Golf Players

2024 Dynamic Discs Open | MPO R1F9 | Wysocki, Welck, Presnell, Tamm | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the MPO feature cards first round at the 2024 Dynamic Discs Open.

Card: Ricky Wysocki, Parker Welck, Andrew Presnell, Albert Tamm
Course: Champions Landing | Emporia, KS
BigBarri Commentary: Jeremy “Big Jerm” Koling & Paul “Uli” Ulibarri

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
02:34 HOLE 1
09:17 HOLE 2
13:23 HOLE 3
17:04 HOLE 4
20:14 HOLE 5
24:15 HOLE 6
27:05 HOLE 7
30:56 HOLE 8
36:30 HOLE 9

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[Music] this week we travel into America’s Heartland to the dynamic town of Emporia Kansas here sits an enormous and Technical course a challenge unlike any on tour one that reflects the volatile nature of spring on the Prairie a tornado watch oh no brutal roll from the wind oh my goodness these are hilarious shots to me wow I love this look at this bounce anti skip oh that guy was getting beamed and it’ll certainly be windy but how windy and at Champions Landing this unpredictability leads to opportunity in Emporia no lead is safe it’s time for players to find the perfect line on the Winds of the Cyclone stage the 2024 Dynamic disc open starts [Music] now hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Emporia Kansas for round one front n coverage of our feature card here at the 2024 Dynamic Discs open stop seven of 18 on the disc golf pro tour season firmly in the middle of the season now and we are off to one of the windiest places on tour yeah I mean we’ve become accustomed to come in here to Emporia every single year and at this point we know what to expect you hit it on the nose windy and some lightning delays but we know it’s going to be windy yeah that’s right even on the calmest day you still you’re going to get gusts in the 15 to 20 mph range at this time of the year you know early spring middle of the country open Woods but we’ve got Andrew press now our newest major Champion Ricky Yaki and it’s just missing the two of us for having our practice round rerun oh Albert Tim he all right we’re out dang it got the but sweet dang it but sweet yeah dang it but sweet Albert Tom the Bazooka awesome to have a player with big forehand and backhand and speaking of big forehand backhand we have got the defending Champion Parker Welk out here looking to do something incredible an unprecedented winner has won this event a few times uh I say unprecedented a surprising winner yeah uh think back to cam Todd 2015 and I think of Parker wel last year and here we go hle one par five 1224 ft this is going to be the same as Year’s past just with one change out of bounds right out of bounds left the whole entire way and then this little patch area right here is actually safe this year so what you would do before is try to land something skip off of there and I think they’ just uh take that away to give people a little more aggressive run I think second shots Ricky obviously the local Legend being Dynamic dis sponsored player he is their star player with all accounts ton of media obligations and yeah did our intro today yeah and also not only that but won a World Championship so he’s got a lot of great experience on this we we said that last last week a lot of Applause for Andrew getting so much well- earned attention after the amazing performance last week very similar courses Northwood in uh the Champions Landing complete opposites actually but uh it’ll be interesting to see how he competes on an open course after seeing him just shred lines with his drone and his flippy Fairway drivers all week one of my favorite players to watch is Albert Tam with the effortless distance both sides one of my favorite players to play with too he is just an absolute Joy I mean look at this this is going a lot farther than those other two of the bombers that that we know of on tour he easily has the most the slowest most controlled runup same for his forehand chion from scotdale Ariz Parker wel speaking of booming forehand this guy got an eagle on the 975 ft par five hole 14 going forehand forehand last year Annie is the kind of guy who likes to attack whole eight and two the other par five I mean this guy forehand does not match his frame this has got to oh that’s going to be perfect now that was flirting with that wide upright Juniper and this leaking a little bit but should dig just fine over there on that right side yeah a good 5T left where would you guess without having information in front of you where this whole lands in terms of difficulty today I I mean typically it’s one of the easier holes that we play but today I would say fourth fourth easiest fourth hardest it was the third hardest which I would have never guessed even that it’s 1224 it’s just so open and it’s very surprising to see it actually play 32 overpar and that right there is not a good start for getting the birdie completely unable to get to the green on his next shot is Parker so J you’re doing double commentary duty this week and double duty double duty and that’s probably if you played this whole today you would understand why it played that it played that hard it was a sustained right to left cross which is the hardest one to control you don’t know if it’s going to lift or if you turn it over it’s defin see this one hold out there okay it’s not wanting to really come back oh and it does though it fights back a little bit but he is in that that old OB pill area where that uh old driving range used to be and but he’ll be safe and so he’ll have a C2 look maybe a shallow C2 look for the birdie and all Parker is able to do there is just pitch out Albert lining up the forehand probably in the 350 range look how easy he makes that look and just with the soft ground the big Hiser play is going to check up well today so something to try to play for if you have that this is more of the sweeping heer That Should Skip and roll a little bit yeah it’s a little bit different see how Albert went up high it stalled and hit on that knife edge it’s able to collect in the ground a lot better that way Parker leaves this one short very short that’s in the 50 Foot range short and this is a scary putt to have for par on the first hole there you go yeah that’s that difficult wind coming into play and Ricky off the top that scoots a little long that’ll be a 25 to 28t comebacker putt and look at that one picking up where he left off last week with a nice little putt right on the stripe little high but his first putt as an official Major Champion is in from 35 ft and Parker is going to start off with a double bogey no OB double bogey difficult thing to do kind of a nightmare start honestly and that didn’t even think about it it didn’t even think about it that’s just too high a little too much pace and look at that that’s the reward for throwing a very smart play I’d say with the big Hiser stall shot for the sidearm Albert netted himself a tap in birdie and just like that Parker starts off with a double and Ricky Yaki one of my favorite players out here at this event coming into the event he’s got a couple Podium finishes in a row he’s got a lot of history out here and he’s just really connected with the whole scene and he starts his tournament off with a bogey and did you see AJ Carrey started off with a three on hole one from 455 ft it’s listed whoa yeah 450 455 let’s give them all what they gave yeah if they actually ranged it he got 455 I wondering what he did with those other two shots I know must have been like a bush and then a chip out totally I’ve I’ve I’ve played the whole before where I grounded my second shot and I had about 450 in yeah but I don’t know how he did it I’m presno going with a flippy roller and he plays that perfectly really a great play on this hole I never even really thought about it cuz it’s always a different wind here and there and and today I watched Isaac Robinson just throw an absolute Dart with the roller is your traditional play low skipping sidearm and that’ll be just fine yeah it’s a good play when you have wind as calm as we have right now you’re going to see the trees moving from side to side occasionally throughout the day but for the most part we’re looking at 5 to 10 mph winds and that feels like nothing in comparison think I don’t think that’s right I think it I for the most part it gusted up to 20 at certain points I don’t remember it being ever 5 m hour are you saying even lighter than that no like it look at those flags over there it was there’s a constant wind out here it’s just in a helpful way I feel like hey you know better than I do I was just getting reports from Brian on the ground and he was just reporting that it was soft but if you’re if you’re saying it was Gusty stay the shade right next to the trees and Ricky with a good t- shot Albert up first on the approach this looking pretty decent this should get inside the circle yeah now there is like lows like in this spot how it sits there’s like a you go 100 feet farther by the highway and it’s always windy right there it seems like this is a nice looking wide shot from prey and look at that wow prel off to a birdie birdie start he just had this one handed to him in our practice round this disc do you remember that somebody just some handed to him yeah came up and just handed it to him I thought that was his dis a left behind it was just a gift no I I don’t know maybe it was I thought that that they like found it or something and he hadn’t had it since or or he needed a backup or something I don’t I don’t know what I’m talking about it was it wasn’t even windy out there what Ricky Ricky with the wide for I don’t know where I am that good ground play and rolled up to about 18 ft away it was a good approach Parker would love to get a birdie here to bounce back this one’s heading pretty deep though yeah not too bad and a little bit low for Albert I’ve always found that this hole produces a lot of swirly wind just the way that it’s coming up the hill a nice delivery for Parker and Ricky slows it down the pace much more acceptable here for his Birdie on two and Albert will tap that one in and we still haven’t got to pre’s drive yeah that was a bomb Drive I mean his his okay you know what I meant I do they do too this a second Drive did did he throw a driver yeah one that he lost that he never did exactly behind he drove it to the green so only six players with the two under Start and Andrew presel is one of them on to Hole three downhill feels like a bonus birdie type of hole 466 feet the high wide sidearm Heiser is going to be a play thrown by I’m guessing at least three of the guys on the card probably not presel you’ll more than likely be going the route that we’re going to see here from Calvin I’m always so jealous of the way Calvin throws this hole every year but this needs to slow down oh still jealous yeah well it hangs on and stays barely in bounds and Calvin heimberg is now three under and look at that flag you’re right there’s nothing going on I think that the wind just followed me the whole time okay yeah you know you get I’ve said this before you catch a bad tea time catch a bad tea time and just throughout the day you’re dealing with it you get the bad Gus there no fault of your own by any means but it stayed with you it follows I believe was the name of the movie look at that drive the dude is rolling right now this momentum wave is just awesome smoked it’s just so there’s so much speed and spin and it it has the right height to allow it to get all the way down there it it’s just incredible it you come play this hole in person and try to get a forehand there on all Heiser good luck to you does this have the power it’s Parker wel it’s going to get in the circle man you ain’t lying see his was like lower and looked a little solid off but he has a little bit more zip on it he’s got a lot of the zip and this guy may be the zippiest of them all oh goodness this is too far oh I wasn’t I was kidding no you’re not get in Bound threw it the slowest and still went long 466 folks yes downhill but still just absolute monster arm and for par what a good looking putt yeah here’s here’s the thing if he wanted to take that basket with him locked and everything ground he just pull it out of the ground he could just grab it yeah just easily pull it right out of the ground and you could eat like a hamburger with the other hand yeah like like maybe a slightly aggressive like shake and then just pulls it out like you’re like wo was that like aggressive and then he just grabs it Andrew prell he is three under through three what a start yeah you hate to see those not go in I mean because they they it is a coin flip on whether or not those stay and that one just did not [Applause] stay and Ricky doing that thing that we uh give him a lot of credit for when he’s putting well he is able to make a adjustments and after his heavyweight putt on hole one that was too high the next two putts from a similar distance have been a lot softer a little bit lower making the adjustment and he’s got two birdies because of it three players 300 through three yeah baby yeah that’s up talking about you dyamic this open Champion Parker [Music] [Applause] well on to Hole four fun par three here there’s a couple of routes there’s the pretty scary down the middle route with the Fairway driver has to be low laced and everyone else is going to be going forehand around the outside big high Heiser this shot is so much more demanding for Andrew it’s kind of fits his shot shape though little anheiser yeah oh boy that is his good as they make them J that is that is really outrageously good is he ever going to stop birding I don’t know I hope not same Ricky going big Hiser go in oh I was kidding what Ricky Waki slams it nearly as good as you possibly can gosh this watch this from the catch cam Paul look how low this goes in the chains I don’t know how that doesn’t stay at the same time it’s coming in so fast it’s hard to imagine it staying but it also should have could have yeah easily could have stayed in go in I don’t know oh this one’s a little softer so it might stay okay no just checks up perfectly but man Ricky already with two shots that have gone into Center hit the pole and come out in the first four holes and this is going to need a skip off the green I think he’s past the green and perfect it just gets there so fast I thought the same thing but then all of a sudden it like sped up it’s just a so wide and he just didn’t have the same height that Ricky or parker had but Bo right over the OB wall wow into B see I thought he cleared it I didn’t know he skipped it was close it’s a good thing he didn’t get closer to clearing it cuz it would have hit the wall in state OB oh man you didn’t see that one coming no I mean certainly a tester distance with the wind blowing but um see this is what I was a little bit more accustom to just seeing yeah right more of like a heavy a heavy Gusty Breezy heavy Breeze yeah but it was like just shy of Gusty yeah like the worst kind yeah it’s just like like a a a constant is is fine you can get a good read but you you even see PR like he made a read and maybe he didn’t get it right it just wasn’t quite trusting how much height to put on it yeah he has that nose up putt that he you know it gives him a lot of length Ricky celebrating the the birdie but oh my goodness look at everybody I know even I love Andrew’s reaction like come on just go [Music] in so no one with a four for four start prey would have been in a league of his own had that putt gone in still off to a great start though as we fly over whole five yeah one of my favorite holes this is a par 4 675 up the hill down the hill to start I mean this is just a great placement hole two shotter depends on how aggressive you want to get some of these guys might want to clear the ditch and go as far up the Fairway as possible that out- of bounds sidewalk to the right really defines the Fairway I’m kind of surprised to see Ricky doing this in the past he’s gone for the big backhand distance shot but ends up playing the layup sidearm yeah it just depends on how far up he gets you know I just think the number one thing on this hole is always you want to get into the tree line or do what Parker’s doing here and skipping your way out to the right yeah that’s a money spot right there much better angle for the approach now we’re going to see Albert give us the the big boom shot is it going to yeah it’s getting on that higher that’s nice what I loved about this shot was that at its most turned over it was still inside the line of the sidewalk so it never had a chance of going out of bounds and still got a ton of distance it should be a fairly easy approach for Albert and that’s going to skip kind of in the center area which yeah that’s kind of the spot I was talking about to where you’re in no man’s land all the gaps are going to be small unless you want to go wide and high this one’s too tight it’s it’s in danger of hitting that tree and going out of bounds Bingo no it it seems like a bad break but that’s what happens that’s what happens it’s very rare you see somebody throw it that high into that tree and it and it doesn’t go out you it just hangs out over OB it’s its widest limbs are hanging out oh no when have you ever when was the last time you saw a throwing air that egregious from Ricky it’s been a decade for me what was that Mis relase something I don’t I’m not exactly sure what happened cuz on the slow motion replay we saw earlier um it didn’t look like he slipped it just looked like a bad Mis relase it was very strange Albert has played this very well that’s the benefit of going for the big t- shot you save yourself the any sort of worry of kicking out over the out of bounds with the the limbs so this is another hole that on the green is typically very windy mhm we’re not seeing it right now but the basket probably doesn’t know that they’re they’re putting it well it should be worried that Albert might come up and take it out of the ground that’s true haven’t I haven’t seen it happen yet so maybe word hasn’t gotten around which part that Albert does that what Albert wants Albert takes and on this hole he’s taking a birdie and Ricky Yaki with bookend birdies here in the first five Bogies with birdies in the middle yeah doing that thing that Ricky likes to do and avoid taking pars he just seems to like Bogies more than pars but he likes birdies a lot more than both of the other ones one thing about Al Albert’s take through right there is there was Zero wobble that’s so rare that Johnny McCrae siding right here 300 through five always good to see Johnny McCrae in the mix yeah he he rips through it’s it’s pure athlete yeah pure athlete is really we all you can say about hbert fly over hole six what you see is what you get 339 ft slightly uphill it is blind at least the basket is from the T perspective but fairly straightforward hole that’s about what you’re looking to do off the te oh this looks just absolutely perfect hey I didn’t get a lot of skip yeah didn’t get a lot of skip but still fine 26 ft away with that left to right crosswind it’s kind of coming through the trees up there like this has no chance of coming back and this what I mean it was like a heavy it was a heavy wind you know it wasn’t like a bunch but it really affected it like you even saw Albert’s it was so high it didn’t really get left just kind of stalled and stopped right right where it was the low Beamer like this one Yep this should get the Bo and then the boink toink toink toink yeah yeah in this hole you’re definitely looking for more of the boing boing dink doink and not so much the mhm and then yeah and it’s high enough it’s starting to work its way how much skip does it get a decent amount of skip not too bad an annoying little tree in the way but I think he might be able to manage from there Andrew from back edge of C2 really the low ceiling even with his nose up Hut there’s just really not much chance to make it from back there solid all right we’re officially off to a really good start here for Albert he’s been playing fantastic golf in the last couple months hi there Parker wel finds the birdie and gets himself back to even and Ricky back into slinging him in their mode no pars no pars not interested and presnell is interested in half and half so far with three birdies three pars that putt wasn’t much different than Ricky on ho one really as as far as the height goes I think he might have caught a little at the top which helped him maybe look at this Johnny one of the five players who have started out four under through the first six holes super cool to see and we are flying over seven which has a newly added out of bounds quote unquote fake leg here down at the bottom of the hill you can see it with these flags you have to either go 350 or full 415 somewhere in between those two you’re going to find yourself out of bounds so the decision has to be made an intentional layup or are you going full steam ahead with the low ceiling off the te it makes it difficult to get a ton of distance yeah I’m curious to see who okay yeah well this is what I was curious to see if Albert having the Big Arm didn’t care look at that you know because of how far he throws like nah I don’t care I mean and he’s got such a great controlled late turnover forehand with distance I’m surprised to see him not take that but you’re not going to see Ricky like up this is full steam ahead and this is nuked wow I mean all of 500 putter up yeah or slower if he has something slower than that Parker’s trying to take it all on yeah sure I guess that you just never know with him like I didn’t know if that was going over yeah right I like that play because he it still allows him to throw a near nearly I don’t want to say full shot for him because he’s got more distance than that but it allows him to throw like a a semi full shot and he doesn’t have to necessarily throw as far as what we’re going to have to see here from Albert and a good game play there from Andrew I actually don’t mind laying it up back here because it gives you more ceiling you can throw it down look at this one and look at that you see what I mean it actually creates think is an easier shot than coming up like running downhill than up mhm yeah like if you don’t cross the ditch well you’re gaining speed and then you can get the skip I feel like when you’re down there it doesn’t skip as much or something I don’t know I just had more success Landing shorter than farther down and the game play is working out for our first two players laying up short and they’re both nearly they’re nearly both in DSE eye I guess one thing and Parker this is leaking left that it could be is the farther up you get the shorter those gaps are on the right to where they’re ending into the Gap a little bit bigger you know and Ricky yeah butter look at that I mean is he running it I don’t know he said he doesn’t like to run shots from that distance he even said it on this very hole in our practice round but that looked like he might have been trying to draw chains AR could just just give us a little Shimmy Shake after that miss is that what he did he did he just shook it off sh off I like that that’s what you know if a dog ever experiences high levels of stress you see them shake it out now there’s a gust and he didn’t care he zinged it in there zero bars great approach for Albert he’s he’s scorching it it officially mhm yeah five under through seven and uh just one miss putt from the back edge of the circle on hole two and the out of- bound stroke on three after he threw it too long on a 466 foot par three so could very very nearly playing a perfect front nine what a perfect drive there from Ricky Johnny’s not stopping let’s go man this is cool to see five under through 7even for Johnny McCrae one of the guys that’s literally been doing it for what you three decades I think he he’s in his 50s now oh yeah like well into his 50s which is he’s been doing it for a really long time whole eight fun par five here just keep it in bounds on the t- shot the second shot’s really the important one here you want to get somewhere near those trees in the middle or in the back middle of the Fairway from there it’s a pretty easy approach to get birdie but take a look here at Anthony Bella’s third shot he’s got four birdies in a row and he is at 5 under Anthony br’s got to be on a lot of people’s Radars going into this tournament way this course sets up it really seems to set up for his strengths and what he there’s been two disc golf pro tour events since his last win so he’s got to be really starving right now see if Albert can get this wide enough oh he’s going with a slow slow disc I like that because his power forehand is so Elite MH that from there he can easily still get into position the the short t- shot play worked out for him in the last hole so he he clearly has a good game plan now Ricky pushing this left side OB and just barely Chucks up in time now what I like about Ricky more than uh Alberts aside from the fact that it’s a little bit farther the angle of the Hill really allows Ricky to get more to bite more off on that next shot coming up this is a lot of trust from prno does he get the ground play he does a lot of people don’t so yeah yeah that’s like a 30% chance it on a typical dry day uh where the grass isn’t wet I think that could just very well stay oh mama yeah there goes that man and you know we’re going to see him go full send from there and that’s just super ridiculous wow that’s at the top and so Albert has a long way to go here on the next two throws see look at this little Zinger though this should be at the bottom right no not quite it’s he’s got a ways to go but the thing is he’s still in position I’d like his angle a little bit better closer to the water once again just because the limbs and the way that they create the next Gap but he’s definitely in the Fairway after two with a chance to get the birdie still this is kind of got to get down and it’s fine oh wait no yeah close to it doesn’t look like it’s close but it always catches up to you on that right side this this hole took playing it for years to truly figure out what the aiming point in the background is the first couple years we were here this thing was a nightmare for us no one ever knew if their shot was going to be inbounds or out of bounds and it’s strange because there’s a lot of space between the water and that sidewalk but yet we just felt like we had no idea what we’re doing once we cross that hill and prno with a dime right there all right Parker he’s going big you know it didn’t quite hanging out over the water long enough or at least close to that edge but he stays in bounds looked like he had the power to get there though still I wouldn’t doubt it low ceiling it looks so good Paul just the lowest Branch away from coming home yeah no no pars for this guy well no pars for this guy got to wait got to wait and see and that’s how ho 8 should be played right there Andrew prel with a clinic there and three very similar looking shots okay I guess the t-shot was a little bit different but the next two were pretty much the same that’s a gim birdie right there he needs it yeah this front part of the round is really a a great place to store up some birdies and Albert’s done a great job so far with five of them he’s going to miss the birdie here on eight but secured himself a tap in par and Ricky makes sure to keep it a little bit right side this time and birdies for Andrew they really very well mhm I mean Albert was just you know two in away from having a starf frame there Parker was about 2 feet away from having a maybe a look at eag looks mhm brell and heimberg six under through the first eight oh my gosh Paul what a journey this hole can be yeah it’s just a little Par Four yeah hit that Gap land exactly right here if you don’t you’re probably out of bounds left or right the way the disc flies then you have to come around the corner little bunker left of OB and then bunker right out of bounds the whole way and this time it travels all the way into the circle in fact and crazy the way that you want to approach this green is usually with a two-piece if you’re a riety that skips in there they said nope we don’t like that anymore no there’s a little little pocket right here that’s out of bounds so you have to have a little more touch than that you’re going to see this as a play for a lot of people this this is just a layup play put it in bounds Chuck it around the corner love the play yep get a par and bounce cuz this is a par five now you do not Circle this hole and say oh man let’s go for the three on whole nine that’s a legitimately smart thing to do it’s not yeah the only way you’re going to really get a great look at birdie is if you have a monster forehand and you can get around the corner yeah it you from the shorter Tad that we were playing last year which is that tead you see right in front of these guys here and Parker overturning does it get fortunate I don’t believe so no so not only is that going to be out of bounds it’s going to be out of Bounds at a bad angle you could see backhand get to the corner before but now I think you’re right I think forehands the play but you worried about that OB on the right side curious to see how far this is so just stop talking about it Paul it’s the best shot ever thrown in that hole whoa very surprising that people are that good that’s is that not outrageous that’s ridiculous jerem and Parker fortunately puts enough behind it to avoid that out of bounds corner at the top of the hill that finds a lot of people’s errant approaches they did curl this out of bounds left a little bit on the left hand side so it goes up the hill and it takes a peeling left turn so you get you get more of a a layup area which is so bizarre to me because if you want it to be a part the hardest par 4 in the world then just keep the same line I like that they’ve given the players a little bit more forgiveness and you’re going with a very aggressive shape for what he’s trying to do but I like it he’s way around the corner so now Albert needs to take this very wide if he comes inside which he’s done yes if he comes inside no good and he gets through everything wow and misses all the trees up by the basket he’s going to find himself just inside the circle and then look for a very rare Birdie on the ninth hole Yeah valuable gaining lots of Strokes on lots of people you I didn’t see a lot of people laying in bounds off the te here oh no it’s not easy to do Parker looking to get up and down finish the front oh my goodness he’s trying to make it remember his little tree kick yeah but that was like three times the distance that was so far away well done Ricky he finally gets a par he’s going to get a par on the ninth hole I mean this is playing um overpar for sure but is it playing oh great birdie is he play is it playing as a par five uh no I mean it’s it’s 4.51 average okay so it’s playing as an easy par five but you know a hard par 4 which is really what it is it’s very very difficult to get into two uh the only way that you can get there into two is if you have thrown a backhand to the like nearing the sidewalk Edge and give yourself a good angle or if you throw a forehand 500 ft with the most beautiful late turn that the shot shape is what’s so impressive that with Alber really was the best t- shot you can imagine on the and with that he ties Calvin heberg as the hot front nine at 6 under his mistakes were small and he was out there just scorching the front nine yeah that’s doing everything you have to do he even missed a putt like you said but it looks like he got a lot of practice in and he has a great game plan for that front nine if he has a similar game plan on the back nine very shreddable with his dist yeah well this is probably the most scorable conditions we’re going to see this weekend there’s some nasty looking weather coming on Saturday maybe it might be a little bit nicer on Sunday but if you want to go low today is the day to do it can we see double digits on the back nine we got a couple players who have done more than half the work here on the front thank you so much for watching the front nine here first round I want to thank you the founders club for supporting JZ and us and we appreciate you and we will list your name forever more here at the end of our rounds because we appreciate you so much and we just we just like the founders Club a lot and one of the things about it is like sometimes when we see your names it gets us excited that’s true and we’ll see you on the back n [Music]


  1. A genuine pleasure, thank you, Jomez Crew.
    Only tainted by the spit outs – especially that almost-ace of Rickys.
    I reckon the RPM Helix 2.0 with 14 spokes and 34 chains would have caught those easily.

  2. what would it be like to run a tournament without pars, would that mess everyone up?

  3. Ok jeremy doing double commentary he is talking too much and filling the air by flapping his gums even more than he does on other tournaments. Cutting off Uli even more than usual

  4. And I'm commenting on hole 5, which means flappy gums deter new viewers. Get this girl out of the booth

  5. Almost everything Uli mentioned about putting during the practice round is being illustrated. It could be the case that he either wasnt able to, or didn't get the chance to, explain what he was trying to say in more depth/nuance. It could also have been the case that what he was trying to say was being misinterpreted. BUT, here it is, exampled perfectly. You can even see Ricky make the aiming adjustments prescribed by Uli (pro move on his part). AND hats off to Paul for not saying "I told ya so". I doubt I would have been that big of a person given the amount of flack he got for saying what he said.

  6. JOMEZ!!!!! Hole 9 preview picture is way off, the ob definitely isnt going on the right side of the forest.

  7. His forehand doesn't match his frame sounds like such a backhanded compliment. Typical jerm comment I guess

  8. Calling out possible finishes of a shot, while he has already watched them, is so poor. Paul Ulibarri is so uncool and annoying. Makes coverage hard to enjoy!

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