From Good to Great: 3 GOLF TIPS to improve your Iron-Play

Want to elevate your golf game? In this video, I share three essential tips to improve your iron play. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your technique, these expert tips will help you hit more accurate and consistent iron shots. Watch now and take your golf skills to the next level!

SHOT SHAPING: Shot shaping in golf refers to the ability to control the trajectory and direction of the ball to achieve specific results. This skill allows golfers to navigate around obstacles, adapt to course conditions, and create more strategic plays. Common shot shapes include the fade, which curves slightly from left to right, and the draw, which curves from right to left (for right-handed golfers). Mastering shot shaping involves adjusting stance, grip, and swing path, providing golfers with greater control and versatility on the course. Whether avoiding hazards or playing with the wind, shot shaping is a crucial technique for improving overall performance and scoring.

DISTANCE CONTROL: This can be simply going to one yardage and working different flight + shots to the target and finding what shot requires what club.

BALL POSITION: Ball Position is a massive factor when deciding what shot you need to hit and belive it or not this can massively effect height but also shot shape. Angle of attack causing to have various impacts on club path.



hello and welcome back to Josh aie YouTube today we’re going to be talking about iron playay and how you can dramatically improve this instantly just by changing up your practice program so starting off we’re just going to go with a 7 iron um and something I talk about a lot is onedimensional being one way hitting it to your pattern now this is kind of going to go against that a little bit but it’s just going to give you a little bit more of an option when you get out on the golf course so a really really good way to practice is doing both ball flights and I say this for a lot of amateur players just because you can get too much one way although I’ve got a pattern and that being a draw I’m still in a position where I’m pretty neutral so that allows me to hit both shots and it doesn’t get my pattern too far one way um that being said when you get a top level golfer that has a pattern it’s pretty controlled it’s within a five to 10 yard radius of a draw or a fade some people when they get into their so-called pattern it might turn into a hook or a slice and it might turn from a controlled fade being a 5 10 yard movement in the air to someone that’s now hitting a big slice and it being 450 yards that’s just not controlled so this is a good drill to bring that back to a neutral position so we’re just on the Range and I’m going to go for my pattern which is a right to left ballf flight let’s see if we can start it right at that line and finish it left starts right at the line finishes left a pretty easy shot for me I could probably do that one nine times out of 10 but now we get to the tough one um my hard shot is the fade so this one might be an easy shot for you guys that grip it strong and hold that club off for me as someone that releases the club this is actually you know my worst nightmare let’s see if we can just fade one start it left of that line fade it back and you can see there I’ve just hit a block fade you know it’s kind of done what I said it was going to do but it’s it’s not perfect you know and that’s where we need to improve so I’ve hit my drawer absolutely perfectly but the fade was maybe a little bit too far inside face was open like I say it’s a tough shot for me to hit but let’s go again and there we go a much more controlled one there a pretty good shot that one so all of a sudden I’m aware that that draw shot was pretty easy to do um straight off the rip I can just go into my feels and hit that shot now this is the tough one let’s go for the dead straight one this is when you know where you’re at with your golf swing come on and just block this one face was open ball kind of stayed dead straight though face was just a touch open there so I’m not too annoyed with that and I think that’s a great understanding for a lot of golfers is when you get to that neutral shot if it doesn’t go that far offline I mean that was 13 yards off line 39 ft probably still on the green um and I think that’s quite a good feeling because I know that I can go to a middle flag I can get really aggressive and I’m not really going to miss it too far right or left and that’s the beauty of being in between the two that neutral shot is definitely one that I would work on for a lot of the amateur golfers and there we go much better that one 2.9 yards offline a beautiful golf shop so that’s the first part to this is understanding where is your ball flight at and can you hit the shots required so we’ve done it there we’ve hit a fade we’ve hit a draw and we’re trying to hit a dead straight one we’ve kind of achieved all three there roughly um and that’s a really good way to train it and understand that you know if you’re too much one way you’re not going to be able to hit that other shot so it’s always an awesome way to practice and just get both shots under control and then you’re going to be somewhere in between the two that neutral shot it’s never a bad place to play golf from okay and the second part to this of getting that iron play to the next level is going to be distance control so we’ve got a 150 shot here which for me is kind of like a stock 99 we can go middle of stance not really going to have to do a great deal with this in terms of golf swing it’s just a normal 99 for me 150 just a little bit bottom groovy but let’s see what that total number is 14 6.5 so four yards out not a bad shot at all but we’re now going to go to pitching wedge and we’re going to go to the same yardage 150 shot we’re going to go P wedge going to go slightly further back in the stance and just trap this one out there 148 carry absolutely Juiced it but let’s have a look at that total number 15 1.7 so even closer than the 99 there pretty good shot now we’re going to go a time and we can go with a even different ball flight here my friend Brandon let me into a little secret on this one so big shout out to him he’s just qualified for the US Open um you’re going to see a lot of stuff coming up about that soon uh we played a little match on the Sim at Hoy Lake where he played his first major championship the Monday after F uh 4 days later he goes and qualifies for the US Open the goat so keep your eyes peeled for him Brandon Robinson Thompson top boy but anyway we’re going to call this one the brt cuz he taught me it so he just opens the face ever so slightly we’re going to go front a stance and we’re going to go upper club and just hit almost like a little almost like a floppy eight iron for my yardage here 150 let’s see what happens 138 almost flopped this one a bit too much but you know it’s three clubs to one yardage and that’s a great skill to have with iron play depending on where the pin is where the wind is you know that trap wedge shot might be the number that I hit if the wind’s into um you know to Chuck that flight down the floppy 8 iron might be one that I’m trying to play to a super tight front flag that I need to make birdie to we might be in match play partner might be in tight and you got to flop one up and stick it in there tight the 99 you know that’s the normal shot so we’ve got three different shots there we’re just training different patterns and different shots and that is the key to improving your iron play is have all these shots in Your Arsenal go out on the course and depending on what shot pops up you have got options okay and lastly a top tip for iron play for all of you is just to control control ball position that is one thing I cannot stress enough it is so so important so depending on where that ball is in your stance is just relative to what shot you’re trying to hit for me personally so if we go further back in the stance naturally now it’s going to trajector lower because the club’s going to be have more shling like I say this left arm for me never really moves it stays in that same position and then my part is going to be earlier on in the down swing so notice how when the ball goes back in the stance it now becomes earlier in the down swing so my club’s still going to the right which is going to increase the draw when it goes further up in The Stance we now start to see this club be on the left side of the Ark so it’s going to be a lot more neutral maybe even a fade from that position middle of the stance for me that’s why I draw my irons um because of angle of attack it’s slightly earlier in the down swing so that means it should technically draw and relative all to that ball position so if that ball position’s moving a bunch just be aware that that ball flight’s going to change a lot as well if that ball position is really consistent and it’s in the middle every time for the shorter irons and as the irons progress up it goes further to that front foot the ball flight is probably going to neutralize out if you’re someone that is similar to me that sees a little draw maybe someone that fades it for them as that ball goes up you’re probably going to increase the fade as it goes up the bag as well so that’s three simple ways that you guys can really improve your iron play a couple of things that I start off with there and to train it and then that ball position for me is something that’s so important with these irons and if you guys did learn anything new please be sure to smash that like button and press subscribe as it really really helps me out and if you want to see more about my new simulator room I’ve got a video dropping on Sunday at 6:00 p.m. GMT so please press the Bell notification and please get on that video because you do not want to miss all of the upgrades that we’ve done in here thank you all again for watching and we’ll see you all for the next one

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