person he did you know these things were said and I was just trying to say you can say these things you don’t like them or what didn’t go down well whatever it is I understand that but you want to preface it by saying he’s bipolar and that don’t make him a bad person or a bad fighter makes him a brave person to come out the heavyweight champion of the world and say you know what I this is a condition I’ve got it’s a brave man to do that so bear your soul to the world and say to them you know I’ve been in a bad place I’ve been suicidal I’ve been so low I was going to commit suicide I was doing stupid things I was boozing I was I was doing drugs at the time I was doing all these things and I turned my life around once I was diagnosed he turned his life around came back into boxing and has done some fabulous films and what’s happened in the UK a lot of people because of that you know because of the thing that you said that if I could try and do it and I can make my life better coming from a terrible place like this you can do it this is it’s not a disease you can see it’s not an illness that you can see it’s a mental problem it used to be it bipolar used to be called ma manic depressive and why I feel so feel so strong about it one because I think Ton’s a good person and secondly my younger brother Mark years ago committed suicide he was he had he uh succumbed to schizophrenia uh s you know the bipol had bipolar schizophrenia and he he committed suicide at a very young age so I felt for him felt for Tyson and I just felt it was wrong that they was what they were saying and and you know a couple of them to dig the knif who he’ had had problems with a couple of journalists it was like you know he’s not one of the great Fighters you know this he got taken the stool it’s like they British and and we got a British fighter and they want to they want to plunge a knife into him and I just found that you know my way people may say you know it’s you know I’ve got it wrong whatever but how I feel about I felt it I felt it was wrong I thought he done Brit and brown it takes two as I said earlier to have a great fight and I just feel that Tyson has I mean when you look at the fights he’s had the you know two out of three of those fights G Deontay Wilder were just magnificent fights magnificent fights the fight on Saturday was a magnificent fight you know usk’s a magnificent fighter who he was in the ring with who he shared the ring room and and that’s how I felt about it so I’ve got a little bit um probably y blood pressure up and whatever and I went to G back for my man because that’s how I felt about it I just felt it was wrong I appreciate that and I I’ll only ask you one question more about all this I’m just curious as a promoter and that’s a guy you care deeply about I was just wondering how you feel about a fight like that going down 12 rounds he’s obviously getting punched in the head a lots going on you talked about being bipolar the microphone in the ring you know he he said what he said about the Ukraine and people were offended by that is it probably best in some situations to not speak to the fighter in that moment to maybe give him a second compose himself and go to the press conference and maybe not say something that he would regret I think there’s two things about that you know by you say what’s in your mouth I mean I you know let’s be honest how many times you probably interview some guys you might think so what a he is but you don’t say it you got a filter you know you some you know with that and I know from I can only speak from my brother’s perspective he would if say what’s on his mind just say it and you know that that could be that could be sometimes it could be offend offend somebody but I I believe actions speak louder than words and I look at that fight after that fight I look at Tyson I look at embracing both of the fighters embracing himself after knocking Seven Bells or whatever out of themselves absolutely giving it all and Tyson must have kissed him on the forehead on the cheek about three or four times that’s Tyson Fury that’s how BR that’s what you know where that’s what that was and that was brilliant and you know and I do agree with I’ve got a big thing about you know you go in England soccer matches football matches as we call and lots of sports they will especially football after the match and there’ be some contentious issues taking place they go to their dressing rooms and they don’t do the interview 15 or 20 minutes later they don’t get themselves composed they probably think about things and they come out and they can do it with a cool and clear head a boxer who’s gone the war gone like no other Sportsman dug so deep from within himself exhausted 12 brutal rounds the ninth round you’re out on your feet you know the referee could have you know could have stopped that fight if you went a few seconds longer out on your feet you come back from that and you got a right a microphone shoved up your nose asking you questions and you know and we get it because that’s boxers and boxers are probably the of all the sportsmen for me they’re the bravest of all Sportsmen on their one on on what they do oneon-one and they they say how it is they say you know don’t get any chance to compose himself whatsoever not a minute it’s straight out it’s straight from the heart straight from the mind and if somebody has a a condition or whatever and they they say things then I’m afraid that’s what it is you you know you you you you do it and very rarely by the way does these things happen with Tyson most of the time he manag to do it and I’m not and I’ve gotta be honest he’s probably going to really get annoyed with me for talking about how I’m talking about this because one he doesn’t want any excuses and there aren’t any excuses for the fight he was in great magnificent shape and so my thing is about please bear in mind where he’s coming from and what he’s done for mental health I mean he’s inspired a lot of people you see some of the letters that we get and and they’re quite touching because a lot of stuff gets sent to my office they don’t know his address or whatever and it and it’s been absolutely you know it’s been uh it’s been quite um jawdropping some of them but he is an inspiration to some people and to other people they don’t like it here they call it Marmite which is a a Savory spread and they say you’re Marite you either love it or you don’t ah all I would say with you know regarding Tyson is that he is a very very things and good person he is and uh and and you know he like everybody we know we’re all human sometimes you’re fragile and sometimes some sometimes you’re not I tell you what there’s no Warrior like Tyson Fury I mean you think the times you gets G on the floor and got up it’s like going back to the 70s and 80s great heavyweight fight know Larry hes and Ron and Ernie Shavers and all those guys up and down you know he he is you know and I’ll just say from my perspective all I all I all I wanted from those guys was to you know not asking for any favors but just prefect what you’re saying by what it is and that’s it uh we’re four days removed from the fight and I know on the night you’re asked what’s next what’s next is is it going to be in October are they going to rematch all that stuff you’ve had a little bit of time I I recognize it’s not four weeks but do you think in your heart of hearts that they will fight again in October what are you feeling what are you sensing right now well again immediately after the fight the interview said I want the rematch yeah when we got out the when he got out ring we went to the um before we done the Press conf done the Press done press in the ring then we went back to back um doping giving samples and so he went to the dress and I just said to him look the rematch is signed it was signed before the it was part of the contract so just think about it go back to your family you got plenty of time no rush to say anything and that’s that’s how it was so at the press conference that’s what he said prior to the press conference I went in to see to congratulate Alexandra Alexandra and he was he was I mean he had he was B I mean they’re both you know they’re both been in a war and you could see it and he was there and he was being examined by the doctor and the do and I’m not telling stories out School the doctor the do said I want you to have a CT stand because he felt he may have broken his jaw and I told the press conference i’ been you know what was said he may not he won’t be coming to the press conference because that’s what they told us and um and it turned out eus told me he didn’t actually break his jaw what it was it was an impacted um uh so what call implant impacted implant give him some problems anyway but I said the T just take your time take your time and think about it um and at the press conference that’s what he said went for it nice and calm and collec on the Monday I spoke to him we we we’ve both got that rang up to see how he is you know how he champ and as things you know it’s a great fight and we and I got to be honest I don’t want to talk too much about a fight after he”s been in Camp as the same as usk was for nearly six months well six months three week break in between getting cut being away for his family all that time just ringing up to see how he was said I want a rematch he said get that said rematch I’m going the rematch is on Wow and I think but no it’s on that’s it that’s what I want and that’s Tyson Fury because he’s a he’s a fighting said he said I know I can beat him I’ll beat him next so the rematch would be on but is October too soon that I don’t know I mean that got you know they got got a you know we’re a bit of away from October to start with and five minutes away from Artic correct um just you know give it give it a couple of weeks that the guys the guys have got blood you know know got cut Alexander his eyes were banged up his face was banged up a bit Tyson’s the same it was a just just chill out forget about boxing and then you know what’s going to be is going to be in the meantime if they both want it Tyson says he wants it then there’s no negotiations or anything it’s in the contract and we go from now okay um do you still feel like he won the fight have you had a chance to watch it on television yeah I watched it back um I’m biased I I know I mean obviously that that so I watched it how I scored the fight I scored the first round to Tyson I thought um the second could have gone either way probably a draw and I thought Tyson won rounds three four five six then um uh when he had had him in trouble when he caught his arm one those great uppercuts and he and where I was sitting you can see stiffened his legs up and he went back to that corner I think was the end of the uh was the end of the six I think the end of the sixth round and he sat there and he looked pretty down and he came out like a bloody train in the next round you know he s at he came out like a train in that round came out like a train and he you know he found a second wind or whatever it was and uh well kissed his crucifix and maybe that gave him whatever it was and he came out and uh and took the fight to Tyson Tyson got caught on the nose in that time you remember he got caught he kept touching his nose and I thought he broke his nose maybe the blood is is biting on his gumshield maybe the blood you know find it and he just lost a little bit of focus during that moment he lost his composure a bit and I think I think he won that he won that round then sorry the eth then 108 round for the ninth he won the 10th and he won the 11th and I thought Tyson won the 12th round so for me you know like a couple of rounds maybe debatable it was a for me I thought you just just did it or it was a draw or you could look at a couple of those rounds if I got that wrong it was a round to us whatever way you want to look at it there was nothing in the p I I don’t think there’s anything in the fight a lot of people I respect said the same one because I am biased a lot of people said the same thing um Tyson thought he won it his Corner was telling him he won it I remember I remember where I was sitting with dri by his corner I remember shouting out to him you’ve got to win the next two rounds and I think if he won those two rounds it would have gone his way to decision um but that’s that’s my opinion and everybody sees fights differently and that’s what it is you can only be honest one thing about it for sure it’s such a good fight with the providing the rematch happens I think it’ll be bigger and better next time it’s going to be interesting to see what the fight’s taken out of both the boxes because I was in that dress room with both of them afterwards and you see him and you know we you know I’ve been doing this for 47 years now so I could look at a guy and know like to think I know you know how it’s affected him or you know where he where it you know what especially when you get Fighters get a little bit older how how is he going to be and so if the rematch happens which I believe it will one of you know one of them or both of them will be affected about being in that battle it was such a a battle and it took a lot out of them they’d be interested to see who com through you know I’m curious to get your thoughts on this um you you talk and I and I I remember seeing this on Saturday where his Corner was telling him that he was up this weekend your your new found friend Eddie Hearn has a show uh headlined by um Jack Catal and Josh Taylor and it’s a rematch of a very controversial fight which a lot of people thought catell won a couple of years ago and uh I have often been very much a fan of the idea of open scoring because I do believe there’s so much on the line for these Fighters they deserve to know where they stand because you know a misstep here or there you take your foot off the gas millions of dollars are at stake uh as as a a veteran of the fight game 47 years as you said how do you feel about the idea of open scoring for some of these big fights because perhaps Tyson fights differently if he knows where he stands with the judges going into the 12th I think that you know I think there’s two ways to look at that and it’s a very valid point I think first of the scoring is there somebody State the fight you can just go on the back foot just mess around you know if he’s that way inclined and it may take a lot of heat out the fight the other thing about is you got to look at the crowd and the effects it’ll have on the crowd so if you’re in a I don’t know if you’re in a partisan crowd and you’re the way fighter and you’re you know in scoring you think your guy’s winning it’s a close fight but a scoring says something different you get I don’t want calling a riot or anything like that in the venue because certainly I hate to say this but in the UK our guys are quite get quite passionate about certain things and you know uh and they make it a day out when they go to the fights so sometimes they’ve had a couple of drinks and whatever but um so I would worry about that I I the officials were confident I mean I’m not going to have go any judges they see it how they see it one see it for Tyson by round the other one see it the usk by round and the other one made it 115 I think it was 115 112 and those what he also I looked at he scoring and from rounds one to six he had it going even I just couldn’t see that at all I thought it was I thought it was a fight of two halves I thought it was a fight of two halfes but but that’s what it is I all as I say won the first round um but I I just I don’t I didn’t see that that’s the way that was scored and I’m not having a making a complaint not being cry baby because the result is the result and it was a it was a fabulous fight and it doesn’t deserve any controversy and there isn’t any controversy as such on a close close fight if it was some wide margin obviously we’d be scaming our down but it wasn’t and it evens out it evens out at the end of the day I mean people some people moaning about the referee I mean I thought Mike Nelson done a brilliant job he kept the fight going and so much so that you know Tyson you know did recover did get back in you know get kept you know Alex couldn’t finish the second round sorry couldn’t finish the after he was in troubl in night didn’t finish the fight in the following rounds and Tyson got through them so much so that he won even on the judges guard the last round most right ton didn’t prevent but it was still a great night for you a lot of your guys did Prevail Mark Chamberlain with a big win Anthony Kachi with the uh big upset of Joe Cordina but what about big Moses Moses this kid Moses AMA is an absolute superstar in the making 19 years young how far way do you think he is from being you know I remember uh a young boy named Mike Tyson who took the uh the heavyweight division by storm as a as a as a late teenager and then in his early 20s how far away from him getting some big fights in your opinion he’s not far he’s a teenager he’s only nine SE crazy five he’s a teenager we’ve been sponsoring since he was 15 um you know we spotted him back then my son in Francis spoted him back then he sponsored him Prof when he’s 18 which is a the youngest she can turn professional in the UK um but he he he he’s a he’s a star in the making there’s no doubt about it I mean that that finish the three punch combination it just reminded me as you said of Mike Tyson the hand speed is phen is phenomenal I like to look at him as a nice Mike TI and you know he he he loves the he loves it he’s now nine and0 now that’s your first 10 rounder very rare for 19y old kids fight and bring um if he had and his next fight be the same I think we’d be he’d be fighting for the British title very soon and that’s then a question of after Britain we normally would go Europe maybe Commonwealth and then you look towards a world title fight what’s happening with Tyson with usk with a lot of these guys is I I think that it’s not long before their careers will come to an end and I’m not being disrespectful I think because you know it C it h the boxes at a certain age if you I think you look at most of the rankings there’s only one boxer under the age of 30 in the top 10 or 12 of various rankers so this is the it’s the Next Generation they got the Next Generation coming through um and I I do I genuinely believe the way this boy is going and how he fights and and we speak to Tyson Tyson he spared with Tyson for the first us fight being a South ball and Tyson said he this this kids the the next big deal and I generally think he and I think that you know he’s ambition be to be Mike’s record um and I’d love him to see him do that but as I keep I’ll keep reminding I said boxing is is is aund is not 100 yard dash is a marathon and and the Art of boxing it’s like the perfect punch matchmaking is picking the right fights at the right time it’s timing timing timing so if if I feel that he’s ready I will speak to his team certainly manager Moses trainer and then we’re collectively go with it or not they listen to what I’ve say I’m but sure they will and then we then the decision be made as a same but he’s a he’s a tremendous tremendous Prospect uh just a couple more very quick ones and then we’ll let you go again thank you so much for the time I know it’s getting late over there um when will we find out uh dub hergovich June 1st will that be for the ibf title I don’t know yet I mean their rules are their rules and it’s now maybe you can under their Rules by the way you can off you can do that I’m not saying you get it and maybe we’ll see but um if it is a re I mean I want I want the best of both RS yeah I can’t you know Daniel dubar with me hovic with I mean go on the 5v5 it’d be great to be for the title and it would set up some great fights but it’s rematch four belts still on the line again yeah I know it takes a a bit away from it and I would like I would like if we do a rematch if Tyson wi yeah be aous Champion so you know a lot of things are going to happen probably in the next week or so we’ll we’ll see where we go it’s a it’s um I suppose it’s you know it’s uh I mean I suppose that everybody in the sport would would not like to see that belt taken away from yes I agree I agree um but then you know the problem you got is that if the rules of the ru somebody gets sued or whatever which could happen let’s let’s hope we can find a way to accommodate everybody for the better betterman boxing and a heavyweight the bloody heavyweight yes and and by the way a lot has been made of your relationship with Eddie given this you know 5v5 and this relationship with turkey um but what about you and and Barry Hearn have you guys buried the hatchet are you good have you talked as well yeah I met him uh couple of about a month ago we were Partners at one stage the ear I Was Myself him and IMG were Partners in snooka for a very brief time it might been a year or 18 months or bar di in and out of boxing um over the over the years and I’ve always been solely Bo boxing that’s been the sport that I really focused on the whole L where he’ve done snook and darts which is a big sport here here in UK and Europe and he’s done very well at it he applied to to darts he applied the what we did what we did with what we did in the UK with the boxing which was all the razm and music and everything did it well and he’s he’s done extremely well at that no Eddie Eddie done an interview I watched it today and I actually sent him a text is the first s and I just said blood well done it was was it the one on this show was it the one on this show is that the one I think it may have been can’t remember but but I say we got but not just a five on five we got a great fight on a real good fight with Liam Davis I don’t you sing the same way as the M but the four belts he’s only six he’s only had 16 fights great youngster he’s won the British Commonwealth European and the IBO title and he’s fighting Ed’s gu he’s also undefeated called shabz massud and massud is yes say 12 and0 and he beat him twice in the amateurs so it’s another Queensbury match room fight the fans I love it I love it uh last Quick One you announced today Joe Joyce returning against Derek chisora uh the reaction I’ve seen online a little bit mixed to this one in particular because of chisora why should people be interested in this fight on the 27th of July I can see what they coming from I you know I’ll tell you the truth I mean Derek turned professional me in 2007 wow long time you know he’s been been a last few fight over the last few years and been doing his own thing but um why why should it I I felt reti I honest um Joe Joyce Joe Joyce has had you know two losses against say I think that the fight now for those and they’re both I think one’s 38 and the other one’s turns 40 this year it’s a fight that as he’s still licensed as he’s still going to fight for it and as as uh Joe lost those two fights against say I think one of them it’s a Jeopardy fight one of them whoever loses it’s all over and may maybe we see where the winner goes from there he’s more fresher fighter Joe Joy he hasn’t had as many fights is doing and but I do I hear where people’s coming from what it will be though it will be a good fight it will be a good fight between the two of them because the two of them uh their Styles will will will will blend to make it good fight they both W forward and uh it should be interesting and you know if Derek gets beat then I would suggest that you you know I’m not in the business of licens in Fighters but I would feel that they may be that be be the thing for him and Joe if he gets beat and how he gets beat he’s going have to look at what we are where he he’s at in this in this world of box all right well uh plenty to look forward to obviously the big June 1 card is uh the next massive one for you and the team uh great stuff what what a show it was this past Saturday it was amazing I had some fomo I don’t know if you know what fomo is a fear missing out watching that from afar but it was great to watch and I enjoyed it and we had a good fight promote barish also W you’re killing it great fight between him and and Mark Chamberlain Mark Chamberlain that would be that would be Mark Chamberlain is uh Mark Chamberlain in Riad is like a guy with superpowers he’s like super saan over there it’s unbelievable H loves him he loved it I mean and it’s not like you g to pick a champion or somebody he’s a young a workingclass man I like it yeah and obviously he watches all the fights from everywhere and he said I want this Shang and I didn’t know he was talking about I mention this before yeah chambering we get the record up we’re all the British guy I said oh I’ll manage him yeah said amazing anyway and I rang Mark and I said I’ve got I let’s get him on the phone I said you fighting rear sure he went he said stop taking the piss the car I said no seriously I put h on to him it was a nice moment it was a lovely moment but but what he’s done he’s had two fights there and it’s on a marvelous platform good show by literally in both of his hands and G G and had two cracking cracking fights from finishes I love it I love it well congrats on the Big Show good luck with the upcoming shows thank you as always for the time Frank really appreciate it thank you and we all love love your show over I promise you it’s a great show and God bless you thank you so much same to you there he is uh Frank Warren of Queensberry promotions thanks for watching we appreciate it very much hey if you like this video give us the old thumbs up subscribe as well you can get many more of these videos on the channel so please do that we would love you forever if you did so


  1. It's crazy how delusional Frank Warren is. Fury got dropped like a bad habit, Usyk was controlling Fury as if he had a remote control. John Fury the fighting man spent the night in a mental hospital.

  2. Wouldn't be talking about this if he'd won. He talks crap cus of his nature. Potentially part of his mental makeup. Either way, he lost to a better fighter.

  3. Lies.
    Frank is only 42 years old.
    He just looks like this because he's always doing Damage Control for Fury. Dude's stressed 😂

  4. Tyson spends more time on the floor than household carpet. His punch resistance and cardio is declining so how does the rematch go in his favour.
    Trying to use mental health for Fury’s bs comments and his behaviour over the last 3 years is a cowards move. If you give everyone abuse media fighters radio stations you can’t expect them to
    support you when you lose.
    Warrens comments are reaction to general happy reaction from many fight fans and casuals who have lost respect and time for Fury and his family.
    Is John Fury bipolar ?
    Happy New Year.

    Rematch in 2025 March earliest

  5. lets talk about buttered sausage where it comes from what it does get it out my face

  6. On average per round over the 12 rounds –

    Usyk threw 39 punches and landed 14

    Fury threw 33 punches and landed 13

    Was a lot closer than most idiots think and can't wait for the rematch 👌

  7. To be fair, last years Eurovision contest ukaraine won with a rubbish song because every country gave them the top marks as a sign of support which was lovely. So if Fury REALLY believed he won and was robbed then I can understand why he would think that and say that. After watching the fight he will probably see usyk did win.

  8. frank went over to the corner and told them them fury needed the last two rounds. Big john then told fury he was winning so dumb. Should have listened to an experience guy like frank and tried to get those last two rounds that mistake could have made a huge difference in this close a fight as fury may have tried coasting the last two

  9. The British media’s a joke. They’ve been against Fury since day 1, that’s why he had that contract to only fight in the US a few yrs ago. Media is scum of the earth

  10. Nice one frank good interview, please just don’t let his dad in Saudi next time. That was Usyk s plan to deceive Tyson and then come out strong. Usyk has lifetime superb cardio , tell Tyson to start aggressive and violent, no messing around!

  11. Failed drug test, very shallow record and grubby family don’t help folk like him.
    I know a number of bipolar folk who have never come out with the nonsense Fury does.
    Warren has skin in the game – hence this ridiculous defence.
    If Fury had gone back to the 70s or 80s he would have been killed.

  12. Its absolutely shocking and embarrassing that Frank Warren is brining up Tyson's bipolar ffs, he lost and got outclassed by Usyk and smashed around the ring like a ping pong ball and to keep going on about how Fury come back from his mental health problems and if he can do it anyone can, well 95% of people with mental health problems haven't got millions behind them FRANK. and i think the whole world knows about Fury and his so called mental health problems because yous haven't stopped going on about them but to now start saying all this about his bipolar its just making Frank look so desperate and delusional. Making excuses for the way Fury disgustingly speaks and treats people, what so has his vile dad got bipolar to, or his yappy mouth brother Shane. Well done USYK

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