Golf Players

Caitlin Clark’s Coach NEEDS TO PACK HER BAGS IMMEDIATELY. How To BLOW A LEAD LATE, By Christie Sides

welcome to the Ben Danel podcast we’re calling a spade a spade Christy sides needs to pack her bags and go back to wherever she came from go back to Louisiana Tech go back to Mississippi go back to Texas go to Alaska go wherever you want to go but stay far away from kayin Clark stay far away from the Indiana Fever stay far away from the WNBA stay far away from women’s basketball just when I thought I was going to go the entire game without finding a reason to complain about Christy sides in the final quarter of the game Christy sides man just leave it up to her to things up we almost won an entire game without her putting her foot in her mouth we almost W an entire game without her absolutely ruining it we almost saw the Indiana Fever win guess what chissy SI decides to do in the fourth quarter Lexi Hull who played absolutely zero minutes last game got some run today and she got some run in the fourth quarter she played 2 minutes and 38 seconds in the fourth quarter with a minus 14 I know what you’re thinking to yourself wait did you say 2 minutes and 38 seconds how how what do you mean minus 14 that means the 2 minutes and 38 seconds she was on the court the Indiana Fever got outscored by 14 points absolute trash aiyah Boston was in the game for 3 minutes and 19 seconds minus 6 3 minutes and 19 seconds minus 6 Erica wheeler was in the game in the fourth quarter for 2 minutes and 37 seconds minus 8 2 and a half minutes- is eight now I know what you’re think to yourself not a big deal they s these play folks if only it was that easy if only everybody watching didn’t see Christy Wallace Nelissa Smith Kelsey Mitchell Caitlin Clark and Tammy F benley if only everybody watching the game didn’t see that five fight and Claw and scratch their way back into the game if only people watching the game didn’t see that five Take the Lead in that game but unfortunately people watched unfortunately for Christy sides people watched that game and unfortunately for Chrissy sides people are now thinking to themselves why the was Lexi Hall playing 2 minutes and 38 seconds in the fourth quarter why the hell was Katie L samon playing for a minute and 10 seconds in the fourth quarter why is Eric O wheer getting run in the fourth quarter Aaliyah Boston hasn’t had it all game she won’t have it all game we like to play Fast we’re coming back we’re playing fast why is Aaliyah Boston getting put in the game only to get handed the ball go 0 for one give you a turnover and be minus 6 can somebody explain that to me can somebody explain that to me well Caitlin Clark must must have a positive plus minus if that’s why you’re bringing up yep she did that’s why I’m bringing her up you’re right but not only kitlin Clark tamy benley Had A positive plus minus Christy Wallace Had A positive plus minus Nelissa Smith Had A positive plus minus but these women didn’t play the entire fourth quarter who played the entire fourth quarter Kelsey Mitchell with a minus four not bad but where’s everybody else where’s Caitlyn Clark where’s Nelissa Smith why did you take them out to put in Boston and Wheeler you didn’t think we saw that we all saw that we all saw that what are you thinking what are you thinking in your mind to do that Christy Wallace a positive n in the fourth quarter yet she sat for nearly three minutes why did she sit for three minutes oh so Lexi Hull can get those minutes and go minus 14 0 for one two fouls non-existent useless and this is why people want you out of here Chrissy sides cuz we’re watching game one we’re watch watching game two we’re watching game three we’re watching game four and we’re watching game five and then when we see certain lineups work throughout games we’re like oh okay this is an obvious five that should get to run that should get some run together this is an obvious five that can put things together on the court this is an obvious five that even though they have nobody that’s a quote unquote Defender out there for some reason some way somehow they managed to get stops but you know what Chrissy sides does instead folks she waits for that five to get them back in the game only to SL only to sub in the slow pokes only to sub aiyah Boston back in only to sub Erica wheeler back in only to sub ktie L Samson back in only to put Lexi Hull back in but they can’t play the entire fourth quarter you want to know why Sammy woodcome played the entire four quarter for the Seattle Storm juel Lloyd played the entire fourth quarter for the Seattle Storm so if those two can play the entire fourth quarter how come these women can’t play the entire fourth quarter Nelissa Smith is in her third year she’s not in shape to play the entire fourth quarter no she is she had a good game give her the damn ball let her play Kaylin Clark can’t play the whole entire fourth quarter Tammy fagbenle F out but why are we putting aiyah Boston in instead why are we putting Lexi Hull in ktie Lon where the hell is Grace Berger what the hell is going on just because benle is out doesn’t mean you put Boston in means you go small and you put Burger in so what you lack up in size you make up for defensive activity defensive energy boss is not getting you rebounds anyway two measly rebounds so what’s going on here what is really going on here cuz I was watching the entire game H Chrissy size isn’t really doing that bad oh but she had a trick up her sleeve for this fourth quarter a disappearing act she disappeared the lead disappeared any type of Faith people might having her disappeared and I’m recording this before the postgame interview so what she should say is you know what I had five in there I wanted to give Nelissa Smith some rest I wanted to give Christy Wallace some rest so I took them out to put Boston in wheeler in to spell them it didn’t work out I shouldn’t have done that I should have just rolled with those girls till the end that’s what she should say but what is she going to say probably not that probably blame it on defense probably blame it on activity probably blame it on a slow start do everything but take accountability that’s why Chrissy sides needs to go folks that’s why you want to tell me kayin Clark didn’t shoot great okay she didn’t shoot great cool you want to tell me Aaliyah Boston was in foul trouble great she was in foul trouble cool but what you won’t tell me is how we see lineups work and then we see Chrissy sides blatantly go away from them get her out of here this is the Ben Daniel podcast where we’re calling a spade a spade and yes wilin this is a spade


  1. In fairness, part of this is team construction. Boston isn't really a good fit with Clark, imo. She's too slow and brings too little versatility to the table. I haven't seen her perform well as a screener/roller with Clark (probably the best chance she has of fitting). Honestly, the Fever's front office needs to consider making some really big moves to get a team that fits Caitlin Clark. She's the clear future face of their franchise, so it's best to start building around and for her, the same as NBA teams do when they secure a talent on Caitlin's level.

    The coaching rotations are bad, but I think the bigger issue is sitting all of your plus players at the same time. Rotations need to be staggered so that you don't have the entire B Squad out all at once. However, I'm willing to give any coach a pass for the first ten games or so, since that's a feeling out period (well, WNBA is a bit different given half the season of the NBA).

  2. Don't you have some power over the general manager? Then get on the phone and get her gone. You could actually be saving this woman's life. Don't talk about it; be about it. If the coach had any sense, she wouldn't want to coach the team. If she hangs around much longer, she might wind up out of the game of life altogether.

  3. What you'll was expecting to happen with Clarke ain't going to happen so Why blame the coach just because Clarke an her teammates hasn't win a game as yet the coach is not out there with the ball in her hands blame the media an all who put more attention on her than she deserved she hasn't win anything other than personal statue the two ladies that beat her on two different occasions you'll underrated them for her so live with it an stop crying about coach

  4. I'm wondering if she's being paid to lose the games, by making Clark and Boston sit out and putting players out there that aren't that good. Why have a WNBA team that's doing nothing but losing? Kind of reminds me of the Harlem Globe Trotters and the other team they always played that always lost. Get rid of this coach and hire someone who knows what the heck they're doing!

  5. Right now we are supposed to be having a party watching CC play basketball (win or lose) and instead we're being held hostage by a hack.

  6. Caitlin Clark is a Phenom on a team of mediocre players! That is not nor will it ever be a winning combination! The Fever needs a new coach, and they need better players because wins will never come from only having one great player!

  7. There is absolutely no discipline on defense. That's a coaching problem. They are not aggressive on rebounding or chasing down loose balls. That's a coaching problem. Not using her bench properly. Terrible play call on that last inbounds. Put CC under the basket and let her find a big. Where is Grace Berger? She would be a great sidekick to CC!

  8. Are the Fever games fixed? Key players curiously not producing, coaching boneheaded decisions, strange one-sided foul calls.

  9. Coaching is a really tough endeavor. But I admit there are some questionable things being displayed through Sides leadership. Let' be a bit patient…

  10. I watched the Linx vs sun game lat night and they played the best players and didn’t sit anyone for a rest.

  11. What I don't like about this coach, is that she baby's the "Great Hope!" It's like she's trying to show everybody, see! I'm coaching her! I'm explaining politely, what to do! I could care about the sorry WNBA, but stop kissing CC a**!

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